
"And hello to you too!" The creature replied, chirping. "My name is Yan!" Suddenly he did a superb backflip which somehow ended with a deep bow. "I'm a Minimite. Pleased to meet you." It reached with its tiny hand to shake Dhea's earlobe. His fingers tickled her.
"Who are you talking to?" Ruven called, he was some way ahead.
"Hello Elvin!" The Minimite greeted, though his voice was so tiny that it could not have reached Ruven.

- Ask the Minimite about the village ahead.
- Ask the Minimite what does he want.
- Tell him to leave.
Dhea let out a little giggle, smiling at Yan.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too."
She turned her head to watch the Minimite, before turning back to Ruven.
"I'm talking to a Minimite. His name is Yan."
She made her way over to the Elvin, showing him Yan. She focused her attention back on the Minimite and smiled again.

"May I ask why you chose to land on my shoulder? Do you need some help?"
Admittedly, Dhea was a little too eager to help, but she felt that it had done her good so far.
Ruven approached and when he spotted the Minimite he bowed politely. "Good day. I was not expecting to encounter one of your kind in the Hills."
"I got lost. Sort of." Yan responded, with a downward tug to his lips. When Dhea asked him a question he turned to her, his expression brightening."See that village there? Well, the last time I came to Birritanti, they told me I wasn't welcome." He flapped his wings. "So I wouldn't mind some protection."
"Well, let's get going then." Ruven said, turning on his heels and striding forward, anxious as always. It seemed that Dhea acquired a new companion.

The Minimite pulled on Dhea's ear in excitement and they set off along the path once more. They descended into the bowl of the valley. The hills on the other side were toweringly tall and threw the village into deep shadow. It would seem like a gloomy place, if there was not the sound or merry music reaching their ears as they approached.

The sounds of distant laughter grew nearer and the sounds of festivities louder. It was a bit spooky though, there in the shadow of the valley, a carnival, after so many grim days on the road. The people in Birritanti at least seemed to be enjoying themselves.

"See!" The Minimite on Dhea's shoulder remarked. "It is a very happy place!."

- Ask him what's going on.
- Keep going.
"What is going on?"
Dhea tried to force the idea that someone would tell Yan he wasn't welcome, because she didn't understand why. The Minimite seemed quite friendly and open. She certainly liked his demeanour so far.

She raised a brow at him, smiling. She was rather curious about the laughter and music.

"This is the Festival of the Young." Yan responded. "Take a look." He waved his little hand at the village. "The idea is that once a year the children are allowed the freedom of the village. It is a time of great fun and lots of pranks."
"Ooh." Ruven echoed, stepping close to them. There was a glint in his eyes. He was an Elvin despite everything.

It quickly became obvious what he meant. As they passed the first few buildings they found a number of children sitting in the street and drinking ale out of deep mugs. Further on, a young boy was holding a woman over his knee and spanking her. On the other side of the street a group of boys was fighting outside a building with a sign that read Glaandragor's Tavern. It was a complete mayhem.

- Enter the tavern.
- Go further into the town.
- Leave town.
Dhea frowned, her face the epitome of concern and confusion. She didn't bother commenting on it. Instead, she decided to go into the tavern.
For all she knew, there could be something of interest inside.
...and she could get a drink and a room.
The tavern was partially full, the laughter and music loud inside. There was a group of bards with all kinds of strange looking instruments on some sort of a stage, playing an unfamiliar tune and singing the verses of a very dirty song. Behind the bar a thick-set man was wiping mugs down with an old rag. He noticed the party as soon as they entered, nodding in greeting and calling out.

"Strangers! I'm Glandragor. How can I help you?"

The three of them strolled to the counter, otherwise the innkeeper would not hear their response over the loud music. Ruven sat on a chair at the bar, while Yan jumped down from Dhea's shoulder to stand on the counter, grinning wildly at the innkeeper. Glamdragor looked amused, rather than alarmed by the creature.

- Order ale.
- Ask about the village.
- Ask about himself.
- Ask about work.
- Leave.
Dhea grinned at the innkeeper, promptly attempting to ignore the dirty lyrics of the song. She sat down, her eyes wandering over the tavern.
"Can I get a mug of ale, please?"
She turned back to Glandragor with an incredulous look.
"And what can you tell me about the village? I mean, I already know of the Festival."
She looked at Yan, indicating that the Minimite had told her about the celebrations going on.

Dhea turned to Ruven, grinning at him, before returning her attention to the innkeeper.
Glandragor shrugged, setting down his rag. "Not much to say." He sighed. "This place is only going because it's on the only road from Khare to Cantopani. If one of these mountains falls or the river freezes over, this place will be deserted in two weeks." He looked at the Elvin. "Do you want some ale as well? The finest in town. Well, the only one in town, I made sure of that. Two gold pieces per cup."
"Yes." Both the Minimite and the Elvin spoke at the same time, making the innkeeper chuckle.
"Three cups. Coming right up."

- Say you are heading to Khare.
- Ask the owner about himself.
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Dhea smiled at her two companions, before looking back at the innkeeper. She rests her chin on her hand, before speaking.
"I'm actually on my way to Khare."
She gestures to Yan and Ruven, a half-smile on her lips.
"These two....I'm not quite sure, entirely. I know exactly how long he's staying."
She makes a general gesture in Ruven's direction.
"But....sorry, I'm rambling."
The innkeeper returned with the thee full mugs of ale, setting one the counter in front of Ruven and one carefully next to Yan, as if afraid he might accidentally crush him. He leaned close to the Minimite. "I admit, I don't know how you are going to manage that."
"Oh, just fine!" Yan responded with a chirp. "Watch me!"
Glandragor laughed. "You know what, if you manage to empty the mug, I'm not taking you any money for the drink."
"Minimites love to drink." Ruven added with a smirk. "You've just lost six gold."
"We shall see." The innkeeper continued laughing and turned to Dhea as she spoke, leaving Yan to drink the mug of ale that was twice his size.

"Of course you are, otherwise you wouldn't be on this road." He nodded.
If Ruven noticed her remark, he chose not to answer, stuffing his nose deeper in the mug, out of guilt perhaps. The Minimite did not respond.
Then the innkeeper sighed deeply. "I loved a girl in Khare once. It's the town for love, you know. You have to live every day like it's your last in Khare, because the chances are high that it will be. Now, there's a city of thieves if there ever was one."

- "I'll survive."
- "I'll watch my back."
- "I have my magic."
Dhea frowned, before smirking.
"I'll watch my back."
She didn't sound cocky, but self-assured. She didn't believe in being over-confident, as that usually lead to people dying, but being assured in your own abilities, that was another kettle of fish.
"Well, don't forget to watch your point as well." Glandragor added. "They'll come at you from every way." He grinned.

Yan and Ruven were chatting about something next to her. The Minimite looked rather comical flying above his mug of beer and sipping it. At times the upper half of his body would disappear in the mug fully. Ruven let out a loud laugh at Minimite's antics, but the little guy did not look any worse for wear after finishing half of his ale.

Glandragor caught her attention with another remark, talking as he cleaned the surface of the counter. "You'll be passing through Torrepani I suppose? The Orcs in Torrepani are normally a merry lot, but they are pretty depressed at the moment. There's a real gloom about the place." He shrugged. "Oh well, you'll see it for yourself."

The pair beside her had finished their drink and Glandragor inspected Minimite's mug thoroughly. "Well, I'll be damned. The little guy can drink." He laughed heartily. "The drinks are on me as promised."

- Go further into the town.
- Leave the town.
"Well, thank you for the advice."
Dhea kept grinning. She liked the innkeeper. He certainly seemed like a genuine, joyful man. Something that seemed on the rarer side of things nowadays.

After their conversation and her finishing her drink, Dhea said her farewells and went further into the town. It seemed there might be more interesting sights in store.
Ruven and the Minimite both followed her out. Just when they were out of the doors the Minimite slumped down on her shoulder, smelling of ale. He burped and hugged her earlobe. "I love you." The little creature whispered, making Ruven snort out a laugh.
"So, he did get himself drunk after all." The Elvin said, looking at Dhea. The Minimite curled on her shoulder and went to sleep.


Out of the tavern, and around a corner, the three of them came upon a group of girls standing by a signpost that was titled The Crystal Waterfall. The moment they spotted the party they ran up to Dhea and started squeeling. The Minimite was the one that got their attention and soon, little fingers started poking him and the girls cooed over the sleeping creature.

"Are you going to the Waterfall?" One of them asked. "The water is good for you!"

- Go to the waterfall.
- Go find an inn.
- Leave town.
Admittedly, Dhea was curious. The name even intrigued her, and she was sure that the waterfall they'd commented on was the one they'd passed on the way to the town.
"I think I might."
She also turned away slightly so her poor sleeping Minimite companion wasn't disturbed.

And she set off on her way to the waterfall, saying a decent farewell.
Walking away from the girls saved the Minimite's slumber. He simply turned around in his sleep and nested further onto Dhea's shoulder. The path ahead led through a row of trees and they could her the rumbling of water in the distance. It must have been the same waterfall that they had seen that morning from the mountain ridge. The air was clear here and everything was peaceful, no sounds of the ramble in the town reached this secluded spot.

"Hold there!" A little boy jumped out in front of them, cutting off their progress. He wore a frown and crossing his arms he announced. "Can't go this way unless you pay! Three gold to see the Waterfall!"
"Or we can just chug you into the bushes and be on our way." Ruven said, his expression blank. The boy swallowed hard but did not move.

- Pay.
- Haggle.
- Let Ruven at him.
- Cast a spell.
- Leave.
Dhea frowned. As tempting as just throwing him into the bushes was, it was a little rude.
Not that the little boy was any better.
Then, she grinned and it was rather...intimidating grin.
"One gold piece and I don't let my friend throw you into the bushes."

Dhea, the peaceful diplomat, was very serious.
"Ven, if he doesn't let us pass..."
She gave him a look.
"Fine, fine!" The little boy raised his hands defensively. "One gold piece is fine, just don't tell anyone." He took the offered gold piece and stood aside, letting them pass. When Ruven stepped beside him, he abruptly back off further.

The path brought them to a small secluded forest pool. The trees were lush green all around it, the grass was soft and the breeze was chilly, yet not uncomfortably cold. The Waterfall looked just a regular pretty waterfall, there was nothing special about it on first sight. Ruven took a deep breath as they closed in on the pool.

"This is a good place to rest." He said, tossing his pack to the ground and unbuckling his sword. "Leave Yan there to sleep." Then, with a smirk he added. "Fancy a bath?" There wasn't anyone else at the Waterfall and it did not look like the people from the town would be visiting any time soon, they were pretty occupied with their celebrations. It was dark as well and the water would be a bit chilly, yet it would be a refreshing bath nevertheless.

Dhea's stomach was empty by now. She had not eaten that day, though the beer had taken the edge off of hunger.

- Swim in the pool with Ruven and sleep by the waterfall.
- Sleep by the waterfall.
- Find an inn to sleep.
Dhea chuckled, before slipping the Minimite upon particularly lush part of the ground. She tossed her pack aside, beside Ruven's. She grinned at him, before stripping.
"That sounds like a fantastic idea."
She then undid her hair, leaving it long and loose.

It was refreshing, the cool breeze and the idea of a bath.
She passed him by, before sinking into the water.
"That's... you..." Ruven stumbled, despite his previous cocky approach. "You are very beautiful." He finally recovered and undid his clothes, following after her. Soon his hands found her even in the darkness. His touch was warm as a contrast to the coolness of the pond. He embraced her gently, but by his expression it was clear that something was troubling him. His next words were serious. "I will leave in the morning. You are quite close to Khare now, it's just after Torrepani, a day at most. And you will have the Minimite with you, he knows the way." His eyes met hers and there was emotion in them, though much more resolve. "I have to get back to my people, I cannot leave them alone for such a long time in these dangerous times."

- Plead.
- Agree.
- Get angry.
Dhea was silent for a moment, her eyes full of confusion. It was not confusion at his words, but rather her own feelings on the matter. She cared about him, but it had been such a short period of time. She reached up and touched his face, gentle and full of affection.
"I-I...I don't know why, but...."
She said the last part quietly, her voice cracking.
"I don't want you to leave."

She felt vulnerable, unsure. She was so confident, but faced with this strong emotion, she was scared.
"I know how I sound, but there is something...I can't explain...."
She blinked away unbidden tears.
Ruven placed his hand over hers, closing his eyes. He was struggling with his words, but still he spoke them. "I have to." He squezed his hand and moved it away from his face, then embraced her tighter. "I'm sorry, Analander. Dhea. I must go back." There was a small sigh. "Let's not speak of this any more, I don't want this night to be ruined. Let's spend it together. Perhaps we might meet again once your great quest is done." He forced a sad smile. There was no swaying him and further pleading would be futile. The Elvin had a duty to keep and he was intent on keeping it.

- Spend the night with him.
- Get angry at him.
Dhea shook her head. If he must leave, then she would cling to this night as a good memory. She looked up at him, a sad smile on her lips.
"I understand."
And she kissed him, gently and slowly. She wanted this memory, this night for them. She pulled away for a moment, her fingers tracing his shoulders.
"Just...don't leave without saying goodbye."
Another sad smile and another languid kiss. She didn't want to let him go, but she understood his duty.

Dhea simply wanted a good memory to cling to. Even if there was a chance it was her last with him.
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Ruven nodded simply. There were no further words exchanged between them that night. Only kisses and caresses.

Once got out of the pond they were exhausted and shivering. Ruven made a campfire and produced a pair of apples from somewhere. As they ate the Minimite slept in the grass, almost lost between the stalks.


Dhea rose early from the spot in the soft grass beneath a tree. The Elvin was gone, as well as every trace of him, just as he said. But, Dhea was so close to Khare, so close to finishing the first stretch of her journey, that she could not stay and mope. Yan yawned and stretched on the ground, then fluttered in the air and hopped onto her shoulder with a wide grin. "Let's go!" He chirped, making no mention of the Elvin's disappearance.

Dhea trekked bath toward the town then turned to the right, rejoining the path that led outside of Birritanti. The sun sat on the horizon like a gleaming jewel. If everything went well, she would reach Torrepani that day, the last village in the Shamutanti Hills. After a short climb the path split, heading uphill on the left and downhill on the right.

"I hear laughter." Yan whispered in her ear, holding tightly to her shoulder. He pointed toward the left path with his tiny hand. "It's not a happy laugh."

- Go left.
- Go right.

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