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Fandom (CLOSED) The Blue Moon Cafe

This RP was kinda awesome because it was like a High School version of Once Upon a Time before the show started. Like I said I want to wait a few weeks and then depending on work load from school I might bring this back.

Anyways, for this RP, I’m excited to see your post Pretz. Sailor Moon’s reaction to news of their family’s death has been so different every time. I’m sure your version will be awesome as well. And Shizu’s reaction especially given Shou’s reaction will be interesting as well.

Will he reach out for comfort from his brother? Will he try to comfort his brother? Will he shut down like the other older ones have? I just can’t wait!! No pressure, I’m just excitable. ^_^
Yeah! I remember that- it was the first time I used my awkward baby Izzy, and I've been itching to do a real roleplay with her one day.

Yeah I remember you had a Beauty and the Beast character for that (and I think the person who was supposed to be Beast never finished rip?)
I hope you get to use her again soon :3

This RP was kinda awesome because it was like a High School version of Once Upon a Time before the show started. Like I said I want to wait a few weeks and then depending on work load from school I might bring this back.

Anyways, for this RP, I’m excited to see your post Pretz. Sailor Moon’s reaction to news of their family’s death has been so different every time. I’m sure your version will be awesome as well. And Shizu’s reaction especially given Shou’s reaction will be interesting as well.

Will he reach out for comfort from his brother? Will he try to comfort his brother? Will he shut down like the other older ones have? I just can’t wait!! No pressure, I’m just excitable. ^_^

Wish you all the luck with bringing back your RP ^ ^

I already told Olissa I had a bit too much fun writing this post--

But alas!! I have once again been defeated by my greatest nemesis- Fire Emblem news! :closedeyescryingfrown:
Shed a tear for all the time lost--

I will get back to writing as soon as I can stop rolling around on the floor for more than 3 seconds lmfaoo xD

I love reading everyone's posts tho askdj all the characters are precious also you guys are all so fast haha
What will your characters do! Now i'm super curious o-o I have no idea xD Heck, I don't even know quite yet what shouheis next move will even be, he's not used to any of his feelings getting out, even if enough has not yet got out where he has realized hes going to super miss everyone? Maybe I have said too much o-o But yeah, might as well say, when shells like him are thick enough, certain types of emotional things can be hard to figure out(I had the same sort of shell before in the past, just caused by different stuff). But yeah, lets just say windball will try to wrap himself up as soon as he can, which while that isn't healthy, it is totally him xD;;;
By the way, if someone is in a situation where it makes sense to respond, you don't necessarily have to wait a full round till I've posted. You can go and put in a response (though keep it to a limited amkount of responses back and forth). So EndymionRose EndymionRose if you want to write out Rakushun's reaction to what Queen wrote you can go right ahead.

And DARN IT. I was supposed to make a little important announcement right when I posted for Pluto and stuff.
Because I don't want things to drag on I was hoping to get most of Pluto's stuff wrapped up in the next post, but without that little announcement it feels unfair >_>

I might have a solution though, it's just going to feel super messy, but it's just a one time deal, so... I think it's okay and for the benefit of the story.

What the announcement was supposed to be
In this round, before I post for Pluto again you all have 1 chance to ask her questions! This way your characters will be able to learn more about what is going on (what you already know from the library).
This is one of the rare few spots where you will be able to uncover parts of the story NOT in the library! Ask the right questions and you might just learn something new about this roleplay.
Yes, you may ask more than just one question within your post.

Now what this means at this point: everyone that did already post can go ahead and post again with any additional questions. Now for some it won't quite work to just up and go over to Pluto to question her (like in the case of Raku and Akemi) but there are always ways to work around it (like wrapping up the scene that was happening and then go on with questions)
You could of course forgo the chance to learn more about the story, that's your choice, but remember, bonus material like this doesn't come around frequently.
What will your characters do! Now i'm super curious o-o I have no idea xD Heck, I don't even know quite yet what shouheis next move will even be, he's not used to any of his feelings getting out, even if enough has not yet got out where he has realized hes going to super miss everyone? Maybe I have said too much o-o But yeah, might as well say, when shells like him are thick enough, certain types of emotional things can be hard to figure out(I had the same sort of shell before in the past, just caused by different stuff). But yeah, lets just say windball will try to wrap himself up as soon as he can, which while that isn't healthy, it is totally him xD;;;

Well now you get to find out. :p

And aaah, yes. Now that is a proper Pretzel-length post :xFrolleyes: I'm so sorry everyone

Also speaking of creeping on other people's characters without permission oWo it's Shizu!

Mani is still asleep and still causing Mamo's suffering but I didn't mention it cause fkk I had enough bs going on. I'll wake him up next time so he gets to find out about his entire family dying alll on his own! Yay! rip Mani seriously the unluckiest character of this whole RP
XD I loved your post, also it told me that it's a good thing shouheis voice isn't all that loud or rough. That wasn't even planned, I love how well that worked out. Shizumu beautiful in all his sinking glory~ Ohhh my, it will definitely be interesting to see if he ever grows out of that.
And there's the Pretz I remember haha. Now don't worry, I don't expect everyone to do the same, but hey if anyone wants to strive for long detailed posts, I'm all for it haha (granted I still fail at it most of the time)
To peeps of the RP, I'm going to go ahead and do a quick reply, this doesn't affect the offer I made before about asking questions, I just need to get something out before we all continue on haha.
The next time I post will be the post where I hope to wrap up stuff with Pluto and the rest.

FleurRose, having been through a number of new sites I joined over the past I can say I've gone through the whole search for new friends.
My advice from experience would be to go through the list of interest checks, find a roleplay you like and join it. Or finding threads where people talk about similar interests in the general chat area. Both of which are ways that work well for finding likelminded people and potential friends
Hahaha I started laughing when she smacked Shizumu it was quite amazing. But I do have a question was she apologizing for slapping him and maybe starting something or was she apologizing for what he said to Pluto? Olissa Olissa
It doesn't really matter what she apologizes for. The easy assumption would be that she apologizes for her words

(I also edited it a moment ago to add one last sentence)
I just saw an opportunity and had to take it before there would have been too much new movement to the narrative haha
I know I can respond after certain posts but I like to try and match your pace Olissa Olissa because That way I have as much to work with as I can and try to write the longest posts that I can.

And Yay! Raku is finally stepping up and being guardian-ish. He’s going to keep Hisako safe. Lol
Loved it. Haha it will be quite interesting to see everything unfold

Oh new post as I'm typing this, off to read that too
Oh gosh Akemi has to chose between her two best friends I literally never expected this to happen when I first made this character (I didn't expect her to have royal friends at all so I guess it's a good problem?)

Though part of me wants to see how Shouhei reacts
I'm actually typing a reply XD It is currently... -pulls up word counter- 716 words, but that's including the color code for talking. Not done, but I didn't just start.

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