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Close your eyes and dream

Jake smiled. "I totally get it. And really? Hungover?" He shook his head with a playful frown on his face.

Charles smiled. "By the way, Alex told us that we should warn you. This is a smoking and drinking free zone."

Jessica nodded.

Jess stood up and stretched, and headed downstairs to the basement. Alex came walking in and walked to the basement too.
They all rolled their eyes simultaneously, and Jake spoke up. "Alex has a rule here. If you want to do something, do it- unless it involves drinking or smoking- and you want something, grab it."
Laughing, they walked downstairs, and began to hook up their instruments to amps. Alex got out an extra amp for Artur.
(Eh, lets skip forward to after the rehearsal. So about 4 in the morning.)

Everyone was tired, and they were slowly putting their instruments up. Alex turned to Artur. "Do you want me to walk you home?"

Jake watched out of the corner of his eye at the two.
"dont worry about it i am not going home anyway" he said as he put his guitar away, he whispered to her " so whats with the drummer hitting on you"
Alex froze but quickly composed herself. She smiled brightly at him. "Okay, that's alright. I'll walk you to the street corner."

And with a little more force than necessary, Alex dragged him out the door and stood on the porch, trying to calm down.
Sighing heavily, Alex flicked the cigarette out of his mouth, and sat down on the porch. "I have no idea whats up there. Jake is a decent guy, but he's very forceful."
"Tried it. He doesn't seem to take no as an answer. Listen, can you please not tell anyone that we had this conversation?"
Alex watched him walk off, a lump growing in her throat. Tell him that we're together...?

(I have to go)

(So I have to leave RpN. My parents are blocking the site. I'm so sorry that I applied for this. I can delete my posts so that you can find a new partner, if you would like.)

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