
A clinch is a combat tactic that's seen a lot in professional wrestling. Essentially, it's when one combatant grapples with another in an attempt to either control or incapacitate that opponent.

Here's a thread where various aspects of the maneuver are discussed......
illenvillen23 said:
What is a clinch enhancer and how do they work?
They are basically clinch weapons. That is, they have stats like a weapon, and function identically to a weapon, but only in a clinch.
the weapons enhance the clinch by giving increase leverage, allowing for diffrent angle in the grab and by entangling your foe.
I just read up on that last clinch thread.  I never knew that a yeddim's ass could be so dangerous!
Bleh, I still think the form charm 'Fivefold Yeddim Ass Technique' is needed first.   :P
Ok Flyck, you've just been elected to write up the Yeddim Ass-Attack Martial Art.  Make it good!  :wink:
Voila!  I present to you, the dreaded 'Five Fold Yeddim Ass Style'

-The Five-Fold Yeddim Ass Style-

:  No weapons of any kind are allowed with the 5-fold Yeddim Ass Style, with the exception of Razor Harnesses and it's artifact equivalent which is escaping the memory of the writer at the moment.  Any and all Armor is allowed.  Indeed, one could practice this charm with Super Heavy Plate while maintaining a human or beastman True Form.  Lastly, all charms may be used while in Yeddim Form, and any charm beyond the Form Charm are only usable while shapeshifted into a Yeddim.

Sifus:  The only trainers for this rare martial arts form, are other Lunars who have mastered the form, and the great almighty Yeddim Spirit.  Communing with the Yeddim Spirit (if one can wake him) is the best method of finding a Sifu.  Lastly, only Lunars with the ability to shift into a Yeddim are allowed to learn this Martial Art.

'Flying Yeddim Strike'



Combo-Ok, Obvious

Essence 3

Stamina 3

Charm Requirements:  None

The Lunar squats low to the ground, drawing power from it's great depths, before launching himself backwards, posterior-first, towards the unlucky recipient.  The lunar leaps up to Stamina x Essence in yards, and rolls Martial Arts and Stamina (not dex) to hit.  Damage dealt by this charm is counted as Bashing, and is equal to Strength + Stamina + Successes rolled as normal.  Further, anyone hit by this charm must roll Stamina + Resistance at difficulty equal to the Lunar's Essence to avoid being knocked down.

'Flying Ass-Pliers'



Combo-Ok, Obvious

Essence 3

Stamina 3

Charm Requirements:  'Flying Yeddim Strike'

By squatting low the ground, the Lunar launches himself posterior-first towards the enemy.  Utilizing his truly colossally powerful ass muscles, he can attempt to grapple an enemy while in mid-flight.  The Lunar leaps Stamina x Essence in yards, and may immediately make a single Stamina + Martial Arts roll to hit.  If successful, the Lunar may then roll for a Grapple, adding to hit successes x 2 to his normal grapple dice pool (utilizing strength or dex as normal).  Victims may not use their parry DV against this charm.

'Stalwart Yeddim Focus'



Combo-Ok, Obvious, Fury-Ok

Essence 2

Stamina 3

Charm Requirements:  None

By bracing himself for an oncoming attack, the lunar channels all opposing, oncoming force into the very ground itself.  So long as the Lunar's feet or posterior are touching the ground when the oncoming attack strikes him, he will be immune to knockdown, and knockback effects.  Furthermore, he gains his full stamina for Lethal Soak.  

If activated as part of Lunar Fury, the Lunar will be immune to Knockdown and Knockback effects for the full duration of the Fury.  

'Twelve-Tonne Resistance Method'

2m per 3B/3L


Combo-Ok, Obvious, Fury-Ok

Essence 3

Stamina 3

Charm Requirements:  'Stalwart Yeddim Focus'

The Lunar calls upon the favor of the Almighty Yeddim Spirit in an attempt to ward off otherwise harmful blows.  So long as the Lunar's feet, or posterior, are touching the ground at the moment of impact, he gains a +3B/+3L to his soak for every 2m spent.  All soak gained by this charm count as natural soak.  The Lunar may not spend more than his twice his Stamina + Essence in motes for this charm.  

If activated as part of Lunar Fury, the Lunar gains an additional +4B/+4L soak for the duration of the Lunar Fury, which counts towards his natural soak.  

'Five-Fold Yeddim Ass Form'



Scene Duration


Essence 3

Stamina 4

Charm Requirements:  'Flying Ass-Pliers', 'Twelve-Tonne Resistance Method''

By adopting a sitting position, the Lunar draws power from the almighty spirit of the Yeddim.  By lending it's strength to the Lunar's hindquarters, it graces the user of this charm with the posterior fury and might of a 5 Yeddims.  

While this Form-type charm is active, the Lunar cannot be affected by Knockdown, and may not be moved by any attack or charm effect unless the Raw Damage exceeds the Lunar's (Stamina x Essence).  In addition, the only shapeshifted form the Lunar may assume, is that of a Yeddim (indeed being able to shift into a Yeddim is mandatory for this form).  Also, while this form-type charm is active, the Lunar counts Yeddim as a True Form for all intents and purposes.  

'Yeddim Stare Technique'


Essence in Actions


Essence 3

Stamina 4

Charm Requirements:  'Five-Fold Yeddim Ass Form'

By clearing his mind and harmonizing his spirit with the tranquility of the almighty Yeddim, the Lunar finds inner solace and peace.  For the duration of this charm, the Lunar doubles both his Dodge and Parry MDV against all attacks.  Further, while this charm is in duration, no amount of force may move the Lunar unless he wills it to.  Any attempts to push, move, pick up, or lift the Lunar ultimately fail.  However, due to his ponderous and tranquil mindset, the Lunar adds 1 to the Speed of all actions he takes in combat (for example, an attack with a speed of 5, would instead be speed 6 for him).

'Infectious Yeddim Logic Technique'


One Scene

Combo-Ok,  Obvious

Essence 4

Stamina 4

Charm Requirements:  'Yeddim Stare Technique'

By reversing the calming tranquility of the Yeddim to affect his foes, the Lunar can infuse unwitting recipients with the Almighty Yeddim Spirit's grace.  The Lunar rolls his (Strength + Martial Arts) everytime an adversary looks into his eyes.  If this roll surpasses the opponent's Mental Dodge DV, then the victim is lost in a calming trance, and suffers an Internal Penalty to all his actions equal to the Lunar's Essence.  Any opponent wishing to deliberately avoid looking into the eyes of the yeddim, suffers a -2 internal penalty (provided of course they can recognize the charm being used).  

'Colossal Overwhelming Ass Prana'


One Scene

Combo-Ok,  Obvious

Essence 3

Stamina 4

Charm Requirements:  'Five-Fold Yeddim Ass Form'

By focusing his chi and clearing his mind of worldly concerns, the Lunar can truly focus his attacks to incorporate the very essence of the mighty Yeddim's Ass.  For the remainder of the scene, all Martial Arts attacks made by the Yeddim are counted as Lethal (especially including any made by Clinching).  He also gains bonus dice to all Grapple rolls equal to his Essence, and causes a -1 Internal Penalty to everyone within a 5 yard radius of him, due mostly to his stench ("My god, what have they been feeding him!?").

'The Five Fold Yeddim Ass Technique'



Combo-Ok,  Somewhat Obvious, Multiple Action

Essence 4

Stamina 4

Charm Requirements:  'Colossal Overwhelming Ass Prana'

The Lunar has studied long and hard about the nature of Creation, it's boundaries, and how best to manipulate them with as little energy expenditure as possible... utilizing his ass.  This charm allows the Yeddim to make a number of Grapple attacks equal to his Essence rating with the Lunar's full dice pool.  Victims may not Parry this attack, but may Dodge as normal.  Each victim that does not dodge this attack immediately takes crushing damage equal to the Lunar's Strength + Martial Arts, as the Lunar nonchalantly sits on them.  Further, that gay little Water Hearthstone won't save your ass, and you take 2x RAW Damage just for having it in your possession.  All attempts to lift the Yeddim after this attack suffer a -4 Internal Penalty.  The Yeddim is then in control of the Clinch, and may perform a crush attack on subsequent actions, provided the victims don't miraculously take control of the clinch.  Any victims who do miraculously take control of the Clinch, must then roll their Valor with a Difficulty of 3 to avoid fleeing in terror (as they've suffered from a terrifying experience worse than anything imaginable).

'Metoric Five-Fold Ass Re-Entry Prana of the Yedim'



Combo-Ok, Not at all Obvious

Essence 5

Stamina 5

Charm Requirements: 'Five Fold Yeddim Ass Technique', 'Infectious Yeddim Logic Technique'

Must be in Five-Fold Yeddim Ass Form to use this charm.  The Yeddim leaps high into the air and comes crashing down like a fiery meteor...  ass first.  Fire cascades off the Yeddim's hind quarters, as he re-enters the atmosphere at approximately Mach 9.  This of course, causes no physical harm to the Yeddim.  

The Yeddim rolls Martial Arts + (Dex or Stamina) + Essence to hit.  The target cannot parry this attack.  Unless successfully dodged, the victim(s) suffers Raw Lethal Damage equal to the Lunar's Stamina + Essence + Strength + successes rolled to hit.  Further, this damage is considered Piercing, with an Overpower rating equal to the Lunar's Essence x 2.  All creatures within 10 yards of the target are also effected, as per the above mentioned affects.  All victims affected this way (including the target) are immediately put into a Clinch attack with the Yeddim in control (providing they survived).  And any creature unlucky enough to be within 30 yards of the target (but beyond 10 yards) will be thrown back an amount of yards equal to the Lunar's Essence x 5, and will land prone with a 1 tick delay to their next action.  Finally, the impact of the Yeddim's Ass creates a sizable crater 10 yards in diameter, any and all sand in the impact crater is fused into glass, all plants in the impact crater are burned to ash, and nothing will grow in the scorched impact crater for an amount of time equal to the Lunar's Essence x 3 years.

This technique should be submitted to White Wolf for their next publication.  I'm also going to copy it for my personal files. :D  I wonder if my ST would allow it?
the only problem I have with it is the name. it could be read to mean that it was based on yeddims(yeddim?yeddi?) and donkey behavior. of course if you added a few wierd kicks in there then you would be set.
I've created a monster
Actually, I think I get credit for creating this was my random comment about Yeddim ass clinching that got this all started...

Now...whether this is something to be proud of, I don't know. Love the style though. Made a lousy day much better once I read it. :)
I agree. It was Dracogryff's explanation of her maneuver that brought this all about. Go DG!
Okay, that was funny... kudos for enlightening me in the awesome power of the Yeddim's Posterior.
Hehehehehe, you've spent a few hours of your life creating a MA Style to cover the power of Yeddim's asses. Congratulations, you are a determined person.
Not necessarily. As long as you realize you've become assbsessive about the subject......


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