LVL 100 Magical Girl
- One on One
- Group
eye twitched. What was wrong with the name "Flutters"?! She thought it was both cute and creative! Easy to remember, rolls off the tongue nicely...most importantly, kids loved it!In the other hand, Lumina...actually, she had nothing bad to say about the name. It was, begrudgingly, quite an elegant name, even if a stuck-up city kid came up with it. Clicking her tongue, Penny's attention returned to the battle unfolding right in front of her. The corners of her lips twitched with satisfaction as the ball of pollen struck Lumina in the face. As much as she pitied the poor Pokemon—especially when she saw its little frown—all was fair in the game of love and war. Perhaps now he'd consider taking her seriously.
Her smugness only lasted for a moment, however, when a haunting, yet alluring melody filled the air, sending shivers down Penny's spine. Dodging a move that manipulated sound was practically impossible, so all she could do was watch Flutters cringe and squeeze her eyes shut, overwhelmed by the dreadful sound. Once Lumina ceased its attack, the Ribombee rapidly shook her head, regaining focus.
"That's right. Shake it off. A little move like that ain't enough to take ya down," Penny reassured, "So let's return the favor with a Bug Buzz!"
Vibrations rolled off of Flutters' pure white wings, generating a powerful and noisy sound wave towards Lumina.
♡coded by uxie♡