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Fandom ✉ Climb Ahead, Matey! - Pokémon Mountain Competition RP ✉






Mt. Obscura



eye twitched. What was wrong with the name "Flutters"?! She thought it was both cute and creative! Easy to remember, rolls off the tongue nicely...most importantly, kids loved it!

In the other hand, Lumina...actually, she had nothing bad to say about the name. It was, begrudgingly, quite an elegant name, even if a stuck-up city kid came up with it. Clicking her tongue, Penny's attention returned to the battle unfolding right in front of her. The corners of her lips twitched with satisfaction as the ball of pollen struck Lumina in the face. As much as she pitied the poor Pokemon—especially when she saw its little frown—all was fair in the game of love and war. Perhaps now he'd consider taking her seriously.

Her smugness only lasted for a moment, however, when a haunting, yet alluring melody filled the air, sending shivers down Penny's spine. Dodging a move that manipulated sound was practically impossible, so all she could do was watch Flutters cringe and squeeze her eyes shut, overwhelmed by the dreadful sound. Once Lumina ceased its attack, the Ribombee rapidly shook her head, regaining focus.

"That's right. Shake it off. A little move like that ain't enough to take ya down," Penny reassured, "So let's return the favor with a Bug Buzz!"

Vibrations rolled off of Flutters' pure white wings, generating a powerful and noisy sound wave towards Lumina.

♡coded by uxie♡

1741777355119.png Artelix Estorva
Zelno had paused upon catching sight of a trainer that they spotted up ahead, the pause from Zelno sent a clear message to Tell of what was going on. Tell sighed as he wasn't expected to deal with another trainer so early on, not that he minds doing a battle but he needed to think of the future and getting to the top. But he supposed that he should focus on what was in front of him first, deciding not to hide, Artelix walking over towards Zelno as the trainer approached them. Tell was now able to get a clear view of the blond hair girl who had flagged them down and made their approach. Her intentions were clear, she wanted to initiate a Pokémon battle, but her first order of business went to introducing herself as Adele, an interesting and short name to say the least. Artelix looked to Zelno with a straight face while Zelno looked towards Tell with a smirk on their face, the moment their eyes met they spoke without speaking before both their gazes fell to Ade. Artelix briefly spoke in order to give her the basic courtesy of an introduction "Artelix, but you can call me Tell." after introducing himself he then nodding to Zelno before saying "Zelno but you can call him Zell." with that brief introduction out of the way Artelix figured that it was time to get to business.

From a brief glance he wasn't exactly sure if she followed a certain Pokémon theme like some trainers do or not, he supposed it would be best to assume that it was not the case now and just send out one of his Pokémon that would be most practical. Thinking on it Zelno was the first one out, as he wasn't planning to risk his partner so soon, Tinkaton was out next as she was a bit vital for him at the moment, he could send out Emboar, but sending out your strongest Pokémon first just didn't seem like something he wanted to do so early on. After a few moments of thought Artelix pulled out a Great Ball, finally having decided which Pokémon they would send out to fight first in this tournament for them. With one arm he flippantly sent out his Incineroar, or Cinder as he likes to call him.

As soon as Cinder was released he let out a mighty Roar already knowing and preparing for the Pokémon battle that was to come. With Artleix calmly saying to Ada "Well then, lets battle I suppose."

Hypnos Eclair
Out For Revenge!
Hypnos, unlike Penelope here, didn't wish to see Lumina be attacked by rogue waves of sound. His Pokemon's Disarming Voice had landed well, however it didn't give much damage since both opponents shared one same type. With a direct shout that indicated a demand he wanted filled out, Lumina perked up right before Bug Buzz could potentially hurt her. "Use Protect!"

A pinkish-bluish shield appeared in front of the threatened one, saving Lumina last second as irritating buzzes flipped around and bounced off the mountain side's cliffs. Once Flutters had stopped using it's move, Hypnos wasted no time in letting Penny attempt to get another hit. "Right after that, shoot out Sludge Bomb." Even though Pokémon battles weren't exactly supposed to be fully malicious, Hypnos already knew managing to Poison the Ribombee would mean he got a better advantage in the battle.

Lumina sighed, but listened on, pressing her thin tooth-picked limbs together as her mouth spewed out a muddish-looking blob. The attack was sent right towards Flutters, hopefully ending up hitting the target. If things went well, Hypnos wouldn't have to go out of his way to end this. Though, he definitely didn't expect the battle to end so quickly. Sludge Bomb, in this scenario against a Ribombee, was the best move he could pull out of Shiinotic's moveset slots.

Opponent: mimitchi mimitchi
Adele Frost
Surprises Are What She Seek!
Adele flinched a bit when an Incineroar was released from the other trainer's Pokéball. Things wouldn't go well, as most of her own Pokémon didn't really carry advantages against her enemy's type. However, she was sure that she could get her best shot in the first battle if Yyn was the one playing the correct cards. "If it's a Fire-type, then I don't see a problem in using you!"

Adele gently shrugged, and the Squirtle jumped down, spinning on it's shell, before standing before Incineroar. "Let's start this battle with a splash of waves, Yyn, use Hydro Pump on your target!" The blonde girl watched as her Pokemon obeyed the command, summoning a huge water jet towards the cat-like beast. In a low evolved state, Adele knew that even then, gaining her partner some moves would come in handy. Her hands were free from clenching-body filled with ease. She didn't mind losing this match, the odds seemed to tilt in her opponent's favor anyway.

But she was still going to try.


Opponent: Peckinou Peckinou





Mt. Obscura



colorful string of curses escaped Penny's mouth as she watched the sound waves uselessly bounce off of the shield. Luckily, the woman had the decency to keep her voice down to a whisper, especially as an eager Rotom buzzed and whirled around them, determined to catch every second of action. The last thing she wanted was an out of context clip of her swearing plastered all over various websites and news outlets. Not a good look for a university student or the family's berry ranch.

On the bright side, Lumina was most likely a sitting duck after using a move like Protect, and Penny planned on taking full advantage of it. With Flutters' speed and type advantage, ending the battle would be child's play. Determination shined in her eyes as she extended a hand towards the battlefield. "Flutters, get real close and—"

The color drained from her face when the Shiinotic opened its mouth and hurled a disgusting mass of sludge towards the fluttering Ribombee. Shit, she didn't account for Lumina knowing any poison type moves! A single dose of Sludge Bomb would be devastating for her precious Pokemon! A lump formed in her throat, but the woman forced herself to swallow it down and maintain her composure. Hypnos would instantly have the upper hand if she started showing any visible signs of panic.

Alas, it was too late. The wave of sludge crashed into Flutters, knocking the Pokemon against the cliff side and drawing out a pained cry. The protective dust coating her yellow fur luckily shielded Flutters from any poison, but her exhaustion was evident as she struggled to flap her wings. Penny sucked in her breath at the sight. Another Sludge Bomb would surely knock the poor bug type out. While she had a back-up plan of sorts in case things went awry, Penny knew that the rest of her team would be a terrible match-up for a grass and fairy type like Lumina.



A sudden chirp yanked Penny out of her thoughts. Blinking, she fixed her gaze on Flutters, eyes still narrowed with determination.

"...yer askin' me to still trust ya, huh?" Exhaling a sigh, she offered her Pokemon a rueful grin. "Got it. Let's give it another shot. Keep yer distance and hit 'em with another Bug Buzz!"

Mustering her remaining strength, Flutters generated another burst of sound waves at the Shiinotic.

♡coded by uxie♡
if happy little bluebirds fly

beyond the rainbow
why can't I?
A/N: Hakusan better watch his shit
the last
agust d
Hakusan's hands were still glued onto his ears even though he'd knew Lucario's metal sound was over. He did feel a little guilty when Karpman and his Braviary were in pain due to the move, offering them a sympathetic look and slight bow in apology. "I'm so sorry," a sincere tone laced into his voice when Lucario's vacuum wave was finished, "I hope I didn't cause any discomfort for you both."

Looking towards Lucario, Hakusan's smiled at the pokemon. The wind from the flying pokemon caused Hakusan's bangs to fly into his face. His mind buffered due to Hakusan's desperate attempts to remove the hair from his eyes before he'd noticed Braviary's Air Slash nearing them. "Lucario, quick!" he yelped as Lucario jumped back several times to avoid the attack. "Are you ok?" Hakusan asked his the Aura pokemon which Lucario gave a loud bark(?, idk what to describe Lucario's voice).

Chuckling at his pokemon's determination, Hakusan smiled with a quizzical gaze, "You really like to battle, huh? Guess I should've taken action earlier. Alright, let's try Force Palm." Lucario jumped back into action, warming up for a split second before punching the air, activating it's side effect for a long distance move and causing the Force Palm to go speeding towards the Braviary, carrying a chance to paralyze the target.
© reveriee

The other trainer... apologized for the discomfort the Metal Sound attack caused? Karpman tilted his head in confusion. What a strange thing to say during a Pokemon battle, and yet the man seemed quite truthful in what he said. The Lucario managed to evade Crusher's wind attack with an impressive display of acrobatics. Karpman didn't seemed phased or disappointed in the slightest, instead giving the fighting/steel Pokemon a nod.

"Not a bad evasion. But everyone knows the best way to get around while evading attacks is a series of multiple backflips!" Karpman called out to the Lucario. But the battle was already continuing, the Lucario attacking with another long-range shockwave attack. As much as Crusher tried to evade it, the attack struck all the same. And its effects were instantly apparent. For a moment, Crusher froze in mid air before pushing through whatever came over him. Karpman recognized the symptoms immediately. Paralysis. A nasty side effect of the Lucario's signature Force Palm attack.

For a moment, Karpman considered the options. Crusher was better in close up combat, but likely so was Lucario. A Fighting/Steel type. The normal counters for fighting, covered by the steel typing. Crusher didn't have any Fire or Ground type moves, and his one fighting move, Rock Smash, wasn't exactly a strong move. And that Paralysis negated the speed boost Crusher had from the Tailwind, which meant Lucario likely had the speed advantage once more. He would have to keep on the pressure from a distance, and have faith that Crusher could push through the paralysis.

"Keep it up, Crusher! Air Slash again!" Karpman called out. The Braviary beat its wings, and...

(Rolled a d4, if a 1 was rolled, Crusher would be paralyzed. Rolled a 3, no paralysis)

Unleashed a series of blades of wind towards Lucario!

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