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Realistic or Modern Cleartown High

Ashton lets out a sigh as she gets out her phone, seeing a text from Cheyenne, her mom, telling her that she and her dad wouldn't be home after school because they were going out to eat somewhere for their anniversary. She sighs and types a quick reply, saying that it was fine and not to worry about her. She puts her phone away and runs her fingers through her hair, before taking her feet off of the desk and running her fingers over a scar on her arm.
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Nemo grimaces and nods. "Yea, yea." Her looked around the classroom. It was the first day of school, no one ever did any work on the first day of school. There was no need to fret about algebra until perhaps tomorrow. All of the teachers always do the whole "get-to-know your classmates" game. Those stupid things where each student had to stand up and tell the class facts about themselves. Hopefully, that wouldn't happen. Nemo really wasn't feeling up to this who school thing anymore. His heart started to race and every one faded out. All he could see was a blur of black. He covered his eyes with his hands and sat there, breathing for a moment. Calm down, he thought to himself.
Leah glanced worriedly at her best friend, and patted his back reassuringly. He needs to calm himself down, there's not much I can do. She then stands up, and walks over to Nikoli. She taps his shoulder to get his attention, then smiles. "You can sit with us if you'd like." She says, trying to make him feel welcome. She then walked back over to Nemo and lays her head back down.
Ashton begins to feel uncomfortable. She sighs and rubs her back of her neck, glancing over at the people next to her. "Hey, uhm... Is he okay?" She asks, awkwardly. She crosses her legs and continues to watch them, but she's unsure on whether she should do anything. She runs her hands over her legs, rubbing the scars that lay there.
Nikoli stands up and walks over to sit with Leah and her friend. He sits down and takes off his leather jacket, putting it on the back of his chair. He messes with one of his rings and looked over at the guy that hadn't been introduced yet, who looks kind of in pain or something. He looks at Leah and then at the girl who just said whats on his mind, then back at the guy. "Yeah, is he?" he makes a sort of concerned facial expression.
Nemo stiffens as he hears people talking about him. He moves his hands away from his eyes and nods. "Oh, yea me? Yea I just had something in my eyes." He looks at Nikoli, and then at Ashton. He gives a half-hearted smile and stares back down on the table. There were carvings in it, from throughout all of the school years before now. The bell rings and Nemo looks at the door, watching as other kids shuffle in and scoot into seats that they picked.
Ashton frowns, but nods her head, turning her attention back to the front of the classroom. She leans back in her seat and waits for the teacher. Her eyes wander down to her arm, her scar showing and she quickly rolls her sleeve down, not wanting anyone to ask about it. She then looks down at her shorts, groaning softly. 'Good choice to pick Ash. Showing all of the scars you got. Way to go.' She whispers to herself before placing her hands in her lap, hiding the scars.
Nikoli nods, knowing that his excuse was complete BS, and scratches his stubble absentmindedly. "What's your name?" He asks and messes with one of the many beaded bracelets on his wrist. "Mines Nikoli, uh, I don't know if you heard me outside or anything." He smiles and pushes some of the strands of hair out of his eyes. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the dark haired girl trying to hide her scars and he couldn't help but wonder how she'd got them, not like he'd ask her or anything.
Ashton leans further back into her seat and closes her eyes. She just wanted this day to be over with. All she wants to do is go to the cafe lose to her house, get a Cinnamon Dolce and go home, get under her blankets, and read a book. The corners of her lips twitch upwards at the thought.
Nemo nods. "I'm Nemo." he looks up at Nikoli. He liked that name. It was different. Sometimes, if Nemo didn't think about it, he could talk to anyone. But other times, he just couldn't talk to anyone. He watched as the teacher walked into a room. One step closer to the day ending, millions to come. He sighed and put his elbow on the table, propping up his head with his hand.
Outside the tennis courts, Aislin was sitting on a bench, looking over her a few drawings she'd done. They were all done on postit notes though, because she wanted to conseal them. It was one of the things she was afraid to let other people see. But, other than that, she didn't mind. She had to go to English next, which was a little far from where she was. She still had a few minutes though. She put the notes away in her bag and leaned back on the bench looking up at the sky. She wondered what would happen today, like she always did. But, talking to a few people would get her going.
((I'm so confused O.o ))

Mr. Braxton sits down at his desk, not bothering to look around at the classroom. "Welcome to Cleartown High." He says as he opens a magazine. "Feel free to introduce yourself, starting at the back corner, you with the braces and brown hair." He says and Leah looks over to Nemo worriedly. "Are you sure your ready?"
Ashton sighs and rolls her eyes. 'I don't know what I'm going to tell them.... Uhm... My name and age. Sounds easy enough.' She thinks to herself as she rubs her legs gently.
((I'm dying of laughter xD ))

Nemo becomes light headed but nods to Leah. "Yea, I can't be pathetic all my life, right?" He stands up and brushes his shirt against his body. "My name's..uh," he looks around. A lot of the kids aren't really paying any attention anyways. "My name's Nemo. Yea, like the fish." he sits back down quickly and looks at Leah. "Your turn." he says quietly.
Nikoli sighed, thinking that if he had to introduce himself he'd just follow everyone elses lead, try not to mention anything too personal. He chewed the inside of his cheek and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from his jeans pocket, putting it on the desk and getting out his pencil from his pocket he began scribbling on it, writing a shopping list for later in his mothers language, pâine, lapte, ouă. He raised his eyebrows and tried to remember something else that he needed, but just couldn't figure it out.
Leah smiles at her best friend proudly, then stands up. "Hello, loves! I'm Leah Moon. You lot can call me Moony, or just Leah. Or don't call me anything!" She says, then plops back down in her seat and puts her feet on the table as she pulls her phone out and snaps a picture of Nemo discretely.
Kayleigh stood up and smirked. "Me llamo Kayleigh. Y no me gusta la methematica." She stated in Spanish and sat down. No one specified the language they had to introduce themselves in.
Ashton smiles at Kayleigh and shakes her head. She sighs and chews on her bottom lip, knowing it was almost her turn.
(forget my last post e_e)

Aislin sat in the back of the classroom patiently. It was her turn to introduce herself after a few others.
Nikoli laughed a little at her use of Spanish, debating whether or not to speak Romanian in front of the class, but he decided against it. He stood up, and pushes his hair out of his eyes, looking around as he says "Nikoli Rumancek, yes it's foreign." He sat down and chewed the inside of his cheek again, finally remembering what else he needed to buy. He wrote down carne on his piece of paper and folded it up, shoving it back into his pocket.
Ashton sighs and stands up. "Ashton Davis. Most people call me Ash or Davis." She says and sits back down, Running her fingers through her hair.
Aislin stood and leaned forward on her desk. "I'm Aislin Greene," She said with a smile. She sat back down and waited for others to introduce themselves.
"Well that was fun. How about we do that again?" Kay grinned. "And avoid studying at all costs." She muttered, loud enough for those sitting around her. There was no way she was going to study math.

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