Claws and Fangs [Inactive]

Mikkelle Sting

One Thousand Club
It was a dark and storming night. Andria Featherwield was sitting in a dark corner on the top of a building, the library in fact. During the night she would go in when everyone had left and grabbed books on weapons, fighting styles, and weaknesses of vampires, demons, and werewolves. She wanted to destroy them along with their ominous world. After all, they were menacing and all she saw them as was monsters.
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Jack was sitting alone in a tree late at night overlooking the city when he noticed the library lights were still on and he jumped down to check it out.
Gale swung the grand double doors of his mansion open and summoned his servant, to bring him his Cerberus. Except there was no mansion or slave or Cerberus. Just Gale, his house atop a hill and his dog, Ralph. It was a stormy twilight but that did not phase the 496 year old vampire. He turned to his dog.

"Stay inside while I head out," he commanded Ralph. "I'm gonna go look for some trouble!" Despite his age, Gale could still be quite curios and childish.
"C'mon, c'mon!" Anria said looking through book after book on the bookself, looking for a certain book. "Got it!" she exclaimed aloud holding a book called How to Kill a Werewolf and/or Vampire in 5 Easy steps. "This will do." she said and was about to look some more when she heard footsteps outside. "Aw, dang it!" she whispered and climbed to the top of the bookshelf, hoping no one would see her.
Gale patrolled the streets of the big city from the rooftops. He cheerily strolled along, jumping from roof to roof. He looked around and noticed that the library had a light on. He went to investigate.

He entered the library, and advanced to the source of the light; a lamp on a desk. A book lay on it. He read the title; How to Kill a Werewolf and/or Vampire in 5 Easy steps. How unflattering, he thought. He looked around, to find who had been reading it.
Great, of all people, it had to be a vampire. she thought as he looked carefully around the room. She pulled her hood over head head, her cloak on tighter, and her hair back so he wouldn't know who or what she was.
Gale examined his surroundings.

"Yoo hoo!" he called out. "Somebody here out to kill me? Aw, c'mon... I'm a nice guy, really I am!" He sat himself down at the desk. "Well I'm just gonna wait here then. Come on out whenever you're ready! I won't hurt you, honestly."
"That's a most famous saying from a vampire, 'I won't hurt you'." Andria said holding the handle of her long needle like spear. "Vampires don't care for humans. They taint them."
"Yeah? Well I'm different then," he said, chuckling a bit. There was a moment of silence while he was reminiscing. "Humans cast US away and hurt US. Don't you see? Anyway, I couldn't hurt you. I made a promise, to a human..."
"We'll see. But right now, I have better things to attend to." she said and broke the window next to the bookshelf and scaled the wall of the library building and was on the roof.
"Ha ha!" exclaimed Gale. "Oh, I love a runner." He jumped out and chased after her. He shouted her way, "Oh come on, we could be friends," he grinned and kept running.
Andria was hanging off the side of the building when she heard his shout. What a bad thing to say vampire, you might be followed. she thought and swung back onto the roof, wrapping her cloak around herself once more.
Andria waited outside the door of his room, listening to the sound of his breathing. her face turned red when she realized what was happening. No, Andria, he's a vampire, your a human, get over it. she thought and pulled out her needle-like sword and slowly opened the creaking door an inch.
Eskel returned from a nightly stroll and froze upon seeing his library. A window was shattered, someone left a light on, and they didn't return the book they were reading?

"How positively rude!" Eskel exclaimed. Walking over to the desk, he froze. He knew that smell. "A human...? Impossible."
Andria listened through the door for awhile then finally sighed. There's no point in staying here. And besides I need to grab my book. she thought and disappeared from his house. She went back to the library and froze when she saw a dark figure inside. "You gotta be kidding me!" she exclaimed aloud and quickly covered her mouth with her hand. And tried to hide quickly. Two vampires in one night? Geez!
Eskel's eyes instantly pinpointed the source of the voice and his eyes lit up. "A human?" He looked down to the book in his hand, and back to the girl. "This must be yours then." He frowned. "You know, it's quite rude of you to not only disrupt the system of my library, but to shatter my window as well. Do you realize how many windows I've had to replace in the past month due to reckless youngsters being too lazy to use the front door? Honestly, the sanity of you people!"
Andria grinned sheepishly. "That was actually an accident. Someone was chasing me and--" she shook her head. "Whatever. Just give me the book and I will go quietly without hurting you." she said holding out her hand.
"Hurting me?" Eskel repeated. He chuckled, shaking his head. "Dear, I would adore to see you try, but alas I am a very busy man. If you'd like this book, then check it out like a normal civilian and be on your way." With that, Eskel turned and walked back to his desk.
"You realize what it's about though, don't you? If I read that book I could come back and kill you. But you'd let me check it out anyway?" she said following him suspiciously, on her guard.
"If I were wary of being slaughtered, do you think honestly think I would supply this book to the public?" Eskel asked rhetorically, casting an amused glance over his shoulder. "Though I am not doubting your abilities, little girl, I do not believe you pose a threat to my safety."
"I would only be a threat to you if you were a threat to me. Which for a vampire, I have to say, you sound very British and very soft." she said, wondering if she had insulted him, not trying to particularly.
"British and soft?" Eskel repeated curiously, turning to face her. He chuckled. "Thank you, I suppose, though I don't believe I've ever heard of "british"," Eskel said. He stood behind his desk and leaned his elbows on the desk counter, tilting his head at her.

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