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Fantasy Classic Fantasy: Gathered Misfits

OH NO, nobody's ever heard of my COMPLETE theory about madness, there is MUCH MUCH MORE. Except a certain girl. But that's besides the point.

but yea cookie, git postin
I'm also writing an alternative ending for Romeo and Juliet.

In this one Romeo's going to 'claim his beloved' one last time in which she wakes up before he gets the chance and strikes him for non consent-le intercourse.
I had to wash my cat xc twice because he somehow managed to pee on himself, life of a pet owner is hard xc eeepp! Cookie and Karcen are gonna post yes?
Anyone able to quickly brief me? I've actually got some time free but I don't want to waste it all on reading the chat and postpone you any longer.
mostly just clean up battle over Nasanru awaits the little merchant for a fun annoucement
that's good

Well I have to sleep and dose saving lives by giving the army extra warriors that let others save people count as saving people
No, she wants to know that he personally risked his life to save people from the fire. He could lie but if she finds out he loses more respect and a decent amount of trust. Sibel would still see him better than Elise does though.
Well he won't mention it he would go up like a match stick after all though at this rate I am sure raising elise's parents back from oblivion and giving then a life style of complete luxury both within his power would get him on her good side after accident she caused by lieing to his face

And she sees the guy who killed them in front of her while they begged for their lives as a better more likable person and I have the feeling we could give him having raped and tortured her if he so felt like it and she would still for some reason think he is a good guy better than the selfless giant Skelton

So yeah he's out he's going to hang with people who he views as her moral superiors like assassins
@Karcen Just so ya know, Elise has a back story of her own with her family. The only one she liked was her brother since her father did do a lot of evil things she hated him. She also hates Gregory but his constant apologising and sense of remorse has made it easier for her to trust him than someone she sees as a demon. Out of all the characters there the one she actually trusts so far is Halk because he hasn't shown himself having an aggressive bone in his body in front of her.
She already did. What he did though has burned all bridges between the two. He is now permanently the 'bad guy' to her.
@Karcen Actually.. If he had given her the chance to kill Gregory again she would have seen him as the good guy. How's that for a mind screw? All she wanted was to beat Gregory to death in revenge. Now he's dead though she's gonna up the prices, sell his excess crap and then up and go.

@Alstromeria I can respect that OOC but IC I have to saw that's kinda weird..
oh well to bad and the only person who could let her get her revenge over and over just said fuck it your not worth my interest that is how rps go

and lol your losing character after character going to take sebil with er?
All good, she's gonna take the apothecary and go west. Towns without magic seem a hell of a lot safer than this encampment. At least in her eyes.

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