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Fantasy Classic Fantasy: Gathered Misfits

Sibel turns her attention to Halk, her mouth piece flowing softly with her head movements. Her eyes narrow on him as if to try and identify who he is. Then suddenly, her eyes lighten up. She recognises who Halk is from the occasional glimpses of him outside with the men. She remembers that he's someone of high stature which means she's either in serious strife, about to get a new amount of gold for her to spend on much needed medical supplies or that he needs her aid with something.

"Ahh, mister Halk. What brings you here?" she asks.

"Sibel, I need that" replies Halk, his finger pointed at Gregory. Sibel goes to talk however Halk continues, cutting her off. "The little one is fast asleep. That needs to help me for a moment"

"But.. Mr Halk.. He's a little 'tied up' at the moment as I'm sure you can see" replies Sibel, she gives a small laugh at her own joke. Gregory angles his head up to see Halk and Sibel talking to one another. He was well aware he was the 'item' in question however he felt as though he should give an input. "Why not make a transaction with myself here and document it so that I can supply you with the goods in future?"

Sibel makes her way over to Gregory, placing a single finger on his chest. Gregory hadn't realised how bad his injuries were until right now. Her finger felt like a dagger to him. Gregory grits his teeth, his face contorting in pain and discomfort. Sibel quirks a brow at his response to which she states "In this state, I'm afraid that Ser Steelhilt won't be able to sign, lift or confirm any transactions that require physical labour. I suggest taking back your deal with Elise"

"No, Halk... Listen, make the deal with me and then inform the little one of what we've agreed to"
Halk waved his hand dismissively. "I don't deal in paperwork. That's for humans, they always like holding things over eachothers heads. I made you a crossbow." Halk pulled up a chair and sat down next to Gregory. He took the crossbow from where it hung on his hip and showed it to him. "With this one you won't be shooting your foot off. I've also agreed to make Elsie a weapon of her choice. She's going to need to learn to use one sooner or later, now especially with you wounded." Halk shifted his weight in the chair to one side, hand resting on his knee. "You are a merchant. You like to deal in promises and gold. I deal in favors and friendships. To be honest i was a bit peeved to find two uninvited guests in my workshop, but I got over it." Halks tone of voice wasn't threatening, just logical and reasonable. Goodnatured first and foremost, Halk liked people. As long as they werent westerners. And even if thy were, he judged them by the way they handled his amiability. "Anyways. Your caravan could also use some repairs too. It looks like something big fell through the roof? Something smahed one of the wheels as well, that's not good." Halk threw glances over his shoulder at the healer while he was talking, watching her work. Something was a bit more off than normal with that one. No matter, Halk focused more on the task at hand. "I'm willing to fix it for you. All those are favors. Favor one, I made you a new crossbow. Favor two, I make elsie a weapon she can use well. Favor three, I repair your caravan. Now I need three favors back, and instead of holding them over your head the way humans do, I want three liters of quicksilver out of your caravan. That's favor one, two, and three." His demeanor was straight and to the point, counting out his 'currency' on his fingers as he spoke.
Roxas nodded and pulled her close and walked slowly hoping not to harm roxii further and then made her way to the healing tent, once in she saw the healer sibel, a very naked merchant and Halk. Her eye twitched once and she turned to sibel. "Sibel, you've heard this woman before, she needs help again." She said setting roxii down on an empty cot. Roxas looked at Halk, and then at roxii and then at the merchant and frowned. "Uour forge is covered in plants" she told Halk
Roxii allowed the nymph to help her towards the healer's tent, the gash along her thigh aching and stinging with every movement. Another thing that begun to occur was that tendrils of scorching heat and pain was traveling through her veins, slowly but surely. Perhaps the female had poisoned her blade. Understandable, if they were bounty hunters. What the poison would do, she had no clue. Would it kill her? Immobilize her? Make her hallucinate and become disoriented? There were so many effects of being poisoned; it ranged from fairly harmless, and actually quite amusing, to fatally bringing someone to death. She hoped this poison weren't the latter, and if it were, she hoped it didn't work too quickly.

Upon entering the healer's tent, she took note that the enchater and the merchant whom had invaded Halk's workshop were there, as well as the healer from earlier. Sara, was it? Siber? Sheol? Well, it didn't matter. Roxii was in pain and was quite upset. Three strangers, bounty hunters specifically, had hunted her down and invaded her only safe place. To say the least, Roxii was pretty pissed off.
Sibel the apothecary turns to the new faces that had entered her tent. She begins to panic, unsure that she has enough stretchers for all these people. With a voice woven from concern but suppressed by professionalism she asks "How can I help you two, miss plant and shady one?"

Sibel twists her finger against Gregory's chest, the nail pressing down on his extremely sensitive skin. Gregory looks over to Halk with a pained expression on his face. He closes his eyes with a slow nod to show he agrees to what Halk has put on the table. Sibel loosens her finger from his chest and makes her way over to Roxii. Gregory uses the moment of relief from the pressure to rest and recover.

"Now, what's your name?" asks Sibel, the question clearly addressed to Roxii. Sibel moves her arm around Roxii's shoulder as to support her in walking over to one of the stretchers. She gently sets down the injured woman and begins to, or at least tries to, inspect the damaged area of her thigh. Sibel's hands gently rub against the skin around the open wound to try and make out how deep it was. In the confines of her mind she starts to run through elixirs that may be helpful with this type of injury.


Elise begins to stir back at the caravan, the sun's rays striking her cheeks and finger tips. The gentle warmth in the other wise cold world was enough to encourage her to start her day. Her eyes open slowly to take in the world. As usual, she spies nothing but tents and the occasional soldier moping about in the chilled morning air. She stands from her huddled position and makes her way deeper into the caravan. The quiet sounds of rummaging through bags and the opening and closing of crates are all that can be heard as Elise checks the supplies.
"Allrighty then." Halk turned to leave. "Oh, and Sibil." Halk tossed a bag of coins at the healer, "This should be enough for both Gregory and the one you're looking at now. Her name is Roxii." Halk nodded at gregory before he opened the tent flap. "That one was just cuz I'm a nice person." He said with a smirk, then left.

Halk made his way back to the caravan. He stopped first at his workshop to get some tools. He had a saw, a hammer, a couple of nailes in his jacket pocket, and some scrapwood. He set the scrapwood down by the wheel, he'd fix that first. Halk heard rustling from the back of the caravan. "Elsie? You there?" He called.
Elise calls out from the depths of the caravan, a hand in the air waving "I'm here! Need something, big guy?"

Elise begins to walk out towards the caravan's tray where she then stands. She leans forwards with straight legs as to give off a rather petite demeanour. She listens as Halk tells her about the deal that Gregory and he had struck. Elise proceeds to rub the back of her neck in confusion. She plans to ask for clarification but then comes to the conclusion that Gregory being in his wounded state probably struck this deal out of disorientated stupidity. Elise turns around and heads back into the caravan where she starts searching for quicksilver.

"Listen, big guy. It's yours if you carry it because I'm not going to blow my back out for this terrible deal. Okay? Okay" Elise smiles, waiting for Halk to come in and carry the barrel.

"Thank you, stay safe, all those sorts of things"
Halk shook his head. "Not yet little one. Work, then pay. Never accept a trade without the service being done first, especially with humans. Not only is it a common courtesy in the east, it prevents disagreements." Halk had taken the wheel off the caravan and tossed it bodily onto the ground. He simply placed the scrapwood on top along with the saw, hammer, and nailes. He snapped his fingers twice and the materials went to work themselves. He pressed a finger to his lips at Elsie. "Don't tell gregory I'm using magic to fix his shit," Halk whispered loudly, winking goodnaturedly. "Allrighty, that leaves the third matter of buisness." Halk swung his arms back and forth. "What weapon do you want to use? What weapons can you use? And what do you want them to do?" Halk smirked. "I don't care what gregory says, if I make something, it's going to be magic." Halk wiggled his fingers in the air in front of him and giggled childishly.

Gerld was observing Halk from a distance. He seemed to be getting along well with the merchant girl, that was something he hadn't seen before. Maybe because she was a child. Halk had learned her name too, and that alone was remarkable. Halk had explained to him once that he only learned peoples names if he thought they'd pop up again in his future. And only then would he finally carry on a conversation with them, not bothering to introduce himself. Everyone knew who Halk was, and that wasn't necessarily a good thing. But that was the way Halk liked it. Gerld remembered the time Halk was first stationed here, he had referred to Gerld exclusively as "The Commander Dude" the first week. Other soldiers he had referred to simply as 'those' or 'it'. Gerld still doubted Halk knew any of the soldiers names aside from Kelvin, although he stopped referring to them as objects. Kelvin tapped him on the shoulder. "Sir? It's about time to eat." Gerld nodded, pulled out of his daydream. "Yes, yes of course." Kelvin smiled. "Come in and eat, you're almost as bad as Halk." Gerld chuckled, Halk was infamous for missing mealtimes, Kelvin brought Halk food after he was finished eating. That's how Halk first began using him as an errand boy, and finally learned his name. "I understand. He's not a bad man to be compared to." Gerld mused, rubbing his chin. "I'll be over in a bit, make sure to bring Halk some food later. He's been working hard, he's allready cranked out five new extra rune nets." Rune nets were nets made of enchanted metal that marked stones when they passed through. These stones were thrown like grenades, so far there was two thunder nets, two fire nets, and two smoke nets. Kelvin nodded. "I always do." He chuckled.
Being handed over from the nymph to the healer, she allowed herself to be shuffled over and laid down on a stretcher, every movement making it feel like she was burning from the inside out. Despite the gentleness, Roxii cringed and squirmed under the healer's hands from both pain and lack of comfort. The latter: she simply didn't like being touched. She felt significantly uncomfortable with this woman touching and prodding her, even though the healer was only trying to help. The former: there was definitely poison pumping through her bloodstream, because when the healer added any pressure she arched her back off the cot and let out a growl of agony. "Agh! Enɇohxa! Beseǐōicǐ, icfiȕbe," she hissed quickly through clenched teeth, accidentally letting her tongue slip into another language—her native tongue. Despite being multilingual, it was rare for her to use languages other than English and the language she used for using magic, and it was even more rare for her to use her first language. Her native language had too many memories linked with it—memories that she would much rather forget and never relive. Roxii never switched languages if she didn't have to, but the searing pain that erupted inside her was enough to make her not care. She had never felt so much pain before, not even when she was bleeding to death. "Beseǐōicǐ. Please. It's poisoned, okay? Ǻfi ǻic ǻqenǐofǐal." She spat the words out quickly, clenching her hands into tight fists in a desperate attempt to keep her composure. The searing pain was almost unbearable.
Sibel removes her hands from the area with a slow nod, she'd managed to identify that the wound hadn't reached bone and in that way was far more likely to be saved and usable. She makes her way away from the patient, over to a supply crate that had its lid half off. She kneels down beside it and begins to cycle through bottles of what seemed to be dark liquid except for one, that bottle had more of a goo like substance. Her fingers wrap around the neck of the goo filled bottle and hoist it out of its wooden home.

Sibel wastes no time in grabbing a leather strap and returning to her patient in need. Her hands move furiously as she tightens the strap around the open wound in an attempt to stop blood from flowing to the area and the poison to stop spreading. She tightens it until either Roxii protests or until its reached a satisfactory level of constriction upon the thigh. One done, Sibel takes the bottle of goo and breaks its seal, a sickeningly sweet smell filling the nearby air. Sibel runs a single finger inside the neck of the bottle to collect some of the good. This goo appeared a dark pink in the tent which was close to being the same colour as Roxii's muscle tissue. The goo is intended to act as both an antiseptic for open wounds as well as a anaesthetic.

Sibel raises a hand to wave off the nymph and proceeds to take her time whilst putting away the bottle and exchanging it for a new one. This bottle has no labels, no seals and seems to be of a home style concoction. It's a dark green, almost black, liquid that smells awfully strong yet strangely pleasing on the nasal cavities. Sibel returns to her patient. She tries to gently correct Roxii's positioning in the cot whilst not dropping the bottle. Once Roxxi is safely laid in the bed, Sibel offers her a sip of the elixir.


Elise cranes her head to the side as Halk's magic causes his tools to start their work. Elise herself had never tried magic and believed it wasn't able to be used in what she deems a 'practical' manner. Then Halk starts talking to her about a weapon she wants to use. Elise thinks to herself 'why does he want me to have a weapon? Does he think I'll need to fight soon? Are the western soldiers coming?'. She rubs the back of her neck and admits to Halk "Well you see, I can't use any weapon really.. I'd like to learn how to use something practical if I had to learn at all but fighting seems stupid to me"

Elise comes back to the tray of the caravan where she sits with her legs crossed over each other and her hands in her lap. It was cold and her fingers didn't enjoy being exposed to the wind like they would usually be if outside of her legs' protective barrier.
The assassin gazed at the healer as she worked, trying to stay as still as possible so as to not make matters worse for herself. She watched as Sibel retrieved an unlabeled container of substance, which made Roxii wary. As the substance was offered to her, she leaned back a bit, turning her head slightly away from the elixir. She had seen enough unlabeled substance containers to know that some people weren't to be trusted, even if they were the one who was trying to keep you alive. Choking down another cry of pain, she said, "What... What is that?" Roxii glared at the elixir with disdain and suspicion; she had been poisoned and drugged too many times, and this situation reminded her of a similar occurrence. Long story short, she had been betrayed and drugged without knowing so only to wake up two days later on a small raft out on the waters with nothing—no weapons, no armor, no elixirs or potions, no food or water, and no source of power. So, in other words. she had a good reason, in her opinion, to be cautious.
Sibel frowns underneath her facial attire. Her lips remain concealed by the mouth piece however her eyes display her disappointment. Sibel pauses a moment as Roxii asks what the elixir. The truth is, Sibel herself isn't entirely sure what it is. She may have made it with the best healing herbs she could find but she wasn't sure of its affects on people. Sibel looks around the tent before telling a small lie to Roxii, "It's an elixir that's renowned for its amazing healing qualities in the.. uhh.. South. Some times this elixir can cause wounds to heal over in seconds"

Sibel nudges the bottle forwards to Roxii's lips to encourage her to have a drink of it. If Roxii does have a drink of it she's likely to feel light headed and go into a coma like state in which her body will recover effectively but won't really respond to external stimuli. Sibel is yet to know this however and will continue to tend to the wounds of Roxii until she awakens. This can be anywhere from a day to a few weeks. However Roxii will most likely awaken with a full recovery and feel more refreshed than she has ever before.

If Roxii doesn't drink it, Sibel tries to force the bottle's head into her mouth. Having Roxii in her weakened state she'd be hoping to over power. Roxii will most likely come out of it as the victor however in which Sibel will wait for Roxii to sleep before pouring the unstudied elixir down her throat. She's not malicous but she hopes that the elixir will fix all of Roxii's problems.
Nasanru had many more hours to work with than the mortals he now surrounded himself with, he did not miss the weakness of the need for sleep but he did miss the constant activity of those that shared his immunity to such mortal things. This however did give him more time to think he had put together a story though well there were blanks, but not knowing everything made this more interesting. He could coax the child whose soul had been bound within his staff and how resided within a small amulet he had man, but that would be little fun and his story had ended in his death it was what happened after that he was interested it. Still the many stories Nasanru had thought up were more than enough fun for him to make the girl a very special gift. Most saw necromancy as evil and most used it as such, but at its root it had been developed to help as all magic had mortals always wanted to know what happened after death and to talk with the dead that was where necromancy had first come from. The desire to know and to comfort the grieving, but that had been lost. It was this idea which Nasanru had applied to his newest little creation, a small amulet shaped like a skull that could fit in a child's palm, the amulet had been made from a normal stone Nasanru had found and had molded with magic, the string was just a length he had liberated from here or there, this all made the amulet very plain looking. Despite its looks the amulet did something very fun that NAsanru felt the little merchant girl would like.

Nasanru found the girl was at her caravan with Halk another who might like his work with how he had made the amulet and what it did. Nasanru glided over to the two finding that the clanking of metal armor had long grown to annoy him when he could avoid it. " Ah there you are little one, just who I was looking for, I feel our last interaction had given you a bad impression of me, I hope to remedy that so I have made you a gift" he said though he kept the amulet hidden in his hand for the moment.
Elise looks away from Halk, focusing her eyes on Nasanru the lich. Elise very slowly stands from her seated position and takes a few steps back into the caravan for safety measures. She wasn't so much scared of him, mainly because Halk was near by, but she doesn't plan to let herself fall victim to the same horrors she saw last time. Elise asks him a question once he finishes his turn speaking.

"Ah there you are little one, just who I was looking for. I feel our last interaction has given you a bad impression of me. I hope to remedy that, so I have made you a gift" says Nasanru whilst keeping something hidden from Elise. Perhaps it were a gift or perhaps another horrid spirit bound to a tortured after like. What ever it was, Elise's trust had been depleted once with this skeletal figure and she wasn't planning on making the same mistake twice. However, a gift from a magic being such as him, could fetch a high price in sale. Elise offers Nasanru a timid wave before she asks in a rather humbled tone, "May I see this gift?"
Nasnru opened his hand and moved it so the amulet would be dangling from his hand. " This is a very special little amulet just for you, it may not look like much, but after much work I have managed to work out something more agreeable than what happened last night" He said.

" I do feel I owe you an explanation as to those events, and your family's fate. You see I had thought they were killed by wolves as you told me, not murdered as they really were." He said recapping what they both knew " now when people are murdered there is a good chance they make a revenant, souls who only exist to gain revenge. This can be corrected if it is expected but I did not as you gave me no reason they might be angered so I did not take this into account. These revenants were almost all killed by your…. the elf they are now to never know any heaven or hell they know only endless nothingness, unaware of time, space, themselves, or others . This is where they shall remain forever never to see you again, well maybe not never but that is a story for another day. " He said always having a lecture to give over the mistakes other had made and blamed him for, really how did they expect things to go well if they lied to his face.

" Now on to this little trinket, you see the elf was so very set on destroying it when it went after him" he said those that knew of revenants or listened to his previous speech would realize what that meant " I however stopped him from sending all to the void, one to be exact . " He said his free hand tapping on the amulet which lit up with a silvery glow and a sleeping spectral child appeared, it was the little brother that had been slain, however he was fit and whole no longer the horror he had been. " it took a little while to remove his grudge on the elf, but I managed it and I used a soft binding on the amulet after shaping it so that instead of being bound to the amulet he is instead called by it, there is no pain no suffering, it is little more than a way to summon him forth and talk to him" he said removing his hand and the ghostly brother vanished " Had I not been … mislead about his cause of death I could have had the meeting be more like this but well I think I have done well with what I had been given" He said doling it out.
Elise stands there idly as Nasanru explains everything. She tries to keep a look to show that she was innocent and almost clueless due to the company she had. Having Halk nearby means that she can't say exactly what she wants to say without moving away from the tray of the caravan and to leave a customer who's forging tools for you is rude. She smiles politely to the lich as if to make it look like as if she is grateful but has no emotional attachment to the boy. Deep down she was a flurry of emotions, both sad and overjoyed, both excited and fearful. Elise walks closer to the lich, standing on the tips of her toes to try and whisper into where she believed his ear to be. "Thank you for this, but don't tell anyone what Gregory did or else I'll be dead before I can reach the next encampment. I don't think he'd kill me but I do think that without him for protection I'd be horribly disfigured if not violated and murdered along these roads"
Halk looked back at Elsie. "Hmm, hmm hmm. Well. If you don't want a weapon, perhaps a piece of armor. Maybe a cloak... Oh I know, some boots! Girls like shoes right?"

Halk, who was in his forge when the whole shade incident happened, dismissed the manner as not his buisness. He rubbed his chin, looking at the skull. He had to stop the flurry of words that would come from his mouth, the litch still had so many questions about him and so little answers. "So you bound the soul to a regular object? Hmm. Tell me Nasanru, if someone was to make... An exoskeleton. A mechanical one. Now, this is hypothetically speaking, because I'm curious about this..." Halk moved the hand that was rubbing his chin in an 'i dunnuh' gesture. "If you were to bind the soul to all parts of the exoskeleton, would the soul be able to move around like..." There was no term for robot in this world, so Halk simply used the word "...Antioch? Animation maybe?"
(This'll be my last post. Sorry. .w. I'll be back soon, though~)

Roxii gazed at the container suspiciously. Sibel hesitated mid-answer. The assassin knew how to spot liars just by noticing that they say a word differently, or their movements are unusual, or their eyes betray them. "You don't know what it is. You want to use it and see what it does. Whether or not it would help." It wasn't a question. The healer's eyes had betrayed her, glinting uncertainty when the assassin's question left her lips. Looking at the elixir for a bit, she began to rationalize in her head. Sibel didn't necessarily know what the elixir was, so that meant that she wasn't deliberately trying to put Roxii in any danger. But she was still cautious. This substance could possibly help Roxii, but it could also hurt her. However, in this situation, she figured the healer wouldn't retrieve an elixir that had a chance of harming the assassin. Well, she hoped not. Looking at the container for a while, she finally replied, "Okay."
If Nasanru could smile he would now he had the story enough to fill in the blanks without doing any really wild guessing. Now he switched his attention to be split between the two or well part of it to figuring out a solution to the whole living with your families killer thing, and half to the making a golem using souls. He felt the latter would be the easiest to answer.

" In theory you could use a soul in place of the normal means of animating a golem." he said using the idea of a golem as they were similar using magic to animate the inanimate as there were more types of golems than just the stone and clay people mostly thought of. " The problem would come in aliening the souls in the new form, and the binding would have to be very complex as most just tie a spirit to an object or a spot which do not move. The binding I did made it more like a projection of the spirit as it doesn't come to this plane but is still contacted. " He said musing " But in a purely yes or no style yes it could be done. Actually I have heard of a lich, a former student of mine no less, that took this very question and I have heard that he made many new golems based upon souls. He of course used bones as the base rather than metal but he did twist them far enough that the alienation would be similar to meta;." Nasanru said thinking of multiple problems and solutions.
Halk was fascinated in this subject. "Hmmm, yes, I see. But I'm thinking multiple souls, bound to multiple different pieces of metal, making up one thing of many different parts. Like, they wouldn't be able to all move at once, henceforth if any of them want to do something bad, and some of them want to do something good, the piece of macinery would simply cease to function." Halk was beginning to like the litch, moreso than he already had. "So the soul that the others dont agree with, hopefully the evil one, will then be cast out and replaced, so then you would basically be forcing all the souls to think the same way." Halk was swaying slightly back and forth on his heels, staring at the sky, something he did while he was thinking. "Therefore molding your own person. A servant, a companion, possibly a soldier... Holy shit, a soldier made entirely of metal. Now THAT would be something." Halk realized he was beginning to ramble. The noise from the caravan stopped, aletring Halk that his tools were finished working themselves. "Oh, I'm sorry. We should get to that later. Right now I have some things to make, objects to enchant." He nodded at Nasanru. "Perhaps you would help me expand my crafting field some time in the future."
It took Nasanru a few second to come up with a list of why using multiple independent souls in a construct was a bad idea.

" That is not a good idea, the best way to think of using multiple souls is as if you took normal people put them in a crowd and said do something, they would fight , they would argue it would be inefficient. You would have to put something in charge to make sure they are focused a million million minds are as useful as a none if they can't be directed. If you are going to add in a director you would be better off simply using one soul as the director would still be the one in charge. Then there is the chance of running into a soul mass situation. Nasanru explained generally unless you were very careful and made use there was no free will involved using multiple anything to do one task you lost time.

Nasanru then turned back to the little merchant girl " Now on to your situation I am sorry for that diversion old men do enjoy any excuse to hear their own voices you know" he said with a light chuckle. " what you need is protection then a strong person or group that is willing to help you, and you know what I happen to be free I just wandered in and well they seem to like to listen to me yammer on so I have stayed, but you are interesting, I like interesting. " he said and if one looked at him it would be easy to suspect if he had flesh he would be smiling.
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"Muoomraaaa..." was the guttural noise produced by the creature known as Oizag. His eyes drifted across the landscape, searching for anything that would prove to be a decent land-marker. He found none, and as such continued tromping forwards. With each deliberate step by the Ogre, several critters in some brush began fleeing in a primordial terror.

His club which was hastily sheathed on the strap of his loin-cloth swayed with each motion, as did the gauntlet around his neck which made a small bit of panging when it smacked against Oizag's flesh. "Huuhmrm." Oizag declared as he reached up with his left hand and began scraping down the scruff against his cheeks. "Wots map say?" The Ogre grumbled to himself as he had a moment of insight. Surely one of the maps would have the answer to his question.

Reaching into a crude pocket on his side, he pulled out a furled piece of hide. Quickly he unraveled it, and glanced at it. The rudimentary drawings, of his own design did not seem to mark any section of the land he was currently traveling in. "Rrr no'ere." Disappointed at this, Oizag quickly returned the hide back into the pouch it was procured from.

Certainly, the Cartographer was lost, and had no idea of where he was in relation to his brethren. Oh well, surely he'd find his way soon enough. And as such, a serendipitous boon in his quest of navigation had seemed to appear.

Looking in the distance, he noticed a strange collection of things. It appeared to have some rather odd architecture. Oizag was not sure of what would be in that place, but he knew one thing. Weird places served as good markers for the map.

Knowing what he had to do, Oizag trudged along towards the encampment.
Roxas wandered from the healers tent, noting Roxii's discomfort and thinking it better to be alone so she would suffer under many eyes. Plus she wanted to visit with the forge again. It was coming along wonderfully. It blended in with the trees behind it and the shrubs hiding it were just the loveliest she'd seen in a while. She padded around, trousers shaping to her curvy body and although she'd been wearing them awhile, she wasn't uncomfortable yet. Roxas glanced around the camp and made her way over to where Halk was, he was with a young girl. She really wanted him to see what she'd done to the forge, it was just so pretty. "Halk?" She asked coming towards the two. She noted the Lich from earlier was there and smiled at the corpse like creature.
Halk was still thinking, but someonecalled his name. "Hmm? oh, Roxas. What do you want?"

Kelvin was taking some food over to Halk's workshop, and stopped when he realized it was covered in plants. He poked his head in, Halk was not there. He shook his head and just left the food on his workbench, he didn't know what the hell Halk was doing now.

Gerld had briefed the men about the upcoming extended gaurd shifts and military preperations, they would start building more fortifications and weapons soon. There was a mine more inland, he'd send some men there to get some raw materials later. He dismissed the men and retreated to the captains tent to make further plans.
"One: your forge is now covered in plant life, which I didn't really know if you're were okay with that, but I felt the need to grow stuff and you were the closest to the plants I could touch, so you're forge is a fortress of wildlife now and might attract birds. Two: I'm bored and would like something to do." She leaned forward and whispered in his ear "if that something happens to be you, I can't work with that." She tilted her head to one side and smiled sweetly at him.

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