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Fantasy Classic Fantasy: Gathered Misfits

Halk watched Roxii go. He shrugged and returned his attention to Roxas.

Halk nodded. "I'm going to do it quick, and it's going to hurt, but then you'll be fine." He gestured for her to lay down. "Now, I'm not the one in charge here, all the big wigs are at some kind of confrence where all frontiers meet." 'Where all frontiers meet' was the name that was given to the place where, well, all the territories, north, south, east, and west intersected. "I personally think that us magickind can hold out on our own..." He snapped the fletching end of the arrow off and pulled the rest of it through Roxas leg in one fluid motion. He took a leather strip from his workshop and tied it tightly around the entrance and exit wounds. "...you weren't expecting it to happen then were you? All good, all good, less painful that way." Halk helped the nymph to her feet.
"Ouch!" Roxas hissed in pain but was glad Halk pulled the arrow out, she wasn't a fan of pain and she knew this was going to take some time, if she couldn't find a fae to heal her. "Roxii, was it?" She said a little loudly so the retreating woman could hear her. "You know, she could be a lot of help, she turned invisible that's incredible. Not that this has to be a drafting, you know sign up for a fight or something." She spoke, assessing her wound as she got up on her feet. "You know, thanks for pulling out my arrow, I like a man who can take care of business quickly." Roxas winked at him, her smile suggestive. It wasn't like she was really into him, it was more of a Nymph thing. Nymph's pass time included seducing anything they could, of course Roxas didn't do that all the time, but sometimes it came up. At the moment, not the most appropriate thing to do. But hey, she could flirt with a guy who just pulled an arrow out of her leg.
Halk bobbed his head. "Well, she tried to kill me last night, and she couldn't, she doesn't seem to like people too much. Anyways, I'm enchanting some of her gear for her." Halk nodded at Nansaru and Silver. "I met silver last night too, and the big dead guy saved our asses just now, so I guess we're all friends." He noticed the Nymph was flirting with him, but he did his best to ignore it. Nymphs did that, but this one was wearing clothes, so she had to be a bit more modest than the others. "Anyways. Is it safe to assume you alls are staying? There's going to be more fighting, I don't care what the council thinks, we're at war now. And this just became hot spot numero uno."
Roxii paused for a moment while the nymph spoke to her. "Perhaps," she spoke, hardly loud enough for the the small group to hear her. "But I've kept my end of the deal. Maybe I will return tomorrow." And with that, she continued walking, back towards her hideout. She had a job, after all, and with how long she's been gone, she ought to have a few contracts waiting.
Gregory, still seated in the workshop with his shabby crossbow trained on the entrance, begins to speak up. He starts by clearing his throat to draw the attention of the enchanter named 'Halk'. He roughly knew of this man's name from a former transaction the two had made a few nights ago.

"That arrow.. Did you put it in the plant?" Gregory asks, his voice was flat of emotion and his eyes narrowed on Halk. Since he hadn't been at the fighting grounds it was safe to assume he hadn't a clue on what had happened. Elise turns around again just to get a quick glance at the people. She'd done it once before when Halk began speaking about her choice in literature but this time she did it to study the people who lingered in the door way.

Gregory listens to Halk's reply, sitting there in silence with his crossbow still trained on him. Gregory doesn't trust magic users in the slightest and feels no guilt in the execution of them. That being said, Gregory plans not to take the violent approach in this situation purely because of the amount of witnesses there are. Elise speaks up, "Is it safe to return to our caravan now, sir?" she asks. Her legs swing around the side of the chair and her whole posture is aimed towards Halk.

Gregory stands from his seated position on the floor and makes his way over to Elise, lowering his crossbow and placing his right hand on the back of the chair as he waits for Halk to give either a long winded response for yes or a straightforward no.
Nasanru followed and felt he was being ignored that was new for him, and he didn't mind it, well ignored by those he tagged as important otherwise many people turned to look, this was perhaps the only lich they would ever see as they were a rare breed and tended to stay cooped up. In the workshop Nasanru had to bend over to fit in making him a bit more imposing than he already was. In the workshop there were some rather interesting humans in there one of which had a crossbow and aimed it at Halk. The boy with the crossbow was apparently no amateur though just how willing he was to use it Nasanru had to wonder. Well it didn't matter Nasanru felt old death around the boy, perhaps bandits, perhaps more he could not tell rods were never safe and death happened often. Still from the tone the boy used he did not like halk though Nasanru did not know why but it made him wonder.

" It is safe enough if you fear I would be more than happy to escort you two" Nasanru said in his harsh mental whispers.
Halk laughed at the merchant. "I just took the arrow out of her, and I'm no archer. Do you see a bow on me? Halk's laughter stopped a bit as he tilted his head at the crossbow aimed at his face. "Put that thing away," Halk said, shaking his head, "someone's liable to get injured." It was quite rude of the merchant to come into his workshop while he was away, even Gerld respected his space, and not just because Halk was an enchanter. Now to be threatened in his own forge? Halk didn't like that. But, he was, as good natured as always.

He stepped closer to the merchant and plucked the bolt from the top of the crossbow, moving remarkably fast for someone of his stature. "Hmm." Halk said, twirling the bolt, it was bent towards the middle. "You really should take better care of your gear, you'll never hit anything acurately with this. You're a merchant, yes? I'll make you a new crossbow, and you'll pay me in quicksilver. Magnificent substance, quicksilver." Halk spun the bolt in his hand again and held it back out to the merchant, feathered end first. "And it would be nice to know your name as well."

The little girl spoke then, and Halk's grin only widened. "It was always safe, young one. The east is my homeland, and the other soldiers as well. We'll protect it 'till the earth turns to dust and the sky changes to blood. You have no need to worry." He spoke with confidence, as well as pride, he loved the east. And he was pumped after the last battle.
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"Yes, I'm staying for now, you could use some help, plus this place is soooo, dreary, you need more plants." She said absent mindlessly, twirling a strand of her hair, with her fingers. She glanced at the lich, and pursed her lips before glancing around the room. "Your forge is nice, Halk, got a bed somewhere?" She glanced at the person holding a crossbow towards Halk and chewed her lip thoughtfully. "I don't think I like arrows and bows either, especially arrows that end up in me, because it's not fun." She mused allowed. The nymph was excited to be around new things. In her twenty four years and twelve years on her own, she'd come across exiting things but it had been a while since shed found some exciting lately. "Lich, what is your name? My name is Roxas, I am a nymph if you can't tell." She said and raised one eyebrow at the imposing dead like creature. Roxas was tired now, her body succumbing to the stress of running and the lack of being in the woods for a long time.
Gregory rests his hand on Elise's shoulder, making a gesture with his crossbow for her to leave. Elise lets out a quiet sigh before making her way off the chair. She stops by the side of the chair and snatches up the book and the bowl of berries before heading outside. Gregory follows close behind her to ensure that no one laid a hand on her. He kept an extra special eye on the large, skeletal figure. Though he doesn't distrust anyone there, he feels as though they aren't the sort you can lower your guard around and expect to walk off safely. As Elise passes Halk she thanks him with a mouth full of berries "Thanks mister"

"I'll give you a discount if you come by the caravan for those gifts" adds Gregory as he too passes Halk. Gregory might not have approved of the stealing of his bolt but if Elise got to walk off with the book and berries he saw it as more than a fair trade.

Gregory and Elise arrive at the caravan, both of them spotting what seems to be the occasional corpse or crying soldier on a stretcher. Gregory looks away from one of the snivelling men with disgust. He understands that having your leg removed and burns up your body must hurt but surely he didn't have to cry so loudly. Elise notices the same man, making a backhanded remark about the wounded soldier as an attempt to offend both the soldiers and Gregory "I want to see you cry like that when you get hurt. Serves him right though, fighting's stupid" Gregory does nothing but nod his head, he has a reputation to uphold and that reputation is not to be a killer but to be a merchant. Gregory helps Elise up into the caravan before climbing up himself.

The two of them enter 'relaxation mode' where they plan to stay until a trade comes along or another skirmish starts up. After twenty or so minutes of reading, Elise comes up with a brilliant idea that exploits the inured men in need. She sits up from her semi-laying position and gives Gregory a gentle tap with her foot to get his attention.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Asks Gregory, his head turns away from the exit of the caravan and trains on Elise. His eyes bring her into focus before she begins.

"Some of those men out there are wounded. They're in great pain and need a way to distract themselves"

"So you want us to give out our supplies because they're hurt?" asks Gregory, his posture straightening up.

"Not even close. They're in desperate need so why not raise our prices?" explains Elise, her suggestion was ruthless but it seems likely to work.

"You're heartless. There's no way we can exploit these people" Gregory's lips warp into a frown of disapproval.

"I wonder how long you would survive" says Elise. Her little face becoming smug.

"What's that meant to mean?"

"Well.. If these men happened to find out that you killed my family I wonder how long they'd let you live" taunts Elise. She begins to move her head closer to Gregory, pursing her lips with a smile.

"So you're gonna blackmail me into cheating people?" asks Gregory. He crosses his arms over his chest.

"First of all, these are MY supplies. Secondly, this cart itself is registered under the name of my family which means I own this too. Lastly, when have you ever cared about being in the morally right or wrong? You sliced an eight year old boy in half despite his sister begging you not to. Not exactly 'hero' material to me" After Elise finishes her little rant, a silence falls over the caravan. The two sit there in silence, Elise feeling annoyed that Gregory wasn't on-board with her idea and Gregory feeling guilty over what he'd done and what he's doing.

Elise's eyes light up as Gregory asks, "How much do we raise the prices by?" His arms unfold and move behind his head to act much like a pillow against one of the crates.

"A grand total of fifteen percent. Not too much but enough to line our pockets. What do you think? Good yeah? Yeah?!" Elise leans closer to Gregory. Her smile slowly consumes her face like a group of clouds overlapping the moon.

"I'm not saying I support this idea. But we have to eat too after all" says Gregory. Deep down he really didn't have an issue with this since the two of them had gone hungry the first night here but he doesn't like the idea of others judging him like a bad person.
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" What an interesting pair of merchants " Nasanru said finding the two so odd they had a story one that he wanted to hear, it was rare after all for only two people to operate a caravan and at such a young age so very interesting. Merchants were an interesting bunch unlike smiths, or tailors, or even enchanters they got around they knew how to speak with silvered tongues and make even the most unreasonable deal sound like a steal it was a magic all its own.

Still there was a little matter that had been the elephant in the room for some time now , he had yet to really introduce himself. " I am an Arch-lich and my name as it stands now is Nasanru " he said tilting his head in the cramped environment.

" Really I would love to talk with you all but I feel this space is a bit tight with all of us in here so I believe that I shall go outside and give you all some breathing room" He said though that was a bit of an excuse to watch and take in the suffering and death in the wake of the battle that was still going on.
Halk looked at the bolt he still held in his hand and tossed it in the fire. "Horrible craftsmanship." He mused. The litch, now known as Nasanru, wanted to go outside. Halk nodded. "Pretty good idea, I wonder how you got so tall. Were you like that in real life? Did necromancy improve your bone structure? Did..." Halk stopped himself. "I'm sorry, too many questions. Let's just go outside, heh heh." He chuckled goodnaturedly.

He smiled at Roxas. "I hardly sleep for more than six hours at a time. When I do it's in my nice armchair in the corner." He motioned to the chair the little girl had been sitting in. Such a quaint pair. As he glanced around his workshop (he knew every inch of the cluttered space by heart) He didn't see anything missing. So it seemed to be allright, he wasn't in the company of theives. "Anyways," Halk said rubbing the back of his neck, "I also have a tent, but I never use it. I like to stay close to magic. Why do you ask?" It had occured to him that the nymph might be trying to get into his pants, so he decided to just play stupid. That way she'd only let him know if she actually liked him if she told him directly. No matter, Halk hhad his work, and if he did manage to settle down, it would be after the war was over. Well, it wasn't officially a war yet, but it was in Halk's mind.
Nasanru had to pick what he wanted to investigate first, the enchanter or the merchants, he picked the merchants as they were easier to get to and they might not always be here. While any member of any army could be reliably tracked if you knew where the people they were attached to was the same did not hold for traveling merchants who may chose to leave should things become unfavorable. They had to have a story two people in a caravan, two young people one human one elf they had to have one very interesting story. Though Nasanru had a few guesses as to how they ended up like this himself most involving bandits or them eloping still to hear it from them would be interesting.

When Nasanru arrived he could hear a transaction, and well it seemed the two had taken on the roll of the price gougers. Price gougers were just a step above those that dealt in drugs and flesh as they took advantage of those in need and lead to much suffering. Still that was the rule of the world and all merchants had a particular law the followed , supply and demand and with that law they could justify such mark ups.

" It is good to see the law of supply and demand has not changed at all " he said his voice a whisper in the heads of all those around the tone implying amusement, though at the suffering the law caused or the fact it had not changed at all was left unclear.
Elise sits on the tray of the caravan as she haggles with a local apothecary on prices. The apothecary pleads with her explaining how she has men who are dying slowly if these herbs aren't obtained. The conversation heard by the lich would have sounded like this..

"Please, I beg of you. I have men who are dying. They have wives and children back home" pleads the apothecary, a strange piece of clothing over her mouth which seemed to hide her lips. She looks with bright blue eyes to Elise. "As much as I want to help you, I need to eat too"

"But these men are dying! They need this treatment"

"What happens if my friend and I are injured? We won't have any herbs left for us. You expect me to give them away to you for one hundred and fifty gold pieces? Those men in your tent signed up to be killed, I signed up to make an honest profit doing honest work" snaps Elise. Rain begins to quietly fall down from the sky as the two continue to bicker. The ground under foot still damp from the last rainfall and quickly turning to mud. "I'll give you all our gold pieces in my budget, all two hundred. Just please let them live. I'm begging you" the Apothecary falls to her knees and holds up her hands to Elise showing she was completely out of options.

"Two hundred just won't cut it. Two hundred and fifty is my final offer. That or you could exchange services for the other fifty coins" Elise continues to drive her hard wager to the already beaten woman. "What services do you need? I'll do anything so long as those men can live"

"Well, we could use your services of medicinal prowess such as giving me a lesson.. Or you could satisfy my friend back there in more of a physical manner. The choice is yours" says Elise, standing up from the tray and walking inside the canvas roofed area to escape the rain.

"What sort of lesson are you after?" asks the apothecary, hanging her head down to look at the mud around her.

"Brewing, seducing, that sort of thing. Something that both my friend and I can utilise" explains Elise, returning to the tray. She holds out a hand to the apothecary as if to signal for her to finalise the deal. "I can't give away something so valuable for fifty pieces" says the apothecary as she stands from the mud. She looks to Elise's hand and remembers the other offer "Where would I.. 'satisfy' your friend?" asks the apothecary, her head hangs low to the ground as she waits for a response.

Gregory approaches the tray of the caravan, taking note of the lich that had been totally ignored by the apothecary and Elise. Elise grins and declares as loud as she can to show the shame of the apothecary "You would be pleasing my friend in the back of this caravan.. Before my eyes to make sure you lived up to your end of the deal" The apothecary holds out her hand and shakes with Elise to signify that the deal was signed by both parties and believed as fair. Gregory picks up one of the crates and jumps down with it into the mud. He offers the lich a polite nod before following the beaten apothecary to her tent.

Elise takes note of the lich and offers him a polite wave, the bag of coins in her hand. The bag's so full it looks as though it may burst at any moment. This was obviously a ridiculous trade. Two crates of herbs would have been far cheaper under any other circumstances but supply and demand means that these herbs were worthy their weight in gold. Elise engages the lich in conversation.

"I know you.. You were that weird one by the door of the workshop. If the book I got doesn't lie, you should be a lich. I'm glad I finally get to meet a real freak.. No offence"
" None taken I have been called far worse by far greater" Nasanru said revealing that he had a very low opinion of this girl she was most very willing to deal in the most base of things. " though your book must be a bit dated for I am an Arch lich not just an ordinary lich not that I expect any to know the difference" he said his voice like a frozen knife being shoved into the girls ear.

It was almost ironic that someone that done the things Nasanru had done could judge another, but he did and he had wonder just how far off from what he had guessed the real story of these two was. Still there was one thing that Nasanru could ask to try to get a good story out of the girl with her gilded tongue. Yes her tongue was silvered like any good merchant but that was but a tiny varnish to the decay below that Nasanru saw in the girl.

" You have aroused my interest more than any other in this camp, you and your friend both" Nasanru started " A merchant who gouges and deals in a flesh and an elf with death about him, both young both alone and with a caravan in dangerous lands oh yes you two are so very interesting… freakishly so you might say " Nasanru said his voice still like an icicle to the ear " I want to hear your story you must have a very interesting one." he said his tone changing from a cold hostility to a slightly more friendly tone that was almost approval.
Elise rubs her ears after the lich finishes his questions and compliments. She rubs the back of her neck giving off a small laugh as Gregory made his way back to the caravan to grab at the next crate. Elise stands on the tray in silence as Gregory approaches, waiting for him to leave as to make sure he couldn't put any holes in her story. Gregory takes the crate, smiling to the lich and Elise as he makes his way back to the tent.

"It's probably an odd story. Then again, you should be used to weird things seeing as how you yourself are a weird thing. No offence" Elise turns around on the tray and begins to stack a few of the smaller containers in the caravan before she starts. Her voice is politely cheerful yet her mood was quite the opposite. "Gregory and I met out on the road. If it weren't for him I'd probably be dead. We got attacked, my family and I, near the south border" she turns back around to face the lich just to guarantee he was listening.

"Any ways, he came in from the side of the road and saved me. We were being attacked by these big wolf things and he just dispatched of them with his blade. He went to walk off but I told him to stay and help me. He wanted to go and not cause harm but I begged him to save me. He said that I'd have to hide to make sure that nothing bad happened to me in case we were attacked again. I hid in a chest as we entered the camp until Gregory said it was safe to come out.. It's why I like that book so much too" Elise sighs as she finishes her short story, turning around and hoping that the lich doesn't see through her decently thought out lie.
Nasanru had a feeling a very good feeling that the story he was told wasn't entirely true, but well in the end it really wasn't his problem and he didn't need to go poking. Still the fact that the girl lied despite the elf not being right there showed that she was at least somewhat willing to go with whatever the boy was doing if she wasn't actually in charge.

" how sad to have your family killed before your eyes so many do not forget or forgive such things even if it was animals' Nasanru said his tone far more sympathetic. " it must be sad to have not said goodbye to them… would you like to ?" he offered truthfully he could easily conjure such shade but if the girl didn't want to he had no reason to do so.
Elise turns around to the lich, her head craned to the side. She raises a single brow before saying "Wha?" as if in disbelief that such a thing was possible. She takes a few small steps to the lich before asking for clarification "Can you.. Actually do that?"

At that moment in time, Gregory begins to make his way back from the apothecary tent. He calls out to Elise "Get the next crate with me, it's heavier than the others!"

Elise looks to the Lich with a forlorn gaze before turning back into the caravan and preparing the next crate. Gregory makes his way through the mud, water hitting his hair and dampening his clothes as he walks. Elise pushes the crate forwards to the tray where she waits only a few seconds for Gregory to get ready to carry it. She pushes it into his arms and jumps down beside him. Gregory turns and begins to awkwardly waddle towards the apothecary tent, glad that Elise has decided to follow him in case he drops the crate.

The two enter the canvas tent. Its dark blue walls give the area more of a dreary feel. It's as if this place was designed to be the final resting place of many men and women alike despite there being few people. It just feels generally dark and foreboding. The herb crates are stacked in the corner of the room where Gregory begins to waddle. The apothecary woman is busy tending to one of the dying men. He stood out in this room because he wore the colours of a western soldier. Half of his face had been torn clean off, leaving open muscle and flesh to be viewed by all. If it weren't for the apothecary, he'd have died hours ago in a god forsaken field of death and despair. Forgotten and unloved like many others who fight for their faction.

Elise utilises the distracted apothecary to inform Gregory of the offer the lich had made, "Gregory.. I have something I need to talk to you about" Gregory continues to waddle with the crate in his arms "Go on then, I'm all arms and ears"

"I was out at the caravan, yeah? And then that skeleton guy came over to me and told me something" says Elise, she quickly glances down at the ground feeling somewhat hesitant if she should tell him. "The lich beast? What'd he offer you?"

"He ahh.. He wanted to know if uhh.. If I" she begins to stammer with her words. Clearly she was starting to have second thoughts. Gregory sets down the crate beside the others that had been piled up. He wipes his forehead of rain and what might be a small bead of sweat before turning around to look at Elise "He said what exactly?"

"He wanted to know.. If.. I.. Uhh" Elise looks down to the ground. Even inside the tents the ground was still muddy dirt.

"Spit it out, Elise. What did he offer you?" asks Gregory. His eyes narrow on Elise then, he places a hand on her shoulder to try and show her that she had his utmost attention.

"He offered me a new book on creatures from the south! He said mine was outdated" Elise blurts out her reply with great speed. Slowing down near the end to try and make it seem convincing. Gregory pauses a moment, holding perfectly still with his eyes staring deep into hers. "That's it? No deals about seeing the dead or trading away your soul for powers beyond this world? No offering of powerful weaponry in exchange for your eternal loyalty?"

"Nope. Just a book. Haha, weird right?" Elise gives a small laugh with her question. She starts to think she's been caught for lying.

"Okay then, don't let him steal all our gold for it. We worked hard for that" Gregory moves his hand to her head and gives it a gentle scruff to show his support. Elise smiles politely to Gregory before running outside to the caravan.

Gregory stands in the dark blue tent alone with the injured men and the apothecary. He knows what the deal was and how he was meant to wait for Elise to be watching but surely turning in the part that was for his pleasure wasn't going to tick Elise off too much. Gregory makes his way over to the apothecary just as she's finishing tying the last few bandages around the half-faceless man's head.

Gregory places his hands around her waist, pulling her close to him so their bodies were pressed tight against one another. The apothecary lets go of the bandages immediately. Her eyes widen in shock at the audacity of Gregory though she doesn't plan to protest since she did make a deal with them to do this. Gregory slowly moves his hands up and down her waist. Her clothes making a quiet rustling sound as they rubbed against her skin.

The rest of this scene has been censored due to rules and regulations~

Gregory and the apothecary lay together under the thin sheets on one of the stretchers. Gregory's arms behind his head and the apothecary with her head on his chest. The apothecary still wore her facial attire as a sign of professionalism however it was clear she had a huge smile underneath the pale white cloth. She lay with her ear pressed against his heart, listening to the steady beat and allowing it to sooth her to sleep.

Elise on the other hand remains by the caravan, having accepted the offer of the Lich and waiting for him to get everything he needs ready. Elise just sits patiently, glad that Gregory hadn't come out of the apothecary's tent yet. She believes that if he finds out what's she's doing, he'll get angry and take it out on either her or the 'Arch-Lich'. It was best that she lies and spares them both the trouble. Right?
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Nasanru really needed little to summon forth the ghosts he desired, while normally there might be a ritual he didn't need that here as he had many things with a strong connection to those he wished to summon forth. Still Nasanru selected some very specific items to be used to call forth the ghost items that the family, he did this to bring forth as much of the dead as he could so they would be fully aware of everything and remember everything.

"There we are this should do" Nasanru said as he arranged the items " I will warn you to be kind I will not bind the spirits should they have any reason to be mad at you I suggest you tell me now"
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Roxas glanced at Halk, her ear opened to listen to the merchant and the lite girl. She also made sure she nodded to the Lich. "What a beautiful name, I like it" she said to him. Roxas turned back to Halk and smiled. "As much as I like a good romp with a man as a handsome as you, I'm assuming you think because I'm a nymph I'm wanting to take uou to bed. I'm actually exhausted, my body hasn't seen this much physical activity in some time, and I need a nap or a long rest." She paused and a smirk graced her face. "But, if afterwards you're looking for a good time, like I said, I like a handsome guy who can take care of business." She practically purred as she dropped her voice to a whisper to tell him that, getting closer to him to make sure no one could hear her.
Halk rubbed the back of his neck. "I might take you up on that actually, later of course." He said, blushing a bit. "But much, much, later. I've got things to build, weapons to enchant. First Kelvin's gauntlets, then, the merchant's crossbow so he isn't shooting himself in the foot, yea." He was talking faster now. He'd be lying if he said the nymph wasn't attractive, but he wasn't going to pair himself up with somebody without getting to know them better. And nymphs weren't exactly the type to stick with one person forever. "Anyways." Halk turned to the water trough he used for cooling metal and dipped a rag in it,wiping it at his face in a vain attempt to clear all the grime from the previos battle off. he succeded in smearing it to a dark patch on his cheek. He'd have to take a bath in the lake nearby later. He flexed his hands, still in the clawed gauntlets, and cut a piece of metal, the claws ringing out in a musical tone and turning white, before slowly reverting back to their origional state. He waved at Roxas. "I guess i'll be seeing you in the morning." It was very late, and the sun was close to setting. The other men would be back soon, and Halk had wasted enough time allready.
Elise sits on the tray of the caravan, a whirl wind of thoughts destroying her mind. She swallows hard but has not anything she wishes to confess. There's no reason for her family to hate her. After all, she is as much a victim of the caravan jacking as they were. She moves her head side to side in silence as if to tell the lich that the spirits would, if summoned, hold no grievance with her.

The rain continues to fall, starting to become heavier than before. It was apparent that a storm was rolling its way towards the encampment coming from the south. This storm seems to be a powerful one. Streaks of lightening illuminate the distant sky and quiet thunder echoes its way to the camp. Elise continues to sit there, her hands on her knees as she waits.

Gregory moves one of his hands down from behind his head and wraps it around the sleeping apothecary. He'd spent many nights without the comforting touch of a woman. He never truly realised how much he missed it until right now. Gregory lays there in this dark tent on a poorly designed stretcher, covered by a paper thin sheet that was as good at blocking out the cold as a bed of leaves. The apothecary lets out a quiet snoring sound as she rubs her face against his hairless chest. Gregory smiles down at her with a single thought running through his mind 'this is the life'.

One of the soldiers, who had been asleep on a stretcher, starts awake. He holds his right arm in the air and begins to scream aloud. This soldier has bandages coiled down his arms and what seems to be a cotton patch over one eye. His screaming wakes up the entire tent and sends one of the other injured soldiers into a state of shock. He falls out of the stretcher and onto the dirt floor in his panic.

"AAGH! AAGH!! THEY'RE EATING ME ALIVE! I CAN FEEL THEM IN BONES!!" screams one of the soldiers. His arm shakes as he continues to hold it in the air. The apothecary rushes to his side, still fully naked apart from her facial attire from the previous 'deal' that Gregory and her had made. She tries to sooth the screaming soldier but he seems too far gone to help. "Mr Merchant, help me with these men. Pick that footman from the ground and put him back on his stretcher" demands the apothecary. Gregory simply gets up from the bed and begins to help out the injured soldiers. He lifts the injured soldier from the ground and places him back on the stretcher. The soldier looks at Gregory, pausing a moment with fear in his eyes "Where are my legs?"

"They're not on you, friend. Perhaps you left them in your other pants?" responds Gregory. He tries to make light of this dark situation which only causes the soldier more distress. Which wasn't exactly helpful since the other soldier had just started to die down from his screaming fit. "You fought against the western forces valiantly and because of your sacrifice, the east was able to triumph" Gregory doesn't believe a word of what he just said but it seems to calm down the soldier.

"Am I.. Dead?" asks the soldier. His eyes widening as he looks up at Gregory as if Gregory were some sort of god.

"That depends. Do you feel like you're empty inside?" inquires Gregory. Moving a hand to the soldier's fore head to check his temperature.

"No.. It just.. It all hurts so much" replies the soldier. He was clearly running a high temperature which showed signs of a fever. In his state the fever could kill him or leave him seriously ill for a longer time that they could afford.

"Then unfortunately you're still alive. You'll get over this soon enough, just get your rest" Gregory moves his hand from the soldier's forehead and drapes his fingers over his eyelids. Encouraging him to close his eyes and get some rest.

The apothecary manages to calm down the soldier who'd started this whole ordeal. Then she turns and notices that Gregory was still fully bare. She plans not to say a word but can't help it when he turns around and faces her.

"I can still see your.. 'Member', mr Merchant" she teases. Her hands busy at work with the screaming soldier's arm bandages. It seems that the maggots she'd left in the cuts had matured sooner than she expected. This caused him to feel the flies in his skin and scream in pain and fear as the crawled their way out of him. "I can still see your chest ornaments, apothecary"

"Wha-? Ohh!" the apothecary was caught off guard, forgetting that she too was unclothed. She drops the soldier's arm and covers her breasts in the belief that she's managing to keep some level of decency. "I think it's a good look. Especially for you" says Gregory. It was obvious he was taunting her the way she'd done him.

"Take your clothes and leave at once. I need to be dressed properly" she demands. Her eyes narrowing on Gregory to show her frustration.

"Can I come back later? I think I have something on my inner thigh that need's to be kissed better" says Gregory as he picks up his clothes from the floor.

"I'd slap you if you weren't so good. Come back later and I'll make you pay me"

"I think I can afford it" says Gregory as he makes his way out of the tent. He stands outside in the rain, totally naked with his clothes in hand. He makes a beeline for the side of the caravan to allow him a semi-private area to get dressed.

"Haul in men!" Gerld's voice rang out through the gorge. The soldiers groaned and stretched from their various positions, they had taken all of their fallen comrades and buried them. Hastily of course, all out war was imminent now, and there was no time for tears. The westerners were all hauled uncerimoniously to their side of the gorge to rot, the eastern soldiers did alot of hissing and spitting on them. Gerld waved one of his shields over his head and started back to camp.

As Kelvin and the others moved back east, (easterners didn't march in rank and file, they kept themselves spread out to ward off magical attacks, as well as launch their own from all directions) He hung his head. Alot of good men died that day. And the majority were from the five rougies. Kelvin wondered why they wanted to get rid of magic. It wasn't right. They had a right to exist same as the humans, didn't tthey? Sure, they were strange, and sure the best people weren't magickind, but Kelvin felt something tug at his stomach. He leaned against a tree and puked. "You alright son?" Gerld said, pounding him on the back, "Shake it off, shake it off, better out than in." Gerld's stony features regaurded Kelvin for a moment, then were back on the horizon. "There's a lot more than your fare share of blood coming kid." Kelvin waved him off. "I know, I know, I just... I killed people. Killing's bad. But I was protecting my friends. And myself. So is the killing bad, or am I bad?" Gerld sighed and shook his head. "There is no bad. No good either. Thats something Halk taught you. There's only what makes sence, and those who understand it." Gerld continued on, and Kelvin trotted behind him with the other men, the wind blowing his dark hair about his face. Halk did teach him that. And if Halk was anything, he was the smartest fucker around. This is something Kelvin would take to heart.
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Roxas smiled at Halk. "Halk, if you need any help, recruiting I should say, or anything nature wise, I'm good there, I can grow Uou something poisonous, to tip weapons, humans don't really stand well against poison, either way I'm decent with making weapons, granted the weapons are mostly nature oriented, but a knife men taught how to put poison in knife tips, and I can craft arrow heads out of wood, or I could talk to the beasts of the south, maybe get a dragon or two to join us, cause dragons hate humans." Roxas told him, sitting down in the arm chair and curling up there.
Halk snorted. "Posion." He spat, flattening the metal into two half-inch thick sheets. "A cowards tool. If you're going to kill someone, do it right. Keep them from coming back. Like lightening bolts." Halk paused, letting go of his hammer, it staying suspended in midair. He ran his hand over the metal, whispered a few words, and purple lines snaked across the material. "Or energy spasms. Can't go wrong with energy spasms." His hammer dropped, clanging against the floor, and he heated the metal in the forge again, and when he took it out, murmered a few words and wrapped it over his forearms. He worked it up a bit over the back of his hands, and made a big knot in the palm. The rest of his hand was uncovered. He did the same with the other one. He stuck the red hot metal in the water trough (he hadn't burned himself due to magic), steam rising up anround his face, he dripped a few drops of his seemingly neverending supply of quicksilver onto the gaunlets, and they spread out to form a bit of a wave pattern, again, turning purple. He then padded the insides with leather to fit his hands. The finished product was a pair of white and purple open-fist style gauntlets. "And this is my fight. Our fight." Halk wiggled his fingers, hand held aloft at chest height, pleased with his creation. He struck the side of the workshop with his open palm, it blew outwards, splintering a hole through the wall. Halk grinned and pulled all the individual pieces of wood back to him, repairing the hole with his mind. He flexed his fist one more time, his jaw set squarishly. "And I'll be damned if we need help protecting what's ours."
What Nasanru summoned forth was not what he expected, because he had been summoning forth normal spirits with no grudges not hate they had been killed by animals and nature didn't really let spirits hate animals it seemed, instead of normal human shades the family was instead brought back a revenants their eyes were burning red coals their bodies twisted as they were when they died well mostly bits had been reattached so the revenants were whole if a bit misshapen. Nasanru had kept his word and he had not bound them to him they were free however he had known better than to just let spirits go anywhere so they were confined into a small circle that burned them every time they tried to cross the invisible boundary.

" My my I didn't know wolves used weapons and made such tortured spirits" he said not letting the girl talk before he went on " You see these are not ghosts or spirits it seems your family became revenants they are tortured spirits that will always seek the one who killed them forever suffering the pain they felt at death"" he said as one of them screamed in rage " so tell me again how did you two come to run this caravan?" Nasanru said more than asked.

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