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Fantasy Classic Fantasy: Gathered Misfits

The siren shrugged and sat on the floor. "I am Silver." She simply said, and smiled. The warmth of the fire was comforting and her feathers puffed up, like a comfortable bird would do. "Nice to meet you."
Halk held out his hands, arms outstretched, one elbow bent to make one hand behind the other. He wiggled his fingers. "Marvelous, that's a nice name. It's nice to meet you too silver. And then the assassin." Halk turned to the figure. She had some pretty nice armor, though he suspected none of it was enchanted. It didn't mix with the powerful musky smell of his workshop. It occured to him that this was one of the more hardcore 'silent but deadly' killers. "Come now, being quiet may intimidate others, but I'd like to hear your voice. The mysterious ones don't get any extra points from me than the heavy grunts, don't be shy. I can tell by your hood that you're an elf, your ears are making small indentations, so you don't need to tell us that much." Halk rolled his hand in a 'get on with it' gesture, the other resting on his knee.
She narrowed her eyes at the male from under her hood. This enchanter was quite the pain. Deciding that she didn't really have much of a choice—and that it might stop him from bothering her about it—she gave in. She cleared her throat; it had been a while since she actually spoke aloud. "Roxii." Her voice was smooth but quiet, not really comfortable with her own voice. When Roxii says she hardly ever uses it, she means it.
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Gregory had stolen a caravan two days prior to the events in the workshop and was now arriving in the encampment of military officials with the former items that the caravan held. To make sure he wasn't detained for smuggling or general abuse of women in sexual manners, he'd crammed the small girl into one of the empty crates and locked it only an hour before entering the camp grounds. The girl has tired herself out which means she's less likely to try and make a racket to draw attention. The rest of the crates and barrels were filled with precious goods like exotic items for enchanting, strange roots for brewing herbal remedies and finely crafted weaponry ranging from long bows to pole arms.

Gregory's caravan makes loud clacking sounds as it bumps into camp. The horses slowing their trot to a very steady walk. He stands from his seat and waves to what he believes are guardsmen. They approach the caravan and begin fairly standard chit chat that most traveling merchants/caravans would partake in. "G'day, pointy. What brings you here?" asks one of the guardsmen, standing on his tip toes to try and peer into any gaps that the canvas roofing/walls may have had.

"Ahh, I bring fine items for sale and.. for those more lonely.. a healthy supply of ale" replies Gregory. His lips contort into a heart warming smile as if to show he was a man of good intentions. One of the guardsmen, a large, dark skinned man, waves the caravan in "You better be here to trade and not pass through. Been too long since I've gotten my hands on some proper ale"

Gregory rides a little more central into the encampment before disembarking the caravan and pulling down the back tray section. The wooden boards swing down and protrude out by a foot or so. This is where Gregory stands before calling out "Attention everyone! I bring items for sale!" in hopes that someone would come and take a whole heap of this 'junk' off his hands.
"This is perfect. ALLRIGHTY!" Halk stood up quickly, swinging his arms back and forth, bumping his fists together in front of him and behind him. "Silver, if you would like someplace to stay the night, there is a tent, fifth row in, last one on the right. It's mine, and it's empty, i never use it. I usually just sleep here." He spread his arms around the forge, his chair that he was sitting in had indeed seen better days, but was extremely comfortable from constant use. "I assume Roxii isn't going to just walk away and let me live, so how about I propose a deal?" Halk straightened his jacket about himself. "You don't have the best gear. If you can't kill me, you most certainly can't kill someone more dangerous, even with the element of surprise. Resulting in your death. So." Halk snapped his fingers and pointed at the shadowy acquaintance. "How about I hire you as a... Counter assassin? Is that the word for it? Hm. Anyways, you lurk around behind me, take out any more fortune seekers, I assume there will be more, and I pay you in enchantments, for your weapons, for your armor, etcetera. Custom too, if you want. That should more than compensate you for your... Failed job, and help you with future marks. Good good?" Halk stuck out his hand to Roxii.
Silver nodded and waddled over to his tent. She peeked her head in and investigated around it, unsure about how things worked.
Over the course of the next forty-eight hours Gregory will be working as a merchant. The longer time that is left between buying products from him means that he has to raise the prices in order to balance the supply and demand of things. During this first night in the camp he seems to sell the odd ale here and there. Perhaps due to the time he arrived at or because the area was teeming with guardsmen, he wasn't quite sure.

He offers polite talk through most of the night, stopping every now and then for a quick rest. He does however go missing for about an hour with the crate that held the little girl. It's unknown what he was doing with the small child but it is safe to assume it was purely for the facts she needed to eat, drink and go to the bathroom. Once that was all done with he returns back to his caravan to continue sales assuming that anyone ever comes along.
Roxii gazed at his outstretched hand for a moment, considering his offer. He surely knew how to get her thinking, which made him quite special. No one ever got her to listen to them for more than three minutes; this was a new record. Like she had predicted earlier, he would prove to be useful. Payments in armor and weaponry—enchanted at that—would surely be much more useful to her than some pieces of coin. And with his skill, she could perhaps learn a thing or two.

Unfortunately, she felt insecure because Roxii felt he saw her as a failure now. She never failed. One way or another, she succeeded each job she was given, no matter how long it took. Now, she was actually considering altering her goal? It was almost unheard of. If she set a goal for herself, she was determined to reach that specific goal, no matter how difficult, time-consuming, or demanding it proved to be.

She wasn't a failure.

She just wasn't.

Weighing these advantages and disadvantages of his offer, she finally reached a decision. She hesitated after her mind was made up, but reached out and grabbed his hand with a strength not expected from such a small female elf. "Fine."
Halk gripped well too, his hands were callused under his knuckles and on the underside of his thumb from his work. But the elf's strength was remarkable. "I'll look forwards to working with you friend." He dropped his hand, then rubbed the back of his neck. "I'd offer you a place to sleep as well, but you don't seem to be the kind that rests when the moon is up. Can I trust you will be here tomorrow? Ah, well, I'll just take anything as a yes." Halk knew he held all the cards, but that wasn't something he was necessarily happy with. He liked to give people as much freedom as he had, he didn't want any harsh feelings. He saw that she had two daggers. "Lovely craftsmanship there, ebony, am I correct? I could work on those first if you want." He went to his workbench and opened a book that lay upon it. He knew he was being EXTREMELY trusting with his back to the assassin, but he believed people gave only as much trust as they recieved. The book was all handwritten, glyphs and runes scrawled here and there, writing helter-skelter across all the pages. There were no blank pages at all, if one looked close enough they would see that the book's pages flickered from one text to another, lines wiggling like insects across the page. "AH! here. I think you may favor a fire and ice combination? Oh, or maybe an armor dissasembling one. It has to be tedious finding the chinks all the time..." He waved a hand dismissively. "I'm getting too far ahead of myself." he handed Roxii the book. "Just flip to the page you want me to work on and I'll get started."
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Roxii was surprised by the amount of trust he put in her by turning his back to her so easily. But Roxii wasn't one to break promises or deals, especially when sealed by some form of contract—in this case, a handshake. She stood still and watched Halk with curiosity as he skimmed through some book, flitting through the pages with ease. Listening to his rambling, she hardly knew what he was talking about. She understood enchanting—what it was, how some of it worked, some enchantments—, but it wasn't something she was skilled at.

As he handed her the book, she gazed at it with slight embarrassment. This male was so much more knowledgeable than her, especially in this field. When he stopped his rambling, she spoke softly, "I am not skilled in the art of enchantments, much less what all of these...nonsense symbols and words mean." She tenderly closed the book, averting her gaze back up at the enchanter.
Silver crawled out of the tent, and shook her feathers. It was a tight space, and she may as well just sleep in the outside trees. She walked over to the two and saw the Halk working. She sat on the ground next to the fire, and sighed.
Halk smiled and shook his head. "Oh well," he yawned. He was extremely tired. "Enough excitement for one night." Halk walked back over to his chair in the corner and plopped down. "I plan to grab some sleep before the sun is up. You two take these." He pulled two amulets out of his pocket and tossed one to each of them. "If you run into someone before daytime, just show them these, that's my symbol. They'll let you go about your buisness." With that, Halk rested his head on one of his shoulders and dozed off.

The gears in his head were turning, even in his sleep. Two new people in one day, that was marvelous. And he could make a dirty joke about having two girls in his forge at night, but he decided not to, he wasn't that kind of person. Overall, he was excited for what the next day would bring.
Roxii inspected the amulet, noting its intricate designs. The symbol of Halk Liserite. How interesting. Nodding her head once in acknowledgement, she pocketed the amulet and made her leave, disappearing into the darkness like the shadow she is. She'd return tomorrow, like she had promised. Like she mentioned before, she never broke a deal.


When she arrived to her hideout, she checked her "mailbox"—really, it was just a ditch in the ground hidden by a large rock and some leaves and twigs for camouflage—and noticed that there was a note and a small coin purse. She quickly scanned through the note; it was another contract. She checked the coin purse to make sure that the payment was in there. Since it was a small job, it would be a small amount of coinage. After she made sure all of it was accounted for, she made note of the target and sighed. Back to work.

There really is no rest for the wicked, is there?
Silver catches the amulet, and was about to say something to him, but he dozed off as fast as a snap of a finger. She bit her lip and put the chain over her head, bearing the amulet around her neck. She ran outside the forge and jumped into one of the trees. She laid down on one of the large branches and closed her eyes. Today she made a new friend. She wasn't sure of what to think of the assassin, but if she proved herself worthy and safe, she'd consider her a friend as well. She let out a breathe of exhaustion and fell asleep.
Halk was awoken by the clang of the metal of swords on sheilds, soldiers grunting, and some sparks of magic. He knew that sound anywhere, and he didn't like it. They were preparing for battle. Kelvin, the man who had given Halk dinner yesterday, stopped by and stuck his head into the workshop. "Sir, wake up, we have five rougeies and about fifty metal heads inbound! They'll be here in an hour!" 'Rougies' was the term for magicians that were willing to forsake the arts of magic and had joined the west, metal heads was just the name they had come up with for those of non-magical affiliation wearing armor. Halk cracked his knuckles and stood up. The only other person superior to him in this encampment now was a man named Gerld. Gerld was a burly battle mage who favored two sheilds that had blades affixed to the sides, made and enchanted by Halk himself. "Understood Kelvin, please keep yourself out of harm. That's an order."

Halk delivered this command with the same levelheadedness he had last night while talking to Roxii, and it terrified him. But at the same time, blood began to roar in his ears as his pulse quickened with excitement. He wasn't a fighter. He never would be. But this was his homeland, and he'd be damned if some uncultured human was to stake claim here. He pulled on his clawed gauntlets, flexing his weathered fingers. He popped the collar on his jacket and strolled outside his forge. He noted Silver sitting in a tree. "Silver dearest," He called, "I'd move away from here if I were you." He also noted a merchant selling from his cart nearby, who had been since last night. He decided he'd stop and buy some materials to craft with after the battle. The merchant would remain no matter who was victorious, only highwaymen killed merchants. In halk's mind, they were the lowest of the low. With that, he moved to the center of the encampment where Gerld was standing, encircled by the other soldiers.

The men were talking quietly amoungst themselves, but Gerld had a plan. He hushed them and explained they would be moving forwards to the gorge, a natural trench border between the north and east with lots of tree cover, the area was moderately wooded. From there they'd keep the enemy from advancing over the gorge, so the ranged magicians would have the upper hand.
Silver awoke to swords clashing, and people yelling. She shook her head, which caused small feathers from her head to fall slowly down. She batted her eyes to clear all the fogginess away then saw the note Halk had left her. She picked it up and read it. She tilted her head in confusion, not sure why he'd say this. It must have been because of these soldiers. She was very much aware about the war, but never was really involved. She climbed higher into the tree and watched as they trained, and forged. It was interesting to see how the humans worked.
Nasanru had traveled though the night and added a few nighttime creatures to his little horde of minions. he no longer lived so things such as traveling all night no longer affected him, and sleep was one of the things he didn't miss about being human though he did miss a few pleasures of the flesh that had been lost to him. Well he could live his undeath without such base desires he was beyond them now, and it wasn't like her couldn't partake in most pleasures like good food and drink.

When Nasanru reached the top of a very tall hill, he looked down and saw a camp in the distance and even further in the distance what looked like an army on the march. Mortals never changed there was always some war being fought for the most petty reasons, and wars were a lot of fun. Nasanru had been part of many wars, though his contributions went largely un recorded but he remembered them and the fun he had siegeing castles and leading charges. Still he would need to find out which side to help, though he was strongly likening the camp as they seemed to employ magic in many things and Nasanru liked magic.
Roxii had operated through the night, locating her target, playing the waiting game, and taking the shot to end his life swiftly. However, she decided to use the "new" arrow that Halk had renovated for her, startled by the results. Upon contact with the target, the arrow exploded, startling her slightly. She was impressed by Halk's work; it was surely something she wasn't skilled at. However, the noise drew much more attention than she desired, so she escaped and disappeared quicker than she ever had before.

Just like she promised, she returned to the enchanter's workshop. It didn't take her long to hear the familiar noise of battle and preparation for such an event. Deciding to stay out of it as much as she could, she whispered, "Invisibilium," and drew power from the stone she used to store her magic, becoming invisible. She snuck around the outskirts of the area, arriving behind Halk's workshop and, ending the invisibility, stood at the entrance of his workshop.
Halk listened to what Gerld had to say, then got an idea. He went back to his shop and found Roxii standing there. His face brightened. "Ah. Good to have you by my side friend. Did you try my arrow? Ah, no matter. I thought of an enchantment that would greatly improve your arrows, but not now, not now." Halk said, rummaging through one of his drawres. "You see, we appear to be under an impending threat right now, I told Silver to stay away for a bit..." He pulled out a type of net, droplets of magic clung in crystalized tears to it. "You might want to as well, it wouldn't do for one of the people I don't have a problem with at the moment to be impaled." He waved at a nearby soldier and tossed him the net. The soldier looked at it like he'd just been handed a live stick of TNT. "Oh, hush now, fill it. Only what comes out of it is dangerous." The soldier nodded and gave a "Yes sir," before heading off to do Halk's bidding. By this time Gerld had called for the men to move out. Halk clapped Roxii on the shoulder as he followed the group. "Take care of yourself now, I'll be back. Probably."

Some of the scouts across the northern border had already engaged in the fighting. One of the 'Rougies' had already killed three of the magical swine. He was looking forwards to the upcoming bloodshed, magic was a horrible thing in his mind, and he wanted to be rid of it as soon as possible. After the war though, the west needed his skills. They were just beginning to come across the stretch of land known as 'The Gorge,' a place where he would be able to pick the east's soldiers off relatively easily. He looked behind him at his fellow comrades. Time to bash some skulls.
Roxas grunted as she ran, her feet barely making a sound on the forest floor, sweat slipped down her spine. Actually, sweat dripped down everywhere, she was literally covered in sweat. Running did that to someone, a lot of running did that to someone. Even being magical didn't help her much. Not that being a Nymph was much help when it came to escaping the West's men. "Boy, I would kill for some help at the moment." She gasped out, trying to keep up her pace. She was jumping in and out of trees as she ran, appearing a few more feet ahead as she darted in and out of the woods. She looked around, where was she? She was definitely close to the east's border. The border towards the North, and these men were hot on her heels. "Damn, you think they'd let me go, as pretty as i am." Roxas spoke to herself. Although she knew that wasn't the case. The westerners weren't fond of magic folk, and wanted us all dead, which didn't suit her well. Nor any of the other magic folk. If she had been smart and stayed in the south like she usually did that day, none of this would be happening. But here she was, running for her life. Her golden dagger slapped her thigh every so often and the holster which usually hung loosely, was tight against her thigh and causing a bit of a rash. So maybe sowing my dresses mid thigh wasn't a good idea. Coming upon the border she realized she heard fighting and bursting out of the last bushes she saw open ground and her left eye twitched once.

"Not good, not good." Her hair was in a crave around her, seeing as the leather tie she had it held back with was lost along the way, she her sweat drenched dress clung to her, not that she looked appetizing, she looked like a mess and barefoot with only a dagger to arm her with, she felt a little discouraged about what she could do to help herself. She started looking around for something she could grow, that could help her, Or someone who could.

(sorry its small!)
Gregory sits on the tray of his caravan with alert eyes as soldiers train against both each other and targets. He slowly stands up and makes his way over to his locked crate. He gently taps the lid of the container, waiting to hear a response. It didn't take long before he heard very faint tapping in reply. He makes sure to survey his surroundings before opening the container with ginger hands. As the crate quietly creaked open, small hands burst out from the wooden confines in an attempt to grasp their freedom.

The small girl that had been locked away begins to gasp for air as if she'd been suffocating inside the container. Gregory smiles warmly to her as he finishes opening the lid the rest of the way. She looks up at him with hatred burning in her eyes yet gratitude spilling out of them down her cheeks. Gregory moves his hands off the container lid and begins to pet her forehead. She turns her head away from him as if to protest yet she keeps her hands on the edge of the container.

Gregory lets out a quiet sigh, totally inaudible due to the loud training going on around his caravan. He speaks to her in a soft tone that was loud enough to be heard by her clearly, "Elise.. Please, I'm sorry"

"If you were sorry you wouldn't have killed my family" replies Elise with great speed, her words being spat forth with much venom behind them.

"I didn't mean.. I'm just sorry, okay? I haven't spent much time around people for the past few years or so"

"I won't ever forgive you. I hate you. Do you hear me? I hate you!" she screams, still facing away from him.

"I'll just.. I wanted to share something with you but I guess you don't want to talk so I'll leave you alone" says Gregory. His eyes fall to the floor and his heart takes a small beating from her words. Even though he had no feelings towards the girl before the kidnapping he'd started to simply enjoy her company. He wanted her to see him as a friend and not an enemy.

Gregory goes to the tray of the caravan once more, resting himself down and taking in the view of the soldiers. He feels downed and even more alone than he did in exile. It's odd how having the beasts to talk to kept him feeling like he had more friends than having another person to talk to. He continues to look out at the training soldiers as he hears quiet foot steps approach from behind him. He goes to turn around but feels a gentle hand on his shoulder and stops mid turn, looking forward again.

"What did you want to show me?" asks Elise as she slowly sits down beside Gregory. She still has a look of hate on her face but it seemed as if she was able to look past her personal feelings in hopes of reaping a benefit. Gregory reaches into a pocket on his clothing, his fingers wiggling around inside as he goes to grab something he'd recently gotten from a trade. He slowly pulls out a long, silver chain from the afore mentioned pocket. The chain stretched out for quite a distance before revealing a large pendent on the end of it. The pendent was about the size of Elise's palm and was engraved with many different characters in a language that she wasn't fluent in or capable of understanding.

"What does this mean?" she asks, reaching out to take the necklace from Gregory's hands.

"It says something about never being alone if you've got someone to think of" replies Gregory, handing over the necklace to her.

"Ohh. Can I keep it?" she asks yet another question as her hands begin to fiddle with the lock on the chain. She undoes it and goes to put it around her neck.

"I got it for you. So of course you can" says Gregory as he stands from the tray of the caravan. He starts to head over to one of the crates before informing her "You can sleep out of the chest tonight. If you want to that is"

"O-okay. Thank you?" Elise replies with a questionable tone. She seems dubious of his intents. She continues to sit on the end of the caravan watching the soldiers train. She glances over her shoulder and spies that Gregory has fallen asleep. She starts thinking about if she should try and run away or if it'd be best to stay where she knows it's mostly safe. After what felt like an eternity she decides to stay where it's safe. She crawls up into the foetal position near Gregory and begins to rest away the night. Any trades for the rest of that night would be taken by Elise as she continues to wake up throughout the night from terrors and horrid relapses of the final moments of her younger brother.
Halk and his legion were moving.

"Double time, cmon, move, move!" Gerld shouted. They could hear the blasts of magic and the cries of the dying from here now, they were nearing the gorge. Gerld himself was leading, it was what gained Halk's respect. He always liked Gerld, he was a hard man, but a rational one. Halk's heart was beating out of his chest, but he was still calm as ever. A fireball shot past him, and he coolly tilted his shoulders and leaned out of the way, the powerful magic hissing as it passed. It struck the man behind him, throwing him back a few feet and setting him on fire. Halk gritted his teeth. There was heavy magic casualties on both sides, even though the trees were perfect cover. One was blown apart beside him by a burst of energy, and Halk's eyes shimmered as splinters filled the air.

They were early. The gorge was a relatively flat area, save for the giant five foot tall ditch seperating the north and east. Most of the men climbed into and out of it, but Halk lept straight over, his jacket wreathing his skinny but muscular form. He ghosted over and landed gracefully, but the west's forces were fast aproaching. The rouge mages were spread apart and in the back, raining hellfire from their slightly raised positions. Halk glimpsed a nymph or a wood sprite running towards them. He shook his head in pity. Humans really didn't give a shit, did they?

The two forces clashed together in places, the large trees stopped a head on frontal mass assault. Gerld was favoring his technique of bashing forwards with his sheilds. Halk didn't glimpse Kelvin, but he had hoped he was allright. One of the rouge mages shot a bolt of lightening at Halk. There was plenty of space to dodge to the side, but Halk had something else in mind. He reached up with his left hand, the runes on his jacket sleeves and around his back shimmering as the lightening worked its way around his back to his other hand. He held it aloft, the orb of blue plasma crackling in his hand for a moment, then with a flick of his wrist he sent it back towards the caster. Boom. Headshot.

A human had taken this opportunity to close the distance gap between himself and the enchanter, swinging at him with his sword. The sword connected with Halk's jacket, but bursted into water when it touched him. Halk shook his head, that was one of the enchantments he was most proud of, and it had finally been put to use. The man dropped his swords worthless hilt and bashed at Halk with his shield. Halk caught the shield, but the man jerked him forwards with a quick tug, bashing Halk's head against the hard maple wood, opening a large gash just above his eye. A trickle of blood ran down the side of his face. Halk let go and stumbled backwards, and the burly man threw a punch at him. Halk moved to the left just a few inches and grabbed the mans arm, twisting it and dropping an elbow at the base of the man's spine. The human bellowed in pain, then stopped abruptly as Halk jumped on his back, arms locked around his neck in a chokehold. The man stopped struggling and Halk dropped him to the ground when he was sure the human was dead, and looked up at the four remaining rougies in the distance. He wiped the blood away from his eye with the back of his hand. 'So this is war,' halk thought, 'I seem to be well suited for it.'
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Silver got bored easily and fast. She waited for everyone to leave and jumped into the forge. She looked around in awe at all the weapons he made. She looked at her staff and one of the enchanting books. She wondered if maybe her staff could be used for magic...
Roxii watched as Halk left his workshop, leaving Roxii with an "I'll be back", meaning she was expected to stay here and out of it. Now, that's no fun. Once he was out of sight, she left the workshop and began heading towards the gorge, staying in the shadows and out of sight of anyone who might be near. In a way, she felt as though she owed Halk in some way. The bounty of 10,000 gold coins hanging over his head was as tempting as it could get, but to have an accomplice who could enhance her weaponry, armor, skills, and perhaps even knowledge to advance her further in her career? That, in her opinion, was much more valuable than a few thousand coins. So, in return, she would keep an eye on him and keep her end of the deal: watch him back and make sure no one kills him.

As she approached the landmark, the resonating sounds of metals on metals, shields bashing in skulls, screaming and howling, and magic crackling through the air become more prominent. The battle, just from the raucous noise, was one that most should stay clear of. People were, no doubt, being slayed and cut down like worthless towers, bodies falling on both sides. To her surprise, Roxii hoped that Halk hadn't gotten himself killed or brutally injured. He didn't seem like the one to charge into hand-to-hand combat—or hand-to-sword or -battleaxe or any weapon, for that matter. If he wasn't among the dead already, she'd maintain her end of the contract.

Although there were fewer trees in this area, they were much larger and allowed more shaded coverage. Unfortunately, since the trees were so large, the shadows weren't as effective as she had hoped. The shadows were dim and hardly usable, and the distance between each tree trunk was too large for her liking. Either way, she'd have to make do. Trying to best to stay out of sight, she made her way to where most of the East's warriors were and found a vantage point over the whole scene. She scanned the entire area, searching for the enchanter's unusual jacket. A lightning bolt caught her attention, and she expected it to incinerate or ignite someone, but it was quickly absorbed. She noticed that the target of the lightning bolt was Halk, and that he had indeed "caught" the bolt, and the shot it back at its caster. Impressive.

Knowing that Halk could take care of himself—for the most part—, she decided that she'd give some background help to the East's forces. Calling on her power stone, she turned invisible, disappearing from everyone's vision—no matter if they were magical or not—and quickly made her way to the outskirts of the opposing forces' side of the battlefield. She ran up behind a soldier, allowing the stone a moment to begin to recharge as she grabbed ahold of the man's head and neck, twisting abruptly before he could figure out what was going on. His neck snapped loudly, and his body went limp as she let go and let his body crumple to the ground. Not wasting any time, Roxii went invisible again and moved on to the next enemy. Becoming visible again, she kicked the back of his knee in, his leg buckling underneath him as she unsheathed one of her daggers and stabbed it in the base of his neck.

Invisible. Approach a target. Visible again. Kill effortlessly. This process continued on for quite a while as Roxii tried new techniques and tried to mix up her style—one dagger, both daggers, breaking the neck, pinching nerve bundles, choke-outs—trying anything and everything to have fun with her job.
the fighting got more intense, and halk ducked behind a tree, sitting down to catch his breath. Gerld ran towards him, ducking a few magic attacks and smacking someone upside the head (none too gently, the man's eyes rolled into the back of his head) with one of his sheilds before ssliding in next to Halk. "Bud, we've got a problem here." He had to speak louder than normal to be heard over the sound of metal ringing out. "The magicians are doing us no favors, we don't have any cover." Almost on que, a chunk of the tree they were hiding behind was smashed in by an orb of green energy. "We need to retreat. Is back to the gorge a good idea?" Halk thought for a bit. Another one of the east's soldiers was killed, a sword plunged through his chest, coughing blood. "It would put us at a huge disadvantage towards ranged attacks, but I don't see another choice. Have most of the men be in the woods behind the gorge, put just enough to hold the line in the gorge to stop them from crossing." Gerld nodded. "Fall back!" He bellowed, and the soldiers did just that. Halk had to literally pull Gerld away from the fight to retreat. As halk turned away, something familiar caught his eye. Roxii had just removed one of the western soldiers souls. Then she was gone again. Halk smiled, she was using invisibility magic. Halk knew an enchantment for that.

To stop alot of the men from being stabbed or shot in the back, Halk made a distraction. He stepped out into the open and cracked his knuckles. He stood with his legs apart, bracing himself. He had taken out the lightening rouge, but the fire rouge and the one who was shooting green orbs of energy were still alive. So was the one who appeared to have the ability of telekinesis, he was in the process of bashing a man against a tree, standing in a circle of purple light. The fourth one seemed to be dead.

Halk waited until he had the attention of the green mage, then held out his hands in the clawed gauntlets the way he had wiggled his fingers at Silver the previous night, almost beckoning. The mage shot a green sphere at him, but something that had so much force behind it moved remarably slow. Halk plunged both hands into the sphere just before it hit his chest, his jacket giving off a pulsating green aura. Halk slowly moved his hands through the air to keep the magic active, leaves swirling about his legs. He then slammed his hands, palm first, to the ground. Now, magic doesn't like being between a rock and a hard place (Halk's hands), and when it is, it reacts violently. There was a bright flash, followed by a large rippling wave of light. Harmless to everyone, but it caused enough wind to blow over the western soldiers closest to him. The wind also picked up almost all of the dead leaves on the forest floor (there was quite a myriad of these), serving their intended purpose of interupting the rouge mages line of sight. Halk windmilled his hands to regain his balance, then ran back behind the gorge, jumping over like he did before.

Kelvin clapped him on the shoulder. "That was damn smart sir," He marveled, "Now they can't see us until it's too late!" Halk nodded, breathing hard. His jacket was what directed most of the magic, but Halk had touched the green light briefly when he let it out. That took some energy out of him. "Don't thank me yet," Halk panted, "We're still in for hell on earth."


He looked around for the Nymph he spotted earlier and finding her running past, Halk shot out his hand and grabbed her by the arm. "Listen to me for a minute." Halk said, "There's a camp, just southeast of here. Run there, if we win, you'll be safe." Halks face was set in a grim line. Although he might not look it, he was, for the first time in a long time, not 100% sure of himself. Even now, the westerners were practically throwing themselves into the gorge, some even leaping over it. The men in the gorge were being slaughtered, and it was all Gerld could do to keep them somewhat safe. Their sheer weight of numbers would beat them back shortly, but halk had no intention of dying today. He turned his attention away from the Nymph and rolled his shoulders.

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