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Fantasy Claire: The last Dragon Morpher OOC

If that is the case how does the element aspect work?

There is a type of beetle that can produce fire from its abdomen. Also, vipers and snakes have fangs that can inject and dispense poisons. Like those animals dragons have natural chemicals in their bodies that fuse together and create elements that can be shot at powerful speeds, creating the illusions of fire breathing and/or other various abilities.
And done. Just tell me if I need to change anything! I wasn't sure how far I can push the dragon's age or his power relative to the others in the group.
Just so everyone knows, all dragon shifters and dragon morphs have naturally colored nails slit eyes and sharp teeth.
Resting Witch Face Resting Witch Face ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

I think I have to address how both of your characters are 90 pounds. That is severely low weight and is actually considered unhealthy for a person to actually live. If your characters are skinny I'd recommend 105 lbs for Skymerillion and 130 lbs for Tempesta.
Can I get an in-depth description of how the dragon slaying armor and weaponry work?
First off, I wouldn't call the weapons dragon-slaying weaponry. Because in the real world it's not like you call machinery for war nation-slaying equipment or human-slaying equipment. Remember the dragons and humans have to share a society. Humans and dragons are legal equals to each other, have the same rights, and the same laws apply to both species. So I wouldn't call it dragon-slaying equipment, cause that would just make the weapons banned; illegal for humans to use. We'll call them Dragon Gem weapons, a tool humans can use against a dragon if it happens to attack cause in all honesty what kind of human can fend off an enraged 30-foot dragon.

The weapons are made of a gem called a Dragon Gem. The blades cut from them are a little less sturdy than diamonds, and can only be used by humans. If someone with even the tiniest bit of dragons blood we're to simply wield one, it would cause their physical body harsh consequences. If there are no seen effects, the problems most likely toll develop into future generations.

The armors are new and secret. Only accessible to the royal guards of human ruled kingdoms and are exclusively used by musketeers and royal armies only. They're plated with studs of the orange Dragon Gems and absorb elements until the gem turns black and falls off.
How about the architecture? Medieval-like? And I imagine there are areas where dragons can pass through so they have to make plazas and roads wide enough to accommodate larger dragons?
Also, if anyone wants to discuss character relations, feel free to pm or @ me! In my opinion I think the more that relationships between the characters are discussed, the deeper the story will go. Plus it's fun, so y not.

Mhmmmmz, I wonder which ancestor of Claire, Ruby could be. Maybe like her great, great, great, great.....great cousin lol. Or something.
How about the architecture? Medieval-like? And I imagine there are areas where dragons can pass through so they have to make plazas and roads wide enough to accommodate larger dragons?
Well normally a larger dragon like 40+ feet in height, would have the things they want to buy brought to them, or they would have merchants come to sell them things. If a traveling merchant we're to see a giant dragon cave, they'd seek permission for entry and show them the inventory.

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Also, if anyone wants to discuss character relations, feel free to pm or @ me! In my opinion I think the more that relationships between the characters are discussed, the deeper the story will go. Plus it's fun, so y not.

Mhmmmmz, I wonder which ancestor of Claire, Ruby could be. Maybe like her great, great, great, great.....great cousin lol. Or something.
Could be :lenny:
Al-Nahkiir out here just living his best life at 20 ft lmao

But yeah if yall want to know Al, he's very much friendly and gets around
Mhmm, bet.

Honestly, among the dragons, I think Ruby would be known to make many angry, as she’d swipe something in a second if it looks pretty. Then also known to be a human lover. So it kinda brings her in the middle.
I think she’ll like Al though. Y’know since he’s old(compared to her) I feel like there’d be times she’d go find him just to mess with him. That’s if he doesn’t wish to burn her to ash lol.
Mhmm, bet.

Honestly, among the dragons, I think Ruby would be known to make many angry, as she’d swipe something in a second if it looks pretty. Then also known to be a human lover. So it kinda brings her in the middle.
I think she’ll like Al though. Y’know since he’s old(compared to her) I feel like there’d be times she’d go find him just to mess with him. That’s if he doesn’t wish to burn her to ash lol.

Lmao nahh he'll find it amusing, if anything. Like, she's a dragonling in his eyes and likely just lets her mess around the territory as long as she doesnt harm anyone
Lmao nahh he'll find it amusing, if anything. Like, she's a dragonling in his eyes and likely just lets her mess around the territory as long as she doesnt harm anyone
I gotchu. I can see that. Then the only time she wants to leave him alone is when he starts telling a story about how he got his century and half old pocket watch for the 15th time.
Her and her little 12 foot height compared to his XD

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