Chimney Swift
i am confusion
- Group
Welcome to the Character Sheet Submission thread for Cities Never Sleep.
You're welcome to use any sort of coding format you like, if that's your thing! But make sure you include the following at the very least:
Age/DOB (14 minimum)
Occupation (Including school grade if applicable)
Personality (Likes/Dislikes, etc.)
Biography (At least 2 paragraphs)
This is not first come first serve and not everyone who submits a character is guaranteed acceptance. Characters will be judged on creativity, writing quality, and appropriateness to the setting. If your character isn't accepted, you're always welcome to make edits and try again.
You're welcome to use any sort of coding format you like, if that's your thing! But make sure you include the following at the very least:
Age/DOB (14 minimum)
Occupation (Including school grade if applicable)
Personality (Likes/Dislikes, etc.)
Biography (At least 2 paragraphs)
This is not first come first serve and not everyone who submits a character is guaranteed acceptance. Characters will be judged on creativity, writing quality, and appropriateness to the setting. If your character isn't accepted, you're always welcome to make edits and try again.