• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Cities Never Sleep: Character Sheets


Chimney Swift

i am confusion
Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. Group
My Interest Check
Welcome to the Character Sheet Submission thread for Cities Never Sleep.

You're welcome to use any sort of coding format you like, if that's your thing! But make sure you include the following at the very least:

Age/DOB (14 minimum)
Occupation (Including school grade if applicable)
Personality (Likes/Dislikes, etc.)
Biography (At least 2 paragraphs)

This is not first come first serve and not everyone who submits a character is guaranteed acceptance. Characters will be judged on creativity, writing quality, and appropriateness to the setting. If your character isn't accepted, you're always welcome to make edits and try again.

  • filler




    • ashley.

      break my heart

      song name

      artist name

      character name

      Ashley Elizabeth Park


      Ash, Dodo


      14(October 9)



    ♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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  • 1UJ-qqPu-ufA9fMrkWqnVZ3NiqJ2-fquFlpuiEHdFTZ2n1lTXuFUE4B94EvEMlJ2c16mznybZ0L4cKYYPHR3Rq_l_qlLv9x2cGvJFvxDwCClTlpmm8bLc77UgyD7Kj1nH9reTBLN0Y7hDOKqwwE

    ★ ! ⌗ FULL NAME : charlotte yanina vodianova

    ★ ! ⌗ NICKNAMES : charlie

    ★ ! ⌗ AGE : 14 (student)

    ★ ! ⌗ GENDER : cis female

    ★ ! ⌗ PRONOUNS : she/her

    ★ ! ⌗ SEXUALITY : bisexual

    ★ ! ⌗ NATIONALITY : russian american

    ★ ! ⌗ ETHNICITY : russian, german, american


    𔘓 -⠀᪤ APPEARANCE : - ★

    ★ ! ⌗ HEIGHT : 5’5

    ★ ! ⌗ PHYSIQUE : thin, boyish, lanky

    ★ ! ⌗ EYE COLOR : blue w/ specks of hazel

    ★ ! ⌗ HAIR COLOR : naturally light brown almost blonde

    ★ ! ⌗ HAIR STYLES : usually down plastered over her face

    ★ ! ⌗ OTHER FEATURES : dirty blonde eyelashes she hates, as she feels they drown out her face. a knick on her left ear–a bad haircut her older brother gave her as kids.

    ★ ! ⌗ BODY MODIFICATIONS : pierced earlobes for now.

    ★ ! ⌗ WARDROBE STYLE : awkward boyish style as she’s not very knowledgable in fashion. big hoodies & jackets. baggy jeans–sometimes cargo pants. scuffed black or blue converse–the only shoes she has as of now. button-up short-sleeves with vests over & very rarely her one pleated skirt to match ( most of her clothes are hand-me-downs from her brother). big t-shirts & knee socks.


    𔘓 -⠀᪤ PERSONALITY : - 𖥦 ★

    ★ ! ⌗ HISTORY :
    *see drew’s history prior* her perception of growing up was almost ghost-like. she was never as gutsy and sporadic as her brother, drew, so most of her days growing up were spent shadowing him around until he got annoyed. to her mother though, she was the favorite child–mostly due to her mother’s obsession with outer beauty and she loved to please her more than anything. when their mom left without a word, she was entirely broken and never the same–initially holding onto the hope that maybe someone did abduct her and that she didn’t go by her own will. her relationship with her father has always been strange. as a young kid she was afraid of him often which made her a lot closer to her mother and brother. dealing with her mother’s abscense took a toll on charlie, prompting her to get into bad habits like stealing and smoking cigarettes.
    beginning highschool as a freshman, she’s tried to undergo a bit of a mental and physical transformation. a big part of her longs to branch out at experience life without being so attached to her brother as she constantly daydreams of having friends or possibly a relationship.

    ★ ! ⌗ PERSONALITY : at first glance, she’s eremitic and withdrawn, especially at school as well as soft-spoken–although she’s trying to change that. naturally shy and spacey. always day dreaming. hates school because of pressure and anxiety, however is appreciative of the hectic nature that allows her to indulge in bad habits that won't be noticed as easily as the others–like smoking cigarettes in the bathroom or stealing random things she sees unnattended. very good at hiding her feelings, except to people who may get close enough to know the differences. is truly sweet when she gets past the barrier of acquaintanceship. and though she’s never really had a friend so close before, when she gets really comfortable she can become very bold and a bit goofy–sometimes not knowing where to draw the line between work and too much fun. she’s pretty curious and often wonders upon the why's and how's in life thus making her sporadic and impulsive–something most likely contributed from having drew as an older brother. however very fun to hang out with if you don’t mind some trouble.

    generally feels unnoticed, lonely and lost. this can be attributed to her upbringing. can occasionally get into episodes where she spirals into deep depression, skipping school and and aimlessly existing. she aches for friendships or relationships even though it’s so hard for her to make first moves. however, with good friends and love she's extremely loyal to the point where she'd do anything for them. could be very overprotective and jealous, but would have a hard time expressing it healthily. would fall in love too hard.

    ★ ! ⌗ LIKES : rainy days. climbing trees. school, in a way, as she naturally gets by. stuffed toys. fixating on girls she admires, drawing, skateboarding (though she’s nowhere near as good as her brother), thrifting although she never knows what to look for exactly–walking out with another sweater and baggy boys jeans almost every attempt,
    feeling like she’s included in a group setting, big windows

    ★ ! ⌗ DISLIKES : pickles, straws that don’t bend, getting catcalled, love-hate relationship with cigarettes as she thinks they’re sort of gross but they aid her in times of need, overall picky with food, her height though she’s not super tall she’s still growing and wishes she’d stop, has a fear of being tossed aside in a friendship or relationship

    ★ ! ⌗ HOBBIES : brings sharpies everywhere to doodle whenever and wherever she pleases. secretly an avid tumblr user. reads fictional or graphic novels in her spare time. shoplifting, isn’t entirely proud of it but enjoys the small rush.

    ★ ! ⌗ MANNERISMS : bites her nails down until they bleed, a bit of a kleptomaniac, headphones in her ears constantly, picking at her skin, doodling in class or anywhere–sort of a tick she has to carry out anyway when she’s anxious,

    ★ ! ⌗ MORE : she's a bit on the spectrum of asperger's, but was never evaluated.

    her older brother wip
    a friend she's made recently wip



placeholder for now :] !
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  • filler




    • Emmy

      I was raised by a con-artist
      so i know one when i see one

      Running up that Hill

      Kate Bush

      character name

      Emily Gallagher






      Waitress but takes any job she can get.

    ♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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      176lbs (79kg)

      hair c.

      Bottle Blonde

      eye c.

      olive Green


      Chemicals have paled tawny fawn into ash blonde, often becoming the victim of boredom-induced trims. Choppy with lacklustre upkeep, pronounced roots are a common feature.


      Unlike feathers of a chatty parakeet or skin of a fresh lime, Rat's eyes take a hue of dark olive; muted, nothing to romanticise, and often tracking others with an intrusive disposition. Watching without turning his head gives a sense of zero urgency, a satiated vulture in unnerving observation.


      Always mistaken for track marks of an addict, scar-tissue spots the back of his hand and inner arm. Against heavy belief, they’re from repetitive hospital IV lines and not recreational drug-use.


      Pierced ears and whimsical tattoos, some nonsensical. 1 + 2 + 3


      Hyena's laugh and a smile to match, he possesses a grin that makes seraphs hiss and spit.

      Their entire manner is difficult to forget. Flairs for the dramatic in voice and movement, waved hands, swoons, and a passion for all things theatrical are quick to get on people's nerves. Everything from his words to countenance, bleeds flippancy.

      When not sporting a chunk of hard candy between teeth, he has a mindless habit of chewing the inside of his mouth.

      At a lanky 6’3, Rat is proud to use most people as an arm-rest. He has mastered the elbow-to-ribs avoidance strategy.


      Wyatt/Fletcher Shears

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • joshua jones.


    twelfth grade


    the wallflower.



    Hair Natural medium dark brown hair, cut to a medium length.

    Eyes Light brown eyes with a slight hint of green.

    Skin color A light warm ivory skin tone.

    Height 1.78 m (5’10”)

    Weight 62 kgs (136 lbs)

    Build Mesomorph body type with an inverted triangle body type (broad shoulders, thin waist).

    Face claim Hansol Vernon Chwe

    He's sort of just... there. Plain as an arrowroot biscuit.

    & ready for change

    What’s there to say about Joshua Jones? Not much to be honest.

    Joshua came into this world just like any other child. Forced from the womb of his mother, ripped away from the comfort he had only known and thrashed into the dark world. Unlike most infants when born, he didn’t come out displaying his pair of lungs. The doctors feared that he may have been stillborn from how calmly he came out. But, no, he was alive and well. It just seemed that Joshua Jones was just a child who barely made a sound.

    As a baby, he rarely cried. Even when he was hungry, scared, or tired. He had his cues, but he barely made a sound. Other parents would often comment on how it must’ve been a dream to have such a quiet, calm, and placid baby. Andrew and Grace Jones would often exclaim their praises to Jehovah, thanking him for blessing them with such a child. However, the joy of having such a quiet son was overcast by the upcoming new addition to the family.

    When Joshua was two, his sister, Mary, was born. She was the opposite of Joshua. She screamed at everything. Grace was often left in tears, unsure of what to do with her child who used her lungs for all it was worth. There was a burning sensation in her chest that could never be relieved, and Mary was just so curious as to why her parents couldn’t understand the amount of pain she was in. Their eldest, Simon, was left to keep the brothers in line while Grace and Andrew spent their time praying to Jehovah, ministering, and searching for answers on how to help Mary. So, Simon, 12 years old, was left to care for Matthew, who was eight, Aaron, who was six, and Joshua.

    Now, we established before that Joshua only ever used his lungs for breathing. It was the same throughout his childhood. He had been taught from a young age to be present before others, but not to be known. To observe the things around him but not to add to the conversation or disrupt the vibe of the room. Especially while they were at the Kingdom Hall. His parents had been so caught up with caring for Mary and their mission on this Earth, that they didn’t even realise that at the age of four, Joshua was still struggling to get a single sentence out. They had only been notified of this after the school called them in for a meeting.

    With their sixth child on their way into the world, they had to rally up those who attended the Kingdom Hall, asking for their prayers and donations so they could help their son with his speech. As they were Elders, they had their whole life dedicated to their teachings. They lived from whatever offerings came through the others at their Hall. At the age of five, just after his sister Martha was born, Joshua finally started to show some progress in his speech after seeing a speech therapist. But just because he had the means to use his voice now in such a way, didn’t mean he was sold on the fact of using it. He had liked the little bubble he had created for himself. No one expected anything from him because they tend to forget he was even there. There were such high expectations on his brothers who were all in the process of graduating and studying. And on his sisters, his parents wanted to keep them safe from the prying eyes of the man in this world. For Josh? Well, he was just… there.

    He somehow managed to create a safe, secure friendship circle with some of the children at school. Maybe it was because children took pity on him, or maybe it was because they knew that he wouldn’t fight back if they tried to cuss him out for anything. He just seemed like one of those children you could easily manipulate. But those friendships were crushed by the heel of his parents, explaining to him that he was not of this world, and he wasn’t supposed to be making friends with people of this world. Is that why he felt this way? Like he felt like he was just meant to sit back and observe the world around him rather than participate? Children are school were going to birthday parties, hanging out on the weekends, and creating their own inside jokes and messages. Was he destined to live a life where he was to simply watch others enjoy the dark, filthy world they lived in before perishing?

    Throughout his high school years, Joshua remained a wallflower. Observing others, and never really making a name for himself. At the mention of his name, people were often left with a dry, unsatisfactory taste on their tongue, along with the response of yeah, I know him. He’s that guy who sits in the middle row in class. There was nothing exciting about Joshua Jones. He got satisfactory grades, did satisfactory work, and dressed satisfactorily.

    He was never compared to anyone else because, honestly, who would want to aim for the middle bar?

    whats his personality like?

    Although sensitive, Joshua has excellent analytical abilities; he can be quite reserved, but when placed into a situation, he displays well-developed people skills. He is a conservative type, but also often receptive to change and new ideas. Joshua believes in combining the best of tradition and the desire to do good. He is a true altruist, meeting kindness with kindness-in-excess and engaging the work and people he believes in with enthusiasm and generosity. However, he is often meticulous to the point of perfectionism, but can be relied on to get the job done on time. He takes his responsibilities personally, consistently going above and beyond, doing everything he can to exceed the expectations others may have on him.

    The challenge for Josh is ensuring that what he does is noticed. He often tends to underplay his accomplishments, and while his kindness is often respected, more cynical and selfish people are likely to take advantage of his dedication and humbleness by pushing work onto him and then taking the credit. Another struggle Joshua faces is the ability to say no and to stand up for himself. He is never truly comfortable in the spotlight, and feels guilty taking due credit for any team efforts.

    what are his personality strengths?

    Supportive: Joshua is a universal helper; sharing his knowledge, experience, time and energy with anyone who may need it, and all the more so with family and friends. He strives for win-win situations, choosing empathy over judgment whenever possible.

    Reliable and patient: Rather than offering sporadic, excited rushes that leave things half-finished, Joshua is meticulous and careful. He takes a steady approach and bending with the needs of the situation just enough to accomplish his end goals. Not only does he ensure things are done, but that they often go well beyond what is required.

    Imaginative and observant: Joshua is very imaginative, and uses this quality as an accessory to empathy, observing others’ emotional states and seeing things from their perspective. With his feet firmly planted on the ground, it is a very practical imagination, though they do find things quite fascinating and inspiring.

    Enthusiastic: When the goal is right, Joshua take all this support, reliability, and imagination and apply it to something they believe will make a difference in people’s lives – whether fighting poverty with a global initiative or simply making someone’s day.

    Loyal and Hardworking: While it may not be evident at first, Joshua’s enthusiasm does grow into loyalty. He often forms an emotional attachment to the ideas and organizations he’s dedicated himself to. Anything short of meeting his obligations with good, hard work fails his own expectations.

    Good practical skills: The best part is, Joshua has the practical sense to actually do something with his altruism. If mundane, routine tasks are what need to be done, he often sees the beauty and harmony that they create, knowing that it helps them to care for their friends, family, and anyone else who needs it.

    what are his weaknesses?

    Humble and Shy – One of Josh’s biggest challenges is being humble and shy. He’s so concerned with others’ feelings that he refuses to make his own thoughts known, or to take any duly earned credit for any contributions. His standards for himself are so high that, knowing that he could have done some minor aspect of a task better, will often downplay his success entirely.

    Takes things too personally – He has trouble separating personal and impersonal situations. Any situation is still an interaction between two people, after all. And any negativity from conflict or criticism can carry over from his professional to his personal life, and back again.

    Represses his feelings – Joshua is very private and sensitive, internalizing his feelings a great deal. Much in the way that he protects others’ feelings, he must protect his own, and this lack of healthy emotional expression can lead to a lot of stress and frustration.

    Overloads himself – His strong sense of duty and perfectionism combine with the aversion to the emotional conflict to create a situation where it is far too easy for him to overload himself – or to be overloaded by others – as he struggles silently to meet everyone’s expectations. Especially his own.

    Reluctant to change – These challenges can be particularly hard to address since Josh values traditions and history highly in his decision-making process. A situation sometimes needs to reach a breaking point before he can be persuaded by circumstance, or the strong personality of a loved one, to alter his course.

    Too altruistic – Being such a warm, good-natured person, Joshua is willing to let things slide, to believe that things will get better soon, to not burden others by accepting their offers of help, while their troubles mount unassisted.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

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  • lost.

    The room around
    us is gone,
    and the stars feel close
    enough to touch

    Hey Little Girl


    character name

    Raevlyn Darrow


    Raven, Rave, Rae




    June 1st | Gemini




    Demi-girl | she/they








♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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  • ai
    • not
      purely romantic,
      but rather
      agony, emotional disturbance
      that develops into happiness
    code by valen t.
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    • Good evening ladies and gentlemen, bring out the actors. You better keep quiet and be good.
      River Malkav
    coded by natasha.

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  • Abigail Marie Hargreaves

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
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  • don't look for a rich husband, be a rich wife.






    hair c.


    eye c.


    hair styling

    long blonde tresses with dark brown roots cascade down a tiny frame, ending at the midback


    thin and petite

    body mods.

    pierced earlobes


    Joanna Kuchta

♡coded by uxie♡


  • Oliver
    Quiet people
    Oliver Ferris Dreyfuss.

    Oli, Turtle Boy.

    Almost 15.

    July 18, 1998.




    Craig Roberts.





    Lynn, Massachusetts.

    Going into 10th Grade.

    Amateur turtle expert.


    Learning and experiments.
    Maps and graphs.
    Deep water.
    Google Suites.
    Early mornings.


    Sudden, loud, or high-pitched sounds.
    Being touched unexpectedly.
    Slimy, sticky, or oily textures.
    His family.


    He makes frequent edits on Wikipedia.
    His favorite turtle is the green sea turtle.
    He often struggles to recognize his own needs and feelings, even on a basic level.
    He never goes anywhere without his knife.
    He's most afraid of crabs.




    Poor temper.
    Prone to rambling.

    relevant history

    (TW: Child abuse)

    Jared and Eileen were an odd couple, so to speak.
    Jared Dreyfuss was a new community college graduate, struggling to find work in the turbulence of northeastern Massachusetts. Eileen was… confident. Put-together. A promising secretary at a local business. Jared counted himself lucky when she met him at an art show and they got along right away. From there it was off to dinners, community theatre productions, evening walks by the ocean. It was no surprise that two years later they were happily married and settled in a quiet apartment in the small Boston-area city of Lynn. And for six years, they and their two new daughters were enjoying a modest but practical life. Money was tight between the four of them, but everything seemed to work out in the end. The two daughters were healthy and bright, now two and four years old. A strained, but overall happy and content little family.

    Then, one late summer night, came the third child: their first and only son. Right from the start, he was welcomed to the world with fear and repulsion. Still exhausted and delirious in the hospital after the birth, his mother sobbed and refused to take him in her arms, saying over and over “no, that’s not mine. That’s not my baby. Something is wrong. Look at it, it’s sick.” Eileen had never had such a traumatic postpartum experience. Even after she recovered, took her child home, and resumed her normal activities, she continued to feel as though there was something not quite right about her newest child.

    And time seemed to prove her right: it quickly became apparent that Oliver wasn’t developing typically. He struggled to gain motor skills, failed to react and respond to social stimuli by copying eye contact and specific gesturing, and didn’t start talking until he was nearly four years old. He had poor balance and an unusual, impractical walking stride. Normal everyday situations seemed to agonize him, often without a clear trigger. It took a long while for both parents to be convinced to have Oliver evaluated, in no small part due to the fact that Eileen was sure her son was just the product of her personal nightmares.

    She loathed the autism diagnosis with every fiber of her being. In her eyes, she simply couldn't have a disabled son; that was impossible. She had a stupid son, a difficult son, a son who acted up and hid and bit himself and didn't know how to behave in social situations. Subconsciously at first, she started shunning him.

    She was wrong to think this about Oliver: in fact, most kids at his level of functioning, provided they were given the right therapy and support, would go on to live fulfilling and independent lives. With early interventions and caring, attentive families, they’d overcome the majority of their challenges and gain skills.

    Oliver didn’t get support, though. His diagnosis was the last time he ever saw a doctor.
    He didn’t get support… Instead, he got punishment and anger and blame from his mother, who now saw him as the source of everything going wrong in her life.

    From then on, anything that went wrong, no matter how big or small or out of anyone’s hands it was, she would blame on him. And her lashings-out grew more ferocious and violent by the day, creating a deadly feedback loop. Constantly walking on eggshells throughout the day, fearful of doing something wrong and getting berated, had Oliver under such extreme distress that he would slip up more often and anger his mother even more.

    Kids just aren’t built to be stressed out and terrified every minute of every day. By age 10, he was showing signs that he wasn’t capable of handling the stress he was under. The verbal communication skills he’d managed to develop over the past 5 years, he’d almost lost. He barely spoke anymore, and when he did it was mostly in disorganized sentence fragments. He’d developed a stutter and a lisp that seemed to get worse instead of better. He would hit and bite and scratch himself, pull at his hair, scream until his throat almost bled. He seemed incapable of sleeping normally; instead he was having brutal nightmares, wetting the bed, waking up disoriented and unsettled.

    His mother failed to realize that it was her constant terrorizing of Oliver that was causing him to falter in his development. And as Oliver’s condition regressed, soon it wasn’t only his mother who was treating him like an embarrassment and a liability.

    His sisters and father never harassed him the way his mother did, but they certainly were never affectionate towards him either. His father especially became more withdrawn and inattentive as the years went by, retreating into his work and his cigarettes and his long nights out.

    Then, one day, he disappeared altogether. He got on the train to work and never returned.

    That was a breaking point for Eileen Dreyfuss. Of course, in the midst of her grief and anger, she found a way to pin it on her son. This was all his fault, wasn't it? His fault for tearing the family apart by being such a burden and an annoyance.

    It wasn’t enough for Eileen to despise her child. The deep resentment that ate away at her was too strong for that.
    She needed everyone else to despise him, too.

    So, in an intentional move to uproot the family and wipe the slate, she collected what little money she’d saved, got on a bus with her children, and set course for the most affordable West-Coast city she could find.
    Joplin was perfect for her needs.

    She realized there was much social capital to be found in her uniquely sympathetic position… she was now a single mother, struggling to get by on a low income and raise her four children, including one with a developmental disability. Oliver: Eileen’s golden ticket to swaying the minds of Joplin against him so that nobody would ever be the wiser as to how cruelly she treated the boy who ruined her life.

    Eileen only rarely would bring her son with her and the rest of the family outside in the city. And whenever they were seen together, she took great care to manipulate the way he was perceived: always firmly holding onto his hand, as if he would run away from her if she let go. If anyone talked to him, she’d answer for him, giving the impression that he was unable to speak at all. And on the rare occasion where he did have something to say, his mother’s gentle but pointed laugh would tell everyone around them that he was foolish and not to be listened to. The way she treated him in public was painstakingly calculated to ensure that everyone saw him as unintelligent, untrustworthy, and erratic.

    And everyone believed it.
    She loved the attention that being his mother gave her. Finally, she’d found a use for him.
    That didn’t stop her mistreatment of him, though– just palliated it a bit, perhaps.

    She had set him up to fail, and fail he did. By the time he hit high school, he was sorely underprepared for the social demands he was suddenly facing. Almost instantly, he found himself getting hounded by bullies and belittled by his teachers despite his decently good grades. He had no idea how to behave himself in these new situations, and quickly became overwhelmed and began acting out aggressively and inappropriately, which only further cemented the reputation that his mother had carved out for him.

    So, like a weed caught in a pavement crack, he grew sideways instead of growing up. There were things about life in Joplin that were surprisingly good for him. He was able to sneak out of the house a little more often now that he was older, which gave him a chance to learn and experience things without his mother sabotaging it. He discovered his passion for turtles on a class trip to the aquarium, and through that, through raiding the library for every book he could find on the subject, he slowly found his words again. He had a passion; something he could always talk about and was always aching to learn more about.

    Turtles became his key to interacting with the rest of the world. Everything else he learned that he could relate back to turtles, it stuck with him and he was able to grasp more complex and nuanced knowledge. After about a year, unbeknownst to his mother or his siblings, he’d finally cracked his way into making friends and talking to people on his own.

    significant relationships


    have the loudest minds
    code by valen t.
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  • eddie garcia




    the divorceé



    rational thinking

    the axe forgets

    but the tree remembers

    Eddie is not new to his industry, once started as a police officer and now worked his way up to the big office working as one of the head chiefs of the drugs department. That didn't go without any bribes and Eddie sure made his hands dirty to get where he is today, this guilt is sort of eating him up on the inside but he numbs himself to not feel any pain or regrets. Eddie was born in Florida, to a protective mom and a father who was just like him. A police officer. He took his job very seriously and was definitely not corrupt and fought against people who were. He hated injustice and eventually died doing what he loved.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

    /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

    © weldherwings.

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cooper attenborough




the dangerous one



mature ( in some ways )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Donec eu commodo dolor.

Cooper grew up in Florida but moved to Washington when he was six years old, his parents, both addicted to drugs were not the greatest example young Cooper could have. His father still worked as an accountant and functionally used drugs to cope, this ended when Cooper went to high school and his father had lost his job.
Cooper started having physical fights with his parents and spend the majority of his time in high school outside. He fell into the wrong crowds fast but he wasn't scared, in fact he loved being on edge all of the time. He started doing illegal street fighting when he was sixteen years old and is still doing it at an amateur level to make some extra money. He doesn't like working any part-time jobs and tries to find any way to get out of that. He never finished high school and never wants to go back either. Cooper didn't hate everything at high school but has a hard time finding any fun memories looking back.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

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© weldherwings.
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  • /* ------ left side ------ */


    Summer Lynnette Thomas


    Dory, Lynn, Sunshine.



    date of birth

    March 3rd

    Where They Live

    Foxglove Heights


    She/Her, They/Them

    High School Student, Junior/11th Grade

    Romantic Orientation


    English and ASL


    I Feel Love - Suggi


    Twitter Username

    162.56 cm (5'3")

    56.24 kg (124 lbs)

    short, curly, and a light brown.

    Dark Brown

    in her words: comfy casual or oversized clothes. However, is fond of trying new things out.

    body mods/scars
    Slightly faded scar on her head hidden by her hair, small old burn on her left arm.

    face claim
    StrangerVinyl/Annalise on Insta

    alignment - chaotic good

    Positive traits

    ☁ Friendly/Kind-Hearted
    ☁ Creative
    ☁ Loyal
    ☁ Modest
    ☁ Usually Relaxed/Calm
    ☁ Honest
    ☁ Hard-Working

    Negative traits

    ☁ Naive
    ☁ Easily Manipulaited
    ☁ Sensitive
    ☁ Hopeless Romantic
    ☁ Forgetful
    ☁ Absentminded
    ☁ Far to Trusting







    Summer is a very studious and intelligent person. Despite being forgetful, she works hard on her studies and is naturally quite bright. She manages to keep B's or higher. She is bookish and very well organized. If she wasn't she would lose stuff a lot more often than she already does. However, she has a very forgetful mind. She may remember small details such as one's favorite color but forget your name. She is bad at remembering dates and has to keep them written down. This makes her unpunctual and hard to rely on. She's a loyal friend who will always be by your side and help you, but there are times she will forget your birthday or the plans you made to hang out. Summer hates it and tries her best to keep notes or reminders on her phone. However, she can forget them or lose track of time. She's can be distracted pretty easily sometimes and this has led to a close-call house fire one time when she was cooking and has been banned from the kitchen without supervision.

    Summer is a very friendly and kind-hearted person. She has a calm and relaxed personality that people can get along well with but has a hard time making friends because of her shyness and absentminded behavior. If she seems out of it, she's likely zoning out or daydreaming. This is a common occurrence and some people take it as being cold or disinterested even though it's not. Summer is a modest and honest soul and values loyalty and honesty. She trusts others easily and this has led her to be manipulated several times. Her trust in others makes her naive and she will often believe her friends even if the truth is obvious. She is sensitive to her emotions and can become overwhelmed easily, needing to take time to handle them or she will have periods of time where she shuts down. Summer doesn't show it, but she is easily worried and anxious over everything. Fearing the absolute worst to be true without reassurance. She doesn't talk about it much because she thinks that she worries everyone enough with her forgetfulness. So she keeps it bottled up so that she doesn't bother anyone further.

    Summer is a very touchy person, meaning she will often hug friends or lay her head on them if they are okay with it. Of course, she asks if it's okay with them and warns people that she can be touchy since she knows some dislike it. She's also hopelessly romantic and while she's only been in one relationship, she has had several crushes and one-sided feelings. Finally, Summer is a creative soul. With a pencil or paintbrush, she can create amazing works of art. She loves to draw the people she's close to as a way to show her appreciation. She will often sketch while she is zoning out or daydreaming and keeps a sketchbook on her at all times.

    ☁ Sketching ☁ Beaches ☁ Sunny Days ☁ Summer Breezes ☁ Painting ☁ The color light blue ☁ Fruit ☁ Baked Pastries/Goods ☁ Making Friends ☁ Long Walks ☁ Fire ☁ Mythology ☁ Reading ☁ Poetry ☁ Coffee and Tea ☁ Quiet Spaces ☁

    ☁ Crowds ☁ Being the center of attention ☁ Being left out ☁ Forgetting important events ☁ The smell of cigarettes ☁ Whiskey ☁ Dark Chocolate ☁ Mangos ☁ Getting Hurt ☁ Liars ☁ Being taken advantage of ☁ Thunderstorms ☁ Tight Spaces (Claustrophobic) ☁ Cars ☁

    Getting in another crash, loud cars, forgetting important things or people.

    Humming to herself, carrying around a lot of sticky notes to write down important things.

    ☁ Sketching ☁ Playing with fire (Pyromaniac Desires) ☁ Baking (Only allowed with supervision) ☁ Painting ☁ Reading Novels and Poetry ☁ Cloud Gazing ☁ Listening to music ☁ Visiting Art Exhibits ☁ Long Walks ☁ Going to the Beach ☁ Hanging Out with Friends ☁ Stargazing ☁ Drawing her Friends/People she is close to. ☁ Rollerskating ☁ Journaling ☁

    little more


    the prologue...

    Even with the accident, Summer's life has been well. In her opinion at least. She's grown up well, has a supportive family and friends, and is well off financially. Sure her memory is not the greatest, she occasionally deals with bullies and getting lost, and jumps at the sound of cars going by, but in her words "it could've been worse. "

    Her parents are Darren and Gwendolyn Thomas. A respected lawyer and popular journalist. The two are loving caring parents, supportive of all their kids. They met in high school, fell in love, and continued to stay in touch when they went to separate colleges. The two were the same age and despite the stress of college, got married in their second year. It didn't take long for them to move in together after that and along came Bennett Thomas. The first of the many Thomas siblings. The two had the support of their families so it was easy for them to handle college, work, and taking care of Bennett. Somehow. A year later, Skylar was born.

    Thomas spend a lot of time focusing on both their families and careers after they graduated college. Building up their reputation within their jobs. Over the five years, before Summer was born, they both became quite well respected. Then Summer was born, though quite unexpectedly. They hadn't been really trying for a child but accepted and loved Summer nonetheless. 2 years later Eden followed.

    the accident.....

    When Summer was 11 she developed an interest in art and began sketching often. When she was 12 she wanted to attend an art exhibit. So her mother agreed to take her. Bennett had decided to tag along as well. On the way there, they ended up in a multi-car accident. Luckily there weren't any life-threatening injuries, but Summer did end up in a coma for nearly a month. Everything seemed fine at first when she woke up. However, over time it was discovered that her memory had suffered. She struggled with remembering things that would happen only the day before. She forgot dates and times, and many of her friends stopped talking with her because they thought she was acting and actually didn't want to be around them due to her always missing their playdates/hangout times. She would forget people's names despite talking to them several times. It became a problem when she was baking one day, something she normally could do on her own, and nearly caused a house fire due to forgetting what she was doing. Luckily one of her brothers noticed and got the parents in time.

    After that, her parents took her back to the hospital. The doctors found nothing wrong and said she likely had developed memory loss. Upon learning this Summer fell into a slump, fearing that she would lose her friends again and not be able to make new ones. This and the fact that Bennett was also struggling to adjust to his loss of hearing, they decided it was best to move. Thus they packed up their things and arranged for a home to be built in Joplin.

    Arrival to Joplin....

    It took a bit for Summer to adjust to the new environment. Though in time the change did wonders for her. It helped her out of the slump she was in and gain her passion back. Now that 4 years have passed since her family's arrival, she's gained quite a lot of friends (and some bullies). Despite the memory loss, getting lost, a few fire hazards, and bullies; she's never been happier.

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    © weldherwings.
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  • classified keep out classified keep out classified


    Satoru Takei, born June 17th; age 23. Cis Male. Blood Type is B+. Stated to be both Biromantic and Bisexual. Current Owner of the Full Bloom florist shop located downtown and a partime bartender at Peaches. Single father of Kichirou Takei; Age 5.


    5'4 (164.59cm)


    118 lbs (53.55 kg)



    hair color


    body type

    dark brown


    Sota Fukushi


    > Satoru may lack muscles but he's strong enough to lift his 5 year old son up and carry him around with little problem. Perhaps moving heavy boxes and plants has improved his strength.

    > His attire is typically loose fitting and easy to work in, with simple designs and colors. Lacks formal wear, only having one set fitting for formal occasions.

    > He has no current body modifications nor any scars/identifying markings.




    Overprotective Parent

    Strict Budgeter





    scrpit here

    netural good

    Long walks, Spending time with his son, Rainy Days, Biking, Soccer, Strong coffee, Plants, Meeting others, Soft music, Spoiling his son, Cooking, Singing lullabys.

    His parents, People using his son against him, Those who speak ill of his late wife, Cigerettes, Getting sick, Cold days, Snow, Making wasteful purchases (AKA Spending money on himself), Talking about his life before Joplin.

    Losing his son, Facing his parents, Hospitals.

    Satoru has a good reputation in Joplin ever since he moved there 5 years age at the age of 18. He's seen as a dutiful and responsible parent as well as a good member or the community. He's not afraid to help out others or take on small odd jobs from time to time. Though he seems to struggle finacially, he's always positive and cheerful.


    Before Joplin

    Most of Satoru's life before Joplin was pretty dull. As the eldest son out of three kids, he had high expectations placed on him. For the most part, he met those expectations. He had high grades, was polite, and took care of his siblings. He was the kid his parents could flaunt. The kind that parents compared their own kids to. Because of this, he didn't have many friends outside his own siblings. Most made it their goal to knock him down a peg or refused to hang out with him. Satoru wasn't one to take it to heart. Sure he felt lonely, but he always made do.

    In high school, things took quite a turn. It wasn't long into his freshman year when he met Sugumi Toyoka. Sugumi was the new kid, in the same year as Satoru. The two quickly became friends and by their junior year, it became much more. The two started dating and at the time both families couldn't be happier. After Sugumi and Satoru were a perfect match. Both were top in their class and were from moderately good families.

    However, it seemed fate wasn't in their favor. Sugumi and Satoru discovered that Sugumi was with a child. The two were of course happy, but their parents were furious. Despite the protest, the two insisted on keeping the child. A shotgun wedding was planned for as soon as the two graduated. Finishing high school while preparing for their future was hard. They dealt with constant fights with their parents and the judgemental eyes of their schoolmates. Sugumi struggled to handle it all and the pregnancy. In the end, they both managed to graduate and get their diplomas. Not even 2 days later their wedding was held. A small, but an intimate ceremony. Things seemed to fall back into place. The two were happy.

    2 weeks later came the fated day. Sugumi went into labor early and was rushed to the hospital. Due to the emergency of the situation, Satoru was banned from being present while his now wife was giving birth. So when the news that his baby son had been born healthy, he was ecstatic. The feeling didn't last when he saw the doctor's grave expression. While the doctor didn't say anything, it didn't take much for Satoru to figure out what was happening. Sugumi hadn't made it. Satoru's world was on its highest of peaks and came crashing down all at the same time.

    It took a while for Satoru to calm down after that. It was the first time he had genuinely felt so distraught. Eventually, he requested to see his son. Seeing his son was a bittersweet feeling. It calmed his heart, but at the same time left this nagging feeling. A feeling of dread knowing his son would never get to meet his amazing mother. Some might have resented the child for 'being the reason their lover died'. Satoru however couldn't bring himself to do that. No. This was his and Sugumi's son. Even before his birth, the two showered him with love. Their child. He gave the boy the name Kichirou, meaning 'lucky/blessed son'.

    Sugumi's parents forbid Satoru from coming to the wedding. Even sending back her wedding ring to him. They often picked fights with Satoru and blamed him and Kichirou for the death of Sugumi. His own parents weren't supportive either. They shoved him aside refusing to help their son that had tainted their reputation with a shotgun wedding and child before marriage. With all the negativity and wrongful gossip going around, Satoru decided the environment was no place to raise Kichirou. While it pained him to cut ties with his family, he gathered his life savings and left home. Leaving behind only a goodbye note.

    His time in Joplin

    18-year-old Satoru, now a single father, arrived in the city of Joplin. With barely enough savings to feed himself, let alone an infant, he began to realize this hadn't been the smartest of choices. No connections. No home. No job and funds barely enough to last a week or two at most if he managed it strictly. Two weeks if he focused on only feeding his son. Satoru began searching for both a place to stay and to work. Most people were quick to turn away a fresh out of high school teen that would need time off to take care of his son.

    That's when he stumbled across Full Bloom, run by an elderly lady named Lisa Abbott. She happily let Satoru take the 1 bedroom apartment above her shop. In exchange, Satoru worked there at the shop as its only other employee, among taking other odd jobs. Lisa became like a mother to Satoru and a grandmother to Kichirou. Their life saver even. Without her, there was no telling how long they would have made it.

    Thus, that's where Satoru has remained. He's recently become the owner of the Shop when Lisa announced she was retiring. She didn't have any family of her own to give it to and insisted Satoru take ownership. So Satoru manages the shop during the day and sometimes takes part-time shifts at Peaches to make sure ends meet. While he may not be able to afford a bigger home for his son and him; he makes sure all his son's desires and needs are met.


    —Fluent in Japanese and English. Learning ASL.

    —The Apartment above Full Bloom where he lives only has 1 bedroom, he has his son sleep in the bed while he sleeps in the floor beside him.

    —Has lived in Joplin for 5 years.

    —Very active in the community, always accepting odd jobs to help out others.

    coded by xayah.ღ
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Alister Darrow

Local Tattoo Artist


filler! ignore


filler! ignore


filler! ignore


  • Ali

    30 Years Old

    Cis Male






    Tall, lanky, light muscles

    eye colour


    hair colour

    Naturally dark brown, bleaches and dyes his tips


    Co-founder and owner of Blood Bath tattoos, where he works as an artist.

    Place of Work

    Blood Bath Tattoos


    Alister Darrow was born in Scotland, having moved to America with his brother Davie when he was 18.


    Chaotic Neutral


    Tom Toledo

nine lives

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  • alexei.

    Life is too short
    so love the one you got
    cuz ya might get run over
    or ya might get shot

    Police on My Back
    The Clash

    character name

    Alexei Marko Milyukov


    Lexei, Lex, Alex




    Bouncer at Peaches Club/Bratok for the Petrovsky Bratva



♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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Angel Lee

Karma, Ang, Angie

Cis Female


November 1st

Joplin, Washington

Bisexual & Polyamorous


amaarae, kali uchis

Confident, Adventurous, Protective, Fierce, Talented

Manipulative, Addictive personality, Violent mood swings

Angel Lee is confident to a fault, sure of herself and her abilities. She's manipulative, easily figuring out how to work people to use them for her own needs. She can mimick anyones personalities and interests, or become whoever they need her to be until she's gotten what she wants out of them. Angel has an addictive personality, sex, drugs, dancing, people, she'll take her newest obsession and become obsessed without until her interest is lost or she's used it for all she can get, then casting it away and moving on to her next interest. She's fiercly protective, the violent side she hides coming out when anyone she loves needs it. She's a workaholic, spending most her free time practicing or dancing.



Black, Pin-straight

Brown, often wears eye contacts

Varies between more cutesy, pink styles and more dark, gothic styles

Angel Lee was born in Joplin to a single mother, her father bailing at the first sign of commitment. Her mother had grown up in the suburbs of Joplin in a rather strict Chinese-American family, pressure endless to be good, to compete with her sister, to be better, but in the end she was their failure. Though they never went as far as to disown her, they frowned upon her choices and it created a riff between them, instead of going to college and getting a good job like they wanted, Morgan Lee dropped quickly out of college and got herself jobs as a secretary for local companies, moving into a little apartment in the Industrial District.
Angel grew up with a revolving door of men, her mother pulling them in, designating a new dad for Angel, but once she'd drained them for everything she could or she got bored, she'd cast them away, taking little time to find someone new. She wasn't bad to Angel then, but she was self-absorbed and lost in her own drama, not caring how her own choices hurt her daughter. As Angel got older, the pressure from her mom mounted, to be better, to grow up, to help out, to not be a burden, words that would echo in her brain for the rest of her life.

Teenage Years
After Angel hit puberty, everything changed. Her mood swings begun, growing more violent over the years, and her mom began to resent her for them. She urged the girl hard to help out, to not be a burden, forced the girl to get a job and start working. Angel, though, found her love for dance, hip-hop, pop, jazz, whatever it was, she could make a beautiful choreography for it, and she spent all her little free time dancing, though she could never share this talent with her mom, something that'd be deemed childish and a waste of time. The men her mother brought home got worse, more mean, more violent, the constant fighting chasing her out of the house more and more, making her resent her mom.
When she was 15, Angel finally had enough, and one night when a man was beating her mom, she fought back, but her mom was not thankful for this. When she would beat the men, leave them bleeding or getting rushed to a hospital, her mom would look at her like a monster, grew fearful of the girl, would yell and scold her. Angel learned fast to hide this part of her, to hide all parts of her, to be what people needed her to be rather than herself, to use people. She became an addict, addicted to people, to drugs, to sex, to whatever could make her feel something, feel like anything more than a toy. As soon as she turned 18, she got a job dancing at Peaches, and she was a natural, knowing exactly how to use the men to get what she wanted, to drain them for every dollar in their wallet, and she was an expert dancer. She moved to her own little apartment in a nicer part of town, but when her mom was diagnosed with cancer, even with her resentment of the way she was raised, Angel choose to help take care of her however she could, picking up more shifts at the club to cover the costs.
Dancing • Sex • Money • Stuffed animals • Drugs & Alcohol • Flirting • Attention
Men • Abuse • Pressure • Being ignored • Family
Borderline Personality Disorder
name here
first msg here
copy middle msgs
last msg here
first msg
copy middle msgs
last msg here
December 4, 2020
Sun 8:00 PM
Time for your shift at Peaches
coded by reveriee.
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carter fallon


currently working


the weird one




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Donec eu commodo dolor.

- giant nerd
- loves bowling
- deep down kind of insecure
- wears two different socks all of the time
- is never on time
- hated high school
- works at the playpen through a friend but never really left

Carter grew up in the poor area of Joplin with his mother Patricia. She was troubled and had a hard time keeping a job, after working four years as a cashier she ended up in the wrong crowds and started making some extra money on the side by working as a prostitute. Carter after himself at only twelve years old but got bullied at school because his mom was never around. Carter wasn’t shy and was quick with responds he ended up being respected but he didn’t make a lot of friends. This upset him but didn’t stop him from trying to make them, they thought he was crazy until in his fourth year Carter asked the most popular girl of his class out to prom. And she agreed.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac lorem neque. Donec eu commodo dolor.

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© weldherwings.





  • jenelle.

    You keep my secrets, hope to die
    Promises, swear them to the sky

    Best Coast

    character name

    Jenelle Mariposa Kennedy




    16 // Junior



♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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  • Cassie

    Be your own kind of beautiful

    According to you


    character name

    Cassandra Hart






    kindergarten teacher

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡






  • Faye

    Never forget what I'm capable of

    You call me a Bitch like its a bad thing


    character name

    Faye Matthews







♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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  • basics

    Scarlett Meadows

    Hollow Bodies


    full name

    Scarlett Astrid Meadows.


    Scar or Astrid





    date of birth

    August 13, 1997

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡
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  • scotty.

    A-cup is just
    fine with onii


    character name

    Scott Mauricio Ferrari






    College freshman/Professional ice cream scooper at Sundae Funday



♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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