Cirque (modern) Characters here

please read all rules before posting your CS

Cirque members


1. Laura- Ringmaster- Kiyoko

2.Kaname- Fortune teller- Kiyoko

3.Cordelia Zabat- Water bowl contortionist, singer, ribbon dancer- Rosamortelle

4.Nanami Lentra-acrobat- IceQueen

5. Annalise Moscato-
aerial silk and hoop artist along with being an animal trainer, general jack of all trades and kind assistant- Crucialstar






1. Gareth Bryne- Fire eater/breather. Beowulf

2 .Lucas Lafluer- witch doctor- zCrookedz

3.Ignis Lagrange- illusionist- Axel1313

4.Jonsi- skeleton man- Axel1313

5. Salix (Dù Huā) Eligos- cry wheel performer, German wheel performer-Rosamortelle











1. Edward- Kiyoko






1.Matilda Nightengale- Rosamortelle






1. Glen Lehane- egghead

2. Carter- Buzz.

Cirque member CS


Show Name or nick-name:

Age: (over 18.Put real age and age appears if that applies to your character.)

Country of Origin:

Years with circus: (6 years or less unless you have talked to me about it)



Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed.)

Abilities:(don't go overboard.)

What do you do in the circus:(You can do multiple things but, try to use ones that someone else has not been taken. I do not want 7 people that only do fire stuff. Mix it up!)

What does the inside of their trailer look like? (optional)


Investigator CS


nick name:

Age: (over 18.)

country of origin:


Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed. can be one sentence.)

What you specialize in: (paranormal wise, exorcist, demonologist, folklore expert etc)

How long have you been a member of Interpol:


'Warning! Eminent eye candy'

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Ignis Fatuus Lagrange


80, but only looks like he's in his 30s maybe even 40s some days

Country of Origin:


Years with circus:



Now full demon





Appearance other:

5' 9" Dark Mahogany hair. Midnight blue eyes. Nasty burn scars on his back, shoulders and parts of his arms and legs that he always hides.


Ignus is a very laid back and calm man who often speaks in an almost monotone voice. You can never tell what he's thinking. Most of that time because his face is either behind a mask or his eyes are closed.

Currently, he is having bouts of angry and violent behavior. Which he refuses to acknowledge completely or talk about.


It was rough. He was abused and put down for his abilities. They saw him as a freak and kept him locked up tight. His only friends being the shadows on the walls and illusions that he could spawn. They even tried to rid him of them many times through exorcisms and experimental procedures. He was freed from all of that a way he doesn't really like to talk about.


Psychic abilities:

Illusions that are very complex and hyper realistic. He hasn't been able to bring anything into reality yet, but he has a feeling that he is very close to it. He can catch glimpses of the future. He claims that he can never rely on it though due to the ever changing nature of it.

He's trying to learn how to move things with his far all he can do is make wind chimes spin wildly and make little puppets and other such toys and gadgets move. Not all that impressive, but if his emotions get too out of hand things do tend to go awry.

What do you do/did in the circus:

He quit as the illusionist at one point to settle down and raise a family, but is recently back for a little change of pace again.


He used to smoke like a chimney, suffers from insomnia, has some heart problems and is deathly afraid of fire.

He is now married to the lovely Nanami. The two moved away from the cirque to raise their growing family, but are back to try and reconnect with each other and hopefully their children as well...again.

He is missing his left arm to just below the elbow from a car accident several years ago. He now has a prosthetic that he can control with his powers, for the most part.

Elephant man.​
egghead said:
Name: Glen Lehane
Age: in his 40s

Country of Origin: ??? (he doesn't remember)

Appearance: Glen has a bland, forgettable look: brown hair, brown eyes, tired, middle aged. He isn't tall or short, handsome or ugly; he's always somewhere in between. The only thing that sets him apart from the crowd is a shabby, oversized coat with a black rose held in front pocket. The rose is fake, though; he bought it at a dollar store for $2.50.

Personality: He has spent his entire life fearing the things around him. He is paranoid and self-preserving, and will sell out his closest friend to save himself from harm, but other than that he's a normal, regular guy who likes the exact same things as you!!!

Other: has an embarrassing tattoo of a mermaid pin-up girl on his thigh that he doesn't like to talk about.
Name: Gareth Bryne.

Show Name or nick-name: The Human Torch, or The Man on Fire. He's not sure, and has two signs in case he wants to be called one, then the other, while the cirque is set up.

Age: Nearly an eon old. But in his bound state, he looks to be around his mid twenties to early thirties.

Country of Origin: How dare you assume he came from the earthly world? He is a demon, spawned from blackness. Antarctica.

Years with circus: 5 years. The young demon Ignis has caught is attention.

Species: Ancient Demon.

Sexuality:The fairer sex catches his attention. Heterosexual.



A large part of his power is contained by those chains, this is just a sliver of what he truly is.


Appearance other: The human form he is forced to on most occasions is covered in tattoos of chains, since having to drag around a massive pile of chains is annoying and noisy.

Personality: Oh, he's a lovely individual. He's slowly growing fond of human culture, but he still retains the majority of his demonic instincts. One that knows what he is get's the feeling that he chooses to remain bound, and could break free at any time.

Background: One day he just appeared at the circus. He made a ruckus, which was a few wild fires and perhaps a house or two burned down, and was swiftly bound. He didn't put up much of a fight, only incinerating one person.

Abilities: He's a powerful demon made mostly of fire. You figure it out.

What do you do in the circus: Fire eater. Human torch. Fire Breather, and without alcohol. Must I go on?

What does the inside of their trailer look like? It's luxurious compared to most other trailers. But rather dark. Black wall paper, black carpet, black chairs with red cushions, and red pillows scattered around. But no bed, oddly enough.

other: The Elephant man was a big player in binding him.
Name: Carter

Nickname: Terry (her parents used to call her that)

Age: she just turned 18, but tells anyone who asks that she's 21.

Country of Origin: The U.S.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Long choppy black hair, smudged makeup and narrow puffy eyes. Embarassing red mark still around her neck.

Appearance (other): a black eye she'd rather not talk about

Personality: she doesn't care anymore, willing to do and experience everything and everyone if it means having something to live for.

Background: your usual runaway. she doesnt like it when you mention anything concerning her parents, her last boyfriend, and her future. her sides are sore after experimenting with a coat hanger in the forest and as a result, stumbles upon the circus. maybe they're looking for a spare baby.
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Beowulf said:
Name: Gareth Bryne.
Show Name or nick-name: The Human Torch, or The Man on Fire. He's not sure, and has two signs in case he wants to be called one, then the other, while the cirque is set up.

Age: Nearly an eon old. But in his bound state, he looks to be around his mid twenties to early thirties.

Country of Origin: How dare you assume he came from the earthly world? He is a demon, spawned from blackness. Antarctica.

Years with circus: 5 years. The young demon Ignis has caught is attention.

Species: Ancient Demon.

Sexuality:The fairer sex catches his attention. Heterosexual.



A large part of his power is contained by those chains, this is just a sliver of what he truly is.


Appearance other: The human form he is forced to on most occasions is covered in tattoos of chains, since having to drag around a massive pile of chains is annoying and noisy.

Personality: Oh, he's a lovely individual. He's slowly growing fond of human culture, but he still retains the majority of his demonic instincts. One that knows what he is get's the feeling that he chooses to remain bound, and could break free at any time.

Background: One day he just appeared at the circus. He made a ruckus, which was a few wild fires and perhaps a house or two burned down, and was swiftly bound. He didn't put up much of a fight, only incinerating one person.

Abilities: He's a powerful demon made mostly of fire. You figure it out.

What do you do in the circus: Fire eater. Human torch. Fire Breather, and without alcohol. Must I go on?

What does the inside of their trailer look like? It's luxurious compared to most other trailers. But rather dark. Black wall paper, black carpet, black chairs with red cushions, and red pillows scattered around. But no bed, oddly enough.

other: The Elephant man was a big player in binding him.
buzz said:
Name: Carter
Nickname: Terry (her parents used to call her that)

Age: she just turned 18, but tells anyone who asks that she's 21.

Country of Origin: The U.S.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Long choppy black hair, smudged makeup and narrow puffy eyes. Embarassing red mark still around her neck.

Appearance (other): a black eye she'd rather not talk about

Personality: she doesn't care anymore, willing to do and experience everything and everyone if it means having something to live for

Background: your usual runaway. her actual name is margaret osborne. she doesnt like it when you mention anything concerning her parents, her last boyfriend, and her future.


Jonsi Hallæri

Show Name or nick-name:

Skeleton man

Age: ???. Looks like he's at least in his 20s

Country of Origin: Iceland

Years with circus: Only 3 so far

Species: demon? He's not even sure himself.

Appearance: Fine white hair and a very gaunt face. He's got skin from his head to his neck and shoulders and then upper arms and past his hips a bit as well. The rest is bare bones.

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality: He's a chill and laid back kind of guy. He tries to fit in but with his appearance...thaaat doesn't quite work out all too well..

Background: He doesn't particularly know how he got there or how he found out about the cirque to begin with, but that doesn't bother him. He found a home and that's good enough for him.

Abilities: Hard to kill or hurt (when your body is mostly just skeleton it's hard for much to ever hurt you.) Can separate the skeletal parts of his body with no consequences.

What do you do in the circus: Works in the smaller tent as part of the freak show. Occasionally performs in the bigger tent, but only when they really need him there.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?: Surprisingly, fully of a lot of soft blankets and pillows and such. It's very comfortable and homey compared to what you'd think it would be.

other: Elephant man.

zCrookedz said:
Name: Lucas Lafluer
Show Name or nick-name:
Doctor Lafluer


Country of Origin: France

Years with circus: 10 years

Species: human (Witch Doctor)


Appearance: Tall lanky and dressed in his favorite leather jackets and boots, Lucas stands at 6' 5" and has very slanted and sharp features. Typically he is carries his favorite Top Hat and Cane with the three skull pommel.

Appearance other: Under his cloths Lucas carries 1 tattoo that he does not like to let people see. It is his contract with the Loa spirit's to become a witch doctor.

Personality:Lucas is a calculating, skiving, plans out the sleeves kind of guy. He loves information of any kind, and he loves to find a way to manipulate situations for his benefits. But that is not to say he is a mean person, on the contrary he is quite the charmer, but he is always planning something.

Background: Doesn't like to talk about it much. The past is the past and Lucas focus's more on the plans for the future. The short and simple is he came from a wealthy French family. He went to a good school with good grades and even went on to a very good University. Half way through, he left it all behind for something, and never looked back.

Abilities:Lucas is a Witch Doctor. He had studied the teachings of Haitian, African, and Louisiana Voodoo and Hoodoo. From things like Voodoo dolls, to shrunken heads, he can make it for you. He doesn't use these trinkets himself most of the time, no he uses a darker power. Being a Witch Doctor, he borrows his powers from the world of the Loa (spirit). Conjuring different Loa and allowing them to "mount" his body giving him access to the Loa's supernatural abilities.

What do you do in the circus: Lucas keeps a small wagon open outside the big tent that he sells his trinkets and bobbles from. But his real contribution is his show in the big tent. Full of dark magic tricks communing with the spirits, one of his most famous tricks is bringing his Loa spirit friends to the real world for them to perform as well.

What does the inside of their trailer look like? Its a well lit little shop on wheels. The side panel opens up to display the wears that he sells and act as the shop part. The inside is simple with a bed and a table. The most peculiar thing int the trailer is the shrunken head hanging from the side of the trailer. Some people say that they have seen it open its sunken eyes and look at them, but that's just a fun story to tell people. right?

Beowulf said:
(B^D) Lucas and Jimbo. Gareth might be talking to you two a lot.
0.0 Jimbo? Who is this Jimbo? >.> <.< no one here but Lucas and his shrunken head that definitely doesn't move or talk or whistle at attractive women. ;) I can see them being great drinking buddies.

Here ya go Axel. Hopefully I did a good job with reworkin' the little angel for present times


Ringmaster - Laura


Sayuri Koharu

Show Name

Dream Wheel


Laura (Her Preferred Name)

Käse (She Hates & Loves It)



(Appears 17-23)

Doll Appearance


Country of Origin


Years with circus

Since the Beginning

(1876, with Thomas)


Dream Feeder/Witch/Demon Doll

+Vampire (Made Herself Part Vampire)


Laura's not one to mess with. Almost nothing gets in the way of Laura without being pushed to the side, and anything that comes between her and the cirque she loves gets a nice little surprise. When it comes to the protectiveness of her cirque family, Laura can go overboard, but she has some sense of how far is too far. Aside from being overprotective though, Laura's a kind and sociable person, albeit rare she's not too busy to interact with others past exchanging a few words. "The more successful, the less time free," as Laura always says; "Even if it means not spending as much time as you would wish with those you love."



Laura's past is one most don't get to know, but she was actually all alone for a long time. The nine hundred years before meeting a man named Thomas was mostly spent moving from alley to alley, secluded area to secluded area, not a purpose to her life at all. Purpose she soon found after meeting Thomas though, her to actually enjoy life alongside her new 'father' as she soon came to call him. Things changed a little when Thomas started up a cirque, and Laura, being the easily scared kid she was at the time, pretty much vanished from the sight of most, only person ever really getting to see her being Thomas. Of course, Laura started showing up more and more often around just the cirque members, until she was a part of the entire cirque family.

Some time after Thomas was gone, Laura took up a place proper in the cirque. It was rather sudden, but the girl who'd been rather shy until then became an adult. She'd literally gone from child to adult, physically, mentally, everything. Her foot went down and she took her place, permission of the ringmaster of the time, Paul, to do as she sees fit. She also claimed a little bit of a spot in the main show, though usually she didn't even make it to the shows because she was busy doing things even Paul got to know nothing about. What she did was usually for the cirque however, and she definitely did her part to help keep the cirque running smoothly.

Skip forward a good while after, paul being gone as well as Nora, Laura's now ringmaster; at least, one of two. She does her job well, certainly, able to take control of things whether through the cirque members respect for her, or by instilling fear in whoever it is she needs have pay attention and listen. Probably has a bit of a reputation as scary in some places around due to this, but she doesn't really care so long as her cirque family is fine and the cirque is successful. She's still quite the busy woman, rarely around for much, though still quite protective of what's around her and has a part in the show just should she wish to participate; however, it's usually skipped over right as it hits her time due to her being too busy to actually participate, something the older members are quite used to doing.


Laura can create the impossible. She can turn anything into anything else, make anything move, float, disappear, and can even change the sky. Everything is hers to control, though she does have one limit to her powers; range. It's something she's worked on for a long time, though currently it's stuck at a radius of half a mile. She prefers not use her powers unless she has a reason to, though infinite amounts of cheese seems to be reason enough.

Laura can also change forms to become a demon doll. In this form, she can turn into a clownish snake-like creature to swallow up people, and though it's how she used to do so, now all she needs to is feed off of their dreams through eye contact, or through some form of physical contact such as a kiss of sucking out their blood like a vampire, though sucking blood isn't something she needs do because she's only in part vampire.

Her last power is the ability to eat anything with ease, and to have a weird face while eating noodles.

-sometimes stares at the elephant man while eating-


What do you do in the circus

Laura's act is one that involves lots of illusions and bats. She never really gets the time to do so though, and even when she gets time to participate in the act, it's usually just something she comes up with on the spot to keep things interesting. She's also one of two ringmasters, so she keeps things in line all around the cirque.



Kaname Ushinawa


"I don't know... Really, not many ever call me nicknames anymore. In the past I was called by Angel and Blind Girl, though now, only one with much of a nickname for me is ringmaster Laura, the nickname being Blue 'cause of my last name; and the fact I've changed my eyes from pure white to what I'm pretty sure is blue..."


"I'm about two hundred and thirty something years old, maybe give or take ten years. I know, I know, I look like a kid."

Country of Origin

"I'm half Japanese, half American... At least, that's what my mother was, and then my father was an angel soo..."

Years with circus

"I've just arrived, so this is my first day..."


"I just said so, but I'm an angel... At least, half angel... The other half is human..."


Rather playful an individual, Kaname loves messing with people. She'll play little jokes here and there on just about anybody; even the visitors of the cirque. She's quite cheerful and kind along with it, just all in all among the most upbeat of people you'll ever meet. Believe it or not, she wasn't always this way; something most could never comprehend is that she used to be too shy and insecure to say more than just hello, even to somebody she knew, without her heart racing at a thousand miles an hour. Quite unbelievable with how well she gets along with people, not to mention the fact shyness isn't even the last thing on her list of traits, 'cause it's not there at all.

Kanade's favorite thing to do is to mess with people by describing things she shouldn't be able to describe; all casually of course, like she'll comment on the pink of your shirt. She especially loves doing so to people who don't know she's blind, and afterwards tell them she's blind, go as far as to take 'em to the doctor's and get some proof for them that she's blind from said doctor should they question her about it. If it weren't enough she'd do that though, she'll drop every joke about blindness she can think of every time she gets bored, to the point the jokes could probably get a bit old if it weren't for the fact she always puts so much energy into it to keep it interesting; or, at least from being dull and your average 'joke' sort of joke.


Not very exciting or interesting a life, she was born blind. She had a mother and father for the first eight years of her life, at which point her father died thus causing a rift between Kaname and her mother. The bond between mother and daughter were broken with the middle person, the angel father, gone due to her mother being human. Kanade was taken in by an orphanage soon after, where she stayed for about a year. From that point, she lived with a kind woman who'd adopted her, somebody who knew she was a half angel just by looking at her. Life was alright for the next several years, although Kaname had absolutely no clue of things outside their property as they lived far from all other people and she never left home. There was, however, a flower garden in which Kaname spent most of her time, at peace with the calming scents of the flowers themselves.

One day, in the garden, Kaname was met with two angels which had watched over her for a long while. The angels felt sorry for the girl who lacked anything but a flower garden, having been born blind just as the two angels themselves were blind. Losing her birth family as well, plus only a single person in her life who was basically never even there with her. Kaname became friends with those two angels, who were kind and would spend time with her every day to keep her company. Believe it or not, this would go on a good hundred and thirty years, there in that large garden secluded from the rest of the world where no others could set foot in. Eventually though, she had to leave; and leave she did, the woman who adopted her having been deceased about eighty years now, as well as having been found by a circus of people that were only as human as her; in other words, not entirely human.

Having started out a shy and clumsy girl at that cirque, having been socially inept after a hundred and sixty or so years of not being around anybody but the two angels and her caretaker, she slowly became a member of the cirque family. She was there through thick and thin, at least for a while; at some point, she'd left to go see the world for herself, having been told many great things of it by her fellow cirque members, mainly the other young girl named Sayuri; or, at least, used-to-be fellow child that'd transformed themselves into an adult due to some circumstances that would never be known by anybody outside said cirque. Being told of the world by Sayuri, Kaname set out and explored, learned many things about it, and spent a good fifty years away from her circus family, though returned about ten or so years ago to the cirque; with a warm welcome by Sayuri.


First on Kaname's list of abilities, is the ability to summon and communicate with two angels named Chinami and Akira. They're naturally incorporeal, however are capable of taking physical and visual form. The two angels are basically Kaname's 'eyes', able to share with her information mentally; telepathy, basically. Funny thing about it all, is that they simply sense things around them, as they themselves are blind despite being, well, angels. Their sensing power used to be something Kaname relied on a lot in the past, however lately Kaname's developed her own ability to sense that around her; to the point of even being able to sense the color within light and all that. It did, however, take her a lot to pick up the ability to differentiate colors through this, as she's never actually seen colors only can sense the very slight differences in their makeup.

In addition to her helping angels and her ability to sense things around hr in very great detail, Kaname can teleport. It used to be a range of about a thousand meters for her teleportation, but currently she can go up to a full five thousand meters if she exerts herself enough, which can include up to two other people along with common things people usually have with them. Complementary to this is the fact that she can sprout wings from her back and fly, although she has her limits for flight due to the fact she's only half angel. They're still an amazing sight to behold, pure silver wings that are as soft as silk.

What do you do in the circus

"So, wanna know what I do...? Well, I'm not really in any kind of act, just a bit of a fortune teller. Funny, right? A blind girl predicting the future of somebody she can't see the very palm of that she's reading."

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

"It's a beautiful place full of color! ... Now if only I could actually see whether or not I'm right."


Kaname's Angels






Edward Drachen (Human Name)

Ignatius (Dragon Name)



Sir Top Hat


Twenty-Nine (Human Realm Age)

Four to Six Thousand (True Age)

Country of Origin

Hell (Birthland)

England (Assumed Origin)



Appearance Other

His eyes change color about every ten minutes, with the colors always unpredictable.

On rare cases, his eyes will go a full rainbow, or will change every few seconds.





Edward is a rather uninteresting guy. While he's dressed for the part, he's not very fit for the role of unpredictability. He's somebody who lacks any enthusiasm, though he holds a few secrets behind that disinterest regarding his true personality. A side of his personality nobody knows, except one man who's already long gone. Ignoring secrets though, he's not much of one to tell somebody about something if they don't ask about it, they don't need to know about it, or he wasn't told by somebody to pass on the information. He'll sometimes throw out useless information to confuse people, though generally stays away from telling false information whenever he does give out something useless and confusing.


Edward was born long ago, once but a demon-born dragon sleeping in the depths of Hell. One time servant to a great hero and then once to a great tyrant, Edward's life consisted of sleep and war. For a thousand years he slept since his last contract was broken, only to be awakened by another summons to the realm of the living, whereupon he was placed under forced contract as servant to a human being. From that moment on, his master was the head of Interpol, and he the man's personal assistant.

A good fifty or so years go by, and his contractor was now passed away; Edward, the new head of Interpol by the choice of the previous head back when them an retired ten years before death. About fifteen years as the head of Interpol, Edward found himself mixed up in affairs of other supernatural beings, which could potentially be detrimental as very few in the Interpol knew of him being anything but human with it best kept that way.

What you specialize in

Exorcism & Alchemy

How long have you been a member of Interpol

'Ten Years'; at least, as far as normal Interpol people know. He's actually been around a good sixty or so years, perhaps a little more or less.


Edward is a master in alchemy, highly knowledgeable when it came to the laws of the world. Equivalent exchange is a principal alchemy usually goes by, though Edward takes it a step further and has learned to use alchemy where twice is received what is given, though cannot be done to create something that in equivalent material existence is equal to or higher in value, nor can he multiply for infinite resource.

Edward can also summon and command dragons at will, on top of which can become any type of dragon he so wishes. These dragons come in all forms and sizes, as well as all affinities such as fire and ice.

As part demon, Edward can wield magic of high quality, and of high variety in element and form. He's also capable of defensive magic, as well as holds highly enhanced physical capabilities due to his dragon and demon blood.


He's quarter human, two thirds dragon, and one third demon.

Fluent in around thirty languages, including French. He practically never uses his multiple languages though.

He has met the Elephant Man before.

Head of Interpol.
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[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]

Here ya go Axel. Hopefully I did a good job with reworkin' the little angel for present times




Sayuri Koharu

Show Name

Dream Wheel


Laura (Her Preferred Name)

Käse (She Hates & Loves It)



(Appears 17-23)

Doll Appearance


Country of Origin


Years with circus

Since the Beginning

(1876, with Thomas)


Dream Feeder/Witch/Demon Doll

+Vampire (Made Herself Part Vampire)


Laura's not one to mess with. Almost nothing gets in the way of Laura without being pushed to the side, and anything that comes between her and the cirque she loves gets a nice little surprise. When it comes to the protectiveness of her cirque family, Laura can go overboard, but she has some sense of how far is too far. Aside from being overprotective though, Laura's a kind and sociable person, albeit rare she's not too busy to interact with others past exchanging a few words. "The more successful, the less time free," as Laura always says; "Even if it means not spending as much time as you would wish with those you love."



Laura's past is one most don't get to know, but she was actually all alone for a long time. The nine hundred years before meeting a man named Thomas was mostly spent moving from alley to alley, secluded area to secluded area, not a purpose to her life at all. Purpose she soon found after meeting Thomas though, her to actually enjoy life alongside her new 'father' as she soon came to call him. Things changed a little when Thomas started up a cirque, and Laura, being the easily scared kid she was at the time, pretty much vanished from the sight of most, only person ever really getting to see her being Thomas. Of course, Laura started showing up more and more often around just the cirque members, until she was a part of the entire cirque family.

Some time after Thomas was gone, Laura took up a place proper in the cirque. It was rather sudden, but the girl who'd been rather shy until then became an adult. She'd literally gone from child to adult, physically, mentally, everything. Her foot went down and she took her place, permission of the ringmaster of the time, Paul, to do as she sees fit. She also claimed a little bit of a spot in the main show, though usually she didn't even make it to the shows because she was busy doing things even Paul got to know nothing about. What she did was usually for the cirque however, and she definitely did her part to help keep the cirque running smoothly.

Skip forward a good while after, paul being gone as well as Nora, Laura's now ringmaster; at least, one of two. She does her job well, certainly, able to take control of things whether through the cirque members respect for her, or by instilling fear in whoever it is she needs have pay attention and listen. Probably has a bit of a reputation as scary in some places around due to this, but she doesn't really care so long as her cirque family is fine and the cirque is successful. She's still quite the busy woman, rarely around for much, though still quite protective of what's around her and has a part in the show just should she wish to participate; however, it's usually skipped over right as it hits her time due to her being too busy to actually participate, something the older members are quite used to doing.


Laura can create the impossible. She can turn anything into anything else, make anything move, float, disappear, and can even change the sky. Everything is hers to control, though she does have one limit to her powers; range. It's something she's worked on for a long time, though currently it's stuck at a radius of half a mile. She prefers not use her powers unless she has a reason to, though infinite amounts of cheese seems to be reason enough.

Laura can also change forms to become a demon doll. In this form, she can turn into a clownish snake-like creature to swallow up people, and though it's how she used to do so, now all she needs to is feed off of their dreams through eye contact, or through some form of physical contact such as a kiss of sucking out their blood like a vampire, though sucking blood isn't something she needs do because she's only in part vampire.

Her last power is the ability to eat anything with ease, and to have a weird face while eating noodles.

-sometimes stares at the elephant man while eating-


What do you do in the circus

Laura's act is one that involves lots of illusions and bats. She never really gets the time to do so though, and even when she gets time to participate in the act, it's usually just something she comes up with on the spot to keep things interesting. She's also one of two ringmasters, so she keeps things in line all around the cirque.



Kaname Ushinawa


"I don't know... Really, not many ever call me nicknames anymore. In the past I was called by Angel and Blind Girl, though now, only one with much of a nickname for me is ringmaster Laura, the nickname being Blue 'cause of my last name; and the fact I've changed my eyes from pure white to what I'm pretty sure is blue..."


"I'm about two hundred and thirty something years old, maybe give or take ten years. I know, I know, I look like a kid."

Country of Origin

"I'm half Japanese, half American... At least, that's what my mother was, and then my father was an angel soo..."

Years with circus

"I've just arrived, so this is my first day..."


"I just said so, but I'm an angel... At least, half angel... The other half is human..."


Rather playful an individual, Kaname loves messing with people. She'll play little jokes here and there on just about anybody; even the visitors of the cirque. She's quite cheerful and kind along with it, just all in all among the most upbeat of people you'll ever meet. Believe it or not, she wasn't always this way; something most could never comprehend is that she used to be too shy and insecure to say more than just hello, even to somebody she knew, without her heart racing at a thousand miles an hour. Quite unbelievable with how well she gets along with people, not to mention the fact shyness isn't even the last thing on her list of traits, 'cause it's not there at all.

Kanade's favorite thing to do is to mess with people by describing things she shouldn't be able to describe; all casually of course, like she'll comment on the pink of your shirt. She especially loves doing so to people who don't know she's blind, and afterwards tell them she's blind, go as far as to take 'em to the doctor's and get some proof for them that she's blind from said doctor should they question her about it. If it weren't enough she'd do that though, she'll drop every joke about blindness she can think of every time she gets bored, to the point the jokes could probably get a bit old if it weren't for the fact she always puts so much energy into it to keep it interesting; or, at least from being dull and your average 'joke' sort of joke.


Not very exciting or interesting a life, she was born blind. She had a mother and father for the first eight years of her life, at which point her father died thus causing a rift between Kaname and her mother. The bond between mother and daughter were broken with the middle person, the angel father, gone due to her mother being human. Kanade was taken in by an orphanage soon after, where she stayed for about a year. From that point, she lived with a kind woman who'd adopted her, somebody who knew she was a half angel just by looking at her. Life was alright for the next several years, although Kaname had absolutely no clue of things outside their property as they lived far from all other people and she never left home. There was, however, a flower garden in which Kaname spent most of her time, at peace with the calming scents of the flowers themselves.

One day, in the garden, Kaname was met with two angels which had watched over her for a long while. The angels felt sorry for the girl who lacked anything but a flower garden, having been born blind just as the two angels themselves were blind. Losing her birth family as well, plus only a single person in her life who was basically never even there with her. Kaname became friends with those two angels, who were kind and would spend time with her every day to keep her company. Believe it or not, this would go on a good hundred and thirty years, there in that large garden secluded from the rest of the world where no others could set foot in. Eventually though, she had to leave; and leave she did, the woman who adopted her having been deceased about eighty years now, as well as having been found by a circus of people that were only as human as her; in other words, not entirely human.

Having started out a shy and clumsy girl at that cirque, having been socially inept after a hundred and sixty or so years of not being around anybody but the two angels and her caretaker, she slowly became a member of the cirque family. She was there through thick and thin, at least for a while; at some point, she'd left to go see the world for herself, having been told many great things of it by her fellow cirque members, mainly the other young girl named Sayuri; or, at least, used-to-be fellow child that'd transformed themselves into an adult due to some circumstances that would never be known by anybody outside said cirque. Being told of the world by Sayuri, Kaname set out and explored, learned many things about it, and spent a good fifty years away from her circus family, though returned about ten or so years ago to the cirque; with a warm welcome by Sayuri.


First on Kaname's list of abilities, is the ability to summon and communicate with two angels named Chinami and Akira. They're naturally incorporeal, however are capable of taking physical and visual form. The two angels are basically Kaname's 'eyes', able to share with her information mentally; telepathy, basically. Funny thing about it all, is that they simply sense things around them, as they themselves are blind despite being, well, angels. Their sensing power used to be something Kaname relied on a lot in the past, however lately Kaname's developed her own ability to sense that around her; to the point of even being able to sense the color within light and all that. It did, however, take her a lot to pick up the ability to differentiate colors through this, as she's never actually seen colors only can sense the very slight differences in their makeup.

In addition to her helping angels and her ability to sense things around hr in very great detail, Kaname can teleport. It used to be a range of about a thousand meters for her teleportation, but currently she can go up to a full five thousand meters if she exerts herself enough, which can include up to two other people along with common things people usually have with them. Complementary to this is the fact that she can sprout wings from her back and fly, although she has her limits for flight due to the fact she's only half angel. They're still an amazing sight to behold, pure silver wings that are as soft as silk.

What do you do in the circus

"So, wanna know what I do...? Well, I'm not really in any kind of act, just a bit of a fortune teller. Funny, right? A blind girl predicting the future of somebody she can't see the very palm of that she's reading."

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

"It's a beautiful place full of color! ... Now if only I could actually see whether or not I'm right."


Kaname's Angels






Edward Drachen (Human Name)

Ignatius (Dragon Name)



Sir Top Hat


Twenty-Nine (Human Realm Age)

Four to Six Thousand (True Age)

Country of Origin

Hell (Birthland)

England (Assumed Origin)



Appearance Other

His eyes change color about every ten minutes, with the colors always unpredictable.

On rare cases, his eyes will go a full rainbow, or will change every few seconds.





Edward is a rather uninteresting guy. While he's dressed for the part, he's not very fit for the role of unpredictability. He's somebody who lacks any enthusiasm, though he holds a few secrets behind that disinterest regarding his true personality. A side of his personality nobody knows, except one man who's already long gone. Ignoring secrets though, he's not much of one to tell somebody about something if they don't ask about it, they don't need to know about it, or he wasn't told by somebody to pass on the information. He'll sometimes throw out useless information to confuse people, though generally stays away from telling false information whenever he does give out something useless and confusing.


Edward was born long ago, once but a demon-born dragon sleeping in the depths of Hell. One time servant to a great hero and then once to a great tyrant, Edward's life consisted of sleep and war. For a thousand years he slept since his last contract was broken, only to be awakened by another summons to the realm of the living, whereupon he was placed under forced contract as servant to a human being. From that moment on, his master was the head of Interpol, and he the man's personal assistant.

A good fifty or so years go by, and his contractor was now passed away; Edward, the new head of Interpol by the choice of the previous head back when them an retired ten years before death. About fifteen years as the head of Interpol, Edward found himself mixed up in affairs of other supernatural beings, which could potentially be detrimental as very few in the Interpol knew of him being anything but human with it best kept that way.

What you specialize in

Exorcism & Alchemy

How long have you been a member of Interpol

'Ten Years'; at least, as far as normal Interpol people know. He's actually been around a good sixty or so years, perhaps a little more or less.


Edward is a master in alchemy, highly knowledgeable when it came to the laws of the world. Equivalent exchange is a principal alchemy usually goes by, though Edward takes it a step further and has learned to use alchemy where twice is received what is given, though cannot be done to create something that in equivalent material existence is equal to or higher in value, nor can he multiply for infinite resource.

Edward can also summon and command dragons at will, on top of which can become any type of dragon he so wishes. These dragons come in all forms and sizes, as well as all affinities such as fire and ice.

As part demon, Edward can wield magic of high quality, and of high variety in element and form. He's also capable of defensive magic, as well as holds highly enhanced physical capabilities due to his dragon and demon blood.


He's quarter human, two thirds dragon, and one third demon.

Fluent in around thirty languages, including French. He practically never uses his multiple languages though.

He has met the Elephant Man before.

Head of Interpol.




Nanami Lentra

Show Name or nick-name:

Heaven's Guardian


Thousands of years old, but she appears in her late 20's

Country of Origin


Years with circus

Too many to count



Heavens First Eye, the Child of the Home, Marrige, and Fertility


Pansexual, but also Happily married

Appearance other

Nanami has other appearances since she can access the eight gods of the heavens, though it's quite draining

(This is going to be long, so spoiler time~)

The Goddess of the Home


Nanami's first form is dubbed Angelica, and is the guardian of family, and marriage. Her weapons

include a circular halo. She is the easiest to summon, and is usually more kind. She fights to

protect, never to harm. She plays defensively, and doesn't deal much damage, but has a

lot of emotional power over her enemies.

The Specific Angel herself is known for being wise, and kind. She guards peace and

prosperity with families and friends. She is gentle, and promotes using words instead of violence.

She is a healer, someone who often rules over the earth as a keeper of peace.

The Goddess of Dragons and War


The second form is known as Dracona, or The Queen Of Dragons. She has been known throughout the

ages to be one of the most blunt angels, and she delivers explosive attacks. She welds a staff that she can use to summon fire,

or her dragon, who can storm anyone in her path.

Even though Dracona and her dragon Boras are strong and tough to beat, the use of her is extremely taxing on

Nanami, thus why she avoids using it too much. It takes a lot of will and courage to summon, and

even with that she can only fight for 10 minutes before her energy level runs out.

The Goddess of Justice


The third form is Bonara, the Guardian of Justice. Bonara guards the justice over the world, and works closely with

Angelica, though they do not get along. Bonara is more abrasive than her counterpart, and does not take

only the side of the family, she takes the side of reason. Bonara's weapon is a longsword that she

uses to exact her justice. She wears heavy armor, and is much like a warrior class who uses

melee weapons and no magical attacks to do justice.

Bonara is slightly more taxing than Angelica to summon, but she can still be used for longer than the others.

She is summoned when Nanami's justice or position in the council, even though she has been banned

calls for her to exact justice against demons threatening her power, or the angelic


The Guardian of Magical Practices


The Fourth form Nanami takes is Megara. Megara is the guardian of religion and magical practices of the

world. Megara is taxing to use, and hard to channel because she is such a holy spirit. She protects

the practice of all religions, but mostly Christianity, and magical uses.

Megara's temperment is quite holy. In fact, she rarely raises her voice at anyone. She is calm,

collected, though she can get slightly irritated with the more energetic bunch, she never snaps at anyone.

She is a fighter that uses a small staff or a holy book to summon spells that help her.

Guardian of Spring


The Fifth Form is the Guardian of Springtime, and the earth. She is named Rosaline or Rosy because of her love

for the pink and red flowers. By nature, she uses completely earth related attacks, and has no weapon but her own hands. She loves playing in the feilds, and just like a flower, her personality is honey sweet.

Rosy is somewhat difficult to summon, but is usually happening when she feels like toying with or annoying

someone. She is also summoned in matters considering a threaten of nature or the order

of the angels. In a sense, she protects all life that is not a creature.

Guardian of Freedom


The sixth form Nanami can take on is the guardian of freedom. Wild and untamable, this angle roams the skies with super

speeds. Kiara is the angel that zips through the sky and though easy to summon, she is relatively useless unless being

chased by people.

The Goddess of Life


The seventh angel is Milea, the goddess of life. Protecting all that lives, Milea is a regal

angel who is closely related to Celeste. Equally as hard to summon, Milea has never been seen yet, though Nanami has seen

visions of this angel coming to her in a dream

The Goddess of Time


Nanami's final form is the goddess of time. An all powerful being, Nanami has not yet discovered how to willfully

summon her, and has only done so once before. It put her in a coma for several days before awakening again, so she

avoids using this form. The Guardian of time can stop time, reverse it, change it's fabrication, but does

so with justice. Celeste, the goddess of time, is a civil being who cares about all beings of earth.

She founded the very idea of the Angelic world and is saddened by it's corruptive ways,

but has let the rift of time flow on since it is in no critical danger at the moment.

She advocates Nanami a lot and is one of the reasons that Nanami still

has contact with the other angels.

The Fallen Angel


When Nanami is corrupted by chaos, which has only happened once before, she assumes a new personality and

look. Nanami takes on a personality of a former friends of hers, and she becomes seductive, bitchy, outrageously sassy and a

terrifying sight to tangle with. In this form, it's debatable who is worse, Nanami, or Ignis


Nanami is well known as the kind hearted mother of the cirque.

With not a lot of bark, this girl packs a big bite, as her husband and several others have had to figure out the hard way.

A loving mother of four, the youngest still living with them at the Cirque, Nanami is a mother bear in the form

of a kick ass angel. Though she has a soft spot for anyone, step out of line and she will kindly whip you

back into line, and just in time for tea.


Nanami came from the angelic realm thousands of years ago, due to falling in love with a man.

After he died, Nanami roamed the earth until she found the Cirque. After a last drama filled year, Nanami and her

newly married husband Ignis moved off to Paris, where they had their first son Sebastian, and later their second Natalie.

After both had moved out, they decided to go back to the cirque, where their they and their two

other kids live with them.


Can Summon broadswords at will, along with a bow and a staff, seeing as they are sacred weapons.

She can also summon angels as stated above.

What do you do in the circus

Acrobat/Tightroap Walker

Costume appearance at the top


Happily married and completely content with it

IceQueen said:



Nanami Lentra

Show Name or nick-name:

Heaven's Guardian


Thousands of years old, but she appears in her late 20's

Country of Origin


Years with circus

Too many to count



Heavens First Eye, the Child of the Home, Marrige, and Fertility


Pansexual, but also Happily married

Appearance other

Nanami has other appearances since she can access the eight gods of the heavens, though it's quite draining

(This is going to be long, so spoiler time~)

The Goddess of the Home


Nanami's first form is dubbed Angelica, and is the guardian of family, and marriage. Her weapons

include a circular halo. She is the easiest to summon, and is usually more kind. She fights to

protect, never to harm. She plays defensively, and doesn't deal much damage, but has a

lot of emotional power over her enemies.

The Specific Angel herself is known for being wise, and kind. She guards peace and

prosperity with families and friends. She is gentle, and promotes using words instead of violence.

She is a healer, someone who often rules over the earth as a keeper of peace.

The Goddess of Dragons and War


The second form is known as Dracona, or The Queen Of Dragons. She has been known throughout the

ages to be one of the most blunt angels, and she delivers explosive attacks. She welds a staff that she can use to summon fire,

or her dragon, who can storm anyone in her path.

Even though Dracona and her dragon Boras are strong and tough to beat, the use of her is extremely taxing on

Nanami, thus why she avoids using it too much. It takes a lot of will and courage to summon, and

even with that she can only fight for 10 minutes before her energy level runs out.

The Goddess of Justice


The third form is Bonara, the Guardian of Justice. Bonara guards the justice over the world, and works closely with

Angelica, though they do not get along. Bonara is more abrasive than her counterpart, and does not take

only the side of the family, she takes the side of reason. Bonara's weapon is a longsword that she

uses to exact her justice. She wears heavy armor, and is much like a warrior class who uses

melee weapons and no magical attacks to do justice.

Bonara is slightly more taxing than Angelica to summon, but she can still be used for longer than the others.

She is summoned when Nanami's justice or position in the council, even though she has been banned

calls for her to exact justice against demons threatening her power, or the angelic


The Guardian of Magical Practices


The Fourth form Nanami takes is Megara. Megara is the guardian of religion and magical practices of the

world. Megara is taxing to use, and hard to channel because she is such a holy spirit. She protects

the practice of all religions, but mostly Christianity, and magical uses.

Megara's temperment is quite holy. In fact, she rarely raises her voice at anyone. She is calm,

collected, though she can get slightly irritated with the more energetic bunch, she never snaps at anyone.

She is a fighter that uses a small staff or a holy book to summon spells that help her.

Guardian of Spring


The Fifth Form is the Guardian of Springtime, and the earth. She is named Rosaline or Rosy because of her love

for the pink and red flowers. By nature, she uses completely earth related attacks, and has no weapon but her own hands. She loves playing in the feilds, and just like a flower, her personality is honey sweet.

Rosy is somewhat difficult to summon, but is usually happening when she feels like toying with or annoying

someone. She is also summoned in matters considering a threaten of nature or the order

of the angels. In a sense, she protects all life that is not a creature.

Guardian of Freedom


The sixth form Nanami can take on is the guardian of freedom. Wild and untamable, this angle roams the skies with super

speeds. Kiara is the angel that zips through the sky and though easy to summon, she is relatively useless unless being

chased by people.

The Goddess of Life


The seventh angel is Milea, the goddess of life. Protecting all that lives, Milea is a regal

angel who is closely related to Celeste. Equally as hard to summon, Milea has never been seen yet, though Nanami has seen

visions of this angel coming to her in a dream

The Goddess of Time


Nanami's final form is the goddess of time. An all powerful being, Nanami has not yet discovered how to willfully

summon her, and has only done so once before. It put her in a coma for several days before awakening again, so she

avoids using this form. The Guardian of time can stop time, reverse it, change it's fabrication, but does

so with justice. Celeste, the goddess of time, is a civil being who cares about all beings of earth.

She founded the very idea of the Angelic world and is saddened by it's corruptive ways,

but has let the rift of time flow on since it is in no critical danger at the moment.

She advocates Nanami a lot and is one of the reasons that Nanami still

has contact with the other angels.

The Fallen Angel


When Nanami is corrupted by chaos, which has only happened once before, she assumes a new personality and

look. Nanami takes on a personality of a former friends of hers, and she becomes seductive, bitchy, outrageously sassy and a

terrifying sight to tangle with. In this form, it's debatable who is worse, Nanami, or Ignis

Nanami is well known as the kind hearted mother of the cirque.

With not a lot of bark, this girl packs a big bite, as her husband and several others have had to figure out the hard way.

A loving mother of four, the youngest still living with them at the Cirque, Nanami is a mother bear in the form

of a kick ass angel. Though she has a soft spot for anyone, step out of line and she will kindly whip you

back into line, and just in time for tea.


Nanami came from the angelic realm thousands of years ago, due to falling in love with a man.

After he died, Nanami roamed the earth until she found the Cirque. After a last drama filled year, Nanami and her

newly married husband Ignis moved off to Paris, where they had their first son Sebastian, and later their second Natalie.

After both had moved out, they decided to go back to the cirque, where their they and their two

other kids live with them.


Can Summon broadswords at will, along with a bow and a staff, seeing as they are sacred weapons.

She can also summon angels as stated above.

What do you do in the circus

Acrobat/Tightroap Walker

Costume appearance at the top


Happily married and completely content with it


rosamortelle said:
Salix (Dù Huā) Eligos

Show Name or nick-name:

Hell's Vines


66 (appears 20)

Years with circus:

- 20 years with the cirque in France (disbanded in 1965)

- 44 years with the current cirque


Mixed (demon & nymph)





Appearance other:

Salix stands at 6'4" in height and has a finely toned yet flexible form. Silver hair with bright green tufts here and there aligns with his face, creating a sharp yet gentle look to his face. Small Daphne flower buds cover his hair (which he finds embarrassingly girly) that may seem clipped on, but are actually growing there. He also has a set of glossy black horns that sit just behind the temples of his head and are about 12 inches long. He also has tattoos that stretch across his back and wrap around his arms that look like black tendrils. Finally, his eyes are a emerald green that once sparkled like the jewel, but now seem dull and are flecked with ruby coloring.


Suave, sweet, and a natural way with words are only a few traits that describe Salix. With his father's irresistible charm and his mother over flowing love, Salix is truly a perfect gentlemen. He is definitely good with the ladies and can normally get any girl head over heels for him. Although he can be arrogant at times, Salix always makes up for it and reassures everyone about how he cares for them. Yet when he is alone, Salix becomes quite depressed or stressed out. (It's understandable though, I mean if you were in a group of troublemakers and visions of constant future possibilities flashed before your eyes, some very Grimm, you wouldn't be the calmest of folk either).


Salix is the son of Dá Fú Nī Dù Huā and Abigor Eligos. This is the only information Salix is ever willing to share with people anymore. If someone wanted to know more about him they should've asked 40 years ago.


- Like his father, Salix is able to see the future. However he can not see what will for sure happen, but different possible outcomes based on the present actions occurring, so essentially he sees the futures of every possible outcome that could happen based from one situation ranged in 24 hours.

- As for mainly his mother's side, he can control the plants around him (growing at unimaginable speeds, morphing into lucid creatures, etc.)

- finally he has the powers of an incubus/few ancient magics from both of his parents.

What do you do in the circus:

Salix is a cyr wheel performer and a German wheel performer.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


There is also a few more plants strewn across some of the counters. They were the many gifts from his mother, now overgrown monstrosities fueled by Salix's inability to control his nymph side (emotion based abilities).


- Salix's parents once had the elephant man over for dinner.

- Salix is multilingual, he knows Chinese, Latin, French, and roughly knows English. It's easier for him to communicate in the first 3 options.




Cordelia Zabat

Show Name or nick-name:

Living Waves


??? (Appears between 18-21)

Country of Origin:

The sea (Poseidon's domain)

Years with circus:



Demi-God (Poseidon & water elemental)





Appearance other:

Height: 5'11"

Weight: ???

Eye color: gold as a standard but can change to any ocean portrayal and color.

Hair: a beautiful baby blue color and lengths wise touches the floor to where it drags 4-5 feet behind her forcing Cordelia to wear her hair up on land. If hit with water gold highlighted stands with appear and shine like actual gold.

Skin: a porcelain coloring on land but if it comes into contact with any water is turns semi-translucent and creates a glowing layer around itself.

Body type: Extremely flexible, in fact there is no limit to how much her body can bend.


Although she may put on a very 'flirty' and more adult like attitude for her performances, Cordelia is the exact opposite of that. She is a very bubbly being with a child-like positivity and manner. She is very curious about everything and even though she has lived on land for 6 years, almost everything excites her. Though that curiousity can make Cordelia lead to rash decisions as she tends to act first and think about consequences later. Cordelia is also very trusting to about anybody who comes into a 5 mile radius of her as she believes everyone is friend and no one would ever do anything bad to her or others and denies any evidence opposing. She is also very attached to her Cirque family and loves each and everyone of them.


Cordelia found the cirque when she washed up on a nearby shore. As for where she originates (may say here but to cirque to unknown) is a mystery and some have tried to ask. Yet do to the lack of thought towards Cordelia actually sitting down for more then 15 minutes without giving her something to do, people gave up trying. Not even the ringmaster's know Cordelia as more than just a simple water elemental.


- Hydrokinesis: Cordelia's strongest and main power is the ability to manipulate, control and create liquid water, using it as powerful sprays, manipulating it into shapes for use, and other side abilities stated below.

- Hydro-Cryokinesis: This is the add-on ability to heat and boil the water. This power could apply with anything containing liquid, ranging from human body to even the water molecules in the air.

- Thermokinesis: This is the add-on ability to heat and boil the water. This power could apply with anything containing liquid, ranging from human body to even the water molecules in the air.

- Gelidkinesis: This is the power to turn water and all things that contain water into a jelly-like compound. Since Cordelia is made of water she uses this ability to change her vitals and skin into a translucent jelly that contains the water streams inside her but allows her quicker movement underwater.

- Atmokinesis: She has power to control and manipulate the weather itself and its various aspects to a certain degree with a lot of concentration and stress on her body.

- Aerokinesis: Side ability to Atmokinesis, Cordelia can fine tune her ability to strictly control the air and wind. Limit without putting strain on her body is a very weak wind storm.

- Cryokinesis: Cordelia has the power to create, manipulate and control the ice and snow. Her limits with the ability are creating solid ice, a small blizzard, or just snow in general. So like hydro-Cryokinesis but enhanced.

- Electrokinesis: can manipulate lightning, but only when there is a storm she can not just freely make lightning. (Her dad is Poseidon not Zeus)

- Invisibility/ Invisibility Detection: Cordelia has the ability to turn invisible for periods up to about 30 miuntes with 20 breaks inbetween periods. Thanks to this ability, Cordelia can sense other invisible beings in a 3 meter radius from her self.

- Siren Singing: When she sings, Cordelia's voice hypnotizes human men in a 5 meter radius around her to obey her commands and become head over heels for her. (also comes in handy for soul sucking)

- Telekinesis: Kind of self explanatory. Her limit is manipulating small children bodies.

- Volume reduction: Volume Reduction is the ability to change object sizez (her range is food and animals). Cordelia uses a hand motion where she uses her thumb and index finger and brings them closer or farther apart to change the object's size.

- Vision sharing/ Language sharing: Cordelia is able to speak and understand any language that any creature alive of existed. She is also able to share her memories of things she's done and seen with others. However to do both of these abilities, Cordelia must make mouth to mouth contact with the person she shares a memory with and to copy the language of the other creature.

- Speed Swimming: Cordelia's body when in her fully water gel form is able to travel up to 600 mph while in the water. Her body produces bubbles to help create a jet stream and the gelled layer of translucent skin slides through the bubbles.

What do you do in the circus:

Water bowl contortionist, singer for some performances, ''ribbon'' (water manipulation) dancer

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

Normal on the outside aside from the black out windows, welded shut door, and only opening being a hatch on top. The inside is a vast sea stretching deep and wide with air bubble stations, and a dry room on a shallow reef for visitors. The room is a circle with clear glass walls and roof. A kitchen is stocked up on one side and two couches plus a table and chairs are on the other.


- Cordelia bares a special amulet from her father that she is constantly seen wearing. The only times she actually takes it off is when she is asleep. And yup it's totally just a regular amulet. Heh, nothing special at all.

- Alcohol badly affects Cordelia as it replaces essentially everything that flows through her system. The worst time was when she went drinking with an elephant man.




Matilda Nightingale

nick name:




country of origin:






Appearance other:

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 125 lbs

Eye color: dark brown

Hair color: brown with highlights

Tattoos: a skull tattoo with nightshade berries growing from its eye sockets and mouth on back.

Scars: deep claw looking scars in her lower left side from what she claimed to be a bear trap accident and a burn scar on her left arm from a cooking attempt. Also two very deep and colored hand print shaped scars wrap around her neck, forcing matilda to normally wear turtlenecks.


Very open about emotions and supportive of others. Is skilled when it comes to fighting, using deadly herbs/tonics, and scrapbooking. A terrible cook, and should never be allowed back into a kitchen. Likes to crack jokes with others, including slight insults. Never afraid to speak her mind which is normally alright with the vast knowledge she has (that is for a human).


As a young girl, Matilda grew up in the lavish role of the single child and heiress of one of the wealthiest families in England. Although with this title did come with a price. Matilda never got to see her parents aside from a family dinner they would hold at the end of every month. Yet Matilda was not necessarily alone, many maids and butlers were there to cater to her needs and being the person she was the nand now Matilda would never use that power and instead treat them like the family she always imagined. That is of course, at least in her case, not done very well as it was hard to treat the people who were also your teachers and trainers to make you into the perfect heiress of your parents standards with love. Yet the best part of growing up for Matilda was during the night. Just as she was about to go to sleep Matilda would as see a strange man outside her window who would asked to be let inside. Matilda always did for the strange man to her was a friend with magical abilities that would play with her, unlike anyone else in the Manor.

It was then on her 17th birthday, Matilda had finally completed her prep training and was ready to take over as the head of the family tree. Although she reluctantly accepted the position, Matilda knew that the work her parents wanted her to continue after they were full gone was not her calling. Instead it was the curiousity to find out more about her magical friend she used to have, thus leading her to discover the reality of mythical creatures other than in fairytales. By the time she turned 18 Matilda had found out about Interpol and immediately joined. Matilda quickly rose in the ranks and soon became the head's personal assistant, much to Matilda's excitement, and a well respected Interpol agent. Matilda now works extremely hard to do her job right especially since she works under the agent that inspired he to make it where she was already (a.k.a. Edward is basically her idol). She also tries to help with as many expenses for the company as she can, since money it is not an issue for her.

What you specialize in:

Demonologist and folklore expert / poisons master (now works as head's assistant)

How long have you been a member of Interpol:

10 years


- Matilda corrupted an elephant man's tea once.


Annalise Moscato

Aerialist / Animal Tamer


Name: Annalise Moscato

Showname: Skyscraper

Age: Over a hundred years old (Appears 20)

Country of Origin: Venice, Italy

Species: Nephalem (Angel/Demon hybrid)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Annalise has doe-like, violet eyes, that glitter under the moonlit sky. Her long, blonde hair, that past her waist is usually seen up in two pony tails, leaving her fringes just above her face. She stands at an even five feet and is consider to have a fit body from the hard-core routine she has for herself to keep her body in shape (daily runs, yoga, and work-out methods). Annalise has magical runes and markings on her back but it can only be seen if she undos the spell she uses to keep it covered. Annalise is more attuned with her angelic side rather than her demonic side. Despite her hybrid background, Annalise always adorns a smile on her face and is usually never seen in her demonic form. However, when she's provoked or angered, she tries to not let those feelings cloud her judgement, fearing that her demonic side may come out (She fears what could happen since she doesn't know the extent of her powers). Annalise has ethereal , white, wings that can take flight, but rarely can she ever fly due to restrictions. On the other hand, she doesn't know her appearance as a demon, since well, the only time she's ever became in tune with that side was once... and even then she had no control over her body or memories. (More about that past in RP)

Personality: Annalise is extremely soft and pure-hearted. She's soft spoken and caring to anyone and everyone. She's always cheerful and bubbly, rarely angry, since she fears her demonic side taking her over without her knowing. However, Annalise can be stubborn when it comes to ideas that she doesn't quite agree with. For her age (or rather what she appears to be), she's quite level-headed and seen as mature and wise. However, that doesn't stop her from acting out once in a while as a child and enjoying things in life. She can be as playful as a cat, or as timid as a mouse, depending on the situation or mood. Annalise is as innocent as a child, not letting the darkness lingering in her heart take over who she wants to be and who she really is. Annalise is honest to a fault, never being able to tell a lie or deceive anyone. She would constantly bite her lips or fidget with her hands if she ever tries to be dishonest. Annalise relies on the honest truth, and hates the idea of betraying someone's trust in her. However, there are times when dark thoughts plague her mind, as she has a mental war going on in her head, choosing right from wrong. She bears a lot of weight in her heart, but refuses to burden others with her worries. But, it doesn't mean she doesn't trust others, but rather, she's afraid to hurt them. Annalise puts on a strong front, causing her to be a fool and naive, not letting others be there for her in her time of need. She's quick on her feet, creative, and always does her best in her performances. Annalise enjoys fun but also shows pride in her acts, wanting to do nothing but her utmost best and perfection. The one thing Annalise knows most is that if anyone ever dares harm her cirque family or her animal friends, she won't be afraid to use her abilities to protect them from harm, even if it means exposing herself. Annalise likes to lend a helping hand, helping others if they need it, especially before a show, she would go out of her way and do so. (More personality / character development in RP)

Background: For over a hundred or so years, Annalise had been roaming around what they called "Earth". Annalise never knew her parents, since she was born as a hybrid between two species that should never co-exist. She was a baby born in a time of danger and deceit. Annalise was the child who shouldn't have existed. She grew up among humans in foster homes. Annalise had always got picked on and bullied for being different (or considered not normal since she always spoke to animals or talked to herself), however, her strong and hopefulness was never dampened. As time passed, signs of strange markings and magic appeared on her body, to the point that Annalise hadn't known why all strange occurrence were happening to her (her being able to understand animals, see spirits, etc). Since she wasn't already accepted, she knew if word came out of her powers and strange markings, they'll brand her as a freak / mental person. Because of this, she ran away from Foster care and she wasn't seen ever again.

Annalise found companions in animals and soon enough saw supernatural creature alike, having an eye for seeing normal people wouldn't. She came across several different people, learning more anout herself and heritage. Of course, magic and supernaturals wouldn't just show up and reveal themselves to humans. She was able to master the power she had inside her petite frame with the help of those she encountered (animals, supernatural beings & creatures, alike). However, she never stuck to one place for too long, since most angels she encountered were hidden or on the down low. Moreover, she found friends in the village people who lived on the outskirts of town. Although she laughed and made friends with the people, she never felt as if she belonged, feeling a little time warped. But, as humans faded, she continued living. She had watched her companions come and go, leaving her when it was time for them move on or pass away. It always pained her to watch those she grew attached to pass away. Mortals, or rather, humans, sure are interesting creatures aren't they? They left a footprint on her heart and the memories she shared with those she met, she would never forget. So, because of her fear of being attached to humans and losing them over and over again, Annalise strayed far from the humans, only finding companions with those who were immortal like herself. The first person who kept Annalise under his wing was Hiroto. He was the first being that had a physical and creature form that she met. He taught her many things, letting her become attuned with both sides of her race (although she mostly relied on her angelic side). Hiroto taught her more than she had expected to know, the history behind her races, the different lores, and lifestyle. Annalise stayed with him for a few year, journeying across the lands. He was her teacher, "savior", and the one who brought her to the circus where she found. . a family. He had left her there, promising to come back one day to meet her once more. Annalise was grateful for Hiroto for finding her a place and taking care of her for all those years: being a companion and someone she could rely on. The cirque became a place where she felt like she belonged. (More details in RP)

Abilities: As an angel and a demon, Annalise is able to use her magic to cast simple, small spells/magic on an object to do her bidding (one to tie a bow, move furniture or objects into a certain place), charm, or protection spells. However, being hybrid may or may not have its perks. Sometimes she has no control of her magic abilities and how much damage she can do if her mental stability isn't stable. She fears darkness and fire, and yet, enjoys being in the light and under the moonlight skies. As both beings, she's standing in the middle line of Heaven and Hell, yet she isn't a fallen nor is she waiting for judgment. She transcends time and space. Because of this, she's crossed two sides of the spectrum, and she's not a being that's part of either sides Annalise has been given rhe ability to see and communicate with spirits that lurks around. She can't call upon spirits but can only come in contact with those that are already wandering earth. Because of this ability, some spirits may come to her for help, even if she tries to keep her nose out of their business. Not only can she talk and see spirits of animals , humans, Angels, and demons alike, but she's found her niche with animals and air.

Animal empathy&telepathy/Empath: Annalise can feel an animal's emotions, read their minds, and communicate with them telepathy. She always had this ability since a young age. Annalise is able to tame animals that have run rampage and become friends with them once she connected and shares a bond with them. Despite being an empath to specially animals, she can sense other emotions from other beings as well. Whatever they feel, she can feel.

Air manipulation: Annalise finds favor in the sky and the air all around her. Every living thing needs air and she's able to use the air around her to make winds, breezes, and objects to move. Using air, she tends to show little magic tricks to young children by using flowers and air to form a dancing flower act. However she can not control the weather, making hurricanes and such as Cordelia can.

Healing wind:Annalise can use the air around her to heal wounds since the air flow provides more oxygen and nutrients for body parts, effectively increasing metabolism, and pressurizing air to forcefully seal off wounds.

However, as much as Annalise does not see or rather like her demonic side, she has abilities that may or may not help her or her friends, such as energy and aura manipulation.

Energy manipulation: Annalise can either boost her strength, abilities or her comrades if they ever need energy to continue striving towards their goals. She sends them waves of energy that provides a cushion. Or, Annalise can steal one's energy to boost her own or her comrades. The energy she steals can eventually take out someone's life force and give it to her own life force. However, to do this, takes a lot of toll on her body such as stamina and strength. The only way she can steal someone's life is if she's really gone bersek and has no qualms about killing.

Aura manipulation: Annalise can manipulate someone's aura such as 7 auras (physical nature, self- will power, emotions, intelligence, illusions, and awareness) associated with other people. She can choose to use a person's aura to boost her or someone else's. If she does this, just like energy manipulation, she's using another person's life source, which can include hers. This takes a lot of damage on her well-being and mental stability. Annalise , in demonic form, cares nothing for another person's aura. She's able to manipulate the auras, even to the point of causing the person mental destruction and soon to their demise.

Position in the circus: She's not considered one of the "main" leads of a performance or rather have her oown show, since she takes on substitute roles for her cirque family whenever they need her. Even if she doesn't have her own show and is usually seen as an assistant or helper, she doesn't mind. However, whenever her cirque family needs new acts, Annalise would gladly take the opportunity to take on the main role/lead she is known for. Her act includes being an aerial silk and hoop artist along with being an animal trainer. As an aerial silk and hoop artist, she has to be very flexible, have agility, strength, and balance. On the other hand, she takes care of the animals, train, and speaks to the animals of the cirque which can range from exotic animals to house animals. In her acts, Annalise is usually seen hanging up high in the air with silk wrapped around her body or she's seen on her aerial hoop: dancing/performing aerial tricks. In her animal training acts, she brings the animals out on stage, presenting the trained animals and the tricks they'll do. She does not use whips or fire. However, Annalise would not tolerate any abuse of misdemeanors regarding her animals (tiger, lions, leopard, fennec foxes, dogs, etc.)

Inside of her trailer:


Other: Annalise has other hobbies such as dancing ballet, gymnastics, running track (parkour), singing, and playing musical instruments. However, despite her size, because of her training, routines, and hobbies. Annalise is able to gracefully take down her opponents if she ever needed if with her legs (self defense). During her down time, she spends time with her loving animals and cirque family. Annalise is multi-lingual, which means she's fluent and many different languages (inclused speaking, reading, and writing). Annalise love cute items, trinkets, and souvenirs. She's a collector of items. The elephant man always interested her.
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crucialstar said:
Work in Progress

Annalise Moscato

Aerialist / Animal Tamer


Name: Annalise Moscato


Age: Over a hundred years old (Appears 20)

Country of Origin: Venice, Italy


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Annalise has doe-like, violet eyes, that glitter under the moonlit sky. Her long, blonde hair, that past her waist is usually seen up in two pony tails, leaving her bangs to the right side of her face. She stands at an even five feet and is consider to have a fit body from the hard-core routine she has for herself to keep her body in shape.




Position in the circus: She's not considered one of the "main" leads of a performance or rather have her own show, since she takes on substitute roles for her cirque family whenever they need her. Even if she doesn't have her own show and is usually seen as an assistant or helper, she doesn't mind. However, whenever her cirque family needs new acts, Annalise would gladly take the opportunity to take on the main role/lead she is known for. Her act includes being an aerial silk and hoop artist along with being an animal trainer. As an aerial silk and hoop artist, she has to be very flexible, have agility, strength, and balance. On the other hand, she takes care of the animals, train, and speaks to the animals of the cirque which can range from exotic animals to house animals. In her acts, Annalise is usually seen hanging up high in the air with silk wrapped around her body or she's seen on her aerial hoop: dancing/performing aerial tricks. In her animal training acts, she brings the animals out on stage, presenting the trained animals and the tricks they'll do. However, Annalise would not tolerate any abuse of misdemeanors regarding her animals (tiger, lions, leopard, fennec foxes, dogs, etc.)

Inside of her trailer:

Other: Annalise has other hobbies such as dancing ballet, gymnastics, running track (parkour), singing, and playing musical instruments. During her down time, she spends time with her loving animals and cirque family. Annalise is multi-lingual, which means she's fluent and many different languages (inclused speaking, reading, and writing).
Name: Connor McKinley VIII

Show Name or nick-name: Ka-Kaw mother truckers. *No cirque name and good luck giving him one*

Age: He looks to be 18. But, technically speaking, he's around 2 or three years old. Read Species for an explanation for this or PM me.

Country of Origin: France. But a good portion of his life was spent near the cirque.

Years with circus: (6 years or less unless you have talked to me about it)

Species: Kelvic. Okay, let me explain what a Kelvic is. It's an animal, that can transform into a human. It's not like a werewolf, where they can stop half way in the middle. And he's not human either, not completely anyway. He may be able to rationalize things, but he runs more on instinct then anything else. And, just so you know, a Kelvic can breed with either a human, an animal, or another Kelvic. Note, the gene to being a Kelvic is recessive, and what animal they will be is not guaranteed in most cases.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.



((Crow form, with lunch))


((Human form. Clothed, of course.))

Personality:Laid back to the point of laziness. Nothing seems to bother him, and what he apparently craves the most is food. A practical joker, when he was younger, he caught a badger in his human form, after he some how acquired a bag, and released it into the cirque. The old and rather angry thing caused quite the commotion, and among the screaming and general panic one could just hear the cawing of a crow that sounded a lot like laughter.

Background: Being born a Kelvic to human parents can be a rather odd situation. One where your parents think you're some sort of demon and so you have to quickly leave. Luckily the circus was in town.

Abilities: Able to communicate with crows, as well as turn into one. Though, technically speaking, he'd be able to talk to humans and transform into one. His instincts are quite good as well, though they aren't always top notch.

What do you do in the circus: He's seen knocking about, but isn't actually a part of the circus. But he can be bribed into doing a few things with food, of course.

What does the inside of their trailer look like? Doesn't have a trailer. He lives outside.

other: No matter how much the elephant man tried to persuade him, he refused to be an actual part of the cirque. He survives by scavenging off the trash and food left out. Also, clothes do not transform with him. So, if he goes from crow to human, he's going to be wearing his birthday suite.
Beowulf said:
Name: Connor McKinley VIII
Show Name or nick-name: Ka-Kaw mother truckers. *No cirque name and good luck giving him one*

Age: He looks to be 18. But, technically speaking, he's around 2 or three years old. Read Species for an explanation for this or PM me.

Country of Origin: France. But a good portion of his life was spent near the cirque.

Years with circus: (6 years or less unless you have talked to me about it)

Kelvic. Okay, let me explain what a Kelvic is. It's an animal, that can transform into a human. It's not like a werewolf, where they can stop half way in the middle. And he's not human either, not completely anyway. He may be able to rationalize things, but he runs more on instinct then anything else. And, just so you know, a Kelvic can breed with either a human, an animal, or another Kelvic. Note, the gene to being a Kelvic is recessive, and what animal they will be is not guaranteed in most cases.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.



((Crow form, with lunch))


((Human form. Clothed, of course.))

Personality:Laid back to the point of laziness. Nothing seems to bother him, and what he apparently craves the most is food. A practical joker, when he was younger, he caught a badger in his human form, after he some how acquired a bag, and released it into the cirque. The old and rather angry thing caused quite the commotion, and among the screaming and general panic one could just hear the cawing of a crow that sounded a lot like laughter.

Background: Being born a Kelvic to human parents can be a rather odd situation. One where your parents think you're some sort of demon and so you have to quickly leave. Luckily the circus was in town.

Abilities: Able to communicate with crows, as well as turn into one. Though, technically speaking, he'd be able to talk to humans and transform into one. His instincts are quite good as well, though they aren't always top notch.

What do you do in the circus: He's seen knocking about, but isn't actually a part of the circus. But he can be bribed into doing a few things with food, of course.

What does the inside of their trailer look like? Doesn't have a trailer. He lives outside.

other: No matter how much the elephant man tried to persuade him, he refused to be an actual part of the cirque. He survives by scavenging off the trash and food left out. Also, clothes do not transform with him. So, if he goes from crow to human, he's going to be wearing his birthday suite.


Sisceal Alebaster


102. Doesn't look a day over 36 though.

Country of origin:



Formerly an investigator. Now, by dawn a hunk of stone, by dusk. The maid/butler of the cirque.



Appearance other:

He is 6' 5" with a lean build and lust red eyes.


He can be sweet and caring or cold and heartless. It all depends on what he knows about you


In his late teens/ early twenties he was a priest in a small Irish church. However....some scandals arose and he was forced to leave. After leaving the country to get away from that all he joined a private investigation team. Taking up any job that they threw at him.

After being murdered, he's joined the cirque he once investigated as a sort of butler. He cooks and cleans and makes sure the performers are well looked after.


He's quite the drinker at times. elephant man.​

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