Cirque de Montstres (modern times)


Humanoid Typhoon


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<p> <strong>Welcome young and old to the Cirque de Monstres! We open at nightfall and feature a carnival and circus entertainment. Be sure to check out the side show and our famous hall of mirrors. And to the wonderful members of Interpol, we had nothing to do with it. We promise, so please, leave us be.</strong> <strong> RP takes place in the spring of 2009 outside of the town of Manchester, England. The cirque has a forest on one side of it. </strong><strong><span style="color:#b30000;"> </span></strong><strong><span style="color:#b30000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">note for the humans: when the rp starts you do not know that the members of the cirque are behind everything. You just think they are a traveling band of non-humans who are most likely guilty. </span></span></strong><strong><span style="color:#b30000;"> </span></strong><strong><span style="color:#b30000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WARNING!: This is a mature role play that deals with kidnappings, horror related scenarios, strong emotions, murder, and violence. If any of these make you uncomfortable do not join. This a PG-13 site but, just a heads up that this is not a sunshine and rainbows circus rp.</span></span></strong><strong> When the RP starts it will be nighttime and the cirque will have just opened for the night </strong><strong><span style="color:#b30000;"> </span></strong><strong><span style="color:#b30000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Please read the overview before making a character</span></span></strong><strong><span style="color:#b30000;"> </span></strong><strong><span style="color:#b30000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">DO NOT POST UNTIL I SAY SO</span></span></strong>

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"Come on you lot! Get moving! We have a performance in a few hours!" Ignis called out from a pile of crates as he watched the performers scurry about to get ready. He wasn't performing tonight, his prosthetic was out of whack and there was no time to fix it. The misty air didn't help much either... Such is life though. At least age had treated the rest of him better. There were a few speckles of gray in his hair, his horns were longer and curled more and some wrinkles around his eyes and mouth, but other than that he still looked young and spry.

Jonsi heard the commotion outside and hurried to get himself ready. Slicking back his fine, platinum hair and pulling the usual large silky shirt over his torso. Not like it was going to be there for long though, he was the skeleton man...not showing off his 'feat' would defeat the purpose of even being here in the first place. His only hope for tonight was that they were more strict with the barrier...last time around he had people trying to play his rib cage like a xylophone.
Gareth was in his show tent and wearing his magnificant red and orange suite. It was done like he was going to a ball, the main color being orange, and accented by a ought red. He wasn't practicing, or preparing. One did not prepare for what came naturally. No, he simply wanted out of the mist. It dampened his flames, and gave him away. A man causin whatever water that hit him to instantly boil and turn to steam stood out in a crowd.

But at least he was entertained. With the youngling Ignis, he could toy with. And strange things were attracted to this place like moths to a flame. The human wirld also had it's interests, but they were few and far between, and most if those shortly lived. Oh well, he had made his choices, and he had to stay with them.
He opened his eyes to see the rat taking a piss on his jacket. It was an ugly little creep; had beady black eyes and a crooked snout that made smug huffing sounds as it threw itself onto the grass and scampered away.

Glen fought to sit upright, the stink of rat urine stabbing him into unwelcome wakefulness. His headache was unbelievable, and as he unstuck himself from the hard ground, he thought his brain was going to explode. He rubbed his forehead, and groaned as his gritty eyes analysed the field he was standing in: grass, more grass, and a colony of tents sitting on the orange horizon.

His nose crinkled as trace smells of caramel apples and popcorn reached him. A circus? A carnival? He didn't care; he still had some money on him, so he decided that he was going to pop in to buy a corn dog or something, then leave. Clowns and elephants weren't the most comfortable things to hang around with for too long.

He threw on his jacket, and adjusted the black rose hanging from the front pocket as he trudged towards the tents.
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Cold, windy air made the stained skin on her thighs shiver. The elongated shadows of pine and maple hid the shaky figure. Hushed whimpers grew higher until, with the crunch of leaves, a crimson coat hanger fell to the ground.

Tears streamed down red cheeks. Carter. That was all that she went by. No one owns her anymore, and no one wants to.

The young pariah fixed her clothes and wiped the moisture from her face. She blinked firmly, her vision becoming lucid and revealing warm lights in the distance. Crickets croaked their tune and to their song Carter hiked through the darkness.

She reached the circle of tents and felt out of place. Everyone donned bright faces and had someone to hold onto.

The lonesome girl had little time to reflect when the sharp stab of pain shot through her lower body. "A circus. Maybe there's a team of backflipping baby-eating psychos." Carter wiped her nose and followed the crowd into the enormous tent.
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Lucas heard the voices and the rushed noises outside, but he was more interested in the warmth of his bed than to be rushed along. He would have succeed in returning to his sleep had it not been for something falling from its hook on the wall and conking Lucas right on the forehead.

Lucas sat up with a jolt and looked through tired eyes back and forth to see what it was that had hit him, already knowing what he would find.

"OY!! Boss man ben yell'n for everyone to get a'movin. Pretty sure that means you Lafluer."

The snarky comment turned Lucas's head towards the wall where he found his shrunken head sitting on the floor watching him. The string that was comprised of the skulls head had obviously come undone and the skull sat there on the ground with its sunken eye holes fixed on Lucas.

"*sigh*, Merde Jimbo, Why I brought you back from the dead I will never understand."

Jimbo's dried skin around his cheeks stretched and looked at if they would crack from moving as the head smiled back up at Lucas.

"Ah ya know you would go out yer mind wid boredum if ya did'n have me der boyo."

Lucas smiled and threw the covers over the shrunken head muffling him while Lucas got up and got ready. He found his normal attire in his wardrobe and once he was dressed he pulled Jimbo out of covers and took him to the front of the wagon.

The "wagon" was more or less a shop on wheels. Lucas stepped outside into the cool morning air and took a deep breath. Hanging Jimbo from his little hook on the outside of the door, Lucas pulled a latch on the side of the bus revealing a side panel that lifted up. Inside the panel were a impressive collection of trinkets and do-dads that Lucas had either made himself, or "acquired" in some way or another. All for sale to those who wished to leave the circus with with a Voodoo souvenir. He wasn't sure if the circus was actually open for business yet but he figured the earlier he set up shop the sooner he could start making money.
How pathetic these humans were. The only human he might have even considered to be decent was Jimbo, and he was a shrunken skull inside that witch doctor's wagon. That being said, that witch doctor Lucas was always able to call upon the Loa. Why they came when they were called was beyond him. But they were usually enjoyable to talk to none the less.

But the sudden mass of boring, non-special humans was appalling. Their smell was the biggest worry. He could easily cover his eyes or go to a different room and that would be their faces gone and done with. And he could stuff his ears to get rid of the noises they made. But the one thing that lingered, no matter how hard he tried, was the smell. It was awful, not a lick of magical power among the lot of them. And they were so happy, it was insufferable, their souls shined brightly with it hurting his eyes. If only they were a little bit miserable, then it wouldn't have been so bad. But no one was ever sad at a circus, it was all cotton candy and rainbows in a circus. If only these chains did not bind him, then he'd show them what a real circus would be like.

But wait, there, a soul that was not happy. Oh, how refreshing, someone who wasn't enjoying themselves. And he could smell blood on them, oh delightful. Perhaps they had killed someone, hopefully they had, that would make it only better for him. A best friend, perhaps. No, probably not that. Self defense was most likely, which tarnished the killing a little, but it was certainly better then say a paper cut. Then another smell hit him, piercing through the smell of all the other humans, including the one with blood on them. It was the smell of blandness, of a clean slate, and oddly enough rat piss. He nearly vomited right then and there. How could anyone live with being so boring, with blending into the crowd so perfectly that they might not even exist? Hopefully that one wouldn't come to his show, otherwise he might not be able to control himself and add the smell of burning to it. But the chains prevented that, he could point out the exact link that did so. If only they needed his power, then a few of those links would have to be broken, unleashing some of his power.
Glen stood miserably in the middle of a lineup of unruly circus-goers. He didn't expect it to be so crowded, and if he wasn't desperate for that corn dog he might have left by now. The voices of wailing small children and excited adults rang in his ears, so loudly that he couldn't even drown them out with the ridiculously catchy song he heard on the radio the other day.

He was so overwhelmed that he didn't realize he had bumped into someone. "Oops, sorry..." he muttered absently.
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"Grah! F**k!" Ignis exclaimed as one wrong turn of the mini screw driver caused a major malfunction. A spring flung free of the prosthetic and landed who knows where? Causing the rest of it to buckle quickly and bend completely out place. With a heavy sigh of defeat he got up to head to Lafluer's trailer. He had to at least have some spare parts right? He had so much stuff in his shop a spare spring or two should be lying around. And not to mention two good working hands too. Normally he'd go to Nanami for that, but she was most likely busy practicing for tonight or making sure the little ones were corralled and had supervision until the shows were over. Not so much for their own safety but for the sanity of everybody else.

Lighting up a cigarette, out of sight of any snitches of course.... He made his way towards the witch doctor's shop.

"Lucas ! J'ai besoin de ton aide! Toute mon bras est venu dehors à nouveau!" He shouted as he approached. Any onlookers were scared away by his arm being bent into a very unnatural position.

(Lucas ! I need your help! All my arm came out again! Sorry for poor translation...)

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Lucas was busy moving some of the newer voodoo doll she had created out onto one of the fold out shelves when he heard a voice calling to him. Though they weren't far from France, it wasn't often that Lucas got to communicate in his native tongue with the people of the cirque. But there was always one he could count on to have a good french conversation, or a nasty fight in French fight with when he came around. Right now it seemed he was in need of help, and Lucas could always use a good chuckle.

"Ouais je vous entends." (Yeah, I hear you)

Lucas set the dolls down on the shelf and made his way to the front of the wagon. When he looked and saw Ignis coming towards him, his arm bent in a rather uncomfortable way, he couldn't help by begin to scoff at the sight.

"Merde Ignis. Qu'avez-vous fait à Nanami pour elle de le faire pour vous?"(Shit Ignis. What did you do to Nanami to make her do that to you?)

Lucas walked over and looked over the crazy misshapen arm that he knew was fake. He had never learned what had happened to Ignis or his arm, the man liked his secrets just like anyone else at the cirque. But it was obvious to Lucas why he was here and Lucas was more than happy to help.

He didn't fancy himself a mechanic, though he did have to do maintenance on the wagon from time to time. So he had tools, and maybe even the parts needed to fix the arm. But he still couldn't get over the sight of Ignis holding his misshapen arm and chuckled again as he spoke.

"I hope for your sake, Nanami doesn't catch you over here with that in your mouth. She'll break both our arms and I like mine attached as it is. Now, what did you break and how do we fix it?"

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"Oh vous savez, juste l' habitude." (Oh you know, just the usual) He laughed as he approached the man. "I swear I didn't mean for it to get this bad, but my hand slipped and caused a spring to get loose. Then...well. This happened." He held it closer for Lucas to inspect. The fingers twitched awkwardly as he tried to move it like usual. He had gotten pretty good at using his powers to move it around like a normal arm, but when it broke like this it was near impossible. "It shouldn't be too difficult of a repair. A few adjustments and a few new springs and such. As long as it doesn't look like this mangled mess I should be fine." He grinned.

"Ah, and Lucas. Ne dites pas que je Nanami ai fumé à nouveau ... For the sake of both of us." His laughter quickly switched to a nervous chuckle.

(Don't tell Nanami I've been smoking again...)

There were a few disgusted looks directed her way, but Carter told herself that they were warranted. She hadn't been back to her parent's home in three months, and the most recent shower she had was standing in the rain two days ago.

The amount of people heading to see the circus was interesting to her, though. It was worth pursuing. She raised her head to try and see what awaited them inside the colorful venue, but was interrupted when a light push hit her shoulder.

Carter's eyes widened amid the smudged black makeup. "Don't be..." She looked away. "You're not the first one to elbow me."
Glen stared down at the girl, his half-lidded eyes lingering on the black mascara streaking down her face. He sighed, and pulled out a cigarette from his jacket pocket. "Have you, um, ever been here before?"

He didn't know what he was doing, talking to this kid. Maybe he was bored, or lonely, but one thing was for sure: there was a young mother shooting him a very disapproving look as he lit the cig. He took a long drag, then blew it in her direction, and watched as she huffed and hauled her five kids away from them.
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She did not dare look at her companion. There was little trust in her left and starting conversation with a stranger was unnerving, to say the least.

What does it matter, it's not like I have anything he'd want.

The smell of tobacco creeped around her. Carter grimaced. Second-hand smoke. Never good for the...

"No." She wiped her face and stained her hand the process. It was worth clearing some of the marks off, with someone actually paying her any attention, it was best to look somewhat presentable. "I'm hoping to have a good time, though." The runaway took a quivering deep breath. "I'm Carter." She looked up at the man standing next to her. His eyes hard and unmoving, the cigarette in his hand only completed the look. Carter smiled.
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-- Kaname

"Hmm..." Kaname mumbled, blank blue eyes staring down this one person. "Hmmmmm......" Kanade mumbled once more, 'looking' up and down the woman. In the little tent near the front they were, the tent dedicated to Kaname's fortune telling. "Green eyes, brown hair... I'm jealous of you..." Kaname mumbled, as though not realizing she'd said it out loud; she did so intentionally though, of course. "Then again, I'm blind so such things don't matter to me as I can't see them..." She added to her mumbling, the person across the table quite confused. It was really a thought-inducing thing, being told the color of her eyes and hair by somebody supposedly blind.

"Now then, to the fortune-telling... Love is in your life... You met somebody just two weeks ago and have been with them a good few times, and that person already loves you... Now go and find them, confess your own feelings and they'll respond in kind..." Kaname said, having hit the nail on the coffin for this one. Not every reading went well, though usually Kaname'd be pretty close to thee kinds of things; however, it was very rarely she'd hit this close to home on something. "How...?" The woman questioned, having stood up a bit suddenly at being told this information. "There's no way... How did you...?" The woman added.

"Simple, I'm a fortune teller who sees not the material world, but the past and future..." Kaname said, though simply as an answer to please her customer. "Now go, he awaits you..." Kaname said, the woman slowly backing up and leaving with how unreal the whole thing was after having things hit right on the mark. The woman did love the guy she'd met two weeks ago, thus sped on off to try and find him immediately. That all done and good though, Kaname was without any customers, so decided to close shop now as it was nearing the main act. "Maybe I'll go watch the show," She said with a bit of a giggle at the idea of watching with blind eyes.

-- Laura

Sighing, the silver-haired woman slumped down in the chair inside her trailer. "So tired... I can't keep doing this every day..." She said through the phone in her hand. "Can you call them and tell 'em I'll be taking the next two days off to cool off and focus more on the cirque?" She added. "Alright, thanks..." Laura said before hanging up. Tossing the phone over onto the little bed in the back of the trailer, standing up and tossing open her trailer door. "Alright, guess I'll actually join in for once!" Laura said aloud, loud enough to be heard by any passing by but not loud enough to disturb anybody or anything. "First though, a breather..."

Walking on out to a place at the edge of the cirque, secluded but where she could see everything from, she took a look at that which had been her home for such a long time. "Beautiful, every time I look at it... Nora, Paul, Thomas... Everybody from way back when... This is where it all had truly began... Oh how I remember when Thomas decided to start up this place... The maze was my best friend back then, minus Nora who was like an older sister... With them not here though, I'm now in their place... Not alone of course, as I have my otherfellow ringmaster and the whole cirque family, plus I still have Kaname who came in a good little while back..."

"Now regarding you, Sir Top Hat..."

-- Laura & Edward

"Oh, so you've noticed me... That should make things a bit easier..." Edward said, stepping on out into the light. "I'm sure you know this by now, but I'm with Interpol... The head of it, in fact..." Tipping his hat a little in greetings, he smirked a little devilishly. "You see, I've come to check out the enemy... After all, I have an obligation as head of Interpol to start an investigation on this cirque due to... recent disappearances..." Turning around slowly, Laura looked at him with a soft but serious look. "How much do people want to try and pin on our cirque...? We're simply a band of travelling circus people, nothing more in regards to our connection to the world of humans." Edward shook his head lightly, a little chuckle slipping out into the stagnant air.

"I hardly doubt that... However, I can't deny it a possibility..." Edward stated. "Before anything else though, let's find ourselves a little more secluded location..." Edward added, Laura nodding in agreement. At the snap of a finger, both Edward and Laura were now in a new scenery, a grassy plateau floating in the middle of a void, rocks floating by in the air as well as miscellaneous things that seemed like demonic remains of destroyed toys and whatnot. "Your move," Laura said with a sigh. "I would say ladies first, but... I'm not much of a gentleman..." Edward said, drawing a blade from his side and pointing it at Laura. "Brace yourself."
Lucas chuckled at Ignis and his arm as he tried to move the fingers. As he inspected the mechanical wounder of the arm he could see what Ignis had been talking about with the missing spring. He smiled, it seemed to be a simple enough fix and Lucas did have spare parts from his wagon.

"une seconde"

Lucas released Ignis' arm and turned back towards the wagons entrance. As he went inside, Jimbo who had been hanging from the rear view mirror of the wagon as per usual, turned in mid air almost like a wind had shifted him and looked down at Ignis.

"Ey der boyo. Always good to see ya round er'. Even better when ya bring dat fumer femme chaude of yours wid cha. Were she at, if ya don mine me ask'n"

Jimbo's eye hole began to sweep the area around the wagon, hopping to catch a glimpse of Nanami, but was swiftly met with a fist emerging from the inside of the wagon.

"Dégoûtante petite fluage."(disgusting little creep)

Lucas sat a small tool box down on the hood of the wagon and popped the top on it. the inside was black, like all the light and items inside was simply gone. Lucas reached into the box and his arm went into it up to his elbow. Some tool boxes had that much depth to them, however this one made it look like Lucas was reaching through the box and into the engine compartment of the wagon. After a few moments of shifting his arm around, he finally perked up and pulled out a hand full of springs.

"Now we gotta find one that will fit this thing."

Lucas began to try and fit several springs into the mechanism, some clearly not going to work some that might have.

"Let me know if one of these things works. And don't worry, I wont have to say a word to Nanami. I swear she see's things better than that new fortune teller we got."

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"Aaah bonjour Jimbo." He turned to wave at the shrunken head as Lucas went to fetch the springs to help repair his arm. "I don't know where she is and honestly hope she doesn't show up at the moment." He replied rather calmly to him. Usually he was one to get rather protective, but seeing as Jimbo really couldn't do much he wasn't quite as bothered by his antics. "Unless of course you wish to see Lucas get some new, fresh demon parts for his shop." He joked.

"Thanks a million. For the repairs and keeping quiet. I'll make sure to repay you later." He smirked, rifling through the springs until he found a good match." This looks about right. Care to help me get it in and fixed? It's a little easier with two working arms."

Jonsi sighed as he took his place on the pedestal for his performance. Nothing of significance though. He only threw his shirt to the side, revealing his ghastly figure. From the collar bones down to his hips was nothing but bones. No muscles or organs or anything! There was a horrified gasp from the audience and a few screams, as well as parents quickly dragging their kids away. All just par for the course though. Least some folks stuck around to watch him perform some tricks.
He returned the smile, his lips thin and dry. "Glen," he announced tersely as he blew out a line of shaky smoke rings. His eyes caught sight of a food vendor near the entrance, with a sign that had flickering yellow lights surrounding the giant words: CORN DOGS!!!

Glen immediately pulled out his wallet. He felt a little bad for Carter, maybe she was having a bad day or something, so he gave her a once-in-a-lifetime offer. "Um, want a corn dog?"
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Lucas picked through the hand full of springs one after another looking them over trying to find one that looked like it would fit nicely. He was in no hurry, he had yet to hear of any time he was going on and the crowd of people were more focused on getting in to see what sounded like the skeleton given the screams and disturbed noises.

As He tried to fit a spring that Ignis had found into the little slot Lucas' eye shot left to right then before speaking to Ignis again.

"Word around the tent is that Interpool has been sniffing around again. They are still looking for those folks that disappeared? I would have thought after the first time they would have written us off. Just goes to show that people will always fear the unique and unexplained."

After a bit of tinkering with the spring in its socket, it finally popped in and seemed to fit nice and snugly. Lucas smirked as he tossed the rest of the springs into the box and leaned against the front of the wagon with his arms crossed.

"Voilà, tous fixe. Lets try to keep it that way ya?"

The lack of words made their exchanges a bit awkward so Carter only nodded until she heard the somber man speak again.

"Corn dog? Oh, uh, thanks." She spoke softly as her attention reared towards the source of screaming and noise. "Can we make it quick? It sounds like something good's happening over there."
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"Tch. They just don't give up. We have had a contract too that they would keep their nose out of our business as long as we don't trap anymore souls and only take what we need for performers." He lowered his voice as a precaution. "What could have possibly gotten them on our tails again?" A frown crossed his face as he pondered it. That was quickly replaced with a smile though as his arm was once again repaired. A quick pop to get the wrist back in place and he had control of it again. A faint blue glow emanating from his eyes as he manipulated his fingers quickly and delicately.

"Merci beaucoup! I'll try not to break it again." He chuckled, taking a long drag from his cigarette and blowing a ring of smoke. "And to buy some spare parts for it already so I don't have to keep coming to you for them. Oh! By the any cologne I can borrow?"

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Glen was already back from the vendor with two corn dogs, one with mustard and ketchup and the other dipped in what looked like mayonnaise, when he heard her mention the tent.

He looked up at it, and felt his stomach gurgle. He didn't want to go into a place where there was screaming, but the girl probably didn't have a chaperone, so he did what any noble man would.

"No, thank you," he said as he handed her one of the dogs and started to walk away.
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Carter opened her mouth to thank him as she grabbed the corn dog, but when Glen began to suddenly leave her side she plopped the stick into her mouth and grabbed his worn sleeve. "Hhffhey!" The hunger of a month of homelessness helped her down the treat fairly quickly. "Don't leave me, Glen. I haven't had anyone to talk to for a while and, well..." She stared hardly at the man's face. Compassion wasn't something the poor girl came across too often, but she needed it now more than ever.

"Just come on!" Carter tugged his arm and marched towards the illuminated tent entrance.
The skeleton man couldn't help but grin at the terrified faces. He didn't particularly enjoy enticing this reaction, but it was amusing to say the least.

"I know I know....I've got a spectacular figure. I can practically fit into anything." He joked. Rotating around on one of his lower vertebrae. It kind of hurt...but nothing he couldn't handle. That is. Until some bold young arsehole swung at him with a stick.

"Let's see if he feels anything eh?" The young man laughed as the large stick made contact with Jonsi's spine and snapped him in two. Boy, they sure got a riot out of that... The poor man's top half toppling to the ground as he bottom have sunk onto the podium. All whilst people screamed in panic and ran from the scene.

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