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Fantasy Cirque De Monstres (1876)

Welcome young and old to the Cirque de Monstres! We open at nightfall and feature a carnival and circus entertainment. We feature many interesting acts and can assure that everything is merely parlor tricks so no need to get suspicious or, tell the church....

Plot: Just a normal circus well, If you think a circus full of non or part humans is normal. Founded by a man know only as Monsieur Thomas, to keep the freaks of society safe from harm. Not much is known about why he started it. There are carnival games as well as the Circus acts and a constant fear of being hunted. Don't worry! Thomas will not let anything happen to the performers. meanwhile the Catholic church is fearful of the new entertainment, they have sent their own to make sure the performers are normal. Will they find out about the Cirque? or will the performers be exposed and killed? only time will tell.

note for the humans: when the rp starts you do not know that the members of the cirque are not human. You just think they are very talented people who are very odd. You may discover they are non-human during the course of the rp.

WARNING!: This is a mature role play that deals with kidnappings, horror related scenarios, strong emotions, murder, and violence. If any of these make you uncomfortable do not join.

The circus is set outside of the city of Guyancourt, France. It is a permanent looking facility with all the performers living in one bedroom homes. And a large red and white circus tent. there are animal areas and other facilities to suite the performer's needs.

1. All RPN rules apply

2. romance is encouraged but, when clothes come off fade to black. This also applies to violence, if it gets to graphic fade to black.

3. This rp is co-run by @Icefox11 she has as much say as I do

4. no god-modding mary sues or the like.

5. Keep OOC in the IC thread minim. anything longer then a sentence or two should go in the OOC thread.

6. Please be sure to maintain some distance from your character. Conflict drives stories, but only when it's between characters; conflict between players is terrible and to be avoided. Please remember that a slight against your character is not a slight against you, and that your character does not necessarily know all of the things that you do. Drama is only fun when it's in character! (password is: elephant man)

7. only make as many characters as you can handle(3 max)

8. Either Icefox or me must approve your character before you post!

9. Third person please and 3 sentences min! No text talk please! and please refrain from one liners.

11. Life happens I know. So if you cannot post for any amount of time please tell me or Icefox

12. Try to be active at least one post a day remember what I said in rule 11

13. We have the right to kick you out for breaking rules!

most important of all is to have fun!
(since I am very busy today I will get the opening post up and my characters will be busy. also merry all hallows eve!)

The evening sun was almost ready to start its descent. It is a nice warm evening with a warm breeze. Performances are still a few hours away.

Thomas was watching the evening sun out of his office window.

3 months....

He grabbed his black bowler hat off his desk. He was wearing his usual ensemble (like cs pic) which was mainly black. He needed to do some things in town. He stepped outside and knocked on Drakia's door.

"Drakia, I am going to town to take care of some business."

He put on his hat as he observed the grounds. A forest acted as a border along one side of the cirque. Something he made sure of when picking a place for the cirque to live. He walked to the front of the cirque and grabbed his horse from one of the workers.

"Thank you sir."

He got on and rode off to town.

(Church peeps start out in Paris.)

Nicolas fixed his skull cap as the chapel filled with people for evening mass. He had sent out letters to a group of people he wished to assist him in seeing what was going on with this Cirque that had popped up. He even sent one to his great nice even though they shared a residence. In the letter he said to gather in the sitting room of his house ,which was on church grounds, and he would meet with them after mass. He looked at the other members of the clergy as they started walking into the chapel. He followed them and started mass.

(@Icefox11 @Pasha @Sukiyaki @Seraphina Blair @MrWeirdbraxto @Tetro @Between Epochs go ahead and post yay!! no better day to start then all hallows eve)
Ulrich "Eul" Winrich

"Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong sehr falsch!" A passionate light emitted from Eul's eyes, frustration quickly turning towards unconditioned anger. In front of the gleaming mirror that decorated his cell in the chapel, Eul compulsively attempted to straiten the cross that decorated his garment cloak. "For what does it take to get this bloody cross centered?" Shamefully, Eul shot down his head and shuttered. "Forgive me for insulting the cross thy Lord, tis but general frustration please forgive." Attempting to shake off the last bit of frustration Eul was holding on to, he found a place on his cloak where he could be satisfied to place the cross. A final shaky breathe escaped his quivering lip, his stress escaping along with.

With but a few creeks in the cell door, Eul exited the room peacefully, admitting the most effort to get and remain calm for the Father's mass, eul being one to never miss such an occasion, or any that had to do with the faith. Though, as before stepping away from his dorm, Eul noticed an enclosed letter stuck in the side of the doorway. Noticing Father's wax seal was enclosing the letter, Eul carefully opened such important information. Though the details sparse and brief, Eul did not question his word, and immediately made his way to the Father's waiting room just outside his residence. Eul did not know the urgency of the situation, though made his way to the waiting room with great haste. Scattering through the halls of the chapel, many were flooded by the arrivals of members making their own haste to the mass. The voices of such men and woman echoing in Eul's ears.Sounds of both the commoners French, and the noble's and other such member's of the church's Latin, both of which still being studied profusely by Eul, as German blood and German tongue ran through his veins. Through the massive confusion of people making their way to attend the holy mass, Eul managed to make his journey to the Father's sacred chambers and rooms, the entrance of which decorated and guilded with vibrant and bright colors and golds, not even releasing a creek as Eul opened them.

The leery silence of the Father's chambers struck Eul with great discomfort, not another soul to yet be in the room accompanying him. Paranoia was the only way to describe the twitch upon Eul's eye, nervousness consuming his very mental standpoint.
"Calm thyself Ulrich, the silence may exist but such silence is filled with the presence of god, your paranoia need not exist along with." Along the walls of the room, were softly cushioned seats. Eul gladly sat and the silence and awaited the arrival of all the members and the Father himself.
Luka arose from his bed and with a yawn got on his feet. He dressed himself clumsily as he fixed his bed, making it neat and tidy before his departure. "I wonder what today has in store for me" Luka's thought ran through his head as he was dressed and out the door. He remembered he spent the night at what seemed like a tavern to him. In all honesty he had no idea where he was, except that he was in Paris of course. His face flushed red with nervousness and embarrassment. As he saw the letter lying on the floor just outside his door he looked around before picking it up and opening it. He took note of Father's seal on the letter so he knew it must be important.

After reading the letter, Luka quickly made his way outside finding that he was not too far from the chapel. He was not sprinting but he was making great haste hoping he would not be late. Luka's mind wondered deep into thought and he lost focus on what was going on around him. Before he knew it he was in the chapel and right outside the Father's chambers.
"I need to stop zoning out like that. I hope I am not late" Luka worried a bit as he fixed himself before entering. Luka was surprised to see Eul being the only one there besides himself. Without speaking a word Luka took his seat near Eul and waited patiently. He tried to contain the fact that he was slightly out of breath from rushing to greatly to the chapel.
Catherine opened her eyes, blinking at the sunlight filtering in through her window. She sat up sleepily and rubbed her eyes, letting out a small yawn as she stretched. She wanted more than anything to go back to sleep, but she knew Nicolas would be angry with her if she did not get out of bed, so she forced herself out from under the covers. After fixing her bed, she took off her nightgown and began the ordeal of getting into her outfit.

Catherine finished lacing her corset and slid on her long dress. It was grey and white and had a rather long train. She thought the style was somewhat boring, bland, but Nicolas had bought it for her, and that meant she was required to wear it. There were an excessive amount of ruffles, bows and ribbons, and it was almost too much for Catherine to handle, but she finally got everything laced up and finished off her look by pulling her hair into a curly up-do and affixing a grey, white and red hat to her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror and gave a small nod. She at least looked presentable.
Ollie's eyes opened with great difficulty, heavy like rocks, and he covered them for the brief moment as he tried to grow accustomed to the light. Sitting upright, he peeked through his fingers and yawned, rotating his ankles and his neck as he did so, hearing them crack. He wasn't sure what had woken him, for the light wasn't so bright as to be blinded by it, nor was there very much sound in the camp at this moment, but Ollie was awake now, and he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. He dangles his feet off the edge of his bed, scratching the back of his neck, and sighs slightly. A day in this place was never uneventful, and he wondered what adventures would come out of this day.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Ollie stands, walking barefoot over to the full length mirror situated across the small room. His eyes flicker over his petite body, the clothing that he had slept in crumpled and creased. He grimaces at the sight of his hair and runs his fingers through it, messy and tangled, his fingers pulled at each small knot. He walks over to a small window, peeking through and seeing to his surprise that the sun was setting. Perhaps he had slept for slightly longer than he had initially thought.
The carriage slowed down to the halt in front of the church. It loomed in front of her as she stepped out of the carriage, its spires piercing the afternoon skies while the singing choir--though not perfect, they were still beautiful to hear--filled the silence of the outdoors. "How... appropriate," Julianne said to herself and frowned at the dawning feeling inside her that felt as heavy as the Gothic architecture in front her.

She walked past the doors that held the mass contemplating on the people she'll be meeting. It seems that the mass was about to end, so she hastens her stride, ignoring the thin sheet of sweat forming on her back despite the cool and windy weather. Finally, she reached Cardinal Nicolas' residence. She wiped the sweat away from her forehead with a handkerchief and knocked on the front door.

No answer.

She knocked again.

Still no answer. She sighed and showed herself in.

The sitting room wasn't hard to find; it was just the first room to the right the moment you enter. She took a look at the people already there, their faces seemed almost golden in the filtered afternoon that pierced through the window. Not knowing what to say, she smiled at them--like the aristocrat she was once--and sat.
Luka cleared his throat and smiled back out of kindness. He was feeling rather bored, seeing as how he would have to wait for everyone else to get here including the Father. Luka was tempted to speak to the girl who had arrived but was a little afraid that he might be out of line in doing so, since he did not talk to the other man in the room first. To avoid awkwardness and the risk of damaging social protocol, he looked over to the man who was first here when he arrived.

"I am Luka, may I have the honor of knowing your name?" Luka tried his best to sound polite and refined. Luka wasn't sure, but he suspected he might have had a hangover from whatever happened the night before. If so, he knew he would be in trouble if he was found out. He just smiled politely and waited for the man to answer.
Catherine stepped out of her room. She had heard a knocking on the door and wanted to see who had come to visit. Nicolas often would not allow her to speak to their guests, but curiosity got the best of her and she decided she would rather investigate and get into trouble than not know who was there. She walked down the hall and peeked around a corner. In the sitting room sat a woman, probably in her late 20s. There were also two men. She recognized them both but only knew the name of one, Eul. He visited Nicolas' regularly, but she'd never gotten the chance to speak to him properly. He seemed very devoted to the church, so Catherine probably would not like him. She had seen the other man in church, and had always found his appearance interesting. It was not every day that you saw someone with purple hair and yellow eyes.

While she was studying everyone, the purple-haired man introduced himself to Eul. His name was apparently Luka.

Catherine realized that she had been so caught up in her thoughts that she had accidentally taken a step forward, into the view of all three people. She was sure at least one of them saw her, so it was too late to try and hide. She was not sure what to do.
Julianne glanced sideways to the two gentleman as one of them started a conversation. She remained silent, letting the gentleman start the conversation rather than her doing it. She remembered the day her mother taught her that. There was going to be a small party at their house and her father had invited his friends and business partners. She was 16, then, and it was only recently that Julianne realized that her parents threw that party in hopes of her finding and eligible bachelor for her to marry. Oh, but she was already married. Married to a life of adventure and seeking out crimes.

She was taken out of her reverie when a lady stepped into the room. She wore a dress--or rather, ruffles, ribbons and bows with a dress--that brought her back to her younger years; how she was forced to wear dresses she didn't like. Julianne just stared at her, waiting for the two gentlemen to go first, but shook the thought away. Ridiculous. She thought.

Julianne got off her chair and walked towards her, her ladylike grace of the past almost blanketed by the recent years of her work. She stuck out a hand between them two and said, "Detective Julianne Vaudeville,"
As the woman stood and walked towards her, Catherine debated upon running back to her room, but instead bit her lip and stood where she was, waiting to hear what the woman had to say.

Catherine was surprised when she held out her hand and introduced herself as a Detective. Can women be detectives? She wondered in amazement. "Catherine Edwards. It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Vaudeville," she introduced herself. She looked down at Ms. Vaudeville's hand, not exactly sure what she should do. She had seen her father shake hands with other men, but she had never done it herself. Cautiously, she took Ms. Vaudeville's hand and shook it.
Catherine. The Cardinal's niece's name is Catherine. Quite the coincidence. She thought as Catherine took her hand and shook it. "It's nice to meet you Miss Edwards." She replied.

Then, she stopped herself short as she surveyed the lady once again. An extravagant dress, quite soft spoken demeanor and soft and free-from-callous hands... Why, she was the Cardinal's great niece! "Forgive me, Lady Edwards, but are you the Cardinal's great niece?" She asked, hiding the surprise on her face.

Her coat seemed to get heavier by the second. How foolish of me for not bothering to take my coat off. She said to herself and thought of it as an option, but the ghost of her past stopped her from doing a social mistake. She adjusted her collar instead.
Catherine had to stop herself from cringing when the woman called her 'Lady Edwards'.

"Please, just call me Cat. And yes, Nicolas is my great uncle." Though I wish it was not true, she finished the sentence in her head. She then realized that she had called her uncle by his first name when she should have addressed him as Cardinal. She hoped he would not find out, as he would be upset. She took a pause, wondering if it was acceptable for her to ask Ms. Vaudeville a question. "Sorry, you said you are a detective? Whatever are you doing here?"
Julianne smiled at her. "I should ask you the same, Cat," Her first name felt strange on her tongue being accustomed to calling almost everyone she knows by their Christian name. "Your uncle has hired me to help them with a... situation," She added, being careful with her words.

"Anyway, this isn't a place for a young lady like you," She continued. "Certainly, your uncle would agree with me on that." She doesn't know why I'm here; does she actually know why there are guests here? Julianne pondered and made a note not to give out too much information just in case Catherine just stumbled upon them.
Catherine smiled back at Ms. Vaudeville and almost let out a small laugh at the strange way she said 'Cat', but that would have been unladylike. She furrowed her eyebrows slightly when the woman said she was helping Nicolas with a situation. What "situation" is she referring to?

Catherine felt very frustrated when Ms. Vaudeville said this wasn't a place for a young lady like her. This was not the first time she had heard that. Nicolas said that to her on a daily basis. Why would it not be a place for me? I am just as capable as anyone else. And that's when she had an idea. She gave Ms. Vaudeville a sweet smile. "You don't have to be so secretive, Miss. My uncle has told me all about the 'situation'. He just hadn't informed me as to who was coming to look into it." Lies, lies, and more lies. Catherine had become quite good at telling lies over the past couple of years, and it had helped her to stay out of trouble many a time.
The Cardinal told the poor young girl about the circus problem? Ridiculous! Julianne thought. But, then, again, I don't know much about the Cardinal.

"Oh," Julianne replied. "That's much better."

She walked towards the window and wondered when the mass will finish. "Do you know what your uncle plans to do, Cat?" She asked. "I know it sounds foolish. Bringing down a such a magical place for everyone and taking away people's business, but... It's for the best."

She walked towards Cat and took her hand. "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam," For the Greater Glory of God
Luka stood and walked over to Catherine. He made sure to keep a good distance so as to not be rude or inappropriate at all. "So tell me, what do you think of the situation, Cat?" Luka smiled kindly at Catherine, knowing she was lying through her teeth. Luka had always had a natural knack for telling when others weren't being completely honest. He also knew that Father would never allow his relative in on something like this, especially a woman.

"Tell me what detail peaked your interest." Luka waited for an answer. He gave Cathrine a look letting her know he wasn't a bad guy, but that he knew what she was up to. Luka had great respect for anyone who would break the rules occasionally, it let him know they weren't totally stuck up. Which he felt was just about everyone around him as long as he was in any chapel.
Catherine shook her head. "He hasn't told me exactly what his plans are. After all, I am a lady, and he doesn't want me getting in the way." She chose not to say anything about the rest of Ms. Vaudeville's sentence, having absolutely no idea what she was talking about. Ms. Vaudeville took her hand and said, "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam." Catherine struggled to understand what it meant. She knew it was Latin, and she could make out the words 'God' and 'Glory'...For the Greater Glory of God.

And then Luka stood and walked over to Catherine. He asked her what she thought of the situation and smiled at her. She knew he could tell she was lying with the look he gave her, and she narrowed her eyes at him for a millisecond, making sure Ms. Vaudeville would not see.

"Well, I don't really know what to think of the situation. I just know that Cardinal Nicolas is doing the best he can for me and his people." That was almost too hard for her to say. Staying with her uncle had been the worst two years of her life, and she felt awful when she had to say nice things about him.

"As for what detail peaked my interest...I've always been a very curious individual, so I suppose the entire situation is what interests me." She ended her sentence with an innocent smile in Luka's direction.
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Luka nodded "Well that is true, but I think it is posh that this is for the 'Greater Glory of God'" Luka rolled his eyes when he said Greater Glory of God. Luka never took it seriously when people in the church used it, he felt it was just empty at this point. "I can also sense you aren't all that confident in Nicolas. If I didn't know any better, I'd say your trust in him is almost non-existent"

Luka was rather fond of being a little mischievous. Luka's faith was almost non-existent at this point. He was recalling more and more of the night before. What Luka could remember was not a very good thing as he most likely broke just about every rule in the book in the church. Luka slipped Cat a sly wink while no one was watching. Luka had always been great at being discreet and unnoticed when doing something "inappropriate", as his father would have put it.
Julianne turned her head towards the gentleman. "I don't think we've been properly introduced. Detective Julianne Vaudeville."

"It's alright, Catherine, don't let this man bother you with his words. It's always better to believe in what you really believe and don't let other people sway you." She said to Catherine.

It had always been this way for her. It was never easy, deciding to become a detective instead of following her parents' footstep of extravagance and comfort and being one of the few ladies doing a man's job. It was important to keep her chin up and move with thought and dignity, always hiding the difficulty of growing up as an aristocratic lady who decides to lead a life that requires tenacity and determination.
When Catherine saw Luka roll his eyes at 'Greater Glory of God', she knew they would be good friends. That is, if her uncle would allow her to speak with the man after this.

Catherine's face paled as Luka finished his second sentence. Obviously, the statement was more than true. Catherine had absolutely no faith in her uncle, and she would sooner trust a thief than him, but If Nicolas had heard him say that...Catherine didn't even want to think about how much trouble she would be in. "O-of course I trust him! H-how could you say such a thing? He is my uncle, after all. What reason would I have not to be confident in him?" She was upset, almost to the point of tears, which caused her to stumble over a couple of words. She blinked the tears away quickly and regained her composure, hoping no one had seen her slip up. Ms. Vaudeville told her not to let Luka's words bother her. Catherine gave her a warm smile and thanked her, still feeling quite shaken.
Nicolas finished mass and left the saying goodbye to each congregation member to the other members of the clergy. He briskly walked to his residence opening the door and entering the sitting room to see that everyone had arrived and that his nice was keeping them company.

"Good evening all thank you for answering my letter."

He stood so he was facing all of them.

"Now there are rumors of a cirque outside the city of Guyancourt. They say the performers are very good, so good that its almost as if they have special powers. Now our glorious Lord would never gift such outcasts powers so, I have reason to suspect that they are not as they seem."

He looked at all them including, Catherine.

"We will be going to this town to look into the cirque."
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"I love the cirque" Luka smiled, he was always one for sarcasm but most of the time it seemed actually genuine. "When shall we be leaving?" Luka asked the question with the appropriate composure and tone. Of course a part of him completely loathed it. Cat was most likely the only one who knew about his attitude and belief on the topic of the church.

"Yup, I definitely got drunk last night. And I most likely hustled, gambled, and stole a few things. Well as long as I don't talk about it with anyone I'll be OK." Luka was groaning in his head on how horrible he felt right now. Mostly because he felt like he was going to die four times over then pass out.
Nicolas looked at Luka.

"We will leave tomorrow, I have arranged for us to stay at an inn. I do not know how long it will take for us to 'investigate the cirque. So plan accordingly."

He looked at Catherine with his usual 'you are a burden' look. Ever since his nephew sent her to him, he felt like he could never leave her alone. She was a bit of trouble maker'

"since my nephew left you in my care you will be joining us."
Luka nodded "So how many showers a day am I suppose to take while out in unholy land? Oh sorry, wrong fanatical practice. Cardinal" Luka bowed respectfully before excusing himself "I am late for my prayers Father, I must tend to them". Luka took his leave and once he was out of the room he made his way outside of the chapel. He walked a good distance away and hid somewhere where he began vomiting.

Afterwards Luka cleaned himself up the best he could before groaning "Well.... I'm in trouble" Luka laughed, knowing the Cardinal would most likely ask him to have a private discussion. He thought about the entire situation and decided that this might be fun. Luka composed himself and walked back to the chapel slowly, completely avoiding his prayers.

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