Circus Freaks ~RP~

Darian reached to steady Avaline but it seemed like Shawn had it under control. He refigured The Plan. It seemed like the Ringmaster had turned more people than they thought. Maybe more loyal carnies were lurking around besides the vamp siblings. Who knew what they would run into if they escaped the dungeon. "Okay listen up." Darian said. There might have been a better way of going about it other than flat out telling them, but Darian was an act first, think later, kind of person. "We're not here by choice and we're not going to hang around here either. Are you going to try and stop us?"
Rosso had taken a seat on the ground, one leg brought to his torso and the other straight upon the ground. He listening, his eyes looking with concern over at Aveline as he tilted his head. Now, he was confused and Rosso was rarely confused with anything. He glanced over momentarily at his siblings, both of whom were displaying similar emotions to this recently provided information. He, of course had no word in the three since they had long but agreed that Grigio made their decisions. So, glancing over to the eldest he awaited an answer.

Viola frowned, leaning back against the locked door as she stared at the others. 'So they plan to disobey the master and escape?' Now, Viola wasn't one to do things unnecessarily and so the idea of stopping them seemed a bit much. After all, unless the master made the direct order to capture them they had no right to do anything? What if the master didn't want them to be stopped? Many questions began to arise and it began to give way to panic into the recently awoken girl before she felt her brothers arm across her shoulders.

Grigio listened to them all individually before he sighed, leaning his head back as he to glanced back at his two siblings, seeing the gazes he gave them he looked back at the chained ones, unaware of the state of the chains they held. After a few more minutes he spoke, his voice above a whisper but itself was quite regardless of that. "We do not understand what you mean. We do not see how you do not agree with the fact he is our master. So, unless you can prove this theory then we remain loyal to him. However, we have not been ordered to do anything and so we will not interfere. If it comes to the point he orders us to do so, we will hunt you do mercilessly." He replied.
Well, that was at least better then she'd hoped. The new arrivals wouldn't try to stop them unless ordered to do so, which if things went right, the order wouldn't come in time. Turning her head towards Shawn and Darian once she heard their voices, she couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips. "So, shall we continue then?" She chimed, a faint sense of hope evident in her voice. Maybe.. just maybe they would get out of here.
Darian bent his hands behind his head so that his chains lifted behind him. "Well. . . that worked." He kneeled by to Shawn to undo his other cuff. With the two of them, it would give easily. Next they could free Avaline and then escape before the Ringmaster returned. Darian wavered though. "This guy is obviously many different shades of crazy." He glanced between Avaline and Shawn. "What if he takes it out on these guys that we escaped." The Ringmaster blinded Avaline. He was obviously capable of extreme cruelty. Darian sat on the ground with his sneakers together.
Rosso groaned, leaning forwards as the pain began to shoot through his body, his fingers already reaching up to curl in the rags called clothes he adorned. His lips parted as he gasped, frantically trying to take in air that was becoming harder and harder to take in. He was scared. However, Rosso attempted to remain calm despite the vampiric type attack that began to effect him. Glancing up, his voice pained as he croaked out his answer. "G-go, W-we will say that t-this pain stopped u-us from stopping you." He hissed out, eyes narrowed.

It was the same with the female of the three. She stumbled slightly before she landed upon the ground, upon her knees as she seemed to curl up in an attempt to seize the oxygen that seemed to fleeting to her right now. This did however reassure her of what those creatures had done to them. "V-vampires..." She whispered, her eyes wide as she stared at the ground, her fingers curling to fists upon the stone floor before he turned to Grigio and Rosso, ignoring the requirement for blood their systems demanded.

He could only agree with Rosso here, his back against the wall as he reached over to the door, glancing at it for a moment before all they could see was him fiddling with the locks before there was a click. Pain. Looking back over at the three he slowly slid down, his breathing was stuck as simple gasps of air as he pointed, tired to the door. "I agree. Go. If he punishes us it was because of this decision." He paused. "W-we will tell him that the pain stopped us from p-pursuit so we suggest you hurry."
Smile fading from her face, Aveline sighed, hanging her head slightly. "You are right..." She said quietly to Darian. Even if they were loyal to the master, she would not condemn them to a fate such as her own. Knowing what the master was indeed capable of, she could not leave them knowing that he would find some way to hold them accountable, excuse or not. She would not wish her fate upon anybody. "I will not leave you here with him..." She lifted her head towards Darian and Shawn once more. "I will not stop you if either of you wish to take your chance.." She said softly.
Shawn nodded in thanks as Darian helped free him the rest of the way. But the next thing he knew Rosso, Viola, and Grigorio were all stricken with pain. All eventually sinking to the floor. Grigorio had opened the door before he fell and nothing could put words to how badly Shawn wanted to make a break. Dashing down halls and out into the free world beyond. But his delusion came to a sudden halt. Aveline insisted on not leaving the vampiric trio. Out that door wouldn't lie any sort of freedom if he abandoned the others. His freedom was supposed to be helping the other get out, and likely dieing along the way. If he left them not even death would calm his guilt, and self loathing. He gave a last glance at the door, swept his violet eyes across the others halting them on Aveline, and then Darian. " I'm staying." He said coming close to Aveline and placing one of his hands on top of one of hers. He hoped that Darian would stay to but if he left it was his choice and no one else's.
Darian nodded at Aveline's words and at Shawn when he decided to stay too. He placed his hand over both of theirs almost as a callback to friends and teams and sports he had a vague recognition of. "That's settled and I'm glad and all." Darian glanced behind at Rosso, Viola, and Grigorio. In a sudden burst of lameness, he stepped back from the hand-touching thing and rest his hand on the back of his neck. Those guys needed blood, right? "What if I gave you a little bit of mine?" He asked, not knowing if the vampire siblings could hear him. Darian cringed as he heard himself. He clutched a protective hand over his neck.

Darian glanced at Shawn and Avaline for input.
Shawn was glad that Darian decided to stay. The vampires needing blood was logical, but Shawn wondered if they needed a specific kind. He also wondered how much they would need. One person feeding three vampires didn't really seem to even out. Shawn could remember giving blood before, but not under such circumstances course he'd never been trapped in a room with thirsty vampires that he could recall. Something vaguely occurred in the back of his mind but he brushed it aside for the moment. He told Darian about what he'd thought knowing it wasn't much help. Hopefully Aveline would have more information.
He had began to calm down, his arm falling onto his lap as he glanced over at them, breathing heavily as his body began to be able to take in the air once more. So, what did he do? Shake his head. A scowl on his lips he jammed his thumb behind him, a pained look upon his features. "Look, we've already got you out so take it. As you said, no one wants to experience his punishments so escape so that threat doesn't linger." He replied, still smiling as he using his hand to keep his head up. He turned to Aveline, smirking. "Winged girl, you've suffered the worst so take them lot and bolt it out of here, kay?"

Viola sat up, faint but she was okay for the moment. After all, those freaky creatures who they awoke to had explained they would suffer some attacks for a while as the changes settled. IF they settled. Nodding she looked over at them all. "Grigio has made our decision, You should take it and live." She murmured, brushing her hair from her face. "To be honest, we've escaped many things together and got in trouble. If we are punished it will be okay." Well, they would tell them that anyway. "So please go."

The eldest narrowed his eyes, lowering his head as the hair fell around his face, lips pursed before curling downwards. Glancing towards the door he gently began to gather himself to his feet, drawing the attention of the younger two siblings as he walked over to them. "Go." He stated firmly, setting his folded arms over his torso before he looked to Darian, then his siblings. "We decline. We do not wish to hurt any of you." He murmured, facing the door momentarily. "I believe you should hurry, It is possible he could return at any moment."
There was the distinct sound of sliding metal as the door slid open to reveal Malik. He was holding a small black bag, looking as if he were about to speak when the scene before him finally registered. His eye brows just about shot up to his hairline as he dropped the black bag to the floor. "Well, well, well.... What have we here..?" He drawled, stepping into the room. "I come to deliver something from The Unnamed and what do I find? I find my pets unchaining themselves and planning to escape while my new pets allow them to do so freely.." His eyes narrowed as his gaze worked it's way over each of them. Abandoning the black bag by the door, he stepped farther into the room, his main focus on the three in the back. "I wonder who started this little plot of yours..." He said as he came to halt in front of them. His hand shot forward, grabbing onto Aveline's chin and tilting her head up as if to meet his eyes. "Was my little song bird planning on costing me more pets?" He tsked, shaking his head. "Do you not remember what happened after your last little try?" His free hand pulled the bandages from her eyes, a smirk spreading across his lips as she yanked her chin from his grip, hands instantly moving to cover her eyes from sight. Watching her curl up, keeping her eyes covered, he knew that she wouldn't be a concern. He turned his back on her, facing the other two. "Or was it perhaps one of you?" He sneered.
Rosso paused, watching as the man walked in. Panic filled his system as he wished that he would blend in with the wall, just to escape the bad feeling that welled up in his torso. 'We didn't think he would appear that quickly...' The boy shook his head, a frown appearing upon his lips as he lowered his head. 'They should of left quicker...' Was the only thing running through his head as he watched Aveline, pity and concern in his bloodied red eyes. He didn't believe that she deserved that...or did she? He said nothing, lips lips pursed to retain his silence.

The female of the three went still as their master entered, her eyes trailing after him as she gave an apologetic look to the others, her fingers curling to fists on the ground as she looked guilty. 'Damn....W-we...nearly assisted them in escape!' She clasped her hands around his upper arm, fingers curling angrily into the flesh, leaving small red marks. She shifted in where she was sat, her back against the war as she frowned, looking over to Malik. "W-we apologize for not s-stop-" She was cut off by Grigio, shaking his head.

Grigio, being the only one who was still stood looked over at Malik, bowing his head when he entered. The other two remained weak and so leaning against the wall to keep them straight. He watched, frowning as the man immediately went to Aveline but did not avert his eyes. No, he had to work something out. Those three claimed many things about him and the three were beginning to become unsure. Looking to Viola, he shook his head, silencing her as the man turned upon the other cell mates. So tempted to ask the dire question, wanting to ask if the others spoke lies about him but the eldest remained quiet, eyes narrowed.
Darian flattened himself against the stone. Their captor shown himself with warning,. Darian should have recognized his scent at least from close by, while he climbed the stairs. He'd been too distracted. The Ringmaster lashed out at Aveline and ripped her bandages off. Darian dropped to his knees beside her and hovered his hand over her back. Maybes the man had been testing them. Was it all some twisted screening for loyalty or a stupid game? The beast took control long enough to issue a challenging growl towards the man in the red coat. Color gradually seeped out of Darian's vision leaving the dungeon and his friends in monochrome. Rosso, Viola, and Grigio had their evidence now of their master's harshness. Conscious thought dimed, in favor of instinct. Darian sent Shawn a warning look not to interfere. "I want to leave." He said. Understatement.

Darian bent his knees. "I don't mind going through you if I--" Overcome with a nausea, he clamped a hand over his mouth. Color spotted into his vision again starting with the Ringmaster's red coat. He skid down the wall and bent over. Darian resisted the urge to throw up.
Malik couldn't help but to laugh. "Oh really now?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't believe that you're going anywhere. Trust me." Straightening his coat, he turned his attention away from Darian. It was clear to him that he wouldn't be a threat at the moment. His eyes scanned the cell, a smirk coming to his face. "I was merely going to send someone in to fix the chains..." He said slowly, almost as if he were contemplating the idea. "Maybe though, I can just have them modify the cell itself making these..." He kicked one of the chains, smirking with mild satisfaction when he noticed Aveline didn't lift her head in an attempt to trace the vibrations. "Obsolete... Then I wouldn't have to worry about any of you getting out...." Nodding his head, he turned on his heel and strode for the door. "I shall be back momentarily.. I have some ideas to discuss with The Unnamed..." He was almost to the door when he paused. "Oh yes, new pets? You might want that black bag. Just saying." With that he was gone, the door clicking closed behind him. For one with sensitive hearing, the tell tale click of a pad lock could be heard from outside.
Rosso stared at the door, listening to that click before he went and sat next to Viola, moving slightly when Grigio sat between them. He watched as Viola slowly undid the bag before pulling out a few packets, the silky red liquid in it moved around her frail hands before becoming still. Reaching over her grabbed one, bringing it to his teeth as he bit into the top, eagerly ripping it off before spitting the plastic to the floor. He brought it up to his lips, letting the red liquid seep past his lips, trailing down his throat till his veins, once beginning to lack the substance, was filled, the cells once again bringing oxygen to his system. Once done he yawned, his red eyes barely open before he felt his head flop onto his brothers shoulder. "We are sorry...we couldn't do much more." Yawn. "But we belong to him, so from now on please be careful around us." With that, the middle child was asleep, head on his brothers shoulder, blood trailing from his now red lips.

Viola shifted when her two brothers had moved to her side, taking a seat. She reached over, plucking the black bag from the floor before placing it onto her lap. She gently shifted the top apart before she pulled out a pack, the liquid vital to live flowing gently through its plastic confinement, moving over her hand. "Blood..." She murmured before Rosso grabbed the one from her hand, already ripping it open to get his desire. She grabbed the second before passing it to Grigio before taking the last for herself. Bringing it to her lips she let her fangs pierce the material of it, dragging it across till there was a small cut in the plastic, only bringing it to her lips a second later to relish in it. Now, normally, most who tasted this would cringe in disgust from the coppery taste but Viola, Grigio and Rosso it had strangely become delicious. More importantly, addictive. Once the packet was empty within her fingers she placed it back into the bag, she herself yawning. "I apologize too. We are exhausted after our transformation." She glanced to Grigio who nodded, nudging her to lay down. The girl nodded before placing her head upon her brothers lap, letting her eyes close as she to fell asleep.

Grigio watched Malik leave before he nodded, walking over to them both as he sat down between them, taking his bag off viola before he simply ripped it at the side, staring at the crimson colour before he allowed it to run down his throat. To be honest, it was satisfying to feel the air once again be distributed around his body. The numb limbs, the pained lungs, the headache were all gone the second it hit his lips. He watched his siblings loose themselves to their exhaustion, Rosso upon his shoulder and Viola upon his lap before he turned to the others. "They...are younger. They are unable to deal with this. More importantly, they do not know how." Nor did Grigio, instead he was trying to take the route with less pain for them two. He looked between them all, his head tilted. "Those unknown men will most likely appear after we get to leave this room to update it. I suggest you make the most of the freedom we have." He pointed out, his red eyes wide awake. He looked between them all, head tilted. "For now I would like to ask....what did those men do to you...they made us...well, beasts but what did they force upon you?"
Shawn's heart jumped as the ring master strode in, tormenting Aveline. As the ring master turned on Drain and Shawn he held his ground, but his posture was defencive and his eyes betrayed his fear. Darian challenged the man giving Shawn a look to stay out of it. Shawn crept over to Aveline's side and set a comforting hand on her. Darian looked sick, and the ring master said somethings about making sure they couldn't escape. And told the vampires they would want the bag before he left. "Are you okay Darian?" Shawn called trying to process exactly what had just happened.

Shawn faintly registered the smell of blood and the sound of voices, but it wasn't until Grigorio spoke that it really hit him. With one hand he reached up to touch his horn. "I don't know what I' m supposed to be." He admitted in a small voice. "I feel like some sort of messed up faun." He looked back at Aveline ripping the bottom of his shirt off. He touched the material to the back of one of her hands. "You can use this in place of your bandages."
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Darian stopped breathing so he didn't have to smell copper. He drew his knees forward to avoid watching the vampires drink blood. He kept track of Shawn and Aveline out of his peripheral vision. Out of all of them, the Ringmaster hurt the person who least deserved it. Inflicting misery was probably that guy's hobby. "I should be more like you." He told Shawn. "Head-down and out of the way." Darian redirected his gaze to the floor. Anywhere but towards Rosso, Viola, and Grigorio. "Is Aveline alright?" Even though his mouth, Darian caught the reek of blood. He gripped his forehead.

"My wolf like senses are kind of reacting to. . . what you guys are doing over there." Darian informed Grigorio. He tried to joke it off, not knowing if the vampire had a sense of humor. "Ich."
Aveline risked raising her head a little, being sure to keep her eyes covered with one hand while the other was blindly groping for her discarded bandages. "I-I'm fine...." She said softly. Her biggest problem at the moment was.. well, more of a worry. After her incident, she hadn't really been able to see the condition her eyes had been left in and she was kind of afraid of finding out. "You guys are alright? He didn't hurt any of you?" She asked, worry seeping into her voice.
'Heh, more like cowardly.' Shawn thought in reply to Darian's comment. He didn't care for the smell of blood either but he didn't have such hightened senses. And since they got their meal the dark air of menace had greatly diminished. Shawn figured it must be some sort of danger sense. He could slightly get a presence from Darian and Aveline but it wasn't anything worry some. Theirs was more like 'herd' rather than 'predator'. But what really worried Shawn was that this sense didn't recognize the ringmaster at all. "I think we're all okay." Shawn said to Aveline. Thoughts coming back to the present situation. He looked to the others for confirmation.
((Hello..? Anyone..? I was trying to give everyone a chance to respond, but everything just kind of went silent... You guys still there..?))
With the two younger siblings asleep, Grigio remained awake, staring at the others with a small frown. "Sorry, the scent may be unappealing to you...However they have mutated us to such a state." He murmured in response as he leaned back, taking a quick glance to his two siblings before sighing. It was not a great thing. "I do however understand why you could possibly...despise that man." He replied briefly, his eyes closing. "However, When we woke we we had and still do not have any recollection of before our awakening. He is the only thing we know." He pointed out before crushing the bags within his hand, hiding them behind him.
((Thank goodness.... for a little while I thought this thread might have died. I really enjoy this RP, so I'm happy you guys are here ^.^))

Aveline tilted her head slightly as if she were looking back and forth between them. "Well... you now know us... Hopefully soon you can see him for what he really is." She chimed softly. Finally, she gave up on hunting for the bandage. She decided to just forget about it and pray her eyes didn't look to bad. Slowly, she allowed her hand to drop from her eyes. Nothing of her original eyes even remained. She was unaware of the fact that hers had been removed completely and replaced with glass eyes that were pure white. There was trace amounts of blood that occasionally dripped from the damaged sockets. She gave a soft sigh, head tilted down as if she were staring at the ground. "So.... I suppose we will need a new plan...?"
Darian agreed with Aveline. He folded his legs into sitting position. Malik caught them trying to escape once so running away would be a zillion times more difficult. "I hate that guy. His mom obviously didn't hug him enough as a child." Darian said. He scratched behind his ear. Nothing came to mind. "Actually, you've been on stage before, right Aveline? Who comes to these shows? Maybe we could ask the crowd for help. If they realize we're capties and not performers. . . They might help us escape."
"Oh.... believe me... They already know.." She said, a hint of bitterness in her tone, which was strange considering it usually sounded soft. "How do you think I got caught the first time?" There had been two escape attempts on her part. The first was on her own during a show... Malic had spurred the audience into helping catch her. Most of them were as cruel as their master... Hell, some of them even help fund his experiments... Only once in a blue moon was there anyone in the audience that wasn't a twisted business man. The second escape attempt was the one to which Malic earlier referred, when she got most of his pets out and lost her eyes in return. "They won't help us..."

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