Circus Freaks ~RP~

"Were they vampires?" Darian asked out of curiosity. He supposed if they could exist as they were at this moment, vampire could be real too. Darian shifted to let the mouse pass along the cement corner of the wall. They didn't seem afraid of people and he worried that one might climb on him during the night. He clanged his chains a little so Avaline knew where he was.
She giggled, she couldn't help it. "Not that I know of." She said softly, turning her head to where she heard the chains, there was a smile on her face. "If they were, then that might explain the mornings I woke up dizzy." She giggled again. Climbing to her feet as carefully as she could, she worked her way around the chains until she was almost in the center of the cement room. She hadn't been kidding when she said her chains were long. She supposed she was allowed to get her exercise so she wouldn't fall out of the air again during a performance. She ended up getting whipped for landing in the middle of the audience, but after that she found she could move farther away from the wall. Once she was about as far as the chains would let her, she sat back down, facing the direction where she'd heard the chains.
"So you do have wings." Darian ended up saying which sounded stupid even to himself. He gawked at them up close. His power, freakish transformation, whatever, seemed less impressive by comparison. Was it something in their personalities that made the ringmaster turn them into what he did or was it all random? Darian reached out to touch the wing closest to him, unsure if this was okay or not. How had that crazy guy made them this way to begin with? He swallowed the lump in his throat. "If supernatural beings can exist, maybe there's a way to fix your eyesight too." Darian said.

(why aren't the three of us on at the same time? *sighs*)
"Maybe....." She said softly, hand absently touching her bandages again. Her black wings fluttered slightly. "I can feel you near my wing... Don't worry, I don't mind." She told him with a small smile. Her wings didn't hurt unless she got unlucky with the flaming hoops. Otherwise it felt almost... nice.... Occasionally when the master wasn't being a psychotic jerk, he would groom and stroke her wings.

((I don't know >.< It's getting frustrating though....))
Shawn listened quietly. "Worth a try if your up for it." He replied to the suggestion of over powering their captor. He wouldn't suggest that for anything , but if Darian was willing to try he would give it his best. As the conversation continued Aveline's wings where brought up. Shawn kind of wanted to touch them to, but wasn't sure about it until Aveline gave the okay to Darian. Standing Shawn made his way to the end of his allowed space. Hoping that it was far enough since he was a little farther away from Aveline than Darian was, he reached out a hand.

(Yeah just a bit.)
Aveline smiled. "I assume you're the one approaching, Shawn?" She inquired, tilting her head slightly. Her wings were fully extended, black feathers shining slightly in the little light that there was. She fluttered them slightly. Even though this place was horrible, it was nice to finally have friends to talk to.

((Oh, please, please tell me that we're all online...))
"Hmm, oh uh yes it is. I suppose I should have said something to let you know before I approached." Shawn said a little embarrassed for not thinking of that before. The dim light glittered off Aveline's wings as they fluttered. The wings were delicate looking and quite beautiful. And they were useful, the only function his horn seemed to have as to throw his head off balance causing cricks in his neck. "What's it like to fly?" 
(Lookin like it might only be us.)
She glanced over to where is voice was coming from. "It's fine.." She smiled at him, or at least in his vicinity. "Flying is wonderful... It was horrid at first because of the pain from my wings. Then it was nice for a little while when I could see where I was going. Now It's fun, unless I misjudge my flight patterns and burn myself on the hoops." A soft sigh passed her lips.

Shawn felt bad for Aveline, she'd been here for who knows exactly how long enduring who knows what. Shawn could just reach Aveline's wings he stroked one comfortingly. "We'll get out of here." He said sure they would just maybe not the same way. But he felt a little bit confident in himself for the first time in a long time.

Her smile grew. "I have faith that we will..." Aveline chimed softly. However, she didn't expect the soft noise that she made. It was almost a mixture between a purring and whimpering. As far as she was aware, she'd never made that noise before when the master stroked her wings. Then again, they were usually injured in some way and hurt.
When Aveline made an odd sound Shawn pulled his hand away worried he'd done something that hurt or something. He'd never heard a sound like that before. "I'm sorry." He apologized.
She shook her head. "It's fine.. You didn't hurt me, in case that's what you're worried about. I don't really know where that came from..." She said softly, wings giving just the slightest flutter as she spoke. "That's never happened before..."
"Well, so what do we do now?" Shawn wondered aloud as he watched the same mouse from before scurry across the floor looking for food. There wasn't much else to do down in the dank cell. But of course keeping track of the mouse wasn't easy, and not really interesting, and with being in an awful place like this weighing on him nothing was able to really take his mind fully off what was going on.

(Have to go now, see you tomorrow.)
Aveline gave a slight shrug. "I don't know... usually I just sit in the dark and sing lullabies to fill up the silence. I'm not sure what to do now though..." There honestly wasn't much to do here. There were the chains, bugs, mice, and the occasional bat. That was about it.

((Okay, hopefully we can all manage to be on at once tomorrow..))
Darian registered and filed away Shawn's sent as well. He had three in total now. The ringmaster's cologne the strongest in his memory despite not being around it for very long. "I guess that makes us a team." He said. Darian resented that the others had far more reach with their chains than he did. He glanced up at the moon peaking in from the barred window high on the wall. He felt his fangs extended in response. Darien had to keep his jaw open to avoid pricking the inside of his mouth.

"Could you sing us a song?" Darian asked. His voice lower and distorted. He didn't change completely though, inching out of the moonlight, he felt better.
"Yes please do." Shawn encouraged. It would be nice to have something calming to listen to. He brushed a hand through his hair, so much had happened in such a short time. For some reason Shawn felt kind of vunerable and exposed out in the room. Even though these people wouldn't hurt him. It was probably just his own cowardice making another unwelcome appearance, but he stayed where he was. If he could keep himself from dwelling on the situation he felt better.
Aveline nodded. "Yes, I suppose it does." She said with a smile. This was the first time in a long while that she had hope. After her sight had been taken, she'd thought that she'd be trapped there forever since she was usually kept here alone and had no one who could possibly help her. Now though, she had friends and she truly believed that together they could escaped from this cursed circus.

Tilting her head curiously, she turned to where Darian's voice had come from. "Sing?" She asked softly. She'd only really done so when she was by herself, never with other people around. She supposed she might be able to try it... if only she could think of one that was appropriate.

((Sorry for disappearing... I got a bit sick and couldn't get online... I'm really sorry guys..))
Darian nodded. "I can tell by the sound of your voice that you're a good singer." He said. "Even Shawn over there agreed." Darien didn't know him very well, but got the feeling that he was the quiet type. "Maybe something not dark." Darian suggested. He didn't know how much more dark he could take. It was only a matter of time before the ringmaster came back and forced them to preform. Darian turned his attention toward the other guy in their group.

"What part do you think you'll get? I understand Aveline's. Having wings and everything--she's a highflyer. And I guess I'm the monster to poke in the cage. What about you?" He asked.
Aveline moved her head as if she was looking between the two of them. She also wondered what their places in the circus would be. The master could be a... creative one to be the least. As the thoughts continued to swirl around her mind, she began to hum quietly. Quiet enough that it could barely be heard. She supposed the least she could do was hum until she found a suitable song. She hoped in the mean time that she wouldn't interrupt their conversation.
Shawn looked over at Darian. "You know I can't say. Maybe I'll end up a clown or something." Shawn said thinking of the new color of his hair. Shawn couldn't think of any thing he could do that could be used as a circus act. "I suppose we'll just have to wait and see." A chill ran up his back as he racked his brain trying to think of what might be his act. Thought after thought occured but none seemed reasonable. Waiting to see would be part of the horror of this place.

(It's okay. Can't help getting sick.)
Aveline gave a soft shrug, her humming ceasing. "I don't know what he will do. The master is unpredictable." She sighed. No one ever really knew what was going through his head at any given moment. Almost without missing a beat, she resumed her soft humming. If only she could remember the words to this particular melody. It was pretty, but the words continued to escape her.


Malic sat at his desk, hand flying across the page. Well, until a knock sounded on the door of his chambers. An annoyed sigh pass his lips. "Enter." He grumbled, flicking his eyes between the door and his unfinished flyer.

The door opened to reveal Leo, one of Malik's helpers around the camp. "The Unnamed have just finished with some new captives. I figured you would want to see them?"

In one swift movement, Malik had rose from his chair and started off down the hall. He exited his area, and entered another one entirely, one where the Unnamed did their work. He raised his eyebrows at the new arrivals. "Well, well, what have we here?" He asked, peering at the three of them. "Come, stand before your new master."

((@UnholyRedemption Here's your chance ^.^))

((Also, to any one who wonders about the melody

Rosso had awoken first, sitting up as he ran a hand through his mess of hair, now pinkish red eyes staring at the ground as he got to his feet. His body shuddered as pain began to flood through his system, instantly using the furniture he was on before he awoke as leverage to stand properly. 'The hell...?' He looked around as the 'unnamed' who who walked around to what he saw as aimlessly. His attention was brought upon his siblings who slowly began to sit up, groans passing their lips. It was clear that they had the pain flood their system just like he had. "Viola, Grigio, are you both alright?" He asked. Receiving a nod he let his lips slide into a slightly cheeky grin, broken but there. Then the 'master' came. He looked over at the man before back to Grigio, the one who made decisions for the three. Seeing the eldest nod the weakened body, now enhanced by vampiric features stumbled to stand in front of him.

Her lips parted as she took in the air frantically, her red eyes now staring fearfully at the ceiling as she forced her body up, coughing violently. Her chest hurt, each moment it seemed as if she could not get enough oxygen into her system and it scared the living hell out of her. Thats if she could consider herself 'living' after what had just happened. Not that she knew about it yet. Once the pain had settled she looked over at Rosso who had already gotten up, Grigio following. Her brother asked if they were okay so she nodded in reply, to scared to try her voice. She had the same reaction as Rosso when the master entered. She looked to Grigio who now stood near Rosso. So, she followed the two brothers, standing between them.

Grigio had awoken second, his eyes violently snapping open as he sat up. 'Where am I?' He was a lot better and hiding his pain compared to his two siblings. He looked at the two, nodding in a short reply to Rosso before he studied them both carefully. He did not want them both hurt! After seeing that they were both okay, ignoring the red eyes and pale complexions he turned to Malic, who entered claiming that his was their master. He studied him carefully, his one visible eye narrowed behind the messy locks of his hair. After all, the three looked like a state. Since their 'transformation' which was still unknown to them, they three were unable to recall anything before it. However, Grigio assumed that one would not like about being the master of someone so he nodded to the curious gazes of his two siblings. Walking over to Malic he stood there with a frown, Viola next to him and Rosso. "Our master?" He asked. "We...You are our master?" He could only question curiously.
Darian lifted his head toward the ceiling. Aveline's melody drifted off and he tried to follow two events at once. Something had happened above. Darien registered that he knew that and then wondered how he knew. His sense of smell only reached so far. What he had was more like intuition. The feeling a predator had when he sensed another equally powerful predator nearby. Darian's glaze flickered from Shawn to Avaline. He couldn't tell if they noticed too.

"You guys have more reach than I do with your chains. Can you help me get mine off?" Darian asked. He couldn't do it alone, but maybe with three people. . . His wrists had colored red, rubbed raw from the iron. That pain had dulled however to a far away ache. Darian wanted to prepare for whatever new monster he had sensed from above. He lowered his eyelids. "I think that freak of a ringmaster. . . just turned some more people into monsters like us." Darian explained. He tugged on his chains harder. "I don't like the feeling I get from them."
Malik's grin spread as he eyed the three of them. Oh yes.... they would be nice additions to his show. He just hoped that they were more obedient than his current stars. "Yes, I am your master." He said as he started to pace before him. "At this moment I know not what glorious transformation that the Unnamed have given you, but glorious it will be.." Finally he came to a halt. "I have a few things to do at this moment. The question that remains is whether you will be loyal..."


Aveline sighed. "He probably has..." She said sadly, head tilted towards the ground, Her face then turned to one of determination. "I'm not sure how much help I'll be, but I can try none the less.." She chimed as she carefully climbed to her feet, trying to avoid anything that might cause her to fall. Taking a couple of tentative steps towards him, she paused before him. "Ummm...." Her head tilted down again. almost as if she were ashamed of something. She held her hands straight out, lightly toching him. "D-do you think you might direct me to the chains....?"
He glanced towards Grigio, his head tilted as he folded his arms upon his torso. "Are you sure Gio?" He asked in a whisper. Rosso had nothing but the oddest feeling as a doubt. However, he to found no complains if Gio agreed of course. "It is quite a odd thing...Although I'm not sure, I can't seem to recall what happened before most of this..." Meaning the trio had not exact proof and it was bugging the least mature sibling.

Viola frowned, her voice but a melodic whisper as it passed her cracked lips, revealing the ivory fang like teeth that the trio had been given. "I doubt someone would lie about such a thing so it has to be true..." She mumbled, fingers dragging some of her hair into the view of her eyesight so she could see the colour. It still look the same. She had already noticed the changes her brothers had so it was clear she under went them to. Red eyes looked over at Malic, her face blank again. "I doubt he deceives us Gio, Ross, So he must be correct in what he says which means were are loyal."

Grigio nodded at the response that parted from his sisters lips, his one eyes still watching the both carefully, worried that one of the weakened two could collapse. "She has a point. We wouldn't be here if he was not our master. We have gotten out of worse situations." That he could recall anyway. Turning to Rosso he brushed the hair from his face. His cold red gaze turned back to Malic, Rosso's agreement to what he would say next clear. "We are loyal to you then Master." He bowed, his siblings following before they stood straight. "Glorious transformation? What do you mean by that?" He asked the question that had sparked the trio's curiousity.

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