Circus Freaks ~RP~

Darian guided her hand to the rusted metal links. He studied her fingernails, the bump of her knuckles, and skin bleached white from the moonlight. "Sorry if I poked you with my claws." Darian said. He kept staring at up past the stains on the ceiling. He choose not to contemplate the specks dried blood across the plaster. Darian wrapped the excess chain around his left hand and tugged with Avaline. The metal leaned towards the excess of weight and made a sound like yawning as it dented. Iron ovals broke off and Darian fell towards Avaline and Shawn. He dropped to one knee and lifted his left hand out. The broken chain-link slithered like a whip behind him.

"Oh, that feels so much better." He pushed the ring still attached to his wrist further up his forearm. Darian ground his tennis shoes in the stone and pulled on his other restraint. "I can undo your and Shawn's next." Darian promised. "Then we can get the hell out of here before whatever's up there shows up."
Malik smiled. "Like I said.. I do not yet know what they have done... but trust me, you might enjoy it...." He said, pleased to have new acts that actually were going to listen to him. "Now, if you'll follow me, I'll take you to the others." He turned on his heel and headed out of the room, expecting them to follow.


A smile graced Aveline's lips as she heard one of the chains snap. For once, there was actually a hope of getting out. "Do you need help with the other one?" She asked softly, head tilted slightly to the side as she 'looked' at him, finally knowing his exact location.
Shawn hadn't noticed anything until Darian mentioned it. But when he payed attention he could feel a dark presence. His hands clenched as his breath momentarly caught. But he soon regained his composure and headed over to the others, by the time Shawn got over there Darian was already working on his other chain. "We need to hurry." The dark presence seemed almost tangible as it got heavier weighing on Shawn
Darian yanked the other chain from its socket. From another angle, it didn't take as much effort as the breaking the first. He hesitated, glancing up at Avaline's restraints. "I'll help Shawn free first. I don't think I could get yours on my own." Darian placed his fingers on her shoulder to grab her attention. Not that lack of noise was a problem with the links rattling behind him. He went towards Shawn, intending to help out with his restraints. "I'm surprised the ringmaster hasn't come back yet." He muttered. "Is he going to wait until tomorrow to get us?"
Aveline nodded, she understood fully considering how heavy her chains were. "I do not know why he has yet to return..." She said softly. Sure she had a hard time keeping track of time, but she knew he should have been here by now... unless something was holding him up. A look of shock spread across her face in that instant as she knew what was going on. "You are correct... there are new ones! He'll be accompanying them down here shortly, if he isn't already on his way... We have to hurry!"
Shawn tossed his head and took hold of one of his chains, ready to help Darian. "I can feel a presence coming this way." He said omitting the dark nature of it or the fact that what ever left of a presence like that scared him almost to death. Nothing with an aura that pressing could be good. An image of the ring masters face flashed through his mind, Aveline was right they had to hurry!
Aveline sat still, head turning every which way as noises assaulted her senses. Oh dear, she hated it when this happened. It made her so very confused and gave her quite the headache. "I... I think I'm just going to sit here for a minute and wait for you two to help....." She chimed quietly. The only thing she could relate this feeling to was when she could actually see and the room would start spinning. Cursed noises! Aside from Darian and Shawn, she heard footsteps from somewhere near their cell, the mice skittering about, and she supposed she had been wrong earlier because she currently heard the faint flapping of wings as a bat perched on the rafters. Lovely. To top it off, she could hear a couple of conversations going on in adjoining rooms and it was confusing her so very, very much. She just hoped they managed to get out before the footsteps reached their cell. She was almost positive that they were, indeed, headed this way.

(( @Cross_Rhodes @UnholyRedemption You guys still here....?? I'm kind of stuck with Malik approaching, yet not arriving due to Grigio, Viola, and Rosso. While at the meantime, Shawn and Aveline are waiting on Darian for the chains... So yeah....))
Looking to his sister he raised a brow, on hand resting upon his hip as a sly grin slowly slid to his lips, curling the ends up as his eyes lit up with some sadistic delight. Fangs poised behind those lips, the red of his eyes stared at his sister with their crimson hue. " least this should be amusing right?~" He cooed, his voice peppy but at the same time the venomously coated words were dark, waiting for the time where prey would be mercilessly exposed to him. Instincts perhaps? Taking in a small intake of breath he followed after their master, Fingers reaching up to run through the bland coloured hair, the pale colour running like ribbons through his fingers. "Can't wait!~"

Viola hummed, the sound enchanting as she rolled her neck, fingers dragging themselves to her pressure point before she felt the faint thump of her heart, taunting her with its near silence, making her restless before her attention was stripped from it and placed onto her older brother. "I have to seems amusing." The small smile crept onto her lips, the light pink they were painted made the ivory fangs glimmer in the faint lights they were once surrounding in. After a few seconds her eyes began to glimmer as the youngest jogged over to her brother, interlocking her fingers behind her back, one by one as she followed slightly behind him. "Don't get to excited or you will cause trouble."

Grigio shook his head at the other brother, his lips still pursed into a thin line as his one visible eyes closed with a breathy sigh. His arms, dragging themselves from his side folded upon one another at his torso, looking at the excitement the two radiated with the slightest part of warmness in the smile he felt. "Ah...fine." He mumbled, dragging the words dangerously from his lips as he began to follow the two. "But stop acting like children, you are both so immature." He whispered, strangely unheard by the two who were about to bolt excitedly down the halls but continued to frantically try and say behind their master.
Darian gripped the first undone chain and dropped it. Shawn would have to brake the other by himself. He backed away from Shawn and settled back into his original position just as the ringmaster's red coat came into view. Vivid crimson even in the dark. Darian used the blackness to his advantage and pretended to still be chained to the stonewall. He hadn't been fast enough to make much of a difference for Shawn and Aveline. The flood of something dead hit his noise and he recoiled. "I thought you said they weren't any vampires?" Darian glanced at Aveline. And then remembered to lower his voice. He didn't want to draw the ringmaster's attention he realized. The scent wafted from different directions and Darian was just trying to figure out what that meant when he saw the ringmaster.

"Oh, crap." Darian said.
Aveline was clutching at her head. So many noises. Faintly she registered being addressed. "I didn't think there were any..." She said softly, tilting her head up slightly to where she was pretty much positive that he was. It was at that moment that the door to their cell was thrown open.

"Greetings, pets." Malik said, grin on his face as he entered the dark room. He let his eyes roam for a moment before he was satisfied that everything was in order. "I'd like you to meet your new playmates...." His grin grew as he ushered Grigio, Viola, and Rosso into the room. "I hope you all have fun together..." He said with a laugh before turning on his heel and exiting the room, slamming the door behind him. He trusted the new three not to betray him.
Rosso stepped into the room first, a wide grin upon his lips as he eagerly studied the others, having already noticed the fangs that now were lined up within her jaw, pressing against his lips as he put his hands on his waist, throwing his body forwards. "Ha! These people look like such fun!" He cheered, bolting over to the girl with wings, his grin as wide as ever. "Hey, Hey! You have wings! Can you fly? Oh! Are you an angel? Wait, why do you have bandaged on your eye-" Smack. His body was thrown to the floor, only grasping control at the last minute so he was crouched upon the ground, glaring up at Grigio. "What was that for!"

Viola stepped in after Grigio, watching her master exit the room, slamming the door closed, causing a flinch to run across her skin. She turned to watch Rosso, already beginning to sigh as her older brother began to harass someone, Grigio already on the move to cease the childish action. She looked around at them all, her lips pursed before she brightened up, smiling softly, her eyes a cold red. "Nice to meet you. I am Viola." She spoke calmly before pointing to Rosso. "This is my elder brother Rosso, please excuse his idiocy." Then shifting her finger to Grigio, who was smirking down at the fallen brother. "That is Grigio, pleasure to meet you all."

He hit the other vampire upon the head, the force of it forcing him to the floor, intent of knocking him to the ground. Disappointment flooded his system when he was able to use his reflexes to crouch, instead of going face first. "Stop harassing her, I'm sure master would not be pleased if you nagged one of his pets to death." He stated, anger lacing his tone as the other boy stood up, crossing his arms as the two began to glare, lost in their own little word for a few minutes, only faintly listening to Viola's introductions.
Aveline's head shot around furiously as she registered three new voices in the room. Her attempt to locate them was only furthering her headache. Finally she sighed, head tilting to their general direction. "I am Aveline..." She said quietly. "Yes I can fly, no I am not an angel, and.. well..." Her hand ran over her bandages once more as she sighed. "I can't see...." She finally said. "I kind of can't tell which of you is which other then by voice, but it's nice to meet you all..." She bristled slightly at being called a pet, but it was something that she had simply learned to get used to.
Shawn was back leaning against the wall the the ring master came in. His heart pounded in his chest, but they didn't seem to have been found out. Three other people filed into the room it was their presence he'd been feeling. One of the boys later introduced as Rosso began harassing Aveline but was knocked away and told to stop by the boy called Grigio. Even the girl, Viola had an unnerving air about her. Shawn felt like like an animal of prey locked inside a room with three starving predators. But as to not let on he piped up with an introduction of his own. "My name is Shawn." He looked straight at them instead of hiding his eyes and cowaring, but his heart hammered in his chest. He was surprised the others couldn't hear it. He tried to slow his heart by breathing more deeply and eventually succeeded in doing this.
Darian felt like barking at them. Maybe a side-effect of the wolf thing, but there it was. He squinted at the three fanged newcomers and showed them his own set of pointed teeth. He glanced from Avaline to Shawn. If they volunteered their information, he supposed he should too. "I'm Darian." He said. The Ringmaster hadn't chained the siblings up. He wondered if the other noticed that or not. One of them had even refereed to their jailer as master. "Who are you calling a pet anyway? What does that make you guys?" Darian scowled on her behalf.

Darian turned toward Avaline with a look that asked for help. Then he realized he couldn't communicate with her that way. Stupid. But he couldn't decided if escaping was still a valid plan or not. Darian tried the same thing, this time turning his gaze toward Shawn. Three on three except Darian's team was majorly handicapped. Should they trust these new guys?
Shawn realized something when Darian asked about who they were calling pet. Something he hadn't realized through his haze of fear, these . . . predators weren't chained. Darian didn't seem to be afraid of them, in fact he seemed to want to take them on. Drawing from Darian's clear rebellious bravery he returned the look Darian gave him, with a look of his own saying that he'd back him up best he could if it was needed.
Aveline sighed, headache still raging as her head tilted towards Darian again. How she wished that she could keep track of people more easily. Slowly and carefully she climbed to her feet, being mindful of the chains. She actually managed to get to her feet with only the slightest stumble. Turning to face the general direction of the new comers, her face turned determined. "Pleasantries aside... Before we go any farther." She started softly. "The master..." The word dripped with unconcealed loathing. "Are you loyal..?"

((This has slowed down exponentially... It irritates me T.T))
Darian waited to hear what the freaky vampires siblings would say. If the Ringmaster hadn't brainwashed them beyond repair, maybe they could join them. Avaline was obviously suspicious too. He skewed his lips. "Yeah. What to you guys think about that freaky. . . " Darian made a vague gesture. What was the Ringmaster's actual name again? He refused to call him master even to make a point like Aveline did. "That guy running the show?" Darian nodded toward Shawn, confident that they could achieve something here even if it was just the two of them fighting their way out.
Rosso pouted childishly as he stood up, facing his brother with the usual sibling rivalry held between brothers. His eyes narrowed as he stuck his tongue out. "Yeah, well she is a nice kid so I'm allowed." He declared, turning on his heels before he walked over to Viola, wrapping his arms across her shoulders, his head resting upon hers as he smirked at Grigio. "So get of ya' high horse will ya?~" He cooed, his tone silky and dangerous. Of course, Rosso wouldn't be rejected by Viola so she was simply used as leverage by the second oldest. "Nice to meet ya' Aveline." He stated, giving her a mock salute from his position, his lips in a wide grin. His grin slipped at the girls words, the serious he held showed through his mask or mirth as he stood up properly, looking at them one by one. "Of course we are loyal. He is our master is he not?" He asked, his tone confident but it showed their uncertainty in the topic. After all, they only just awoke.

Viola listened to the arguments of her brothers, raising a brow to them as she sighed, simply brushing their Quarrel aside, for it was not her main concern. The others were. "It is a pleasure to meet you all." Turning to Darian, her features were schooled and blank as she stared, her eyes boring down upon him. "We are also his pets. We simply remain whatever he wishes us to be." She stated, her words sounding mechanical. Now, Viola was curious. Were they not loyal to him? Were the mans words a lie? Or simply were these people wrong? She heard the girl, Aveline's words and she nodded at the words passing Rosso's lips. "He is correct. From what we have gathered since awakening, he is our master. In short, one must be loyal and obedient to their master. Correct?"

Grigio rolled his eyes at his brother, standing before him with his shoulders raised, trying to appose him in stature and failing miserably. He simply did not have the patience to deal with the useless squabbles his brother was oh so determined to create. However, the girl he spoke fondly about did seem a way about it so he left it, only sending one last glare to the cowardly vampire who hid behind the youngest sibling. He turned to the others also, fingers shoved into the pockets of the rags they adorned, still covered with blood from the transformation. "As they both said. We have only just awakened from this transformation the master spoke of and it is clear that the man who brought us here previously was our master. So, we are loyal." Their memories from before gone, except a few left them confused and the master was the first to sort of explain what was going onto them, so they were the only thing they knew and so they would follow, mindlessly and unconditionally.

(I apologize x-x I keep getting detention.)
Pursing her lips into a frown, Aveline tilted her head slightly. Lovely. This might put a hamper in their plans to escape considering they would now have a new obstacle. Going to take a step forward, she miscalculated the chains location and fell forward. It took her a moment to get herself oriented again. Finally, she managed to get herself back onto her knees at least. She didn't know what to say, honestly. Tilting her head in their direction again, she sighed. "Trsut me... It won't take long for you to change your mind..."
Shawn's heart dropped when the three confirmed their loyalty to the ring master. He was ready to fight with Darian if it came to that. He'd hardened his resolve on that. He sat quietly watching and waiting. He began to trace lines on the floor, though he still listened. But his head shot back up as Aveline stumbled. Getting to her knees Aveline assured the trio that would not be so loyal to the ring master soon. Shawn hoped and dreaded she was right at the same time. More help would be great., but if they're minds would so certianly change so quickly. He hated to imagen what it would be like for those who already saw him as an enemy.
Aveline decided to put her focus elsewhere for the moment. They would see what they were dealing with soon enough. The last thing they needed was to push their luck when they were chained up and the new loyals were not. Head turning a couple of times. Aveline sighed. Crap, that fall really had disoriented her. She had lost track of where her friends were when she went down. "Guys...?" She called softly, trying to relocate them without being overly obvious about it. She hated seeming helpless.
Shawn didn't want to draw much attention to himself. But when Aveline called softly for them he wanted her to know where he was. Turning his head to look more directly at her his horn clacked softly against the wall. "I'm here Aveline." He returned in a quiet voice of his own hoping that she could hear and tell it was him. If she couldn't he'd be louder but he was wary of attracting the new comers attention too.
Phoeonix walks out of his cage and looked around the circus. He blinks slowly his eyes flash icy blue as he then starts to walk around searching for something to do. His large wings wrap around his body as if they were a cloak that he wore. He stares at people who walk by him, he ignores the children that walk past pointing fingers and asking there mothers and fathers what that thing is. He lets out a soft sigh as he stared at the ground. "Sometimes I feel like not even this place can make me feel normal...."

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