• Well, Kassandra wasn't about to let up simply because Kendall was showing weakness. If anything, her flurry got more intense with each punch up until the moment the shit-eating badger actually grabbed her leg! At this point, she had no time to react, and despite lashing her leg downwards to punish her foe's grab, it was too slow; the bolt struck her hard, and her entire HUD went dark. The suit was certainly out of commission, and she was already moderately injured by the single blast as a screech of pain escaped her lips and her vision temporarily became blurry. Even a demigoddess couldn’t take a bolt to the face unscathed, and she definitely was hurting as she felt like her veins had been fried by the shock. A couple more good hits would be enough to take her out, if she didn't watch herself.

    No... I'm not falling here, especially not to that rat. A scowl crossed her lips as she ripped Kendall's grasp off with her leg and an arm, hopefully getting loose for another go. This next move would certainly seem a bit familiar to Atreus since Kassandra's Spartan-like shouts got the boy's attention earlier. Aloy and the rest of the original Blood Gulch companions (if they were even there) would definitely recognize this next move from their first team attack against Lobo.


    The Spartan snarl that escaped the helmeted warrior's lips echoed through the arena as she raised her body and weapons to the sky, an orange aura accompanying the animalistic howl as the Battlecry of Ares engulfed her yet again. Any Blood Gulch survivors would remember that this ability ensured no attacks in twenty seconds could incapacitate her, but in addition would fuel her fury and increase her strength for every blow in this status. Her feral, wilder nature was pretty much obvious at this point- it was as though she'd become a completely different girl, like she had the capability for brutality within and might have been exacerbated had events in her world played out differently.

    As if being more beastly wasn't enough, she crouched down before...


    ...Thrusting her Spear of Leonidas and Hero's Sword forward. A giant golden bull ran extremely quickly through a large chunk of the arena, threatening to knock down any foes in the way- especially Kendall! To emphasize on her attack, she rushed in yet again, delivering rapid hacks and slashes from her dual-wielded blades with reckless abandon!​
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The Time Baby merely stared down at Ellie angrily as she yelled her flurry of obscenities in his direction. Whenever she was finally finished, he merely opened his mouth to say, "SILENCE HER." Despite the booming voice, the Time Baby was clearly not screaming, and actually seemed relatively caused. At his request, though, two guards rushed passed Micah and whoever else was near Ellie. One of them restrained her arms by holding them behind her back, while the other jammed an electrified stun stick right into her stomach.​

"No! Fuu... Get off me! Fucking asshole!" She groaned and squirmed as she felt someone pull her arms behind her back again. She wasn't exactly Frank and was quite easily overpowered despite her legs flailing about like a fish on dry land. As soon as the taser made contact though, she felt the shock surging through her entire body, and she tensed up with a groan through her teeth. It did take a few seconds, but she eventually fell limp into the man's arms. Although they could swear they heard her manage to squeeze out a last "Eat... shit... and... duihhhh... " thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

- - - - -

Atreus now definitely heard something familiar. He didn't recognize the words or the voice, but he recognized the feeling. That rage. That pure outburst of concentrated and focused fury that was - in his experience - only ever followed up by one thing. Pain. Where his father would usually just start slapping bitches, the source of this rage seemed to have more magical means at their disposal. Atreus dug his heels into the ground and stopped, barely dodging the golden bull. FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

As he was now stopped though, he did notice Frank in a desperate, bloody fight, and Ellie just being knocked out. Desperation set in. Sure, the baby in charge said that this was just a game of knock-outs, but he could so very easily be lying. Something had to be done. The boy did notice Frank and some other man bump into some kind of invisible painful wall earlier, and Atreus was curious how far it went. He pulled out his bow and: "þruma!" fired a few electrical arrows at varying heights, one almost straight up, one just a few feet above Frank's height, and a few more in between, all aimed to test the wall's height. thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

After that, the boy gathered his confidence and charged toward Frank-and-Jason. He just saw the red man grab Frank's arm when he approached, and the boy let out a roar just like his Father would. "Leave him alone!" he yelled, immediately firing another crackling thunder arrow straight at Jason's leg, then trying to jump onto his back and pull the bow back into his neck to restrain him. He didn't care about teams, he was just angry that this red guy was so willing to fight his allies for this 'time baby'. "Let! Go! Of! Him!" BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The Force Commander and SPARK-001
( Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FoolsErin FoolsErin )

The Force Commander cried out as Star Lord's little gravity device slammed the big Astartes to the ground, sending his hammer a foot away from him. Not unreachable, but Bayonetta was spared a Thunder Hammer to the face.
The Force Commander took a second to look for the source of his problems, and spotted the device. The Force Commander rammed it as much as he could with his right elbow, but was very much open to a beating.
The Force Commander put his prayers into the God-Emperor and struck away at the offending device.

"Incoming projectile-"
Praetorian staggered a step forward as it took in the attacker in stride. Orbeck. The SPARK wasn't paying much attention to Orbeck, so that was a surprise.
But not an impossible fight.
"I warn you now. I will not kill you... but I will wound you."
The SPARK's fists were covered in a blue energy as the robot dashed at Orbeck, entering hand-to-hand combat algorithms. Praetorian may not be a martial artist, but it definitely knew what it was doing in melee.​

Bayonetta's Status (Physically):Fine, but she nearly got hit by a hammer.
's Status (Mentally/Emotionally): Absolutely confident, ready to take whatever the Force Commander throws at her.
Post Mentions: Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Vaughan Prime),
Post Interactions: GearBlade654 GearBlade654
(Force Commander), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Starlord)
Hex Codes: #1B4081. #0C0C28

Double Trouble's Status (Physically): Scratched on their arms and upper chest by Ikaros, head definitely still disoriented from Atreus’s arrows.
Double Trouble
's Status (Mentally/Emotionally): Fairly confident, a little freaked out, and hoping that the next encounter they have in the arena won’t result in another eagle to the face.
Into: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Captain Falcon), Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (Benedict Cucumberpatch)
Post Mentions: Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (Benedict Cucumberpatch)
Post Interactions: Venom Snake Venom Snake (Solid Snake), Ellya Ellya (Ellie, Atreus), FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Ikaros),
Hex Codes:
#90EE90, #45444C
Red Rose

Bayonetta and Double Trouble
Bayonetta's eyes slightly widened as the Force Commander threw up a shield to block her attacks, and was too far into her aerial attack to attempt a dodge. Her momentum would’ve blocked the potential to dodge, already being too far into the motion of her kick. She could’ve taken the hit from his hammer, definitely so. But help came from where it’d come from before when she was trying to divert his attention via feathers to the face. From the skies. One of the people—she hadn’t recognized him from earlier in Gravity Falls, so she assumed he was new—also on Team Three, called Starlord, tossed what seemed to be some device manipulating gravity to pull the Force Commander out of hitting range of her, alongside immobilizing him. She gave a small but playful wink to the aiding man, before turning her attention to the Force Commander with a smirk of pleasant surprise. She'd chosen this individual in particular because he appeared to be able to take a hit, but she hadn't been expecting something that would completely nullify one of her Wicked Weaves. Even the angels she’d fought with armor or shields didn’t completely ignore the impact of an attack like that. The umbra witch had been expecting to hold back a great deal of her strength, a human has much less endurance than the angels she typically dealer with, even one with fancy armor. But if he had more tricks like this up his sleeves, then perhaps she could use a little less restraint fighting this particular opponent.

Perhaps it was time to get a bit more serious.

Well if rough is how you like it, then rough is how we’ll play.Bayonetta purred, her face wielding a confident smirk, but still ready for whatever kind of fight the restrained Force Commander would put up. She began to strut over to where the gravity-manipulating device held him, starting slow but clearly having the hopes of picking up faster. Her attention was clearly set in continuing the battle she’d started, though she did take a moment to contend with the snare Vaughan Prime had set. Bayonetta barely dodged the energy-based chain that attempted to grasp her leg and carry her off, The near dodge allowed her to release the Bats Within, bursting into a small cloud of the animals to confirm her escape from the trap and setting off Witch Time. Using the slowed time to her advantage, Bayonetta wasted no time at all dashing over to the restrained Force Commander, attempting to use a Heel Slide to first strike him, then pepper him afterwards with a barrage of kicks and a few bullets, before trying to give him another Wicked Weave in the form of the stomping heel of her patron, Madama Butterfly.

Double Trouble quickly realized that they may have judged how good Atreus would be in combat a little too soon, awkwardly dodging half of his explosive arrows, getting somewhat hit with the blast of another, and getting solidly hit by the blast of the fourth. This all left them more than a little woozy, which left them right open to Ellie’s sneak attack with the threatening knife. They quickly cycled through a couple ways they could try and get Ellie off them, before the answer to their problem came from a tranquilizer dart shot from Snake. The unconscious Ellie came right off of them, allowing Double Trouble a small but deeply relieved sigh. Giving a small thumbs up in Snake’s direction for a brief second, knowing that he probably had only bothered because Ellie was an easy knock-out, and that they shouldn’t let their guard down that easily. They then turned their attention to Atreus, who was sloppily but quickly shooting arrows at what he believed to be Captain Falcon in an attempt for vengeance for his friend. It probably did look from his angle like they‘d somehow effortlessly knocked out Ellie just by touch. Their eyes analytically followed his messy but rapid-fire arrows, dodging the barrage the best they could, with only a few close calls near their knees. Double Trouble could‘ve easily gone in and kicked the boy’s feet from beneath him, could’ve maybe even gone further than that and knocked him out.

But then he gave up, disheartened by the sight of some of the other competitors.
Double Trouble’s confident face dimmed into a more neutral expression as they saw the utter look of defeat on his face, now clearly feeling somewhat bad. They’d just planned to mess around a little, poke this kid a bit and see how he fought back, maybe even knock him out if push came to shove. But now it felt less like a fun little escapade and more like they were unnecessarily bothering this kid. They were a mercenary, someone who worked for the winning side for survival’s sake, someone who’s loyalty was bought with money. But they weren’t a complete villain, and they definitely knew when they’d hit a limit to something. This had gone beyond mischevious meddling. When Atreus shot a distracting arrow and began to ran off, the fake Captain Falcon was more than done with the encounter. But then IKarl’s had to swoop in and begin his assault, Eagle talons ready for scratching. Double Trouble flung their arms over their face, allowing the bird to scratch their arms up. They were a decent fighter, having momentarily gone against the legendary hero She-Ra and fared fairly well. But they were by no means an amazing fighter, their skill set being in acting and espionage. And they definitely had nothing to deal with an eagle aggressively clawing into them. They tried their best to defend against the bird, but they ended up with a bunch of ugly looking scratches up and down their arms, with a few on their upper chest. When Ikaros inevitably left, they said nothing and annoyedly stuck their tongue out in the eagle’s general direction for a moment before heading off elsewhere. Slipping into the crowd, they decided to shapeshift into someone other than Captain Falcon. Preferably someone with less skin to scratch that wasn’t quite as tall. They decided on the small, gentleman-looking figure also from Team 3 that they’d seen back in the cell. Using the form that was smaller than the other ones they had taken in the Time Police’s vicinity, they slipped through the crowd, wondering who would be their next, and hopefully proper, encounter.

Chronology (1).jpg
Location: Globnar
Expression: Trying to Dodge a Bull
Interaction: Thorne
Mention: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

The Spartan snarl that escaped the helmeted warrior's lips echoed through the arena as she raised her body and weapons to the sky, an orange aura accompanying the animalistic howl as the Battlecry of Ares engulfed her yet again. Any Blood Gulch survivors would remember that this ability ensured no attacks in twenty seconds could incapacitate her, but in addition would fuel her fury and increase her strength for every blow in this status. Her feral, wilder nature was pretty much obvious at this point- it was as though she'd become a completely different girl, like she had the capability for brutality within and might have been exacerbated had events in her world played out differently.

As if being more beastly wasn't enough, she crouched down before...


...Thrusting her Spear of Leonidas and Hero's Sword forward. A giant golden bull ran extremely quickly through a large chunk of the arena, threatening to knock down any foes in the way- especially Kendall! To emphasize on her attack, she rushed in yet again, delivering rapid hacks and slashes from her dual-wielded blades with reckless abandon!
As Jett knocked out Thorne in order to win their bet to have a sentence that makes everyone very awkward yet weirding out at the same time, she saw an giant golden bull extremely ran quickly towards a large chunk in the arena right before she could dodge the giant bull using her Tailwind saying to Thorne if she dodged the giant golden bull as well after she dodged it flawlessly.

Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Globnar
Expression: Seen the Giant Bull
Interaction: Jett
Mention: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

As Thorne is not getting up since she is now unconscious and was escorted to the sidelines as she didn't watch the giant golden bull attack from Kassandra, she smiled hoping that Jett will win this round and tries to have the bet later on after she is now treated properly by now..
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴀɴɢ xɪᴀᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ
(Made together by marc122 marc122 and TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher )
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━

The two knew each other’s fighting style and their tricks well; they were partners after all. This meant that Blake more or less had an idea of what Yang was planning to do. When Yang got close to her and attempted to kneecap her gut, she activated her semblance both times in a row, the second being mixed in with a backflip. She activated it a third time but with a twist: she activated the fire dust in the cylinder she had reloaded her weapon with and once Yang had punched it, it exploded just like it had done with Roman a few years ago back on the train and back on Remnant in the fight with Toga.

Switching the katana to kusarigama form, she threw it at Yang and tried to wrap it around her stomach and holding onto the end of the ribbon, she would proceed to yank Yang down towards her, slashing at her with the sheath.

As Blake expected, Yang’s kneecap didn’t land thanks to the Semblance Blake activated on her. Okay, so she raised her fist, preparing to punch as she had planned...but aborted the move, instead making a backflip as the fire clone exploded. As soon as Blake threw Gambol Shroud at her in its kusarigama form, she stood there. Then she smirked, and then she grabbed it with the same hand she was to punch a Blake-shaped Dust trap with. Using both hands, she pulled her weapon and its ribbon inward, bringing Blake flying.


Yang pulled again, this time to throw Blake towards the outskirts of the arena, making a step as she did so. And as she let go, she pumped Ember Celica, and punched the air, launching a few flares in a wide scatter-spray pattern, one of them directly going towards her.

Seeing as how the fire clone failed to explode on Yang as she probably should’ve expected, when Yang grabbed the ribbon, she knew that this fight probably wouldn’t have lasted any longer due to being told that being thrown out of the arena was also a way to end the fight. Yang probably didn’t want to waste her time and continue the fight, so throwing would be the next best thing. When she pulled Blake towards her, she just let go of her as she flew into her but not without trying something. Blake corrected herself in the air, going legs first towards Yang and opened her legs to wrap them around her neck. Throwing her elbows down towards her head, she went to hit her on the head multiple times with her elbows before flipping herself over in an attempt to throw her towards the edge.

The keyword here was attempt and if it failed... well, it probably wouldn’t end well.

And, it didn’t.

Yang yanked Gambol Shroud further as planned, but something was missing. Can you guess it? Those who had answered “Blake” would be correct; as the blonde turned around, she saw her teammate and friend, about to slam feet-first into her. Alas, it was already too late; Blake actually crashed into her, sending the two of them flying out of the arena.


For our precarious Ms. Xiao Long, now was do-or-”die”; either she solves the problem of being knocked out of the ring, or she, too, would soon meet her team faithful’s fate.

As Blake started to reach her legs around her neck, though, she had an idea. She grabbed the cat Faunus’ ankles. Very quickly, she held them out in front of her, hands close to each other. Then she thrust her arms downward, closing them up as she hovered above her, entering a short, rapid spin. Then, she let go, boosting away from the arena’s outskirts and possibly sending her partner further towards them. And finally, during that same boost, Ember Celica set off, launching herself further away from the outer area of Globnar, hopefully securing a decisive victory over Blake.

As she once said, she may not be faster, but she was rather... Much smarter.

Having been thrown towards the outer area, you’d think this was the end of Blake and you’d be correct. Actually, you would be correct since there wasn’t really anything that could save her but just because she may be going down doesn’t mean she wouldn’t be going down alone. Using Gambol Shroud in kusarigama form, she threw it around Yang’s ankles and grabbed onto the ribbon as she was sent to the edge. If it worked, she’d pull the blonde with her in an attempt to bring her with her.

After all, if she was going to be eliminated, might as well try to take her with her.

Meanwhile, as Yang was just starting her way back into the swing of things, she felt something wrap around her ankle. Even without visuals of what was going on, she almost immediately realized what was happening. A chill sped through her spine, as her pupils shrunk. As her pupils shrank, familiar sounds played in her mind; one she had never heard for a long time.


“Oh-ho! Guess our little flame’s died out, huh?”
“Why, yes! Indeed, it appears that Blake Belladonna will be moving up all the way up to the much-anticipated grand finals round!”

‘We’re not done yet, are we?’

Then, she was reeled back. Gasping, Yang looked back and saw Blake trying to pull her into elimination, still flying towards the outer ring. Then she looked at her legs, which had Gambol Shroud wrapped around one of the ankles. Never before had she seen her do something like this, and it was a move she certainly didn’t expect as a consequence.

Still, it was nothing Yang couldn’t try to handle.

Yang punched in opposite directions, from the back to the front, at the same time, sending her into a spin that would counteract Blake’s pull on the ribbon attached to Gambol Shroud. While she did so, she kicked, and before the kusarigama-form katana could latch on again, she boosted herself away, hopefully to settle their little score, right then and there.

If there was ever any words to describe this little turn of events, it’d be:

...Oh shit.

Because of the spin and the inability to get Gambol Shroud to latch on, Blake was still being sent towards the outer area of the arena but now it was in a different direction. When she hit the outer area of the arena, she knew that her time in this battle royale was over.

But at least she could say that she didn’t go down without a fight.

— - — - —​

Yang Xiao Long

#FAC51C = Speech
(Team 3)

As Yang spun in the air, she flipped, but this time, she couldn't stick the landing.

Instead, she fell against the ground, tumbling on it, until she could stop herself. She didn't expect things to go that way, but what happened resulted in perhaps one of the more intense fights she's had over the couple last days. Breathing heavily, she got up, looking around to see who was fighting; Weiss was still batting it against Shanoa in the air, while Jett and Thorne had their own bone to pick with Kassandra. As she looked, however, a golden bull raged throughout the arena. While she turned her head, she saw the bull in question coming at her. Instantly, she boosted herself into the air, thinking of who to fight.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Time Baby), Zamasu Zamasu (Shanoa), FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra), AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc (Jett, Thorne)
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Drax watched as Hiryu approached to aid him during his hunt for Agent 3. As he hunted, Drax offered the Kamen Rider a nod of thanks. "Thank you, skinny one," Drax said. Despite the fact that the name could easily be interpreted as some kind of insult, Drax's tone and expression made it at least sound and look like he was being genuine. Luckily for Agent 3, Drax was too focused on watching Hiryu look for her to even notice her daring escape. She'd just better hope that Hiryu doesn't figure out where she went...

Over with Korg, the stone bodied alien had fallen for Lazurus' trap, and as he was indeed aiming to swing at the soldier once more, he soon found himself entangled by his bola. The bola had successfully managed to wrap Korg up by his arms, and the subsequent energy blasts had managed to knock him back towards the edge - one step at a time. By the time he reached the edge, though, Korg planted himself into the arena's ground like a tree, and with pure brute strength, Korg ripped the bolas right off of his arms with one mighty push. With the bola now on the ground, Korg began walking back towards Lazarus, mace in hand. Instead of going for his head this time, Korg instead went for his arm, hoping to knock him onto the ground with a single hit. If this was successful, Korg would then slam his mace into the side of his head with not enough force to kill him, but enough to knock him out.

All of Atreus' electrical arrows had struck the wall, either embedding themselves in it or bouncing right off of it and falling onto the ground. Whatever this wall was made of, it was pretty high and sturdy! When the boy himself made his attack towards Jason, he managed to strike the vigilante in the leg, which caused him to grunt as he fell to one knee, feeling the electricity surging through his knee as he did so. Slowly but surely, Jason reached down, until his fist clutched the knee and pulled out out - right as Atreus decided to leap up onto his back and choke him with his bow. Without much of an option, Jason quickly reached behind him and attempted to grab the child by the back of his shirt. If successful, Jason would then try and pull him off of him, before attempting to toss him out of the arena!

The Force Commander had managed to shatter the gravity mine after enough hits, the crunching sound resonating into Star-Lord's eardrums, even over his music. He sighed and slumped forward, letting out a quiet, "Really, dude?", before simply resuming his assault on Vauban Prime, as Bayonetta focused her efforts on the Force Commander.

It was then that Blake was sent flying out of the arena, which caused the score to flash again. On top of that, much like Ellie before, when Thorne had been knocked out, she was transported out of the arena and onto the sidelines.

Team One - 3 Points
Team Two - 1 Point
Team Three - 3 Points

When Blake landed and Thorne woke up, they would both find themselves next to the unconscious Ellie - maybe they could wake her back up?

Regardless, the fight continued. By the time Yang landed again, she was met with one of the Team 2 members - the green-skinned Guardian of the Galaxy, Gamora. "You fought well." Gamora said flatly as she approached her confidently, a thin, white sword in her hand. Without giving Yang any time to react, Gamora swiped the sword sideways, aiming to catch her off guard and slice at the blonde brawler's stomach! The cut wouldn't be deep enough to cause any lasting damage, of course, but it would be enough for Gamora to see just how tired Yang was, before their actual brawl began.

@Lazaro1505 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 @DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin Celestial Speck Celestial Speck quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @ConnorOfficials @darkred Venom Snake Venom Snake CutieBoop CutieBoop Chungchangching Chungchangching marc122 marc122 Ellya Ellya GearBlade654 GearBlade654 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @QizPizza BoltBeam BoltBeam @JRay AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
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All of Atreus' electrical arrows had struck the wall, either embedding themselves in it or bouncing right off of it and falling onto the ground. Whatever this wall was made of, it was pretty high and sturdy! When the boy himself made his attack towards Jason, he managed to strike the vigilante in the leg, which caused him to grunt as he fell to one knee, feeling the electricity surging through his knee as he did so. Slowly but surely, Jason reached down, until his fist clutched the knee and pulled out out - right as Atreus decided to leap up onto his back and choke him with his bow. Without much of an option, Jason quickly reached behind him and attempted to grab the child by the back of his shirt. If successful, Jason would then try and pull him off of him, before attempting to toss him out of the arena!​

Atreus pulled back his sturdy bow into Jason's neck. It obviously wasn't his intention to hurt - and he probably wasn't doing so anyway - but just to keep Jason in place for a while. If he were with his Father, he would at this point be charging up a hell of an attack to cleave the enemy in two. The boy was grinding his teeth. He was used to assisting like this, just keeping people busy, but it took quite a bit of strength to hold on to this guy.

Then, he felt his hand grabbing at the back of his tunic. Atreus' tiny hands kept clutching his bow with all his might, and as long as it was wrapped around Jason's neck, he had the advantage, but he could feel the man starting to slip his chin under it.

"No! Leave him alone, damn you!" But it was too late. Jason's head slipped out of the bow and Atreus felt himself being tossed, as if weightless to the man. He flew through the air for a good few seconds, using that downtime to position his body, draw another arrow, and yell out "Ljósta!"

A magical blue energy enveloped the arrow as it shot from the boy's bow, and as it hit (or hit near) the man, it would explode into a small ball of light. The force from it would simply be concussive, nothing destructive at all. He just wanted to make that last effort to keep Jason busy.

Atreus flew a good distance, until he felt his feeting hitting the notorious wall. A sharp electrical shock surged through his body, and he let out a groan as he fell. His body fell to the ground with a dull thud, as he squirmed there for a few seconds. "Uuugh..." Still in the arena, still moving, but definitely out of the picture for a short time.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Arrow effects
Nista | Pierce A normal arrow with enhanced piercing effect.
Ljósta | Light A bright streak of blue light. Can be blinding from nearby. Emits a small concussive (stunning) explosion on impact.
þruma | Thunder This arrow electrifies anything it hits, lightning may spread over to nearby enemies.
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CN Pose.png
Goddamnit, that would have been SO awesome that the Pokemon would have just kneeled down to me from my pure coolness. I stretched out my flat face back to its regular shape and rubbed the back of my head. The person I tried to jump from was an old man! Don't know why I decided to use his frail body to spring myself back to the arena but even I don't know what I'm thinking at times.

Once he finished talking, I stood up and offered to help him up to his feet with a hand. Of course, I should answer his question. He even called me a boy. I might have tomboyish qualities and all but do I really look masculine enough to look like one? Huh.

"Oh, I'm CN-Tan! And what about your name, Ma'am?"

I giggled at my own retort. Good job there, me.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Whisper The Woof (Team 3) || Another Kiva & Co. (Team 2)--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @BoltBeam(Vs. Another Kiva)

Seeing Akari not get too hurt by her laser, Whisper took off to the skies with the Hover wisp, making sure she avoids the volley of attacks that she would inevitably get hit with. The wolf would float around the arena, sending out other Wisps to set up the shards required for a shot. She tries her best not to move out of bounds, soon undoing her float and entering freefall. She aimed at one of the shards as the Laser Wisp returned to her, soon pulling the trigger. The laser traveled along the shards, reflecting from one crystal to another, soon hitting Akari.

"Right back at you." Hiryu tells Drax as he glanced around, looking for the inkling. The Garuru began sniffing the ground after taking a whiff of the nearby ink puddle, soon pointing its horn towards the direction of Agent 3, who was quite far away from them.

"BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!" The Garuru barked aloud, attracting his fellow monsters as well as Hiryu, who turned to the direction where Garuru was barking.


"You found him boy?" Hiryu asked, tossing the hammer on his back, reforming into the purple golem. This time, transforming Basshaa into a green flintlock pistol with golden highlights with two of its fins rotating and aiming down its hammer and shooting pressurized water towards the inkling!
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Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Sidelines of Globnar
Expression: Trying to Not Intentionally Tell Blake The Truth
Interaction: Blake, Ellie
Mention: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , Ellya Ellya

Throne woke up in a hurting manner and just turned around to see Blake and Ellie to believe that they are now out, she realized that Ellie is now unconscious and tries to wake her up saying to Blake realizing that she needs to make a awkward moment after she "Uh, Blake. Can we wake Ellie up, well us three got knocked out now but I could always cheer Jett on and tries to win their team. But also..... Is the yellow haired and white girl are you um your friends or something, I kinda impressed on their power, their looks, their personality, and most importantly I really like how they felt into this adventure. I-I'm so sorry for that awkward talk there because m-m-me and Jett had an bet on if one of us got knocked out, one of us which is me will have a awkward sentence. B-But, let's wake Ellie up...." She tries to wake Ellie up by shaking her shoulder, she knows that shaking an sleeping person's shoulder is the basic way to woke the person up and doesn't want to do the advanced ways like pouring the sleeping person up with a bucket of water or putting on his/her hand into a bowl of water.
Agent 3

As if being more beastly wasn't enough, she crouched down before...


...Thrusting her Spear of Leonidas and Hero's Sword forward. A giant golden bull ran extremely quickly through a large chunk of the arena, threatening to knock down any foes in the way- especially Kendall! To emphasize on her attack, she rushed in yet again, delivering rapid hacks and slashes from her dual-wielded blades with reckless abandon!​
Not being able to hear this happening nor see it coming, Agent 3 was caught in the wake of it - though fortunately, she was hiding in her ink puddle - and though stepped on by the golden bull about once or maybe twice, not much harm was done when the ink healed her up anyways.
Drax watched as Hiryu approached to aid him during his hunt for Agent 3. As he hunted, Drax offered the Kamen Rider a nod of thanks. "Thank you, skinny one," Drax said. Despite the fact that the name could easily be interpreted as some kind of insult, Drax's tone and expression made it at least sound and look like he was being genuine. Luckily for Agent 3, Drax was too focused on watching Hiryu look for her to even notice her daring escape. She'd just better hope that Hiryu doesn't figure out where she went...
As Drax thanked Hiryu, Agent 3 continued to try and sneak off, until she heard sniffing coming from Drax's direction - not from Drax himself, but rather his monumental backup! Turning to face it, she would then realise just what it was... And froze momentarily.
"Right back at you." Hiryu tells Drax as he glanced around, looking for the inkling. The Garuru began sniffing the ground after taking a whiff of the nearby ink puddle, soon pointing its horn towards the direction of Agent 3, who was quite far away from them.

"BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!" The Garuru barked aloud, attracting his fellow monsters as well as Hiryu, who turned to the direction where Garuru was barking.


"You found him boy?" Hiryu asked, tossing the hammer on his back, reforming into the purple golem. This time, transforming Basshaa into a green flintlock pistol with golden highlights with two of its fins rotating and aiming down its hammer and shooting pressurized water towards the inkling!
Noticing the water suddenly launched towards her, the Inkling let out a startled scream of genuine fear - leapt out of the ink pool and into her humanoid form, running away. "Can you not?! I'd prefer to live!" She called out after she ran away from the jets of water, a surge of anger taking root in her at that moment. Not that it helped her weapon is broken - she needs to fix it, and she can't make new ink puddles to hide in, either! Resigning herself with a sigh as she tried to run to the outer edges of the colosseum, she would try to make an attempt to fix her weapon - hoping she was alone.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Furious/Terrified​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot (heavily damaged/destroyed), Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: The battle begins!/Trying to fix weapon.​
RP Information
Location: Globnar Colosseum
Mentions: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , @TheEntiretyOfTeamThree​
Nearby/In Group: @GetReadyToRumble​
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
After getting knocked out of the arena, hitting the floor, she got back up to see a Thorne was there as well. Ellie was too, but she was unconscious so it would stand to reason that they’d need to wake her up. Before that, she looked at Thorne who asked about Weiss and Yang. “
They’re my teammates, my friends, and most importantly, my family. That’s who they are. Let’s just wake Ellie up before continuing the conversation.

Going over to Ellie, she knelt down and began to lightly shake her. “
Ellie. Ellie, wake up.

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc , Ellya Ellya
View attachment 773257
Location: Sidelines of Globnar
Expression: Trying to Not Intentionally Tell Blake The Truth
Interaction: Blake, Ellie
Mention: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , Ellya Ellya

Throne woke up in a hurting manner and just turned around to see Blake and Ellie to believe that they are now out, she realized that Ellie is now unconscious and tries to wake her up saying to Blake realizing that she needs to make a awkward moment after she "Uh, Blake. Can we wake Ellie up, well us three got knocked out now but I could always cheer Jett on and tries to win their team. But also..... Is the yellow haired and white girl are you um your friends or something, I kinda impressed on their power, their looks, their personality, and most importantly I really like how they felt into this adventure. I-I'm so sorry for that awkward talk there because m-m-me and Jett had an bet on if one of us got knocked out, one of us which is me will have a awkward sentence. B-But, let's wake Ellie up...." She tries to wake Ellie up by shaking her shoulder, she knows that shaking an sleeping person's shoulder is the basic way to woke the person up and doesn't want to do the advanced ways like pouring the sleeping person up with a bucket of water or putting on his/her hand into a bowl of water.
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
After getting knocked out of the arena, hitting the floor, she got back up to see a Thorne was there as well. Ellie was too, but she was unconscious so it would stand to reason that they’d need to wake her up. Before that, she looked at Thorne who asked about Weiss and Yang. “
They’re my teammates, my friends, and most importantly, my family. That’s who they are. Let’s just wake Ellie up before continuing the conversation.

Going over to Ellie, she knelt down and began to lightly shake her. “
Ellie. Ellie, wake up.

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc , Ellya Ellya

Fuck... These guys really love their tasers...

Ellie opened her eyes slowly, looking up at Blake and Thorne. "Ugh..." she groaned, rolling onto her back and taking a few seconds to breathe and get her mind back together. "I need to learn to keep my mouth shut... Fucking baby...Man, that was... shocking." She slowly sat up, still feeling certain points in her body tingle with electricity. That stun baton had really left an impression on her.

Her eyes adjusted their focus as she looked into the arena, then widened when she saw both Frank and Atreus fighting the red-hooded dude that gave her a gun at one point. Frank she understood, but Atreus was still in there? She didn't know whether she had to feel proud, jealous or worried. It was a little bit of all of those right now.

"Jesus, when's this shit gonna end...? And when's that guy gonna shut the fuck up?" She complained, nodding up at Kanye, who was still performing the same old song with the same energy.
Thor had a weapon himself, of course. Kyou sure as hell wasn't the only one. And he could tell that the thing could easily break Ten-Ten with enough power. He had a feeling the God of Thunder wouldn't do such a thing, but he had to be careful, anyway. Although...Truth be told, he was a bit confused by the fact Thor was using an ax instead of y'know, a hammer. Maybe this was a different Thor? Didn't seem like it, his outfit and powers seemed to be pretty on point with a god of thunder. It wasn't game-breaking nor did it make the Oni respect his current opponent any less, but it was something notable to ask him about it later if they got the chance.

Regardless, without Yamata having to scream at his ear, Kyou grinned as the Stormbreaker made his way towards him. Instantly, the Oni raised Ten-Ten in front of him, and for a moment, it seemed as if he was doing the complete opposite of what he just thought, but...Instead, his flames and energy surrounded him, and they became physical, the flames forming in front of him like a wall, but with nothing behind him, giving him a chance to dodge.

When Stormbreaker hit its target, the ax wouldn't be completely stopped but hitting through those flames made it hopefully lose momentum, and thus, allowing Kyou to attack back! Thor got a taste of his strength, time for him to get a taste of his element!

"Soul Dragon...Burn!!"

And Kyou's flames changed shape.


Taking the form of three, mighty dragons, a roar that was akin to flames cracking against wood times a hundred and a volcano erupting was heard. The flame constructs weren't massive, but they weren't small, either. They were at least the size of a giraffe! Soon, they floated across the air, aiming to hit against Thor's body, and if they did, the God of Thunder would be met with a fiery, albeit surprisingly non-lethal fire! It looks like Kyou doesn't want to burn him down to the ground, but the force was still there.

...Unfortunely, Kyou forgot to check behind him, as Stormbreaker hit the back of his head. Well, it wasn't enough to knock him out, thanks to Yamata creating hardened scales where the ax would hit, and the possible loss of momentum, (how the hell can flames harden, anyways?) but it still hurt. He's a bit dumb.

Ciri's attacks against Fuma, while he knew were inoffensive still put a bad taste in his mouth. He knew someone like Geralt would feel the same thing over someone attacking Ciri non-lethally, or maybe he wouldn't. It was hard to tell, honestly. The Witcher trusted his daughter but clearly wasn't willing to fight her. For Mimaki's case...He was fine with fighting Fuma, but he preferred to do it...By himself? Gah, it was probably because they were so close. Still, beggars can't be choosers...

His eyes hummed in blue color for a moment as his soul extended itself to them, allowing Mimaki to analyze Fuma's, and Ciri's magic. Looks like Fuma is mixing Danmaku and her normal spells...Smart, albeit, he has a feeling this is the last time he'll see her using her Danmaku pellets in a non-lethal, friendly mode like back home. And Ciri seemed to be a teleporter of sorts- nothing new, but she did it constantly- enough for him to take note of it. She was skilled in the usage of Space-Time. He mildly remembers her conversation with Geralt, something about Elder Blood? He isn't too sure about the specifics, but it seemed to be something akin to Kyou's flames. Passed down the family, passed down the soul. Even if this family was only had four generations of members...Damn you, Kyou, and your confusing family...

Regardless, Mimaki closed his eyes for a moment. He can't get closer without risking a hit from Ciri and Fuma, as such...

"O' moon, shine upon me."
With a single word, the ground below him, Fuma, and Ciri became solid with ice! And it was slippery. Waaaay more slippery then Ice should have any right being. This was the potency of his ice manipulation with his two tails aiding him. It was nothing major, but it should prove an annoyance at worse to the girls. But...

Before they could likely react, Mimaki did it again! He moved at great speeds, to a point where it seemed he was teleporting around, and with Ciri in front of Fuma, the fox spun around again, his tails hitting the back of the woman's back, aiming to send her flying, and likely hit Fuma in the process. He hoped they somehow got out of bounds, or at least, he was able to properly damage them both if he was able to hit.
Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Sidelines at Globnar
Expression: Calming Ellie Down
Interaction: Ellie, Blake
Mention: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , Ellya Ellya

Fuck... These guys really love their tasers...

Ellie opened her eyes slowly, looking up at Blake and Thorne. "Ugh..." she groaned, rolling onto her back and taking a few seconds to breathe and get her mind back together. "I need to learn to keep my mouth shut... Fucking baby...Man, that was... shocking." She slowly sat up, still feeling certain points in her body tingle with electricity. That stun baton had really left an impression on her.

Her eyes adjusted their focus as she looked into the arena, then widened when she saw both Frank and Atreus fighting the red-hooded dude that gave her a gun at one point. Frank she understood, but Atreus was still in there? She didn't know whether she had to feel proud, jealous or worried. It was a little bit of all of those right now.

"Jesus, when's this shit gonna end...? And when's that guy gonna shut the fuck up?" She complained, nodding up at Kanye, who was still performing the same old song with the same energy.
Thorne would looked into the arena as well after she hears Ellie that the baby actually caused to get eliminated saying "Let me guess, you ranted towards the giant baby?? It's okay, kid... I try that in the past when I am getting angry over a mission before, they would didn't do the tasing or hurting towards me. They simply said that I need to keep my aggression down, so I suggest that you should not have your aggressions towards you." She said that to Ellie with a frowning voice after she said that properly and keep things normal yet calming of a conversation now, she then try to hear what will Ellie is going to say to her but she turned back to Blake saying in a question "Why did you get knocked out of the arena, Blake?? You got eliminated as well, too so as Ellie."
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam (Vs. Garuru) FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Suddenly, OX)

"Get her! Toss her off the arena if you have to!" Hiryu ordered his underlings as he continued to shoot his glorified water gun at the inkling, not knowing that it could really kill her. At his command, the Garuru and the Dogga gave chase to the inkling. However, only Garuru was left to chase Agent 3 as Dogga was swiftly ran over by the random energy OX, flinging his summon off of the stage. "Where did...?!" Hiryu grumbled, seeing as he lost one close ranged weapon. He soon sighed, giving chase to his blue weredog.

Garuru would give chase to the inkling, attempting to pounce on her in order to maul her alive! During the struggle, Hiryu caught up to the two, soon grabbing the inkling by its tentacle hair and raising it up so he could grab her collar. Relishing on the misery, Hiryu would let out a huff of satisfaction before tossing the inkling further out of bounds with most of his strength.
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Agent 3

"Get her! Toss her off the arena if you have to!" Hiryu ordered his underlings as he continued to shoot his glorified water gun at the inkling, not knowing that it could really kill her. At his command, the Garuru and the Dogga gave chase to the inkling. However, only Garuru was left to chase Agent 3 as Dogga was swiftly ran over by the random energy OX, flinging his summon off of the stage. "Where did...?!" Hiryu grumbled, seeing as he lost one close ranged weapon. He soon sighed, giving chase to his blue weredog.

Garuru would give chase to the inkling, attempting to pounce on her in order to maul her alive! During the struggle, Hiryu caught up to the two, soon grabbing the inkling by its tentacle hair and raising it up so he could grab her collar. Relishing on the misery, Hiryu would let out a huff of satisfaction before tossing the inkling further out of bounds with most of his strength.
The initial pounce from the canine was avoided, but as she did so, she would quickly feel a tug behind her - on her tentacles, to be exact. Having just been grabbed by her tentacles, she briefly hissed in the pain as she was lifted up and then by the collar before being thrown towards the outer edge of the colosseum. Eventually, the Inkling would in fact end up out of bounds, crashing into a wall and joining the others who were eliminated, where Agent 3 herself was exhausted and out cold from the impact. During her abrupt 'flight', she had also dropped her broken weapon, and now, wherre she was, her head was stuck in the wall she was thrown into, hanging there and not conscious to get herself out of it.

>Eliminated by Hiryu of Team 2 (Cause: Out of bounds)
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): P a i n.​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Unconscious​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot (heavily damaged/destroyed, dropped), Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "You have died!"​
RP Information
Location: Globnar Colosseum
Mentions: @TheEntiretyOfTeamThree​
Nearby/In Group: @GetReadyToRumble​
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  • Shanoa

    As Weiss gets close, Shanoa immediately stops firing her beams and proceed to summon as invincible shield to block the electric stab, though the boost partially knocks her back.


    Melio Scutum
    Superior shield glyph.

    She makes the shield disappear and then fireballs are formed in her hands. "Ignis!" She yelled as she begins to throw a barrage of fireballs at Weiss.


    Call forth burning flames.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 @others​
View attachment 773265
Location: Sidelines at Globnar
Expression: Calming Ellie Down
Interaction: Ellie, Blake
Mention: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , Ellya Ellya

Thorne would looked into the arena as well after she hears Ellie that the baby actually caused to get eliminated saying "Let me guess, you ranted towards the giant baby?? It's okay, kid... I try that in the past when I am getting angry over a mission before, they would didn't do the tasing or hurting towards me. They simply said that I need to keep my aggression down, so I suggest that you should not have your aggressions towards you." She said that to Ellie with a frowning voice after she said that properly and keep things normal yet calming of a conversation now, she then try to hear what will Ellie is going to say to her but she turned back to Blake saying in a question "Why did you get knocked out of the arena, Blake?? You got eliminated as well, too so as Ellie."


Ellie sighed softly and scoffed. "Psh... I'm not aggressive..." she grumbled like a child. "Puffy Cheeks McGee over there's just a dick... Yeah, you! Dick!" she did decide to still yell at the Time Baby one more time. thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

The girl kept sitting on the ground and watching the fight happen. It really dawned upon her how crazy this shit was now. She saw a huge bull running through the arena, fireballs being thrown around, even fiery fucking dragons. The girls around her were magical fighting pros too, even though she'd only caught glimpses of their brawling. And what did she do? Jump on a dude's back and then get herself knocked out.

A wave of reality went through her body, and it felt... pretty shitty. She'd discussed this with Frank before, and he confirmed that neither of them stood a chance in this fight, but here she stood, and there he was. Fighting and holding his own amongst magical superpowered beings. And Ellie, just a girl.

She bit the inside of her lip and frowned a bit, staring into the arena blankly. Yeah. Maybe she should stick around Frank if she wanted any chance of surviving this shit. As long as he never found out just how useless she'd be and dump her off for holding him back or something.

Ellie stayed quiet for a while.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

  • 1598358770497.png
    Interactions: Zamasu Zamasu (Jared)

    Venice glances around at all the fighting, her eyes filled with disbelief. Is everyone really forced to do this? Was there no way of talking things out with this Time Baby guy who was honestly kind of ugly? Surely no one had to actually get hur-


    Before she even knew what's happening, Venice had been grabbed by Jared and slammed onto the ground. Her owl buddy comes to the rescue immediately with a loud 'COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,' his talons coming down to pull Jared's hair like he did before so he could force Jared to let go. Venice slaps Jared's arms with the straps on her goggles, and for some odd reason, it actually feels like a full-grown-ass adult punching you. Somehow, she manages to roll away.


    "Hey, what'd I say about grabbing random people?! If you wanna fight, put up your dukes, buddy!"

    Spooky flies up into the air to get some distance from Jared and opens his beak. A tide of pellets made out of energy spews forth from the owl's mouth, showering Jared in projectiles that would definitely sting (but not kill.) All the while, Venice charges forward and attempts to whap his knee with her goggle straps again!
Despite not striking Jason head-on, Atreus' last ditch effort at distracting Jason was not in vain, as the arrow had struck the ground right next to him. Before Jason could react, the large concussive blast burst from it, which sent him flying just a bit, before falling onto the ground (presumably) next to Frank. Slowly, he pulled himself up off the ground, leaving himself open for Frank's possible next attack. Regardless, the score flashed once more.

Team One - 4 Points
Team Two - 1 Point
Team Three - 2 Points

Outside of the arena itself, the elderly man whom CN-Tan had met furrowed his non-existent brows a bit at her words. "W-what?" He asked, seeming taken a bit back by her statement. "I-I'm not a ma'am, sir!" He exclaimed, seeming genuinely oblivious to CN-Tan's gender. However, once the slight shock had worn off, he leaned forward again and adjusted his glasses slightly."I am Professor Farnsworth! And you are?"

Back inside of the arena, Drax watched with a grin as Hiryu managed to use his makeshift mutt to sniff out Agent 3, and subsequently throw her out of bounds after a slight struggle between the two. Although Drax would have wished to be the one to take out Agent 3 himself, he was fine with his teammates securing the win. So fine, in fact, that Drax had fallen to his knees moments later, before turning to the skies and shouting,



While this happened, the scoreboard beeped again, with said score changing once more.

Team One - 4 Points
Team Two - 2 Points
Team 3 - 3 Points

Agent 3, on the other hand, had landed next to the recently downed Arteus, who looked like he could definitely use a hand.

Back in the fights, Thor had watched in slight awe as Kyou formed pure walls of flame that had been potent enough to slow Stormbreaker's momentum - a task that was no easy feat by any stretch of the word. He was about to hold out his arms and call the glorified axe back into his palm, but then the Oni revealed even more tricks up his sleeve. Before Thor's eyes, the walls of flame had transformed into dragons, which Kyou then used to shoot at him! Instinctively, Thor brought his arms up and leaned forward a bit, crossing his arms in front of his body to absorb the brunt of the attack. His plan had worked, though the pain of the flames making direct contact with both of his arms was enough to make the God of Thunder hiss out in pain.


By the time the flames had dissipated, though, Thor already looked much different. His eyes were glowing a bright, lightning-esque blue, as his entire body became enveloped in large bolts of static. It was hard to tell if he was just powered up or if Kyou had truly pissed him off, but regardless, Thor held out his hand, summoning Stormbreaker into his palm once more. Then, without warning, Thor charged forwards with his axe tightly gripped in his hand. Once he was close enough to Kyou, Thor leaped up into the air with it, before slamming down beside him with the axe, intentionally missing. The resulting burst of lightning and pure concussive force would have been enough to knock Kyou onto his ass regardless, though. And if Kyou was truly flat on his ass, then Thor would follow up with a lightning-fueled punch to the nose!

@Lazaro1505 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 @DerpyCarp FoolsErin FoolsErin Celestial Speck Celestial Speck quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @ConnorOfficials @darkred Venom Snake Venom Snake CutieBoop CutieBoop Chungchangching Chungchangching marc122 marc122 Ellya Ellya GearBlade654 GearBlade654 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @QizPizza BoltBeam BoltBeam @JRay AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

  • Jared Williams

    The slam was a success, but it did not take long for Spooky to have his talons pull Jared's hair and then getting his arms whipped by Venice's google straps. "Ow! Not the hair and arms!" He yelled just Spooky let's go and Venice backing away. Spooky begins to fire a barrage of energy bullets as Venice takes the charge. Jared smiles just as he brandishes his Armed Aegis and does some backflips to avoid the shots while trying to get away from Venice far enough to cut open a portal and go through it.

    A portal opens up above the duo and Jared takes out his dual uzis and start raining lead at them, trying not to hit the vital parts. So much for restraining himself...

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @others​
Thor's powered up form caused all of Kyou's senses to flare out in surprise. Looks like the God of Thunder wasn't playing around, anymore! Keh, he either has a short temper in battles, or Kyou did something to offend him. He hopes it's the former, though. Regardless, Kyou slammed both his feet into the ground as he saw the God of Thunder moving at high speeds towards him, once more holding Ten-Ten protectively in front of him-- but, he didn't take into account the fact lightning can create shockwaves! (Hehe) Or, maybe he did, and he was just trying to resist it by placing both his feet down so hard in the ground. But regardless, a god was a god, and Kyou was mostly holding back, as such, it was no surprise he was sent flying by the force of the impact, his weapon doing the same!

While in midair, he quickly regained his senses after everything went dark for a moment. Quickly using his flames and mild-flight abilities, Kyou quickly repositioned himself midair, but not before hitting the ground a few times and spinning around for a few moments. Thankfully, he quickly placed his hands down, causing dust to raise up in the air as his bare hands tried to slow down his body, and quickly enough, he was somewhat stable in the ground!

"Keh! Amazin'! We should drink some booze after th--"

However, before Kyou could react, he was punched in the face.


He wasn't sent flying. And he wasn't knocked out. No, in fact, Thor could see it well- his fist connected and made Kyou's head move a little bit back. He could feel the warmth of blood in his hands, clearly meaning he broke at least something, likely the Half Oni's nose, but even so, he wasn't squirming in pain, nor did any cry of such came out of it. Instead...Thor could feel his hand being pushed back by the oni's face moving forward ever so slowly. And bellow his fist, he could see a grin, as the flames around the oni intensified.

"Alright. I think it's time for me to finish this, eh?"

Kyou then clenched his fist. Air seemed to almost pressure itself, as flames danced around his closed hand. Kyou's aura, now that he didn't have his weapon with him, felt different. He wasn't holding back anymore. Pure energy that wasn't there before came from him, as Thor could suddenly feel something pressuring against his stomach. Something strong, although slow, and for a few seconds, it would be almost like the world slowed down, as when he looked down, he could see Kyou's fist hitting against his gut at its full, almost godly force.

Devil Style:
Way of the Closed Palm: Kyou Tana's Special

And with his full strength in this form, Kyou would give Thor a smile, before the god would be sent flying into the wall of the arena at high speeds, with the Oni hoping that move was enough to knock him out. If it didn't...Well, he'd deal with it. His broken nose can always wait. He's felt worse. The lightning still stings, though. Thor got him pretty well...
Despite not striking Jason head-on, Atreus' last ditch effort at distracting Jason was not in vain, as the arrow had struck the ground right next to him. Before Jason could react, the large concussive blast burst from it, which sent him flying just a bit, before falling onto the ground (presumably) next to Frank. Slowly, he pulled himself up off the ground, leaving himself open for Frank's possible next attack. Regardless, the score flashed once more.

Team One - 4 Points
Team Two - 1 Point
Team Three - 2 Points

Back inside of the arena, Drax watched with a grin as Hiryu managed to use his makeshift mutt to sniff out Agent 3, and subsequently throw her out of bounds after a slight struggle between the two. Although Drax would have wished to be the one to take out Agent 3 himself, he was fine with his teammates securing the win. So fine, in fact, that Drax had fallen to his knees moments later, before turning to the skies and shouting,



While this happened, the scoreboard beeped again, with said score changing once more.

Team One - 4 Points
Team Two - 2 Points
Team 3 - 3 Points

Agent 3, on the other hand, had landed next to the recently downed Arteus, who looked like he could definitely use a hand.

Back in the fights, Thor had watched in slight awe as Kyou formed pure walls of flame that had been potent enough to slow Stormbreaker's momentum - a task that was no easy feat by any stretch of the word. He was about to hold out his arms and call the glorified axe back into his palm, but then the Oni revealed even more tricks up his sleeve. Before Thor's eyes, the walls of flame had transformed into dragons, which Kyou then used to shoot at him! Instinctively, Thor brought his arms up and leaned forward a bit, crossing his arms in front of his body to absorb the brunt of the attack. His plan had worked, though the pain of the flames making direct contact with both of his arms was enough to make the God of Thunder hiss out in pain.


By the time the flames had dissipated, though, Thor already looked much different. His eyes were glowing a bright, lightning-esque blue, as his entire body became enveloped in large bolts of static. It was hard to tell if he was just powered up or if Kyou had truly pissed him off, but regardless, Thor held out his hand, summoning Stormbreaker into his palm once more. Then, without warning, Thor charged forwards with his axe tightly gripped in his hand. Once he was close enough to Kyou, Thor leaped up into the air with it, before slamming down beside him with the axe, intentionally missing. The resulting burst of lightning and pure concussive force would have been enough to knock Kyou onto his ass regardless, though. And if Kyou was truly flat on his ass, then Thor would follow up with a lightning-fueled punch to the nose!

Atreus was effortlessly tossed out like a bag of cheetos and landed outside the arena.

Arrow effects
Nista | Pierce A normal arrow with enhanced piercing effect.
Ljósta | Light A bright streak of blue light. Can be blinding from nearby. Emits a small concussive (stunning) explosion on impact.
þruma | Thunder This arrow electrifies anything it hits, lightning may spread over to nearby enemies.
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