--Hiryu Jakakogawa-Mar --
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred

Having been saved from the log first, Hiryu was saved by a black and white clad girl with a red cap and a moustache. Hiryu raised a brow, wondering who was that. However, before anymore thoughts can be processed, gunfire can be heard from the distance, directed at him as several shots missed the misplaced Another Rider.

To his rescue were three people, Another Kuuga, who appears to be Jak operating his body, shielding him from the bullets. Ben, whom he assumes is someone else, incapacitating the sharpshooter Erron Black. It was then that Jak began to speak with Hiryu, asking him to use his Eco.

"How do I use it?!" Hiryu asked, searching his person for one of the aforementioned Ecos. He soon found one shining white - bluish orb, holding it in his hand.

--Whisper The Inkling--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Whisper, still under heavy fire, decided to duck for cover. As she does so, however, she landed inside one of the ink puddles produced by her splat bomb, making her fall and hide onto the puddle. Peeking out and reforming into her humanoid form, Whisper finally understood what her water gun was for. Knowing that the center of the battle lies at the odd looking talisman Faciler possesses, Whisper had to make her way through enemy lines. She started by shooting the Hero Shot the most distance it could before rushing and diving onto the ink splats it created. These puddles are like water to her, and as a squidling, it makes it easier for her to swim.

Each time she ran out of ink to swim, she would briefly hop out of the puddle, spot facilier and shoot the ground towards him, painting a path towards the Voodoo doctor before diving back in and swiming through the path she made.
Facilier screamed as he was suddenly covered in flame, unable to do anything as they wrapped around his body like a blanket. Those very flames would have been the end of Facilier, had Swiftglove not realized his mistake as soon as he'd made it. He hadn't really been under the fire long enough to even burn his skin, in all honesty. However, his stylish outfit was pretty much ruined. Burned to a crisp, as one would put it. With a loud snarl equivalent to one a wild animal might make, he turned around and face Swiftglove, tightly holding the button in his hand. "You stupid imbecile! Can't you do anything right!?" The witch doctor shouted in a burst of uncontrollable anger, as he prepared to press down on the button that would do him in.

Back in the fight with the witch doctor's shadow, the turbines just crashed against the wall, because you can't hit shadow with real objects. The turbines shadows, however, hit Facilier's shadow without a single hitch in the plan! They cut right through it, taking out a chunk of the beast's body and causing it to let out what would have been an anguished scream if it had vocal cords. In retaliation, it grabbed at Lucky's shadow again and tossed it across the room. Facilier would also have some new developments to deal with, as before he had a chance to give Swiftglove his comeuppance, the Schnee Heiress branded a spartan laser and shot it right towards the unsuspecting witch doctor's chest! He managed to notice it in time so that it didn't strike the gaping wound in his chest, however as he attempted to leap, it struck him right in the kneecap, rendering him unable to walk as he fell to the floor with a scream. Blood from his newly injured leg painted the floors a new shade of red as he tightly gripped his talisman, unable to do nothing but repeatedly hiss in pain from the pained breaths he was forced to hold. He still held the button throughout it all, and as he used the wall to support himself as he brought himself to stand on his one good leg, his gaze shifted back towards Swiftglove.

"Y'all better consider me killin' you here a merciful act, because I'd hate to be you when Toffee finds out just what you pulled here..." He barely managed to breathe out through pained breaths, trying to find the strength to mash the button, though ultimately failing to do so as he struggled to even remain conscious.

Over with Roman's end of things, he merely rose a powered arm to block the spirits that came his way, the undead attackers being no match for his superior strength. He merely smirked in response.

Also, Erron is knocked out so why Soma is still attacking him right now is beyond my comprehension.

"Y-You idiot! It ain't the poison you should be worried about!" Facilier screamed as he rose his good leg into the air and firmly kicked Swiftglove in the stomach to get him away. He held the poison button just outside of his reach as he stared at him, anger in his eyes. Then, Gretar made his move, and like he had predicted, he was able to trick him with his overhead slash, with Facilier raising his cane to block the sword! However, Gretar should really take a physics class at some point, because his follow-up punch to his chest would not leave him stunned for a head-to-the-knee. Instead, the punch to the old doctor's chest sent him flying back with a scream, before crashing into the wall and falling onto his front. Slowly, he pressed his palms into the ground and pushed himself up, re-grabbing the button soon after. Then, he had Agent Penguin try to consume him, but instead he merely bit onto his arm like a dog. "G-get off me!!" He screamed as he frantically waved his arm around, trying to shake the top-hatted monster off of him.

"What...?" Midna asked as she slowly stirred awake, her eyes fluttering open as she glanced into Not-Orbeck's eyes. "What could you possibly need...? Can't you seem I'm--" Her words were cut off by a loud, slow yawn. "--getting some beauty sleep?" She'd ask, only for Orbeck to then explain that the group was in need of her assistance. She furrowed her brows a bit in confusion, before glancing over to face the witch doctor in question. The witch doctor who was currently struggling to get what looked to Midna like a rabid Benedict off of his arm, only to then watch him scream out in pain as Kassandra straight up hack off his hand, causing him to drop the remote he was holding. "I dunno... it looks like you guys have things covered pretty well..."

What no one, not even Roman himself, expected to happen moments later, was Kassandra's follow-up attack. With Facilier now lacking a hand and literally screaming like a banshee, which in turned caused a few of the other Shareholders to change sides, as it were. Now, despite being a Saiyan, Roman was still a man. And man, did it hurt when a man was hurt in the one place where he'd make even smaller men. So, as Ikaros decided to ruin Bardock's chances of ever producing kin, the man currently in Roman's body took the pain head-on, clenching his privates as he hunched over in pain. He didn't even look up until Kassandra was right in front of him, already jabbing him repeatedly with her power-sapping spear. Every hit made Roman feel weaker and weaker, until finally, it all culminated in a concussive blast into the floor. Roman used the last of his Saiyan strength to prepare for such a blast, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists as he felt it connect with his massive arms. Due to these preparations, the thief wasn't sent soaring out of the room, but rather just staggering back a bit until he bumped into the nearby wall, falling to one knee soon after.

"D-do you think I even know how, you idiot...!?" Roman coughed and spat up towards Bardock, who was currently occupying his own body. Facilier, who had already dropped the button when his hand was cut off, glanced up at Bizarrogirl as she flew towards him. He didn't say anything, only watching as the remote was destroyed by Megumin's thunderous blasts moments later. As soon as the small device blew up, all of the kidnapped Shareholders were freed, the watches around their wrists flashing green and emitting a loud beeping noise before falling to the ground entirely. Facilier, in the meantime, could only scream out as Swiftglove spat more flames into his open wounds. The heat blast was enough to make him fall back entirely, landing on his back with a loud thud. However, one thing that Supergirl should have foreseen was that as she swirled around Facilier in Zwei's body, he used what little voodoo magic he had left to heighten his reflexes for just a short moment. And then, when the time was right, he lifted his talisman up into the air and held it in front of her leg! Supergirl wouldn't have time to react as it bit a sizable chunk out of her knee, resulting in a small cut in her leg and, more importantly, his talisman being filled with blood.


"Y'all should've quit while you were ahead!" Facilier laughed as he brought himself back up to his feet, his wounds sealing right back up! Even his hand grew back entirely like it was nothing. The power of voodoo magic was truly nothing to be reckoned with. Using the power of his talisman, he pointed at Supergirl (who was still occupying Zwei's body, of course) and spun his finger around. As he did so, a familiar green mist surrounded her, and in her place was nothing more than a tiny cockroach. "Now you're all gonna pay for what you've done!" He shouted. Even though his shadow was currently occupied by Lucky destroying it with light, he merely held out his now powered up talisman, summoning several more shadow creatures to surround Lucky.


"Meet my other, more reliable friends!" Facilier chuckled as they proceeded to grab the rabbit's human shadow from all corners, pulling him from every direction at once! Then, Blake attempted to shoot at Facilier, who merely rose his cane up into the air and spun it in all different directions, blocking her shots entirely. "OOO!! OO!! You almost had me that time!" He exclaimed with another laugh. However, while Facilier himself was powered up, his cane was not. He had gotten a bit too cocky with his cane movements, in fact, which was made all the more evident as he rose it to block Whisper's lasers. The first few were blocked, sure, but eventually, his cane had had enough as a particularly placed shot snapped it in half, resulting in it finally breaking. He gasped slightly, only to be helpless as the final laser struck him in the shoulder, sending him falling towards the ground.

BoltBeam BoltBeam quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Zamasu Zamasu StaidFoal StaidFoal P PopcornPie Laix_Lake Laix_Lake jigglesworth jigglesworth ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Ineptitude Ineptitude QizPizza QizPizza Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts darkred darkred marc122 marc122 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching
--Whisper The Inkling || Wispon Wisps wisping for an answer--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam

Yes! The Voodoo Doctor was knocked down! A chance presented itself for Whisper as she assumed squid form and swam her way towards Facilier without even swiming on ink as fast as she could. Reverting to humanoid form, Whisper began to rummage his body in search of the talisman or whatever the hell that tiki necklace actually is.

The Wisps, still confused as to what this imposter `Whisper ` was doing, continued to fly around Whisper's body, waiting for her usual commands to switch. They noticed how loud Whisper was talking, which made them suspiscious. Thinking that somehow, Whisper was a faker, the Cyan Wisp flew out of the Wispon, deactivating the weapon entirely much to `Whisper`'s dismay.

The Cyan wisp scratched its head as it glanced towards the other wisps. Clearly, Whisper isn't acting like herself, prompting them all to shrug.

"Have a little creativity, handsome! Use them to grab people like a grappling hook! A mace! A whip! Think of something yourself. I'd like to see what you'll do with my weapons. Do your own thing!"

Geez. This guy has all these cool powers and he doesn't know what to do with mine? Some powerful being you are. I'd talk shit about him but if I do that, he'll attack me and I'd have to harm my own body! I could beat him whether in his body or mine but we're a team! Anyway, CN-Tan might be annoying but she damn well knows how to make the best of a situation. Look at her! Jumping around like a bloody lunatic. She's kind of useless though and we'll be useless as well if we don't get a move on!

First. I gotta do this.


"Man, I'm awesome."

quadraxis201 quadraxis201
Agent 3 (Currently in Whisper's body)

Facilier, who had already dropped the button when his hand was cut off, glanced up at Bizarrogirl as she flew towards him. He didn't say anything, only watching as the remote was destroyed by Megumin's thunderous blasts moments later. As soon as the small device blew up, all of the kidnapped Shareholders were freed, the watches around their wrists flashing green and emitting a loud beeping noise before falling to the ground entirely.
Well, whatever that was, it's gone. Not that she knew about it or atypically cared what it did, but that thing is gone alright! She noted the green flashing of the watches and then as they practically disassembled and then fell to the ground, and then continued firing... Until, success!

"Y'all should've quit while you were ahead!" Facilier laughed as he brought himself back up to his feet, his wounds sealing right back up! Even his hand grew back entirely like it was nothing. The power of voodoo magic was truly nothing to be reckoned with. Using the power of his talisman, he pointed at Supergirl (who was still occupying Zwei's body, of course) and spun his finger around. As he did so, a familiar green mist surrounded her, and in her place was nothing more than a tiny cockroach. "Now you're all gonna pay for what you've done!" He shouted. Even though his shadow was currently occupied by Lucky destroying it with light, he merely held out his now powered up talisman, summoning several more shadow creatures to surround Lucky.


"Meet my other, more reliable friends!" Facilier chuckled as they proceeded to grab the rabbit's human shadow from all corners, pulling him from every direction at once! Then, Blake attempted to shoot at Facilier, who merely rose his cane up into the air and spun it in all different directions, blocking her shots entirely. "OOO!! OO!! You almost had me that time!" He exclaimed with another laugh. However, while Facilier himself was powered up, his cane was not. He had gotten a bit too cocky with his cane movements, in fact, which was made all the more evident as he rose it to block Whisper's lasers. The first few were blocked, sure, but eventually, his cane had had enough as a particularly placed shot snapped it in half, resulting in it finally breaking. He gasped slightly, only to be helpless as the final laser struck him in the shoulder, sending him falling towards the ground.
After 'Whisper' shot Facilier down and thus sending him falling towards the ground, she saw herself a confidence boost - and figured now was probably a good time to finish this off - or make an attempt at it - for Facilier no longer had his cane! The only problem was, she didn't think this was going to cut it! As she tried to think of a plot, she would feel what seemed to be capsules moving - as one of them seemed to be alive at minimum, or rather, with something in it! Before she could process this however, she looked to the weapon as something - an energy-like being left it, and retreated. "What...?" She muttered in complete and utter confusion. So, news to her, she's been working with powered beings. Neat.
The Wisps, still confused as to what this imposter `Whisper ` was doing, continued to fly around Whisper's body, waiting for her usual commands to switch. They noticed how loud Whisper was talking, which made them suspiscious. Thinking that somehow, Whisper was a faker, the Cyan Wisp flew out of the Wispon, deactivating the weapon entirely much to `Whisper`'s dismay.

The Cyan wisp scratched its head as it glanced towards the other wisps. Clearly, Whisper isn't acting like herself, prompting them all to shrug.
'Whisper' glanced to the now empty weapon - void of energy or life, and typically being as confused as you'd expect. She knew what the weapon did, but she did not know 'that' was a factor! Then it hit her - what's up with the capsules? Is that what the power comes from, if anything was inside of them? Hiding behind cover, 'Whisper' carefully grabbed one of them... and of all things, she did 'not' expect to be spoken to, it was an alien - that she could somehow understand (she doesn't know why she can, but for those who don't know, it's because of the mask).

"Who are you and what have you done with Whisper?"
"Listen, I didn't sign up for this either, but all I can say is, this wasn't my fault or doing-"
"Then can we get an explanation?"
"Wait, you say 'we' - what do you mean-"
"Yes, I said 'we'. What's it to you?"
"Oh... Nothing, just... confused."
"Out with it, you doppelganger. What's going on here?"
"It's a body swap situation - do you want to get out here with Whisper's body intact or not?!"

Silence. 'Whisper' took a pause to console herself and then took a deep breath.

"I'm only going to say this once, alright? When this is over, hopefully I'll be back in 'my' body and we won't have to put up with each other on conversational terms, ever again. Yeah? But until then, we actually need to finish this."
"What do you suggest?"
"...This weapon, as far as I'm aware, can be powered by one of you, right?"
"Orange, er... thing. Lend me a hand."
"...We're 'Wisps', missy. I'm a Rocket Wisp-"
"Yeah, OK, can we just get out of this situation."
"On it, not-my-boss!"
"Har har, very funny. You are for now, hopefully not forever."

After that exchange, 'Whisper' glanced down to the Wispon as she had somehow convinced one of these beings to at least help her out - though losing their 'owner' was a bad card to play, if Agent 3 died in Whisper's body, they both practically died at the same time - a risk too steep and she didn't want to risk! So, with that conversation complete, the weapon she held was shortly glowing orange-red after the aforementioned orange being flew into it. The weapon began to change after A met B - and when it had finished changing, it looked like...


"Alright, let's go...!" 'Whisper' said boldly and confidently - once more taking aim at the probably still falling Facilier. After aiming carefully, she pressed the trigger just as confidently as she spoke; and if Facilier had enough time to see this, he would notice one orange-energy rocket coming his way.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D (Agent 3), #f37934 (Whisper, body swapped)
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Serious​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits) None?!​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown Wispon​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: Let's just get this over with, and get out of here, and NEVER do it again!​
RP Information
Location: New Donk City, Voodoo Shop​
Mentions: None (apart from the body swap partner?)​
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​
Chronology: Ultimate
Physical Condition: Fine
Mental Condition: Uncomfortable, Panicked, Determined
Soul: Kumiho
Location: Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Emporium, New Donk City
Color: #E1914F [#EC370A]

Interactions: QizPizza QizPizza (Ale-Sage), P PopcornPie (Luckyex)
Mentions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Shadow Denizens)

POST - (feat. Qiz as the Mind Chorus)
As soon as Alexis had replied back, a huge gasp of relief had left the woman's lips, eyes laced with tears in the corners, trembling slightly in conjunction with nervously twitching tails right behind. 'Oh, thanked be the Skies!!', the pyromancer had thought to himself as he listened to... his own voice speak uncharacteristically placid and reassuring. It was a tone he'd direct to children mostly, but even so, the stream of words had been way too rhythmical and flowed continuously, decidedly and without faltering. Something that he was terrible at, if not utterly incapable of. Putting thoughts into sentences properly was incredibly hard sometimes!

He listened to her words very carefully, still holding tight to emotions of distress out of habit. It was interesting, if not mind-boggling, to not only get the confirmation that yes, the voices discussing in his head were Deities, but even more that they all seemed to be Fire Deities. Why would a world need so many channelers of the exact same Concept?! Wouldn't that just encourage them to fight each other and wreck chaos?? ...Oh. Maybe that's exactly why they were trapped in there- H-here(?) And Alexis was a way to keep them at bay and maintain the order of things? And Mighty Beasts in the Sky, some of them were so loud! And full of crude language!

Words that Sage would have never even conceived to use in his life; Others he had never even heard before, they were all being thrown left and right rather nonchalantly as the Goddess of the Flames and Goddess of Wrath allegedly kept on fighting. Okay like, Lucy would sometimes say things like that too... But it wasn't nearly as often! And Katie was a bit fancier with his swears, always using things such as 'simpleton' or chaining random words in creative ways. So that, he had been better acquainted with. But not- Definitely not this!!

This was just poor in taste and extremely uncomfortable to listen to! How did anyone live like this?!

When the... Descendant woman(?) had told him to not trust any of them fully, the Kitsune young man had already kinda grasped why. Surely, these were not good people and they did not have his best interests at heart, despite the situation... Fire Deities as they may be, their vibes were instead, very Moon Clan-like... Waiting for the best chance to strike when you least expect them to. But then later, she had also said to ask for help from the God of The Gentleman's Blade, which seemed... a bit paradoxical in nature? Don't trust, yet still ask for assistance, sounded odd. Not that their current predicaments were any normal.

Also, was it strange that he absolutely refused to treat the Deities on a first-name basis? They're DEITIES, to cry out loud! Not even his own had names They could be addressed by, only titles and/or whichever creature They are!! The last thing he wanted was to be disrespectful to them by blurring their standings in the Hierarchy like that... It was best to be safe and await proper permission to do so.

Through that whole first bit of the explanation, Alexis had noticed his distress and with their positions swapped like that, gently reached out for one of the tails and swiped her -his- hand over it softly, following the way of the fur. As nicely as the intention had been, it was an action that came with a strong dilemma. Firstly, it had caused him to stop everything, at the income of a sensation he wasn't either used to or prepared for. NOT that it was bad, no! It was quite pleasant actually?? But it took his attention back to the existence of the appendages altogether which made it somewhat, disconcerting.
You know, maybe if it had been a set of wings it wouldn't be so bothersome. Like sure, now the feathers and how open they were would also react with his emotions, but that would be a lesser step than- than a huge bundle of furry tails that were so functionally different from that. He was even sitting over his knees, instead of directly on the ground, because the way they brushed against the floor felt so very wrong??! Unnatural even! At least the fox ears were a bit easier to ignore. Though, he could tell they liked going slightly droopy on their own, only to perk back up whenever Alexis spoke again, giving her full attention.

The auditory space all around them seemed just as noisy as his mind was as well. He could only sigh in resignation at the dual cacophony. At least Alexis didn't seem to be having as much trouble... Perhaps it was a good thing that Leo wasn't here to witness and/or be part of this madness.
Even if Sage really missed the other teen's company.

As the explanation given in his voice kept progressing, the source of yet another cause for his discomfort would come to light and it had to do with how her Magic worked. As Kitsune, he was now strangely connected to the environment itself... Well, he had seen her wield the air before a couple of times, but he could never have guessed to what extent it truly went! It was like, being a tree in a forest. He was one, at the same time that he was part of a larger interactive whole. It was bound to get overwhelming, to be honest, more than everything already was.
But still! The big takeaway from this had to be that she could literally spawn a fire in the air! And most likely under any weather condition too, it was crazy! No wonder they differed so much when it came to raw power, his mind had been completely blown!!

"W-woa! That sounds amazing!!", he had leaned a bit closer with the excitement of a child, the fox ears fully perked up annnd multiple tail wags? Oh wow, guess he was reeeally excited, "A bit scary to think of, but definitely amazing! ...So, uhhh, that means it's kinda thought-based too, r-right?", he had averted his gaze in awkwardness, unsure whether he had gotten things fully or not, "Like, you picture what you want to do and it happens??"

Apparently, he wouldn't need to be throwing her any more questions, as Alexis had requested the God of the Gentleman's Blade to assist him instead. He wasn't entirely sure how he felt about it. Honored? Yes, absolutely! But after you hear not to trust someone, it's kinda impossible to not have a foot behind in apprehension. Then also just overall nervousness because remember, it's a Deity that would suddenly be acting as an instructor. There was no way that this was not nerve-wracking... It had been interesting to hear that as a reward, the Deity was being promised control time though.
It made him briefly wonder if they all had some sort of rotation system in place.

At first it was silence, but then the God of the Gentleman’s Blade made a cautious response, "I see… Let Alexis know that I accept her offer as bound by the sacred exchange of souls."

The pyromancer let out a nod and had been about to relay the message when-

"I can’t believe Sh## Don is being put in charge! I’m the ranking Deity here!"

"You want to vote on it?" Silence came from the Goddess of Flames, as if she knew that no one would agree to voluntarily let her lead. "That’s what I thought."

"Uhh, H-He accepts the offer...", yikes, they bickered for absolutely everything!

Sage had assumed this was basically it, but then the other had done a request to him. His first instinct when hearing about a sword had been to search for a sheathe in a sling or a belt or something, but, he had quickly realized that besides her clothing, the woman didn't actually care anything else on herself. His momentary confusion had thrown him back to the Nightmare Realm where he had most likely seen the aforementioned sword and... oh. It just formed in the air too. Aaaand the request got incredibly weird. Well, initially when he heard 'last night' his mind had gone directly back to the nightmare, which had him flinching and erratic with distress. But then it became clear that she was actually talking about what had happened in the bathroom and-

"...I-" "Why is that the enchantment??!", as his eyes went wide with shock, so did the fox ears slump back and tails freeze in place with fear.

He had to stop for a moment and take a deep breath, but even if he felt just a little more at ease, the animal features still betrayed his emotions without mercy. Though, thinking again, something that intimate and that personal was, really the best kind of lock when you had this many people inside you, wasn't it?
So as odd as it may be, it did have a logic to it...

"I feel like the Universe is having a laugh at my expense yet again...", he sighed in defeat, the ears finally starting to relax out of the fear position and coming back into the upset droopy one. At last, he had been able to direct his gaze back to her, already mildly flustered, "Well... O-okay.", it wasn't an 'okay' okay, it had been airy, hesitant; The mark of someone that was about to do something they were extremely dreading to do.

This felt wrong. Everything about this felt utterly wrong.

In-between uncomfortable expressions and then aid of all the romantic comedies he had watched, --and yes, it was his favorite movie genre--, it honestly didn't take too long for imagination to hit the acceleration march and just go... Obviously, it had been filled with elements of his reality more than anything, so both Alexis and her featureless husband were clad in bright collared Oriental pyjamas on a double futon together, over a wooden board flooring in an Oriental aesthetic room faintly lit by paper lanterns and exchanging very close intimate gestures and- 'Aaahhhhhh!'
This was all just vanilla for her most likely, but Sage already wanted to die of embarrassment, Alexis' face growing beet red, the fox ears glued to the head as most as possible in sheer discomfort. No really, he even considered making like a turtle and curling into a ball of fur and hiding in there forever.

"I-is it there yet...?", asked the distressed Kitsune, hands covering the flushed up face.

"Yes, it’s there… please stop trying to think about these things, this is painful to w-"

The ever sultry voice of the Goddess of the Flames rang out and drowned out the voice of the God of the Gentleman’s Blade with a hysterical laugh that had startled him. If the goddess had the physical body, she surely would’ve run out of breath by now, but she only sought to make fun of Sage, "Is that really all your innocent, little mind could imagine when told to think of something hot and steamy, boy? Alexis is the first woman you’ve ever seen naked, isn’t she?" "Y-yes..." "I swear, a boy your age should be going mad with desire right now! Have you never whipped out your cock and-"

"Are you truly getting distracted by a boy that has the sexual maturity of a toddler?" The Goddess of Wrath paused for a moment before chuckling at Sage’s expense, "I will grant you that much. As much of a wrathful wh### Alexis is, I admit that there must be something wrong with a young man that isn’t aroused by... Oh…I see"

" 'See'... what exactly? Alexis is married, THAT'D BE VERY WRONG!!"

"You have the same thought as me, don’t you? Admit it. I’m one step ahead of you."


"Now is not the time." "Actually, He's rig-" "What does it matter if he is attracted to men?" "WHAT?!" "We’re trying not to die right now."

"You thought it too!"

"That’s beside the point."

"Nope! I give up, You're all crazy!"

Okay so, the sword was there. It had probably been really cool to see it come from apparently nowhere, but he had been way too flustered and distracted to pay attention to anything. The only silver lining right now was that his embarrassment wasn't going to cause the entire room to spontaneously combust as he had done to the train bathroom. The last thing everyone needed in this ridiculous madness of a fight was a bunch of fires everywhere. After a couple of breaths to calm himself down from way too much mental and emotional activity, the pyromancer had slid off to the side a bit, then stood on all fours for a moment to very slowly put one leg up flexed, raise his body a bit and then finally use the second leg to stand up. And all of that while trying not to use too much force at the end and instead toppling backwards.

Anyways, routine to get back up safely managed, he had been about to perhaps take a bit of distance to consult with the God that was supposed to teach him stuff, almost raising a hand to wish Alexis a see ya or something only to backtrack before the first step and turn around. Maaaaybe he should say some words too? It wasn't as if he had a lot to say but oh, anything would be helpful in this situation, right??

"Oh okay uhhh, before I forget, because I almost did, I uhh... This might be messy! But I guess I should say it too soooo...", he took a deep breath, the ears drooping slightly again before perking fully back up in a sudden motion.

Machine-gun explanation mode: engaged.

"Two very important things: Thought and Gesture. You think about what you want to do, then gesture to make it happen. All targeting is thought and focus based, just picture things happening, they happen and it's all very common-sense. Like! For a chain, you'd want to wrap it around...", he proceeded to motion it in the air, a spinning wrist motion just as if there something being wrapped around the air, "If it's something still, or you want to make it still, hold it in place. If you rotate both hands over each other, it will make the flames spin. Uhhh what else? Oh! Palm in front...", he extended his arm in front with a straight palm pointed, fingers all together, "Means aim! The wings come out on the thought of flying, well, more like the anticipation of the action to fly. If you're having trouble it helps to get a running start and then hop in the air, it's how I started. Uhhh, Big flaps for lots of height, little flaps for stabilization. You gotta reeeally steer your body around for turns and such", as he demonstrated it, honestly just seemed like a weird worm dance, not very flattering while on the ground, "No stiff movements, like uhhh a car stick! You just turn it where you want to go! Uhh, extend them backwards to minimize air resistance; Half-folded helps stabilize, or works like a parachute for landing. Diving from high up is a great way to catch up speed but try not to get too close to crash. Flap every 30 seconds to maintain height or you'll begin to descend on our own. Oh wow, do I really know more about flying than anything else??!
Oh! The fire-aura is used to power shots and it will show up when you feel pumped, like determination or anger... Just gotta get worked-up somehow!"

"...Ah FOCUS! Thought, Gesture and Focus! All constructs except the wings will require you to pay attention and actively maintain them. It's better to keep them simple and not have more than one at once because the strain adds up really fast and- Oh shoot, the Take-Over.", as dread came around, the fox ears had once more dropped sadly, "Uhhhh... Okay, this is the hard part that I fail at a bunch but, try not to pair strong emotions with big and/or complex constructs, also always try not to really feel all the emotion? Intensity is a problem, trust me, it's going to stack up past the safe limit really fast otherwise. Ho boy, I have no idea how that's going to work with you... If you somehow by-pass the lockdown, which maybe you could?? It's going to get complicated becaaaaause, the Entity has full control over the Ability so I think... It's going to start to interfere? At a minimal! And oh, are you sure you're going to be okay? I'm so worried... This is terrifying, I never thought someone else would be having to deal with this!!"

He waited for her to reassure him and say that she had gotten at least some of that, then with a wave of his hand as in saying 'bye-bye' and a round motion pointing at the side, he let her know he was just stepping away for a bit. Sage would prefer some privacy as he consulted with the God of The Gentleman's Blade since what happened in the dojo for Kung Fu training was also similarly reserved. It was considered a sacred time between a master and their students only. He stopped with a straight posture, shoulders properly raised and extending his arms outwards, brought them to the front making a circle together, one hand in a fist, the other an extended palm; It was a martial arts’ greeting.

"Okay! I believe I'm ready and that we've told all the other had to know... If only for a little while, please allow me to act as Your disciple. I shall follow every instruction to the letter, to the best of my ability!", he took a little bow, holding it in place until there was an answer, as was respectful to do.

Shin Don continued, "Okay… uhm… I’m kinda new to this whole teaching thing…" "Oh."

"And by new, he means that he is utter garbage. Not a single one of his students has survived a fight against Huxian’s disciples."

"Shut up! You know the dirty tricks she pulled that gave kitsune a bad name!" A sigh from the God of the Gentleman’s Blade, "Nevermind them. You’re a martial arts kinda guy, right?" "Right!" "That works… except you studied Shaolin kung fu… uhm… Alright, let’s do this: try to fight as you normally do, but I’ll give you a little bit of hands-on help. It’ll be a little awkward, but I’m going to help you compensate for the unfamiliar body."

"Alright, that sounds si-"

It was at the God of the Gentleman’s Blade’s instructions that Hestia spoke up. She was a quiet one, wasn’t she? With a strangely convincing voice, she offered, "Sage, if you don’t feel comfortable with the tails, I’d be glad to let you borrow my wings. I’m sure you’d be much more at home with a pair of phoenix wings on your back, right sweetheart?"

"I meeean... Yes, it's true that I'm used to flying but also...", normally, this is where the 'are you sure' question would come. However, having learned that which he already had and heard them interact with each other, it had been a little more incisive than that, "What's the catch?"

"No catch, sweetheart. I just think you are quite the interesting little boy. That, and it would far more entertaining if you got to use something you're familiar with. Shin's definition of 'helping you compensate' means that he gets control over the tails so you can 'keep your balance'. I'm sure you are aware just how much power Alexis has in those tails."

"No! I mean… yes, but... it's not like that."

"I promise that you will be in full control if you take my offer."

Sage did not like the inflection that She had used in that last line. It was the kind of tone that put every hair of your body up in alert and it made him take a cautious step back, despite rationally knowing that the unnerving woman was not a physical threat.

"Look, uhh... As interesting as it could be, I'm gonna listen to the little voi- intuition? that is telling me to not play with powers I do not understand and veeery respectfully decline that offer. But uhh, t-thanks for the concern!"

"If you say so," with those final, slightly disappointed words, the phoenix goddess left Sage's mind in an eerie silence. Somehow he still felt like having just dodged a huge bullet...

"So… Uhm… Let's do this?"

"Yeah!", he had raised a fist up in the air, "Let's kick some bad guy butt~!"

But first, assessing the situation of course! It seemed that the fight was almost done for at this point, with both Facilier and a guy in colorful armor and spiky black hair already faltering somewhat. The others were either downed or... free?! So they were fighting them out of obligation more than anything, also treated as hostages... That is so vile...! In his search for a target, it would literally spawn itself as the 'doctor' had summoned more of those living shadows. Since the fire was Magic it would burn other magical beings regardless, wouldn't it??
Welp, time to find out!!

As the Kitsune young man had taken-off in a sprint towards Facilier's wicked companions, the God of The Gentleman's Blade assistance would be made clear from the get-go with the fox ears and Alexis' hair all turning pure white, the same as the tails were already. Suddenly, it was just as if running in his own body, the problems with balance effectively dealt with as the appendages now worked with the movement instead of accidentally against it.

"Fiiiiiiiire fox to the rescue!!!", Sage had yelled out as both hands and feet seemed to erupt in never before seen bright white flames, executing a half-moon kick that was set off like a flamethrower at the shadows grabbing Lucky, "Whoever you are right now, don't worry! I gotcha covered!!"

As soon as Rex's body was free from harm, he'd proceed to set-off flamethrower after flamethrower upon the shadows, executing almost connecting tiger claw strikes, --no one wants to punch a wall!--, rotational kicks and cartwheels to move around since rolling would be a bit difficult. If this had been his own Ability, it would have been much easier to just enclose these guys in a fire circle on the wall or something! But since it was not, he kept trying to thwart their escape by flame-throwing their path forwards and forcing them back into the bulk of the fiery assault. This should keep these fiends away from everyone else and causing them trouble!!
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Soma Cruz(?) & Shanoa(?)

Just as Soma was about to land the thrust, he stops to realized that Erron has been knocked out cold. He thought it would be best to finish him off, but decides that it is not worth the effort and no good would ever be done. On the other hand however, Madam Mayor is about to detonate herself. "Yang!" She called before grabbing her arm and start sprinting away, dragging along with her in the hopes that they make it out of the explosion. Back to Soma, he sees that Facilier is now down. "ORBECK!" He yelled as he runs over to him.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

Bizzaroglove would take this moment to pounce on Dr. Facilier, who threatened to kill her, biting into his neck while also secreting stunning paraysis saliva unintentionally.


”NO! That's my body you bitch!” Supergirl would yell, cursing out for the very first time as she zoomed toward Dr. Facility, fist aiming for his face. While the other suddenly grabs for the talisman, aiming to use the force of her punch to pull the talisman!!!

Cockroach Supergirl

Gotta go fast! Super Speed cockroach Aaaawaaaaayyyyy!!!!!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Ben lassoed Facilier towards him, slashing him repeatedly with a dagger, before tossing him towards Roman. Meanwhile, the Agent, still in a state of lunacy, would continue to toss - this time opened - cans of stinky Wishiwashi Surstromming in every possible direction.


BoltBeam BoltBeam quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Zamasu Zamasu StaidFoal StaidFoal P PopcornPie Laix_Lake Laix_Lake jigglesworth jigglesworth ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Ineptitude Ineptitude QizPizza QizPizza Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts darkred darkred marc122 marc122 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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After a couple more poses, I ran towards the handless man, ending it off with a ballerina spin and a boop to the nose, and with that, I healed him using Salvation. The things I could do with these abilities. I would have dominated the criminal underground even more! I'd say I might not even need Hazel or Tayne but they're really good friends. I'm not a monster here. But we all know lowly criminals like me can't get a happy ending like this. Plus, I'd rather be hot as hell with super strength than this fucko. Who wouldn't want to be me?

"Get out there and keep shooting, handsome."

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Bardock in Roman's body, holding himself as he hurt all over as he winced "OW! Damnit!

He walked to Ciri and sighed as all the watches finally broke free on all their wrists and fell on the ground making Roman stomp on it. "Look, I'm not going to hurt you or the Ikaros. I genuinely want to help you guys. But I can't do it like this. "

The watch on all the shareholder's wrists fell off to the ground and even the Saiyan turned criminal mastermind stepped on Roman's watch.

"To prove it, I felt all the pain Roman did and vice versa"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Others​
Everything seemed alright with the bait, and was even able to punch Facilier right in the chest. He didn’t expect the punch to do much, but of course, not everything goes by the laws of physics, for as soon as the lunch connected, he somehow launched Facilier directly into a wall, something he didn’t know that Corvo could even achieve. Still, for now, he watched as everything else happened, and only rose a brow in confusion.

At the end, Facilier was being thrown around like a multiple people playing volleyball, oh and there were also some shadows summoned by him, but they were easily taken cared of by the person inside of Alexis. He sighed as he saw the form of Facilier flying by, the person inside Arthur throwing them at Roman, which gave him an idea. The mark of his left hand glow once more, as he went and Blinked near the witch doctor, before deciding to stop this once and for all, and with the last of his energy pool for abilities, he casted the weaker form of Stop time, Bend Time. Once more, the colors of the world turned grey, but instead of the familiar sight of the world and noises, it was instead slowed down to nearly a standstill, everything going in slow motion in his vision. While supergirl went for the Talisman, he cannot risk having one of the shadows stop her, so he took out the same pistol as before, and fired it, the bullet soaring through the air, and if it wasn’t stopped, it would have hit the talisman head on.

Time began at moving at full speed again, as he wait and watched the effects of his attack.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
The Operator can be seen in the distance shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth, chewing happily. Umbra sitting beside him, sadly, brings up a handful to his face, only for the popcorn to flatten out, for such, the warframe, lacks a face. As they both gaze out watching the ensuing chaos, the Operator sits crosslegged atop the bloody head of Riven, and Umbra, on his back, the writer still leaking blood.
That’s it......the chaos was too much, seeing Facilier and the other shareholders so disrespected made Madam Mayor even more angry, causing her to inflate even larger than ever, eventually she would inflate so big that she couldn’t walk anymore, now she was just a giant ball.
Benedict would see this before walking up to Madam Mayor, hitting her on the head repeatedly with a metal pan.
YOU! *bang* ARE A VERY *bang* BAD *bang* LADY!
A giant explosion of steam and hot air would fill the room , knocking back anyone standing up, fogging the entire area
Ah......now I’m a murderer.....I’ve still got that old streak in me.....yes.....
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
marc122 marc122
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Crow Crow
@ everyone else​
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  • As soon as the Spartan Laser went off, the recoil that came with it forced it against Weiss's shoulder, causing it to vault over it as she was sent towards the floor.

    "GAH!" Weiss landed on the floor, still bleeding, as she watched Dr. Facilier recoil from the pain. Apparently, she had managed to land a hit on the witch doctor, but instead of going to his chest, it instead went to his kneecap. Even through the pain, she smiled weakly, before it ended with her hissing, and then letting out a hand-covered scream. Then, she looked at Roman, who was being repeatedly stabbed by Kassandra, or rather Kassandra in Captain Price's body.

    "G--Go get 'er..." Weiss said. Then, she remembered; Megumin had asked her to rest as she was about to fire the Spartan Laser. She looked up at Megumin, who was continuing to attack, this time destroying the remote that controlled some of the group's friends. She smiled, tears still running down, before she, once again, squirmed from the pain.

    As she was silently praising Megumin, however, she heard heels clacking against the ground. As they got closer, Weiss weakly turned her head and saw what she could of Shanoa...or rather, a familiar teammate.

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie
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“*Groan.* Lucky’s out there doing whatever with my body and he’s getting schooled. But what can I do against a shadow?” As Rex kept venting to himself trapped in a rabbits body, he notices Lucky about to get teared limb from limb from a bunch of shadows. “Forget this! Lucky’s needs help!” Rex goes charging in with the flamethrower, helping Lucky fend off the shadows along with this lady (Body swapped Sage) he’s never gotten the chance to know. “Need a little help from good ol’ Lucky Chopper?” Rex joins the fray and continues fighting off the shadows by Sage & Lucky’s side. “And for the record. If you mess up my body, you’re in for a world of hurt. Just letting you know that right now. Plus you gotta swing with style.”

P PopcornPie Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Soma Cruz?
(Orbeck of Vinhiem)
-He is really losing his touch, isn't he?-

"What...?" Midna asked as she slowly stirred awake, her eyes fluttering open as she glanced into Not-Orbeck's eyes. "What could you possibly need...? Can't you seem I'm--" Her words were cut off by a loud, slow yawn. "--getting some beauty sleep?" She'd ask, only for Orbeck to then explain that the group was in need of her assistance. She furrowed her brows a bit in confusion, before glancing over to face the witch doctor in question. The witch doctor who was currently struggling to get what looked to Midna like a rabid Benedict off of his arm, only to then watch him scream out in pain as Kassandra straight up hack off his hand, causing him to drop the remote he was holding. "I dunno... it looks like you guys have things covered pretty well..."
Huh, looks as if he sort of wasted his time on that end. How disappointing.
"...well, I assumed the witch doctor was going to be more of an issue than expected. disregard what I said then."

Just as Soma was about to land the thrust, he stops to realized that Erron has been knocked out cold. He thought it would be best to finish him off, but decides that it is not worth the effort and no good would ever be done. On the other hand however, Madam Mayor is about to detonate herself. "Yang!" She called before grabbing her arm and start sprinting away, dragging along with her in the hopes that they make it out of the explosion. Back to Soma, he sees that Facilier is now down. "ORBECK!" He yelled as he runs over to him.
Looks as if Orbeck made yet another blunder, directing Soma towards an already defeated Erron Black...has he further lost his touch due to this insanity? Regardless he runs over to Soma (in Orbeck's body). All that is left to deal with is the struggling mad man known as Facilier.
"...We know what needs to be done now, do we."
So to finish off this man once and for all...he could either continue to use the canon or...


-Mini Devil-
Summon Mini Devil as a familiar.

Again?! He wasn't even thinking about demons at that time! Yet here he is with his own imp flying by his side at the end of a battle.
Pinching the bridge fo his nose of this mistake, he opts to finish off the Witchdoctor with something less over the top.


Fires 9mm rounds.
He was using two hands for this, as he is still getting used to using a gun. To the best of his ability, he would fire a few 9mm rounds at the Witchdoctor.
As Orbeck was doing that, the mini devil went after the various shadows that where summoned close by.

There is also that slimeball that was shot before, might be bouncing around the room for a bit.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Zamasu Zamasu P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher marc122 marc122 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

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Like a Godly, ungodly man. My Persona picked me up and lowered me in front of the dying woman for a bit of azz. I was like an angel, descending down with my lustrous wings. . . That doesn't exist. Damnit, this was supposed to be serious. ANYWAY! I decided to roleplay as an angel with this new body! A dark one with damn cool powers! I will call myself "The Black Death". This. . . All feels awfully familiar but whatever!

"Cry not, child. For I am here. Your guardian angel until the very end."

I paused.

"From 1 to 10, how would you rate your awe?"

I healed her. That rating question was still in character. Shut up, it's my character. I know what I'm doing!

marc122 marc122

Mood: Cringing, Thankful, Concerned
Tags: (Sagelexis)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Dr. Facilier)

BoltBeam BoltBeam (Agent Whisper)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked
Fall Sunset Val Arie from Somewhere Online, idk

Name Card by
Divider by

To be quite honest, Alexis was ignoring almost everything that was going on around her. With nine children, she had learned how to filter out things that weren’t as “important”, such as a little roughhousing or petty arguments when there were more pressing matters to attend to. At home, Zachariah took care of most of the conflicts while Alexis made sure that everyones’ feelings were okay. In the middle of all the fighting between the Shareholders and the MPF, Alexis trusted the combat capabilities of everyone in the group… relatively. As long as they weren’t dying, it would be good enough while she tended to Sage. Why? Well, the biggest thing was that Sage just got plopped in the body of a kitsune that held power that could kill gods… with said gods trapped inside and eager to take control and wreak havoc. The boy needed all the help he could get.

From the looks of it, Sage was already suffering from the constant bickering of the Deities within her body. Still, she smiled at his musings about how her powers work. Thought based? Not quite… In a way, it was more complicated, but in another, it was far simpler. Explaining it was difficult when someone hasn’t experienced it, but to actually use it, it should be extremely intuitive, especially with the amount of practice Alexis put into that body of hers. “It requires as much thought as lifting your arm. As far as Blood extends, Aether is an extension of the body; it’s like I said, everything around you is an extension of yourself, and you just have to use those metaphorical muscles. You shouldn’t have too much trouble, my ‘muscles’ are very well developed.”

It took a moment before Sage relayed Shin Don’s response, no doubt there was some bickering involved, but Alexis nodded. That was the easy part. The hard part—no pun intended—was getting Sage to summon the Ten-Bladed Tongue of Flame. Getting the pure-minded (though admittedly a bit of a self-depreciating mind) to think of something as “dirty” as Alexis engaging in intimate activities with her husband was a bit of a tall task. Sure, Alexis thought that Sage could use a little bit more exposure to such things so that when he finds that special someone, he doesn’t accidentally set everything on fire, but this might be too many steps at once.

Alexis almost cringed as she saw Sage freeze and began to telegraph his overwhelming embarrassment with the fox ears trying to bury themselves beneath her body’s hair, the tails twisting themselves together like braids, and the sheer redness of her body’s face. Alexis couldn’t even recall when was the last time she blushed that hard… It was probably on her wedding day hundreds of years ago… when she and Zachariah consummated their marriage. Knowing the souls inside her, they were probably giving Sage hell right now…

Miraculously, Sage managed to summon the magical sword into his hands. Taking the blade from his hands, Alexis congratulated and apologized to him first with a pat on his tails, then with words, “Thank you, Sage. I’m sorry that you had to imagine such things, but I’m glad that you were strong for me.”

With the Ten-Bladed Tongue of Flame in her hands, Alexis was a lot more confident about using Sage. She’d sensed how little Blood Sage possessed in relation to the amount of Spark and Aether he was attempting to wield and knew that too much of this power would destroy him. Having a sword that acted as a conduit for magic should help reduce the strain, but it was only a stop gap, as Aether and Spark would still have to flow through his body. Even with this knowledge and extensive experience in weilding fire of all kinds, Alexis listened to Sage’s explanation out of curiosity and courtesy. The point about Sage’s Derived System requiring hand motions to make constructs was a detail that Alexis had missed. It certainly sounded as if the requirement for somatic gestures was more extensive than Alexis’s body. At the second half of the lesson, Sage warned Alexis of what she had suspected for quite a bit.

Whomever Sage’s body channeled its power from, it was an entity that tended to take complete control over Sage. From the sound of his description and from what she’d observed, it didn’t seem that the “Take-Over” even allowed the soul in Sage’s body to be conscious as it used it for pure destruction. Alexis wasn’t sure if she would be more resilient, having dealt with the five Deities within her for hundreds of years. That just meant that she had to be careful with her emotions… of which she wasn’t the best at controlling if something truly angered her. That, combined with the fact that Alexis was extremely used to complex methods of manipulating Aether to get the most power out of every drop did not bode well. Regardless, it was what she had to work with, and work with it she will, ”Thank you for the explanation, Sage. You don’t have to worry, I’ll take care of your body as if it was my own. Handling fire Deities is a daily task for me.”

The kitsune-turned-Phoenix Descendant watched as Sage took off, with her body’s hair turning white and its tails becoming much more responsive to his movements. A smile spread across the face of Sage’s body as Alexis watched Sage go to town against Dr. Facilier’s shadowy “friends” with Shin Don’s Holy Flames. It was at this point that Alexis realized the Shareholders were almost completely defeated. All that remained were Dr. Facilier and an armored man with spiky hair, and at that point, the latter was almost down for the count.

Alexis’s smile disappeared as her expression grew quite serious, though rage was rather lacking on her face. Her eyes locked in on the giant man summoning shadows to take the place of his fallen comrades. However, as the man attempted to regain control over the situation, he was distracted enough to allow Whisper...or whoever was in Whisper’s body let loose a barrage of lasers that ultimately knocked him out of the air. Alexis was going to capitalize on this opportunity.

Standing up, the woman stumbled a little bit before she became acquainted with the balance of a normal human. It was strange after having tails for so long, but there was a part of her that remembered how to walk, as well as Sage’s body’s muscle memory helping her out. It didn’t take long for her to transition from walking to jogging to running and finally, to a full sprint with her sword at her side. Her mind then went to thoughts about flying, like how Hestia’s wings granted her the ability to fly… though that may not have been as applicable, seeing as these wings worked like normal wings. A more apt comparison would be between the Arielle Artis, the Seraphim sniper’s method of flight, which require exhaustingly powerful flaps to generate lift.
A pair of fiery wings sprouted from Alexis’s back and began to flap, taking her into the air, dozens of feet into the air. It was as she ascended that she came up with a plan, as strange as it may be. Sure, Sage may be a Phoenix Descendant, but there was a kitsune’s soul within his body right now. Was it possible that wings are the only extra appendage he could generate? At the summit of Alexis’s flight, she pulled her wings in as she went in an aggressive dive towards Dr. Facilier. When she picked up enough speed, she stopped sustaining the wings and focused on the appendages she was most used to: tails. One by one, a fiery tail sprouted from her back and made its way to grab the Ten-Bladed Tongue of Flame, pulling away a copy until there were nine tails. With these nine tails, Alexis began to use them to shift her weight until she began to spin like a wheel, with each of the tails pointed a sword outwards such that her entire form looked like a saw blade.

As she spun, she concentrated and gathered shards of flame at the tips of the swords and began to launch them as darts towards Dr. Facilier. The barrage would continue, picking up its rate of fire as Alexis reached terminal velocity. Right before she reached Dr. Facilier, she dissolved the tails to reveal herself, forming a massive katana of flames around the sword she held in her hands. Alexis brought the blade down on Dr. Facilier as hard as she could, shattering it as it made contact to both slow her fall and introduce the “good doctor” to the direct flames of the Phoenix Descendant, with no construct to shield him from the fire’s full heat.

The whole problem fighting this facilier guy, no one is doing something to kill him quickly, or instantly, or impede his magic. Snake had taken position a little ways away from the main group, and loaded a fresh magazine into his rifle, chambering a round. He held the rifle a little loosely, a technique a friend showed him once. Let vertical recoil go, but keep horizontal recoil to a minimum. Let the recoil from firing at center mass carry the rifle up to the head, for a lethal shot. Snake put his sights on facilier s chest, towards his heart, flipped off safety and to full auto, and pulled the trigger.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"WHAT PART OF 'I'M DOING ME BEST' DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND, LADDIE?!" Luckyex yowled, struggling to keep the wild Sky Slyder in place. He laughed at the shadow as it fell...Just to be surrounded by even more of the fuckers, which immediately took advantage of his greater size. "AHHH SHIT! WHY DOES REX HAVE TO BE SO SPINDLY?!" He wasn't sure what else he could spawn to save himself, but, thankfully, the cavalry finally came to take care of it. "Rex, sorry I think this body is shot." He muttered, rubbing his pulled elbows upon being freed. Eh, Rex was going to be uber-pissed at him anyway, so whatever.

With Saglexis using a mighty flamethrower on the shadows, Luckyex mounted the Sky Slyder again, keeping it hovering in place in order to fan those flames without fail.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

After Megumin destroyed the remote, Swiftzarro Girl wanted to bow at her until his spine gave out, but this was no time for thanks. "Hey, Bizarro! No! You're not supposed to dribble on him, you gotta spray him! Like this!" He let out a big hiss, spraying little spit droplets about.
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Megueiss (Megumin in Weiss's body)
Dr. Facilier's Call-Out Post Emporium, New Donk City

#99D5FF= Speech
(Chomusuke, you are FINISHED.)

"Yeah, we know, Toffee is gonna kill us." Meguweiss huffed. "Don't worry, a certain rabbit is going down right after you." She paused merely to clench her teeth at Luckyex. Then, on her eyes' way back to Facillier, she saw Weigumin being healed, prompting her to smile (for what would probably be the final time for a LONG while) and give a thumbs up.

But...gosh, was there anything even left to do? Whisper took care of Facillier's cane, leaving a flailing man to hope for the best with his shadows. Actually, wait, the tricks Samus and Mao Mao taught her could go even easier in this taller body?

First, she went as far back into the room as she could without being caught up in what Kassandrice was doing to Romardock...

...then she started running as fast as she could, keeping her body straight up, just as Samus had told her...
...then she leaped towards Facillier with her elbow aimed at his chest wound!

marc122 marc122 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore )
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  • Kassandra‘s fury wasn’t about to stop just because her victim was relenting slightly; she heard whoever it was in Roman’s body shouting at Bardock to give his body back, which meant she was fighting a buffed-out Roman. Well, she sure as Hades wasn’t going to relent now; that said, she’d remember not to obliterate the body so the other guy wasn’t going to immediately die when the group inevitably swapped back to normal (at least, so she hoped).

    Because Roman hadn’t been able to dodge in time, each hit from the fully-powered Spear of Leonidas healed Price’s body’s wounded shoulder. By the final spear slam, Kassandra was completely uninjured, though at this point both Ares’ Madness and Ares’ Last Breath rapidly faded away, leaving her without her Isu enhancements and just her regular Sword and Spear. It wasn’t a concern to her, though; she’d beat this idiot up for his devastating mistake.

    (Link here for the next set of attacks!)​

    With a bloodthirsty shout sounding less British than Spartan, the Eagle Bearer sheathed her Sword and Spear before lunging forwards. This next flurry might have seemed a bit familiar to Aloy, even if the Nora hadn’t seen it beforehand. Either way, Kass leapt upwards, using gravity to her advantage as she rammed her right fist into Roman’s shoulder. As her feet hit the ground, she grabbed Roman’s left arm with her right hand, pinning it in place as she bent down to jab her free fist into the Saiyan’s ribs twice, then smashed it into his shoulder yet again. She followed up by sweeping her leg into Roman’s right knee, likely bending it downwards before Kassandra went for an uppercut to the chin and a strong blow to the knee yet again. This was finished with a grab at Roman’s right arm, and a hard pull on his elbow downwards in an attempt to crack it like a pencil, then a fist sent right at Roman’s face with all Kassandra’s strength put behind it!

Soma Cruz(?) & Shanoa(?)

Yang tries to let go in order to save her friend. "Yang, it's too late for he-" Her words cut off when Yang gets herself free from Shanoa's grip and runs off. "Yang!" Shanoa called, but as she was going to follow her, Madam Mayor explodes, knocking Shanoa away. When she gets up, Madam Mayor is gone, but no whereabouts of Yang. "Yang! Yang, where are you?! Yang, you idiot!" She screamed in both anger, frustration, disappointment, and worry as she searches for Yang in the midst of this destruction. Another fuel has been dropped. Eventually, Yang appears, now angry as ever as she attacks the down Facilier. "Yang, you are an absolute idiot." She muttered under her breath before rushing up to Facilier and proceeds to deliver a fatal beatdown of his life.

Meanwhile, Soma felt a bit disappointment as Orbeck summoned a mini devil despite not needing it for a time, and as well as the slime ball kept bouncing around. He pulls out his gun and starts firing shots. Soma would do the same by waving his wand to summon out soulmass and they hurl themselves onto the down Facilier.

Also, why is the place now starting to smell like surstroming?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Crow Crow
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As they continued to take off, Ciri could very much hear Ikaros laughing at the man they had just gotten away from. While when she was human, she could've guessed that he was either laughing or choking on something, as an animal, she didn't have to guess as she clearly heard him laughing. Was being turned into an animal giving her the ability to understand animals?

They found somewhere to land and wait this out and after she was set down did she finally get an answer to if she could understand animals as she was right now. In response to her thanks, he replied to it. And she could understand it. "So I can understand what you say while I'm like this. I wonder if this stays with me when I turn back to normal, it would be useful."


  • Yang Xiao Long

    As Yang laid down her last strikes towards the shadows, the furor was starting to die down, albeit slowly. As it did, however, she started to regain some of her senses that she had forgone in her rampage. That, in turn, had made her aware to the fact that she had come close to getting herself caught in Sage's crossfire while he was still doing his thing, as Alexis.

    And then, she had one thought: Had the progress she'd made in solving her anger issues been undone? Whatever that was, the fact that she had come close to getting bitten by her own emotions did not spell good news.

    The blonde, although still mad, backed away immediately as she looked around the room for Shanoa, who was calling out her name in desperation at least two separate times.

    "Shanoa, I'm sorry, alright?!" Yang apologized into the fog, "She was dying, and I just--... I lost control trying to let it out!"

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Zamasu Zamasu

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