She looks to the side and curses. "Shit." She then twists to get out of Snakes grip. But her lack of both self control and martial skills probably makes this less than successful.
Venom Snake Venom Snake
“Lealan...” He pulled her into a hug. But it wasn’t really a hug, it was him restraining her. “Sorry.” He pulled out a taser and activated it, jabbing her.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"Sorry for w-gjdhriiebdufuejneos0sjbfkxnedijofj" Lealans body begins to thrash violently as her enhanced Skeleton helps to spread the electrical current across her body. As her own internal generators become shocked, her body begins to gather heat, and the thermally conductive Jade begins to glow hot through her clothes and flesh, as smoke and steam waft off of the Floran. A web of vines trailing through her torso amd through her limbs is revealed, all leading down to a bundle in her core.
Venom Snake Venom Snake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Once she got a little ways away from the group, she punched the wall over and over, crying. God, those memories... she really hated remembering them. But that girl just had to say her life was pointless and her rage got the better of her. Over and over, she punched the wall out of anger before sliding down and crying, hiding her face in her knees and arms.

But, she was snapped out of it by the sound of people coming after her. Looking up, she saw that it was the man with the hammer, Kassandra, and Aloy. Each of them trying to convince her to stay.

The man had a point, with the others save for a few people, the multiverse would probably be destroyed rather than saved. Mostly due to what caused her to blow up in the first place. Kassandra then began to explain her first incident with traveling to different worlds, hearing that those two as well as the man in the blue suit seemed to have been there as well.

And they were still idiots back then.

However, what caught her attention after listening to the story was the look in her eyes. From the look of it, it looked like she cared for her, which was a good thing considering that Kassandra was also someone who was probably done with them. Finally, Aloy decided to place a hand on her shoulder and speak about how those two had seem to make her as angry as she was when dealing with HADES and the man that served him.

But then, Aloy referred to her as a battlesister. In a way, the three of them were sisters? That was something that she could see, even though they were sisters that weren't related by blood.

Maybe... she should stay given how if she did leave, she'd probably be dead at some point soon due to their failure at saving all of their worlds.

Looking at the three of them, she wiped her tears away and got up. "I've made a decision... I'll stay..."

Orbeck of vinheim
Status: did this even occur...and the return of that dam jade.
Condition: normal (recently healed with a sip of a estus flask)
Ciri tightly gripped her sword, shaking with anger. Turning around, she immediately entered Rage. "My life is pointless, huh? Tell me, are you the heiress to SEVEN different thrones, two of which were given to my double that my father tried to marry? Were you immediately bounded to someone from birth by Destiny and is the last known bearer of some very powerful magic? Are you a monster slayer that has traveled to various different places? Was your kingdom destroyed right in front of you as you heard the screams of your people? Were you with the elves in their homeworld and only allowed to leave if you slept with the king and bore his child?! Were you the one who was almost impregnated by a powerful sorcerer and your own father, who you thought was DEAD, just so you could have the power in the family bloodline?! Were you the reason powerful elves hunted you for a year and thus, caused the deaths of anyone you grew close to?! Huh?! I don't think anyone's life would be that pointless if all of that was done just for that one person!"

Before she could end up fighting them due to just how extremely enraged she was, she looked at everyone. "
That's it, when we're done with Cobblepot, I'm opening a portal and I'm leaving. For now: leave. Me. Alone." With that, she started heading back through the tunnel that they had came from, punching Sora in the face as soon as she walked past him as hard as she could and put the sword away. One could see that there were tears going down her face as she left, making one wonder if it was from everything she just said?

The argument just, came out of nowhere. Having little to no background on a decent amount of those people، it looked as if there was no obvious cause. But it will end up revealing itself soon after, as Snake confronted Lealan over what appeared to be contradicting behavior and some sort of vines growing around her? Again some context is needed. What was obvious was when Lealan shot out a small seed, coated in a familiar green shade...

It's the jade, isn't it...Why? Did she actually eat a shard of that dreadful gemstone? No wonder Snake desided to stun her...
“Could I get some help over here?!” Snake shouted at everyone after setting her body down on the ground.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @everyonefuckinghereyou”dunces”
"It's the jade, isn't it." He said "you need me to conceive of a way to remove it?"
Really, the sooner that thing is removed from her, the better. The rabbit may as well be the only exception to the use of such a power, and even then, all it did was remove empathy and all related emotions...he honestly hoped that foolish archwizard didn't use it at this point. He eyed the limp body of Lealan.

Venom Snake Venom Snake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
It seemed he was not the only one who was here to comfort Ciri, for Kassandra and Aloy have also come for the same reason. After he spoke his words, the other two began speaking about their own reasons, and honestly, it made him feel like he was back at home, for his allies were willing to help each other in many situations, such as this. After some time of relaying the information, Ciri had made the choice of returning back to the group.

Giving a small smile, he said out loud
“Hey.,.. if we all manage to survive this, I am getting everyone drinks from any kind of bar. But first things first, getting back to the group and prepare for more chaos that we can hopefully endure.” as he started to walk forward in the direction of the main Sewer Group, motioning the others to follow him.
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred @ Everyone is United again
The limp and smoking body of Lealan swings a shaky arm up and smashes it into the ground with enough force to dent the material. With a loud screech, more akin to metal grinding harshly together then ran though a synthesizer, it twists and snaps at Snake, trying to bite him.
Venom Snake Venom Snake Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
“Damn it!” He grabbed the taser and quickly tazed her again In the side. To make sure she stays out he shot a round from his tranq pistol into her neck. “Look, if you know how to get that damned thing out safely, do it now!”
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
Orbeck of vinheim
Status: struggling plant lady.
Condition: normal​
“Damn it!” He grabbed the taser and quickly tazed her again In the side. To make sure she stays out he shot a round from his tranq pistol into her neck. “Look, if you know how to get that damned thing out safely, do it now!”
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
He said consieve of a way. He didn't say he has a solution to remove the jade safely, that could have been an option if it wasn't eaten by yours truely. Still with the now fully limp Lealan flashing computer warning signs, he questions if any more action would make the problem any more disastrous.
"Removing it at this point will only aggravate the jade. I'm sure you remember what happened with that archwizard back at the nightmare realm. In those few cases, that exiled princess used twilight to remove it."

Venom Snake Venom Snake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • Well, Arthur both got his incapacitated comrades to safety and got his hands on a weapon thanks to Benrey. He nodded towards the latter as he caught the E-11 blaster in his free hand, putting Jacques and Jason down before giving the weapon a quick look-over. Looked fully automatic, and had a setting for lethal, stun, and sting. Morgan chose the second of the three options, flipping the switch before lifting the rifle to his eyes. Honestly, he swore it felt as natural as an automatic weapon could be. The only thing close to an automatic he had was the gatling guns, which were definitely not meant to be portable. This looked more like a portable gatling gun plus some more.

    "Well, let's see how you fare..." The gunslinger commented to his new weapon, pointing it right at Penny's center mass before time slowed down yet again, entering his all-too familiar Deadeye status.



    This time, he didn't even bother observing his surroundings before firing off his blaster. Despite it being automatic, however, his E-11 fired off a three-round burst aimed for Penny. Most notably the shots accounted for her movement, meaning the plasma shots were guaranteed to hit their target unless she thought about switching directions at the last second. But because her attention was directed elsewhere, chances were these Stun shots would make their mark.
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"You know, you keep threatenin' to get my niece involved, when I'm literally standin' right here." Qrow half-joked in response to Ciri as she walked away from everyone. Then, he turned to Lealan, who continued to trudge on. He was about to say something, but then several people began to hop on her case instead, which caused Qrow to awkwardly take a step back and watch the shitstorm play out. Scott, in the meantime, turned to face Akari during all of this, thumbing over to him.

"Oh, yeah, I know him. We're from the same universe." Scott said, which caused Spider-Man to nod in return.

"Yeah, I even fought him at an airport when he got really big and Mister Stark and War Machine punched him and knocked him down and--" Peter's gushing was immediately interrupted by the sight of Ciri storming off, claiming she was going back to her own universe, and punching Sora in the face. With a loud sigh escaping his lips, Peter began to jog after her. "I'll be right back, guys," Spider-Man said to all of you, before holding up a hand as he chased after Ciri. "Hey, wait up!" He called out, with Deadpool dangling on his back all the while.

"Jesus fucking Christ..." Grif would mutter to himself, before turning to look at Sarge. "We don't fight this much usually, do we?" He'd ask, only to be met with the butt of Sarge's shotgun to the side of his head. Grif fell over with a scream, while Sarge laughed at the fat one's suffering.

"I dunno, you tell me, dirtbag!" He shouted, before chuckling to himself softly. By the time Spider-Man had approached the small group of people comforting Ciri, it looked like they had already done their job pretty well, leaving him with his time wasted. So, instead of giving Ciri some giant story about friendship or something, Peter lifted his hand in a slight wave.


"Hey everyone." Was all the teenage superhero could really muster. Throughout all of this, Scott just stared on, confused as hell.


"I'm so confused..." He said aloud, before turning back to face Gretar. "Look... Thor... guy..." Scott said now that everything had apparently been resolved. "Can you go over the plan with me again? I just... I literally forgot everything you said."

@QizPizza Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred @StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @92MilesPrower

  • Even though the melee attack visibly screwed up Kassandra’s metal fist, she didn’t address it at all. She’d probably patch it up later anyways.

    When Aloy came back around to help calm CIri, the Greek nodded at the redhead gratefully before a genuine smile crossed her face at the battle sister remark.

    “Some relationships are forged in the strongest of fires.” The warrior remarked. Thankfully, it seems like Ciri’d made up her mind, and had re-steeled herself from bursting out what Kassandra assumed was a scarred past. Her smile widened, a genuine and pleasant change from her normal serious slash irritated nature. After all, they were away from the idiots this time.

    “Glad to have you back on board. We’ll all get through this together.” At this point, Gretar the dwarf declared he’d get drinks from a bar afterwards.

    “I’m holding you accountable for that. If there’s one thing Spartans are good at besides fighting, it’s having a drink.” She showed a more light-hearted side of herself whilst she still could, though this was quickly gone when the group returned to the bunches of morons. When Spider-Man greeted them, Kassandra had put her helmet back on, masking her expression once more.

    “I assume things haven’t exactly exploded while we were gone, correct?” She inquired to Peter, though it was obvious she was also prepared to break off the small talk in case something did go wrong yet again.
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Penny managed to swat Lucky and the prosthetic arm away before the knife struck her in the eye, but the bullets from his Paw did strike her in the intended areas, chipping away at her fake skin, revealing the mechanical parts underneath. At the last moment, Penny noticed the spartan laser aimed towards her chest, and managed to fly up above it right before she was struck by it! The laser struck the wall behind her, exploding it and revealing exposing you all to the cold night air of Atlas. Penny flew towards Megumin, though, and once she was close enough, she used her thrusters to slam down towards Megumin with a punch to her nose!

Whether or not she connected, Hiryu managed to get the jump on Penny moments later. She barely had time to react as the blade sent her falling forward. In the meantime, though, Hiryu would sadly not find any form of switch anywhere. He didn't have much time to do any digging, though, because Penny quickly threw her head back, headbutting Hiryu. Then, she turned around and grabbed him by the back of his shirt, kneeing him in the stomach before tossing him aside. Then, Penny flew upwards over Rex's arms, before flying towards him with a flying kick! If he were to raise his shield to meet her kick, Penny would bend her leg and push herself off of it, using this distraction to try and stab him through the back with one of her flying swords!

The fireballs that were scattered towards Penny were easily evaded by her, though, as she expertly flew over them and around them without so much as a single singe! She began flying over to Shujinko next, aiming to deliver a swift punch to the girl's face, only for Arthur to suddenly dead-eye her with his stun gun! Thanks to.. well, how dead-eye essentially worked, Penny was unable to avoid his shot, and was sent falling towards the ground the moment that the stun gun struck her in the side. Slowly but surely, though, Penny began to climb back to her feet, staring at all of you.

"M-Mister Cobblepot... i-is not taking any vis--"



A flurry of rose petals crowded the hallways as you suddenly saw Penny's now decapitated head fly through the air. Her body, now headless, merely collapsed to its knees, before falling flat down on its torso. Penny's head landed next to it soon after, stuck with its permanent smile, though it was motionless. What appeared next to her was none other than Ruby Rose, who was breathing heavily with her scythe in her hand, staring down at the fallen Penny with a as the tears once again leaked from her eyes. The snow from the various holes in the wall poured down around her, creating a bed where Penny now laid.


"I'm sorry Penny... I failed you again..." Ruby sniffled again, wiping a the tears from her eyes with her sleeve, only for more to pour down. "I'm a terrible friend..."

All Ruby could do after that was fall to her knees and sob, holding Penny's head close to her as she hunched over it and the rest of her cold body.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Meraki Topless Topless darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @Meraki @Prisoners

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>The fireballs were dodged and Penny was about to punch you if it weren't for Arthur shot a stun round which sends her off the air, and then later decapitated by her own friend Ruby. You flew down, the burning wings vanishing, and you walk over to the crying Little Red Riding Hood.

"It's not your fault, Ruby. You did what you had to do. If only there was a better way..."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonTeam​
Lilith went completely dead silent as she saw Penny's decapitated body fall to the floor. "Oh...dear lord." Was she could muster but in her mind she was on the verge of breaking down just like Ruby was currently. "No no no no no no this can't be happening we couldn't have let this all happen!" She suddenly blurred out, she then rushes to to drunken scientist and asks for assistance. "Y-you know how to fix this r-right, surly you could do something!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Ruby and Rick)
--Hiryu Kakogawa---
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @TeamEveryoneWhoBlamesHiryuForThis

"Come on, come on...!" Hiryu mumbled as he tried to look for any off switch, even the panel where her blades must've come from. If he could just find that, disrupt the power flow somehow, then she'll shut down without anymore harm! However, he didn't have the time to use Another Blade's strength to dig through her backside, as the Another Rider was headbutted, prompting him to let go, followed by a knee to the stomach, the only unarmored part of his form, causing him to be knocked further back. As Hiryu recovered, he would attempt to look for another opening when all of a sudden...

Penny's head was cut off by her own friend, Ruby Rose. Her hand, forced. All because Hiryu thought he could preserve her first, so he could take the blame and only beat her bad enough. It's a mistake--one of which he won't be forgiven easily. Especially by those of Team RWBY.

"Use this as your strength..." Hiryu would mumble to himself as he reverted from his Another Rider form back to his civilian form, the coldness that fell from the heavens has yet to bother him. "They won't walk away from this alive..." He added to his mumblings, clenching his fist. Yes, every moment of his life was filled with thoughts of vengeance--getting even, winning, taking everything back. He held to the consequences of Sougo's involvement as strength. His defeat--that nonsense about living in the presence? That fueled his drive to find another chance to strike back.

This time, Hiryu doubts Ruby would possess that anger. He simply stood near Ruby, staring at the decapitated body solemnly as if to grieve. He lets out a soft sigh, catching his breath as if waiting for everyone to toss the blame towards him--for provoking her, for forcing Ruby to cut off her head...Insulting words like that were nothing more than a stepping stone in his quest for vengeance and closure.

This must be how Sougo felt when he was blamed for the deaths of both their parents.

He could fix it, but he lacks the means to do so. Another Zi-O II could potentially fix something inside her but...Hiryu doubts his powers were that almighty.
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Right as she was about to go save Shujinko from a sword, she saw that she saved herself instead. Before she could go attack, she saw that Penny went for Megumin to punch her. Blake used her afterimage to jump off of it and ran towards Megumin, grabbing her and once Penny's punch would hit, it turned out to be an afterimage, Blake and Megumin appearing a few centimeters away from where Megumin was.

Then... Penny was shot mid attack by Arthur and before they could get the chance to restrain her... Ruby took her head off.

Widening her eyes, she immediately ran to Ruby, getting down next to her. "
Ruby!" Looking at Penny in her state, she just hugged Ruby trying to keep her from looking as she just stared at Penny's headless body. As she did that, she started to think. What if she was still alive? She was brought back before, right?

So, there had to be some sort of core, right? But where exactly would it be? The last time she was dead, her limbs were gone, but the main body and the head was intact. It had to be in one of two places, but if it was the head, then...

Rick had to know something about this, he was one of the lead scientist... he had to know something about robots... right?

They had to do something...

Topless Topless , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie

The man with the hammer then promised to treat everyone with drinks after they were done. "
Well, we definitely need drinks after this." Looking at Kassandra, she nodded in response. "Right, after all, it's through those fires that you make relationships that last a long time. And sometimes, they can turn into something more. But I doubt most of us here aren't looking for a relationship going that far."

Then, she addressed the part where the only man amongst the small group there would buy them drinks after all this and chuckled a bit. "
You know, maybe we could have a drinking contest. I've had my fair share of drinking contests among the Witchers. Granted, I've only won a few of them and lost the rest, but I can hold my own."

It was then that Spider-Man caught up to them and waved at them. "
Let me guess, they're still being idiots? Or is everything fine?"

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lars wanted to fight Penny on behalf of Ruby but his mind had quickly shifted to Alisa when he looked over to Penny. He couldn't bring himselfto fight her as much as he felt obligated to. He promised, damn it! But the guilt...It froze him still. And in the end...Ruby still had to put her friend down herself. Lars bows his head in shame for letting the young huntress down and now, she too, knows the sorrow of hurting a friend to save others.Lars slowly approaches Ruby and puts a hand on Ruby's shoulder as he looks to Penny's decapitated head. His mind instantly flashes to Alisa and he puts a hand over his eyes before he kneels down next to Ruby " I think she wouldve said otherwise. I think she wouldve forgiven you. Had she been in her right mind, I'm willing to bet that she couldnt forgive herself if she knew she hurt her friends. Would I be wrong to assume that? That she wouldnt have cared what happened to herself so long as her friends lived. Id like to think that she'd call you a good friend. For stopping her from hurting the things she wanted to protect. That...Being you. Id like to think that...Despite this....She'd still say...."Thank you". Would I be wrong?"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonerTeam
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Mood: Conflicted, Irritated, Concerned
Tags: (Sarge)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

And thus Sage was, just there. Caught in-between immense amounts of guilty, ehxasperation, hesitancy and fear, though also an unyielding need to clarify things before it turned out to be an even huge trouble. With his head low and his mind bouncing from thought to thought, some more of a self-deprecating nature than anything, the emotional tension only grew higher and higher, as he shook trying to keep it all in; Increasingly strained breaths, temperature gradually rising.

He'd have to wait for the group to come back together... To speak up and, he was concerned that others wouldn't take it as nicely as Leo had. Oh Gods, Leo. He hoped that his group was doing much better than this one currently was.
He also just, really missed that kind carefree way of his right now...

As the pyromancer was lost in his own mind, trying to find the right words to explain it, however, a cry for help coming from deeper in would startle him back into the surrounding environment. The body reacted before the brain could even grasp what the situation was, at first, the impulse to go assist with haste had been so second-nature that he had almost made the mistake to try flying there. Fortunately, once rationality had gone over the idea, it had been vetoed on the spot, the young man leaving on a sprint instead towards where the black-haired man had also gone to.

Or was, because then Sarge had thought it was a good idea to antagonize Grif with a hit from his gun and Sage had turned at them from the sound of that. Angry

He hadn't seen it happen, but the auditory and visual cues had been more than enough to clue him in. The temperature rose more and as soon as his irritated, disapproving glare had met Sarge, the man's new shotgun would erupt on fire in his hands just like his previous one; The raw, violent emotion going as far as to make the pyromancer's eyes give off a glowy light just like the flame he had just started. The fire burned tall and proud with intensity.

"I thought that I had told you to stop that.", he reprimanded with a rather dark tone, unconsciously using the happening as a safer escape for some of the building up tension.

Luckily to the one in red, two things would interrupt such bout of anger.
The first of them being the Magic output suddenly diminishing out of nowhere, as unexplainable as it had spiked up earlier, as Shujinko landed effectively cutting upon their temporary connection and normalizing the amount of magical strain. He couldn't know that though, he wasn't there to see things live, so it just brought him to a halt in confusion once more. Secondly, would be the situation with the plant lady going behind him. The three voices eventually reminding him of what he had been about to do, and re-igniting his drive to go and assist with that. As he deemed whatever that was more important than Sarge behaving like a barbarian, Sage had turned away from them, finally completing that spring towards the man he already knew, an old-looking soldier and the downed plant lady.

"Mighty Beasts in the Sky!!", he exclaimed in shock seeing the older one tasing the girl, "W-why did you do that?! What's going on?!"

Sage wouldn't remember the Jade at all. Every time it had been a problem he had been dealing with his own shortcomings and hadn't exactly paid attention to the other surrounding situations, including the one where it had tried going for him.
Toayî, on the other hand, would. Nurturing a furious hatred for the insolent parasite that had tried messing with Its property, though It wasn't exactly going to remain helpful after that damned rock was destroyed again...
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  • Her shots failed with flying colors, it seemed. Hopefully, whatever Megumin did hit wasn't that important to the mission. If the archmage had succeeded in anything, it was getting Penny's attention. Had Blake not been there to shove her away, she would've easily been decked in the face. "Thank you, Blake." Megumin waved to the faunus, then sprang to her feet to fire at Penny again...And then the combined efforts of Arthur and Ruby brought the fight to an end. Ruby was forced to lop off the head of her former best friend.

    "Penny...Oh, no..."
    Megumin returned to her curled up position. Despite their efforts, nothing could have been done to save her after all...Well, maybe there could have been something else done, but Hiryu shattered their chances of that. Then again, Hiryu just wanted to protect the team, didn't he? Had she not known the context, Megumin herself would probably have done the same. This was just another case of poor planning on their end.

    "I'm sorry, Ruby, I tried..." The mage mewled, laying on top of her laser.
After walking back to the main group, having a couple of conversations along the way, it was when Ant-Man talked about what the plan was again. Sighing, he explained once more “Ok..... the plan was that one group would be Prisoners and turn theirselves in. They were suppose to escape their cells and look for points of key interest in the academy. While the sewer group.... is by the way, are supposed to sneak in and aid the prison group after they find the thing they are supposed to find. But considering the many distractions in our path, it’s not clear of the current situation for the prison group, so that’s why I suggest we continue going.” before he finished his lengthy explanation, trying to hurry up the group and reunite to the prison group.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ Sewer Group

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