Chronicles of Pangaea

Human character form -

Name: Adara McGriffin (Addie)

Age: 301

Gender: Female

Occupation: Wizard (Priestess)

Weapon of choice: Books

Power of Choice: Healing/Hedge magic (simple potions)

Personality: Wise when serious, sarcastic every other opportunity. Training under a highly trained hedge wizard, she was taught at a very early age,that to become powerful and respected, you have to get rid of people that are better than you are. She is living proof that that is not the case, by loving everything and everyone. A trickster and child at heart, she keeps children from becoming attacked in the woods she lives in by keeping them in her home and guiding them back to their homes. Somewhat of a grandmother figure, without the aged appearance. From the outside, she looks 30, since that's when she accepted a potion from a fellow wizard to never age. She didn't realize immortality would genuinely suck. Fortunately, she has her books and love of her world to keep her company.

Back story: At birth, she was seen as a demon in her village, where no one had been born with magical powers for over 70 years. She was shunned from her village at the age of 10, when her parents died. She traveled far into the woods until she found a small community of wizards, only about 25 of them, and they took her in. They decided, with her kind of power, to have Adara apprentice under a powerful hedge wizard, Yolanda. Yolanda never showed her kindness, and always looked down on her. Every day, she'd tell her "You're a disgrace to wizards. No one will ever respect you as long as you care for them. You must be tough." She told Adara this every day, until her 29th birthday, when she killed Yolanda for the chance to gain her power, and get rid of the old woman. Yolanda's Angel told Adara that she had finally rid Yolanda of a deceitful demon that had lived inside her heart. After that day, Adara has lived to show love and care to everyone, regardless of what's going on. Unfortunately, on her 30th birthday, she stumbled upon a hateful wizard, killing animals to have reanimated puppets to terrorize the local village. She told him that she would kill him on the spot, but before she could, he hit her hard with a potion that gave her immortality and then burst into dust. After about 10 years, she had found a love and married him, but he left her after he and she realized she couldn't age, and she knew that that potion that had hit her was a curse, not a blessing.

Demon Companion/Guardian Angel: None yet, but she's fairly sure she won't get one, because of her immortality.


View attachment 5426 If you can't make out the picture, just tell me.

Name: Raphaella

Appearance Age: 24

Gender: Female

Occupation/Type of Angel: Throne

Weapon of choice: Two headed morning-star, with an extended staff. The silver chain represents protection, the black chain represents hell. To be hit with one of these balls will curse the victim, aside from inflicting injury. ((occ: I know the weapon is kindof...powerful, so I want to make sure that it's okay. I was trying to think of how to balance out her rather benign unique power, since she's supposed to be a powerful Throne and all. Anyways, if you think I should tone it down, that's fine.))

Unique power: Ability to detect truths and falsehoods

Personality: Raphaella spends most of her time in Heaven. She is Justice's last resort, although she does not relish her position. She is often not called upon, since many fallen angels and demons seem to accept their fate willingly. If they do not, however, she will give them more than just a nudge out the door. Generally, she is pensive and subdued; it is very difficult to ignite a passionate response from her. Thus, she is often a source of good judgement and advice.

Human companion: (if any)


Link here:
Actually, we could use more demons. I've heard of Druids, but there are so many different interpretations of what a Druid is, that I'm not sure what they are. This mainly focuses around angels, demons, and Humans, though.
A druid is a human that can shift into a specific animal and call on that animals help, be it Canine, Feline, Osprey, or some other predator, I'd say an Arch druid would have more then one animal, but it would be considered a sub class to a mage, like healing, which changes the wound by manipulation and understanding of the human body. But I'll make a demon I guess >.>
Alright, sounds good. As long as the Druid is considered a Human under the branch of a wizard, then that sounds good.
Okay ^.^ I'll still make a demon though If you need me to.

I'll need to finish tomorrow *sigh*

Good enough back story?

Name: Boyd Baynes

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Occupation: Wizard > Druid

Weapon of choice: Fangs, Claws, and Daggers

Power of Choice: Wolf shape shifting, with Werewolf form, Ookami form {Extinct Japanese wolf roughly as tall as a human on all fours, though either form drains magic drastically and can only be used for a short time} as well as basic healing.

Personality: Curious by all things, yet composed though study, and kind to most people.

Back story: Litterally raised by wolves Boyd found that he had a strong affinity to magics, and used them to complement his siblings and parents, generally in were form as Ookami form takes more stength then he is willing to give only to be able to keep up with his mountain family. Before he left for the rest of the world he was able to hold his were transformation for three hours, and his Ookami form for fourty minutes. As a druid of sorts he gains energy from the surrounding animals and plant life, the more energy he can tap into the less down time he has for the transformations. Though now being in cities for the past ten years he can now gather the energy rather quickly, proficient at fighting, and very caring has brought him into many troubles. Though few people wish to fight a wolf, much less a humanly intelgent one.

Demon Companion/Guardian Angel:

Appearances:View attachment 5461View attachment 5462View attachment 5463
Once Raphaella is established in the RP, I'll probably make a demon character too, maybe to join yours sitting by the tree in the abbey. Would you be able to tell me what sort of plot you have for the demons?
[MENTION=2815]Particle Blade[/MENTION] accepted

@Vive Demons have a single goal: To corrupt humans as much as possible in many ways. Since the abbey is a strong spiritual medium, my Demon character has to wait and observe it for now. If the abbey is destroyed, then that allows hostile demons to attack the village nearby.

Something I should probably address is that Pangeae is made of up thousands of provinces, like little miniature countries, and in those provinces a church, abbey, monastery, or convent is in charge of spiritual affairs under a dominion or principality Angel. In most provinces (but not all) church and state are tightly knit together.
Good to know. It sounds like you have put a lot of thought into this world, so I'll probably come to you with more questions later on. ^^
Hey, I'm just wondering who is still involved in this roleplay?

I kinda want to try to hash out a plot with a few people, so that characters aside from Addie and Raphaella can have something to do; I sortof hinted at a potential attack on the abbey in my last post, but, well, what did you guys want to do? Is anyone still interested?
Hrm...Well, Kioku- Mana is still in the Abbey, and Benjamin is outside of it, right?

Hmm. Also, I sortof wrote in that a Principality was guarding the if I create a demon character to kidnap the Principality or something? What sort of story could ensue if the Principality was kidnapped?
S"okay. I'm just trying to think of how to bring Rosa close to the Abbey, so we could all kindof meet around there...Maybe the market is at the same square as the abbey?
Name: Zion

Appearance Age: 26

Gender: Male

Occupation/Type of Demon: Demon of Pride

Weapon of choice: Sword

Unique Power: (this does not include the powers that come with their occupation) Extreme speed (for short period of time), and agility.

Personality: Zion is quite proud of his speed and skill with a sword. He is quite arrogant, which is also his downfall. His origins are uncertain- he may have been a human at some point, but many years in Hell has deformed him into something resembling a 7'5" satyr. It has been difficult to make his way back to Earth, a realm much more pleasant than Hell- and he has no intention of making his way back any time soon.

Human companion: (if any)


View attachment 5724
I know its sudden but is there any way I can get my character involved back into the story line?

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