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Chronicle of the Scavenger Lands (Exalted 3E) - IC

Arumi has to take a moment to consider Ysandre's offer, before she finally nods her head in agreement.

"If you're truly willing to accept me, and you truly want to help Creation, and you truly have the power of the Unconquered Sun, I'll serve you." she says.

"I just ask one thing of you." she adds. "You might already know this from my journal, but I'm part of a Sworn Kinship. My brother was a member, as are three other Dragon-bloods of Lookshy, all of whom will likely come for me in time. You and your friends could probably handle them...but I don't want to see any more of my Hearth dead. So if one of you is a Sorcerer who knows Infallible Messenger, I'd like to send a message to them all. I might be able to convince them not to kill themselves trying to rescue me...or even to consider joining you."

Esbilon Esbilon
Joining the Circle as an officer would be a Life-Changing Task for Arumi, while serving as Zedradon's assistant would be a Serious Task. But assuming that you're using Arumi's Defining Intimacy of "I want to make the Scavenger Lands a better and safer place for all who live in them" here, the Resolve bonus her Major Intimacy towards Lookshy could give her would be nullified. And with the large dice pool Ysandre could use for Persuade actions even before her Presence Excellency is factored in, I'm going to go ahead and assume she could easily beat Arumi's Resolve of 3, were I to ask you to make an Influence roll.

Henceforth, Arumi now has a Minor Tie of Loyalty towards Ysandre.
Quill walks to his chamber, with the doctor following. And when they reach there, he picks up Emancipation from the top of the pile of Artifacts lying on his desk. He hand sit to Zedradon, and as they lift it up, he pours his essence into them, doing his best to unlock the secrets of the weapon.

As he does so, his anima starts to glow around him.

Spending 15m and 1 wp on Wake the Sleeper, and 5m on a Lore Excellency.

so, 15 dice on the roll

10 successes, Because it's a 3 dot Artifact, that means that 3 Evocations are unlocked.

Zedradon took a deep breath and wrapped his fingers around the grimscythe. He raised it above his head and closed his eyes. And just as Quill poured his essence into it.. so too did the doctor pour his focus on his attunement, seeking to hear the spirits and powers within.

And hear them he did. He had expected to Crimes and tortured screams... but no. They came faintly at first. Cries and chants. Not of pain but of jubilation and dogged determination. Shouts and echoes of those who faced misery but came out on top. One soul among them burned brighter than all the rest. The soul of the Dawn wept with hope, and cheered. As the one who held it could now hear them and their thanks. As the one who held it, they would put their trust into.

As if in unity the spirits roared their approval. Fueled on by the essence from Quill, they shouted out their secrets. To be used. To defy the purpose that was given to them by the Mask of Winters and to keep others from sharing their fate. The soul of Dawn guided their voices, weaving them into power to be used to such end. Turning the prayers of hope into wieldeable power, and trying that power to Zedradon.

The runes on the handle glowed blue, and the flat of the blade, once dull, shined like a mirror before becoming a transparent black of an obsidian lens. The blade, still of soulsteel, no longer shined ominously. Instead for the first time in ages, it gleamed in warm light. A sign that the Dawn sould itself would fight along side them.

If the wielder looks through the glass they can see and speak to any dematerialized Ghosts. As long as the wielder doesn't lose sight of the Ghost(s) he can interact with them as if it they materialized, this extends to striking the spirit with the soulsteel Scythe. Ghosts seeking to hide from the Wielder in combat must re-establish stealth or achieve 100% cover.

End of Servitude
3m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: None

The Blade expands the wearer's senses so that he can see sorcerous binding of necromancy. The binding appear to the wielder as green chains of pyre flame that connect a necromancer to the Ghosts he has bound. If the Ghost is bound to a task or place, the Pyre Chain instead is bound to something more relevant.

Emancipation can cut through these bindings as easily as it can cut through the ghosts. Breaking the binding is functionally similar to distortion in sorcery (Core 466), but has no terminus and the wielder doesn’t need to be initiated into the necromantic circle. The wielder makes attacks with the axe against the sorcerous binding using Intelligence + Occult, which can be enhanced by Charms, at a difficulty of the the spell used to bind the ghost: 1 for shadowlands circle, 3 for Labyrinth Circle, 5 for Void Circle. The Wielder must acquire a number of successes equal to the essence of the Ghost and the Necromancer.
Cutting the Sorcerous Binding free’s the ghost from the necromancers control.

A Debt to Be Repaid
10m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: 1 year, 1 day
Prerequisites: End of Servitude

When a sorcerous binding of a Ghost is cut, Emancipation can conscript the ghost to indentured servitude. Essence illuminates the sorcerous binding that held the ghost to the necromancers will. The loose binding moves toward Emancipation and entangles itself around the blade by the end of the current turn. The Ghost becomes immediately bound to serve the wielder of Emancipation and will fight alongside the wielder if they are in combat. The Ghost is bound to the Scythe for a year and a day, After which the Ghost is set free with his debt of service repaid. For all intents and purposes, the ghost acts as if he was summoned by the wielder with necromancy.

Ghosts who serve a Solar find themselves redeemed and cleansed of any taint related to oblivion at the end of their service. Ghosts that serve an Abyssal find themselves thoroughly corrupted by the void and emerge as servants of oblivion.

Most Ghosts become part of a Battle-Group of Warghosts with elite Drill that can be summoned by the wielder of the scythe, the magnitude of this unit can fluctuate over time, but is generally around Size 2-3, unless the wielder does “aggressive recruiting” and should be expected to pay experience to increase the size of the unit.
Significantly powerful ghosts might act as singular characters outside the battle group, but such ghosts should be purchased by the player as retainers or allies, with experience. Particularly skilled groups of ghosts might be “recruited” by purchased them as followers or a mentor. Not all ghosts bound to emancipation are recognized for their talents, so it is reasonable for the wielder to “discover” ghosts with useful skills by spending experience to buy them as a merit.

Ride the Spirit Walker
2m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: While Committed
Prerequisites: None

The wielder can commit 2 motes to reinforce the sorcerous link of any ghost bound to Emancipation. When the wielder look through the obsidian glass of the scythe blade, they can focus their senses and share the senses of any ghost bound to it. The wielder can use any of the ghosts senses, which while muted, allow the wielder to perceive everything as if he were with the ghost. The wielder does not actually use the ghosts senses, but instead uses his own through the ghost as a conduit and may enhance them with appropriate charms. The Wielder may also speak to the ghost or speak through the ghost, but social attacks cannot be enhanced with the wielders charms.

The Mask of Winters tells all those that come into his service that they will serve forever, not even death can release them. So the Deathlord goes to great effort to break the spirits of those that resist him, and for those that dare to run… he reserves a particularly morbid fate. The Mask of Winters keeps a small army of master trackers, both living and dead, in his service for just such an occasion. All who run from the Deathlord are eventually return in chains, and they are almost always brought back alive. For a year and a day he tortures them, and each day he comes up with a new way to torment them. With their spirits broken, he parades them at parties and social events as a warning to those that might think of running. Then he ritually murders them and summons their spirit with necromancy, binding the ghost to walking the Deathlords Domain and tell each citizen the ghost comes across its tale of woe. When every soul (living and dead) within the Deathlords domain has hear the tormented souls tale, the soul returns to the deathlord to be forged into soul steel.

From the Soulsteel of these tormented souls the Mask of Winters himself forged the Grimscythe "Traitors Eternal Remorse." In Hubris or Folly, the Deathlord forged the heart of the scythe from Soulsteel Made from a broken Solar Hero. While he created the blade for one of his favorite deathknights, the scythe was destined for another.

The artifact slaved under its owner during the dark reign of Thorns, languishing in its servitude… until one grasped the Deathknights Scythe. A freshly exalted solar Twilight. One who had challenged the control of the Mask of Winters and won.

Feeling the unbroken spirit of another Solar, a former slave himself, the souls within the scythe stirred and rekindled their spirit of resistance. For not all the spirits forged within the blade were truly broken, and their whispers for vengeance became a chorus. This chorus of whispers reminded the solar hero, forged into soulsteel, at the heart of the scythe, that it was not as broken as the Mask of Winters Believed. Where most soulsteel weapons whispers indecipherable moans of their torment, the Traitors Eternal Remorse whisper chants of Emancipation! The End of Servitude!

But the ears of the Twilight had not yet awoken. Despite the deafness to the grimscythes calls, the Twilight brought the souls within a peace they hadnt known in a long time. For it was a doctors hands that now gripped the scythe, a doctor who emphasized with the souls within. Soon, surely, the doctor would hear them, so that they may show their gratitude and be allowed a new purpose.

"Emancipation. Such is the name you have chosen." Zedradon told the artifact. "I hear you. And I shall not let you fall into darkness again. Your purpose shall be that of your name, and I shall help you carry it out. To free those we can, and to aid both the living and the dead. My hands will show no prejudice to either. Together we shall make the world a brighter place."

+Minor Tie - To unbind those in chains of slavery
"I am and I do," Ysandre answers, smiling as she accepts Arumi's pledge.

To the dragonblooded's requiest, she replies "there are two sorcerers among our company. I do not know for certain if either of them knows the spell, but surely we will be able to get a message through. I will ask them."

With her primary goal of this conversation successful, the young queen turns a critical eye on her new lieutenant and asks "how are you feeling? Would you like to rest or should we perhaps talk about the cause you have joined?"

I would indeed be preying on that Intimacy. If we were to roll things, I would also take advantage of Ysandre's Definint Principle of "A well lived life is the highest virtue." seeing as how she will not be able to live her life well if she clings to her loyalty to Lookshy and any lingering ill will towards Solars.

If we go on with a longer conversation, Ysandre would try to learn more about her new ally, particularly the details of the episode with Ganzin's village. She is also forthcoming in her own stories of Nalia, and would try to give Arumi some of the love she herself has for the place.
"For now, I'd like to rest please." says Arumi, the Water Aspect clearly still taking in all that's happened, and the monumental decision she's just made.
"I will leave you to it, then," Ysandre says and gives Arumi's hand another squeeze before rising from the bed and leaving the small cabin.

Once the door is closed, she looks to see if Ganzin is still guarding her.
Ganzin is still at his post, leaning against the wall next to the cabin door with crossed arms as Ysandre exits the room.

"How is she? Did she say anything?" he asks, sounding very much unconcerned for Arumi.
"She is tired, but otherwise fine considering how recent the battle is. And she did say anything. Quite a bit in fact, the most relevant being that she was wrong in her previous feelings towards the Solar Exalted and is now willing to help us," Ysandre says levelly. "Are you willing to let bygones be bygones, or do is there more we need to settle?"
"So she figured out she was wrong, did she? If only she'd learned that before joining the attack on my village." Ganzin replies, looking away from Ysandre while seething and gripping the haft of his guandao ever tighter.

He then exhales, releasing some of his hot anger like steam from a bubbling pot, but he still doesn't make eye contact with the Zenith. "I agreed to spare her back at the fortress because Zedradon insisted upon it, and Ryan didn't approve of him threatening one of his subordinates. I feared that if I had tried to kill her, the two of them would have come to blows, and I didn't want to risk causing this Circle to fall apart. I owed Ryan that much at least, after he'd offered to help me get my revenge instead of trying to stop me."

"As long as she gives me no reason to do so, I won't harm her any further. But I doubt I'll ever completely forgive her." he finishes.
Ysandre nods, "I am not asking you to. You are both fundamentally good people, and I want to help you live your lives well, despite the darkness of your past."
Ganzin's mouth turns up in an appreciative smile at those words.

The journey continues...
Time passes. Ysandre and Catseye manage to establish contact with Baphinol, and the river god offers to meet with them and other members of the Circle within his temple in the Duchy of Bayonne, a city-state located on the side of the river Nalia is on. Ozwin soon agrees to sail the Silver Mermaid there, the captain intending to do some trade in the city while the Solars attend to their own business.

Both Quill and Ysandre will be able to recall a few details about Bayonne and its history. It was founded a few centuries after Nalia, by a Nalian prince who had been sent into exile along with his supporters when they tried to depose the king and seize power for themselves. As a result of this, Bayonne shares a lot of cultural aspects - fashion, architecture, cuisine, music and craftsmanship - with Nalia. It is normally ruled by a duke or a duchess, who resides in a ducal palace that doubles as a three-dot manse, but as Mara's last message revealed, the current duchess, Melisande, now resides in Elua with Quincel, having married him and become his Queen. In Melisande's absence, Bayonne is ruled by a regent.

With Catseye using her own sorcery to create an ocean of clouds up in the sky for it to sail on, the Silver Mermaid is able to reach Bayonne in less than two days, owing to its newfound abilities to travel as the crow flies, and avoid sailing against the currents of the river. Ozwin and his crew need some time to get used to the idea of sailing in the skies, but eventually they see the value of it, and even Arumi looks impressed.

Along the way, Ysandre receives a message from Mara, the Circle's spy in Nalia, who is using a variety of disguises - a servant, a courtesan and a noble - to infiltrate Quincel's court and gather info. From what she has learned, Quincel is unquestionably supported by about half the nobility, while the other half suspect that he murdered the previous king, but won't act against him without proof of this. Melisande meanwhile is universally beloved by the entire court, owing to a combination of her grace, beauty, and profound diplomatic ability. She has already mediated a number of disputes between the nobility, and negotiated a lucrative trade deal between the kingdom and the local Guild factor. Naturally, all of this has increased support for Quincel as well.

On the Silver Mermaid, Arumi attempts to mend the tensions between her and Ganzin with a heartfelt apology to him, and an acknowledgement that the Wyld Hunt's massacre of his village and murder of its Solar protector was nothing short of a heinous and unjustified crime. Ganzin just gives her a bitter look before turning around and walking away, but he can at least be said to merely dislike Arumi now.

22nd of Ascending Air, Realm Year 768, Afternoon
The Silver Mermaid sails into Bayonne's large harbor, mooring up at the side of a stone jetty. Looking around from the ship's deck, the members of the Circle see the harbor to be full of activity; several other ships of various sizes are docked, with dockworkers scurrying about, loading and unloading numerous trade goods. At the edge of the harbor is a tavern, currently full of raucous sailors happy to be back on land after much time on the rivers, as well as Baphinol's temple, a large building that borders the river and is surrounded by thick and high stone walls. Past the edge of the harbor, several streets lead into the rest of the city.

Once the ship is docked, Ozwin will set off to find clients he can sell his goods to. Ysandre and Catseye will presumably head towards Baphinol's temple to negotiate with the god. What does everyone else wish to do?
When Catseye Kishan emerges from her cabin, she seems a woman transformed. When these Exalts first met her as Mara's 'second', she was dressed as a nondescript sailor. In her time traveling with the group, she's favored the plain clothes of a traveler who doesn't carry a lot of cash. Now, she's wreathed in a rather striking black dress with gold-thread embroidery, presumably packed away until now. Her thick curly dark hair looks lightened a bit and is neatly pulled back in a single braid that lies down her neck, bound in a decorative golden chain. She'll never be a gorgeous woman, not with those freckles, that scar across her nose or the sullen cast of determination that's worn itself into her features. But she's cleaned up better than any might believe, save those used to the adornment of nobility.

Trailing her is an equally spectacular crystalline figurine made up of gemstone segments. Currently, three sets of segments serve as legs while five other sets presumably function as arms.

"I don't know if you have plans," she says, addressing the Exalts that have presumably assembled to watch the ship's entry into the harbor and the approach of the city. "Ysandre and I can probably handle this ourselves, if we need to. But I'd like you all there as well."

"Baphinol's a river God, one who is used to people needing them a lot more than they need people. Exalts like us haven't been seen in a long time and it's been even longer since anyone powerful took us seriously. I'd like us to project an image of power right from the start. And that would be easier to do if we could bring you all with us. Spirits can usually feel the shape and strength of a person's power and Baphinol's no different. Without even saying a word, your mere presence will reinforce our position; that we're not here to beg them for help so much as propose a better partnership than what they've got going on already."

Catseye smiles briefly. "It's just an hour of your time, just the introductory meeting. Once Baphinol's seen you all and we've mutually decided how to approach this negotiation, you can split up and do whatever you'd like to. Sound fair?"
Quill is standing on the deck nearby when Catsye makes her announcement and invitation. Knowing they are nearing a city, he consciously makes sure he's treading the ground again, and not floating slightly above it. There's no reason, for now, to announce to the world that he is a sorcerer.

"I will be more than happy to join your delegation. In fact, I have some words i would like to exchange with Baphinol myself, if we find out he's inclined to help or at least silently consent to our mission."

The river god can be useful to crafting the crown. And now he berated himself for not taking the time to learn more about him, so he could at least make a proper gift... but maybe he can make something makeshift. just to prove his potential to the god. "What do we know about him? besides being a river god of the local river?"
"Ozwin gave us a bit of a grounding; the guy loves booze, does his job well enough, but wouldn't complain about getting more worship. Ysandre and Catseye might know more, seeing as they're the ones who first got in contact with him." says Ganzin.

The Fire Aspect then looks at Catseye. "That plan definitely makes sense, but does it include us Dragon-blooded us well? After all, we've never had a slump in activity the way your kind have."

"He basically means we never disappeared from Creation." says Arumi.
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"I would think that with Dragon-Blooded among us, it would show a sense of unity among the exalts. That we arent simply the rare Solars, but any who choose to walk this path." Zedradon suggested.

"If you need my help, I am there. I shall go with you. Though I can't say I have had any experience with nobles or courts or gods. Any certain way you need us to behave while we are with you on this?" The doctor asked. "Or shall I just keep my mouth shut and look stern and meaningful?"
"I would think that with Dragon-Blooded among us, it would show a sense of unity among the exalts. That we arent simply the rare Solars, but any who choose to walk this path." Zedradon suggested.

"Good idea." says Arumi. "In that case, I will gladly join you."

"What she said." adds Ganzin.
Ailera goes to find the others, both to see what they are up to and to share her concerns with the Sidereal that's hunting her. She says, "I know little of gods, but I would love to learn. But, I need to share something with everyone. Something about my past that came back to haunt me at the fort. When I first Exalted, it was because another Exalt had hired me and my crew of cat burglars to rob an expensive house. It was a trap, designed to make me take my Second Breath. When I did, the other Exalt said he was waiting for me, and wanted me to join him in some grand scheme. I refused, and walked off."

She pauses for a moment, then says, "I thought I was over and done with that, but when I was opening up the gate, it turned out that one of the guards was the same man. He told me that he was not done with me, and was going to recruit me to join him or else. We fought, then when Zed came in, the Sidereal fled. I don't even know his name, but if he's willing to chase me down across all these miles, I strongly suspect that he's going to make another appearance sometime in the future. I just wanted to let you know what happened."
Axtis sits back, calmly smoking a pipe as she listens to the various Exalts and their stories. "Perhaps we will see this Sidereal again, then. If we do, I would offer up the suggestion to have you inquire as to just what it is that he wants of you. It may be of interest to us all." <puff puff> "As for the meeting with the river god, I will happily go along with you. Showing the god that there are so many Exalts gathered together might help to put some weight to our words."
Quill's mouth opens and closes immediately. Ask him about any subject, and he might know a tidbit about it, except these Sidereals. Knowledge of them has never crossed his hands. And in a way that frightened him. How could there be an Exalt our there with no knowledge about them?

"It is good to know, but for now, I agree that we'll have to figure it out when we get there, or once we know more about them." And he clears his throat. "Before we go into the meeting with Baphinol, might we be able to get some gold, and aquamarine stones? We cannot show up empty-handed to a meeting."
With every report Ysandre receives from her homeland, she becomes ever more doubtful. If the country is thriving without her and unifying behind its king, illegitimate though he may be, what right does she have to come with sword and shield to overthrow them? How can her arrival mean less suffering for her people when her brother is a threat only to her? Her heart aches to go home, but can she justify it when doing so would lead to the spilling of Nalian blood by those who are, quite frankly, foreign invaders.

She puts such thoughts aside for the moment. Even if she cannot yet go home, Baphinol is a valuable ally for anyone who lives their life along these rivers, and he may hear more of the smallfolk's worries than Mara does in the capital. On that note, she makes sure to send a message back to Mara to find out if the ordinary people's lives have changed for the worse following her exile.

In sharp contrast to Catseye, when Ysandre joins her fellow exalts on the deck, she is looking as inconspicuous as the others have seen her, at least at first glance. Though she has donned her royal finery of white and blue decorated with the majestic swan of her house as well as gold and silver embroidery, she has hidden it away beneath a simple cloak, the hood of which also hides her elaborately braided golden hair.

"It is a trading port, Quill," she says with a smile as she joins them, "I'm sure we can find that and more before we approach the temple. A gift of wine would also be appropriate."
He nods at Ysandre but joyously responds "While I am sure he would be delighted by wine, something tells me that few of his visitors would bother giving him a custom drinking horn decorated with aquamarine..."
"I agree with Quill." says Arumi, giving the Twilight an approving glance. "And if there aren't any of those materials in the hold, we should be able to buy them from somewhere in this city, assuming we have enough silver on us."
Over the course of the voyage, Ryan kept much of his frustration with the situation to himself. His time was primarily spent looking after the rank and file of his company to ensure all the injured would recover sooner rather than later. Every now and then, he'd check in on Ganzin, Arumi, and Zedradon to ensure that things remained civil.

When Catseye Kishan emerges from her cabin, she seems a woman transformed. When these Exalts first met her as Mara's 'second', she was dressed as a nondescript sailor. In her time traveling with the group, she's favored the plain clothes of a traveler who doesn't carry a lot of cash. Now, she's wreathed in a rather striking black dress with gold-thread embroidery, presumably packed away until now. Her thick curly dark hair looks lightened a bit and is neatly pulled back in a single braid that lies down her neck, bound in a decorative golden chain. She'll never be a gorgeous woman, not with those freckles, that scar across her nose or the sullen cast of determination that's worn itself into her features. But she's cleaned up better than any might believe, save those used to the adornment of nobility.

Trailing her is an equally spectacular crystalline figurine made up of gemstone segments. Currently, three sets of segments serve as legs while five other sets presumably function as arms.

"I don't know if you have plans," she says, addressing the Exalts that have presumably assembled to watch the ship's entry into the harbor and the approach of the city. "Ysandre and I can probably handle this ourselves, if we need to. But I'd like you all there as well."

"Baphinol's a river God, one who is used to people needing them a lot more than they need people. Exalts like us haven't been seen in a long time and it's been even longer since anyone powerful took us seriously. I'd like us to project an image of power right from the start. And that would be easier to do if we could bring you all with us. Spirits can usually feel the shape and strength of a person's power and Baphinol's no different. Without even saying a word, your mere presence will reinforce our position; that we're not here to beg them for help so much as propose a better partnership than what they've got going on already."

Catseye smiles briefly. "It's just an hour of your time, just the introductory meeting. Once Baphinol's seen you all and we've mutually decided how to approach this negotiation, you can split up and do whatever you'd like to. Sound fair?"
Ryan shrugs. "That sort of outlook is in no short supply. I'm rather used to various pedigreed runts expecting unwavering service for nothing at this point." The commander's hand twitches, instantly reliving a series of moments where he nearly strangled a lesser baron's son for putting his militia unit in danger consistently.

When the group, including Arumi, enthusiastically volunteered, Ryan cracked a smile. "I'm always up for putting pressure on territorial spirits though. Let's get this done."
Catseye nods along as one suggestion is made after another. "Gifts are indeed a good idea. Let's see if we can find any deals. I've been a merchant for a good portion of my life so I'm confident I can haggle us down to a good price on anything we need to get for a good offering."

Sherwood Sherwood
The Eclipse frows, though, and says "I've never heard of a 'Sidereal' before so any guesses as to their capabilities would help in predicting what he'll do and how he might come at us. We can talk on the way, though."

Rykon Rykon
And as the group sets off, Catseye naturally assumes a gait that matches with Ryan's stride. "I'm hopeful this won't need your soldiers at all," she murmurs conversationally with the Dawn Caste. "It hasn't escaped my attention that you seem...tense. And have been, for a while. Is there something going on we can help with?" The freckled Eclipse arches a notched eyebrow inquisitively before adding "Or are we part of the problem for you?"
"If it were you, would this be the time and place to say so?" Ryan chuckled with a gesture to the open air. "Regardless, no. While others may have had a problem with my decision, it was something I had to do. I cannot afford to deny my comrades my help in righting their past tragedies and then turn around expect them to help me with mine or you with yours. Nobles may be able to get away with that, but those of us that grew up on farms learned quickly that's not how this world really works."

The commander paused trying to focus on his actual point rather than sound like he was rebuking his companions. "If a farmer needs help putting up a barn, the neighbors pitch in. Why do they do this? Because when the time comes that one of those neighbors needs a hand from the first farmer, they know he'll pitch in. That is... until he doesn't." Ryan's expression soured somewhat. "While the new troops may have pretended to put up with a refusal because 'I'm the one who hands them their pay', there's more to it than that. Money is not what drives a man to fight to win. It's not wallets that really win wars, it's hearts."

"My bumpkin outlook aside, what has me on edge is the fact that we're leaning on a spirit. I don't trust them. The one service Immaculates do us small folk was breaking their kneecaps when they got too full of themselves to remember their place. That is to say, when they don't bring armies to colonize with them." Ryan exhaled slowly trying to remember his manners. "Thankfully, I'm not the one that has to do the talking this time."
Rykon Rykon
"In my experience, waiting for the right time and place to say things usually means they never get said." Catseye smiles and shrugs a bit self-consciously. "That said, we're strangers to this city so I'm not especially worried. Most people in Creation have too much going on their lives to think about travelers they probably will never see again."

She listens intently to his explanation, to his bearing of motives and what drove him and his men to go into a battle with such stakes and such lasting consequence for them all. At last, the Eclipse nods. "I can't argue with any of that. I don't want to even if I could. People helping people's how anyone gets by in this world. The Gods know the Exalts haven't pulled their weight in doing what they were meant to, so of course all you can do is watch out for yours so they'll watch out for you too."

"Though we might be able to change that, Ryan." Those dark golden eyes of hers look to the Dawn Caste's face as her smile softens. "I've never heard of a group of us getting together. What we're trying to pull off here could go a long way towards setting up our success down the road too. And that road leads somewhere better than anyone in these lands has experienced in their recorded history. People do fight for money but you're right, they don't win for it. They win when they believe. And what we can do, together, is build something they can believe in."

"What we're building will take more than men and more than us. It'll take treaties and trade, spirits and allies and a whole host of infrastructure to pull off. But if we build it strong enough, not much of anything can knock it down. You don't like spirits." Catseye shrugs again. "That's fine, I didn't either. And you don't have to. That's the other advantage of all of us working together the way we are; you don't have to do everything and you don't have to do what you're not passionate about." She places a hand on his shoulder, a cautious touch yet meant to reassure. "Spirits are something I'm good at. And no one talks like Ysandre does. I can't promise we'll land a deal that puts the spirit under our boot the way the Immaculates do but I will promise we'll reach an arrangement that's better for all of us than what we've got now."

"Fair deal?"

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