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Fantasy ๐’ž๐’ฝ๐“‡๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐’พ๐’ธ๐“๐‘’๐“ˆ ๐‘œ๐’ป ๐ธ๐“๐’น๐“‡๐’พ๐’น๐’ถ

Jin Aethor
Mood: Calm/Curious
Unknown Floating Island -> Main Deck of Infinity

As it had appeared, the trio had been conversing with one another for a small period of time prior to Jin's arrival. Whatever they had been speaking about was of no real concern, although the rather strange appearance of Fiona's beak-like mouth was definitely one that had him tilt his head in a rather questioning manner. Since Red and Shiloh had not seemed to question her regarding it and moreover seemed pleased with the fact that he was in good condition rather than anything else.
It wasn't until Shiloh had spoken up regarding Fiona's discovery of an abandoned ship off towards the east that Jin would turn directly towards the direction of said ship. 'A ship...? What's a ship doing way out here...in the middle of nowhere?...' Questioning the reasoning behind the vessel, Jin soon returned his attention towards the trio who appeared to all be agreeing with the thought that there might've been supplies that could assist in the repairs of the Infinity.

When he had returned his gaze upon the three, Fiona had questioned the location of Hush. Extending out his free arm towards the direction of their own ship, Jin returned the question with a light chuckle of his own. "Hush headed back for the ship. Knowing her, she's probably already back there." As he spoke, the thought of Hush brought back his intentions of speaking with her later on regarding the dagger she handed to him for the battle with the Moosebear, the last thing the crew needed was a possible traitor in their midst; obviously enough, she would deny it if he were to speak with her directly, but the least he could do was say something and see her reaction.
"As for the abandoned ship. That sounds like a perfect place to gather some supplies. Go for it, just remember to be careful. I am aware of what you're capable of Red. Although, we have yet to see what you two are able to do. The wildlife here don't seem to be overly friendly, as you can see." Motioning towards the large appendage of Jin's own victory in his arm by bouncing it slightly.

After giving permission and confirmation as to what the trio could do, he proceeded to continue on his trek back towards the Infinity. Making sure to wave his arm over his head as he made distance between him and the three crew members. "Don't forget to get plenty of nails! Y'know Azure...putting in way more than he needs and when we need more, we never have any..!" Calling out to the small group, he kept walking forward till he would've been out of sight.

The trip back took a mere several minutes, eventually the Infinity would come into view, seeing as to how Azure had already setup his own workbench in front of the ship and torn off multiple of the old broken wooden boards from the ship, it seemed as though he was already in the process of repairs with what he had to work with. Chuckling at the sight, Jin dropped the large arm of the beast onto the floor beside the ladder of the ship before climbing his way to the main deck. It was practically empty, the only crew members on board were Azure and Hush who were conversing with one another. Just as Jin was about to head over towards Azure though, the sudden sound of a thud hitting the ground floor had him turn his gaze over the railing of the ship, finding that Eiren was heading off into the forest alone. "Hey! Eiren, just letting you know...Red, Shiloh and Fiona were heading off towards the east. Supposedly they found some ship wreckage, mind if I ask you head over there and help them out with any carrying back of supplies?"

Calling out to their fellow crewmate as he wandered off, Jin soon returned his focus onto the duo still on the main deck. Approaching Azure from behind, Jin would pat the young helmsman onto his back lightly to get his attention. "I see you're already right back to work Azure, nice. Surely, we'll have a big ol' feast tonight to celebrate the full repairs of the ship! And hey..if you wouldn't mind, there's a big ol' chunk of Moosebear on the floor beside the ship. I..can't exactly carry that thing up the ladder, mind if I ask you help out with that?" As Jin spoke, he attempted to keep a warm and bright smiling expression across his face the entirety of the time, knowing well enough that most of the crew was most likely hurting emotionally more than anything with the loss of their Captain, someone needed to at least keep a positive demeanor. Taking into consideration Hush's words about how with the crew gone they needed someone to take charge and if that wasn't possible, then the whole crew would just be doomed altogether.
After addressing Azure, Jin reached to the dagger that had still been hooked to his belt before unlatching it. Twisting the dagger in his palm just to hold onto the blade, he held out the handle towards Hush, making sure to expose the symbol of the church to her. Keeping his same warm smiling expression, as strained as it was, he faced Hush while returning the weapon to her. "Thanks...the dagger was...helpful." Rather than converse too much with her, after handing the scout back her weapon, Jin headed off towards the helm of the ship. Questioning Hush while Azure had still been present was definitely not an ideal spot to be speaking about something as important as the possibility that she had been a traitor and even being the reason why the crew was in the position they were currently in.

After reaching the wheel of the ship, Jin stared at the intercom device sitting on the dashboard for a few moments. Could he do this, could he honestly bring himself to speak to the whole crew after everything that had happened. Balling his hands into fists, he dug his nails into his palms while his hands shook by his side. No, there was no question about it, he HAD to do this, it's what the Captain would've done. Grabbing a hold of the small circular microphone, he pressed each of the buttons to make sure that his voice would be heard throughout each deck of the ship. Inhaling deeply before sighing, he swallowed the lump in his throat before deciding to speak. "Attention. Attention. All members of the S.S. Infinity that are currently on board. This is your Quartermaster. Now, I know what you all may be thinking. That our Captain is dead, that our father...that our grandfather, might be out of our lives...but fret not members of the Infinity! We all know him! We have been on many adventures together, we know what he is capable of! Do not lose hope, our family must stick together...no, we WILL stick together. We will find our Captain and will shall bring him back, no matter the cost. So, stay strong everyone! Stay strong and keep your head up, we will overcome this, together. As a family!" With that said, Jin hung up the microphone while gritting his teeth together under his breath. He was never great at words of inspiration, that was always the Captain's job, and he was good at it. How was he supposed to match up to what that man was, at this point, Jin had just hoped that whatever he said would at least help out the crew in some way to move forward.
Code by Serobliss
xander walked through the market , his clothes covered in dust to the point where the green on them appeared almost dark blueish .
he watched as people of all classes walked around bargning and buying whatever the markt offers .

as he walked by what appeared to be an older rich women his hands slowly morphed and became skinnier and loger .
it felt like his fingers where being broken and torn , even with a higher resistance to pain he still grunted a little almost catching the attention of the people around but barely holding it in.

his fingers moved into the womens purse grabbing what felt like a ring and a necklace.
he quickly pulls his hands back and puts them in his pocket , the pain had stopped but he wasnt planning on turning them back to their original shape for now since it was already painfull enough.

as he walked through the large space he saw the amount of poverty the people were in .
the people needed a new power , a new resistance against the the high class , against the king taxing them out of their lifes.

but a revolution needs money , it needs the people together , so for now he's gonna have to find a way for himself to survive.

as he gets far enough from the old lady he takes his hands out of his pockets and sees that while the ring might be worth something , the necklace was merely a peace of string with a small plastic bit on the end , looks like a toy for some animal , tough luck.​
Firey Chef
Dominique LaยดSar
S.S Infinity |

Interacting with: 606 606 // TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity
Mentioning: Nothingness Nothingness // AI10100 AI10100 // Hanarei Hanarei

Dominique LaยดSar was many things. A strong woman with her own will, a talented chef, a drinking headโ€ฆ but not someone with an insane tolerance to headaches. As many members returned to the deck and, Dom was sure, bombarded her, she excused herself. She gestured to Linsie, saying the dragon would warm up their food when they went to the kitchen. But she definitely needed some good rest for five minutes.

Her room looked as cozy as ever, smelling of lemon and cinnamon. It took her thirty seconds to get rid of her shoes and grab her phone from the desk until she flung herself into her pillow. Dom sunk into the feather bed and opened her phone.

โ€œSo boring,โ€ she muttered and opened Minglist. An app with many pictures to it, sorted through her interests. She could even pin them to a separate board. Dom scrolled through a few outfit ideas, pinned new ones and closed the app again. Only to open the next one. An app where people could post themselves and their activities. Before everything went to hell with bounty hunters, Dom used to send selfies of herself as well. They received more pleasing feedback than sheโ€™d ever imagined. Though the younger people of the crew told her to not open her private chats and actually set the settings on private. She never tried to understand why or even began to question it.

Dominique rolled to the wall, her arm resting underneath her head. She closed it as well after checking up on a few famous cooks. They had pretty nice ideas, sadly only for their five star restaurants and not an entire crew. The group chat of the crew opened before her. She didnโ€™t bother reading any of the new messages and simply shot a quick text through, telling the others food was ready in the kitchen. Her phone vanished into the bed a minute later. Dom simply laid there.

What a fucked up day. First they lost gramps and were stuck on this stupid island. She let a suffered sigh escape her. Her flat hand slapped her face. Resting now seemed unfair compared to the others. Azure and Mary would soon repair the ship and the others fought against some beasts. She only laid here. Not like a coward, but because she couldnโ€™t keep the bottle away from her mouth. Even now, Dom wanted to drink her mind away. It was never good to get lost in her thoughts. She gave herself an inner slap. Her crew needed her now. And even though the world spinned and her body screamed at her- Dominique got up once more.

The drinks kept her memories away. She had to focus on whatever was happening around her and had no time to think about what happened over a decade ago. It muted the screams in her ears. Her own sobs and cries as her friends burned to ashes. All thanks to her.
She only realized that she buried her nails in her palm once she released her fists to look at those hands. Soft and calm. Like the sea before a storm. If they knew what brooded underneath her skin, would they still regard her with their smiles? Linsie didnโ€™t care. The fire couldnโ€™t hurt her- but others. This ship was her second chance. She refused to mess it up.

And right now they needed her. โ€œFuck this,โ€ she said as she heaved herself on her feet. New outfit, new start, right? Yeah, something in the way like that. Dom walked to her closet. Would her short black dress be suitable for a forest she wasnโ€™t acquainted with yet? Probably not. But at least she looked fabulous whilst going under. Dom flung the hanger with the dress on her bed, followed by one of her least favorite jackets. It didnโ€™t look bad- no, quite the contrary. But this one was older and it hurt less to perhaps end up tearing it apart.

Dom crouched to her boxes and looked through the one for leg accessories. A cook had taste through and through. Since her dress had no pockets, and those of her jacket would be too small to hoster her beloved Rosaline, she pulled her leg leather straps. Perhaps a dagger to? Did she have one? Dom shrugged. A knife from the kitchen did the job, probably.

Before she changed, Dom turned on her music. She needed a refreshed spirit. What helped better than music? Nothingโ€ฆ except alcohol but that was a no-go for now. Just where had she put it-

โ€œDamn it,โ€ she cursed through pressed lips. Her pillow was flung around as if it hid her phone. Afterwards she got to the covers and- BAM. There it was. On the floor. Dom picked it up and checked for a new crack. Not that itโ€™d be any different. Luckily, someone has told her to use screen protectors. A true life changer, truly. It helped her bank account, too.
The next thing she needed was her music box. Dom hadnโ€™t used it for a few days. She hoped it didnโ€™t break from the crash. Maybe Marie could repair it? No? Perhaps their cookโ€™s dire need of music wasnโ€™t that important given that their captain was lost. Hopefully not to the bounty hunters though. Sheโ€™d hate for that to happen.

But would she kill for him? For this family?

Dom stopped in her tracks, the blue box in her hand. Would she? The question haunted her mind. Back at the port she hadnโ€™t hesitated to draw her gun, to shoot. May it only have been thanks to the adrenaline spiking her body and head, clouding any sense of remorse or morals. But now? In a planned mission? Could Dom draw her gun and end a life? No, multiple ones. There were other ways, for sure. She was not one with a bounty. Dom was only a humble little cook. Perhaps she could talk Gramps out of this deep shit.

Dom shook her skullet, drowning those thoughts together with whatever came up as well. The box vibrated soon with the bass and voice thrumming out of it. The demoiselle slipped the clothes from her body. She swung her hips back and forth, her hair twirling around her head. Over her lips flooded the lyrics she managed to remember whilst she jumped into her dress. Dom continued to bring her hips into the rhythm of her favorite songs, turning the volume higher and higher until she could only hear her music. Until it took the lead in her mind, in her thoughts. [the song]

It was an option to stop dancing while she strapped the leather to her leg, but again. It was only an option. There settled a smile on Domโ€™s face. One she had missed so often. It didnโ€™t matter now. All that mattered was her playlist blasting out her favorite songs.

Dom swung herself to her desk and unpacked her mirror. Not an excessive look, of course. She was only going into the forest to collect some things. But it was for a big meal tonight. One where sheโ€™d demand many of the crew to fucking attend before anyone was left to weep alone in their fucking own thoughts. So, it kinda had to look good for dinner tonight.

She turned the music louder once more. This box didnโ€™t overtune even though the bass thrummed harder than before. Dom hummed with the lyrics, dancing even on the chair. Her makeup spread on the table before her. She didnโ€™t reallyโ€ฆ she didnโ€™t choose any. It was her gut deciding what foundation or blush sheโ€™d use.

Whilst she put on the basics on her face, Dom sang full heartily along the lyrics. She learned the language in one of the kitchens she worked for. Many languages were attained that way. Listening, repeating. An endless circle. It proved of use in a lot of ports for either trading or asking where the next club opened. It opened a path of new favorite songs too.

Dom curled her lashes, although they barely needed a refreshment. After contouring and blush, and adding a winged eyeliner in the last second, she stood again. Dancing. Rocking back and forth whilst desperately trying to put her makeup away. One of her brushes fell to the ground, together with what she deemed to be one of her foundations. As long as it didnโ€™t breakโ€ฆ She shrugged it off and kept swinging her hips. A hand ran through her still untended hair. Dom loved her hair when it laid open and wild over her shoulders. There were no intentions of fixing them now. [the outfit she is wearing]

The next song played. Instantly, Dom recognized the beat. Her smile deepened and as she had her finger laying on the little plus on her box as an announcement ran through the ship. The voice belonged to their quartermaster. So, they were back already?
She listened to the words Jin offered the crew. It only put her smile back in place. โ€œYou go Jinny! Thatโ€™s the fucking spirit!โ€

It also reminded her she had places to be and didnโ€™t get ready to party alone in her room. A party alone was no party to begin with, right? At the same time, she danced and had fun. It counted as one then. Just as Dom wanted to turn the song louder, she clicked the wrong button. It skipped to the next one.

โ€œDamn- well, suppose this one ainโ€™t that bad,โ€ Dom said before throwing the jacket over her shoulders. She didnโ€™t abandon her music though. The box slid into her pocket together with her phone. Her hips remained swinging as she strapped her gun to her leg. Dom left it visible for everyone orโ€ฆ anyone on that island. Or else theyโ€™d end up on her meal-list!

The demoiselle turned and swirled in front of her mirror. Dress- laying right. Jacket- she slid one side off the shoulder. Better. A lot. The gun? Looking deadly as always. Dom nodded in satisfaction, brushing through her hair before she laid it out in a middle part. [the next song]

โ€œLetโ€™s do this,โ€ she said to herself and slipped in what she deemed low enough heels for a forest. Sneakers would have done the job but oh. They would have looked awful under this dress! And those heels were practically low enough to count as a further cousin from sneakers. Her old cooking master would have scolded the shit out of her. Dom looked down at herself, a chuckle escaping her. He wouldโ€™ve called her out on so many things.

Dominique Laโ€™Sar strode from her room. The next song played. Her body took the rhythm in, soaked in it and moved. Moved. And moved. Her feet carried her on their own to the kitchen. The woman closed her eyes and lost herself in the music coming from her pocket, vibrating through her body. One thing she loved to feel in her bones, unlike the blue fire sleeping somewhere inside of her. Besides its unnatural color, this fire bore something dark. Darker than some abyss. But who was she to care now? Dom picked up the dancing and with a swing of her hips, she opened the kitchen door. It fell open with a loud bang.

Linsie, at the counter, flinched and shot her a glare worthy of ten knives. But her owner had better things to do than to utter an apology. The blue lizard couldnโ€™t stay mad at her anyways. Dom danced her way to the dragon and picked up her front feet.

โ€œCome on! Dance with me!โ€ she called out before pirouetting with Linsie in tow. Her dragon squeaked but Dom couldnโ€™t stop believing that Linsie had a smile on her face. She supposed the mechanical dragon had never seen her this happy. Or well, not this often. But someone had to keep the spirits up! If only to catch some of the energy to muster the stroll into the forest. Theyโ€™d have hard days later. Dom granted herself this. Although the next song calmed her a little.

She put Linsie down and patted her head. โ€œYou need to watch the kitchen for me, yeah?โ€ Her pet dragon twitched her head. Usually, Dom would tag Linsie along. But with Azure and Abe being so busy and equally hungry, she needed her little friend to stay here. No cold meals would be served in this kitchen. Not under her command or supervision.

Dom turned to the utensils stacked in the back. Her eyes fell on the bag of alcohol. โ€œSo, i uh-,โ€ she started but her mind clouded with the sight of it. All of this could end. She didnโ€™t have to pretend, dance or do anything. One bottle and it would be all solved. Those activitiesโ€ฆ They were for distraction only. She knew that. Cooking. Cooking was what brought this fucking tragedy over her friends back then. Because someone threw her food away.

And now? Did she even like cooking the way she loved it as a child or teen? Or was it all a facade. A wall she built to keep herself from breaking any more? Domโ€™s gaze turned colder each passing second. The longer she looked at the alcohol, the thirstier she got. Music blasted in her ears yetโ€ฆ she heard none of it. Only the things she told herself for more than a decade now. It was her fault. Hers alone. They were children. The boy did a mistake, yes. He was rude, yes. But had he burned the entire orphanage down? Together with all of the others? Had he heard the screams of his friendsรŸ Screaming, crying for help. But any help came too late.

Domโ€™s hands curled into fists. Blood dripped from her palms.

Why would alcohol fix that? Or music? Or cooking? It was all a distraction. Though alcohol worked the best in her favors. It brought her a fast sleep and the next day a pounding headache. Sometimes even a bit of sickness. The intoxicating liquids drowned her memories, her soul. She knew it was better that way. Wanted it that way, too. Abraham voiced his worries but heโ€™d seen Dom was too far gone. And no one told her what to do, anyways. Sometimes not even Gramps.


Dom swallowed the frog in her throat. It didnโ€™t move an inch. The bag of bottles seemed to grow. Grow. Grow. Until cold claws landed on her shoulder. She snapped out of her mind, allowed the music and Linsieโ€™s face back in. The dragon gained a fat pat on the head.

โ€œI am going to the forest,โ€ she continued and put the dragon back on the counter. Linsie had the face of betrayal drawn on her. Dom never left without the dragon. Especially because Linsie had wanted to explore. โ€œDonโ€™t look at me like that.โ€

She turned again, pretending to not see the sack of bottles sitting there. Sitting, waiting, calling for her. Instead, Dom took another bag and held it open. She looked through her arsenal of utensils. One knife, sharp and long to reach a daggerโ€™s worth, found its place somewhere along her gun.

โ€œI need you here you know,โ€ Dom continued and placed a few more things into her bag. It was left to see if she even needed them. โ€œAbe and Azure are probably going to visit you. I hate serving them cold meals.โ€
One last eye scanned for anything she might have missed. Well, she couldnโ€™t change that then. After all, she didnโ€™t even know what awaited her on that island.

โ€œAlso, someone has to watch my precious kitchen.โ€ Dom wasnโ€™t ready to admit she didnโ€™t want to endanger her dragon by exposing her to this island. Especially after seeing the chaos Jin and the others caused by killing whatever ran over them back then. Were there more? Or did they scram after witnessing what her fellow crew members were capable of? She certainly hoped for the latest. โ€œAnd,โ€ she threw a dog treat to Linsie. Apparently, the dragon had a passion for them. โ€œYou are my good girl, right? So, you donโ€™t mind staying here?โ€

Linsie swallowed the treat in one piece before burping a little bit of smoke. Dom didnโ€™t know how she stumbled across her, to be perfectly honest. She found her blue, lifeless body somewhere on a different island where they once stopped a few years back. And she just couldnโ€™t leave without her. After some experiments (which consisted of pushing, pulling and doing whatever to get answers; she was no scientist) she figured out that Linsie was no common animal. The eternum affected animals, too. Linsie had a mechanical body and heart under the scales. It took Dom three more ports before she found her black market contacts. They were of great help with that dragon. And soon, Linsie became her inseparable pet, friend and helper. Not that she would have left Domโ€™s side anyways. The little dragon stayed with her for the first weeks, afraid of the others. It took her a few months to become accustomed to strangers. And thanks to their adventures, Dom was able to introduce Linsie to many new people. Good as well as bad. Although her division of both parts was different.

No one wronged Dom or her family. Those who didnโ€™t, may they have been responsible for a murder or not, as long as they had a reason for it and did not cross her in any way, they were considered good. Or well, not too bad in that case. And she taught Linsie exactly those things. It brought Dom to wonder how her brain worked, too. After all, Linsie soon began to speak as well! A little flying intelligence, her Linsie.

โ€œOkay,โ€ she heaved the bag on her shoulders. โ€œI am off now. And you stay here, yes? If anyone touches my special pans and pots, bite their hand off.โ€

Linsie nodded accordingly. With a last pat, those were healing some inner conflicts, Dom could have sworn, she was off to the deck. Hadnโ€™t Hush returned before she went to her room? And wasnโ€™t said little girl in the forest already?

Now she prayed Hush was still on deck and not involved in anything serious. She climbed back where she left most of her crew mates. Some had left, one glance told her. But her gaze fell upon the little Hush. Though, she was more like a calm shadow. Sometimes it scared Dom in a positive way how she could sneak up on her. So much talent and yet she wouldnโ€™t eat enough. She would never grow that way! The next song, one of her top favorites nowadays, turned on. It added the swift to her movements, the swung in her hips as she walked in her heels. [the song ye need to listen to]

Dom let her music play as she approached, though she turned it down a little. Azure didnโ€™t look better, though he started working again. โ€œShouldnโ€™t you take a bit more time for rest,โ€ she said, not a question. โ€œBesides,โ€ Dom slid an arm around Hushโ€™s shoulders. โ€œdonโ€™t we need some materials first and foremost? I wanted to go into the forest anyway. Canโ€™t spend all the new supplies, right?โ€

Okay, what now.

Dom laid her box and phone and the ground. โ€œAnd I need Hush to lend me a guiding hand. Hate trouble, you know? Maybe wait for us and pay Linsie a visit in the meantime? Iโ€™d hate to leave her alone.โ€

She turned to the younger girl. โ€œAnd you are coming with me, if that is alright?โ€ Also not really a question.
Code by Serobliss
Interactions: Hecotoro Hecotoro
Mentions: 606 606 Nothingness Nothingness

Lindsey cocked an eyebrow up when Fang said he was all the time she was ever going to need.

"Really now?"

You could hear the amusement in her voice. Fang went on to offer to clean her room for helping him learn how to shoot. Well she actually wasn't even going to ask him anything in return buuut.....She turned to look back at her room. Honestly the room could use some cleaning up. But she barely saw this as her bedroom anymore. It was basically just her workshop . She turned back around to look at Fang and she smiled. She took his hand and shook it and smiled at him.

"Deal! But I'm going to need you put into memory how I have this room organized. Yeah its dirty and messy but I have but I have things in certain places so, make sure everything you move is put right back where I had it or you might fine your room turned upside down. K?"

And with that she let go of his hand and gave him a hard slap on the back.

"Alright! Let's get started huh?"

Lindsey went into her room and turned off her radio then gestured at Fang to come in.

"Alright look around and choose the gun you want. Any choice is fine while your doing that I'm going to look for my paint bullets don't actually want to kill anyone!"

Lindsey looked under her bed where their were a bunch of boxes. She pulled out two boxes. One had soft paint bullets the other hard. The worse the hard ones would do is leave a bruise.

"I think we'll use Azure for target practice. Ha! Bullets probably won't even hurt him.....note to self make bullets that can actually hurt Azure. Then I'll be invincible! Ha!"

Suddenly Lindsey heard the intercom come on and speaking through it was Jin who had come back to the ship. Lindsey stopped what she was doing and listened to the announcement. After he was done Lindsey sat there quietly thinking to herself. For one she suddenly felt stupid for forgetting they had a fucking intercom. That would have been easier then tracking down people. She could had made one announcement and just threaten everyone to come to deck. Then hunted down the ones that didn't. that would have been way more easier. Anyway the speech he made was nice it would have been even better if has made the speech BEFORE HE LEFT THE FUCKING SHIP. Instead of Lindsey doing the sane thing, which would be figure out why she was irritated and go talk to him, she instead went another route.

"Hey Fang forget what I said, Instead of using Azure I think we'll play with someone else......."
coded by kaninchen
Napoleon Mauvieux


Location: S.S. Infinity > Forest's Edge

Mentions: Nothingness Nothingness (Jin Aethor), AI10100 AI10100 (Abraham Rozant)

Interacting With: TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity (Hush) JJae JJae (Dominique La'Sar) 606 606 (Azure Hitch)

Down below the deck in a darkened room, oblivious to the chaos that had just befallen the S.S. Infinity, was the gentle sound of snoring. If one could focus enough, the soft light that slipped past the bottom crack of the shut doorway would reveal open boxes scattered over the wooden floorboards. A simple wooden desk and stool decorated the room, with multiple books bearing the symbol of the World Tree stacked haphazardly over each other. An empty bottle that once contained whiskey complimented a lone sleeping pill. And next to these items that might be mistaken for a recovering junkie's room who had just found God, ammunition and spare rifle parts lay about, as if they had just been cleaned or prepped for future use.
Hanging next to this table, a swinging hammock with a large 6'9" shape comfortably nestled over it with a deep, rhythmic breath. He was heavily blanketed, and in a hypnotic sleep; every time the ship tilted from evasive maneuvers, the hammock would gently rock him like a mother would to her tuckered child. Every time the ship would rumble from an explosive shell, he would cover himself deeper in his blanket, forcing his large, round ears to flatten as if to further block out the sound. The yells from both new and familiar voices would occasionally penetrate his room, but they did nothing to successfully pull him out from his slumber. It wasn't until the ship began the nose dive from her crash course that his body began to physically part from his bedding, as if a passing demon had decided to show off a cool party trick.

At the climax of the impact, the beastfolk was hovering three feet above his hammock, blissfully unaware of what was about to occur. When Azure caught the meteoric ship with his bare hands, in an instant, the wild dog is slammed against the wall. Caught by complete surprise from his medicinally induced sleep, his body released a deep canine-like yelp as he fully transitioned between fight and flight at least two times within a five second span. His lungs shifted into maximum overdrive, his deep oak eyes fully open, darting across the blackness, and his arms sporadically searching for his weapons. Of course, it was no use attempting to move, as the momentum of the ship had him pinned against the wall like a preserved insect in a display case. It wasn't until the S.S. Infinity had finally ceased its trail blazing that he's launched to the opposite wall, but only makes it halfway across from the steady deceleration. With a gentle roll, he lands on his back, followed by a few textbooks and empty bottles clattering next to him. His mind, at this point, seems to be elsewhere, a wide stare focusing on the ceiling.

Napoleon simply lay there, allowing his senses to stabilize for a moment, realizing that they probably had an emergency landing. Maybe the Eternum engine stalled out? Had they already left the port that they were supposed to resupply in? As a matter of fact, and quite frankly to begin with: what fucking time was it? With a shake of his head, his arms lift his body up, only now noticing how beaten he was from the way they released a subtle wobble or two. With the adrenaline wearing off, a growing pain was beginning to surface, his right hand rubbing the fur behind his head, while the other pressed against his lower thoracic region. He began taking in the darkness like an average man might take a dimly lit room, now noticing his belongings thrown as if someone had ransacked the place. He casually walks to a corner and picks up his sunglasses, then arms himself with Duskringer and Moonshot, which were safely mounted by his previous resting place. He bends down with a groan and secures munitions from a latched box โ€” it was then when he finally registered the smell. The sharp scent of iron, ash, and smoke. Without a doubt, this is what a battlefield smelled like.

"Shit," he mutters with gritting fangs, immediately breaking into a run out of his room. Stepping into the hallway alone amplified the smell of conflict; enough, at least, for him to question how he had managed to sleep through it. The clacking of his bare claws against the floorboards speeds up, almost slipping from a hasty turn, desperate to find answers. It was here where he hears Jin's words of encouragement over the ship's PA system. His thoughts at this point are not so much on the old man, but on Anika. If whoever attacked the ship was able to take out the Captain, then what of the others? What about Anika?

He finally ascends onto the deck, the sudden change in light bright enough to blind him through his shades. He doesn't wince, instead attempting a sudden stop once his gaze focuses on the only three bodies standing topside. The plan he managed to overhear was clearly Dominique's, who had an arm around Anika's shoulder, while Azure appeared to be working with a hammer in hand, even though he was in an obvious emotional mess. But his sight is fixated on the girl garbed in unmistakable assassin attire. Napoleon's tail let's out a gentle wag that slowly picks up speed, his ears now more perked up than they were a few seconds ago. With a deep sigh of relief, he gaits towards the trio, his expression beginning to harden as his figure begins to tower them, particularly the chef and assassin. If he would have to explain to them once more that he had trouble sleeping after night watch duty thanks to his sensitive hearing, he would definitely do so with an attitude.

"Count me in," the spotted dog interrupted, his tone stern enough to imply that he wouldn't take no for an answer. He scanned the deck, aware that they would probably need someone to do a bit of heavy lifting, especially if it was going to be additional lumber for the ship. And if Azure was going to stay behind, what better person for the job than himself? Plus, he would prefer if Anika was the one to do a quick and concise summary of what bombshell had just hit the crew.

"I'll get a head start by the forest's edge," he insisted to the three, as if giving them time to prepare for the trip. He begins walking away, focusing on his sniper rifle that was slung over his shoulder. He empties a five round clip into the magazine, and an extra bullet into the chamber. After checking the lens of Duskringer's scope, it appeared like he was about to crash into the railing of the deck, but instead phases through the barrier, landing on the surface of the island with his powerful legs absorbing the impact like it was nothing... Except that he forgot that his back was acting up just a few moments ago. With a wince and a sharp inhale through his teeth, Napoleon slowly stands once more, taking one step at a time until he's relieved from pain. He knew he was going to have to pay a visit to Abe at some point, though now wasn't the time. Knowing this, he continues to do the same procedure he had done with his sniper, only this time with Moonshot, which was resting on his opposite flank. He had to make sure that they were ready for action in case that they were needed. He of course prayed that that wouldn't be the situation.
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Azure's list of things to do sounded tedious. An expression of dismay quickly rested on Hush's face in response. While she did offer a helping hand, she despised mundane work like carpentry and cooking with a passion. Even maintenance on her gear was something she left to Red's expertise. From the sound of it, Azure needed her to help check the ship's underside and nothing more. A task they could only perform once the hunting party returned with more supplies. She wondered if the man wanted her to keep him company before then. The thought seemed probable when he asked her about prayer.

"I'll ask Father Napoleon," she replied. A few practices came to mind, but she was swift to defer the specifics to her religious colleague. There was no better person to conduct a service than a man educated in the World Tree's teachings. Similar to how quickly the conversation started, the two suddenly fell silent. Hush was never opposed to periodic gaps in an exchange. The pauses allowed her to observe her surroundings diligently, such as the gentle clang of Eiren's steps while they left for the forest or how Jin had finally returned. Lazily, her attention followed the cat man until he made his way to the duo, exchanging pleasantries with Azure.

Once he turned to her, his apprehensive glare caused her to hesitate. It was a sight she was accustomed to during her time within the Church of Eternity. A kind facade dripping with mistrust. As if he assumed she would slit his throat then and there if he wasn't careful. Did it have to do with the person called Father Silas? She wasn't sure. Taking the knife from him, Hush gingerly placed it back into its sheath. A nod was given before he walked away from them.

Soon after, Jin's announcement played. While it wasn't perfect, he was acting out his role. That was enough for her.

Once Azure resumed his work, the smell of alcohol assailed Hush's senses. Dominique's arm coiled around her like a boa constrictor ensnared its prey, the older woman pressing herself against Hush's shoulder. The assassin flinched. Blatantly, she stared at the drunkard's choice of clothing. A loosely hanging jacket and a short dress didn't match Hush's expectations for hiking apparel, but she kept that to herself. Instead, she found Dominique's critique of Azure to be mildly amusing.

Not that her statements were too far off. Azure was overextending himself, a terrible habit of his. Even Hush agreed he needed rest, whether he was a musclehead or not. Deep down, in her heart, however, she knew this was an excuse to get out of doing repairs on the ship. "Okay," she agreed to the cook's terms. Hopefully, her decision gave Azure a hint that he needed to take care of himself. It'd be annoying if she had to ask Fang to remove Azure's overworked corpse from the ship.

Suddenly, a familiar cacophony of scratchy clambering reached her ears. She watched as a looming silhouette emerged from the ship's interior, his height enough to cast a shadow over her when he approached. Though it was subtle, something similar to a slight smile curled its way to her lips. "Father," she addressed the beastfolk with a curt nod of acknowledgment. No sooner did he forcefully invite himself into their party. Then, with great haste, he phased through the railing and plummeted to the grassy terrain below with a thud. He was still the man of action she knew from a year ago. If he was going to make demands, then who was she not to jump on the bandwagon?

Peeling Dominique's arm off her, Hush turned to the cook. "Invite Eiren, too," she snobbishly ordered. While it wasn't their typical silent walks in the forest together, she felt comfortable with the automaton at her side. Sadly, she knew his kindhearted nature wouldn't allow the tinman to turn down their request for help. It was one of his better traits.

Without a sound, Hush shuffled to the portion of the railing that Napoleon had leaped off. She picked up a nearby rope ladder and slung it off the edge, the object, much like herself, not making noise as it unraveled to the ship's base. With a half-assed motion, she presented Dominique's new lift. "Go on ahead." She carefully eyed the drop. "I'll be right behind you."

Interactions: 606 606 Nothingness Nothingness JJae JJae Arvios Arvios
Mentions: Vexumin Vexumin Hecotoro Hecotoro
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Marie Caldewell

|Location: S.S. Infinity Deck
Marie watched on at what at best she could judge was an utter disaster. It took being above deck to tell how really beat up the ship was on the exterior. Only validation to her how great of a job she had done keeping the engine together despite her little 'booster'. Perhaps downplaying the whole flames angle and the ship stability. Minor details in the grand scheme of things she had to say. What was more surprising was a rather lack of cohesion as it seemd some of the crew were going about doing their own thing as she watched Lindsey fumble horribly at keeping people in order. It made her look on tapping at her hip a little bit. It was amazing despite being one of the newest bodies on board it seemed as if she somehow had a far better understanding at group dynamics and a command structure. Well... ignoring her illegal modifications to the ship... and the fact she was more of a long term stowaway then an official crew member... and...

She heard Lindsey speak as she seemed quite fed up electing to retreat leaving them to their own devices just giving Azure to word to get things fixed up. Well, not exactly what she probably should do as the one in command but... hey! Marie wasn't exactly sure what she would of done. Perhaps invited a loud device to shout to people, or maybe shock collars. No... the former was far to cruel and could hurt someone's eardrums. Either way it left her to simply shrug. Things would work out she supposed. She did her job right, or at the very least planned to before they took off. A nice quick check over of the engine would be fine. That and making sure her little device wasn't perhaps used again until a little more tinkering was done. It seemed as if the shorty Hush was going to help Azure out more directly. A probably better solution over-all. She could help with the hull repairs though her talents were better perhaps focused on the higher tech goodies the others wouldn't likely grasp as easily with.

Her head turned over having glanced over where the cabin was hearing the announcement from Jin. He must of been down below having overlooked him slipping back on board. A shrug coming up as she elected to moving forward as he gave his message. Perhaps it was cold of her but she wasn't exactly all that down trodden. Perhaps just a lack of a connection on her part, though Marie was always a bit of a strange case. It wasn't as if she was uncaring about others, but she also never tended to become overly attached or worried. Perhaps a bit too carefree over-all in her demeanor. Then again, someone like her who spends her time around dangerous machinery and experimenting with things that could so likely maim if not murder you should something go wrong, perhaps it was just all a necessity to be willing to do half of the crazy things she did.

She glanced over as she was about to walk over on the deck as Dominique approached the short one. She looked on tilting her head to the side watching as he overheard them speaking. She had hoped to leave much of the work to Azure and Hush though it seemed as if the woman had some need of the short one. A sigh escaped her lips as she shook her head. With the cook jumping over and the furry Napoleon seeming to make his own preparations, she approached Hush. The engineer humming lightly as she approached the two. Her hand placed on Hush's shoulder quite nonchalant as she looked over the side.

"Heeeeeeey! Can you get some water while you are out? 'Bout um... let's say... 4 gallons? Might be over-kill but need some for the coolant system and it needs to be distilled first or its a pain in my rear end to maintain later and just involves pesky downtime we don't want anywho. Since the ship is a bit un' right and won't be able to get a good supply normally"

She spoke her hand patting Hush's shoulder as she stepped back away moving over towards where Azure was. Her head turning back giving Hush a wave.

"Go on now lil miss, I'll help Azy here out. Just make sure to get me that water with our wonder chief. No 'fense, I'm probably more qualified anywhose for it as nice as it would be to go island shuffling. Oh well, maybe next time for me... or later. whichever is first."

She waved her hand quite dismissively at Hush as to usher her forward as she approached Azure. The engineer approaching otherwise rather stealthfully as she noticed Azure seemed a bit distracted. A sudden little nudge of her foot and a shout followed.

"Ey! Rock fer brains! You really banged up this beaut. Stop being such a downer and let's get this darling back and even better then she was before! No moping under my watch when we got improving to do!"

Interacted: 606 606 JJae JJae TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity
Mentioned: animegirl20 animegirl20 Nothingness Nothingness
The Watchman.jpg


Blast. Blast, blast, blast. Of course someone had noticed him before he could depart on his own little journey. It wasn't too far out there that he would be found out. Even though his duty was to be the Infinity's watchman, he supposed that other duties were not out of the ordinary. Though the captain usually respected his position and left him to it.

He could always claim that his audio did not pick up Jin's call to him as he was walking, but that would be a poor excuse. Perhaps not though. No one on the crew was entirely familiar with his specifications. He could claim that he heard nothing and no one would be the wiser.

He never allowed another member of the crew to lay hands upon his form. He usually trusted only himself to make any important or necessary repairs or updates to his body. Perhaps once or twice he has left such things in the hands of another if he was unable to do so himself, but ultimately he was his own specialist mechanic.

He didn't want to share this though. Not with the other crew. As far as they were aware, he was just a machine with some incredibly advanced functions that allowed him freedom of thought. Not that he had within him the memories of an entire other life.

That, and it seemed that not many made the connection with his name. Which was good. He has only ever mentioned his last name a handful of times. All for the better. Can't be ousted as the missing inventor.

It was unfortunate to say about this family, but he still could not trust any of them completely with his secrets. Even after fourteen years, he feared revealing too much to them. He did not have a bounty personally for breaking laws on royal lands, but it took even a single word of his secrets to attract the attention of any inventor worth their salt and have them putting out their own rewards for his retrieval.

All it took was a single drunken slip of the tongue for one of the crew to say something about him, should the topic come up, after he had spilled his story to them. There were some especially that he could not trust to hold their words when under the influence of alcohol.

Anyways, that was that. No need for the automaton to bring any unnecessary drama to his life or the lives of those he cares for. He was just an abnormal machine that took shelter aboard the ship for the past fourteen years. That was that. And he was afraid of what he would have to do if anyone sought to pry.

"Bah! Bad thoughts. Let's not dwell on those."

For now, he'd do as he was ordered. Materials for the ship, eh? That was something that he could do very well. Took but a thumb and a bit of pressure for him to press a nail into wood, taking something apart can't be too different, right?

Took just a bit of wandering to soon find the ship. He wasn't sure if he had been accompanied to the wreckage, having been lost in thought for most of the walk. Now who was it he was meant to meet? Red, Shiloh and Fiona. Those were the names that he could recall from recorded memory.

This was going to be a bit rough. Perhaps he would just keep quiet as he helped. Offer a friendly greeting and then get to work. Red seemed a bit stressed due to recent events, so it was best not to do or say anything to rile the hunter up. Not that the machine would intentionally do that. Eiren has never been one to seek to strain relationships.

Other than the hunter, it was the scholar and her personal guard. He knew the basic details of their relationship, whether they had meant for that to be a secret or not. It was easy to see when Shiloh got tense when others were near to the scholar. Clearly the guard was raised to have mind for a single duty, to protect the life of one over any other. He had seen such relationships during his time in royal lands.

He had attended his fair share of noble banquets and gatherings to tell who served and was served. Though it was not abnormal for simple scholars to be accompanied on journeys. He always swore he would never look into the personal life of this Fiona and Shiloh.

He would respect that choice.

"Greetings, all. I am here to assist in the retrieval of materials for the Infinity," he speaks to the three at the ship.

Interacting with: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum . D O V E . D O V E Guppy Franz Guppy Franz

Mentions: Nothingness Nothingness


S.S. Infinity Deck

Pants and

Little old me in a big world

azure hitch

When waiting for an answer from Hush, people were coming back, and people were leaving, and some have yet even come back yet. It was all so troublesome, maybe he would have to go and explain it to them one by one, or to the ones, it matters the most. When Azure looked at Jin first, the mention of food happened to brighten the other but did reveal the glassy red eyes to now their captain, a brother maybe a more accurate description, someone who Azure was afraid too well, face right now. Azure, after ripping out the board he was currently on, would toss it over the side of the deck, heading it thud against the other wood as Dom would have appeared as well, playing her strange yet still good music, commenting to Azure about resting and then asking Hush to go.

"No need to worry about me Dom, I'm fine after the steak," he said softly, getting up and would jump off the side of the ship to see the rather large hunk of meat that Jin had brought back, wondering how much of the beast was left out there but decided, to not worry about it as of right now as he slung the meat over on shoulder with ease, and would pull it up to the main deck, bringing it into the kitchen, nodding to the crew favorite dragon on board, walking back to the deck as Jin had made his announcement meant. He would talk to him later, but first, to deal with a few other things. Azure would return back to the area he was working on, picking up the hammer, and kept pulling out the numerous nails he had probably placed in before, to pull up the next board.

"Ah I see, once you ask him let me know Hush, and the three of you, if you need me to carry anything heavy back, send me a text," he added in, pulling out the new phone he just wasted the last bit of his allowance on, on top of a few things for his computer in his room, showing the others he really was just a text away, definitely not getting the hint to rest more. If he stopped now, the thoughts would come back and well, Azure really hated to keep on crying like this, it wasn't like him. Well, it isn't what he wanted to be at least. Mostly everyone seemed to be...getting over it quickly, and that wasn't fun. He would wave to the 3-4 crew members leaving even the rather tall cat man and Erin who Azure barely had the chance to even see much of today, looking out to the forest wondering what they were going to find, and even more so, where the other 3 members of the crew were doing.

Yet before Azure's thoughts could really spiral again, the voice of the engineer of the ship chimed in and Azure's head whipped around, pulling out another broken board to face Marie. It was her boost that did cause this situation, while it was, helpful in a sense, it also was a little out of control, even for the skilled helmsman. Azure tossed the board he just pulled out and would stand up, dusting off his bands, and looked down at the smaller girl with a small smile.

"Improving huh? Does that include adding a little extra 'kick' to the engine that nearly causes her to sail from one end to the other? I'm almost positive the normal amount of boost, the one we are all most used to, would have been just fine just..make sure your additions aren't as crazy," he said, only slightly mad but, she had a point. Azure, due to the engine had really banged up the ship, but with most people off, maybe she could help him with Hush leaving.

"While you're here Marie, Hush is heading out, if I lift up the ship, front and back end, can you check the underside damage for me? Just write down the broken parts at least so I know what to work on, after I talk to Jin and see if I can talk to Aries for a moment, so just, one second," he said, hoping the two conversations wouldn't take too long but first, it was Jin.

Azure, would first finish pulling up the damaged boards caused by Jin, tossing them off the ship, standing up again, and would walk up to the wheel with Jin, gently placing a hand on the familiar place Azure was often at. "I...I need to just say this so please just....let me." he started off, his hand gripping onto the wheel tightly now.

"I...You, you know I love gramps, he means the world to me, and everyone keeps telling me, that I didn't do anything wrong but," Azure paused as there was a tremble in their voice the more he would speak. "But, I still feel like it's my fault. Gramps told me, now, ordered me to get everyone out of there, to safety, and I just, feel like, anyone else, anyone else at the helm would have immediately turn around and gotten Gramps but I...I instead took us here an-and I'm, I'm so sorry Jin," they probably wanted to say more but, they looked to JIn with big round feminine eyes, as he teared up again, but, he felt comfortable around JIn, the much taller, the much physically strong man, would begin to cry quietly, having trying their best to hold it in but, it was a lot of the muscular man. "I'm so sorry I left Gramps behind." Whatever was happening now did not bode well for whatever conversation he might have with Aries. Just as quickly as the tears started to come down, Azure tried their best to sniffle them back up. "Thats...all I wanted to say. I'm going to find Aries." He said softly, and without waiting to hear any words Jin might say, Azure dashed off, into the ship, heading to the place where he would assume Aries might be, the library of course.

Upon reaching the door of the library, Azure knocked softly, opened the door, and with a shaky voice called out. "A-Aries...can I talk with you for a second?"

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

ยฉ weldherwings.

alexander put on the gold ring and then turned his arm back to normal , he walked up to oe of the jewelry shops .
he already knew this guy , he was an older gentlemen , used to help xander when he was a kid and got him some work in the past.
the half elf leaned on the counter.
"so , what'd you get this time"
xander held out his hand showing the man the ring.
"looks pretty good eh , just tell me this could get me enough food for this month"
the old man took the ring from alexander's hand before tossing him some ice from a refrigarator under the counter for xander's hand.
"lets take a look at this ... looks pretty good , but it seems there isnt that much gold in it , 14kt"
xander facepalms realising he will have to work during the rest of the month.
the old gnome man gives him a good amount of money , but its only enough to pay the rent for his apartement and some bills.
xander walks out of the shop and quickly opens up his skin and puts money inside of his skin , hurts a lot , but its worth it to hide his newly made gains.

"This is gonna be fun." Fang stated as he stepped into Lindsey's room. "Cleaning without moving things where they are? Organizing is half the battle, you just made my job easier. Now, what kind of gun do I want..." His hand began to hoover over the different weapons, his eyes concentrating on every single piece of equipment, trying to feel a connection to any of them.

Fang suddenly stopped when the announcement went on, listening but still looking at the weapons. For some reason, he felt that they were going to go into some big battle. Big Battle. Big. "Shotgun!" He called out, turning around, not seeing Lindsey until he looked down, "Shotgun!" He repeated, like if finally seeing her would get the message through, "Need something to just blow things away and up close. Cuz that's me, close combat up on your face you got something on your teeth, kinda guy, you know?" He walked over and sat down next to Lindsey, "So who we shooting? Anyone except Hush, that woman scares me."

Interactions: animegirl20 animegirl20
Firey Chef
Dominique LaยดSar
S.S Infinity |

Interacting with: TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity and Arvios Arvios
Mentioned: Hanarei Hanarei and Vexumin Vexumin

Before Dominique Laโ€™Sar could manage to say anything to Azure being oblivious to the fact that a single steak could not repair him alone, one of the other newest members hopped in on the conversation. Gosh, those ears! She never managed to ask or was tipsy enough to build up the courage to pet them. One day, Dom swore on Linsieโ€™s left paw, one day sheโ€™d do that. A top listed goal aside from a few others.

She took Hushโ€™s reluctant small answer in. Never the biggest talker but who said words were the only way to communicate? The girl had more expressions than anyone on this ship, even if they were subtle. Hush let her deeds talk for her, too.

โ€œInvite Eiren, too.โ€

Dom needed a second to work on that tone. Hm, who knew little Hush had such a tone set in her? She peeled her gaze from the girl, if only to hide that smirk tingling her lips. It faltered once she saw the robot vanishing behind the tree line.
โ€œWell, guess Eiren wonโ€™t be joining us,โ€ the cook sighed. Hush left it uncommented and went over to the railing the dog just leapt over. Right, how would she be getting down there? Her dress couldnโ€™t possibly rip before even entering this damned forest. Dom looked down on herself. Perhaps, but only slightly, by an ittsy-bittsy chance, she shouldโ€™ve gone for pants at some point. But who was she to look like an actual wanderer on this new island! If she was dying to anything native to this new land, then sheโ€™d better looked stunning.

โ€œGo on ahead. I will be right behind you.โ€

It snapped Dom back to reality. Hush had prepared a sort of ladder. So quietly she hadnโ€™t even realized it was happening until she pointed at it. She snapped her fingers, โ€œMy, Hush, you grow up to be such a gentleman.. gentlewoman?โ€ What was wrong with her. โ€œWell, anyways.โ€ Dom waved her stupid dialogue ideas down with the wind and climbed over the railing.
โ€œThank you my dear,โ€ she hummed before carefully slipping between the rope with her heels. Longer ones would have fit more under this dress, honestly. But they would have been highly unrecommended for the forest. By Hushโ€™s little side glances, Dom supposed her entire outfit wasnโ€™t the attire some would have gone for.

They all had no taste then.

Dom could hear Marieโ€™s voice booming on the deck. There was the little genius, who would have to repair her phone soon if she kept throwing it out of her bed. The demoiselle never wrapped her head around technology or mechanics like said person. Marie, who had gotten them out of the danger with a few turbulences. If everything went fine, it wouldโ€™ve been boring, right? So, fuck safe and sound and welcome island with huge moosebears.

She turned to the spotted dog, who ventured a little further away in the direction of the forest. Heโ€™d come with them. Could he sniff some herbs for her? Did she have enough equipment for this? Probably not. Dom had this gnawing feeling she had forgotten something. The problem was she couldnโ€™t quite put her finger on it.
Dominique sighed, rolling her head in her neck to face the sky. An actual beautiful day. At least for now. Though some events made her hate the sun a little for shining. The clouds were spare. As if someone spilled sauce when putting it on the plate. Perhaps she could think of this as some sort of far-away vacation with a one way ticket. More or less.

โ€œHey,โ€ she called out to the dog with her usual grin set in line. โ€œYou wouldnโ€™t mind carrying my bag, would you?โ€

Dom didnโ€™t move though. After all, Hush had to come as well and before the girl could sneak off- yeah. Sheโ€™d wait for her.
Code by Serobliss
Jin Aethor
Mood: Sadden / Focused
Main Deck of Infinity -> Infinity - Gym
Interactions ||
606 606

Mentions ||
JJae JJae
Hanarei Hanarei
Arvios Arvios
TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity

Finally, with the announcement done and out of the way, Jin remained at the wheel of the ship for several more passing minutes. Keeping his eyes focused on the main deck as he stood over it, he watched as Dom exited the ship's interior only to make her way over towards Hush to converse about something. Paying little mind to whatever their conversation was, eventually the next to arrive on the scene was Napoleon, taking notice as to how the beastfolk made his way off to the side of the ship before proceeding to also head into the forest as well. Finally, the last sight was none other than Marie, coming onto the main deck and also proceeding to speak with the rest of the crew about gods knows what. The sight of the entire crew talking with one another, exploring on their own free will and simply enjoying themselves to a degree brought back memories of when everyone was together and the Captain was on the main deck of the ship singing, laughing, dancing. Every time the Captain was on the main deck, no matter where they were going or what might've conspired the previous day, everything felt like it was going to be okay and that all the worries of the world took a backseat.

Being lost in thought, Jin hadn't even noticed as to when Azure had left his spot on the deck and made his way up towards the helm. Nearly jolting in place when he placed his hands upon the wheel of the ship itself, Jin kept his silence the entirety of the time while his fellow crewmate, no, his younger brother, spoke their mind about everything that had happened up till this moment. Listening to Azure speak about how he felt about leaving their Captain and his apology to Jin, all Jin could do at the time was hold in his own suffering and tears. As close as Jin was to their Captain, even if he considered the man as much as a grandfather as Azure did, it did not change the fact that Azure had been born and raised on the ship, if anyone saw this crew as family, it was no doubt him.
Barely able to bring himself to speak up, when Azure stated that he'd go and find Aries, Jin was quick to turn and extend out an arm to try and stop the young male. "Azure, wait--" Too late, he was gone and Jin was once again left to his lonesome at the helm. Gritting his teeth and fangs together, he hated the fact that he couldn't figure out the words to say let alone what he could do at the time to help his younger brother at the time.

Without much of a plan of what he could do next, Jin finally exhaled a deep sigh before making his way down from the wheel of the ship and heading straight into the interior. Heading down a single flight of stairs to where the living quarters resided, he headed straight for his own room. The hall seemed mostly quiet, everyone was likely doing whatever they wanted at the time while they were currently stranded on the island, so why not him. By the time he'd arrive at his own quarters, opening the room door, he was greeted by a majority of his belongings all over the floor and even some scattered on his mattress. Sighing at the mess, Jin spent several minutes tidying his room as best as he possibly could, scooping up the rocks and sand from his bonsai tree, carefully setting his lantern back onto his desk, wiping off some of the water from his fish tank off his bed, and a list of other small matters that had to be taken care of immediately. The other smaller details could be dealt with later on, for now, he'd the room the way it was.
Heading over towards the far wall at the opposite end of the room, Jin took hold of his sword that had been hung on two semi-large hooks. Slipping it into one of the buckles of his belt, he proceeded to leave his room straight after and head down several more flights of stairs until he reached another hall. This hall had nothing on the sides but rather a straight shot forward that would eventually lead to a large rectangular room that consisted of multiple different training equipment, some of which was massive in size that was meant for Azure and the Captain, others had a variety of different sized weights and a large list of other equipment meant for different sorts of training and excerise.

Rather than use any of the available equipment however, Jin headed to the center of the room before lowering his head and shutting his eyes. "Infinity. Initiate training regiment, level 8. Ice Biome. Remove safety inhibitors." As he spoke, the ground beneath him gave a small rumble before the equipment within the room began to move to the opposite end of the room to give Jin the space to move freely. 'SAFETY INHIBITORS. LOCKED. ADMINISTRATIVE ACCESS REQUIRED.' A female robotic voice spoke over the intercom within the gym as Jin kept his head down the entirety of the time. "Jin Aethor. Code X101752" Responding to the robotic voice, a small 'ding'-like noise responded to his command. 'CODE ACCEPTED. SAFETY INHIBITORS. OFF.' With that said, mere seconds passed before the entirety of the large room gave off a bright white glow only to reveal what appeared to had been the side of a giant snowy mountain. Jin had been left standing in snow that reached well up towards his ankles. While he knew this all was simply a hologram, the sensation of cold from the snow, the sheer cold sensation from the wind blowing in his face all felt like it was the real thing.

Reopening his silvery-gray eyes, Jin was greeted by a large number of strange snowy and ice-like beasts. Two of which appeared to look like large wyverns, four looked to be a sort of yeti-like creatures, the remaining six appeared to had been a sort of ice golems [ref.]. Steading himself, Jin took a drawing stance with his right-hand gripping onto the handle of his blade while his left gripped the sheathe firmly. Prepared for what was to come, he waited for one of his opponents to make the first move before striking.
In a matter of seconds, two of the golems rushed him at once, as one swung its enormous arms into the ground to attempt and crush Jin, it was quickly and easily counted by having Jin hop backwards before jumping onto the arms of the golem to use it as a lift to get into the air. Unfortunately for him however, the other golem was quick to respond to this by grabbing him by one of his ankles and slamming him into the snowy ground. Coughing and grunting in agony from the strike, before the other could end the battle in an instant by slamming its fists downwards, Jin was quick to respond by finally drawing his blade from its sheathe.

With the amount of time that it had spent generating energy within the sheathe due to the Eternum crystal locked within, the instant Jin released the blade from its resting place, a loud hissing sound flared from the hilt as a white gas-like steam emitted from the blade. In an instant, the blade easily sliced through the two arms of the other golem that attempted to once again crush Jin. With the large ice creature wailing in pain after losing its arms, the other golem began to lift and slam Jin down in repeated motions causing severe amounts of pain through his back with each impact. While on the normal occasion, hologram training would not inflict any actual pain or injuries on the trainer due to it being meant to test one's reflexes in battle and ability to understand where they were flawed in, with the safety inhibitors off, each strike against Jin felt as real as it could possibly get, while dying would not be possible, if he were to be stabbed through the chest, that pain was going to be real and the sensation of death was going to be more real than anything, at least until the training simulation would automatically end after.
Code by Serobliss
A Walk To Remember

Shiloh found it impressive that Jin was able to single-handedly deal with a Moosebear. It wasnโ€™t an easy task to do after all. He only nodded in response to Redโ€™s support in searching the abandoned ship. While Shiloh wasnโ€™t keen on Fiona joining them out of worry, he held his tongue anyway. It was hard not to when she smiled that brightly at the gesture.

"I agree. I'm not exactly used to traveling like this." Shiloh lied. One of many he had told since he left his home with Fiona. "We'll try not to disappoint." He reassured Jin with a confident smile on his face.

The beak was still there when his eyes landed on Fiona. He lowered his head so that she could hear his whisper. "If you're wondering why Red laughed, well, your beak is showing." There was an amused look painted over his face. He then turned his attention to the quartermaster and mentally noted the need for nails as Jin left for the ship. "We'll head back before dusk!" He followed to Jin before turning to Fiona.

"Hey." He called out to her, his hand reaching out to take hers. He intertwined his fingers with Fiona's, the smallest of dances made from the beating of his heart. "You can lead the way, but only if I'm by your side, okay?" His words were nothing but soft and sincere as emerald eyes gazed at the scarlet hues of Fiona's eyes.

Fionaโ€™s face flushed at the contact, her gaze immediately setting on their joined hands. It was almost enough to distract her from the fact that Shiloh had just revealed one of her fears - being seen with an odd feature. At the thought, she immediately placed her free hand over her beak and sheepishly glanced at Red. No wonder he was laughing! She must look very silly right now! It was unbecoming of someone of her status.

โ€œW-Why did neither of you say so earlier?โ€ The maiden asked, face beet-red out of embarrassment. She then pointed eastward before offering an open hand to the fiery-haired man. โ€œItโ€™s that way. Come on.โ€ She eyed him expectantly.

"I don't mind it." Shiloh shrugged nonchalantly. He was used to it after all.

It had taken a great deal of focus and restraint for Red to not gaze at Fiona, more specifically the beak that rested on her face. He had already cracked the first time, to break again would be too rude. Fionaโ€™s question was answered with a silent shrug as he looked away, his attention briefly directed to his boots as he examined them with mock interest. โ€˜Calm yourself, such childish distractions is below you,โ€™ he thought to himself, taking in a slow breath before his attention was returned to the Scholar as she offered her hand to him.

Red paused for a moment, silently staring at the hand with furrowed brows before glancing to Shiloh, his brow quirked upwards slightly in confusion. Was this normal for the two of them? Did holding hands make them feel safer? Redโ€™s eyes fell back down to Fiona and had raised his hand hesitantly, momentarily pursing his lips before gently taking her hand into his. โ€œVery well, I suppose,โ€ he said with a patient tone in his voice, his body slightly growing tense by the action, but his face remaining calm and collected.

Clearing his throat, Red let Fiona lead the way, his eyes briefly switching between Shiloh and Fiona, unsure of how to feel at the moment. Most of the time his eyes kept roaming around them, his mind trying to ignore the situation and keep guard. It felt odd to be led by the hand by a new crewmate, his pride as the senior of the small group damaged slightly, but it was a type of attunement for laughing at her beak earlier. For some reason, however, Red found all of this to beโ€ฆ familiar. An odd feeling of nostalgic warmth washed over him, making him furrow his brows in confusion. Perhaps he just hit his head during the crash, that must be it.

It wasn't every day that Shiloh got this chance. To be so close the way they were right now, but that didnโ€™t stop him from seeing that line that should never be crossed. He was playing a role for everyone else to believe. However, his emotions were easily turned upside down when Fiona offered a hand to Red, who accepted it hesitantly. While Shiloh was very much aware that they were just pretending, did Fiona still see Red in that way? Or were they just both dense?

The unwanted pit that he had buried all these years started to grow. He was well aware of the small semblance of jealousy that he held when they were all younger, the selfish relief that he felt when their fiery-haired friend had left back then. It still weighed on him after all these years, but that all seems to have disappeared with just one simple act.

What was the point of this when everything became like a hollow act? He should ask, or maybe he shouldn't. Amidst his internal debate with himself, he failed to realize that the dourness was seeping into his face, hands loosely holding on to Fiona's. Was he really just going to hold his tongue like this?

"How much farther?" He asked, unaware of the robotic tone that he had spoken with.

Shilohโ€™s uncharacteristic behavior didnโ€™t go unnoticed by Fiona. Ever since they had left her home, she has noticed that the man has been more expressive than usual. Heโ€™d say more words, let his face reflect what he felt, and hold her free of hesitation. It was like he was relishing a glimpse of freedom with her, and she was glad to share it with him. Yet, now, Shiloh was acting like he did back home - when there were hundreds of eyes on them. Stoic and reluctant, as if there were unseen chains holding him back until he loosened his hold on her. Like heโ€™d always do when others would look at them.

It confused Fiona, but she tightened her hold on Shiloh. โ€œItโ€™s hard to tell.โ€ Was he not happy that the three of them were together once more? Walking through a forest, all three hand-in-hand, just as she had always imagined when theyโ€™d scour the winding halls of her home. Sure, Red didnโ€™t know who they truly were, but what really mattered was that they were all together. Again. A dark thought casted its shadows on her thoughts. โ€œFlying and walking are completely different. One feels freeing, one feels clambering. I only know weโ€™re going in the right direction.โ€ The past, the present, and the future - they all felt like giants surrounding her with expecting eyes.

When she shifted to glance at Red, she found that he was wearing a puzzled expression. The one heโ€™d always sport when he was deep in thought. She remembered how much she disliked whenever heโ€™d do it because it meant that his mind was on somewhere else, not on her. She would always lose him like that. She tightened her hold on Red.

โ€œLetโ€™s try not to lose one another.โ€ Fiona firmly said as she faced forward, a blank look on her face before her beak hung open with joy once more. โ€œJust as Mr. Jin had said, this forest is an unfamiliar territory. I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve seen it charted in any map back in the library. Iโ€™d say itโ€™d be best to be cautious but honestly, I feel very safe with you two around. If we encounter anything dangerous, I bet the two of you can just- whoopah! Kick itsโ€ฆ ass!โ€ It was unlike Fiona to say anything crude, mostly because of the watchful gazes set upon her by others. However, right now, she bore none of those; she could say whatever she wanted.

Redโ€™s mind had been drifting while the three traveled deeper into the forest, his thoughts clouded with a mixture of uncertain nostalgia and slight embarrassment. This scene had felt veryโ€ฆodd, in a way, but for the life of him Red couldnโ€™t understand why. He was just happy no one from the rest of the crew could see him now, walking hand and hand through the forest. After some time of lingering in his confused head, Red was finally brought out of his mind once Fiona spoke up. He gazed over to her, a slightly amused smile tugging on his lips as she declared how safe she felt with the two of them around. The beak still ever present on her face forced Red to clear his throat and direct his focus elsewhere. He arched a brow as she said โ€˜whoopahโ€™ and held back the urge to chuckle as he directed his gaze forward. โ€œThough I wouldnโ€™t have put it like that, I assure you will be safe with Mr. Caswell and myself present,โ€ he said, a hint of his amusement slipping from his voice before glancing to Shiloh.

Though he has only been aboard their ship for a week, Red could sense a strange arua hanging over him. Perhaps he was just on guard, or perhaps Red was just imagining things. Whatever the case, it quickly reminded Red of his position as this small groups senior and cleared his throat. โ€œOnce we reach our destination, we will use caution,โ€ he stated as he looked between the two, his expression returning to its usual neutral state. โ€œI will take the lead. Mr. Caswell, I suggest you follow in behind me with Ms. Shreka close to your side. I doubt any of the original crew are still lingering aboard this ship, but this islands wildlife may have taken up shelter within it,โ€ he explained before his eyes scanned the forest around them. โ€œThereโ€™s also the fact that since this ship has been here for some time, she may have become unstable and corroded. Everystep we take once aboard must be taken with care,โ€ he said before returning his gaze back to his companions. Though, as he spotted Fiona's beak again he redirected his gaze anywhere else but there.

โ€œB-by the way, Ms. Shreka. How long does it take for you to return to your original state?โ€ he asked, the corner of his lips twitching ever so slightly as he tried to keep his childish thoughts at bay. It was a personal embarrassment of his that something so small threw him off so greatly.

The question caused Fiona to cast her gaze back onto Red, noticing his subtle struggle. It was a sight that she knew all too well. After all, she did make it her mission to make him smile genuinely once upon a time. โ€œI am blessed with the ability to borrow the form of other beings, albeit I end up retaining one of their features when I revert. Its duration usually depends on how long Iโ€™ve taken their form. Since Iโ€™ve only been a Gigamin for about ten minutes, I should regain my lips pretty soon.โ€ She eyed the large beak occupying most of the bottom half of her face. It was embarrassing, but at least only Shiloh and Red were around to see it.

A few seconds of contemplation later, she returned her eyes on Red and tilted her head to the side. She remembered that despite his stoic exterior, the silliest of things could paint a smile on his face. โ€œWhy? Does my beak bother you, hmm?โ€ Her inquisitive hum lingered as she stared at the red-haired, her bill agape like it was challenging his eyes to stay on it. It was one of her classic ways of teasing friends.

Red had found her ability to change her form interesting, in fact it was a power that he had rarely seen or heard of. He wondered just how far she could take it, what creatures she could transform into it and what type of drawbacks came with it. It was a small relief though as she stated she would return to her original form soon, the urge to smile growing ever stronger to fight against.

However, his relief would soon be replaced by slight dread as she spoke up again, asking if her beak bothered him. Red resisted the urge to wince as he heard the playful tone in her voice, realizing she must have caught on to his struggle. Most would not be able to notice, but she seemed to have caught on quick. Was he really that obvious? Was his time with the crew making him easier to read? Surely she would have mercy on him?

Before he could think any further on it he found himself unconsciously glancing back at her. For a brief moment, his lips twitched again, fighting to bend upwards into an amused smile. But before they could though, Red quickly raised his free hand to his mouth and โ€˜coughedโ€™ into his fist, hiding a brief snort of laughter and the bearest of smiles. It took a moment to calm himself, clearing his throat and looking away. โ€œN-no, of course not. I was just curious of your abilities. They areโ€ฆ unique,โ€ he explained as he mentally rolled his eyes, cursing himself for acting so childishly.

โ€œUnique!โ€ Fiona repeated with a lighthearted chuckle. โ€œYou know, Mr. Red, I donโ€™t mind if you smile or laugh.โ€ Though it couldnโ€™t present itself properly, there was a grin on her face reflected by her squinted eyes and rounded cheeks.

Shiloh was silent throughout the whole exchange, save for the nod that he had given toward Red at the mention of his name. Every word he heard felt like a heavy tar that was thrown into the pit. He hated it and the grip that Fiona held to his hand had little effect to lighten the weight of guilt upon him. He felt disgusted by his own emotions, how could he be this way toward his best friends?

โ€œHey,โ€ He called out softly to the both of them, looking straight at the view in front of them. โ€œWeโ€™re here.โ€ The abandoned ship had come into the scenery, it was a ship from the Royal Guard. Its only damage was apparent by the hull, but nonetheless in pristine condition. One could only marvel at how nature had overtaken the vessel. โ€œWhat is this doing here?โ€ His words slipped unintentionally, but even then it wasnโ€™t like it was a common occurrence for a Royal Guard ship to be stranded on an island.

Was this the abandoned ship that was said to be missing two years ago? The same time her mentor had disappeared? Was he still alive? Was he here? Shiloh wasnโ€™t sure what to expect from this, but it was concerning that this was all here.

Red's attention from Fionaโ€™s teasing was quickly redirected to Shiloh as he called for their attention. His expression quickly turned serious as the crashed vessel came into his view, his gaze hardening as he quickly realized the particular type of ship. โ€œShit,โ€ he hissed under his breath, letting the curse slip from his lips unintentionally. Royal Guard. There was no clear threat in the moment, the abandoned corpse of the ship long forgotten and void of any Royal presence, but even so the hair on the back of Red's neck stood up as they neared the vessel. Red shook his head with a deep frown as he heard Shiloh's question.

โ€œIโ€™ve not the faintest idea, but I donโ€™t think the Royal Guard would just leave one of their ships behind like this. Not without a good reason at least,โ€ Red stated, his voice cold as he let his eyes scan the ship's body. โ€œExcuse me,โ€ he muttered as he gently slipped his hand away from Fiona's grasp, moving ahead the two of his companions to get a closer look. It was a very unsettling sight. Could it have been the doing of the Rebellion? If that was the case Red would have figured thereโ€™d be more damage than what he could see, but other than the ship's hull the vessel seemed well enough. That wasnโ€™t counting the foliage that had slowly consumed the ship's corpse of the time it had been here though. He at least figured the Royal Guard would at least attempt to salvage what remained. It was confusing, but no current danger presented itself before them. โ€œMr. Casell, Ms. Shreka, watch your steps once we enter. The structure of the vessel may be unstable,โ€ he called out behind him, keeping his gaze directed at the ship as he rubbed his chin in thought, running scenarios of what could have possibly happened through his head.

Behind him, Fiona tensed up at the confirmation of her conclusion. It really was a Royal Guardโ€™s ship. In the past, the sight of these vessels would never fail to make her feel safe but now they felt like a haunting relic, filling the pits of her stomach with dread. She didnโ€™t know when it started. Was it after she and Shiloh had made their escape, or did it originate from a time that had long passed?

She stepped closer to Shiloh and clung to his arm, still holding his hand. She didnโ€™t want to go back yet. She felt the familiar feeling of being watched crept up on her skin, sending shivers down her spine as her hands grew cold.

Slowly, Fiona looked back and was met with a darkly clad figure.

"Greetings, all. I am here to assist in the retrieval of materials for the Infinity,"

The shipโ€™s local automaton greeted, his towering and artificial form contrasting the lush nature behind. Fiona felt herself relax, her beak once again opening wide as an attempt to smile.

โ€œSir Brackus! We found an abandoned Royal Guard ship!โ€

Vexumin Vexumin

R O Z A N T , A B R A H A M
Interacting with: JJae JJae Arvios Arvios
Location: S.S. Infinity

Abraham gave a nod when Aries claimed that she would wash his handkerchief eventually before moving out of the bathroom and making his way through the lower decks. No one else had come to him for any sort of medical aid and by the time he had looked over to the deck, most of the crew seemed to have been thinking about disembarking. Dominique, Hush, Father Napoleon, and Eiren were going out. Red, Shiloh, and Fiona hadn't come back so he could safely assume they were the forward operation to this expedition. Jin was going to stay and he was aware that Lindsey, Fang, Marie, Azure, and Aries were on the ship. That would mean most of the crew would be out of the ship and he probably should go with them. But first, he needed food.

As he turned around and headed into the kitchen, Jin made an announcement throughout the ship and Abraham let out a sigh. There was a lot of optimism in the idea that the captain was still alive. And he had to admit that the talk of family was something Captain Edward had hammered into them once they joined the Infinity. It was something that had caught Abraham off guard. It wasn't unwelcome, per se, and everyone seemed to find some form of comfort in the idea so he kept his opinions to himself.

He found his way into the kitchen, giving a wave to the dragon as he looked over what Dominique had left for himself and Azure. While he was browsing the selection, Azure had entered with a large piece of meat and laid it down behind the kitchen before running out again. Abraham looked back at the piece of meat, pondering for a moment what kind of animal it had come from, before returning back to his purpose. He picked up four burgers and handed them to Linsie for heating.

"Thanks as always Linsie. I'll just grab something from my room and come back for the food. I'll probably follow the expedition group to make sure if something goes wrong, I'll be there to help."

Abraham wasn't exactly sure why he was explaining himself to the metallic dragon. Something about it just loosened his tongue. Maybe it was because it couldn't actually tell anyone else what he was telling it, or maybe it was because he found it to be harmless. He really wasn't sure if he was being honest. He had found himself stopping in the middle of a sentence multiple times when he was speaking with the dragon to make sure he didn't say anything he would regret. He shook his head, getting out of his thoughts, as he moved out of the kitchen and back to his room.

One would think that within the ship, there would be a room for a clinic. However, he found that his room also now doubled as a storage room for medical supplies and anyone who would be on bed rest would simply stay in their room. Unless something terrible happened where he had to look over all of them all at once, he wasn't too worried about his lack of a proper workspace. He opened one of the cabinets inside his room and pulled out a backpack that held the medkit and other emergency supplies they might need on a trip outside. Once he finished rechecking his supplies, he made his way back into the kitchen to grab the burgers and thanked Linsie once more.

He wrapped three of the burgers and stowed them inside the backpack before moving out of the ship while munching on the last remaining burger. Abraham scanned the area and spotted Father Napoleon and Dominique still at the forest's edge. Abraham approached the two, continuing to eat his burger before throwing up a hand in greeting. "I'll be coming along just in case." He alerted them, giving a small bow of his head to Father Napoleon as a sign of respect. "Er, do either of you... uh, know where the other group is?" Red knew smoke signals but that might not be the most efficient method of being able to reach him in an emergency. Maybe they had a signal around here and someone else could just send an SOS.
LINDSEY and Fang
Collab: Hecotoro Hecotoro
Interactions: Nothingness Nothingness
"A shotgun huh?"

Lindsey sat there for moment thinking. She then stood up and walked over to her arsenal and grabbed one of her shot guns.

"Jin is our target.......Ok so these shotguns, at least mines, have a range of 38yds so you don't have to be right up in there face. Unless you just really want to."

Lindsey smirked and walked back over and grabbed some hard paint bullets and loaded the gun. She then turned towards the door and aimed at the target drawn on it then fired one shot and got a bullseye. She had pleased look on her face.

"Perfect shot............Alright before we go after our lucky prey I want you to fire at that target here. "

She held the gun out towards him.

"Gotta make sure you how to hold it."

"Piece of cake." Fang took the weapon with a cocky smirk, aiming it at the door with one hand and closing his right eye to aim, "How hard can this be?"


The shotgun went off, leaving a stain of paint on the roof above the door. Fang stumbled back a step and scratched the back of his head, "This is broken." he said, once again aiming at the target.

Lindsey cocked an eyebrow up and laughed

"Please don't insult me that gun's not broken."

Lindsey walked up to him and put her hands on her hips as she studied him.

"I'm not sure your ready for a live target."

You could hear the slight disappointment in her voice.

"Your not even holding it right."

Lindsey walked up behind him and put her hands on his trying to adjust the way he was holding the gun.

"Ok look hold it up higher just like that."

Lindsey then slowly stepped back.

"Try again and focus in on your target."

"Yes master!" Fang took a deep breath and tried to follow his new instructions, shooting the gun as soon as he saw the target in his sight.


He hit just above the door, "Well look at that, a lot close this time, once more!" he shook his arms and head quickly, once again taking his stance, "If I miss, next port dinner is on me."


Fang smiled brightly as he hit the target, didn't get a bullseye, but at least was near it. "Booyah! How was it? Let's go shoot people!"

Lindsey watched as he took his next to shots the second one being better. Lindsey smiled and gave hard slap on the back.

"Hahaha Eager I like it!"

Lindsey walked over and grabbed another shot gun and loaded it.

"Alright come on."

Lindsey then walked out her room assuming Fang was right behind her and headed to the deck of the ship. Once she made it she scanned around and her eyes caught Jin standing at the helm of the ship.

"Perfect." Lindsey mumbled to herself.

Lindsey made her way to one of the crow's nest, the shorter one and climbed up it waiting for Fang. She looked down at everyone and realized the others hadn't return yet. Lindsey bit her bottom lip in annoyance. She was hoping for some more targets. Well wasn't anything she could do about it......well she could go to the forest but there was no need to. Jin would do just fine.

"Yes master!". Fang saluted Lindsey and obediently followed after.

On the way all he could think was about the first gun he was going to buy. Would he name it? Baby Boom? Boombostic? So many possibilities, he might need more than one gun. As they reached the lowest nest, he took a spot next to his teacher, pretending to be scouting the target, but in reality more focused on looking cool.

"Ready to fire commander!".

Lindsey looked over at Fang as he seemed to be scouting his target. Though Lindsey couldn't help but wonder if he actually knew what he was doing.

"Hey Fang look at me."

Lindsey turned Fang around and made him look her in the eye.

"When you are shooting your target focus on nothing but that target. Doesn't matter how much it moves or how fast its going just focus and fire. Tune everything else out."

She wondered if she should explain to him to also be aware of his surroundings but to be honest she wasn't sure how much he was paying attention. Lindsey raised an eyebrow then suddenly she smiled and said.

"You know being super focus always makes a guy look cool. But one can tell when someone is faking or is no good at it."

She turned him towards where Jin was then stepped back.

"Alright aim for the kitty cat.......go for the chest. It's ok if you don't make the shot though as long as you nail him. There should be um.....4 bullets left in that gun? I think. Anyway go for it!"

Lindsey stood back and watched with her arms crossed. She had satisfied grin on her face. She couldn't wait for the fun to start. What better way to rile up everyone? Well have shoot out of course. Plus she wanted to get some pay back.

"Chaotic fun the best kind of fun."

Suddenly though before Fang could shoot Jin was making his way deeper inside the ship. Lindsey cursed under her breath.

"Ugh Come on Fang let's follow him...don't make a single sound just follow me and When I say fire you can start shooting."

With that her and Fang followed Jin deeper into the ship. Well more like they had to find him. She wasn't entirely sure where he had went because he had already gone before they made out of the crow's nest. After a few minutes she decided to see if he had went to his room and luck would have it, she was right. They saw him walking out of his room and heading deeper into the ship. Lindsey made sure both of them were extremely quiet and careful as they followed him all the way to the gym. Once he went inside Lindsey peeked in and watched as he started the hologram training. She facepalmed when he removed the safety inhibitors. Which met the guy was actually going to feel pain during this. What good was he as a target if he was going to be all beat up before she even got to him? For a moment she almost changed her mind. The guy was clearly already going through enough right now. Did he really need to be shot at right now?

"Infinity cancel training regiment."


Suddenly the hologram training shut down and everything disappeared. Lindsey leaned against the door frame and smiled. Though it looked more devious then friendly.

"I consider myself to be a fair and nice person. So I'm going to give you a warning. Fang decided he wanted to learn how to use a gun so I decided to choose someone to be his live target. Guess who the lucky kitty is?"

Lindsey went quiet for moment then said. "Fire!"

Suddenly Fang appeared and started firing off bullets at Jin. Her Fired four times.





"Good Boy Fang! But if you don't mind though I really want to take the next shots at him myself."

Lindsey held up her gun she had been carrying and cocked it.
coded by kaninchen
Mentions: AI10100 AI10100 Nothingness Nothingness
Interactions: 606 606 JJae JJae TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Vexumin Vexumin Arvios Arvios

As the librarian was once again caught in her lonesome, all she could hear was her heart that has been pounding since her interaction with Abe. Panting and sweating, she was clearly not her usual self. People saw her as a sheltered girl and very well composed most of the time. However at that moment, even she did not expect to be caught in such situation which she would definitely regret afterwards. Still, the weight she has been feeling was somehow wiped away by the clash of emotions that little did she know she could release with the help of alcohol... and of course the doctor who became the receiver of her frustrations.

Leaning against the door, Aries exhaled a deep sigh. She noticed that she was still holding the handkerchief that Abraham gave her. Pressing it with her hands, the lady couldn't help but smile as she was reminded by the man's kindness. Aside from their usual conversations before the chaos even occurred, she didn't expect to be showing such embarrassing side of her to just anyone. However, she still felt that it would be okay since it was Doctor Abraham himself. She respected him a lot and admired his kindness and now, she was able to take notice of even more of his good qualities. It gave her joy as she realized there are truly others she can rely on.

Another announcement took off from the speakers that were all throughout the ship. It was their quartermaster. Another crew that she looks up to. Aries considers him as an older brother. Though she rarely relies on him at times since she knows he has his own set of worries to think of. Just like with Hush, she continues to observe them and only helps when needed. She felt the words of encouragement that Jin spoke of. "That's right. Of course Uncle Edward is strong!" Their captain was certainly a man that is to be feared. With his capabilities and power, there's still chance that he's alive and waiting to be saved by the crew.

Aries smiled as she felt this little confidence that flowed through her. Just then, a few soft knocks was heard. Even before she could answer, the doors of the library creaked open, it caught her off-guard as it pushed her back but it was easy to keep her balance. Then, a voice spoke which she of course instantly knew. "Oh Azure? I wanted to talk to you.. but then you had things to do so.." Aries replied trying to shove away any lingering awkwardness. She gave a slight gesture, allowing the man to come in. "Oh yeah, have you also seen Hush? I need to talk to her."

Voices were also heard just outside the library's veranda which she usually kept open. The lady approached the terrace and there she saw a rather unexpected group which seemed to have formed. It was Dominique, Hush, and Father Napoleon himself. And uhh... Sir Eiren? Her eyes somehow struggling as she names the familiar faces that have gathered at the forest. Hearing the chatters, it was easy enough to determine that the crew were to gather some ingredients and well..explore this unknown floating island that they landed in. Aries just felt the urge to move her body since she wanted to be as much of a help as she can. She didn't want to sit around and be the one who was not contributing. She loved Infinity as well... so much that she treated it as her home. As much as possible, it would be better to have it fixed sooner so they could finally look for their long lost captain. "Sorry Azure. Let's talk later okay? I'll be joining them." The librarian giving a smile before leaving

She headed towards the ladder of the veranda and began climbing down, attempting to catch up with the others. "Heyy! Where are you guys headed?" The lady voiced out as she called out to the group. Approaching them with a bright smile, Aries was finally back to her usual self. With such refreshing breeze along with the live sounds of critters, even the warm rays of the sun, everything just lifted her mood. Just then, she noticed her little sister Hush which she obviously adored. The librarian couldn't help but leap towards her, embracing the young child so very tightly. "I missed my baby! You have some explaining to do!" She said jokingly.

S.S Infinity
Last edited:
The Watchman.jpg


Eiren had a hard time looking at Fiona in moments like this. He didn't have anything against the scholar, not at all. It was merely that her abilities... disturbed him. Well, they disturbed him a little bit. Only when mishaps like this occur.

"Your face. There is a beak..."

The automaton seems to leave it at that for a few seconds before his head lowers and he raises a fist to the slit across his face representing a mouth.

It was very much as if he was clearing the throat that he didn't have. His artificial voice came from a small device settled behind his face plates, but there were some human actions from memory that were hard not to do in certain social situations.

Anyways, best to divert the attention away from the deformity lest he harm the scholars feelings.

He removes his hat and places it against his chest as he bows, stepping forward towards the three as he clips his war hammer to his back. His eyes lock onto the skeleton ships interior, resting with nary a sound nor abnormal sight for a wreckage.

"Good find. There is bound to be plenty of usable resources further in."

The automaton did not seem intimidated by the fact that the ship was formerly under the control of the royal guard. He feared no creatures of flesh. At times he certainly should have been afraid, but when one does not feel pain, what is the point of fear? A nuisance. Better to embrace determination and calm.

He steps further into the dark, his bright eyes partially illuminating his path. They glowed fiercely in such dark, but not enough to be compared to a lantern. Even so, he walked with ease through the shadows.

It would be difficult to notice at first, but he was not walking alone. At his feet, creatures under his command scurry forth. His "eyes" so to speak. The shadowy rats wandering forth and shifting out from under his footing as he walked.

"We should be able to scrounge up anything of use in here. Even if buried under debris, we will find it."

Already a few of his little pets were squeezing themselves between boards of the ship or wandering further into the darkness. Eiren, however, placed his hands upon a barrel and righted it.

"Materials we should seek are probably nails, any sturdy boards that remain, perhaps some left over stock of valuables even. A ship being here is bound to be partially untouched. No use looking for survivors. If you encounter any skeletons, search the pockets of their clothes, if they still have any. Might be a few goods to plunder from them. Some ammo that is still usable perhaps."

His ramblings were for himself for the most part, that he might log the memory of what he was looking for as he searched about. He looks back towards the others, his wide and unshifting gaze locked on them for a moments time.

"Ah, apologies. I did not mean to sound as if I was giving orders. Merely repeating things to find for myself."

As he pries the head from the barrel off to look inside, something akin to a sigh sneaks its way from him.

"Folk seem eager to be the one shouting off orders at the moment. Then you have those that tear themselves up over what happened to the captain. A pity that things have come to this so quickly. I feel for Azure. In his situation, I would have done the very same thing. I should speak with the lad when I return. I feel for everyone of course, but I am worried that I will not share their grief."

Interacting with: . D O V E . D O V E Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Guppy Franz Guppy Franz

Mentions: 606 606

Gentlewoman? Hush didn't know what to make of Dominique's statement and decided not to comment on the outburst altogether, passing it off as one of their many oddities. Patiently, she held the rope ladder stable for the cook to descend, the older woman's choice of shoes causing the trip to be bumpier than they'd probably like to admit. Once Dominique successfully reached solid ground, Anika went to follow her shortly after, going as far as to prop her foot on the railing in anticipation. That was until a carefree hum, followed by a sudden clasp on the shoulder, caused her to freeze. Skittishly, the silent girl looked behind her, Marie's face hauntingly coming into focus.

Hush didn't like Marie. Not one bit. They were loud, condescending, and caused more trouble than good. If the assassin had their way, they'd have walked the plank long ago. Sadly, her appeals to Captain Edward on such a possibility were always denied. Instead, she had to suffer with the occasional shuffling in the vent system or the ship's toaster suddenly having a 'rapid fire' function. Thus, her reaction to their presence was less than stellar.

Four gallons was quite the ask. Even so, Hush didn't deny their request. While she doubted the group could return with that much water in a single trip, along with their other intended goods, she decided that any information on a nearby watering hole would reach Marie's ears first. "Okay," the girl agreed before awkwardly breaking off from the conversation. Hopping over the railing, she loosely held either side of the rope ladder before gracefully sliding onto the floating island's surface without a sound.

When she reached the group, there was a noticeable change to their roster. A pang of disappointment hit her when she realized Eiren wasn't among them, as Dominique mentioned on the ship earlier. No matter. It wasn't the first time her expectations let her down. Instead, the crew's doctor seemingly took their place. Hush shot him a curious glance, wondering how his conversation with Aries went.

Then, the familiar girlish voice called out from behind her. Turning, she barely had time to react before Aries dramatically latched onto her. Reflexively, Hush's free arm wrapped around the girl's waist, barely catching her as the assassin's foot dug into the ground to steady herself. A faint vanilla aroma wafted around her. The librarian seemed rather chipper. Maybe her conversation with Abraham went a little too well.

"Gathering resources," she bluntly commented on Aries' first question. The other comment, joke or not, was met with a cumbersome silence. Hush didn't know how to reply. The same bitter pain as before made its way to the pit of her stomach. Their doe-like eyes ate away at her like a vulture did a carcass. The girl pursed her lips, troubled.

Gently, one of Hush's gloved hands pressed against Aries' cheek, cupping half of their face. They locked eyes. Why was this girl so kind to her? It made no sense. A piercing blue gaze stared at the therapist as if a closer look would confer an answer. It never came. It was painfully clear that Hush couldn't understand Aries' logic. Their worldviews were galaxies apart, never to align.

"I'm sorry." It was the only answer that came to mind. There was nothing else to say. Nothing she could say. Hush let go of her, slipping away from her touch. Perplexed, she looked at Father Napoleon for confirmation. A plea for him to take over the situation.

Interactions: JJae JJae Hanarei Hanarei Songstress Songstress Arvios Arvios
Mentions: Vexumin Vexumin AI10100 AI10100
Jin Aethor
Mood: Focused / Confused
Infinity - Gym
Interactions ||
animegirl20 animegirl20
Hecotoro Hecotoro

Mentions ||

With the consistent slamming of the large hologram ice golem tossing Jin around practically like a ragdoll, thoughts ran through his head about his time with the Captain; mostly focusing on a specific event.

It was in the middle of the evening, the ship had been docked at a large port and Jin couldn't seem to get to sleep. Heading to the main deck, he decided to lay on the deck itself and stare up at the stars above. The Captain just so happened to had also still been awake at the time, rather than say anything at first though, he headed over towards the ship's young quartermaster who just so happened to had only been in his late teens at the time. Giving Jin a slight kick in the shoulder while he stood over the young boy, the old Captain gave a warming smile while cocking a brow at him. "C'mon, you're not going to see anything with all those lights from the buildings. I know a perfect spot to see the stars.." With that said, Jin was quick to get up to his feet just to follow after the large burly man as they made their way through the town and eventually leaving it behind. Their walk lasted nearly half an hour to an hour even after leaving the town, the distance between their destination and where the ship was concerned Jin slightly, although being with the Captain made the situation at least a little more comforting, even while being in the wilderness, the man seemed to have a sort of calming aura about him that made you feel as though he could protect you from any and all harm.

"We're here...C'mon." Finally the large man spoke as the duo reached what had appeared to be a large grassy hill. Casually as the two made their way to the top, Jin had been practically blown away at the magnificent sight before him.
Not only did the sky practically light up with stars galore making it almost look like it was daytime, but from the hilltop, down below was a massive field of grass, trees and all other different kinds of plants, the large plain looked as though it went on forever.

While lost in awe at the sight before him, the sudden sound of a heavy thud snapped Jin out of his trance only to find the Captain had fallen onto his back while staring up at the stars of the night sky with a large smiling expression across his face. "Jin...when we get to the end, lets make sure to bring everyone back here together to watch the stars again together. Deal?" The burly man laughed only to have Jin quickly nod his head at the idea before he had laid down as well, staring up towards the sky alongside his Captain.

The two had spent a few hours there, talking, laughing and making jokes. Everything was perfect. At least, it was until the sound a loud hiss broke the joy between them. Quickly, as the duo hopped up from their position, they were face-to-face with a massive black serpent that had snuck up on them while they were relaxing, as comfortable and peaceful as the place appeared to be, it was still the wilderness and predators still roamed the area no matter where they were. The large serpent had been a basilisk as it hissed and stared at the duo with its forked tongue consistently slipping out from its maw.
While the Captain had clearly shown determination, Jin at the time had been in shock and almost slight fear at the large creature, while he had already gone through battles by this point in time, most of their fights consisted of fighting humans or at least other humanoid creatures. This however, was a massive creature, one that he had never had the chance to meet in person let alone do combat against.

Of course, the basilisk had taken notice of this shock and fear of the shorter and smaller prey, so rather than go after the bigger threat that was the Captain no doubt, the creature used its large body and high speed to slither in circles around the duo only to attempt and strike at Jin from behind. "Jin! Move!" As his Captain shouted out an order in urgency, Jin could only stare at the large serpent opened its maw to prepare and attempt to swallow Jin whole. The sight of the fangs and its massive maw practically freezing the young male in place. Rather than allow his quartermaster to be swallowed and killed on the spot however, the Captain bull rushed over in between the creature and Jin. The entirety of his body from head to toe had been covered in a metallic black color as he held the two opposing sides of the basilisk's jaws open wide so that it could not close. Grunting from exerting massive amounts of his strength to keep the jaw of the beast open, Jin could only watch in shock as his Captain held the beast.

In a single moment, the burly man slammed the creature downwards with a massive thud into the ground before thrusting his fist into the skull of the serpent to finish it off in an instant. Jin meanwhile stood there with his legs practically shaking before dropping to his knees while he stared at the ground beneath them. "I...I'm sorry C..Captain...I couldn't mov--" Before Jin could finish up his shaken apology, a hand was placed onto his head while the large burly man ruffled the young male's hair. "It's okay Jin, I know...I'm just glad you're safe..."

Rather than allow himself to be defeated so easily by a single enemy in such a way, Jin had tossed his blade towards the face of the golem, causing sword to nearly jab itself halfway through the solid ice skull of the creature before it had finally released Jin. Writhing in pain, the beast forcibly tugged the sword out from its face before tossing it aside. With only one functioning eye, the large golem roared as the other remaining golems began to charge towards him all the while Jin ran for his own weapon that was now stuck in the snow between the charging golems and him. 'Three times now...Three times, he's saved my life...! Why do I keep letting myself get in the way?! Why can't I help him...!?' As Jin fought with his own mental thoughts, just as he reached for his sword and the golems reached for Jin's head, before either of them could grab a hold of their target, the Infinity's computer spoke up on the simulation training ending all of a sudden.

"Huh-?!" With the unexpected halt of the training holograms while reaching for his sword, Jin had fallen face first into the solid carpet flooring with his cat-like ears pointing and twitching upwards from the annoying pain of such an action. As he helped himself back up while grabbing the handle of his sword that had been fallen onto its side by this point. Jin brought his attention over towards the individuals who had caused his training to suddenly end. It was Lindsey, the first mate of the ship and Fang, the janitor. Listening to Lindsey's warning, Jin could only respond with a raised brow and tilt of his head at her comment of 'live target' and 'Guess who the lucky kitty is'. "Wait a minute...huh-?!"

Before he could fully even fully respond, hearing Lindsey shout out the firing command, Jin's eyes widened following his ears perking straight up, the fur on his ears and tail spiked upwards in shock before he had to jump off to the side multiple times to avoid being hit by the bullets which he had been unaware were paint balls. "He-hey! W-wait a minute! A-are you trying to kill me?! C-Can't we talk this out?!" Having to use his sword to luckily deflect one of the multiple paint ball pellets that came at him, even doing so, he ended up missing several of the pellets which hit him directly into the chest causing him to cough and take several steps back from the sheer hard impacts. "H-huh? Paint..?" Looking down at his shirt that had now been colored pink in several spots from the splatter, Jin pressed onto the spot where he could already feel a bruise starting to form underneath.

"You realize, paint takes forever to--" As Jin was ready to talk about laundry, by the time had glanced upwards, the sight of Lindsey now holding the weapon and aiming it at him had the male take several steps backwards. "Wait a minute Lindsey...seriously? C-Can't we talk about this?..."
Code by Serobliss

Still sad

S.S. Infinity

Bandana and pants


Little old me in a big world

azure hitch

"Aries, please wait," he said softly as she continued to speak. "It's just a moment I..." His voice trailed off as he stepped inside as she would walk away. For a moment there was silence as Azure felt a well of emotions and he slammed his fist against the library door frame, breaking it and part of the wall as the ship would shake lightly and Azure would slump to the floor again, fulling laying on the ground again holding his hands up and started at them, inspecting the faint scars that would trail all the way up his arm, realizing his strength and anger had caused him to break the ship again. It wasn't fun, his strength still getting out of control when his emotions were out of control, and he gently laid his hands down to his sides and closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths, wondering what Gramps would tell him.

No, I have to stop thinking about that for now...everyone else has gotten over it, he thought, opening his eyes again and got up off the floor again, inspecting the damage he caused and sighed, deciding to get more food in the kitchen, and would wonder his way down. Azure was confused at how everyone was able to hold it together so well, but at the same time, Azure knew why. People had lives before the ship, and experienced things he hasn't and Azure only spent his life on his ships, with his parents, to a point, and then Gramps. Shaking his head, Azure walked into the kitchen and would begin looking for some more meat, or maybe fish.

Azure had gotten another full slab of steak that needed to be headed up again, looked over to Linsie and smiled at the dragon, and would walk over.

"Hey Linsie, mind heating this back up for me?" He asked, watching the dragon tilt her head, then take the cold steak from Azure and would go and heat it up. Azure would take a seat at the table, watching the dragon, and sighed a little, looking around to make sure he was the only one.

"You know, I don't get it Linsie. How can everyone be okay? Or at least, pretend. Am I overreacting? Am i taking this all too personally? I just, feel like, it was my fault ya know. Everyone tells me it's not my fault but...it really does feel like mine ya know? I just wish...I don't know, I could have thought of a different solution, or had someone else to talk to, well. I guess I have you and the Infinity. The poor infinity, I keep beating her up. My strength, I usually have it under control but, recently, I just keep breaking things, like I lose focus and therefore lose focus on my strength and...oh I'll just fix it, I know how. Gramps taught me how since I keep on breaking things. Maybe one day I'll stop, who knows? I just wish life was easier ya know? My abilities, why do I have them when I can barely put them to use? I can't even save the ones who raised me with it," he rambled on, Linise having finished heating up the steak would be sitting at Azure's feet, holding it in her mouth, waiting for the other to stop talking before offering the steak to him.

"Thanks, Linsie, you're such a good girl," he said, smiling a little, and gave the small dragon a gentle head pat as he took the steak, getting up from the chair he was in, tearing a bite out of his second slab of steak and would begin walking up to the deck. Not before stopping by his room to pick up his Bluetooth earbuds and put them in, and walked up to the deck, trying to find a good song to play, chewing on his steak, doing his best to ignore the group that was beginning to leave.

Azure would find himself back where he started before he had talked to Jin and talked to Hush for a little. Azure in a few more bites would finish up his 2nd steak and wipe his hands off on his hands as he finally picked a song to play and blasted it through his earbuds, playing a song that in general brings his mood up, to just, actually get his mind off things. Anyone near him would hear softly Lost in the Rhythm playing through his earbuds, azure closing his eyes, letting himself listen only to the music. Now Azure might not be really good at many things, he can't sing that's for sure, he definitely was not made for the academic world however, he could dance and be surprisingly really good at it despite not looking to be the most nimble. It had been years since he would think about his parents as deeply as this but, it was bound to happen after thinking about Gramps so much.

Azure was about 4 at this time, and the S.S. Infinity was gently sailing through the night. There was no wind and the skies were clear where his dad didn't need to be at the helm at this moment. Everyone on the ship at the time would be sitting around on the deck drinking, enjoying some gentle music playing from a stereo but that changed as soon, as Lost in the Rythm would begin to play. Soon, on the deck, Azure's parents were on the deck, laughing, smilingly, and dancing. It was a beautiful dance the two had, as Azure sat off to the side, wearing a very cute dress they had got a few days earlier, their hair neatly tied up in a half updo to keep her long black hair out her bright blue eyes as she watched her parents.
It was sudden and quick, but soon, her Mom had danced her way over and had pulled Azure up."Let's go dance with Daddy!" she said with a bright smile, Azure felt the music through her body, and in moments, standing with her mom and dad, would too begin to dance, easily following the similar movements of her parents, her head looking around, seeing the crew cheer and applaud at the family dancing and smiled brightly. It wouldn't take long, similar to her mom, Azure would have danced her way other to some other crew members, stopping only for a moment to grab their hands in her own tiny hands and try and drag them to dance. Both were surprised when the very small girl was easily able to pull 2 full-grown adults up but at the same time, how could they say no to Azure soon enough, a majority of the crew had gotten up to dance. In the dead of the silence of the night, in the clear skies where no one was around, any smaller vessels passing by would hear cheers, laughter, and the sound of upbeat music being played from the mighty S.S. Infinity.

While thinking of this, one of their few memories of their parents, Azure would begin to subtle move their body to the music as they went back to work to pull up any more boards they needed to off the deck, now with a good proper distraction of music, began to work more efficiently.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

ยฉ weldherwings.


"Nothing personal!" Fang called out taking aim at Jin once more, "This might save your life one day, so make it a challenge okay?"

Fang smirked as he fired his gun, nothing. "Oh, I'm out of bullets." He laughed nervously and crossed his arms, looking over at Lindsey.

He didn't bother saying anything to her, if anyone could shoot some as agile as Jin, it would be her. So, instead of trying to shoot the feline, he would observe, learn from his new master. Of course that didn't stop his mind from making mental bets against himself. He believed either Jin got shot more than five times or he didn't. Either way, he wins the bet, but for some reason his inner voice was really hyped to see the results. Then there were the stains.

He could help Jin with his clothes after all of this, but he already had to clean after two crewmates. Not to mention the mess still on the ship and the mess that's sure to come. But, the captain was absent, so maybe he could take a little vacation? He was a little behind on his romantic novel where a vampire falls in love with a boring girl. Mental note, he needed to go to the library to check if the second issues is available. Either way, depends how badly Lindsey shot Jin, he might help out with the laundry, maybe.

Interactions: animegirl20 animegirl20 Nothingness Nothingness
Gaberial De'Sardet

Interactions: Vexumin Vexumin Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum . D O V E . D O V E

How? Why? A resource as precious as an entire ship of the Royal Guard wouldn't just be wasted like this. Red may have not been a part of the Royal Guard himself, but there couldn't be any sensible reason for it to be abandoned like this. It made no sense. There were no scars of battle, the only visible damage being to the hull, but that was most likely caused by the crash itself. Everything else seemed in perfect condition. "So what brought you down?" Red whispered to himself as he pondered the thoughts in his head, a sense of uncertainty and unease crawling down his spine as he let his eyes explore the forgotten vessel, searching for just one clue. It wasn't as if he had any interest in the Royal Guard or their business, but the entire scene just left him with questions. Irritating and frustrating questions. It all felt... wrong. Red let out a small sigh to relieve some of the stressful thoughts before hearing Fiona speak up behind him.

Red looked over his shoulder to see Eiren, the crew's faithful Watchmen, and felt his body grow less tense under his own stress as the Automaton approached the group. "Mr. Brakus," Red greeted with a respectful nod. It had taken some time for him to get used to Eiren's presence among the crew when Red first arrived, having a few unpleasant experiences with others of his kind in the past, but as time passed, he came to respect him and now sees him as more than just some machine, but as a great asset to the Infinity and her crew. Red stepped aside to clear a path for Eiren before quickly falling in behind him, nudging his head forward for the junior members of the crew to follow. As they entered the dark lower deck of the ship Red let his eyes travel wherever Eiren looked, silently thanking them for their glowing eyes as they showed a path for them to follow.

Not wanting to leave all of the work to their Watchmen, Red slipped his hand into his coat and retrieved a small handheld light from one of his pockets. It offered little aid to light up their surroundings, but it allowed him to inspect any areas Eiren's eyes did not fall onto. They were obviously within the cargo hold of the ship, several barrels, and crates are thrown about or broken around them. The thick smell of rotten wood and a few years' worths of decay lingered heavily in the air, making Red scrunch up his nose slightly as he forced himself to grow accustomed to the strong odor. Before he could examine the surroundings he was able to see with his dim light his attention was brought downwards below Eiren's feet, a familiar sight of his 'pets' scurrying about as they did their master's bidding. Red took a few steps back to avoid stepping on the strange creatures and allow them room to do their tasks. The first time Red had seen the odd beings running about he had nearly shot them on sight out of panic, the memory nearly earning an amused smile from him before watching Eiren pulling up a fallen barrel.

Red took a few steps past him as he began to list off what they were looking for, giving suggestions of where to search. Red gave a hum of agreement before turning his gaze back to the Automaton as he apologized. "No need Mr. Brakus, it's the sensible way to go about our search," Red assured him before glancing back to Shiloh and Fiona. "Besides, it's a good lesson for our junior members to learn. I doubt they have much experience in a task like this," he said with a ghost of a smirk before looking back to Eiren as he pried off the top of the barrel. Red listened quietly as Eiren shared his thoughts, a small frown coming to his face as related to his opinions and worries. As he expressed his doubts about sharing the other's grief Red gave an understanding nod and looked deeper into the dark exterior of the cargo hold.

"You need not share in their grief Mr. Brakus. Simply offering a shoulder of support for them is enough," he assured him with a distant gaze as his eyes stared into the darkness his dim light failed to reach. "If we all sunk into anger or grief, then nothing would get done. The crew needs minds like yours to keep us steady in hard times," Red said before letting a small sigh of his own escape him. He couldn't exactly join in the grief of the rest as well. Though he respected the captain greatly, he pledged his service to not only him but to the Infinity and her crew. If one must be sacrificed to save everything, then it was an unfortunate reality they must come to accept. Red has long ago come to accept such a reality, not daring to mention how it was one of the less depressing truths he's come to accept.

Shaking his head at the thoughts he would return his gaze back to Eiren and dipped his head forward into the darkness ahead of them. "I'll be venturing deeper into the ship, Mr. Brakus. I wish to see what the upper levels of this vessel have to offer us," he stated before looking to Shiloh and Fiona. "If you wish to follow me then stay close. If not, then assist Mr. Brakus with whatever he needs. Do not wander alone without a source of light," he instructed before turning to face the darkness, his handheld light dimly lighting a path before him. "Do be mindful of your steps though, I don't trust this rotted corpse of a ship for a second," he said before finally walking into the pitch black, soon becoming surrounded by the darkness save for the dim light guiding his way.

The deeper he traveled into the abyss of the cargo hold, the stronger the smell of decay became. Rotten and corroded lumber, years-old discarded food supplies, and even a heavy cloud of dust attacked his senses as he ventured further. Red however moved on without a second thought, the stronger odors being far from the worse things his nose had been assaulted by. It had taken him a moment to locate the stairs leading to the upper levels of the ship, having to watch his step and avoid tripping over fallen debris and holes in the hull. A dissatisfied frown came to his face as he inspected the condition of the stairway, noticing a few steps have decayed and fallen apart after years of neglect from any maintenance or care. With a long sigh, Red carefully climbed the first few steps with caution, his frown growing heavier as every step creaked under his boots. He had to make certain to step over the holes in the stairs, wincing after a few cracks and creaks filled his ears. The thought of Eiren climbing these awful stairs first was a dreadful image that made Red thankful to have gone ahead before him. He just hoped Eiren would have no issue climbing to the ship's upper level once he follows.

Luckily Red reached the next level of the ship without incident, a breath of relief escaping him as he opened the door to enter the upper level. As he walked through the door he paused as he entered a hallway, quickly noticing its rather luxurious design. Though, most luxury it once held has become withered and decayed. A long carpet leading through the hall was once a thing of beauty, the pristine and finely made material had now grown ragged and weathered, the now dull red and gold lining of the carpet having forever lost its rich color. The carefully detailed paper along the walls was now peeling from the wooden surface, reminding Red of skin falling off a decaying corpse as its flesh slowly rotted away. Along the hall were scattered furniture, tables, chairs, broken vases, and picture frames. There were even a few banners with the Royal Family's crest, either lamely hanging from the decayed walls or laying lifelessly on the ground. No doubt it all had been thrown about from the initial impact of the crash. It was a rather depressing sight, at least it would be for anyone in the Royal Guard. Red had been aboard a few of their vessels in the past due to 'business' related trips, but honestly, he had seen much more luxurious ships.

At least the air here was less thick and harmful to the nose. It wasn't a 'fresh' breath, but it was better than the cargo hold. After taking in the scene Red picked a random direction and began to begin his inspection of the ship. As he traveled further into the ship his curiosity and confusion about the forgotten ship only grew after every step. Still no signs of battle, no corpses of the crew, not even a hint that there had been a crew to begin with! It was as if this damned ship had just fallen out of the sky by itself! Red found it all to be absurdly frustrating, his expression growing hard with irritation as he couldn't wrap his head around it all. No one just leaves a Royal Guard ship on an abandoned island for shits and giggles! There had to be something here that could tell him what happened, at least a sliver of a clue to satisfy his confusion.

After a moment of traveling quietly, Red reached the entrance to a much larger room on the ship. The interior of this room was much more decorated and furnished, with several banners of the Royal Family still strewn up high on the walls and piles of rotten or broken furniture scattered around the room. As he inspected the room his eyes soon fell onto a large portrait of the Royal Family that hung over a wide stairway leading to the next level of the ship. His gaze hardened as he looked at the picture, a slight chill running up his spine as his attention was directed at one member of the family in particular. He hadn't seen the Princess's face in so long, but she looked the same as he remembered, maybe even a bit older. The thought brought a sour taste to his mouth and quickly forced himself to look away to focus on the task at hand.

Slowly, Red walked further into the room, his eyes carefully scanning his surroundings before pausing, a new, yet all too familiar odor reaching his nose. Death. More specifically decaying flesh. His eyes quickly scanned the area around him, searching for the source of the stench before seeing a lone, gloved hand peeking out behind a pile of fallen tables and chairs. Taking no risks, Red unholstered his pistol and slowly approached the appendage, his gaze hard and breath steady as he grew closer. Finally, as he reached his destination he was greeted by a rather grizzly scene. It wasn't just one corpse, but half a dozen bodies strewn about the main hall. Looking down at one of them Red quickly notice their rather well-tailored clothing. The fine threads of a Merchant, more especially a traveling Merchant. Though their clothing was meant to catch the eye, it was obviously made to travel through different environments. What struck Red as odd though was the lack of time that seemed to have passed, the fabric, though bloody and torn, was still in decent condition. The same concern went for the corpse it clung to. The man was clearly decaying, but there was no way he was aboard this ship when it first crashed. This death was fresher than this rotting ship! Looking around at the other bodies he noticed there were at least two more dressed similarly to him, the rest seemed like hired guards with their weapons near them. Again, they were all fresh kills, no more than a few months had passed.

The sense of caution grew as Red made the realization, a slow heat of alert running up his neck as he scanned the surroundings with a piercing gaze. Were they somehow a part of this mess, or did they end up in the wrong place at the wrong time? Why were they even here in the first place? More importantly, who or what caused this? And were they still lingering about? Red found himself drawing his blade out of instinct, his gaze returning to the portrait of the Royal Family as his mind juggled uneasy thoughts. "What the bloody hell happened here?"
Location: S.S. Infinity.
Status: Unharmed.
Amidst uproarious bedlam, a variety of characters โ€” proper, for suchlike diverse crew โ€” challenge adversity, and trouble's subsequent tandem, in different manners. Yet, none elude a fundamental denominator, common to all: loss' unavoidable tragedy, notwithstanding ambiguous circumstances seeding their collectiveness with doubt. For, as battle's suffocating smoke fades to a mere reminiscent stench, helplessness ambushes those dependent of a voice's command. And calmness settles: faux alleviation veers all intoxicated with coursing adrenaline into a crash realization. Heads could be counted, recounted, assessed however laxly, and they'd nonetheless notice one less in their ranks. Their captain's own, no less. Appallingly, factors gravelly sever their capacity to assume within reasonable possibilities about the man's present whereabouts (or, should some indulge in morbid ponderance, his fate; the how's and what ifs none should dare voicing out now, wounds fresh as they are). These are but aimless, idle digressions of staggered comprehension, however. The past was unchangeable, whereas their future uncertain. And, therefore, their present is stuck in an awkward in-between. What should they do, what could they do? The air would still howl unforgivingly, as would the ground beneath mar their vessel at their impromptu โ€”recklessly performed, natheless โ€” landing. The explored wilderness awaits still, and their captain's fate remains unrevealed. Unexplored.

Solomon had believed, ever so momentarily, in the ship's avowed impenetrability: a mighty ark crewed in full-fledged capacity โ€” despite his repetitive jibes, taunts and criticism โ€”, and had thusly taken this docked intermission as an opportunity to test, hazardously, his own development. Yet, betwixt produced shells, and a meal yet-to-be-had, the iron-clad gunman transiently succumbed to exhaustion; sheltered in the gundeck, in the creases from canon to canon, he passed trouble unaware. Completely decompensated, involuntarily oblivious to all but a single tumultuous aftershock to Azure's improvised, urgent measures of landing. "Hng." Waking still, his gruff vox carries low across the eerily quiet room. For, after every storm, there's that bated stillness to their world's breath. A second passes, then two. And then, several, as the sturdy hit hadn't aided Solomon's forced wake. Imbedded in slumbering disquietude, an elevated heartrate brews worries in staccato pacing: every second that passes, regardless of Sol's circumstantial unawareness, warrants another redouble to his cognizance. Crashes of such magnitude were scarce, if not extraordinarily few amongst his stay within the S.S. Infinity's vicinity.

When Solomon wakes, it's to environmental busyness. When Solomon wakes, the storm's but a preface to their renewed course. Unhurriedly โ€” for haste was presently unattainable until drowsiness wears off โ€”, several things were taken into an account. One: the stagnant aroma of smoke was fresh, howbeit distant; two: the floor no longer rocks beneath his weight, nor was his stomach unsettled by wind-given disorientation; three: although noise still permeates into his whereabouts, it's nowhere as noisy as usual. They've landed somewhere, wherever the earth's been sufficiently graceful to invite them. With perennial unrest, Solomon heaves himself afoot at last, sturdy frame secured ultimately into a balanced gait forth, towards an unseen exterior as announcements blare haphazardly through the speakers. Heedless no longer, concern ladens his stride once a whole picture's set. Practically stranded and captain-less, they've got no plan. No course besides tossed abstracts over their collective panic. For, while bounty hunters weren't quite the novelty to their crew, this sudden ambush was more effective than what they'd be comfortable with. Fists clenched into circulation-less tautness, a gnawed lower lip nearly torn in frustration.

They couldn't crumble here, now. Nor was Solomon planning to.

Even if โ€” unadmittedly โ€” attached to their captain's command, Solomon had spent a generous portion of his life by his independent lonesome, rather than under someone else's guardianship. Yet, under similar premises, he knows this wasn't precisely appliable to all: from the most youthful, to those a few years shy below Sol's lifespan, their view regarding C. Edward withheld significant difference from one, to another. (A hefty footfall leads him up a set of stairs, wooden pathway whining underneath Solomon's weight). He'd neither deny his own fondness to the lost, and the present โ€” how it's shown remains a mystery, to this very day withal โ€”, but he entrusts all with their own independence, resourcefulness, strengths. (Blinding was their sun's shameless blaze cast upon a silvered mane; warm was the bittersweet welcome into a held standstill). None were here to be carried until they're deadweight, whilst Solomon refuses to carry carcasses if he's capable to wear their burdens instead. (And in the grace of movement fleetingly teasing his peripherals, Solomon finds, finally, a familiar face: the helmsman's own troubled visage, held by distraction, preoccupation, and determination).

For a second, he observes: the performative expression of anxiety seeping, even if ephemerally, from the other's form. Into functionality Solomon witnesses Azure head into stubbornly. But, the gunman needn't dwell long in inner contemplations mayhap held by them. Inhale, hold, exhale. In his apprehensive gale, Solomon presses forward, closer to the lost-looking helmsman โ€” whether existentially, morally, or simply in musical haven Solomon doesn't quite discern, or spares efforts in figuring โ€” and arrogates the wooden piece lodged between a foreign arm and shoulder. It's an unneeded thing, since strength wasn't an issue here. Not physically, at least. "We'll get nowhere soon if you're doin' it all by yourself, dancer." Solomon lightheartedly reprimands, although his face hosts no amending smile. Up there, from the deck, gilded irises oversee their status firsthand. Lodged onto the earth, abundant wilderness breaching their nearest horizon. While maneuvering the slab on his own shoulder, continues on (the prints on the floor beneath were distinguishable enough for Sol to build up a story, after all). "But, we're on one piece. Good job." Inhale, hold, exhale. He could use a cigarette.

Redirecting his eyes to Azure once more, their situation's severity isn't lessened, nor dismissed as a sheer eventful passerby. Something that tells, without utilizing one's voice: 'I know.' "No one should be by themselves right now. Where's everyone else?" Had they already scattered off elsewhere? Probably. They're all just as restless to do something remotely useful, that haste's become their normalcy. And maybe, just maybe, there's concern etched onto his countenance; it may be age, or forewarning's creases, but his brows still furrow. "Talk to me."

Interaction: 606 606

Interactions: Nothingness Nothingness Hecotoro Hecotoro
Location: Gym

"What is it exactly when need to talk about?"

She took a shot and missed on purpose. It flew right by his head.

"Fang once you get to be as good as me. You can intimidate and scare people."

She fire another shot and that flew left past Jin's head and took a step forward.

"You miss on purpose and keep them on their toes. "

Another shot fired that was to close for comfort. She takes two steps forward.

"They'll be totally at your mercy especially if they think you might just be crazy enough to actually shoot them."

She fired two shots that were dangerously close. Then walked up closer to him with the gun almost up to his face.

"Careful Jin I might have real bullet in here."

She stared at him gun still pointed at him. She didn't move an inch.

"The next time you want to leave the ship after a event like that happens especially with a 50% chance that our captain might be dead. Maybe actually tell me fucking first cause someone has to be in charge of the ship when you go running off. You think your the only one who needs to clear their head? Instead of getting all in your fucking feelings maybe you should step to the fucking plate and make sure this ship is up and running as quickly as possible so we can go get gramps. You can find time to go wallow in tears later."

Lindsey brought down her gun.

"Be sure to tell those three stooges that went after you that the next time I'm in charge of the ship again they better ask me first before they take off and leave. Cause if they ever do that again I'll give them the treatment I just gave you but worse."

Lindsey turned around and tossed the gun in her hand to Fang and smiled at him.

"Alright that's all for today Fang you can keep the two guns, use them for practice and if you need bullets you know where to fine me."

Lindsey started walk away like she was about to leave but then suddenly she turned back around with serious look on her face. She walked up to Jin and leaned in real close.

"The next time you take your kitty tail ass into a unknown forest by yourself? Don't bother coming back cause I will shoot you dead on arrival. Got it?"

Lindsey stared straight into his eyes. She wanted to make it very clear that this wasn't a warning or a threat it was a promise. Suddenly a smile appeared on her face and Lindsey patted Jin's cheek.

"Good talk."

She then turned around and started to leave.
coded by kaninchen

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