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Fantasy ๐’ž๐’ฝ๐“‡๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐’พ๐’ธ๐“๐‘’๐“ˆ ๐‘œ๐’ป ๐ธ๐“๐’น๐“‡๐’พ๐’น๐’ถ



Two Thousand Club

  • Captain of S.S. Infinity
    Edward Ishikawa
    Mood: Distressed
    In the sky - Top deck of S.S. Infinity
    "And that's how I got this scar..." Ending the tale with him pointing towards his left eye that had the mark of what appeared to had been a large slash-like scar that had healed far long ago. "Wooahh! Tell us another story grandpa! C'moon!" A young boy amongst a rather large group of children exclaimed excitedly as he bounced in place while seated on the floor with his legs crossed. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Tell us the story about when you beat a Dragconi with your bare hands!" One of the female children suddenly spoke up causing the other children who hadn't heard the story yet to gasp at the thought of their 'grandpa' defeating a beast that stood well over 30 to 50feet tall and could breathe all forms of elemental energy and had an appearance similar to that of a dragon.
    Laughing at the excitement, Edward Ishikawa, Captain of the S.S. Infinity raised his hands to try and calm the consistent pleading of the children to tell the story. "Now, now, children, you know Grandpa Eddi has to go soon. And isn't it about time for lunch? Surely you don't want to waste all that work Sister Catherine did making your food now, do you?" As he questioned the young children, they whined before turning their heads over their shoulders towards the orphanage where a middle aged nun stood waving to the children to come back to the orphanage.

    "Here...I'll walk you all back." Offering the walk, the children were quick to agree as they all stood from the floor after Edward helped himself up from the old wooden chair that was sitting on the side of the dock meant just for him for the 'story time'. As the group made their way to the orphanage gates, the nun filed the children into the building before bowing her head to Edward. "Thank you, Captain Edward. Truly, everytime you return...your stories are what these children look forward to. Thank you, honestly. Please, have safe travels and may the blessing of the World Tree protect you and your crew." As the nun spoke and gave her blessings, he'd nod in return before giving his own bow. "And thank you, Sister. To see those warm smiles on their faces is all I need to continue living on. Do take care of them, I promise, I shall return as soon as I am able to. With more stories, no less." With that said, he finished his words with a hearty laugh that he shared with the nun before they went their separate ways.

    Heading back to the docks which had only been a couple of minutes of a stroll, Edward paid little mind to the populace as he walked by multiple strangers on his way back to his ship.
    By the time he had made his arrival to his vessel, Jin had been carrying up the last of the large crates of vegetables onto the large plank and to bring it fully on board. Approaching his Quartermaster, he'd slap Jin on his shoulder while laughing still heartily. "Great work Jin, my boy! That looks like the last of it! Now, lets get ready to set sail! Everyone on board?" Nodding his head in response to his Captain's question, Jin carried the large crate of vegetables down several decks to reach the kitchen where he'd leave it before helping put away the food.

    Meanwhile, back on the main deck Captain Edward was had been standing at the bow of his ship as the large vessel began to exit from the port. Feeling the salty sea air against his skin as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the cool breeze. By the time the ship had been several hundreds of feet away from the docks, he turned his attention towards his helmsmen on the opposite side of the ship who had been piloting the large vessel. "Bring us to the skies Azure, my boy!" Calling out to his helmsmen as the ship picked up speed before they rocketed into the sky, high above the clouds.
    Mere moments after they had reached near maximum altitude, the sound of a horn-like call echoed through the air causing Edward to raise a brow, turning his attention from one side to the next to locate the sound, it was soon found that the sound was coming from behind them. Two massive ships that sailed red colors for flags were approaching the Infinity at rapid speeds before firing off several warning shots of canons that actually made contact with the ship. "Bring up the barrier!" Calling out an order, it took mere seconds before the Eternum barrier came up to begin taking the blunt force of the cannon fire only for it to come to a halt once the two unknown ships came to a halt on both sides of the Infinity.

    With the attack coming to a halt for the time being, the ship on the starboard side of the Infinity soon had a woman who appeared to had been in her late thirties or early forties stepped out from her cabin just to approach the side of her own ship while staring at Edward who had been returning the rather smug look with a glare of his own. "Oh? You must be Edward Ishikawa...hm, much older than the stories make you out to be...hm, no matter. Mister-...no, Captain Edward Ishikawa. I am Captain Valorie Blackheart...I am but a simple woman...with simple needs. My men here have told me that they have seen a number of individuals on your ship that fit the exact description of a few high bounties." As the woman spoke, she meandered along the deck of her ship, at closer inspection, it appeared as though she not walking upon the surface of her own vessel but rather she was walking on the men and women of her ship who had bent themselves over onto their hands and knees, allowing her to use them like a covering for the floor so that her heels would not be dirtied.
    Taking several puffs of a long stick that had a cigarette on the end of it, she blew out several strands of white smoke before turning his attention back upon Edward. "Now, I am giving you an offer, Captain. Let me and my men on board and to take these individuals without fuss, and I will let you and the rest of your...measly crew go with your lives...hm? How about it?" As the woman spoke, anger boiled within Edward. Gritting his teeth, he stayed silent for several minutes while he slowly proceeded to a specific side of his ship, causing the woman to believe he was thinking upon his decision at the time.

    "You expect me...to simply let you take my family away...? To sell them off, away from their home...? Just so me and the rest of my family can go free..?" As he spoke in a low hushed whisper, he soon arrived at one of the cannonball racks before brushing his hand over several of them. "Go to hell!" With that said, he gripped onto the cannonballs before launching them with his bare hands, his unimaginable strength sending the cannonball flying over to explode and cause damage to her own ship even if only slightly. Immediately, battle raged between the Infinity and the two bounty hunter ships, the woman meanwhile proceeded to head back into her cabin, giving orders to her men to kill everyone but to make sure and leave those with the bounty alive.

    "Someone check on the cooldown on the shield generator! Get it up already!" Shouting over the sounds of explosions, gunfire and the clashing of metal; Edward had been battling against several men and women wielding scimitars and flintlock pistols, armed without any protective gear whatsoever other than the clothes on his back. Luckily with his Eternum ability, he was able to harden his skin to make contact with the sharpened edges of the swords and as well as taking bullet shots directly to his body without causing any mortal wounds.

    The enemy had been a large group of bounty hunters that were after a few specific members of his crew, however, the Captain was not simply going to relinquish members of his crew away to a bunch of violent looking strangers just because they had said so. When demanding the bounty hunters to leave them in peace, they answered with violence rather than complying to his demands. "You will not take my grandchildren!" Once again shouting at the top of his lungs, the large elderly and burly man swung his right arm with enough tremendous amounts of force to shatter through his opponents' blades before opening his arms wide to practically pull the trio into a bear hug-like grip before tossing them overboard. Being thousands of feet into the air, the sounds of the men and women screaming soon were silenced after they had left earshot distance. Moments later, several other members of the two adjacent bounty hunter ships charged on board to attempt and start combat with him once more.

    With the battle seemingly showing no signs of ending and from the looks of it, they were on the losing end of the skirmish, the Captain exhaled a deep breath before quickly inhaling as much air as he possibly could in one breath. Seconds later, his entire flesh from head to toe began to turn into a glossy reflective blackened color. Swords shattered like glass, bullets bouncing off his chest like pebbles, cannons blowing up in his face, all of which showed no signs of actually damaging or even so much as making a dent on his metallic flesh. Knowing well enough that he could only keep this form up for a matter of minutes due to his old age and lack of stamina, he took advantage of every second he had by barreling forward and gathering as large of a group as possible of the bounty hunters before tackling them on board one of their own ships.

    "Everyone! Get going! Save the Infinity! Azure, get everyone out of here! Now!" As the burly man shouted over his shoulder, pinning down the large group of men and women to the deck of the enemy ship while it continued to fire upon the Infinity relentlessly. "Get off you old fart!" One of the men shouted as he bashed the head of Edward who's metallic skin was beginning to fade little by little every second. Knowing well enough that if he continued to hold down his enemy in such a state for too long, he'd get himself killed before his crew could escape, eventually he tossed the bounty hunters aside before exhaling once more. Panting from exhaustion, his full metallic form rapidly faded only now covering portions of his chest and the entirety of his arms, sweat dripped from practically every part of his body as he was quick to raise his fists up to prepare for the next round.

    Just then, the sound of an explosion followed by a female bursting out the hunters' Captain's quarters ship caused the group followed by Edward to turn his head over his shoulder. Seeing as Jin stepped out from the same cabin of which the hunter's Captain just flew out from, Edward would only stare for a moment before pointing towards his own ship. "Jin! Get back to the Infinity and get out of here! Before we lose her and everyone!" Shouting with both anger followed by panic, Jin stared with widened eyes, almost confused on what his own Captain was ordering him to do. Before he could so much as question his orders, Edward had grabbed Jin by the collar of his shirt before tossing him over onto the deck of the Infinity. Immediately after, he proceeded to punch a massive hole into the wooden deck of the hunters' ship, with one strike after another and the shock followed by confusion of the bounty hunters, Edward eventually reached down to the engine room of the large vessel. "Here it is! With this, at least the crew can get an escape route..." With that said, he slammed his fist into the large mechanism before tearing out wiring, Eternum shards, and metal. Even with the explosions blowing up in his face, he fought through the heat and pain. Before long, the ship began to burst into flames as it slowly began to tilt over towards one side, falling out of the sky while the other hunter ship quickly began to follow after their comrades.
    Code by Serobliss


Tiny feet dashed along Captain Valorie Blackheart's ship, not even the deck's wooden flooring squeaking under the weight of Hush's deft footsteps. She quickly made her way into the interior of the ship unnoticed. She was intent on finding something in particular, occasionally stopping to cling against the wall when a bounty hunter rushed past or a cannonball caused the ship to sway haphazardly. Eventually, the scout happened upon the ship's sleeping quarters. It was the captain's room, to be precise. Silently, she rushed through the door and closed it behind her, nary a sound to be made.

Her first instinct was to check the cupboards. Even when she threw items aside or poured the contents of a drawer onto the floor, none of the actions made noise. It was moments like these where she felt grateful for the power she was given at birth. Sadly, there was nothing noteworthy in them. She searched Valorie's desk; still nothing. Eventually, she peeked under the wooden-framed bed, a sly smile creeping onto her face when she saw the lockbox. Bingo, she thought. Reaching in and dragging it out, Hush hurriedly pulled a lockpick from under her garments. It took a few tries before she felt the lock release with a click. She opened the lid, discovering a variety of documents and a large sum of cash. Likely a downpayment of some kind.

A glance through the papers showed the intended targets, with a back-and-forth between Valorie and a few names she didn't know. The pictures were of Jin, Abe, and herself. The girl furrowed her brows. There were two additional targets underneath the crew. The missing princess of Aradia and her guard. She didn't recognize them. All Hush knew was that the Church of Eternity and the Royal Capital were closing in on her and her family.


A large explosion caused Hush to gasp, yet no sound left her mouth. She quickly pocketed the paperwork and money, leaving the quarters as stealthily as she had entered. Soon, she made it back to the deck, surveying the scene. The ship was on fire and falling fast. She watched as Pops chucked Jin onto the S.S. Infinity with tremendous strength. With a quick lock of their eyes, she realized that their captain planned on staying behind to ensure their getaway. She wanted to go with him. To be there with him and protect him, much like he had done for her. The shouts of hunters behind her dissuaded those thoughts. She tightened her grip, giving Pops a reassuring glance before leaping onto the Infinity herself.

Her feet, now making noise, thudded to the floor. She looked back to watch as the blazing ship slowly descended from the sky. Worried, she swiveled her gaze to get the attention of her comrades, hoping one of them had a plan on what to do next. They weren't going to let their captain go that easily, were they?
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R O Z A N T , A B R A H A M
Interacting with: animegirl20 animegirl20
Location: Bounty Hunter Ship --> S.S. Infinity

Hiding amongst the people had been easy enough as he reached some children who were littering the streets of the slums part of the city. However, he couldn't shake off the feeling of eyes on himโ€” following him. He had to take a few turns and alleys he wasn't familiar with before teleporting up to one of the roofs to lose his pursuers. However, as he scanned the area from his spot, he couldn't pinpoint who had been tailing him the entire time. With a huff, he figured he should just return to the ship before he was found once again. With that, he threw his hood back up and headed back to the ship.

He gave a wave to Jin to signal that he was returning. Before boarding, he gave another survey of the area. No familiar faces. Still, Abraham shook his head and headed back onto the ship. Hopefully, he had lost whoever was looking for him.

The attack had come suddenly while Abraham was in his own room, reading through Medicine for Dummies. He was quickly on his feet as he heard the cannons of other ships slam against the Eternum barriers. He clicked his tongue, rushing out of his quarters before skidding to a stop in front of Lindsey's. Just in case. He knocked on the door. "Lindsey, I need those timer bombs that you made before." He requested with a more serious tone in his voice instead of its usual anxiety-filled one. Once presented, he quickly grabbed them and thanked her for it before rushing to the top deck.

He got to the stairs just in time to hear Captain Valorie Blackheart's speech. Bounty hunters? Shit. Shit. Shit. They were the ones who were following him? Apparently, there were several of them who had high bounties. He had never told the Captain the nature of why his bounty was so high and he never asked. That was just how Captain Ishikawa was and now here he was again, fighting for them. Fighting for their right to continue being free. A man purely driven by loyalty to this family he had created.

In the chaos during the fighting, Abraham boarded the other ship, weaving through the darkness and blinking onto it. He leaned against the wall as another wave of vertigo passed over his head. He took a deep breath before heading inside while the rest of the crew were far too busy focusing on the Captain. As he descended into the ship, he began looking for the engine room. He ducked down into a roomโ€” a storage roomโ€” as a few crew members stomped down the hallway. Once they had passed, he continued his way, listening intently for the thrum of the engine he had grown so familiar with after having to make regular visits to Marie.

He finally found his way into the engine room and found what he assumed to be the crew's engineer making his rounds and making sure that it was working properly. Abraham let out a sigh. It's not like it would be his first time taking a life. And if he was doing what he was doing, well, he'd have a lot more blood on his hands. Abraham threw his knife straight toward the neck of the engineer and charged forward. The engineer let out a sputter before the knife was yanked back into Abraham's hand and slashed at his neck. Blood poured out and the engineer fell back onto the ground.

No time to worry about that. Abraham primed the timer bombs and attached them to the engine. Once he heard the first beep that meant they were activated, Abraham made a mad dash out of the room.

30 seconds.

He shoved a crew member out of the way who was surprised someone else was there. Someone was shouting. Probably to alert the other crew members to his presence. He could hear thundering footsteps. Well, shit.

20 seconds.

This was a big fucking ship. When he saw a wall of people blocking his exit, his eyes turned up to the stairs and teleported towards the empty spot. He fought back the rising bile in his stomach as another wave of nausea hit him. He shook his head as he sprinted up.

10 seconds.

He was on the deck of the ship. An explosion shook the area and he saw that the other ship had turned into a blazing fire. The crew members of the ship were shocked by the sudden turn of events. More shouting. They were turning back or something along those lines. Someone tried to grab him but he managed to slip away. Both ships were beginning to steer away from each other. No, no, no. Abraham reached the edge of the ship and leaped off. Closer. Closer. He teleported onto the side of the S.S. Infinity and pulled himself up. He turned over the side of the ship and puked.


Through bleary and doubling vision, he watched as the charges exploded, blowing out the side of the ship and it started its freefall down to the ground with the other ship. He let out a groan as he spun around, falling to a sitting position as he looked at the other crew members. Hush was there. He vaguely remembered seeing her dash to the other ship. Azure was at the helm. Jin looked shocked.

"Hey... where's the Cap?"
Marie Caldewell

|Location: S.S. Infinity Vents -> Engine Room
Marie Caldewell had kept herself onboard the ship despite the recent excursion at port. Not an unusual thing for Marie in general. She had far more lingering interest towards working on the ship half the time then to find her own land legs again. It wasn't as if she didn't enjoy getting to see the sights, but she had her own little project... something that for a engineer like Marie, it meant everything else quickly had fallen to the wayside. She had gotten enough materials 'loaned' from the supplies to handle her own little upgrade to the ship, What she liked to call a bit of a 'turbo button'.

A new invention of hers, in some part inspired by her own previous works. It was sure to work, I mean her earlier small scale inventions had caused some 'accidents' though nothing that went beyond some minor exploding. Just a little extra work for whoever the poor sod in charge of cleaning things up might have to worry about. Her last few small scale models had worked smoothly... pending some mild after the fact issues... but even those were mostly cleaned up. All she had to do was casually install the button on the bridge and it should be all ready to be used! A nice burst of speed and power usage with a teeny tiny little intisy bitsy huge chunk of extra power draw temporarily. The important part was her numbers added up that the heat wouldn't be too much and the ship was almost certain to hold up! Almost... most likely!

Such things didn't matter much to Marie at the moment as she laid curled up in the vents not far off from the engines. A little 'nap' spot as she called it. A home away from home... granted the 'home' itself was more just a portion of the ship deep in the venting system that was clear of some machinery giving enough space for one to move and live in, so long as you were careful to not bump your head on the ceiling or accidentally touch a few of the loose gears or live wires that seemed a bit too sketchy to trust the sheathing would really keep you insulated from being zapped to death. Having worked so hard to try and get her work done before departure, it had left her worn down enough to pass out elsehwere, tucked up in a ball in the wider section in the vents using her jacket as a makeshift pillow.

It had been a rather nice... several hour nap... until the shaking happened.

Marie had stirred at first a bit of confusion clear in her violet eyes. The engineer shifted up, stopping short of bonking her head on the top of the vent. Her ears picking up on the sounds rather quickly. It was clear the ship had been on the sky, a rather unfortunate thing given she had planned on finishing off before they took off, but worst it seemed as if something was wrong. Her ears picking up on the commotion quite clearly even deep within the ships bowls. The vents were only naturally a great conduit to transfer sound over distance, particularly when it was so loud. Then a familiar voice reached her ears causing her to spring to action.

"Someone check on the cooldown on the shield generator! Get it up already!"

Marie began to shuffle her way through the vent. While she was quite far to directly interact she was close to the engines. She crawled through a small segment of vents coming out to an overhead opening. The engineer drop kicking it from above landing down on top of it in a rather spectacular fashion. Her light brown hair mildly disheveled as she lifted her hand up to adjust her glasses resting on her forehead. The young engineer venturing into the engine room. Her eyes catching sight of the Eternum Crystal contained inside as she hurried over, the 5'1 girl's jacket trailing slightly along. Her hand reaching over to a valve, turning it as to provide more power to the shield generator. Her hands gripped the pipping jumping carefully over to reach a few more valves, turning them in order to field the shield generator more. Her eyes glancing over roughly to observe it very careful as to not over strain it. At worst case she could cause the generator to explode overclocking it to boot up too fast, though even to a lesser extent it could be quite easy for it to have the inverse effect heating it too much and making the shield too weak.

The young woman shifted, carefully weaving between the particular hot pipe as she continued to twist more values and pull on levels seeming to thottle her efforts observing the generator as it began to 'purr' hearing as it sprung to life taking hold as the shield itself started to ripple to life working to begin eneveloping the ship and protecting it from potential danger. The engineer shuffling around finishing up adjusting the valves back to where they were not wanting to accidentally blow the shield generator before it might be able to become operational.

"That should take care of that... Oh! Get away... yes... I didn't install it yet though... eh! It's okay I'll control it myself. No way anything goes wrong!" She spoke walking past one of the councils giving a loving tap as she walked over to the nearby coms. Her hand placed upon it as she lifted her hand up. While not visible a console created in her mind as she worked through the systems of the ship. It was a rather easy feat... given she had pretty much opened the entire ship up to herself over her stay there. No pesky security was left for her to have to crack through. It didn't change the fact the ship was a bit old... though she had a good idea of its inner workings. She knew enough to fix the pesky issue of the engine room only meant to deliver messages to just the bridge.

S,S. Infinity Intercom System - Engine Room to Entire Ship
"Hey, uh... hello hello! Make sure everyone gets settled down, butts in seats or things you could consider seat like, arms holding onto anything you can. I mean like really holding on. When the ship starts going its going to go... I'm not responsible if you get thrown off or tossed back. Also Az-boy, there might be a little extra kick when you hit that throttle so uh... be ready for that... and maybe some shaking."

She spoke through the nearby speaker leaning in as to deliver the message. She hadn't the slightest clue where everyone was or that some had ventured off the ship. It wasn't her responsibility she had did her best to warn everyone, besides it wouldn't be up to her when they would speed off. Her Hijack being used as she activated the turbo function. From the corner of her eye the rather makeshift looking extra piping and tubes sounded as if they were clattering revving up preparing to feed the engine an extra burst of energy from the Crystal as soon as whoever it was at the helm was ready to toss the throttle full force and get them out there... with her very swiiftly taking hold of what she can pressing against the wall knowing what would happen when it did.
Firey Chef
Dominique LaยดSar
S.S Infinity |

The world wasnโ€™t supposed to be twirling so early in the day. Dominique LaยดSar knew this and she had a voice in the back of her head judging her for it. She pushed it away, drowned it, muted it. Like pesky music she didnโ€™t like.
But blue tinkering eyes remained drilling into her soul and beyond. The raven-black haired woman held the stare of that blue lizard of hers. Dom knew what it wanted. About an hour or so the S.S. Infinity docked onto some harbor. She fairly could think of the things that had to be done, the spices she should try to locate through the market. But the world had to stop spinning for a god damned minute for that.

โ€œIf you want to go then go,โ€ Dom gestured for the mechanical dragon to fly away. Stoic as it was, that thing remained seated at the door. Her room looked nothing like a cookโ€™s room. Wooden panels clustered over walls and the ceiling. A few odd paintings hung on the walls, a wardrobe stood at the end of her bed and she had one of those sacks to sit on. It helped her back a lot. Or feathered her trippings over the books located left to the door. Her bed stood underneath the window. A cool breeze in the morning after a heavy drinking day was welcomed by Dom any time. And on her little night table sat a stone plate. Engraved with her dragonโ€™s name- Linsie. Said dragon had to go there, right now. So, Dom could peacefully finish her bottle of- whatever she was drinking?
Yet Linsie held her stare. โ€œLinse, I am so gonna-โ€ ,a blurb interrupted her, โ€œyou know- do things, if you donโ€™t sit down on your stone plate.โ€

But the small pesk didnโ€™t even try to listen. Instead, Dom realized too late what she was doing. Linsie turned to the door, her claw carefully scratching at the door whilst she threw her saddest look at her. She should have abandoned that dragon right there and then. โ€œThat wonโ€™t work. Nah-ha, forget it.โ€
Absolutely not.
One hundred percent not.
As if a dragon could tell her what to do.
As if she wasnโ€™t dressed in a loose brown jacket, some ripped jeans and a top ten minutes later. Her hand was left to fall freely around her shoulder as she exited her room and the door fell shut behind her. Linsie hopped onto her shoulder and gave the happiest squeak of the day.

Dom slapped her inner self, patted along her pockets to make sure her wallet was with her and slowly proceeded to walk down the corridor. After years of practicing drunk-walk and drunk-talk, she claimed to be a master. Which was partly true. The world may have spun but Dominique kept her ground.
It took her a whole lot of seven minutes to exit the ship though. When she saw anyone of the crew, she made sure to greet them accordingly. Could they tell she had downed alcohol again? Had they bought new one. Had they? It became a blessing Linsie forced her outside in the matter of seconds.

The city they had docked onto had cheaper prices but a fairly good arsenal of stuff she needed. One of her bags was filled with bottles, the other with various spices or rare fruits. The crew would eat like kings tonight, she sang in her head. When it came to cooking, her thoughts ran at full speed without a distraction. Dom didnโ€™t need to think long and hard about things regarding good meat, fruits or new spices. Her hands worked on their own and her stomach took the final decision. She spent half her entire allowance on those things and perhaps sheโ€™d regretted it tonight when her head had sobered up.
But something irked her. Linsie grew restless on her shoulder. From time to time the blue scaled overgrown lizard looked behind or around. Normally Linsie would fly to a nearest stall that sold things like shining stones or jewelry or some meat stall. And yet Dom caught the thought that her dragon did not enjoy their trip like usual.

โ€œWhat is it Lins?โ€ she muttered as the dragon turned her head again. Dom stopped in her tracks to shoot a glance behind her. Only a busy market street. Although her eyes fell on a few people who moved differently than any other customer. As if they werenโ€™t here for the market itself. The cook of S.S Infinity shook that creeping feeling in her bones off.
Sheโ€™d been on the ship from Ishikawa since she was seventeen. That made up eight years of being a part of his merry crew. They had two newcomers since last week and a few who had an ugly history. It led to even more ugly encounters with authorities or equal criminals that came for the money set on her friendโ€™s head. Perhaps today would be such a day. Dom decided to perhaps clear her head with a few sips of water and continue her drinking in the afternoon.

โ€œLetโ€™s go home,โ€ she told her dragon under her breath. The moving mass did not take notice of her stopping. She was only a cook, after all. Has anyone looked for her because of the incident decades ago? Dom violently shook her skull. The emerging memories lost within. โ€œBet they want to leave soon, right Linsie?โ€

Her dragon was too busy staring in the crowd to listen. Dominique still returned like planned. Jin had packed the new supplies and she swore she detected old Ishikawa as well. Perfect timing like always. She boarded the ship and vanished to her kitchen. Linsie sprung from her shoulder to the kitchen counter in the back, her eyes set firmly at the door. As if someone strange burst into here. What riled this little guy up so much?
A migraine pondered at the front of her head already and she wasnโ€™t even sober. Dom snapped her finger at the back of Linsieโ€™s head. โ€œStop that. Nothinโ€™ is out there, okay? Get me a fire started in the oven instead.โ€

It took bulky five seconds for the dragon to peel her gaze from the entrance of their lair and flapping its small wings to the oven. In front laid a perfectly cut fish part. Linsieโ€™s favorite. Dom sometimes laid them there in the evening before going to bed. Just for solely the purpose of feeding it. Although she wondered why the mechanical dragon needed actual food and not oil. The crew had Eiren, a cyborg-kinda like guy, and he did not require food. Perhaps Linsie had been built differently or was given mechanical organs. At least she didnโ€™t shit though. Dom guessed the food was used to fuel the dragonโ€™s fire.

โ€œGood Linsie,โ€
she praised and emptied her bag. The one with the bottles remained seated in the back of her kitchen. Out of sight, out of mind. Two minutes into sorting her spices in the according shelves, the ship was launched into the air. The take-off almost knocked Dom off her feet. It took her an additional two minutes to calm herself and not throw up.
โ€œOven heated,โ€ Linsie barked from the counter now, looking at Dom with a tilted head. A truly peculiar creation, her Linsie. The demoiselle sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Time to continue. Once in the air, the ship flew smoothly- usually. Yet Dom got knocked off her feet at a strong quiver that ran through the ship.
She flew against one of her shelves. Her head pounded and trembled, black dots running before her eyes. Linsie flew on her lap, licking her face with worry flickering in her eyes. Dom groaned. Who in the world steered the fucking ship like this?

She needed a few seconds to collect herself. The alcohol was threatening to come up. With a deep inhale, Dom heaved onto her feet and aimed for the door. Linsie tried to pull her back by her jacket. Not an accident then. Something was happening outside. She reached for the door handle before turning to her dragon again. A pat on the head and she was out in the corridor again. Linsie was kept in the kitchen. Whatever shit of a hell went down, Dom didnโ€™t need her lizard out there.
The tiny roars of the creation filled her ears until yelling took over. Yells and shouts from the deck. Her steps fastened, sprinting now. She willed her senses to come to her as sharp as they usually were. Dom stumbled outside into the chaos unfold.

Two bounty hunter ships. her captain on one of them and a few of her friends collected on deck, fighting. Her fire nagged at her bones, begging to be let outside. No, she gulped, her hand slowly reaching for her Mad Rosaline, I might burn them. I canโ€™t-
Before she finished the thought, Dom was shooting at anything in general. Any of those hunters before they could jump onto the S.S Infinity. Her ears were ringing, the shouts and commands of her captain draining and going under. Everything spinned, everything blurred. A loud explosion catapulted her back to reality. Her hands fell loose at her side as the two ships began sinking. One of them had the captain still on it.

No. This wasnโ€™t happening.

Dom wanted to shout, scream, cry and leap to the other ship to drag the old crazy man back on his own ship. But none of her muscles seemed to bend to her will. Hush and Azure came to vision, Jin and the others too but all Dominique LaยดSar saw was the sinking ship with her captain on it.

The demoiselle knew, she just knew, there was barely anything to do. Nothing that came to mind made sense. Anyone going over thereโ€ฆ would simply sink with the old Ishikawa. But he wouldnโ€™t leave them, right? He had a backup plan, right?

Until the voice from the speakers filled her mind. It rained on her. He didn't. The old man had no backup plan. And the world began crashing down on her. Mixed images clouded her mind. The fire of the orphanage house, the fire eating the ships. The fire eating her captain.
Code by Serobliss


A good day. Thatโ€™s what it is. Docked and swaying gently in the sea, the sight of a bustling town to the side and the sea on the other. Truly there could not be a better day. The sun was up in the sky, nary a cloud to shroud its glory. Eiren took the time to stare up at the great ball of light. He could do that, you see, for he did not have the organic eyes others might possess, so light was never too much of a bother for him.

It was on days like this that he could do some thinking. Not about his situation or anything of the sort. No, he was in a good place. A free place. A home even. He never had a home, neither had the previous Eiren. Only ever had a place to rest his head before he got back to work on machines. A lonesome life. Certainly not like now though!

Anyways, back to thoughts. The sky. What a wonderful place. The ship held within its body the soul of flight. An engine that could take it into the sky with all those aboard. What a marvelous thing. However, one could not go too high. It is like a cruel joke, this world. Upon it one is bound, but mortal creatures, the clever beings they are, manage to get as close to the heavens as the great tree has allowed. Perhaps one day they will even travel beyond. For now though, there is naught but the stars to whisper a tale of what could be.

Thoughts. It is easy to become lost in them, but soon Eiren had returned to the world. The mechanical glow of his eyes focusing as someone had begun to approach the ship. The Captain. Eiren jerked to his feet as he saw the hulking man make his approach through the streets of the civilized lands.

Eiren didnโ€™t need to breathe, so without an intake of breath he bellows out a loud statement that lets his fellows know that the adventure was about to continue once again.


โ€˜Twas a warning for the others. A fair announcement telling those of the ship that there would be no time for last minute affairs, so it was best to wrap up your business before โ€˜all hands on deckโ€™ was called out. Eiren only ever did it as a courtesy for the others. Perhaps they were annoyed with it. Perhaps not. Not many folk bother climbing all the way up to his place just to give him feedback. Which was fine with him.

Eirenโ€™s gaze followed the captain even aboard the ship. It was important that he discern any important orders from the captain. It was not difficult to do at a distance given he could read lips, even from afar. However, no abnormal orders were given to anyone in particular, so it was time to return to the skies.

Eiren felt the ship lurch forward, almost as if there was an eagerness to its motion. A love for the journey. A love for its captain. It was a warmth that the metal man could feel in his chest. Not literally, of course, but it reminded him of care and love. Memories from the creator that made his processes a bit fuzzy.

He places a hand atop his head, keeping his hat from flying off into the wind as the ship begins to take speed. Suddenly, the ship begins to leave the sea and rise into the air. A good day, thatโ€™s what this isโ€ฆ Though perhaps that thought came too soon.

The sound of a horn. A mark of poor tidings to come. Even so, it saved Eiren a bit of work. His gaze turns back towards where they had come from only to be greeted by the sight of menacing red sails. Sails that he was all too familiar with given his time aboard the Infinity.

โ€œAh, mercenaries. Quite kind of them to announce their arrival.โ€

His amusement was cut short as cannon fire boomed out after the horns call. He didnโ€™t bother with lowering his head in fear of impact. He was too high up for anything to hit him unless he had been directly aimed at. He takes hold of the rifle resting upon the barrel of the crows nest and shifts his gaze between the two encroaching ships.

As they begin to pull up to either side of the ship, Eiren waits for no orders. He already has his rifle aimed for the opposite ship that the woman was shouting from. She seemed quite full of herself. That is an attitude that will surely be humbled after a bout with the captain. Speaking of, seems that whatever the woman said set the captain off. A massive hand takes hold of a cannon ball and flings it into the other ship, as if he was throwing something not made of metal and weighing pounds upon pounds.

It was orders enough for Eiren, to say the least. The moment the cannon ball was thrown and the enemy had any mind to return fire, the watchman had already fired upon the ship on the opposite side. A single round from his rifle tore through a man stationed on a cannon. Best to prevent as much damage as possible to the Infinity, Eiren thought.

The sound of the rifle was ghostly. A hellish wail as smoke from the black powder of his round vacuumed out of the barrel. He was not one to name his tools, but others had named his rifle โ€œThe Bansheeโ€œ. Fitting perhaps.

One man down and another falling right after that. It was nearly dead on each time, the round passing through the chest and piercing the heart. Round after round was fired, taking down someone who tried to light the fuse of a cannon or made to board the Infinity. Of course, there were too many for all the rounds he had stashed away with him above. When ammo became scarce, he took hold of the other tool beside him. His trusty warhammer.

On the deck, the battle raged, but to the curiosity of the enemy, some of the crew began to back away, eyes drawn upwards at something. A man looked up as well only to be greeted by the sight of something rapidly descending, a glow being the last thing he saw before the darkness took him.

Eiren felt a bit bad for the man he fell on. He wasnโ€™t even sure the poor man was actually dead, but he was certainly broken in a few places. The automaton heard the soft and muffled cracks of bone beneath the flesh.

The battle raged on after that, but not for too long. It always seems that way during conflict. That it drags on for what feels like hours, but in truth it could have only been minutes. And Eiren saw, just as the rest had, when the captain made his sacrifice for the crew. The moment the automaton saw the fist raised and then plummet into the wood of the deck, he had an inkling for what the man sought to do.

The moment the captain descended below the deck, smashing his way further into the belly of the beast, Eiren began to shout.

โ€All crew return to the Infinity! Ship going down!โ€

It honestly didnโ€™t need to be said. The second the engine had gone up and the enemy ship began to groan under the weight of gravity, people had already made for home. It was all going down, and it was taking the captain with it. Just as soon as the first ship began to plummet towards the sea, the second ship disconnected and veered away, going to attempt a last minute rescue of who they could from the falling vessel.

Eiren watched for the captain, enhanced vision locked on the hole of the ships deck, hoping that the captain might emerge. He did not. The automaton removed his hat, placing it against his chest. He didnโ€™t believe that the captain would die. Not really. He had no way of knowing for sure, but a man such as he, who has fought monsters and escaped the surest of deaths, could not possibly fall like this.

Nonetheless, he sent him off with a bow of the head, for the end came unexpectedly at time. He could only hope that perhaps one day he might greet his captain again over drinks if he survivedโ€ฆ or in the next life.
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Gaberial De'Sardet

"Blast!" Red hissed in irritation as a heavy frown settled onto his face, his frustrated gaze directed to the sketchbook settled on his lap as he sat along the infinity's railing overlooking the port they had docked in. The sketch of the town they had landed in was halfway finished, the outline of the image already drawn, the buildings and people going about their daily business done with great detail to their features, but the slight roll of the waters below their ship caused his careful hand to slip and interrupt his progress. "Damned waters," he muttered before attempting to fix his mistake. It had been some time since he had sat down and sketched in his book and today seemed like the perfect opportunity since there wasn't much for him to do at the moment. Their supplies were being re-stocked so he didn't see any need to hunt for any game if that was the case. Plus, they've visited this place before, but Reds never added it to his sketchbook. Many of the places he's traveled to before had been added to his book of drawings. Towns, people, animals, and glorious sights that grabbed his attention were all recorded here in finely detailed drawings and sketches.

A small sigh escaped him as he managed to correct his mistake, somewhat correct it at least, but it'd have to do for now. Out of the corner of his view, he saw the familiar face of Captain Edward returning to the ship. Twirling his pencil in his fingers, Red knew it was about time for them to set off again. Slipping from the railing and back onto the deck, Red retrieved his neatly folded coat from a nearby barrel and slipped the comfortable piece of clothing back onto his body, enjoying the familiar feeling of the finely made fabric. He gave a curt nod of respect to his captain as he passed him and began to make his way down to his quarters to put away his sketchbook. He'd have to finish his drawing another time.

Once he returned to his room, he glanced over to the shelf holding several wooden figures he had craved in past. Animals, items he found interesting, and even a few mystical creatures he had found in books. He frowned slightly as he noticed it was starting to become cluttered, leaving little room for anymore. He'd have to talk to Azure at some point and ask him to help set up a new space for his collection. With the thought noted in his mind, he walked over to his bed, lifted up the smooth and silky covers, and pulled out the chest hidden under his bed. Inside it contained several books, valuables, and a small palm-sized booklet filled with jokes Red had written down to practice with. After securing his sketchbook with the rest of the contents he slipped the chest back beneath his bed and made sure his bed's covers were returned to their original, neatly prepared state. A small sigh left him as he rose to his feet, pulling his black and red gloves more securely to his hands before checking the rest of his attire to make sure nothing was out of place.

Before he could finish his inspection, however, the familiar sound of distant cannon fire reached his ears. Shortly followed was the shock wave of the infinity being hit by her aggressor, red just barely managing to keep his footing as the vessel shook. A long sigh escaped Red before turning to the desk settled in the corner of his room, his saber, and pistol resting atop its surface. Quickly he snatched his weapons from his desk before rushing out of his room and up towards the main deck, a familiar chill running up his spine as he prepared himself for another fight.

By the time he had reached the top, he was greeted by the sound of battle. Guns firing, swords clashing and screams echoing throughout the air. Looking to attacking ships he saw crimson-red sails and tensed, recognizing the colors bounty hunters usually flew. Red had no time to think any further about it though, the sound of boots landing and war cries booming to his left. Spinning on his heels he faced a fresh batch of bounty hunters boarding the ship, weapons at the ready and rushing forward. A distasteful frown settled onto his face as he calmly raised his sword to point toward his advancing attackers, feeling his magic rise until the crackling of glass reached his ears. Without missing a beat, a flurry of crimson-red projectiles shot forward into the group, tearing into the poor fools leading the charge and halting their advance. As a mist of red sprayed into the air and their howls echoed, Red sprung forward as the bodies fell, catching those who had survived the barrage by surprise, and raised his pistol to settle between the eyes of the first man he saw. The poor hunter didn't even have a chance to react before Red pulled the trigger.

The man's head snapped back violently before crumpling to the floor in a heap, his comrades sharing a look of shock and outrage before rushing forward to avenge their fallen. Red managed to get a few more shots off, taking down a few more enemies before backpedaling to avoid a muscular women's axe as it smashed into the spot he was in. With a quick glance, he saw there were only a few more hunters to deal with. Deciding to direct his next attack on the crazy-looking, axe-wielding woman, Red sprung forward with the intent to thrust his blade into her gut. The large woman with the double edge axe snarled as she saw Red charging forward before swiftly reaching behind her belt and pulling out a handheld canon, aiming it for Red. "Shit!" he hissed before using all his strength to push himself away to the side. As she pulled the trigger his ears rang as the blast rattled his eardrums, the heat of the shot causing him to grit his teeth before his back crashed into the railing of the ship, slightly knocking the breath from him.

As he regained his senses, he looked back up to the woman loaming in front of him with a feral grin spread across her pale face before seeing her raising her boot up to slam into his chest. The impact sent him crashing through the railing and falling onto the lower deck where the main fight had been raging. A groan croaked out of Red as he forced himself to push through his dazed vision and sore back. A booming laugh came from the woman as she looked down at him, resting her axe on her shoulder as she looked down at him with a smug grin. "Nice try pretty boy! Try flapping those arms of yours the next time I send you flying!"

Red only groaned in response, a mixture of annoyance and pain before remembering the battle surrounding him. He quickly raised his pistol at the woman and fired a shot, clicking his tongue in frustration as she ducked away to avoid his shot. "Damned Bounty Hunters. Always crude and too wild," he muttered before forcing himself to his feet. Before he could dive back into the fight though, an explosion caught his attention, a brief fear that their ship had been delivered a hard hit. But soon he saw the explosion belonged to the attacking ship to their side and felt his body relaxed, noticing most of the remaining attackers aboard the ship flee to the other. He held back a snort of amusement as the side of the other ship erupted with an explosion, sending it following its other close behind it. He managed to see Abraham escape the ship before the explosion and put the pieces together. "Well done Mr. Abraham," he said as he joined the rest of the crew, taking a small breath now that they had a moment. The moment had seemed wrong though, something was missing.

Looking around his crew mates he saw a few of them wear a look of worry and dread on their faces. The Captain was gone, his fate unknown to Red, but as he glanced over the side of the infinity to watch the falling ship plummet to the earth below, his crewmate's attention locked onto it, it wasn't hard to realize what could have happened. Especially when seeing Eiren place his hat against his chest, never a good sign. Before he could think any further about the subject the familiar voice of Marie spread out across the ship, announcing to prepare themselves for her to start up the ship. A heavy frown fell onto Red's face as he glanced back down to the falling ship, now only seeing the cloud of black smoke grow farther and farther away. The thought of the Captain dying now made his body tense and his chest tighten but looking around the aftermath of their battle steeled his heart. "We need to move on, for now, take the opportunity to avoid any more Hunters. There could be more heading this way," he said before sheathing his blade and holstering his pistol. "We can circle around and look for the Captain afterward," he said slowly, doing his best to keep a neutral expression as he made his suggestion to the rest of the crew. He had faith they could hold their own in a fight, but they couldn't look for their lost Captain at the same time. At least not without spilling more of their own blood. It was better to play things smart than act rashly.

Panicked and Distressed

S.S. Infinity Helm

Basic black pants that almost donโ€™t fit anymore and a button down that cannot button up anymore

Little old me in a big world

azure hitch

"Bring us to the skies Azure, my boy!"
Hearing orders from Gramps Azure would give a small hand signal to say they understood and would begin slowly turning out of pout, pulling a lever towards himself to begin ascending as well, then would turn to the panel and begin to increase how fast they were going, starting off very slowly and steadily increase. But there was something changing with the air, it wasn't normal winds, that's what Azure could tell, quickly putting the ship into a natural position and pulling an emergency lever the quickly slow the ship down before it rammed into two ships, bearing red flags that came up out of nowhere. "It's okay Infinity, I'll keep you safe," they spoke to the ship, gently patting the helm as they looked around, clocking whoever was on deck or appearing. However, the sudden force of the cannon, caused Azure to steer in that direction to keep the ship stead. "Well that can't be good," he said and moments later the fighting would break out.

Azure's first thing was to draw the other two ships away from the fight, clocking the two other helmsmen in the other two ships before kicking the "emergency brake" lever back into place, pulling hard on the ascending and descending lever to go up quickly and began to increase the speed to move the fight away from the docs, clearly going off course already, but from the near standstill to a full ascent at a pretty fast speed threw the other two helmsmen off but were quick to catch up as Azure began to level the ship out, but the two others blocked the path forward. "Come on Infinity, work with me," he mumbled, keeping it going forward for now, and grabbed their war hammer. The first thing was to get the ships away to give them an edge forward.

The 6'8 male would easily sling the giant Warhammer over their shoulder, standing at the edge of their ship, casually stepping over the railing, and putting a foot against the other ship.
"You're in my way," he said with a smile, the few guys around him looking confused, and with great strength, Azure had effectively kicked the ship away a good few inches, rocking the ship as many would go unbalance and fall over. Seeing the opportunity. With one great swing, Azure grunted slightly as he swung wildly. Azure didn't hit anything, no, that wasn't his plan after all. A gust of wind knocked a few more people down but more importantly got trapped in the sail of the other ship, pushing it even further, a small opening appearing for their ship to begin slipping through, scrapping the two ships as it the infinity did her best to try and squeeze through but it wasn't enough. Azure climbed back onto the deck and ran up to the helm again, with one hand increasing the speed even more, a loud awful screeching of the ships going by each other echoed through the skies.
"It's okay girl, I'll patch you good, get us through," he whispered, pulling the lever to ascend again

"Everyone! Get going! Save the Infinity! Azure, get everyone out of here! Now!"

Hearing their name again, Azure's head whipped to the other ship, as he saw Gramps disappearing and Jin being thrown onto the ship. His stomach dropped at this, as he paused, watching the ship before 1 explosion went off, the ship going up into flames. To avoid getting their ship burned up, Asure turned hard in the other direction, ramming into the other ship slightly as he pulled the lever more to ascent up again. He couldn't disobey Gramps, but something didn't feel good about the last words spoken.

"Hey, uh... hello hello! Make sure everyone gets settled down, butts in seats or things you could consider seat like, arms holding onto anything you can. I mean like really holding on. When the ship starts going it's going to go... I'm not responsible if you get thrown off or tossed back. Also Az-boy, there might be a little extra kick when you hit that throttle so uh... be ready for that... and maybe some shaking."

Hearing his name over the intercom, Azure barely comprehended the message, as his mind swirled with thoughts, confusing the poor boy but he let his instincts take over. The second explosion brought Azure back to reality as his head whipped back to the other ship he had just kicked. The opening was clear. Azure would have done a quick head count, noticing Gramps was for sure not bored and he felt sick. I have to obey orders...I have too. The moment Azure was mostly sure everyone was on board, it was almost time.

"HOLD ON TIGHT EVERYONE!" He shouted, leveling the ship, and took a deep breath.
"Okay infinity, show me what you got girl," he whispered, hitting a few more buttons on the panel, setting their Warhammer down and he leveled the ship once more. Then would being to count down.


Azure put both hands don't the wheel, picking a random direction and being to turn wildly, hearing everyone rush around, he had to protect those on board.


Gramp's wasn't here, why wasn't gramps here?


There was no time left, Azure looked around as he steadied the ship in their new direction.


Everyone else was on board, that's all that matters for right now, as Azure checked one last time.


A roaring of the powerful thrusters turned on, as the ship began to pick up speed quickly, the wind blowing into everyone's faces as it went from fast, to extremely fast in only a matter of seconds, even Azure having to brace himself. Of course with speed comes the unpredictability of a ship with steering, fighting against the wind as they blasted forward. Where ever their precious destination was, it was not their new destination as Azure struggled to keep the ship on a course to begin with. In moments, Azure would see hints of an island ahead, surprisingly fast, and knew they would have to make a quick land, but the ship was beginning to rock back and forth, which was unusual with Azure steering, as he could normally sail at any speed and still be steady. With the current speed, however, there was no way there were going to make a good landing.

"EVERYONE HOLD ON! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO CRASH HERE!" Azure's voice boomed over the ship, thankfully he was pretty loud so mostly everyone should have heard it as Azure would begin to attempt to slow down, looking up at the island as he would begin to descend towards the island, quickly trying to slow the ship down but gravity moment with their speed, was winning. Even pulling the emergency brake lever was only doing so much as they approached the ground of the island, Azure seemingly nose-diving the ship down. But with one last strong pull, Azure just a moment before the front of the ship touched the earth of the island, pulled back the lever, the ship leveling out against as the bottom of the ship would scrap against the ground of this new destination. However, there was no sign of the ship stopping.

Azure would jump to the main deck, sprinting forward as each step would seemingly almost crack the deck as they ran to the front of the ship. They passed the various crew members of the ship, not explaining why the ship wasn't stopping, and figured, he should take matters into his own hands, quite literally. At the front of the ship, he would crack and break the railing as he pushed off flying through the sky before tumbling into the grass in front of the fastly approaching ship. Anyone sane would clearly freak out as Azure had blindly jumped in front of the fast-moving ship. If anyone checked the Helm and its status, it was clear azure had tried everything to slow the ship down. Even for Azure, one of the strongest members physically, this would be a challenge.

"I got you, Infinity!" He shouted, bracing themselves, arms wide open as there was a soft thud as the ship and Azure collided together. Azure held on tight and try to push against the ship, his feet digging a path into the ground as finally, the ship began to slow down. Azure's grip tightened, his hands digging into the ship, breaking it slightly to create small hand-shaped holes for him to tightly hold onto as all that could be hurt was the sound of the ship scrapping the ground and Azure now yelling loudly, using every muscle in their body as gradually, the ship would come to a halt and Azure had fallen silent.


Azure loud stomach growl echoed throughout the island as they let go of the infinity and fell flat on their back, looking up at the sky and breathing heavily. They probably pulled more than a few muscles at this point and would need to rest.

"See girl? I got you," he breathed out, closing his eyes as simply lay there. They were safe, for now.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

ยฉ weldherwings.

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Fang had finally managed to do the undoable. It had taken an eternity to achieve such thing, his body was tired, he felt sick, but none of that could overcome the feeling of accomplishment, of victory. His legend might be lost to the world, but somewhere, some god, had witnesses the remarkable event. The stain left behind by one of Marie's failed experiments had been destroyed.

"You never stood a chance..." Fang shook his head slowly to the sides, his sleeves rolled up and his ponytail all messy due to the intense scrubbing, "You might've defeated Duke Clean Em and Wonder Shine, but combined? They never lose when I fuse them together!". He laughed loud and heartily, pointing at the shiny clean spot on the wall.

With the feeling of being unbeatable and immortality in his blood, Fang began putting away his cleaning supplies. He had developed a nice system, wash cloths hung over his shoulders while the different cleaning chemicals hang from his belt around his waist in different bottles, labeled with their brand name. The feeling of the boat taking off was something he had gotten used to, but he always stopped moving when it did so, just so he wouldn't lose his balance, he didn't want to look like a newbie.

As they commenced their travel towards whatever new destination the captain had in store for them, the janitor decided to make sure one of the most important treasures aboard the ship was secured. He opened the door to one of the many storage rooms and there it was. It didn't look like anything special from the outside, but that was the idea. It was a plain looking wooden box, but inside, inside was something that the crew go insane without if they were ever stranded. Rum. Bottles and bottles of Rum, perfectly stacked inside, courtesy of Fang. Then, as if the universe was testing the one day master of the sands, greatest swordsman in the world and voted most handsome, the ship shook violently.

"Save the children!" Fang cried out as he placed his hands on the crate, making sure it stayed in place, "Put it on the top shelf I thought, it can't possibly fall off, I thought!" He scolded himself as the ship shook again, causing the crate to start leaning forward.

Fang had to muster all his power, which he believes must not be that far off compared to Azure's, using his hands and his forehead to keep the crate from falling over. He stood there, his legs shaking as the crate felt heavier each moment. Whatever was happening, it was getting worse, the ship kept shaking, was the captain learning to tap dance? Did engineer girl blow something up? Whatever it was, it was leaving Fang in an awful position, his neck couldn't take so much more weight and his arms were beginning to burn. It seemed to have been forever that Fang stood there, keeping the crew's fuel alive, until the sound of two loud explosions seemed to have stopped the impacts. Fang used the opportunity to give the crate one last big push, placing it back up on its shelf.

"What's going on?" Fang rose from the bottom rooms and on to the deck of the ship. He couldn't help but raise one eyebrow in confusion while his crewmates seemed to be suffering from something, even the robotic looking one. "Did someone die?" He asked, mostly sarcasm, unaware of the situation his teammates had just gone through.

There wasn't much time to get answers, the ship was blasted into full speed, causing Fang to stumble backwards and down the stairs he had just came back up through. He rolled all the way to the bottom, hitting the ground hard as he landed on his back. He wasn't used to such speed, so he struggled to get to his feet. Where they running away from something? There was going to be a big mess to clean up after, he just knew it. The crate.

Fang began moving towards the storage room that contained the old wooden box and to his luck, it seemed perfectly fine. "Thank god-" Fang couldn't really celebrate, as the ship began hitting its breaks, he stumbled across the room and smashed into one of the walls. Terrible driving, he was going to have to leave a note in the complaints box, probably make the box first and then leave a note. The ship finally stopped and Fang was now able to get up, wiping the alcohol from his wet knees...

"No!" Fang turned around, his eyes fixing on the horrific scene played before him. The crate had fallen, its contents, or the remains of them, scattered all over the floor. The liquid spread across the floor slowly showing Fang's bewildered expression on it and mixing with the tears of the janitor as they made contact. "NO!" Fang cried out at the top of his lungs as he fell to the ground on his knees, smashing his right fist on the sweet rum covered floor, "Why god why? Why must your torture us like this?"

Fang made his way back up the stairs towards the deck. His head was hanging low, his shoulders dropped and his arms swung slowly from side to side. He didn't even bother to comment on the fact that they had landed, because nothing mattered anymore. "Guys..." He said, a knot on his throat as he tried to keep calm, "We're out of rum."

He lifted his head to watch the reaction of his crewmates, only to notice that one obvious member missing, "Hey where's the captain? Why did we land?"
When docked Lindsey had been buying things she needed and even found a couple of books, though she was mostly using the five finger discount. After she was done she went back to the ship and spent the rest the time in her room sketching out things, tinkering, and building things. She so was consumed in what she was doing she didn't even noticed what was happening up on deck until Abe came by asking where her time bombs were. Without looking up from what she was doing she pointed to where her time bombs were. After a few seconds it hit her.

"Time bomb??"

Lindsey ran up to the deck to see gramps talking to some woman who Lindsey quickly realized was a bounty hunter. Lindsey smirked already seeing what was coming.

"It's play time~"

Lindsey quickly scanned the situation and decide to go grab one of her rifles. Once she was back on deck she ran up to the edge of the ship and kicked off one of the men trying to climb on then stood on the, railing keeping her balance, of the ship aimed her rifle and started shooting. She was super focus and took out every target quickly one by one. She of course did have to dodge shots being fired back at her but over all she seemed to be doing just fine with a not quite sane confident look on her face. As she continued firing off she suddenly stopped when she saw Abe. And suddenly a thought hit her.

"Wait didn't Abby ask for time bombs?.....! Jin Gramps you got to get off the ship NOW!"

She jumped off the railing and ducked as Gramps tossed Jin back on to the ship but he wasn't following.


She watched as the Captain went deeper into the ship it was at that moment she knew he wasn't coming back. Lindsey watched her face unreadable as the ship went down in flames. Lindsey was suddenly snapped out of the moment when Marie made a announcement to hold on to something. Lindsey held on tightly to the railing as they landed she almost held on for the entire time but at the last moment she couldn't hold on and longer and she fell back on to the ground when the shipped stopped. Lindsey not seeming to be fazed by that sat up and sitting Indian style L.indsey stared at the ground and suddenly she shouted out angerly as her fist punched the ground.

coded by kaninchen
Gaberial De'Sardet

Just as Red finished presenting his idea for the crew's next move his attention was taken by a familiar voice, looking up to see the helmsman, Azure, shout out to hold tight. A quick sigh escaped him, a mixture of relief and dread filling his chest. They would gain distance from any danger threatening them but temporarily abandon their Captain. Red steeled his nerves, pushing the thoughts away and hiding his emotions as he quickly rushed to the ship railing, latching on as he prepared for the coming ride. After what felt like minutes go by the sudden lurch of the ship accelerating made his grip on the railing grow into a death grip, gritting his teeth as he quickly tried to adapt to the new force pushing against him. He managed to grow accustomed to the new speeds their ship had been flying in and freed one hand to cover his eyes to block the rushing winds. He grimaced at the thought of his hair flying wildly in the wind, knowing it was going to take some work to fix it.

The rocking of the ship as it sailed through the sky was slightly concerning, especially once he heard Azure's voice boom over the high winds, informing them they were going to be making a crash landing. It was not the best situation but after a year of witnessing Azure's skills behind the wheel of the ship, there was a slight comfort in knowing they were in good hands. Surely, he had something up his sleeve for dire situations like this, right? This thought was thrown out the window, or more accurately overboard, as Red saw Azure dropping down onto the deck, away from his post. His eyes widened as he turned his attention to their helmsman. "Mr. Hitch, what the blazes are you-" before he could finish, however, Azure sprinted across the deck and towards the front of the ship. "M-Mr. Hitch!?" Red called out as he passed him, following his movement with an arched brow and slight panic. Where the hell was, he going!? Who was steering the ship!? Unfortunately, his questions would never be answered. Before he could comprehend Azure's intentions his eyes would grow wide in shock and disbelief as he watched their only helmsman leap from the crashing ship.

"Azure!!" Red yelled, dropping the formalities he usually uses with his fellow crewmates out of panic. What in the world was he thinking!? There was no time to come up with an answer, however, as the infinity violently lurched forward as it finally made contact with the ground below. For a moment Red lost his grip on the railing, tumbling forward before swiftly grabbing onto a hanging rope from the ship rigging. With gritted teeth, he held on until through some miracle the ship finally came to a stop. After taking a moment to take a quick look around the ship, seeing no devastating damage to the ship or her crew, though Abraham did look a bit green. At least he was alive. Red rose to his feet with a sigh of relief. The relief would quickly sour though as he quickly remembered their helmsman's insane stunt. Wasting no time Red rushed to the edge of the ship, his eyes frantically searching for his crewmate before leaning forward to look towards the front of the ship. His eyes widened as he saw a form resting in front of the infinity, lying on the ground.

"Damn it!" Red hissed as he smacked the surface of the railing before rushing forward, snatching up an emergency line and repelling down to the ground surface. Once his boots made it to the earth he ran to the front of the ship, a heavy frown on his face. Once he finally reached his fallen crewmate he stopped a few steps away from Azure, panting lightly as he examined him. A sigh of relief escaped him to see their helmsman still breathing, a bit rough looking but still breathing. A small smile threatened to slip onto his face, but before it could a loud rumbling reached his ears. Red looked back down at Azure and realized it had come from his stomach. A long frown quickly spread across his lips as he remembered Azure's reckless stunt and rested his hands on his hips as he glared down at his crewmate.

"What in the BLOODY hell is wrong with you!?" Red barked, anger and annoyance clear in both his voice and face. "What empty-headed form of insanity drove you to commit such a reckless and foolish stunt! Of all the things I've witnessed you do over the year I have been aboard this ship Mr. Hitch, this is the most-most-most... I don't even know what to call it!" Red scoffed, tossing his hands in the air as he turned his attention to the ship. "How could you be so..." before he could continue his rant his eyes fell onto the infinity, seeing her still in one piece, to a functional degree at least. His eyes slowly fell to the markings left by Azure in the front of the ship's hull, his agitated stance faltering slightly as he followed the impact trail of the ship until he looked back down at his crewmate. His heavy frown and glare grew softer until a long sigh escaped him, his gloved fingers pinching the bridge of his nose and the other running through his newly messy hair. Insane and foolish the stunt may have been, but Red couldn't deny the results it brought.

After taking a moment to calm his nerves, Red looked back to Azure with a neutral expression, fighting to keep at bay another smile that threatened to spread across his lips. "Never mind, any amount of yelling or chastising will make no difference with you," he said, a slight hint of hidden amusement in his voice before walking over and kneeling beside him to inspect his condition. "Mr. Abraham! Please come down here to assist with-" before he could finish Red arched a brow to see Abraham rushing away from the ship, looking sick before remembering how green he looked before. A tired sigh left him as he gently helped Azure to his feet and offered him a shoulder to lean on as he led him back to the Infinity. "Never mind, please tend to yourself first. Thank you for your dedicated work."
The Princess and her Knight

Bags. There were so many bags that Shiloh held with his arms that it towered in front of his face. Some of it even hung on his forearm as they walked back to their room. He felt like his arms were about to fall off. He was strong, but it was different when the things youโ€™re carrying just kept getting bigger and bigger while spending half of the day just walking around town to buy more stuff. He was tired, shopping was an activity he never liked butโ€ฆ Fiona wanted it. Even if he wasnโ€™t bound by duty heโ€™d still agree but itโ€™s still a pain. If only he wasnโ€™t so fond of her.

โ€œAre we here yet?โ€ Shiloh asked as he entered the room, he turned his whole body around and looked to the side to get a quick glance at their room. It was barren but also not really, he didnโ€™t even need to do a full turn, he just needed to see the gigantic bed that took up almost all of the space in the room. It could even fit three people but for some reason, Shiloh has been sleeping on the floor. โ€œYes, we are.โ€

The bags and boxes were gently placed on the bed in fear of any fragile items. He couldnโ€™t remember much of the things Fiona bought at the market. Too many to remember, too tired to think. Oh, how he wanted to lay by the bed. โ€œNow that weโ€™re back and everyone is busy doing their thing on the ship, can we please talk about last week?โ€ Shiloh reminded, something he had mentioned over and over again over the course of the week. โ€œEver since, youโ€™ve been acting differently and Iโ€™m worried.โ€

The woman across from him turned on her heel to face him, her brown locks arranged in a prim bun while her soft-featured face regarded him with confusion. She pressed a slender finger against her cheek, tapping the soft skin thoughtfully. โ€œOh dear, Shiloh, whatever could you possibly mean?โ€ Fiona, the resident scholar of the ship and part-time chef, waltzed over to the aforementioned man. She looked him softly in the eyes, fluttering her long lashes for a bit, before walking past and grabbing one of the boxes from the pile behind him.

โ€œIโ€™ve always been this way. Happy and calm. Everything is completely FINE!โ€ The end of her response was quickly followed by the sharp sound of wrappers being ripped open in an unnecessarily harsh manner. She then pulled out the item beneath the ruined packaging, which turned out to be a painting depicting the sea with golden engravings to the side. โ€œI donโ€™t know what youโ€™re so worried about.โ€ She said as she went to a wall and began hanging the painting on a readied hook.

Shiloh stared blankly at Fiona as he watched her rip the cover apart. "Right and you weren't envisioning me when you did that." He took a step closer to his companion, made sure that they were both at eye level when he asked. Shamrock-colored irises met with hers, the color of roses that littered the garden back at home. "I'm tired, okay? You've been ignoring me since I found you and yes, we might be talking now but you keep avoiding me, my question."

"We've been together since we were children, I know your nuances. You're angry, and I don't know what for!" Shiloh found it unfair. He straightened his back and combed his golden waved locks with his fingers before letting out a sigh. "Besides, I don't want you to be angry at meโ€ฆ it makes my work harder."

Work. That was all she was to the person in front of her. Fiona pried her gaze from his, focusing it on the painted ocean instead. It was a reminder of the freedom she has long been seeking, and now she has finally achieved it to a degree. So, why was there a pang of hurt in her chest, reflected by her eyes?

โ€œOh, so youโ€™re blaming me for your tiredness. Why? Did I tell you to come with me? As far as Iโ€™m concerned, you were the one who followed me.โ€ The femaleโ€™s cheeks gradually flushed red, her brow furrowing as she glared at the male. โ€œBesides, if youโ€™re so tired then why donโ€™t you leave on the next dock and return to your maiden back home!โ€ She snapped, feeling the ship rock a bit too strong yet her anger wouldnโ€™t let her fling her attention anywhere else but Shiloh.

"I'm not-" Shiloh wanted to smack his head against the wall. He felt his blood pressure go up which led him to rest a hand at the back of his neck. "All I'm saying is that I've been trying to ask you what's wrong and you keep evading the question! Not to mention, you wouldn't even talk to me during the first few days since we left."

Those days were painful to recall, he was glad that Fiona was at the very least talking to him again. Not that things were turning out well, but he found it better than being ignored. He was observant enough to notice the pained expression that she held earlier. "You won't even look at me." Shiloh's voice was weak, the most vulnerable he has been in weeks.

"You're right, I did follow you here on my own. I agreed with your plan of running away even when I knew that it'd put me on the Kingdom's list of criminals killed upon sight." He said with a huff, his emotions wanted to burst but he wouldn't let it. "And what maiden are you talking about? Keeping you safe is my top priority, it's both my duty and something I'm willing to do as your friend. I don't have time for romance, and even then I wouldn't haveโ€ฆ" His voice faltered, exhausted eyes from sleepless days glazed over at Fiona once again. "Never mind. I-I just want to know what's wrong. I don't like it whenever there's a problem between us."

Shilohโ€™s softness seemed to have chip at the walls Fiona had abruptly put up over the past week. The vexation she had fashioned mere seconds ago dimming into something far kinder and warmer, like the gentle caress of morning light after a heavy rain overnight. However, another strong rock of the ship seemed to have snapped the female out of her stupor, causing the storm to return on her fiery eyes.

โ€œThe problem is that youโ€™re not being honest with me!โ€ She pried herself off the wall and placed a tip of a finger against his chest, pointing accusingly. โ€œI saw you kissing one of the maids! IN. MY. OWN. GARDEN. NO. LESS!โ€ A deep tap accompanied each word, eyes turning misty as tears threatened to slip off her lashes. This was the reason why Fiona couldnโ€™t even look at Shiloh for the past few days. She knew she would remember the awful, disgusting, terrible thing she had witnessed in the garden she loved so much, which would always lead to her crying her eyes out! She felt so betrayed!

Shiloh had looked aghast at the accusation, since when had he been dishonest with her? Heโ€™d always been blunt, even when he found out that she was someone of higher stature than him. He was about to protest when Fiona told her what was wrong all this time. Oh. Right, that happened. Hearing about the woman running away on her own without him had made him forget all about that. โ€œSo you saw that,โ€ He said lost in thought. โ€œI didnโ€™t think it was as important as finding out you suddenly left without me,โ€ Shiloh said bluntly, his lips forming into a grimace. โ€œThe maidโ€ฆ I was waiting for you then she saw me by the gardens. I thought she was just being friendly and wanted to greet me but she confessed, and I donโ€™t know, maybe she wanted to take her chance?โ€

Shiloh heard the loud noise coming from above them but simply shrugged it off as the crew had some merriment on deck. He wouldnโ€™t be too surprised if that was the case. They seemed like the type to do so.

He shook his head lightly as the memory came back to him. โ€œI didnโ€™t reciprocate her feelings nor did I say that there was a chance of us happening, I rejected her. It wouldnโ€™t be fair to lead someone on when you already like someone else. I didnโ€™t get a chance to talk with you because you locked yourself in your room, then later that night I find out from Marites that you already took off.โ€ How can he say that Fiona was the most important to him without sounding like a love-sick idiot? What can he say to- What was that? Emerald eyes shifted to the window, there was a shadow that passed by. He couldnโ€™t make it out the first time, but then another came. It was a person falling off the ship, someone he didnโ€™t recognize and he thought that maybe those loud noises werenโ€™t the crew having a good time.

โ€œLook, Iโ€™m sorry about what I said and for not being able to tell you about what happened in the garden.โ€ He took Fionaโ€™s hand in his and led her away from the window while pulling her closer to him, โ€œI didnโ€™t mean for it to happen and I didnโ€™t want it to, and my top priority is you.โ€ He was sincere with his words, it was the truth after all. Still, he hoped that his feelings wouldnโ€™t be seen because who was he but just someone who promised to stay by her side and protect her.

Fiona felt her world narrowing down to just the two of them. The realization, their proximity, and the feeling of his hand wrapped around hers were doing wonders to her senses. It was enough for her to completely miss the loud thuds and pained groans coming from outside their shared room. All she could hear was the beating of her heartโ€ฆ or perhaps, it was theirs - combined and in unison.

โ€œO-Oh.โ€ Words eluded Fiona as everything dawned on her. Suddenly, it all made sense, and she felt so stupid for ever doubting and ignoring Shiloh. โ€œSo it was all the maidโ€™s fault? You didnโ€™t really want to kiss her? Why, Iโ€™ll have her evicted when we get back!โ€ She promised with a huff. Thankfully, she could still remember the witchโ€™s face so she could easily tell her parents she never want to see that rude woman ever again. How dare she forced herself on someone who has their heart out for another-

โ€œWAIT! You like someone!?โ€ All colors had been drained from her face by the outburst, and the roots of her brown hair began to turn a platinum blond. Hanging by her chest, the centerpiece of the amulet she wore began to dim.

A smile of relief found its way onto Shilohโ€™s lips, he had wished for nothing more than for things to go back to the way it was between the two of them. He gave a nod to her first question, a simple โ€œnoโ€ to the second, and a short chuckle at her claim. If only getting back would be so easy, if she ever decides to go back what would happen to him? Death on sight. Oh, how bereaved his mother would be if that were to ever happen.

Fionaโ€™s outburst had pulled Shiloh from the momentary thought of his mother. โ€œP-Princess!โ€ He whispered harshly, he then ran over to the window and blocked it with the curtains. It was both a need and a good excuse to finally cover the cursed sky with falling pirates. โ€œYour hair- itโ€™s changing back.โ€ He warned her, showing the lackluster gem of her amulet.

โ€œAnd yeah, I do like someone.โ€ Shiloh cursed himself that he even mentioned that part of the story. He was so stupid for that, was there a way around it? Maybe not. He could try to do something about it. A look of wonder fell on his face at Fionaโ€™s expression, and a smirk formed on his lips. โ€œWhy do you look so shocked? Is it so bad that I like someone?โ€

The question seemed to have furthered the degradation of the disguise. Fionaโ€™s face has began morphing into an oh-so-familiar one, features depicted in the textbooks of academies and portraits scattered all over Eldrida. The Crown Princess of Aradia was now staring Shiloh right at the face, jaw agape while staring off at the distance. If she had any regard for her disguise then all of it has been flung out of the window as she found herself lost in thought.

Why exactly was she so upset about her best friendโ€™s love life?

A few seconds passed and then the silence gave birth to a realization. One that triggered a pulse of magical energy that reached the corners of the chamber.

Shiloh waited for a response, he was patient until he felt a surge of magical energy that shifted his appearance. For a brief moment, he saw his eyes and hair turn familiar black color. It was easy enough to know the cause. โ€œPrincess?โ€ He whispered once again, softly.

โ€œI- UH! I must leave!โ€ With the intention of leaving the room, clearly unwitting of her new appearance, the Princess turned on her heels.

Shiloh watched as the woman tried to leave but he was quicker. He grabbed her arm and told her to wait, he couldnโ€™t let her leave like this, without knowing what had just happened. Clearly, it was his question that led to the pulse messing with his amulet. Not to mention she still hasnโ€™t regained her disguise.

โ€œDrielle-โ€ The ship shook violently before it suddenly tilted to the side, Shiloh was quick to pull the Princess into his arms. His back hit the wall abruptly as he placed a hand around her back and her head to protect her further. He flipped them over immediately when he noticed that the items they bought were about to fall toward them.

Some boxes and bags had already made its way around them, a few had even hit Shiloh at the back before he could activate his shield. A groan left his lips at the sudden pain. A warm sunset-colored aura surrounded the both of them, protecting them from harm as the ship continued to nose-dive. They stayed like that for a while until the turbulence stopped. โ€œWeโ€™re safe now.โ€ He whispered to the Princessโ€™s ears, pushing himself away before he realized how close they were to each other.

It was hard to think of what to say when he looked into her eyes, it looked like the sea where he could simply drown in. โ€œAre you hurt anywhere?โ€ Shiloh asked, his eyes locked into hers as he tried to give his companion more space.

She looked back at him with fresh fear in her eyes. Everything happened so suddenly, she felt overwhelmed by loops of emotions that had her panicking. Thankfully, he was there to hold her through it all, his sturdy frame and aura receiving all the hurt for her as usual.

โ€œW-What happened!?โ€ She cried, eyes scanning the newly thrashed room. The painting which she had just hung mere minutes ago was now on the ground, shattered. โ€œDid the ship crash?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m not sure. We can ask later, Iโ€™d like to make sure that youโ€™re okay first. Besides, we need to get your disguise back up before we go to the deck.โ€ Shiloh gently untangled himself from the Princess, leaving a hand for her to hold on to as he pushed away the littered bags and boxes by their feet to make some room. He looked over to the shattered glass and ruined painting with pity, he saw how much his companion had liked it when they went shopping earlier.

โ€œLetโ€™s get you to the bed first, watch over the glass by the floor. Iโ€™ll clean it up later.โ€ He led her to the bed, and gestured for her to sit. He knew that whenever she gets weaker whenever she used her pulse ability. Itโ€™s better if she gets even just a bit of rest. โ€œHow are you feeling? Did you get hurt anywhere on your body?โ€ He asked again as he checked out if she had gained any bruises or scratches on her face or her arms.

โ€œIโ€™m- Iโ€™m okay. I just need to rest for a bit.โ€ The Princess told him, watching Shilohโ€™s form revert to normal as she got sat on the bed. She gradually regained her breathing but there was still the look of exhaustion on her countenance.

โ€œArdenโ€ฆโ€ She whispered, tapping Shilohโ€™s hand before pointing at the door. โ€œIโ€™ll be fine here. You should go check on the others. Make sure theyโ€™re alright.โ€ All the people on board were her subjects, after all. Albeit they were unaware of her true identity, she still wanted them safe from harm. Who could bring better safety than the best of the best royal guards? โ€œIโ€™ll follow after I compose myself.โ€

Shiloh wiped the trail of tears that marked her face. He heard everything she said but he never gave an answer right away, he let a moment pass and held on to a thought. โ€œWhat if I told you that I donโ€™t want to leave you like this?โ€ By then he had cupped her face with his hands and offered a gentle caress with his thumbs, hoping that it brought some form of comfort to the woman.

The Princess leaned into his touch, closing her eyes for a moment. When she once again opened them, it was no longer the ocean-colored orbs that stared back at him but Fionaโ€™s scarlet ones. The rest of the Princess was slowly burrowing behind Fiona, but the stern look that replaced the longing beneath her orbs was familiarly of Her Majesty.

โ€œYou have to.โ€ She said. โ€œThis is an order.โ€ In that instance, the diminishing line that had parted them had once again made itself known. She was the Princess, and he was her Knight.

He let out a sigh before he removed his hands from Fiona. A small and defeated smile replaced his worried look as he stood up, of course, the Princess ordered him to go. โ€œDonโ€™t force yourself okay?โ€ And with that, Shiloh had turned around and left her alone.

He made his way up to the deck and saw the chaos that unfolded while he was downstairs. The first thing to take his attention was the island in front of them before he heard the gag coming from the side. โ€œAbe!โ€ Shiloh ran toward him. He placed a hand by the rails and knelt beside the thief. โ€œAre you okay? What happened?โ€

mention: n/a|| interaction: . D O V E . D O V E AI10100 AI10100
Last edited:

R O Z A N T , A B R A H A M
Interacting with: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum
Location: S.S. Infinity --> Island

Abraham gave Red a nod when he acknowledged his work. The others seemed to have cleaned up any other stragglers on the deckโ€” if there were any. He really wasn't sure at that point. Hearing the intercom blare with Marie's voice talking about holding onto something very tightly and that she wouldn't be responsible for any injuries or losses incurred during it, Abraham went pale. He scrambled up to grip the railing as tightly as he can as Azure screamed to also alert them that he would activate the throttle.

In the few seconds before the turbo mode was activated, Abraham had to process what was transpiring. Red had mentioned circling around to find the Captain. The Captain was overboard? Oh, he was probably the reason why the other ship had gone down in flames. Okay. They were captain-less. They incurred damage. They didn't know if the bounty hunters had any other reinforcements. They were retreating. A thought occurred to him. If he had gone with the Captain, couldn't he have blinked the Captain back to safety? Well, that would only ring true if the Captain was on the deck of the ship and hadn't personally gone down to the Engine Room. And if he didn't pass out from the explosion. And... and...

And Abraham would have felt better if he was there. He could have helped. Maybe.

And then the ship went into turbo mode and thoughts left him as the combination of the rocking of the ship at this faster pace and the pounding of his head made his stomach churn again. Maybe it was due to his self-preservation but he somehow gathered the strength to keep himself from being flung of from the ship when Azure had docked (crashed) onto the island. He could barely see that Azure had jumped out of the ship and stopped it himself and Abraham almost got thrown off. Almost. He would have let out a sigh of relief if the vomit wasn't rising up once again.

He could still feel his stomach churning and just when he thought he could swallow it, it began prickling at his throat again. Someone else was closer to him, someone other than Red trying to address him, and he looked up to see Shiloh. He was asking about what had transpired. He raised a finger to signal for Shiloh to wait for a moment before moving a bit and jumping out of the boat and onto the non-vomited ground below. He gestured for Shiloh to follow him before he rushed over to a nearby bush and let out his, hopefully, last vomit of the day. He pulled away, grabbed a flask of water from his belt, and gurgled the water before spitting it out again. By the Trees, he needed to wash his mouth again.

His stomach settled and he let out a sigh before turning to Shiloh. "Yes, I'm fine. Just... used my power too much too soon." He placed his hands in his pockets as he stepped away from the bush, grimacing at the fact that he had to puke twice one after another. It was a waste of a good lunch. "And we were attacked by some Bounty Hunters. I'm surprised you didn't hear itโ€” there was a lot of cannon fire and the intercom blazing about it. Too busy with Fiona to hear or notice?" Abraham snickered at his blank and confused stare before waving his hand dismissively. "I don't need to hear the details. Don't kiss and tell and shit like that."

He let out a sigh, his mood shifting to a more somber one as he raised his arms and crossed them across his chest. "But yeah, they were after some of our bounties, and Captain Ed... well... he didn't, you know, want to give us up. So he... he..." Abraham paused, taking a moment to collect himself as he began to grip the sleeves of his shirt. "He jumped onto the other ship and blew up the engine himself. I... I didn't see it happen. I was on the other ship with- I was- uh..." How does one phrase what he had done so recklessly toward the former police? "I was busy blowing up the other ship? With timer bombs?" Yes, perfect.

Abraham cast a weary gaze at Azure and Red. "You guys haven't been here for long. I haven't been here for long but... I can't imagine what the others are going through right now." He was used to loss. After all, so many of his friends had simply disappeared or reported dead over and over and over again that at some point, the dread in his stomach started to feel familiar. Until he reached the point where he was ready to mourn and move on at a moment's notice. "After repairs, I think we're going to head back to look for him... not that I'm expecting him to be alive." He usually told the truth about a matter as long as it wasn't about him. And right now, someone falling from that height felt like it was impossible to survive. He turned his gaze back up at him. "Please, tell me if you or Fiona were at all injured during that time. I will help."
Jin Aethor
Mood: Distressed/Panic
Top deck of S.S. Infinity -> Unknown Floating Island

Interactions ||
Abe ( AI10100 AI10100 )
Azure ( 606 606 )
Red ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz )
Shiloh ( Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum )

Mentions ||
Fang ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )

Wait a minute. What was going on, was this part of the Captain's plan, was he going to make some kind of narrow escape at the last minute and somehow get back onboard? As Jin rose to his feet just to rush over towards one of the side railings, he watched as both hunters' ships descended from the skies in giant balls of flames. While it was unrealistic, he waited to see a miracle of something rocketing out of one of the flaming wreckages of the ships only for it to be the Captain and have him land back onto the Infinity, as the seconds went by and nothing came, his worse fears built up inside him.
Just then, Marie's voice came over the intercom on the ship's main deck, informing the crew to brace as the ship was going to have a bit more kick to it when Azure hit the throttle. Wait, they weren't just going to leave the Captain were they, he wasn't on board, he could be bleeding out, he could still be alive. Surely, Azure wouldn't just leave pops behind, would he. Suddenly, when Azure had spoken called out to the crew to 'hold tight', before he could so much as turn his attention towards the helm, the sudden jolt and shake of the ship nearly caused Jin to lose his balance.

After the first few moments as the ship picked up speed, Jin attempted to keep his balance as he fully turned towards the helm of the ship. "Azure--..Stop! What about the Capt--!" Just as he was about to finish his sentence, the vessel once again gave another shake and jolt, this time with much more intensity causing Jin to fall forward onto his hands and knees. Without anything to fully grip onto to avoid slipping, he slid along the main deck's wooden flooring while digging his nails into the floorboard followed by curling his shoes to try and get any kind of hold. As his grip slipped more and more, his fingers began to bleed followed by the toecap of his shoes ripping to reveal his toes which soon began to bleed as well. Wincing through the pain, he struggled to keep his grip before he began to solidify the blood around his fingers and toes to form crystalized claw-like extensions for him to dig into the wooden flooring of the deck to finally hold himself in place.

While their destination was random and only lasted a mere few minutes to reach, every second they spent moving at that kind of velocity felt like he was on the verge of being forcibly lifted off the ship. With the wind blowing against his face and the sound of the thrusters of the ship running in overdrive mode, even when Azure stated that they were going to need to land, his voice was practically muffling even to Jin's cat-like ears.
Finally, as the ship came to a sudden rumbling slam and crash only for the entirety of the vessel to shake all that more violently while it barreled through the ground of the island they landed upon. Jin continued to keep his claw-like grip onto the main deck until the rumbling and shaking finally came to a halt.

Finally releasing his grip as he stood back up straight, his blood claws had dried up and shattered from his fingers and toes. Staring down, he wiggled his toes only to find that his shoes had been completely ruined. Sighing at the sight of them, he'd remove and toss them aside before turning his gaze to their new surroundings, a giant lush green forest, sounds of all forms of wildlife surrounded them, not a single sight of civilization was seen nearby; just where were they.
Before he could so much as ask anyone regarding their current location, a voice spoke up that caught Jin's attention, it was Fang, bringing up the fact they were out of rum and questioning about the Captain as well as the reasoning for their landing. Unable to bring himself to explain the possible loss of their Captain, Jin headed for the side of the ship before hopping off the side with the help of the ladder present there for those who wanted to get on and off the ship in the case of being thrown overboard while on the sea.

Landing onto the ground with a firm thud, Jin turned his head over towards the right only to witness the massive, long crater the ship had formed by dragging across the island's land. To his left was the front of the ship where Azure laid with Red, Abe and Shiloh, by the looks of it, Azure was completely out of energy and the fact of the amount of speed they were moving at, knowing Azure, he was probably the only other one possible of stopping the Infinity through brute force next to the Captain.
While Jin wanted to head over and go on a rant to Azure about why he left the Captain behind, the more he thought on doing so, the sooner he realized that the rest of the crew was most likely probably feeling the same emotional pain that Jin was facing at the moment. Cursing under his breath, he slammed his fist against the side of the already beaten-up Infinity before walking towards the front of the ship to check on the four crew members. "Hey guys...I'm going to go check ahead...make sure our location is safe from any predators...I'll...come back and help with repairs soon. Azure, make sure to get some rest after you get patched up." Avoid the subject about their Captain altogether, Jin soon proceeded to head off into the dense forest, both to follow up on what he said he would do but also as a way to clear his head.
Code by Serobliss
Firey Chef
Dominique LaยดSar
Mood: confused, headache
S.S Infinity |

โ•ญโ”€โ”€โ•ฏ . . . . . . . . . โ•ฐโ”€โ”€โ•ฎ

-> except someone sees Linsie

Nothingness Nothingness
Songstress Songstress
Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum
TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity
Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
606 606
AI10100 AI10100
Hanarei Hanarei
animegirl20 animegirl20
(did I forget to @ someone-)

โ•ญโ”€โ”€โ•ฏ . . . . . . . . . โ•ฐโ”€โ”€โ•ฎ

Hold on tight.
It should have been easy to find something solid enough to prevent her from falling. If Dom wouldnโ€™t have gotten the idea to look for Linsie. Somehow, her heart ached with fear. Not her own, but from the tiny lizard she locked in her kitchen.
โ€œComing Linsie,โ€ she swore and turned to the entrance again. They wouldnโ€™t activate it right away, right? She had vanished inside before she could hear Azureโ€™s warning call. Dom gripped the door handle to her kitchen alreadyโ€“ Until the turbo modus sent her flying against the opposing door. Her head crashed with the wood.

Linsie- Fire- Captain-

Dom groaned and held her pounding skull. It might fall off otherwise. But the ship was not done with her. Another shock wave ran through it. Almost as if they had a collision. Dom had faith in Azureโ€™s skills of managing and steering the ship thoughโ€“ perhaps it was another bounty hunter then?
โ€œFuck,โ€ she gritted her teeth before the world went black for one or two minutes. Dom could hear her breath, her heartbeat. It kept her awake. What if Linsie was the one blacking out and she had to suffer from it? There was only one way to figure that out. With a heavy sigh, the witch regained her consciousness. Dom despised not knowing what was happening nor to be unaware of the current state of this damn blue lizard. And then she had to worry about the captain! Ah, later. Now she had to get up first.

Blood dripped on her hand as she brought them into position to heave herself on her two feet. Her fingertip tapped her nose. Great, she had a bloody nose and not even from the fight. Noโ€“ because she couldnโ€™t hold herself on her own two legs. Pathetic. The chef damned it all to hell and beyond before she tumbled to the door now.
The tables and chairs remained in their places thanks to them being nailed to the ground. Dom knew it was a brilliant idea! But her lagoon blue eyes scanned the room for someone else. โ€œLinsie?โ€ She called out. A small shelf door slamming open was her answer. The small mechanical dragon came flying into her arms. The still biological tongue licked over her face.

โ€œOkay, okay!โ€ She set the dragon on her shoulder and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. โ€œWe got work to do. I think they might not want to eat yet, but later today.โ€
They had landed once more and left the bounty hunters โ€œstandingโ€ in the dirt, hopefully. Dom wasnโ€™t sure if she could take yet another round. Her gaze dropped to the bag with bottles. They didnโ€™t break! A wonder. However, many utensils like knives or forks had scattered on the ground together with some spices. She cleaned it up quickly. Her kitchen was a place of order and even though she loved it when it got wild whilst cooking, afterwards everything had to be cleaned and rearranged. Or else Dom couldnโ€™t function properly. Not whilst training or even taking a good hour on the toilet.

After she was done with that, the chef looked through her newly bought supplies. None were damaged, luckily. After all, she had spent half her fortune on them. Linsie tilted her head, waiting for further instructions.

โ€œCould you roast those vegetables?โ€ Dom put three large bags of mixed greenies on the counter. Carrots, paprika, salat, peas. Whilst the dragon took them under her claw and flew to her own pan, she pulled out a large piece of meat and some ingredients for the sauce. Something casual, yet pretty much filling. Cutlet, roasted greenies and a sauce. What else did they need?

Dom usually weighted the amount of food precisely. Knowing a few of her crew matesโ€“ such as Azure or Abrahamโ€“ always asked for some extra portions and in case someone had an exceptionally empty tummy, she always cooked more or made smaller side dishes as well. Alone in the kitchen and with a decent distance to Linsie, the demoiselle managed to release the thing in her bones.
Magic. Fire magic.

It started to flow, flow, flow. As if there was no end to it. Finally, she could release some of the built up strain. The academia has taught her enough to direct the coming energy to her hand. Soon a tiny blue flame flickered between her fingers.
The ship- her captain was still on there.
The orphanage- her friends had been still inside there. Now they were dead or ashes.
But not in her kitchen. No. She turned on the gas of her heatplates before holding her hand to it. The flame emerged, almost slapping her in the face. It didnโ€™t help her headache but it did fill her heart with a passion she owned up to decades.

Dom did the same with four more plates before oiling her pans and throwing them in. The meat and some chopped onions followed soon after. On her extra stove, which was usually preserved for either Fiona or Jin, she set up her wide and deep pot for the sauce. She forgot how it was called. All she knew were the ingredients and that it looked like a deep caramel brown sauce.

When everything was set up and cooking, Dom turned to her little dragon. The greenies looked great. โ€œPut them in your container, Linsie. Gotta keep them warm, yes?โ€ She found those pots on one island they had once visited. That was five years ago? Six? And they had been her runner every time. They kept the food warm for a good couple of hours and could easily be stored away. On another market she found the same versions but not in white, in blue. Dom had never bought an item this fast.
The dragon did as she was told before finding itself beside the stoves and looking up at Dom. โ€œI know what you are thinking,โ€ she muttered and wiped the blood from her nose again, or what remained. โ€œBut I am fine. Just a little headache, nothing more.โ€

Dominique LaยดSar wouldnโ€™t whine about either of the two things. A headache became her accustomed state anyways. And a bloody nose? Well, she couldnโ€™t lie- but she wished it came from a brawl instead of being flung around by the ship. What was Azure doing anyway? A sigh escaped her as she turned the steaks. Hopefully no one was injured too badly.

And there was the captainโ€ฆ Did they have a plan to go search for him? A little fire like that- โ€œPah!โ€ Dom was too focused on her thoughts to notice Linsieโ€™s distraught stare at her sudden outbreak.

Yeah, the old Ishikawa. Wasnโ€™t she with him for the longest? Besides a few other members and his niece? After all, she had been with them for six whole years now. She witnessed how others joined and got settled, although many were fresh arrivers such as Red or Hush or Maria. Dom never questioned their background or the bounty on some heads. Ishikawa deemed them worthy enough to settle in their merry family. And so would she. After all, it was more important who they were now than who they were in their past, no?

Dom inhaled. A merry family indeed. Just last week they got two new members. Fiona and Shilo. The first being a cook as well- or at least part time. In the first week, they had clustered a few meals together. How Dom loved watching the two year old younger woman, though she was careful enough to not show it. Now their crew expanded, their adventures could finally take a real shape! That old geezer wouldnโ€™t just leave them. In no fucking way he would. Whoโ€™d come after him anyway? Lindsey? Jin? His niece? Absolutely not. This adventure started on his behalf. He wouldnโ€™t miss it.

She looked at her steaks. Her captain was missing and sheโ€ฆ cooked? A surreal image if the demoiselle paid further thoughts to it. She should have been out there to look for him. The others too~ But where would they go with an empty stomach? Abraham was probably out there healing others. Heโ€™d be one of the first people to enter her kitchen at this point. Should she announce that food would be ready soon? She hoped Hush would also find her way to the kitchen. Dom knew the kid never ate enough or the bare minimum. It didnโ€™t hinder her from putting more on her plate though. How was the girl supposed to grow otherwise?

โ€œLinsie,โ€ Dom sang and gave her dragon a pet. โ€œWhy donโ€™t you go and look for the others? Say food almost ready.โ€

The tiny head tilted. โ€œFood ready?โ€

โ€œNo- almost. Linsie, almost.โ€

โ€œAlmost food ready?โ€

She should exchange her for a parrot. Or a dog who could carry out any mission. Someone intelligent! Dom picked the blue useless reptile up. Like a cat the thing magically grew longer in her hands.

โ€œLinsie- say: Food is almost ready.โ€

โ€œFoodโ€ฆ almost ready?โ€

โ€œYes! You little genius, Linnie. Now go.โ€
She yanked the dragon over the counter. Linsie spread her wings and flew to the door. It was easy for her to open the door. Dom wondered why that stupid lizard hadnโ€™t done it when she locked her in the kitchen. She hoped Linsie could at least find one or two people to spread the message.
Should Dom look through the rooms though? She hadnโ€™t seen everyone on deck when those rascals attacked. Where was the niece, too? Dom couldnโ€™t leave her kitchen now. Sheโ€™d have to wait, probably.

And she hated waiting.
Code by Serobliss
Last edited:
Interactions: JJae JJae Nothingness Nothingness AI10100 AI10100 Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Guppy Franz Guppy Franz 606 606 Hanarei Hanarei TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity
Mentions: Hecotoro Hecotoro Vexumin Vexumin

Lindsey sat there steaming...quite literally actually it was getting strangely hot where she was sitting yet there were no flames. Lindsey, realizing the heat radiating off her, breathed in and out slowly trying to cool down. Just bury all deep down. She thought to herself. After she was cooled down she looked towards Jin direction.

"Hey so.........Jin??"

Lindsey stood up and glanced around realizing Jin was gone, actually so was Abe and Red. Where they go?? She ran over to the other side of the ship and looked over the railing to see Abe looking green in the face Red helping Azure and Shiloh by Abe. But where was Jin? Her eyes spotted him heading into the forest.

"Ugh Seriously??"

Lindsey yelled out.

"Hey Quartermaster! How about telling your First Mate your leaving the damn ship before going off sight seeing!"

She then crossed her arms. Thinking logically about it Lindsey guessed he was probably scouting out the place. Though going by himself didn't seem like a smart decision. Lindsey scanned the deck and her eyes caught Hush.

"Hey Hush go with cat boy will ya. If he tells you to come back to the ship. Tell him its either you or me.", she said with a smirk.

Was Lindsey aware that Jin probably wanted alone time to clear his head? Yes. Did she care? In her own way. Lindsey turned around looked back down towards the others on land.

"Everyone hurry up and get your butts on deck! We got stuff to discuss!" She said as she smiled down at all of them.

No time to get all emotional and shit they need to figure out what was happening next and get this damn ship fixed. Lindsey made her way to kitchen figuring that's where Dom was. Turned out she was right! Just as she was about to open the door. Linsie came flying out saying something about food almost being ready. Lindsey quickly dodge before almost running into the mechanical beast and then poked her head in.

"Hey Dommy come up to the deck when your done. Thanks!"

Without giving Dom a chance to reply Lindsey shut the door and went to Fiona's room and knocked on her door.

"Hey Princess! If you could grant us with your presence out on the deck that would be great....I mean I'll drag you up there if you don't so....you know take your pick."

After that little fun threat, which Lindsey twisted mind kind of hoped she could follow through with, she glanced around wondering if Marie was anywhere nearby. Still outside Fiona's room Lindsey started yelling again.

"Marie! If you can here me which....I'm pretty sure you can?....I need everyone on deck!"

With that Lindsey made her way back on to the deck. Fang and Eiren was still around so luckily she didn't have to search for them. She stood on the railing and watched and waited for everyone to gather. They needed to get a move on there were ship repairs people needing to get stitched up and fed. Which they were kind of already doing on their own but there was a obvious elephant in the room that needed to be discussed and Lindsey would of course handle it all with great tact.....
coded by kaninchen

Angry and upset with himself and devastated he had to leave Gramps behind but glad everyone else is safe.

In front of the ship

Clothing :)

Little old me in a big world

azure hitch

"What in the BLOODY hell is wrong with you!?"
"What empty-headed form of insanity drove you to commit such a reckless and foolish stunt! Of all the things I've witnessed you do over the year I have been aboard this ship Mr. Hitch, this is the most-most-most... I don't even know what to call it!"
"How could you be so..."

Laying on the ground, listening to the angry words from Red but that wasnโ€™t what was on their mind. Azure hands tightened into fist as their eyes began to glisten slightly and they clenched their teeth. Before Red would have bent down to help him up, he slammed his fist into the ground, leaving a rather large indent. It was at this point he was going to begin to realize the questions that were going to come to him. Knowing Jin for sure would have questions, Abe and Red wondering why the hell he did what he did, everyone wondering what happened to the Captain.

"Never mind, any amount of yelling or chastising will make no difference with you,"

I didnโ€™t want tooโ€ฆbut I had too

He was angry, he was angry at himself and upset. Azure had just left the Captain behind for what? To save everyone else. Could they have handled the two bounty ships? Maybe, but it wasnโ€™t worth the risk but still.

I left him behind, no, he told me to leave him behind.

Getting up slowly, pain shot through Azureโ€™s body as he slowly got up, only slightly using Red to help him stand as each step towards the ship, was filled with pain and guilt. Could he really face the crew right now?

I shouldnโ€™t have left. I shouldnโ€™t have, We could have gotten him.

His lips quivered as he looked to Red, to Abe and Shiloh, and finally rested to Jin.

"Hey guys...I'm going to go check ahead...make sure our location is safe from any predators...I'll...come back and help with repairs soon. Azure, make sure to get some rest after you get patched up."

Something then would hit Azure as a tear slipped down his face and he hated it. He hated this feeling, he hated what he just did, but, relieved, mostly everyone seemed okay, physically for the most part.

โ€œR-Redโ€ฆGrampsโ€ฆheโ€™s, heโ€™s not with us is he?โ€ Azure barely whispered out, his voice shaky, clearly on the verge of a full breakdown. He would then quickly let Red go and step back, despite barely being able to stand, he forced himself to stand, placing a hand on the ship.

โ€œI left him behind didnโ€™t I?โ€ He placed his forehead to the ship, his whole body stiffening up, his shoulder shaking as with his free hand he covered his face. Despite just getting off the ground, Azure slumped back down one hand on the ship at all times, on his knees and fully bent over, his face nearly on the ground.

"Everyone hurry up and get your butts on deck! We got stuff to discuss!"

Azure slammed his fist into the ground again, trying so hard to โ€œbe a manโ€ and not cry, his strength causing the ground to slightly shake. How is no one yelling at him? Blaming him? He steered the ship away. How was everyone so calm? How could they be calm? Azure left Gramps. Shaking, he would choke back a sob, gradually more and more tears falling down his face and to the soft grass below.

โ€œI left him. I fucking left him behind? Itโ€™s my fault if heโ€™s dead, itโ€™s my fault, I shouldnโ€™t have I-I-โ€œ

Gramps raised him. Gramps was there when his parents left, and taught him, trained him, accepted him for who he really was, let him be himself, let him become the helmsman in his father place. Gramps was one of the last close family member he had. The one who could tell him stories about his parents in detail, the one who tucked Azure in at night. Gramps was, Gramps, family. Taking the young child under his wing despite the fact it was not a good idea to have a child on the ship. And how does Azure pay him back?

It was his fault if Gramps was dead.

Itโ€™s his fault they left Gramps behind.

Itโ€™s my fault.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

ยฉ weldherwings.


Eiren Brackus

The burst of speed caught Eiren off guard to say the least. Taken off his feet in what felt like the blink of an eye. The inertia sent plenty flying on the deck. A few of the fresh corpses of the invading crew slid about. That was going to make a mess that someone was going to have to clean later. How unfortunate.

Itโ€™s funny just what thoughts go through someoneโ€™s mind as they are flying through the air. Speaking of flying through the air, it was about time to come back down. Eiren, still holding that trusty war hammer of his, twists the handle of the weapon. The head spins a few times before the spiked part of it is forward. He swings the weapon, catching it upon a section of the deck. His body whips about and he lands upon his feet, righting himself in a seconds time.

He should have expected it, but he was not the only one that was flying through the air, because what do you know, it was none other than the resident sneak. Hush had somewhat followed his path through the air and was flying right at him.

He didnโ€™t need any preparation for readying himself to catch her. It was a simple decision. He considered her something like a friend. They spoke on occasion and he could understand her despite the hiccups in her power that would at times silence her words as she was speaking them. Thankfully that is where his knack for lip reading came in handy.

He could still remember when sheโ€™d speak to him and he would listen or watch as she spoke. It seemed she never even noticed when her words were cut off around him, because he didnโ€™t need to hear the words.


Eiren shouted, aiming to get her attention as she continued to fly backwards. He pries his weapon free from the deck for only a moment. He begins to slide, but this was intentional. If he had just caught her, then no doubt she would have gotten hurt against his metallic form.

Having heard his words, Hush turn herself in the air, arms outstretched. Eiren catches her and then once again slams his war hammer into the deck. Safe! A good catch all in all. He was pleased that he took the measures he had to help a friend. Considering there was no sounds of breaking bones or any other heavy impacts, he did well.

What he saw next astounded him. Azure leaping from the ship as they made landfall. Surely if it wasnโ€™t for him, the ship would be grinding ever further across the island they had found themselves upon. At least Eiren thought it was an island. He could swear he saw a tree or two zoom past after the terrible crushing sound of surface against surface began.

Soon enough, the ship came to a halt. All things considered, it was an ideal scenario! The ship is inโ€ฆ relatively alright condition. The crew would not be shipwrecked on this island and he would not have to see them feast upon each other in desperation.

Eiren would release his hold on Hush. He did not have the means to smile and reassure her, but he did offer a bow of his head.

โ€œI am glad to see that you are well. Seems we have a lot to take care of soon.โ€

Eiren always made efforts to make his voice and kind as possible. Enough so to reflect his true self. Perhaps the best part of his metallic form though was that he could just as easily hide the unease he currently felt. He could hide everything behind a perfectly chipper tone.

In truth, he was worried. The captain was gone, folk seemed to already be at each otherโ€™s throats and he had no clue just where they were. He should have remained in the crows nest to warn of the quickly approaching landmass.

He shakes his head. Do not dwell upon what could have been. It was now that should concern him most. Red had just finished chewing out Azure. Evident by the quieting of the shouts coming from beyond the bow. The poor lad. In the end, there was naught that could be done. It was the captains choice to finish that ship. He would not have done so without a clear mind. He saved them all at the cost of himself. The crew of the Infinity would just have to manage without him.

Eiren turns back to the ship. Lindsey was making efforts to gather everyone. A feat better said than done at times, but it should be an easier task for her to do, especially considering the current circumstances.

The automaton walks on up to the first mate and bows his head.

โ€Present and ready for orders.โ€

Interacting with: TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity animegirl20 animegirl20

Mentions: 606 606
Last edited:
Gaberial De'Sardet

A low sigh escaped Red as he aided Azure towards the ship, his mind drifting to the situation they found themselves in. The ship crashed, their Captain was missing, and more Hunters could be on their tail at a moment's notice. Not exactly an ideal situation indeed. It was going to take some time for repairs to be finished and by that time their pursuers could discover their location. Or, worst-case scenario, are closing in on the Captain's position. It had only been a year, but Red has come to respect the Captain's strength, even going so far as to question if he was really human. Along with his strength, he's managed to bring many types of people together under one banner, be it with a show of power, kindness, or generosity. It was a rare list of traits for just one man and Red knew it was a near-impossible position to replace. So once the thought of their Captain never returning to the crew crossed his mind, a slight numbness spread through his mind, a cruel reminder of how deadly the world was to people like their Captain.

It didn't take much time until he was brought out of his thoughts by Jin, glancing over to their quartermaster as he informed them he was going to search the area around them. An uncertain look flashed within Red's eyes, unsure if it was wise to go alone, but resisted the urge to speak up as Jin addressed Azure's condition and reminded him of the man he was supporting. A small frown came to his face as he saw Azure struggle to keep upright and quickly continued on. He spared a glance at Abraham, relieved to see Shiloh at his side to help if needed. He doubted Abraham did, but it was one less stress to worry about. Before he could think any further about it, however, Red's attention returned to Azure as he spoke his name. His body instinctively grew tense as he noticed the helmsman nearing a breakdown as he questioned him about the Captain. Silence hung over the two for a moment, Red staring at his crewmate with little emotion to show, unsure of how to respond.

Finally, Azure broke away from his support to stumble towards the side of the ship. Red watched with a wary eye as Azure struggled to stay on his feet, preparing himself to move to his side if needed. Another question was asked as if he needed confirmation that the Captain was left behind, a question that slightly puzzled Red at the moment. A slight frown came to his face as Azure's condition worsened, watching as he slipped to his knees and lowered his head to the ground as if he wanted to hide from the world. The first mate's call to gather back on the deck reached his ears, but his attention remained on his distressed crewmate. Red showed no reaction as Azure smashed his fist into the ground, keeping his balance as the earth shook from the frustrated strength of their helmsman. As the tears began to fall onto the grass below him and Azure began to blame himself for what happened a heavy frown spread across Red's lips, his gaze hardening in a mixture of sympathy and annoyance.

After a moment of silence between the two, Red slowly walked to Azure's side, standing over him and keeping his eyes directed downwards on him. "Yes, you did leave him. Or more accurately, we left him," Red stated slowly, his voice slightly cold to his crewmate's current state. Cold or not though, the truth is what he needed. "We were in a dangerous situation, Mr. Hitch. When there are two Hunters, there will always be more on their tail to replace them. Like rabid animals looking to encircle their prey and tear them apart," he explained, his gaze trailing up to the sky in the direction they had come from. "I believe Captain Edward understood that which is why he did what he did. I also believe he knew sacrificing one life for the whole crew was the most rational decision he could make at the moment." A slow breath escaped him as he gripped his sword, his hands wringing tightly around the sheathed blade. It was the most rational decision, that was what Red repeated to himself in silence.

Looking back down to Azure, Red's expression had grown hard, not out of anger or disgust, but of absolution. "You were given an order by your Captain to ensure the safety of both the Infinity and her crew. You did not just follow those orders; you succeeded in them! Because of your actions, we have a moment to regroup and better prepare ourselves," he stated before kneeling down to Azure's level. "So do not begin to blame yourself for putting the lives of your fellow crewmates first, especially since you are one of the lucky few to have served under our Captain for so long. By that fact alone you should know the Captain would be more than pleased by you doing as he asks than disobeying his commands," Red said before rising to his feet, patting down the dirt on his knees. "Now, I for one will not satisfy your selfish need for blame or scrutiny. I will instead thank you for possibly saving our lives."

After taking a moment to let his words sink in, Red ran a hand through his long messy hair with a sigh, his neutral expression returning to his face as he looked at Azure. "Now, Mr. Hitch, get up. The fate of our Captain is still unknown and as his loyal crew, we must repair the damages to his ship and return to his aid. The longer we spend here, the more danger he could be exposed to," he said before offering a gloved hand for his helmsman to take, a glint of determination in his eyes.
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Tags: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum animegirl20 animegirl20 AI10100 AI10100
Guppy Franz Guppy Franz 606 606

The door shut with a click as Shiloh left to obey Fiona's command. The woman begot a bitter smile as she found herself in her own company. It has been a while since the last time she had been in a lonesome situation. Shiloh would always be with her, despite how terrible she had been treating him for the past few days. In fact, even back home, there would always be people surrounding her, watching her every move and keeping her safe. Yet, now, she had found herself in a foreign circumstance - alone, with nothing but her thoughts.

She soon grew conscious of her ragged breathing as the prospect of being still frightened her mind. She got up, eyes scanning the room until she found the broken painting on the ground. It was a replica of the oil canvas in her private chambers back home, painted by an old master to symbolize eventual freedom. For years, Fiona had stared at its hoax blues and the pair of avian silhouettes flying overhead, imagining the day she would get to relish in her own independence. For the last few days, she thought that she had finally attained it, but it was becoming clear to her that much like the painting, her freedom was but an image.

She bent to pick the shards. Shiloh had told her that he would clean them up but lately, Fiona had been wanting to do simple things by herself. Perhaps it was the annoyance she recently felt for her friend, or perhaps it was a desperate attempt to prove her adequacy to herself.


A drip of blood trickled down the tip of her right index finger as the sharp edges of the material cut into her skin. The liquid dripped onto a larger fragment on the ground, and Fiona caught sight of her reflection when she looked. She was not alone; someone was behind her, looking at her with a mocking gaze.

"Pathetic, aren't you? A little bird desperate to fly on its own wings, realizing that it's too fragile for the world."
Fiona's company was someone ever-familiar. Platinum locks, ocean eyes, and a soft-featured countenance - a figure straight out of royal portraits and textbooks. The Crown Princess of Aradia, herself.
"But you've always been the stubborn one, aren't you? Always putting your wants first before anything. Tell me, are you really surprised to realize that the ship has encountered some sort of tragedy days after your appearance? No, because you are a clever girl, and you know deep inside what you truly are - a danger."

"Y-You're not real..."
A figment of her imagination, the reason why she loathed being alone. The monster lurking at the depths of her core. No matter how hard she tried to escape, it would always find her.
"I shouldn't have told him to leave..."

"Who? Shiloh - or should I say, Arden? The one whom you've condemned with your selfishness?"
The Princess laughed, and Fiona found herself whimpering at her feet. She knew she was right. She wasn't dumb; she was aware Arden would be either be apprehended or killed on sight if she somehow got caught. She wouldn't be able to take it if that were to happen.
"Hmm, yes. Just like the parents of the helmsman of the Infinity."
Fiona gasped, eyes widening.
"Tell me, how does it feel to share the same air with someone whose family you've taken with your inadequacy?"

"Enough, please..."
Tears once again threatened to slip out of her lashes as she shut her eyes tight, both palms pressing against her ears in an attempt to shut everything down.

"The Captain said everyone is a family in the Infinity, but do you really think everyone will still think that way when they find out who you truly are? The daughter of an oppressor and a witch, a ticking time-bomb..."

"I said ENOUGH!"
In a swift motion, Fiona stood up and threw the bloodied shard onto the empty air behind her. It shattered with a shrill noise as it collided with the ground. She breathed heavily as she realized nobody else was there. She was all alone. It was all her. It felt like waking up from a nightmare, a brief stupor encompassing her as she processed everything.

What woke her up from the daze was a voice coming from the other side of the door. It was Lindsey, threatening her to come out of the room. The mention of her title made Fiona nervous. It made her question whether the crew had finally figured out her secret. She took a quick glimpse at her amulet, finding that it was now on its usual glow, signifying that her disguise has been activated perfectly.
"I'll be out in a sec."
She said as she meekly headed for the door and stepped outside, scared.

The scene that greeted her felt like one straight from a tragic play. There was a heavy and tense atmosphere embracing every nook and corner of the ship, contrasting the vibrant island they had found themselves in. She could see Abe and Shiloh in the distance, the former looking spent as the latter tended on him. Though it concerned her, Fiona's attention was immediately grabbed by the cries of Azure once she stepped out of the ship. They were blaming themself for something, and the pain in their voice broke her heart. She listened to Red comfort Azure, and by patching their conversation, she realized that the Captain had sacrificed himself for the crew to escape bounty hunters.

"Bounty Hunters? Why would bounty hunters concern themselves with the Captain and the Infinity? Aren't we all but a band of average adventurers?"
Sure, there were some of them that were questionable at best, but she never thought that they could've done something unspeakable to warrant bounties significant enough to catch the attention of hunters. Then again, she has only been with the crew for about a week. There were plenty of things that she has yet to learn about each of them. No matter the case, she has to help everyone get back on their feet.

Fiona made her way to Azure, pulling a handkerchief from her pocket and attempting to wipe off tears from their face.
"The Captain strikes me as a tough man. I'm sure he survived the crash and is probably already waiting for us to fetch him."
She smiled at them reassuringly, intending to comfort not only Azure but also everyone else with optimism. The Captain was the core of the ship, she was sure his sudden disappearance would have saddened everyone greatly.
"Is there any way I can assist in repairing the ship? I am not much of a builder, but I believe I can provide adequate financial assistance. Though... I'm not sure if there's any civilization here."

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They were leaving. Marie's warning fell on deaf ears as Hush stared helplessly at the burning ship that stole her captain. There was no way Hush was going to leave Pops behind. He gave her a second chance, a reason to live. She promised herself that she would spend the rest of her life by his side, whether on an adventure or until his last breath. That was her conviction. Thoughtlessly, her body rushed to the railing of the S.S. Infinity, preparing to jump into the living flames on the bounty hunter's sinking ship. Then, with a sudden jolt, she felt her foothold under her disappear. The S.S. Infinity lurched forward, and Hush found herself without purchase.

Sailing helplessly through the air, many thoughts entered her mind. Despite this, she could only reach out to where her captain once was. Hush watched as her purpose, once again, slipped so easily through her fingers. Her loss was short-lived. Eiren's call shook her from her stupor. Nimbly, she repositioned herself in the air before bracing against the automaton's metallic exterior. She squeaked as the air was pushed out of her lungs, the force of their impact enough to leave her body tingling. Even so, she was safe. Without thinking, she buried her head against his chest, the speed of their takeoff making the wind whip like blades against her body. Thankfully, Eiren's thick exterior saved her from experiencing the brunt of it.

When the ship stopped, Hush took a moment to regain her bearings. She still didn't have her sea legs after a year of working as the ship's scout. Her ears were ringing. When she looked up to see Eiren's emotionless face, she realized her knuckles were white, clinging to his garments desperately. She let go. Hush slowly slinked away from his hold and felt relieved when her feet found solid ground. She hoped nobody saw her in such a sorry state.

Thanks, she mouthed wordlessly. She knew Eiren understood her. His ability to read lips was a reprieve to the girl whose words often eluded her. She stared at her feet, not wanting to meet Eiren's lifeless eyes. Despite the fact she forced herself to remain expressionless, a dark red tinge formed at the tips of her ears. How embarrassing, she thought to herself. Without hesitation and with a desire to avoid experiencing any more self-consciousness, she followed Eiren when Lindsey called them over. Hush gave the first mate a curt nod of understanding, accepting their proposal to follow Jin. While Hush believed the dogman could handle himself, she had business with him.

One last thought crossed her mind before she began to head out. She walked in front of Eiren, placing her hand on his arm to get his attention. Can you check on Aries for me while I'm gone? I'm worried that she might've gotten hurt in the crash landing. The thought of a bookshelf falling on the petite librarian left a stale taste in Hush's mouth. She made a mental note to check up on them when she returned with Jin. Then, with a light tap of reassurance on the robot's arm, she was off.

Quickly, the little girl began to sprint on the deck. Hopping on the railing and with a spring to her step, she leaped from the vessel like a bird. Tucking into a roll, she professionally landed on the grassy field below, effortlessly finishing her landing back on her feet. She glanced at Jin's disappearing frame, her feet briskly carrying after him with posthaste.

The forest he entered was abundant with trees. Using her knives, she used the tools to scale their trunks. There was no rustling of leaves where she stepped. Nor did the branches groan under her weight. Her movement was precise, embedded into her body as easily as breathing. She followed him, warily keeping an eye on their surroundings while jumping from branch to branch, careful not to misplace herself. After a while, she guessed that their immediate area was safe. Hush needed a conversation with the quartermaster before he walked too far off.

Skillfully, she landed beside him. Up close, she saw the bewildered expression on his face. He was deep in thought, not noticing her arrival. Eventually, she cleared her throat, making a sudden noise before speaking for what felt like forever. "Lindsey's taken command," she said, a slight bite behind her words. She kept an even pace with Jin, mimicking his footsteps to the best of her abilities. "Get your shit together," she heartlessly commanded him.

Hush knew better than anyone that she was not suitable for pep talks. She didn't have Aries' emotional awareness, Fiona's tactful way with words, or the intelligence of someone like Abe or Marie. What she did have were her priorities. No matter how much she loved Pops, the assassin knew she couldn't follow a leader that ran away from his troubles. Jin inherited Pops' legacy. He needed to reach the expectations placed on him. "The crew is lost without their captain. . . Temporary or not, we need you right now."

She didn't wait for his response. She wasn't asking for his cooperation. She was forcing it. Slipping her gloved hand into one of the openings in her armor, she took out the papers she found on Captain Valorie's ship. Rustling with the documents, she unfolded the ones that contained Valorie's back-and-forth with her employers. Pointing to their names for Jin to see, she eyed him curiously. "Recognize 'em?"

Mentions: Hanarei Hanarei animegirl20 animegirl20 Songstress Songstress . D O V E . D O V E AI10100 AI10100
Interactions: Vexumin Vexumin Nothingness Nothingness
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Marie Caldewell

|Location: S.S. Infinity Engine Room > Deck
Marie could feel the sudden kick as the throttle was pushed as an excitement lingered on her face. It wasn't as if it was out of pure maliciousness on her part, after all she knew little to nothing about what was going on on deck. Deep in the bowels of the ship she could only take a guess. Her attention was far more fixated on her own engineering work as a gleeful grin filled her face as the ship took off. Her body pressed up against the wall as the shaking was quite rough as the speed picked up. Beyond what she was expected but... eh, pilot error... some mild missed number crunching on her part evaluating the structural integrity of the ship.... whatever it was didn't matter so much. Those could all be fixed. The important part was she could tell her little 'turbo booster' had worked better then she had imagined. It far exceeded her small scale models!

Perhaps... a bit too well.

Her eyes glanced over as the engine hissed as steam seemed to spill from the piping. The heart generated was intense as she had expected, but less so just how quickly it would build up. The cooling system seemed to struggle attempting to adjust to the sudden increase as the water evaporated rather then cycling through the system as it was suppose to. A loud gasp escaping Marie's lips as she heard the sound of crunching metal as she couldn't see it though she could tell by the sound something had at least in some part given way. With that a gust of flame erupted out billowing free as the smoke quickly billowed back fortunately sparing her face from the fumes though gushing against the wall it began to slowly fill the air back towards her. She could feel the ship suddenly slowing down as it was quite clear it was being put to a stop though its deceleration far from smoothly .

She ship felt like a rock tossed skidding across a lake as it bounced upon the ground feeling it come to a stop leaving Marie skidding forward on the floor. The young mechanic shuffling to her feat brushing herself off as flames continued to burn around her. She walked over being rather nonchalant despite the flames grabbing a fire extinguisher. Her hand gripping the hose as she began to spray down the falmes helping to sufficate them before they might spread. Fortunately the engine room was designed in part to keep from catching fire so easily though it was still not exactly good for it to be on fire. Her eyes glancing over noticing her little 'addition' having seemed to caught a blunt ofm the backfire, though nothing a little polish and tinkering couldn't fix up. Her eyes glancing at the engine peeking about as to see any further damage. At most it seemed it would require tightening some bolts and ensuring nothing had rattled out of place. That and refilling the cooling tank.

Her head snaked around the pipes hearing the call out from the speaker from under the low hiss of the cooling off engine. Lindsey as she recalled the voice to be. Perhaps one of the people she was more interested in. A person full of 'inspiration' much like herself was going to only naturally be someone she held a great deal of fascination towards. That and the robot... perhaps made even better given he seemed to share a name with a man she had a great deal of respect for and inspired her to really get into her profession. It was considered a profession even if you weren't technically by law 'suppose' to do it right?

Though taking a bit longer, Marie had found her way on deck avoiding some debris knocked down from the wall due to the rough voyage. Her eyes glancing about seeing everyone though strangely not the captain. She was still quite clueless was had happened though not pestered enough to start rattling off questions to those nearby. It didn't exactly change the fact she caught wind of the mentionings of the captain looking to who seemed to fit the nickname of a princess so well, and grumpy as she nicknamed Hush. Not that she had told her that nickname but she never really took the time to think of one. For some reason she always seemed to give off a sour impression when she saw the girl. Probably just jealousy over her cool protective eyewear. She did seem the type who would be jealous of things like that.

"Here and present! A little scorched, but some little repairs and tightening bolts and filling the cooling tanks will have the ship running good as new at least inside. Can't vouch for the exterior after the rough landing as much. Um... what's this about the cap'in? He didn't get tossed off during the escape somehow? Didn't seem much the type to not be able to get a good grip and hold on for dear life, and probably do so while keeping his entire grew held onto by the bootstraps while doing so behind him."

She spoke up with some curiosity as she was clearly quite out of the loop with everything given much like a mole her time had been spent 'underground' and away from all the goings on above deck. Her glance around not taking much effort to see something up. She wasn't exactly an expert at reading people's emotions.
Mentions: TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Hecotoro Hecotoro Nothingness Nothingness Hanarei Hanarei animegirl20 animegirl20 . D O V E . D O V E Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum AI10100 AI10100 JJae JJae Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Vexumin Vexumin
Interactions: 606 606

Aries was about to fully doze off when a series of high-pitched whistling released by those feathered flying creatures prevented the lady from doing so. She straightens up her slouched back and turns to one of the windows of the unfilled library. Oh, the sun is up and bright already.. The fair woman who now has dark circles forming under her eyes, gently shuts her book and moves away from her desk.

โ€œWell that was quite a novel. Itโ€™s been a while since I was last hooked into these kinds of genres.โ€ She murmurs to herself.

50 shades of Blue. โ€œA good read indeed. But it is too fascinating, it is not for everyone to see. Should I just put it back in my drawers? Oh god, what if Hush rumbles through my stuff again? She cannot see this!โ€ Aries, feeling very conflicted, decides upon herself where she should hide this โ€œFascinatingโ€ novel of hers.

โ€œWhere should I put it? Somewhere out of her reach perhaps? Should I put it on top of the shelves? Ughh.. but fang is quite the cleaner. For sure he wouldnโ€™t miss that spot.โ€ She then takes a moment and sits down on one of the sofas. The blue haired woman continuously observes the room, still thinking of that sweet sweet location where no one would ever imagine to find a hidden book. A few minutes had passed and she glanced right beside her. When a sudden perfect idea pops onto her head, Aries hurriedly stood up and started lifting one of the sofaโ€™s seat cushions. She then placed the book and began putting back the cushion on top of it. โ€œBrilliant! Now no one would ever know!โ€ She says to herself.

Feeling quite accomplished with being able to think of her own hiding spot, it took her a moment to realize that the ship was stock-still. โ€œOh right, Infinity must be docked by now.โ€ The Librarian heads for the door and decides to go back to her sleeping chamber. Aries usually joins her Uncle whenever he sets out of the ship, whether it be a stroll or the visiting of the children, as much as possible she avoids being separated from him. However, with her energy being on its last string, the lady chose to get some good rest instead.

After a few steps, it didnโ€™t take her long to reach her own room. She opens the door and was greeted by this so.. very.. tempting.. and which seems to be an unusually attractive bed, just there, holding still, as if there was this magnetic field pulling her whole body close. It didnโ€™t even take a while as Aries began leaping towards her bed and was fast asleep.

When suddenly, firing of cannons and gunshots were heard just outside the ship. It wasnโ€™t enough to wake her at first but then it was followed along by the clash, causing the ship to sway uncontrollably. Ariesโ€™s body began stumbling to the ground, her blurry vision slowly becoming clear after a few blinks. A sharp pain was felt on her left hip. Oww.. she releases a soft groan. Oh god, is it an attack? She anxiously thought to herself. Soon as the ship somehow regained its balance, she crawled out of her room and started running through the halls.

โ€œWhatโ€™s happening?! Is everyone okay?โ€

No answer. โ€œUncle Edward?โ€ As the nervous girl kept getting closer and closer to the deck, the sound of gunshots and cannons arose, she began looking out the windows and another gigantic vessel meets her eye. Red flags? Are thoseโ€ฆ Bounty Hunters?

Aries breaks in cold sweat as she sees another scene.. Something she wished would never happen. Even before she could do anything, her uncle was left alone, struggling to hold off the enemies on the other ship. Her heartbeat getting heavier.. and louder.. She can almost hear it. Clenching her fist, she shrugged off all her anxiousness and rushed towards the deck. There she saw her fellow crew members, fighting amongst the bounty hunters.

In the midst of all this chaos, Aries proceeds to look for a spot where she could meditate and use her powers. While everyone was occupied, she ran to another terrace where she could get a good view of the enemy ship. The Fair lady then kneeled down and did a series of deep breaths. She gently closes her eyes and creates an image of small piercing blades. After a few minutes of meditating, Aries awakens, and the blades appear before her, just like how she imagined them. Though not fatal, these illusionary blades will definitely be of help in battle. Okay Aries.. Letโ€™s do this!

She then shouted at the enemies, trying to get as much attention as she can for her magic wonโ€™t work if they cannot see the blades coming at them.

โ€œHEY!!โ€ None of the hunters seem to be turning. โ€œHEY LOSERS!!โ€ She tries again but still wonโ€™t even glance at her. โ€œOVER HERE STINKY OLD MEN WHO CANโ€™T EVEN GET A PRETTY WIFE FOR GODโ€™S SAKE!โ€ The woman wholeheartedly screams. โ€œHUH? What did this bitch just say?โ€ Finally..

Aries then began throwing her blades at the enemies in hopes of hitting a number of them at least. They werenโ€™t too far off so she was able to pierce some targets, leaving some of them wounded and unable to fight properly.

Just as Aries was trying to be of assistance, a sudden announcement held her still. A familiar voice is heard, coming out from the direction of the speakers built inside the ship. โ€œWait what? But Uncle is still there!โ€ The Infinity ship that was once docked began to sail as the enemy ship which was enveloped in flames started drifting further and further away from their vessel. Despite feeling panicked, Aries did not give a second thought to rush towards where Azure is, attempting to stop the ship from leaving.

โ€œAzure! Stop! What are you doing?โ€ She shouts in distress.. But, it was all too late. โ€œNoโ€ฆโ€ The blue haired woman drops down to the floor as the shrugged off anxiousness slowly creeps back at her.

S.S Infinity
Jin Aethor
Mood: Distressed/Panic
Unknown Floating Island

Interactions ||
Hush ( TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity )

Mentions ||

Marching off into a random direction of the enormous dense forest that surrounded the crew and the Infinity, before Jin reached too far from the ship, the sudden call out of the crew's First Mate, Lindsey shouting from the distance about letting her know that he was leaving before he wandered off on his own. Rather than respond directly to her, Jin opted for simply waving his arm into the air to show her that he had received her message, the last thing he wanted to do at the moment was get into an argument with a crew member.
While he stated that he was going to practically just take a look around the area for any possible dangers that might be nearby, the main reason for his departure was just so that he could gather his thoughts and not end up breaking into a mental mess in front of the rest of the crew.

"You...old, fucking bastard...! Why did you do that?!..." Cursing under his breath as Jin continued to blindly walk forward, paying little mind to his surroundings other than to avoid bumping into one of the large trees he passed by. "You swore...you said we'd all reach the end together...!" As he shouted and continued to march forward, his anger rose higher and higher till he ended up eventually coming to a halt in front of another massive tree. "You said...You wouldn't ever leave us!" Finally shouting at the top of his lungs, Jin slammed his fists against the large trunk of the tree with one strike after another, of course, with the massive size of the tree, his punches did little to nothing to it other than end up causing the skin around his knuckles be torn to shreds. Eventually his shouts of anger and frustration turned to near wails of sorrow as he pressed his forearms against the large tree just to lower his head downwards, tears flowed from his eyes as they rolled down his cheeks before dripping down onto the ground. "You promised...!" Struggling to even continue standing, his legs trembled for several more passing moments before he began to once again proceed to walk through the forest.

Wiping the tears from his eyes with the sleeve of his large black jacket, he swallowed the lump in his throat firmly while attempting to avoid letting more tears form. Just then, a familiar presence dropped down beside him, it was Hush. Had she been following him this entire time, either way, it made no difference, Jin simply continued his walk until she spoke up that Lindsey had taken command, as expected, she was First Mate after all. "Good...we should be able to get everything fixed and...get back on course soon..." As Jin spoke, he fought back the tears that threatened to show themselves on the thought that they were going to move forward without their Captain.
Without warning suddenly, as Hush spoke up in a rather harsh manner, telling Jin to 'Get your shit together', he immediately stopped in the middle of his tracks while staring at the dirt with both widened from shock and building rage at her words. Even as she continued about the crew being lost without their captain and that they needed him, Jin gritted his teeth and canines together to avoid snapping at her on the spot.

The only reason for Jin to be able to keep his calm composure in the end was the sight of Hush reaching into her own armor to pull out a stack of papers that she had pointed towards after unfolding. The sudden sight of his name, Hush and Abe were surprising enough but the more horrifying sight was the communication between the Captain of the bounty hunters and her employers. While a large majority of the names were unfamiliar, one stood out, Father Silas. That was a name he could never forget, hearing it being called for and being the one to give commands during Jin's time imprisoned by the church. "Father...Silas..." Cursing the name under his breath in a low whisper, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth till his palms and gums bled. "We need to go...Now." Rather than answer Hush's question regarding whether or not he recognized any of the names, the idea that if this individual was chasing after them, then there was no doubt they knew just what the chances were that the bounty hunters might not succeed in their mission, especially if they knew about the crew he was now a part of.

Just as Jin turned his back on the direction he was originally heading in, the sudden sound and tremor of massive footsteps immediately halted his movements. As the ground itself shook with each step, Jin froze in place just to turn his head over his shoulder towards the source of the noise. Trees collapsed one after another, birds flew from their homes into the skies to escape from whatever caused their homes to fall. Rather than make a straight sprint to escape, Jin fully turned towards the source only to have it approach closer and closer. By the time the creature had arrived in front of the duo, with a single swipe of one of its massive paws, it easily uprooted the enormous trees that stood in its path. The towering beast stood well over 10feet on all fours, it appeared to be a creature that was a mixture between a bear and a moose [ref.], definitely not something Jin had ever seen before.

Taking a few steps back as the beast shifted its practically soulless white orbs for eyes between Jin and Hush. Drool dripped from its jaw as it stared at the two individuals before it. "Hush...get back to the ship...I'll catch up real soon." Whispering under his breath, Jin stared down the beast that slowly began to take one step forward after another almost as though it were attempting to sneak up on its prey even though the duo was clearly already aware of its obvious presence in front of them. "I'll catch up, we can't let this thing back to the ship and we definitely can't let it get the drop on us...just, can I borrow one of your knives?" As he instructed her, the more Jin backed away the closer the beast approached. As the creature grew ever closer, it would soon become apparent that the drool the beast oozed from its mouth was not ordinary but a form of acid as every drop that hit the floor hissed and gave off a horrid odor while melting away any bit of grass or leaves that made contact with the grayish clear liquid.
Code by Serobliss

Still very upset,
but knows, for now,
he has to put on
a brave face.

Infront of the SS
Infinity > Main Deck

Still refuse to
give a full answer

Little old me in a big world

azure hitch

Red was always on the harsh side, tough love maybe was more accurate. Azure knew he wasn't the only one, logically of course, he understood that. He was given the direct order, and knowing Gramps if he didn't do so, Azure would have gotten an ear full for it. Either way, Azure always ends up getting an ear full. Still shaking slightly, Azure would put both hands on the ground, pushing himself up so he was now sitting on his knees, looking at Red with red teary eyes, biting his lips as he was trying. Trying so hard to not cry more. Some were odd, and comforting when Red initially state how they all left him. Even then, there was an itch in the back of Azure's mind that told them that they were still mostly at fault. At the moment, he was focused on everyone's safety and the safety of the ship, having completely ignored everyone when he was trying to steer and stop the ship.

Even with the, strangely comforting words by Red, a few tears managed to slip by Azure's attempt to keep it together. "Y-yeah. Your right. Sorry." Was all he was able to say, his voice still a bit shakey but, seemed to pull himself together enough. Azure would take the other hand, then another on the ship as he shakily began to stand up once more. That's when one of the new members came up to him, whipping the tears from his face. Azure sniffled as he let her do so, before he would stand at his full height, pain once again shooting through his body, only wincing slightly.

Fiona was strange to him. But also new, so Azure wasn't sure what to think of her. She was nice either way and was trying her best to be helpful. Yet she, and others, some haven't been with Gramps for as long. Jin and Aries too would have taken a hard hit to the heart as well. Aries...she must be pissed at what I did... the thought plagued his mind for a moment before drawn back by Fiona's question.

"I...no worries about Infinity, I'll take care of her." He said softly, and would slowly begin to walk back to the ship, not entirely sure how his body would even agree to get back up. "If anything...Aries and Jin must be having it hard too. The least I can do is pretend to be fine," he said, looking behind towards Red and Fiona, and even with his red puffy eyes, a tear again, slipping down his face, Azure gave them a bright smile.

That's right, all I have to do is pretend. Focus on what I can do...for now.

Azure would gently pat the side of the ship, looking at the Infinity fondly before he would begin to climb back on board the deck. "I'll work on fixing her up as soon as I can...though I might need some help gathering wood and need some food. I'll ask Hush or Marie, maybe Lindsey to help me out, need a small person to check the underside," Azure said, to who? Maybe to Red and Fiona, maybe to the ship, maybe Azure was just talking to himself. The tired boy would be shaky clinging up the later, almost falling off twice, noticing his vision going in and out of focus. He definitely needed some food.

"And...snacks, I'll need some.....some foooooood," Azure said, his voice growing quieter and he held out the last word as he dragged himself to the top of the deck at long last, only to be laying face first into the wood. Lindsey and others on deck would see this man come aboard once again, as he dragged himself further, looking up to the help where he remembered Aries last being, revealing to the rest of the crew on the main deck their still red and teary eyes. "Check..on her," he mumbled to himself attempting to stand up alone but failing as another loud rumble from his stomach could be heard and he simply lay on the deck. There was so much to do, so much he had to do as well, Most importantly, he wanted to get it done so that he would be able to set sail once more and maybe find Gramps.

Maybe...just like my parents. One day.

That's when at this point, Azure would have noticed and heard the crashing of trees, bird fluttering, and the rumble from the impact of the trees hitting the ground. Azure knew that only he and gramps could do something like that meaning, whatever was out there must be crazy strong, a probably not human. Normally, Azure would have run towards it, but, at this point right now, Azure legs were refusing to work, the pain and stress he puts his body through mentally and physically hit him as he closed his eyes, and lay on the deck. All Azure could hope for at the moment was food, anything would do at this point.

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ยฉ weldherwings.


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