Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

Devon handed the pair of trunks to her. "I haven't received this week's pay yet." he simply said as she took them. The man slid his hands in his pockets and followed Afriel to the cash. He still seemed rather awkward, a small pinkish hue in his pale cheeks. She was pretty much taking care of him and it wasn't something Devon was used to very much.
After waiting in line behind two others Afriel paid for their stuff and they were back in her car before they knew it. Smiling over at him she fired up the silver beetle and then started out of the parking lot. It wasn't long until they'd made it onto the free way following signs that said 'to seaside' (a beach in my state LOL). "I'm glad you're coming with me, I've been wanting to go to the beach for a while now," She said and glanced over at Devon before looking back at the road.
Devon vaguely smiled. "I've never seen the ocean very calm. It was always raging from storms when I was around. It's different because of you." he shrugged. "Any idea if there are gonna be many people there?" the man added curiously. His gaze often lofted to look at the landscapes passing by.

((Sorry for short posts, I'm having trouble coming up with better posts XP))
(( I am too a little bit, there needs to be some sort of action!! Or Drama!!))

Afriel shrugged, "I don't know about the people, but the weather s nice so I would assume that means more people. But I know a secluded area, I used to go there all the time when I lived closer to the beach." They talked like this for a few hours and then finally made it to the beach. She parked her car and got out, "Lets go change and meet back here," She said and rushed off to change into her swimsuit.

When she was changed she walked out to the sand and waited for Devon. The sun felt amazing on her skin, she didn't know she'd missed it so much. As she stood there, her hair blew in the breeze and she shut her eyes letting the sun warm her skin.
The man returned with trunks a white button-up shirt and a pair of sunglasses. On his shoulder were a bunch of towels and a large beach umbrella. "Guess who I met on my way back from changing?" Devon asked to Afriel. It wasn't until he was beside her that the figure that had been following Devon showed herself. Scarlet wore a rather revealing black 2-piece swimsuit, which could have made many think she might be trying to impress someone. People who knew Scarlet wouldn't think so, given it isn't her usual to do anything of that sort. Her ruby eyes held a playfully dangerous glimmer to them, the glow in her eyes seemed to be a regular phenomenon to those chosen. "I hope you don't mind if I come along. I haven't had a break in forever." She smiled to Devon, even if the question was more oriented to Afriel.
Afriel was smiling when she turned to look at Devin but it faded slightly when she saw Scarlett. She knew better than to think that this was only an accidental meeting. He must have mentioned it off handed lay to her and she decided to ruin it because she has a thing for him.

"Not at all," Afriel said politely and she slipped her hand into Devon's lacing his fingers with her own. Like always their hands fit perfectly together and felt perfectly comfortable. "I know a really nice spot, would like me to show you?" She asked looking at Devon and then to Scarlet. If Scarlet wanted to play, then fine she could do what she wanted, Afriel wasn't going to stoop to her level even if she felt jealous.
"Sure" Devon simply shrugged. They were here for that reason, were they not?

Scarlet simply crossed her arms. "I'll go wherever you go. Devon, know that I can choose to make this an investigation on your job as a bodyguard." the tone of voice she used for the last part gave shivers down his spine as she glared at him. "I expect you to act like a bodyguard. You know what happens if I fail you, correct?" She asked devilishly

"Yeah, I don't get paid I need to catch up on the hours spent." Devon sighed annoyingly to her before shoving her shoulder gently, just enough to make her take a few steps aside. "So much for a vacation, party pooper." He added with a smirk.
Afriel sighed mentally, why don't you go home and ruin someone elses time she thought but shook it away as she was leading them to the secluded area. When they got there she grabbed the towels from Devon's shoulder and laid them out flat. Right now she felt rather disappointed and she felt the Scarlet was here for more than work. The way she looked at Devon made her feel jealous, she was here to ruin the date between her and Devon, she knew it. But, despite that unsettling news she decided to be as pleasant as possible. Lying down on one of the towels she fished a pair of sunglasses out of her bag and put them on.
Devon walked over to the side of the towels and stamped the umbrella in the sand. Unlike Afriel, who enjoyed every bit of the sun, Devon seemed to prefer staying in the shade. Scarlet took the other spot beside the man, sandwiching him between herself and Afriel. Remaining sitting, Devon looked towards Afriel much more than the direction of his boss, which bothered her a little after all the effort she had made to try and catch his eye.

((Would you like to describe the area or would you prefer I do?))
((Gonna be honest, I am like really jealous for my character and it's affecting my writing XDD so I'm going to let you describe the area hahaha))

Afriel had shut her eyes, but kept a smile on her face. She was upset that Scarlet was there but she wasn't going to show it. Twisting onto her stomach Afriel pulled out sunblock from her bag, "Devon, would you mind?" She asked and held out the bottle to him. She needed someone to rub it on her no matter what but out of her choices she'd prefer her boyfriend to do so. When he grabbed the bottle she smiled at him and raised her hand to his cheek, "You're a wonderful boyfriend," She said and didn't dare look at Scarlet because she was probably fuming.
Devon didn't get time to take in the view properly, as his beautiful Afriel demanded his attention. "Fine, fine..." He sighed with a teasing smile, grabbing the bottle from her hands. "I appreciate the praise, now lay down so I can take care of you back." Devon swished his hand in a circular motion with a grin before shaking the bottle and squeezing some lotion on her back when she would be ready. He would kneel beside her and work rapidly and efficiently, his hands firmly spreading the lotion if a quick, yet soft massage. When done, the man scooted back to sit under the shade. Scarlet tackled Devon, passing her arms over his shoulders. "I want you to do me too." She said with a subtle tone that would rub Afriel in the wrong way. She didn't seem shy to press herself against Devon. The man's expression was a mix of embarrassment and discomfort as he closed his eyes with a clenched jaw. "Boss, please." He simply said. "What? I want sunscreen too?" Scarlet replied innocently. She was really playing a game, one Devon recognized from before they had left military. But because she was indeed his superior, how long would he hold himself from saying anything?
Afriel smiled up at Devon once he started working with the sunscreen. But when Scarlet pressed herself all over him she ground her teeth. Without much word of much warning Afriel pushed herself to her feet and didn't look at either Devon or Scarlet. If Devon was fine to let Scarlet throw herself at him then she wasn't going to stay around to watch it.

"I'm going to go walk down the beach," She said and started off down the sand. She was so embarrassed and upset but she waited until they couldn't hear her to make any sounds on the matter. She disappeared behind some rocks and leaned against them. Putting her face in her hands she didn't know what else to do but sigh and shake her head.
"Afriel. wait-" Devon sighed as he watched her leave. He stared in the direction she had left for a little before turning his gaze to Scarlet, still waving the sunscreen bottle. "A little over-the-top, Scarlet. Even I could get you fired for that." Devon stated.

"For what, asking an old friend to spread sunscreen on my back?" She replied. "You very well know what I'm talking about" Devon snapped back. The wind blasted by coldly around them. Scarlet sighed. "

You know what I want. You also know me. I won't stop until I get what I want." She grinned back to Devon, a glowing pulse through her ruby eyes.

"Oy... Do you remember the forces that laid wreckage to the Helvenia mansion? Do you really want to challenge those winds?" Devon warned.

"Is that a threat from an employee?" The girl arched her eyebrow inquisitively.

"No. It's a warning from someone who still doesn't know the full extent of his strengths. I'm taken, Scarlet. I can't play your games anymore, I have Afriel." frustration was clear in his tone

"That's all you think about, Afriel." Scarlet retorted, annoyed of the direction of the conversation.

"Can't I be allowed to feel love once in my life?" Devon asked with honesty. The redhead kept quiet for a few moments.

"Fine, you win. I won't bother you, we're coworkers." Scarlet sighed.

"We're above all, brother and sister in arms. We served together, whatever happened then was then. Today is a different day, Scarlet. Don't repeat what never worked." Devon shrugged. The girl smiled softly.

"You always find the right words, Devon." She sighed before getting up, grabbing her towel. "I'll go find another spot. I'll let you and your girlfriend by yourselves." Scarlet nudged Devon with her foot as he walked by before leaving.
Afriel had been standing along behind the rock when a few handsome men stopped by.

"You're here alone?" They'd asked and she only nodded, she was alone at the moment. Devon no doubt letting Scarlet rub all over him.

"I was about to go back to my boyfriend," Afriel explained but one of the men waved his hand dismissively.

"Oh don't worry, have some fun with us and then you can go back," He said and gave a charming smile.

Unsure of what else to do Afriel shook her head and followed them over to a volleyball net where the rest of their group waited for them.

"We got another player!" They announced and pushed Afriel into the 'court' where she blushed and looked around. People were looking at her, "Afriel," She said suddenly and people started spouting off their names. Once everyone was introduced the game was on.

They weren't far from the spot where she'd left Devon and Scarlet so if he came looking for her he would see her.
Left by himself, Devon closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. The winds grew calm and still as he held his breath. He held his breath for a little before calmly exhaling, and the winds blew by once more. The blue gaze glowed slightly as his eyes flashed open to take in the view before him. The beach was in an inverted L shape, the smaller length of the L being a part of a cliff that extended out over the waters. The longer part was a wavy length of golden-white sand, the azure waters lapping gently against the shores. The sounds of gulls and other familiar beach sounds were heard in the distance, but weren't what Devon had been focusing on. His attention was upon the wind itself, trying to grasp at how they moved to learn from it. After a while, he grew tired of the deal and wondered where Afriel had been off to by then. He rose up to his feet, grabbing the umbrella along with him, keeping himself in the shade. He walked around slowly, taking in the hot atmosphere and came upon the volleyball field. Spotting Afriel, he simply smiled and moved to a spot where he could observe, always in the cool shades.
For a while Afriel forgot about Devon and Scarlet and just played, when the other team lost people thanked her for playing and she ran off to go back. She was surprised to Devon alone when she turned back. Running over to him she sunk down in the shade with him, "Where's Scarlet?' She asked before she could stop herself. She couldn't have lied and said she was sad to see her go but she did wonder where she went off to.
"Somewhere probably to find another man to break." He answered with a chuckle. The though of Scarlet in leather and a whip sure made him chuckle if anything. It definitely would suit her usual self. "I doubt she'll be of a bother for a while." Devon added with a smile.
Sinking down into into the sand beside Devon she laid her head on his shoulder, "I'm glad she's not here, " Afriel admitted and then sat up kissing Devon's cheek, "I don't want to have to fight her for you, " She giggled and then pushed herself up from the sand, and held her hands out to help up Devon, "Why don't we go back to that spot I picked out before?" She offered, it was secluded on that side of the beach and she'd like to have some alone time with him while they were here.
Devon simply smiled up to her before reaching to grab her hand, the other one went for the umbrella. Devon didn't seem to allow the light of the sun touch him too much. "Sounds like a good plan." He said before hoisting himself to his feet with her aid. The man let her lead him back to their spot, taking their places earlier.
When they made it back to their spot, Afriel sunk into the sand beside him. It was nice to be here with him alone finally. Sitting on her knees and back on her heels Afriel leaned forward and kissed Devon on the cheek, then the neck, and then the shoulder. "I'm glad you came with me, and you look nice in your trunks," she told him.

Right now all Afriel really cared about was Devon, not the people on the beach, or Scarlet, or even anyone who might try to hurt them. She only cared about the blonde scarred man sitting in front of her. She wanted to be with him for ever and she couldn't think of a happiest place to be then where she was right now. "I love you, Devon," She murmured and kissed his cheek again.
((He is wearing a white button-down shirt))

The man shrugged. "I feel like my legs look like sticks awkwardly sticking out of my body." He admitted, his cheeks blushing a little. An arm instinctively rose up to her back whens he leaned his way to support her, gently caressing her as she kissed his cheek multiple times. "I love you too, Afriel." The words didn't fit the personage, but they were honest and sincere. Devon didn't dally with the cheeks, pressing a firm kiss on her lips before parting a little later with a smirk.
Afriel smiled, she had been with him the night before but everytime he kissed her it felt like it was new. Once he parted she almost frowned and pulled him back for more. But then again they were on a publicly used beach and if things got to heated no telling who would walk up. Smiled Afriel looked to the sparkling water, "It's the perfect day for a beach trip, don't you think?" She asked and pushed herself to her feet stretching in the sun.
Devon sighed into her kiss when she pulled him back and leaned back after the kiss, watching her get up and stretch. " It's hot if anything." Devon simply said, though his expression showed he wasn't one who liked warm weather. "Had fun playing volleyball?" He asked, his eyes remaining on her instead of following her gaze to the open waters.
Afriel didn't respond for a moment as though she were thinking about something. Eventually the words reached her ears and she looked over at Devon grinning, "I did, we won!" She said and laughed. It was nice to be out an about talking to people and doing things. Ever since Peter had left her she'd hadn't done much of either. "Come swim with me?" She offered holding her hands out to Devon to help him up.
Devon frowned at the waters few a few moments. After looking around him and deciding to reach up and grab her hand, Devon stepped out of the shade. The sunlight and dark trunks only made him look paler than he already was. He let himself be pulled to the waters by Afriel and stepped into the cool waters. The man let Afriel head ahead into deeper ends, slowly edging his way in the water.

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