Chosen To Change (Sweet Revenge X ibepeyton)

ibepeyton said:
Character Name: Afriel Angelus


Powers: Healing ability, applied with a kiss.




A figure sighed a top a building. The man, in a long black coat, inhaled the bitter smoke from a cigarette. Said man was observing the city below. The bustling city of ___ had always been too busy for his taste, hating to be in crowds and areas without the breeze in his shaggy blond hair. The man peered through his sunglasses up to the sky, clouds accumulating and started to block the warm sun rays. What happened next, no one could've predicted. The man took a step back, away from the ledge as he felt a surge of energy rise through him. His eyes glowed electric blue through the heavily-tinted sunglasses as he kept staggering backwards. Something within him was awakening, and it was changing his very being. At first thought, the man thought that his muscles were twitching, uncontrolled and that he was going to explode. Losing focus of his surroundings he kept backing up and eventually reached the other edge of the building. Unaware of his imminent drop to his doom, he kept trying to calm himself down and regain control, all in vain. He took a few more steps and fell off the edge.

"Is this really... how the world wanted my life to end? Is it really that unfair?" he thought before turning to meet the ground. After falling halfway to his death, he began to feel strangely lighter, the wind itself seemingly trying to push the man away from the ground. He couldn't fathom what was happening and shut his eyes. When he reopened them, he was back on the roof, the pain and spasms of his muscles had faded away, only a migraine hammered away at the man's skull. The figure headed back to his own apartment and rested for a bit, but found no sleep. "Was that fall just a dream? What the hell happened... It makes no sense..." He sighed before getting up again.

By now, it was dark outside, the nightlife had sprung to life. Bars, clubs and restaurants were full of people, young and old, searching for a night to remember. It wasn't what was in his mind. All the man wanted right now was a nice cold drink. He left his apartment and headed down to his usual bar, where he ordered the same drink and sat in the same spot; the far corner of the bar. Not only was it out of the way, it was also more elevated than the rest of the bar. It gave a good view on the people who were there, who came in and who left. Sipping on his rum'n coke, the man immersed himself into thought, trying to make sense of what happened to him earlier.
Afriel, still as alone as ever, decided to take herself out. It'd been a few months since her very own fiance had left her. That night had been a weird night. They'd been out together on a date and got caught in the crosshairs of what Afriel assumed was a gang fight. Bullets had rained and her fiance, Peter, maneuvered himself in front of her, using his own body as a shield for hers. Peter, moments later was on the ground, a blossom of blood blooming on the front of his shirt. They had cried, and whispered for a while, and when Afriel was covered in his blood and could hardly see from the tears she kissed him. There'd been a blinding light and when she looked back at Peter, he was fine. Fine!? How could he have been fine!? It wasn't long after that, that Peter had left her for being a 'freak'.

Shaking the memory away, Afriel walked down the sidewalk in heels clacking softly on the pavement. The pale blue dress that resembled a fifties pin up girls grb swished ever so gently. Her almost white blonde hair, was done up in curls, and it was the most 'put together' she'd been in a long time. It didn't take her long to get to a bar, that seemed rather busy. Afriel thought about turning around and going home, but forced herself to push through the poster plastered door.

Once inside, Afriel's big bright golden eyes scanned the dark room. There were several people there, most of them not hammered. She figured that everyone decided to go out just about the time she did. "You can do this," Afriel murmured to herself, taking a deep breath. Walking up to the bar she ordered a apple martini and slipped onto a bar stool. What the heck was she doing here? It wasn't as though anything good was going to happen to her in a busy city bar. Nothing good happened to her anymore.
The man took another swing of his drink, emptying the glass. He fixed the empty glass for a few seconds before sighing, his cheeks starting to redden from the alcohol. Outside, the dark clouds hadn't budged since his fall and only remained. The winds outside were lightly agitated, but nothing out of the usual. Many thought it would probably rain if it wasn't going to be a storm. Rubbing his hurting head, the man got up and headed to the bar. "If I keep finishing glasses like this, I should stick to the source..." He sighed, grabbed the empty glass and his long black coat and headed to the bar. The cold air that seemed to constantly surround him followed from the corner to the bar, making some put on their sweaters. He left a stool in between him and a girl there, and put the empty glass. "Another rum and coke." He ordered. The barmaid finished serving her previous clients and served the blond man. He grabbed the glass and took another gulp and sighed. He fixed his glass again, losing himself into the memory of earlier that day. He winced when the men sitting in front of the plasma TV cheered as their team had scored. A growl rumbled deep inside his chest in complaint to the noise and held his head again. His eyes seemed to glimmer faintly in the shady ambiance of the bar, but he never realized it. A breeze started blowing through the bar, but no windows or doors were open. The air moved in clockwise, circular motions, passing unnoticed to the man. He didn't bother for air currents, trying to understand the reasons behind the surge he had felt earlier.
Afriel, who was staring blankly hardly noticed the people around her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see someone had taken a seat beside her one stool down. When he groaned it caught her attention and she looked over at him, "You know," She started, her voice gentle and musical, "I don't think the best cure of an alcohol headache, is alcohol," Afriel told him, then looked back to her apple martini. She swirled it slowly with the thin straw they had given her, and looked up the the TV. There was a game on, but it held no interest for her so she looked back down to her own drink. "Want something different, Miss?' The barmaid asked Afriel.

"Oh, no thank you, I'm not much of a drinker," Afriel admitted in response. "I'm not even sure why I'm here," she mumbled to herself. Sighing, she shifted on the stool, and tried to keep her mind on anything but the memories that have kept her inside for so many months. As her mind wandered, her small pale hand went up to a loose curl and tucked it behind her ear. Her bright golden eyes were striking in the dim light of the bar, sparkling with every catch of whatever light was in the room.
"The alcohol isn't for the headache, nor the cause, lady." He replied to the girl and took another sip. "As for why you may be here, my guess is either you subconsciously want to meet people or you're trying to forget." He added, his voice gruff and deep. It didn't take a psychologist to see that the reason he was here was for the second reason. His eyes were cold stones that seemed to pierce through anything they met. The glow in them emanated of an energy few could pick up. He looked over his shoulder to the other people mingling in the bar, and most seemed to distance themselves from the bar, playing billiards, darts or enjoying the game. It didn't matter to him, all he wanted was to forget for another day. With that thought, he drank more, finishing his second glass.
Afriel smirked and shook her head, "The only person who'd know that would be a person going through the same thing," She said, looked up from her drink to him. Her eyes were locked on his face, as she waited for some change of expression or spark. There was no way this stranger knew how she was feeling, something crazy had happened to her that not a sane person would believe. But, maybe, he was feeling something similar? Maybe there was some faint ray of hope that he could relate to her? Afriel didn't know, but she couldn't fight back the faint pang of hope that played at her heartstrings. She looked back to her drink then, sipping again, and swirling. It was obvious she didn't drink much because even this fruit drink was hard to down.
A soft chuckle escaped his throat as a little smirk cracked his set lips in reaction to what she said. "One thing I've learned from observing other people is that there's always someone who will be able to relate. The choice to actually relate to someone is entirely up to the person." he sighed. "The world is unfair, we're put on this earth to exist for a fragment of time and no pity is held for the underdogs." He added as he waved for a refill. By now, the alcohol was starting to affect him as he leaned against the bar counter over his glass. He closed his eyes, thoughts of his past starting to come back even with alcohol. He reopened his eyes to halt his mind, his past still haunting him, but it took a few seconds for his mind to match up with reality. He shivered under his coat and slowly shook his head from side to side and reopened his eyes, despair and sorrow in his cold blue gaze; the look of a man who had given up. The beaten wolf sipped on his drink again, not bothering that he was on his 3rd drink within half-an hour.
The reaction of the stranger almost shocked Afriel, but she nodded with him. "True," was all she managed to say. "I better get going," She told no one in particular. The truth was, she didn't really have anywhere to go, nor did she want to go anywhere but home. It was amazing she'd even drug herself down the stairs of her apartment building and the one block to the bar. Sighing, she slipped her hand into her small clutch and slipped a ten dollar bill onto the counter, it covered her drink and then some. "I'd slow down if I were you," She said, smiling at her new found company. "You've had two of those since sitting here," Afriel commented, though she was sure he didn't care about what she had to say.
Thunder rolled outside the bar. "You might be able to beat the rain if you hurry..." He commented after the thunder "As for I... It doesn't matter much what happens to me anymore. That's why I'm here." he added as he swished his glass around, took another gulp and put the glass down. The air in the bar still swirled around lightly with no accurate reasons why, but Devon didn't notice, he was in the center of it all. He reached into his pocket to pull out a beaten cellphone to check for the time. "Barely past 9:30..." he groaned to himself and continued to fix his gaze his drink. He could feel the alcohol slowly rocking him from side to side, lulling him in the noise of the bar.

((Did you see? Open Gates has someone who's trying to interact with your character =P))
((pffft no, I forgot to follow that thread))

As Afriel was turning to leave, she heard her 'company' mumbled something about rain. She hated rain, and was damned if she was to head home now. "You know what," She said, turning back toward the bar, "Someone get me a dirty martini!" Afriel called, slamming her fist down on the bar top jokingly.

She slipped back into her bar stool, and shrugged off her coat, tonight she was going to force herself to unwind even if it killed her. "Hopefully, I can catch up," Afriel said with a tiny smirk, looking over in the direction of the man she'd been talking to before.
Devon blinked and arced an eyebrow to the girl as she back-tailed from leaving. A smile cracked his face before he laughed a little, the first laugh in a long time for Devon. "I'd be impressed if you could catch up. Didn't expect someone to turn around so quickly over a little rain and thunder." He sighed with a smile. The alcohol he had been drinking was really starting to affect him as his mood lifted, he swayed his head from side to side here and there. The chill in the air slowly started disappearing as the alcohol warmed up his body. He winced again as the men cheered once more, a reminder of his migraine and the events that had followed the start of the migraine. Devon's expression became gloomy once more, but the alcohol certainly helped cutting his attention span.
Afriel, now back in her stool was chugging down a dirt martini, "It's been ages since I've been out, I might as well stay," She said with a shrug. Truth was lightning petrified her, she hated it so much that one time she wouldn't come out from under a park bench because of it. Sighing, she let her mind slip back to Peter briefly, before demanding a shot of tequila. Some memories were best drowned out, Afriel had decided.
Devon's eyes broke from their coldness a just a little time ago. However, they shifted to an anticipating look. He shifted on his stool to face her and leaned forward to rest an elbow on his foot, which was resting on said stool. He plopped his chin into his palm, a drunken smile on his tired, exhausted face. Seeing the amounts of alcohol she's tackling compared to her previous behavior, I just want to see her reaction... There's something about her... he thought while he observed the woman before him. The sound of rain slowly started beating against the closed porch doors, softly in the background of people talking while the game went into half-time, the music that shifted to a new song. The song itself, Devon recognized and wasn't perfectly timed to his taste. The song brought back memories of someone close to him. "Landing in London. 3 Doors Down. Who chose that song?" Devon's expression had shifted again, his eyes beginning to glow brighter. Their look wasn't of the same man she had met this night. They echoed of the raging storm that neared the city.

He raised from his stool, slightly wobbly on his balance but made do, he headed towards the jukebox. "Damn that depressive music... Not something I want when I'm trying to have a nice time for once." He grumbled as he slammed a dollar into the machine and began shifting through the music, passive aggressively.
Afriel glanced down at the man, when he leaned toward her his attention seemingly all in her direction. But, he was quickly pulled away when the song on the jukebox was switched. It wasn't a happy song by any means, and he seemed to know the name of it. With a quit movement, he was at said machine punching in quarters and looking for something better to play.

Slamming back the shot she ordered, Afriel walked over next to him, leaning on the side of the classic music player. "Not a fan of sad slow songs huh?" She asked him, her eyes locked on his face. Afriel wondered then what this stranger's name was but, instead of asking she introduced herself, "I'm Afriel, by the way," she told him.
A grim line set on his lips, the man looked to her when she arrived and returned his attention on the playlists. "Lyrics bring back bad memories." He simply put. "Don't have a problem with the genre, just the song." He added as he flipped through the songs, discontent with their selection. "Nice to meet you. The name's Devon." He extended a wobbly free hand towards her to shake hands without looking away from the playlist as he wobbled around, the alcohol obviously taking effect on him while he stood.
Afriel shook his hand briefly, "You're drunk," She pointed out, laughing slightly. Her tone wasn't rude or judgmental just matter of fact. "Pick a song so we can go sit back down," She told him, not sure if he was planning on staying much longer. Though, it wouldn't make sense to pay for a song on the jukebox if you didn't plan on staying to listen to it. Fixing her dress, Afriel looking up and a saw a group of men staggering toward them. "Great," She mumbled, and stiffened. They didn't seem to be up to any good.
A devilish smirk spread across his face as he found a song that he would enjoy and pressed it in. The song My Apocalypse by Escape the Fate started up and he turned to face her, leaning against the wall. "I won't deny the fact that I am drunk. What I will deny is you thinking that I'm going to be a mess and lose control". The glow in his eyes wasn't normal anymore. They were emitting light, a blue shine in the dim lighting, and they shifted to look at the reason why she stiffened. "Expecting trouble?" He asked, a smirk under his shiny, daring blue eyes.
Afriel sighed, keeping her eyes on the group of men meandering to the jukebox. "Hey pretty lady," one of the men slurred, leaning his hands on either side of Afreil's head pinning her there. She bit her lip, and shifted uncomfortably.

"E-excuse me,"Afriel tried to move but there was no where to go. A few other men had wedged themselves in between Devon and Afriel. All of them wore gross smirks as the man pawed at Afriel. "Get off!" Afriel tried to push him, but he was much stronger than she was.
Devon growled, thunder rolling loudly in the distance. Loud enough to bury the background noise. When she reacted and he didn't move, Devon didn't think twice. He reared his left arm back and swung his whole weight at the closest guy. Things became slow all around Devon as he swung, things going into some sort of slow-motion. Devon shrugged and didn't question it, the drunk felt on fire and didn't want to stop after decking the first guy. He followed up to hit the next one on his left with his left, the men barely having time to react and being knocked away. Devon took a single step back and reared both him palms beside him, took his step back and slammed his weight into both open palms, shoving the man pinning her into 2 other guys along with an unexplained powerful wind gust. Something was off about Devon, his eyes were not only glowing blue again, but his eyes were stronger than before, They had regained their sharp coldness, but his exhausted face was nowhere near the mopey man of earlier. He felt confident, strong and able. Something he hadn't felt in ages. And then reality clicked in and realized he just started a bar fight. "Aww, damn it... I did it again..." He grumbled, the alcohol still a grasp on the man, even with the sudden surge of a different side of his 'usual' self.
Afriel gasped, and right before her eyes a bar brawl was being pursued. "Devon!" Afriel cried, grabbing his wrist. Something wasn't right about him, her was abnormally cold and he'd taken down a group of fully grown men abnormally fast. She bit down on her lip and was pulling Devon in and out of groups of people lolling about and throwing their fists. "We've got to get out of here!" She shouted over the noise. Afriel was turning to say something else to Devon when a fist connected with her jaw. She was knocked back into Devon then, her lip bleeding. "W-we've got to go," She managed to say.
The glow filled his eye sockets completely and he opened his palm. Out of thin air, a pistol phased into his hand. He rose his arm over his head, closed his eyes and pulled the trigger once. No bullet left, but the sound of gunshot made everyone stop. "Enough!" He barked out to the crowd. "I know I started, and I'm finishing it right now! Now how about you all start respecting people as human beings instead of things to push your own ambitions and will upon. All of you." He pointed the gun loosely and carelessly to the crowd as he said he spoke, still with his eyes closed. "Now return to your stupid games and I'll be taking my leave. This lady wants to leave as well? Let her be." Devon threatened before turning around to return to his seat. When he rested his hand back on his side, the pistol was gone as if it never even existed, along with the glowing eyes. The man grabbed his coat, chugged the last of his drink and slipped a 20$ under his empty glass. Before leaving the spot, he grabbed Afriel's coat and brought it to her.
Afriel flinched, her ears ringing from a gunshot. Looking up she noticed Devon holding a gun, what in the world?! Standing up, and moved her hand up to her lip. Where blood had been was only a small scar. It had healed itself almost instantly even though it was a deep slit in her bottom lip.

"Thanks.." Afriel murmured, taking her coat from Devon, "You..wanna walk me out?" She asked. She'd seen what had happened something strange but, not any different from the healing ability she'd seemed to develope.
"It's the least I can do..." Devon shrugged as he moved towards the door. "How's the lip?" He asked as he inspected the sky outside. Rain was pouring heavily, thunder groaning and the winds were strong. "Why must this weather follow me wherever I go? It's almost a miracle it isn't snowing..." He muttered to himself.

((Sorry for short reply XP))
As he stepped outside, the smell of burning caught Devon's nostrils through the rain. He stepped out into the pouring rain from the entrance's roof to look around. A few buildings down, a building was ablaze and no firemen were there. A man seemed to stand in front of the blaze, simply looking up to the building.

Devon rushed back into the bar to the barmaid, "Get the phone. there's a building burning just down the street!" He shouted to the woman. He also didn't wait for a reply from her part he had already started heading for the exit of the bar. Thunder grumbled again outside as Devon stopped to the door to look at Afriel. "Ready to face both storm and flames to save lives?" He asked. A twinkle had remained in his eye,m the air around him uplifted. It was as if he enjoyed risking his life, but a good heart could probably come up with the reason that he was there to save lives.
Afriel, not sure what was going on, followed after Devon. When she made it outside she could smell the scent of something burning. It wasn't long until her eyes settled down onto a building burning. The rain was pouring, but it didn't seem to squelch the flames. "Dear god," Afriel murmured, and looked over at Devon. He had called the fire department, and he should have stayed her to wait but, it seemed he had other things going through his head.

"Who is that?" Afriel asked him, once she looked back to the building. There was a man who seemed to be relishing in the fact that a building and probably people were falling to ashes. He was tall and thin, his hair red just as the flames were. Something about him made Afriel very nervous, and she had a feeling that she and Devon weren't going to let him get away.

As they stood there, the rain poured over her. Her long blonde hair dripped with water, as well as the hem of her dress. She was freezing but forced herself to ignore it. There were bigger matters at hand now.

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