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Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

"These are the only arguments that so stir in me passion that leads to anger." Emmie said, remaining steadfast in her heated glare at Aristeaus. "He twists the words of the scripture and believes himself justified. Fine! So be it! Only do not so much as try to fill my ears with your falsehoods."

To the priest that had spoken, Emmie replied, "You're right; but you mistake one thing. Eesna judges the souls of this earth, not the physical bodies, for Airesh told him to keep his anger from devouring us in ice. The dragons whose souls are stolen from our life, what shall happen when they die? Or what responsibility do they bear? They are a marring on the natural, an affront to creation, and they have no part," She levelled her fiery gaze on both the boy and the dragon beyond him. "Among us. And to think otherwise shows your denial not only of the wisdom of the Books, but of the wisdom that the gods have writ in our own hearts."

She'd warned them, as best she could. That was all Emmie could do. Her lips trembled as the words came out, but she managed it through to the last, shaken though her heart was that their words had sounded so sweet to her ears. She kept her neck straight in her judgement, unwilling to yield in any manner. She could not let the darkness win. Emmie stood for Airesh, for Flamberge, for Eesna, for the words of the Gods.
Aristaeus sighed.

"I feel pity for your lack of understanding. Even when I show you exactly where the Gods say it, you will not believe me, and accuse me of falsehood. This saddens me. I would hope that with your help we could have unified against the ForeSworn with the dragons and ended all of this, protected our land from them. Unfortunately that has proved impossible. Therefore, there is one course of action left. To tell you the truth." He looked her dead in the eyes.

"These 'Gods' you so feverently believe in? They do not exist. I have known this myself, because I studied, and learned the truth. Men wrote these 'Holy Scripts' to explain things they couldn't understand, and to tell future generations not to trust the dragons should they return. Has a human ever met these 'Gods' and had proof of it? No. These priests of yours, that claim to speak with the Gods, they are charlatans, speaking falsehood to gain power. It is pitiful.

To be honest, it makes me sick to know that one can believe falsehood so feverently, but when confronted with the truth, will deny it until their last breath. It makes me realize how far our species has fallen, how we will follow something like pigs to slaughter. I denounce the templars and claim the right of Secra. I wish to create a new order, under my mentor." With that he stood on the fountain and looked out at everyone, daring them to challenge him.
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Emmie could stand no more of this. In the middle of Aristeaus' speech, she turned to Lureana. "Is this really the company you keep? I thought better of you." She spun on her heel and left, disgusted. The boy's final words, proclaiming that he'd like to create a new order, rang in her mind, and she scorned him silently. What power, what influence did he imagine he had? Denying the very existance of the gods? Who would follow this heretic.

He should be tried and burned.

Emmie spat to the side in indignation, the fury making her hands tremble and her whole body shook, overtaken with the emotion. It was sickening to think such a person existed in her own order. The girl took in a deep breath, trying to stay calm. She would've fought the boy right then and there if she'd had a weapon on hand, and if she had not known he was injured. Shaking her head, she hastened back to the Templar Order, pressed with the need to inform her mentors of this malfeasance.
Rowan sighed, he knew that it is up the to soul to decide what is right and true. He admired Emmies devotion, even if it was misplaced. He turned to the tall upper maje.

"You're going to start your own order?" Rowan asked, he didn't know these orders worked but priests cannot start their own worship without being called a heretic. He watched Emmie storm off, Rowan was sad and disappointed in the fact that he was unable to help her see the light. If only he was able to speak like master Gaol. The acolytes thoughts wandered to his master, Gaol was probably finding hundreds of just people to support the side of peace. Rowan eyed Lureana, wondering what her views on the matter are.
Jakob had left the dining hall after a time, having made sure the dragons were all adjusting well and playing nice with the students. The one that left had taken a while to return, and he went to investigate. He doubted any real issues would arise, but going off by ones self in a place as potentially hostile as the academy was ill advised.

After checking a few dead ends, he finally found himself outside amidst an interesting sight. Jakob leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, mild curiosity at the events unfolding. He had no idea what these students were speaking of, but he had no intention of interrupting and revealing himself. If for no other reason than entertainment.
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Lureana was going to put her hand on Emmony's shoulder, to help steady her anger, but the girl left in such a fury that she was unable to. Aristaeus wanted to start his own order and Lureana felt her brow furrow. She placed both her hands on the hilt of her sword, closing her eyes for a moment as she thought. When she opened her eyes she saw the acolyte staring at her, and she acknowledged his gaze before turning her attention back to the tall boy.

"Would creating your own order really create the peace you seek out? I cannot see the good of turning out the gods of old, creating a new order for those as blind to your cause as you see others' blind to their own," she met the boys eyes, keeping her gaze level. She cared not for the gods, but only for the fairness of all. The Orders created a separation in beliefs, with their patron gods. She couldn't see how this new order wouldn't do the same.
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Aristaeus' shoulders dropped slighty. Lureana was right. This new order would just separate people even more, divide them against eachother, and destroy the peace he was striving for, so they could all ban together and defend themselves from the Foresworn. He could feel another invasion in the back of his mind, always pushing him. I guess, in that heated argument with Emmony, he had lost his collected self, and snapped. He stepped down off of the fountain and sat, ignoring his injured foot.

"Once one denounces an order, they are forever outcast from that order, and it is rare for other orders to take them in, as they are a traitor to their own order. So I must create a new order. It will be an order of truth, and knowledge. All will be welcome, dragon and human alike, any who feel unwelcome among their own order," he looked at Rowan, "or in their holy ventures. Your beliefs matter not to me, you will be welcomed with open arms, any who wish to join." Aristaeus stood and limped off, towards the training fields.
The first bedtime bell tolled then, a declaration to all students that they had 15 minutes to report to their Order's Tower.
The acolyte watched the soon to be ex-Templar slowly made his way to the training fields. The words of Aristaeus' invitation echoed in Rowans mind you will be welcomed with open arms, any who wish to join. The notion of becoming a knight had never crossed Rowan's mind since arrived in the academy. When he was a child he used to pretend being a sworn man in armor when he played with his sister, but becoming a knight is almost impossible for a lowborn in the Lionhart lands.

Rowan wondered if Aristaues would really want a half-blind, one armed knight to be the first to join his order. He shifted his eyes to Lureana, she took there leaning on her sword strong and complete. For a split second he coveted being a whole person. The loud toll of the bell broke his thoughts free from sinful thoughts. The spirit is the true body he thought to himself Eesna has made me whole with purpose, given me strength and guidance. Rowan reminded himself of his service to the Gods, he knew his calling was to be a Shaman on Eesna, the acolyte knew his God of ice will grant him justice.

"I will speak to you later m'lady, the bell has called me back to the temple." Rowan said as he bowed to Lureana "May Eesna protect and guide you." With that he took his leave and left for the Temple to look for Gaol.

When Rowan entered the dimly lit chamber of Eesna all of the priests were following the usual temple routine, saying quiet prayers, cleaning the altars and acolyte writing down the last of their notes. Rowan realized it had been a long time since he and Gaol had actually done any classical studies, the tasks at hand seemed much more pressing. The acolyte walked through chamber to see if he could catch his master. His eye found big Brun blowing out candles that lit the chamber walls.

"Master Brun have you seen my Master?" He asked. The heavy priest stroked his brown beard softly and revealed a smile.

"Gaol spoke to me right after the assembly, but since then I have not seen him. I believe your Master is off looking for other men who share his beliefs" Brun's low voice was always warm and kind.

"After the assembly this evening, my friend Gaol has a very daunting task ahead of him. I'm sure he had you do the same" The priest looked at Rowan and sighed. during his pause he blew out a single candle, a small trail of smoke snaked upwards in the dark.

"I believe I am one of the only priests in this temple who loathes such conflict, dragons or otherwise. I do not understand why they do not leave the matter to the Gods."

"We are priests, it is our duty to act out the will of the Gods. We cannot simple sit and be idle!" Rowan sounded a little too coarse for his liking, but the old priest's smile only grew.

"You are young acolyte, the God's will is always done, whether we do it or not. My duty is to teach the souls of the world about the justice and freedom of being right with Eesna. And to keep the north quarter of the chamber clean." He looked at the acolyte up and down. "If I honor the Gods in those ways, their will for the world is done with greater ease. You looked tired Rowan, search Gaol out on the morrow. He will need a well rested acolyte for the challenges to come."

Rowan examined Brun as he pondered the old man's words of wisdom. It seems all of the closest priests to Rowan are different than the other men in blue robes, they are kinder. He felt the exhaustion settle in once Brun pointed it out. It was a long day. "I believe you're right Master Brun, Thank you." Brun have Rowan a pat on the back.

The acolyte knelt at the nearest altar, said some quick prayers and went to his cot among the other acolyte. Within second Rowan was in a deep sleep.
Jakob had pursed his lips at this 'new order' idea, wondering what had brought such commotion about. He didn't have to wonder long when he remembered the reason he'd gone outside.

Dragons. Yet another student who thinks the dragons are simply misunderstood. He let the students pass without stopping or alerting any of them. He didn't feel he had the words to remedy their hearts of this division. Deep down he felt he should try, but always he came back to the simple fact that he had no idea himself. The gods had spoken to him in favor of the dragons. Why would they do so if not because they were liked? Possibly even loved?

I know my duty, and I will carry out my lords orders to the letter, no matter how poorly thought out they are.


Heinrich felt much better by the ends of the day, though his ribs still ached terribly. His mood soared whenever he thought about the look he'd inspired on the red dragons face. The simple idea of ruling absolutely had agreed with the beast's palate as well as his own, and the brief hesitation in the dragon's eyes was cause enough for celebration. He would consider it.

He bedded down with the rest of the Teutonic rabble, and ignored the sounds of people preparing for sleep. A huge smile still lighting up his face as he fell asleep.
Lureana pulled her sword from the ground as Ariteaus walked off. She frowned, and nodded when the acolyte bid his own farewell. With that she walked after the boy, catching up with him quickly and glancing at the Order's towers. She stepped in front of him, meeting his gaze. "I am bound to my own order, so I cannot join yours. If you do decided to go through with your decision, that is. Your heart is in the right place, but I don't think your head is. There may be another way, though I couldn't tell you it," she paused. "I just wanted you to know that I am still your ally." With that she started toward her own tower, but paused again after taking a few steps. "You should ask the medics for a cane for your foot. It'll help relieve the pressure from walking," She glanced down at his foot before she pulled her sword up and pointed it at him. "Also, you better keep your word," she grinned, "I look forward to shooting with you at the range tomorrow."

Then she ran off toward the training field barrack. She handed her practice sword to one of the servants, but they were too slow in retrieving her cloak. She waved them away, settling with going to bed without it. She could retrieve it before breakfast, though her going to her dorm without it would create quite the scene among the Lionharts. Appearance was everything, and her cloak held her family sigil, her status. She didn't have the time to waste though, having spent it on trying to catch Aristeaus. She rushed off to her Order's Temple, ignoring the stares and murmurs. After the session, she went to her room, freshened up, and found herself asleep for the night without putting her covers over her. There was more interaction for her today than there had been in her years at the academy.
"That's... ... Airesh preserve us... In the Holy Templar Order of all places..."

The Templar mentor bored his eyes deep into the space ahead, a lost look coming over him. His steepled hands shook slightly, and the man edged forward in his seat, raising his gaze to Emmony. In the moment between, his demeanor had changed. Now his eyebrows crumpled together in ferocity, curling his nostril and the icy blue of his eyes sharpened with the rage that so clearly expressed itself.

"Breathe not a word of this, Emmie. I will speak to the offender tomorrow, before he does further harm." The mentor, Lucas Renoldus, stood stiffly, his regal posture trembling with restraint. "And fret not; I will see to it that he is punished for his iniquity." He turned away, his voice lowering into a nearly incoherent murmur. "That such a student should be among us... And that I should be so ignorant... Is this... my pride, Airesh..?" He trailed off, staring out the window.

Emmony watched him in silence, empathetic to the conflict, for she knew the same had arisen within her.

He seemed to awake from his reverie after a time, and caught sight of Emmie, surprise briefly coloring his features. "Oh... yes. Emmony, good work. Dismissed."

She left the Templar's office, taking the descending staircase to lower levels, where bunks awaited the night's prayer and slumber. As she took steady steps downward, her eyes slid closed, and her lips formed one silent prayer that she repeated again and again until she reached the dorm.

Curse the man that curses you

And destroy those that wish to destroy us

Airesh, send cold winds upon those evil ones.

Bury your mercy.

For you alone are the master of the whole Earth.


Mahl'Iss was left alone in the training field; the group of humans that had once overwhelmed her had dispersed as suddenly and strangely as they had come. She heard the bell toll, but the deserted field and the high walls gave her no view of observing guards or witnesses. And, Mal believed, if she couldn't see them, she doubted they could see her. The dragon clung to the shadows and, eyes flashing in the darkness, awaited by the front entrance.

She had anticipated this from the time Noz'Onn had confessed his true and divergent intentions. He left the Temple last night with some plan in mind, and Mal believed he would this night as well.

She watched the castle gates quietly, awaiting the red dragon's appearance.
Nozz had been wandering since his chat with the Teutons, a sour taste in his mouth. He may have exaggerated a little with his story of the three monks, but he had still hoped that it would have brought more of them around to a more peaceful line of thinking.

He saw Mal hiding in a corner, and made his way over. "So. I take it I at least piqued your curiosity?" he asked as he approached, glad that at least she might be willing to see his way of thinking.
Mal had planned on not being noticed, but maintained a stoic demeanor even as Noz'Onn approached. This may even work out to her advantage.

He asked his question, and she met his eyes, holding them for a period of time, even when she finally spoke.

"Curious...." She murmured. "I suppose so."

She stepped towards him, keeping her face carefully blank. "Show me what you like. I'll follow."
Jakob awoke early, stretching before praying at the foot of his bed and heading out. The sun hadn't risen, and only a handful of people wandered the grounds at this hour, mostly students training under the watchful eyes of a sergeant at arms. He moved to the main temple, taking his usual patrol through the undercroft amongst the Holy Sepulchre. All the relics brought him a sense of peace, not to mention allowed his men to see him.

Every so often a priest or student would come along asking to see or pray before a particular relic, and his men provided escort. It was their duty before the gods to ensure their legacy lasted a very, very long time.
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"It's time for the oldest instructions in the book. Go North. There's no guards around this area this time of night, so why don't you bust out those wings of yours?"
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Rowan rolls over in his bed, he joined the choir of snores from the other acolytes sleeping around him. The Chamber of Eesna was softly alseep, all of the priests and holy men were in bed. One could only hear the clanking foot steps of the knights of the Holy Sepulchre, as they patrolled and watched over Eesna's relics.
"...bust my wings out..?" Mal was inquisitive. She'd seen Noz'Onn partially transform before, but she'd never done something similar. "Do we not have some other way to escape? Even under the shade of night, they've torches lining the walls. It seems foolish to take such a risk."
"Only way it looks like." He shrugged and the scaled down wings began sprouting from his shoulderblades. "First night I snuck out by hiding amongst some of the waitstaff, and they're good people, but they don't leave every night. So, I waited and watched. About this time, the guards on the section of wall above us are changing watches. Nobody is watching this section of the wall for a good part of the night, and the early morning. I heard them whining about how this particular tower has the armoury in the base, instead of the top, like the others, so it takes them a while to change watch. A small enough flying target would be impossible for them to notice." He folded his arms confidently, proud of his deductive skills.
"It's good that you've thought this out." Mal remarked. "But we must always account for what we don't know -- especially in these circumstances. A stray human may catch sight of you flying by torchlight, and while he alone would not be enough to accuse, over time, the witnesses will multiply to such an amount that their word shall pit our species into further hostility."

She glanced at the wall, regarding it, brooding over it. Even if Noz'Onn's perception was absolute, Mal could not transform in part; she had no such control. But she would not let him know this.

"If we are to leave... We should climb it."
Nozz's jaw dropped. "Are you mental? Climbing it'll give us no time to get over with the sort of buffer we need!" He brought his wings close to his back. "Did they not teach you partial transformation where you're from? It's pretty damned useful in a fight, and staying in disguise." he hesitated before saying 'dead lands', in case she hit him again.
Mahl'Iss huffed. She crossed her arms and turned her head away. "Whether I know how or not is irrelevant."

"I'd rather we climbed it." She raised her gaze up the imposing structure. It was so much like a cage. How could the humans stand it?
"Oh for Yl's..." He was exasperated by her obstinance, but while she was looking away, he hooked his arms under her shoulders and took off. The more time they spent here, the less time they had to get over the wall. She was protesting the whole way, but they finally crested the wall and descended just as the guard came out, mumbling about the armoury as always. He put her down and retracted his wings. "There, your majesty. One free Dragon Ride."
The release was gentle, but the treatment, forced upon her, had Mal fuming. She snarled, tossing her head in a show of offense.

"Now you've had your fun, Wildfire. Wallow in it." Mal arched high, her face drawn close to him, and breathed cold breath into his face. With a harsh look, she pulled away and surveyed the outside. They'd travelled here before, passed through, really, and Mal had only just glimpsed the land before she'd been swallowed up by the Academy Walls. It had been only a day, but between the human form and the foreign strangeness all around her, the breath of the land was sweeter than honey.

Though a shadow of night and dripping of rain obscured the view, her narrow pupils sucked in the forms and shapes of the bordering forest.

"Where do we go now, Noz'Onn?"
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"It's a surprise." he said tauntingly. "Just a little to the north, keep going until we hit the treeline." He started in the direction he'd indicated. Normally he'd fly for this part, but if she was so dead set against it, he knew the way on foot.

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