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Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

"You'll find that the monks don't believe in any such gods. They are a peacekeeping order, they believe in peace, but they are by no means pacifists." He leaned back in the chair and looked Heinrich in the eye. "Heinrich, I was there, and I couldn't believe it when I saw it. The monks just stood there in the middle of the road, and tried to negotiate peace. When that failed, the general ordered the three men be run through. Before I could blink, the general's head was rolling on the floor, and the monks were gone. I knew where they were after that because of the screams.

The old men moved like a liquid, and three mere men in simple robes and carrying weighted sticks were moving through a highly trained army like water, felling soldiers left and right. They didn't even have to kill all of them themselves, horses were panicked, trampling infantry underfoot, and those that tried to swing at the monks more often than not hit the man next to them. I lost count after a while, but when the thousand retreated, they were missing more than half of their number. And that's not even the most impressive story, that's just the one I witnessed."
Heinrich sat back, crossing his arms and frowning at the dragon. He didn't often give credence to second hand war stories, but from a dragon he had to give it some thought.

"What then, pray tell, empowered them so? Surely they were not born with such abilities?"
Cordelia saw that the dragoness was hesitant, or more or less scared. She furrowed her brows, thinking that possibly she had gone much to far in her play. Brushing herself off, she hissed in annoyance when only more dirt and dust had rubbed itself into her clothing. Aunt Meribelle would have my head if she saw this...

"Dear dragon, I haven't caught hold of your name yet and that disturbs me greatly. But what distresses me even more is the fact you seem just as willing to run from me like so many others. And exclude these humans in which you have seen as to this day. I speak of people from my own land and boundaries. I thought you of all people would understand what it meant to be different. To be looked down upon because some would think of you as a mongrel of impure breeding."

She couldn't even look at the girl anymore. Her head was turned away, a cruel and undermining whisper barely rising from her lips. So yes, she had held some kind of false hope. A hope in which she should have squashed when she heard that the beasts of tales and vengeance would be attending the Academy. She had thought that there was some possibility she could find that this new generation would be kinder and have a heart. She wasn't a monster who only sought revenge. She didn't want such lingering darkness to harbor her soul.

But from how the dragon reacted so quickly, it made every last piece of hope crumble into a dismay of broken glass.

"But maybe you are just as human as the rest of us..."
"Hah. Skeptical until the last. That's what I like about you Heinrich." he smiled. "It's a martial art they developed during their order's long association with the Griffons. The idea is to use your body as an instrument, a tool, allow it to flow like a liquid. I never mastered it, but I did learn a great deal about combat from them. It's 100% human ability, perfected after decades of meditation and training. Remember, those were masters. It's because of those monks that I am ever so fascinated with your species." his face turned grave. "However, there is a drawback. The art was developed as a last resort, and relies on turning your opponent's might against them. It is very intertwined with their philosophy. One of the masters once said: 'My body is a tool, but my mind is the weapon.' And you know what? He was right." he grabbed a nearby Tankard. "I highly doubt that you Teutons would be willing to believe that for yourselves, but at least I can show you the basics of such a power, if you are willing to listen."

I have them now. After all, I don't have to teach them the real Monk's teachings, just enough to get them to realize that domination is not the path to take. This tiger needs de-fanging, if peace is to ever be achieved.
"They sound weak if they have the power to take the world in their hands, but not the will to use it. Give me power like that, and these lands would be speaking german very quickly. Why have the dragons not taken such power for themselves?"
"Because we don't need to." He said finally. "Heinrich, this is why so many dragons are leery of your people, and even why those that live beyond your lands are. True power is the willpower to use your might wisely. We dragons learned that lesson the hard way. We used our might to subjugate your people for centuries, and what happened? You grew unhappy with your stations, and rose up. Had we been fairer to those below us, this conversation would be much different. And even if you did take all of Gallace? What then? The Griffons would certainly come to investigate, and then you'd have another war on your hands. No empire based on blood letting lasts forever. They burn quickly, then leave ruins in their wake."
Naralyn watched the spectacle at the dragon's table. Some humans had approached them and began conversations that the rest of the dining hall watched unobtrusively. One girl, Naralyn guessed about her age, had really made a show of herself, grasping at her breast and nearly fainting.

Tugging at her right ear, Naralyn internally debated on whether or not to approach the table. She had only ever read about dragons in history books and in fairy tales. The dining hall was so crowded and it was her first time visiting it. She wasn't use to seeing so many people in one place. Crowds made her nervous.

Nervously fidgeting with her hair to cover the red scar where her left ear use to be, Naralyn weighed her options.
"I simply..." Mal floundered, knowing herself inadequate. "I meant no offense." She lowered her eyes, craning her neck forward in apology. "My desire is to create a bridge between our species, to abide by your law and become worthy in your eyes."

She straightened, meeting the human's eyes as her fingers tapped like claws against one another. "But I have found myself, as in all things, unable to rise to this standard."

"Lor..Humans... are strange to me. I studied your language with all the might of my intellect, but, having been thrust into this... civilization, I found my ignorance to be a greater flaw than I first believed."

"I do not see you as my lesser." That was a half lie, but in this constrained form, Mal meant it. "I want no offense between I and any human. I will lower myself, change myself, and do all i can to make amends. Forgive me my ineptness. As for my name, Mal is the closest to the human form I could manage." She had said it before, but she allowed that she may have been too quiet in the delivery.
"War is the way of things, Dragon. Any empire not able to stand against their foes does not deserve to stand at all. That includes the Teutonics. It is why we fight, why we strive to be the best. Because even if we win, there will always be another fight. You cannot escape nature, Dragon, and if these priests have a power so extraordinary, perhaps it could be used to our whim." Heinrich leaned in close, whispering his thoughts conspiratorially.

"Imagine if us two could wield such power? Both dragon and human? The limit on our success would be endless!"
Naralyn returned her plates, her meal finished. Yet it was too early to leave the dining hall. She approached the girl she had seen acting oddly earlier.

She raised her hand to wave casually. "Hail, uh, dragon." Naralyn nodded her head to the dragon sitting in human form. To the girl she said, "My name's Naralyn. I was wondering what's going on over here. You alright? You put on quite the performance."
"Hmmph. I see your point." He pondered. "But seeking war for war's sake is foolish, and weakens all involved. I must admit that I do love a good battle, but Heinrich, you mistake my anti-war stance for weakness. There are fates much, much worse than dead."
"Hah. That is very humorless. I don't ask you to change yourself. I would never ask someone too do that. Not only does it take away one's value as a being with their own thoughts and ideas, but it takes away their spirit and tames them. For you to try to change..." She spoke the word as if it was demon that rose from the pits of hell to call damnation upon her head. She returned the dragons stare, what had been calm seas of golden brown now a befouled hue.

"If you ever tried to think like a human, I promise you this... your mind would be indeed unveiled to death itself. Your very heart.." She raised a hand and gently stroked the females cheek, a feather like touch. A touch that would seem so harmless but held a dark melodious intent that reared it's head with heart ablazed in the cry of all lost souls which were lost to it's own grasp. She had to stand at her fullest height just to whisper in Mal's ear. Her words brushed past, soft and warm. But what she said would make any reasonable person shiver in distaste for how she looked at her kind.

"..would be stolen and held captive forever in a monster that can't be defeated."

She dropped her hand and took a step back, a smile back where it was before. "But enough of this morbid talk. I came to you seeking friendship. Both two races with differences that can't be compared yet find a peace. It's like the Lion and the Mouse, ever heard of the tale? Probably not. I will tell you it later. In the mean time, lets put history and all it's bloody grievances behind us. We are the new generation. A new beginning. So let's try and be friends. If your willing though, to be less stiff and let me teach you the ways of mortals, of course."
Heinrich sat back, letting his enthusiasm subside before standing from the table.

"You just think on it. There may be fates worse than death, but there are also things worth dying for." He smirked and bowed his head, leaving the Teutonic table and weaving through the groups towards the door.
Mal's brow furrowed as the human behaved in further strangeness, going so far as to reach across the space that divided them and invaded upon the skin of the dragon's face. Mahl'Iss stiffened at the touch. A sharp intake of breath broke the silence, passing briefly before Cordelia's next whisper.

Mahl found the warning trifling. Above all humans, the dragons knew mortality. And they knew it intimately, for they remembered the taste of immortality. Their eternal life had been stolen from them in contempt of the consent of many, and their lives had only decayed in span and value since the day it was lost.

But she let this pass. Humans were as ignorant of reality as she was of their perception of reality. Keeping silence as an armor around her, Mal awaited the conversation's change, and Cordelia did not disappoint.

"I will do my best to listen well to your direction." Mal replied with a dip of her shoulders and neck, before catching her mistake. Dragon etiquette was difficult to translate. Mal settled with a bow, as she'd seen Noz'Onn do at an earlier time. "And indeed, let us be friends. That is my desire for both our species, and I see your amiability as a most encouraging act. I thank you for it." Her face remained bereft of a human smile, but as the thought occurred that she should, Mal attempted one, her lips trembling apart and barring the fangs within. "May this friendship be a bridge between our species, may it be a bond unshakable, where trust is found and deception lost."
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Rowan watched the Templar magister closely as he looked over the relic of Airesh before answering. Rowan heart sank as he listened to Jakob's answer. The acolyte half expected this answer, doubt had won. Even so it left a stitched pain in his heart.

Rowan stood up beside the knight and met his gaze. "I have the up most respect for you Sir Jakob, and I know you are a Knight and true to your sworn oath." Rowan had a smile of admiration for the Templar. "But I am willing to die so that such a war will never start."

With a bow Rowan left the Knight to his prayer. He hoped that he did not lose a friend in speaking the truth. Rowan walked out of the temple and walked quickly through the rain to the academy. The water was coming down hard, by the time Rowan walked through the entrance to the main hall his clue robes were drenched. Rowan hated the rain, it reminded him of the last time he saw his father, the same day he lost his arm and his sister taken by the foresworn. All of those old problems seemed so distant now. Before it was those were the only thoughts that visited him. How dragons have changed things.

Rowan strode through the empty halls leading to the dining hall. He wondered how Gaol faired with Brun. He probably did well Brun was an understanding man, unusually slow to judgement for a Master of Eesna.

Rowan entered the dining hall soaked and standing alone under the entrance. He looked left and right with his one eye. The orders were separated by table and one dragon was at each.

The red haired one was sitting and talking with the Teutons. The younger one settled with the Lionharts easily enough. The female was the only one Rowan exchanged words with, she was also the only one not seated but standing by the Templar table and speaking to two lady knights.

Rowan couldn't decide where to sit, he stood there looking at each table. He was hungry and his eye focussed on the roasted chicken, the acolyte started salivating at the thought of warm meat.

At that point he didn't care where he sat anymore. Rowan walked over to the templar took a seat and grabbed the closest leg of bird he could reach.

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Naralyn was impressed by the dragon and girl's interaction. Apparently one could speak with a dragon like you would a human. She had expected the dragon to be superior and haughty. Naralyn thought one might have to offer a gift of a dagger, gemstone, sacrificial cow, or first-born son before a dragon would consider a human 'friend.'

"It's the start of a beautiful friendship, I'm sure," she said, smiling at the dragon. Realizing she had just butted into their conversation Naralyn flushed. "I think I heard you say your name was... Mal? And you are Cordelia right?"
Jakob finished his prayer inside the temple, but left more bothered than when he'd entered. He knew he could never betray the oath he'd made, but that wasn't really what had unsettled him. If one student had felt the way Rowan had, there were many more who would as well and just did not speak it aloud. Such division sickened him, and made it infinitely more difficult to keep a united front against the dragons should the worst come to pass.

The words of the gods were clear, Dragons could not safely be among humans for more than a short period of time. Lust for power, greed, and past grievances made such a union impossible by default. Whether he liked these particular dragons or not made no difference in the long run, and he would ensure the safety of the temple to his dying breath.

Moving from the huge main doors Jakob left for the dining hall and the gathering there.
When the dragon joined their table, Aristaeus' thoughts were thrown into an utter storm. Fear for the life of the dragon, amongst so many of the order, was at the forefront of his mind. He looked to his mentor, a very respected Templar, who walked over and sat down opposite the dragon, his posture obscurely showing a prepared tenseness. While the two of them had no doubt she could have handled herself perfectly fine, there were many Templars, and only one of her. She would be badly wounded at best, if things started to get bad. Ah, if only his foot had not been damaged earlier.

Aristaeus began to think. Among all but perhaps the Teutonics, the dragons were in danger. The Teutonics would respect the powerful creatures they were, but the others would be fearful or hateful, and both led to violence. Aristaeus had considered creating a new order before, but only to himself. He had considered bringing the thought up to his mentor, but there had never been a good time. But now, with the dragons in danger, the need was greater. Even a single attack on the dragons, most likely by a Templar, would cause a war that none of them would escape from unscathed. So now was the time. He could not create the order though, he was too young, had not "earned his stripes" so to speak. So he committed to asking his mentor.

Aristaeus noticed a space open next to his mentor, and immediately walked over to sit opposite the dragon as well. He studied her for a moment before speaking.

"Hello. My name is Aristaeus. I'd like to welcome you to the Templar order." He reached out a hand to clasp hers, and pulled her in. He then whispered in her ear, "Meet me in the west courtyard, we need to talk."

Cordelia sensed her hand jerk, a sudden plummet in her throat which obstructed her overflowing speech. Tremors of hatred crawled back into place like the parasites they were, bleeding out the calm which had been in her. What am I doing? Was this apart of my plan? Was it ever apart my plan? To befriend a dragon? I don’t think so.

Cordelia had to bow quickly, dreading that her emotions would get the best of her. She could perceive her own vulnerabilities. She was a tad bit touche on certain things, one of which concerning the dragons. Her white pearls clenched in refusal to deny herself. She wanted to believe that it wasn’t this dragons' fault for what had happened so long ago. But some scars refuse to heal while others just remain as inflamed as before.

Her head shot up, taking notice of the observer who had been hidden from sight. She had never seen the girl before, but really, she only just arrived. Nevertheless, Cordelia narrowed her eyes at the interruption since it was anything but welcoming.

She looked to Mal and gave an apologetic shrug. “I suppose this is all sweet roses and spices. But who might you be?”
Mal glanced at the dark-haired human that had inserted herself into the conversation, and felt some small amount of relief, savoring the chance to be silent once more.

A third human came, then, taking her hand and pulling her towards him. Mal restrained the urge to forcibly pull away.

His breath whispered against her ear. "Meet me in the west courtyard, we need to talk." Confusion and curiosity surged all at once, but she nodded slowly.

"Where is the west courtyard?" She asked in reply, her voice lowered in mimicry. The dragon was already convinced that she would come; after all, what could the human, so gooey and weak, be capable of? Even so, Mahl'Iss knew caution and prudence were lifelines in this unknown land. Benighted thought would do no good, and it would be better for her not to risk a thing in this precarious misadventure. "And why do you call me there?" She added finally. "I see no reason not to follow the route that has been set out by your Magisters already."
Aristaeus growled low in his throat, almost imperceptibly. He forgot dragons had difficulty trusting humans, even if they could destroy them with one massive claw.

"The west courtyard is outside of the Lionhart dorms, any more than that you need to trust me. We really need to talk." He kept his voice to a low murmur so as not to alert the others, although he really didn't need to, people were quite loud enough to mask his voice. Especially the Teutons, gods bless them. He then stepped away and left the dining hall quickly.
She searched his eyes for a trace of guile or malicious intent, and found none. Though she was hesitant, Mal decided that it would do better to accept a potential ally than scorn a slinking enemy.

So she simply nodded, and pulled away.

The boy left soon after, before making sure she accepted his offer. His abrupt movement unsettled her, but Mal had already given her word, and was unwilling to bend it.

Searching across the dining hall for the familiar red hair of Noz'Onn, Mal caught sight of him inside of a conversation with the Heinrich that had approached that first day. She nervously exhaled, her fingers tapping against one another again. The boy wouldn't wait long, it seemed.

Accepting the risk, Mal broke away from Cordelia and the newcomer unceremoniously, moving quickly for the dining hall door, shadowing the boy's own movement. She made for the Western Courtyard without further hesitation.
Lureana finished her meal, leaving the dirty silverware and plates for the servants to collect. She stood, the dinner almost being done. She watched as the dragons picked their stations, and she felt the others of her order greet the littlest dragon well enough. Lureana left the hall, not noticing as other Academ left as well. She rolled her shoulders, going toward the training field as she did every night. She left her cloak with the servants when she grabbed her practice sword. Walking over to the dummy, she felt a frown on her features.

The tournament was coming up soon, and she still didn't feel as if she was well-practiced enough to make it far into the ranks. The tournament could almost guarantee her a knighthood if she could get far enough in, and with a knighthood, she could better uphold her family name, she could bring back her family's lost fortunate, she could give an easy life back to her family.

Rolling her shoulders, she put herself into an appropriate stance, and then she began her technique, quick efficient hits, dodges for when the dummy spun, and blows that would kill an opponent if she weren't careful.
Naralyn watched the dragon be pulled away. The dragons were in high demand, apparently.

She looked at the pale girl, Narlyn guessed about her age. Her hair was nearly white. Naralyn didn't know what to make of Cordeila yet.

"I'm Naralyn. Ya can call me Nara. I'm staying in Lionhart Tower. I've been here about two weeks. You?"
"I've only just arrived..." She watched Mal be pulled away. She wasn't pleased in the slightest. But it would have be left as it was.

Instead she turned her attention to the newest person so far. "I'm a Lionhart as well..."

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