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Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

Arr'Muhil nervously glanced side to side while trying to maintain his awkward grin. Almost everyone was silent, eyeing him with judgment, curiosity, and some with hostility. There was a moment of silence until he spoke again.

"Ahem. I'm sorry uh, that is usually how you uh....do a proper introduction in these parts....right?"
"Who needs introductions? I would imagine most make a proper greeting by going into the area. Mixed blood always seems to add to a more...family air." Cordelia had spoken, obviously jesting in the way she smiled. She fell out of line, eyeing her peers around her. Some with less than what she would call approving, and snorted in a form of disgust. Though they reminded her much of little piglets that squealed as the fell over themselves, in befuddlement. Amusing, really. She approached the new dragon and came to stand in front of him.

"But if your prefer such things as formal greetings, then you shall have one, dear sir." With a dramatic bow, she placed her hand over her heart, teasing. "I am Cordelia Acosta, niece of the Duke of Rodel. I can't say I remember much about you, your speech nearly had me fall to the ground in it's length. And I tend not to listen to others for so long of a time, in fear their voice might be stuck in my mind."
The dragon's grayish white eyes widened for a moment.

"Are you telling me that I was stressing myself out for three days, when even some of the elders said it was VITAL to make a proper introduction for myself, and all I could of said was 'Oi, I'm the new dragon. Nice to meet you?'" He slowly placed his right palm on his forehead out of sheer embarrassment and let out a heavy sigh.
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"It would seem that way, Dragon." Heinrich stepped forward from around Jakob, a smile lighting up his face. "People around here get bored easily, what with the chasms of fluff between their ears. Welcome to our home." He saluted smartly, fit to chest and making direct eye contact.
"Oh, well then. It's okay, it's okay. It was a bit of an awkward start, but please bare with me. Still trying to properly learn how you humans works. But uh, ya! Definitely nice to meet you both as well." He attempted to copy Cordelia's salute by clenching his fist and slamming it into his chest. "Ow."
"...Right." Heinrich let a awkward smile spread over his face at the oddity of the creature before him, but inclined his head anyway. "I am Heinrich Von Vanderfell. Teutonic student here at the academy. A pleasure to meet you, mein freund."
"Heh heh...indeed. Pleasure to meet you Heinrich." He looked around nervously at the silent crowd continuing to gaze at him. *Ahem* "So, now that I'm here. What is the first order of business? Take a tour of the place? Drop my belongings in whatever room I'm staying in? Wasn't uh, really properly filled in. Things happened so quickly."
"Get out of here, all of you! Be about you're duties!" Jakob began shooing the others back to their business, ensuring the crowd properly dispersed before turning back to the newest dragon. "You'll be staying with the group here under my supervision. My name is Jakob von Salzahausen. Just place your things over here, for now. We'll get you to the dorms soon enough."
Lureana watched as the dragon made quite the introduction for himself. He had charm, but so did the others. She watched as the crowd greeted him. This was certainly more of rally than the other dragons received. She reasoned that it had more to do with appearances after the poisoning, rather than approval. When they were dismissed, she finally started her introduction.

She smiled at the dragon's display, and bowed to him. "I hope you had a pleasant trip. I am Lureana Rompf, heiress of the house Romf, and I am a Lionhart," she said.
Cordelia licked her lips in deep thought. She didn't realize a new dragon was coming and the letter was already sent. Inwardly she cursed herself for not waiting a day more just to see if anything else were to take place. She watched the two students interacts with the dragon. He seemed...kinda nice in a irritating manner. Openly ready to be friendly with that high and might regal air about him. Almost like most Lionharts she knew. She sucked in a breath, already scheming.

She needed to make a report on all three dragons, which in turn meant knowing them through personal experiences. Not a very tempting idea. But it had to be done. Cordelia looked back to where most of the students had left, itching to follow in pursuit. "Might it be nice to take a walk? Maybe Arr'-..." The name was stuck on her tongue and she made a face, scrunching up her nose at the prospect of not being able to speak as she wanted. She tried again, but once more was twisted in confusion. "Armel", she finally said with a faint blush at her useless attempts. "He might actually like walking instead of simply standing around. Besides", she said in a fumbled tone. "My legs are cramping from all the standing from these past days."
Aristaeus looked at this new dragon, unsure what to do. He seemed to care-free, despite the last dragon almost dying. Aristaeus sighed and nodded to the dragon, a sign of respect.

"My name is Aristaeus. It is a pleasure to meet you Armel."

Aris stood back, waiting for his new mentor to lead them on. While he wished for his own mentor to be there with them, his mentor had a responsibilty to the Templars.
"Right. With pleasantries out of the way, we can get down to the grind. Everyone, grab a blunted weapon off the rack and start stretching. Today, the lax lessons of the academy end. Now, we start with the basics and work our way up." Jakob crossed his arms and watched them all comply, heading for the center of the tourney field to ensure all were doing as told.

"You have been chosen in this task of assisting dragons for a reason, but unless you meet our highest standards, those reasons will not mean much. You will be asked to reach your limits, but there is no backing out now. You will learn to be fiercer than any Teuton, wiser than any Templar, and braver than any Lionhardt. To become less is unacceptable, and I do not tolerate slackers in my ranks. You may begin your pell work."

The students were driven hard all day, constantly being berated by the ever-vigilant Jakob whenever they did something incorrectly. By the time supper rolled around, each of them were exhausted. When the dinner bell tolled they were excused to the dining hall to mingle and try to regain some strength.
The newcomer was a tall, cloud-haired dragon with a gait that told Mal how unused to dragon form he was. There was a loping sort of swagger to his movements, akin to Mahl'Iss' own. He was familiar, too, his face and confident smile striking. Mal observed quietly as the dragon conversed with the incoming of humans, his unbridled excitement sweeping the group with warm zephyrs.

She took their faces in, their hair colors and demeanors as they spoke to the newcomer. Torath had informed Nozz and she at an earlier time of the new accomodations, and it seemed these fellows would be the ones the dragons were to live with from now on. Mal wasn't sure if the swirling feeling in her heart was discomfort, but she swallowed it down nonetheless.

As the bulked human, Jakob, directed them over to the training grounds, Mal took up pace beside Arr'Muhil, tossing her head and scent his way in greeting.

"We may have met before, but I do not remember," She said in the human tongue, for the benefit of whoever listened. "It is good to have you among us." She nodded towards Nozz, who was playing with the swords, tinkering with their metal sounds. "Do you have a lot of experience with humans?"

She reached for one of the practice blades beside Nozz, dull by the look of them, and held it gingerly, for it was a foreign object in her hands.
Arr'Muhil looked at the strange looking human, having a rather confused look on his face.

"Well uh, I was usually sticking with my own kind and really tried to avoid walking into large bustling towns with humans because uh, well you know. Would rather not have every loride and their mother chasing me with with pitchforks and torches and attempting to burn me at the stake, which to be honest I have no idea how that logic works. You know, because dragons like myself are normally the size of a house and can fly away and have amazing powers (at least to humans like yourself) to help us fend off enemies."

The young dragon stopped for a second to catch his breath and continued. "Oy, I started rambling again. Apologies. Now as to if we met? Well I wouldn't know because I haven't really kept long term relationships with hum-" He paused for a second to observe the unusual looking blue haired and blue eyed lady, then a sudden and rather embarrassing realization hit him.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooy." He said to himself while slowly placing a palm over his forehead.

"You know, I admit. There are times where I sometimes impress myself and others on how quickly I am able to observe and perceive things. This is definitely not one of my finer moments." He cleared his throat then continued. "Well, for pretty much most of my life I have done one of three things. I have either stuck around bothered my father, Arr'Ras. Two, I have stuck around other dragons and pestered them instead of my father. Or three, went out by myself to explore little parts of the land way up yonder. There were only a few times where I have crossed paths with a few different dragons who are blessed with another element besides the wind. Perhaps you've seen me take a few of my nature walks? I don't necessarily remember."
Lureana gritted her teeth a little, keeping her words to herself toward her new mentor. She never provided less than her best, spending much of her time training her endurance or technique. She breathed slowly to calm herself, and gather her thoughts. When he directed them to the training grounds, she walked with the other academ towards it. She looked to Aristaeus and grinned. "How about that archery practice?"she said, remembering his word. She glanced down at his foot and watched how he walked for a moment. He seemed okay, but she wasn't so sure. She walked over to the weapons, nodding to their dragon companions before picking up arrows and quiver.

Being partnered with dragons would be strange, she figured. She recalled the fight she saw with the red one. If they were to fight with the dragons, the dragons would be holding back, she felt. It wasn't really honorable, and a dragon's strength could not be compared to a humans. She doubted a human could even grasp what a dragon's full capabilities were. She glanced over at them before sliding a bow over her shoulder. She felt her tiredness sting behind her eyes and blinked it away. Lureana would not be at her best this practice due to her late night trying to help the young dragon. She took it as a challenge.

If she were to see battle one day, she would have many sleepless nights, or close to sleepless. She would have to be prepared to work hard with tired eyes and mentality. Looking over to her new friend, she tilted her head toward the archery field. "What kind of game would you prefer?" she asked.
It was as if a hundred people were talking to him at once. It was rather hard for him to keep up. A gentlemen who named himself Aristaeus introduced himself while he was talking with the ice dragon who he mistook as a human. Arr'Muhil spun around to the face him. "Yes, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well. We will talk more sometime yes?" Though by the time he said that it was too late, as he and the other lady went off somewhere else.
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Mahl'Iss was thrown by Arr'Muhil's strange reaction. He seemed to be accusing humans of hostility, but Mal had no idea what that all had to do with her question. She tapped the sword a bit impatiently, awaiting a moment's opportunity to cut in or cut out, but the dragon let out a long, low "Oyyyy" as he seemed to come to a realization.

Sure enough, he started making more sense from thereon.

Mal smiled a little. "Mayhaps I ought find you quarters to lay down your head. It seems your journey has left you fatigued and... outside your right mind." That, or he was naturally hare-brained, which wouldn't be unusual for an air dragon.

"Arr'Ras?" The name was familiar, and realization struck like lightning in Mahl'Iss' mind. "The Arr'Ras? An elder if the council? The 'Cutting Wind'?"

Mahl'Iss made a low grumbling sound in the back of her throat, impressed. They'd sent in someone rather respectable, they had. Her happy eyes widened, and she shot a quick glance at Noz'Onn, sure she'd gained a more reasonable companion.

"Perfect. Perfect." She tapped her sword against the air dragon's shoulder, head turning aside. "That explains the familiarity about you. Your father had invited the lot of us to dinner that day. The day before we three were to leave for this place." She motioned to Nozz as she spoke, and a memory nearly surfaced, but fell back as a vague hinting. "I think I may assume safely that we met there."

She handed Arr'Muhil a dulled practice sword, and informed him she'd never used one before. "Even so, would you do me the honor of..." she hesitated on the human word. "Sparring with me?"
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"Wait wait wait a second. That was you?!" Armel asked astonished. "Ha, I remember that night. That dinner in particular was hilarious for me, I think I pushed quite a few nerves there." He let out a yawn and continued. "Ya, I think lying down by a tree for a bit would hel-wait. Sparring? Like right now? Wouldn't that sort of uh, give you an unfair advantage? On top of that, I don't necessarily know how to properly fight in human form rather than flail my arms around like an idiot or spin a sword around in circles. I guess that might be one of the reason why father sent me here, heh."
Mal nodded, glancing at the instructor. "I have only watched the humans and their techniques. Before my stay at the Academy, I only knew of their fighting from the ForeSworn battlefields. So we stand as equals in inexperience." She stepped into a circle of twine that marked the dirt as an arena for two.

She set one foot behind her, moving the other forward, a sting of uncertainty pulling at her lips. "I think this is how they stand." She raised the blade towards Arr'Muhil. "And this is the way they hold their claws. Forward like bared teeth before they strike."

The thought struck her as she faced the air dragon, one that she knew better than to voice aloud. Rather, in her native tongue, she confided in the dragon she believed of the same mind as she.

"Strange, is it not? These little souls with their crafted claws have pierced and overcome our Dragonkind, even at their flourishing." Her brows knitted together as she blew out a troubled cloud of wispy cold. "Are we, for all our size and wit, really so much greater? Whatever the origin of their thoughts and prowess, they surpassed us in those days. Perhaps we are more weak than we give ourselves credit for." Her fingers gripped the sword's handle tighter as she spoke, a tenseness winding her muscles to a tautness born of fear.

Even as she felt it, she questioned its origin. Maybe it was the truth she dreaded, or even this speculative thought. Mahl'Iss drew in a long breath and met Arr'Muhil's eyes, thrusting her blade forward, stepping with it, as she had observed the humans doing. The movement felt clunky, awkward, the blade was misaligned, but she wasn't certain how she could fix it, and continued the hesitant movement towards Arr'Muhil anyhow.
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Armel slowly stepped back, evading mal's blade with ease. He shook his head and dropped his blade on the ground. "Listen, I don't know heads or tails of human combat. If I were to spar you now I would look like a madman swatting a bunch of bats with a stick. On top of that, I might either hurt you or hurt myself by pure accidental stupidity. And I swear that if my father catches wind of that...(no pun intended) then he would fly over here himself and fling me over the hill by my tail. I say I will take up your offer once we know the basics. As for the other topic....let's discuss that later, shall we?"
Jakob walked up and down the pairs of spar partners, shouting and physically correcting stance flaws amidst clash of blunted weapons. As always, he had his heavy plate on in case of emergencies, and so had no fear of walking straight into the sparring to correct an improper swing or give a smack to someone's head.

"Core straight! Feet apart to shoulder width! You want some fresh, wet-behind-the-ears academ to knock you over with a single charge? Then get that damn shield up!" He happened to be keenly aware that dragons should have no real need of sword play, but in defense of ones life, every tool was useful. "Dragons, don't be afraid to use your powers in both attack and defense. Every student here should know what they are dealing with and how to dodge it. "
The dragon girl pulled back at Armel's avoidance, shifting weight between her feet nervously. "Then..." She lowered the dulled weapon, eyes flickering to their surroundings, the rest of the students having already gathered weapons, most falling into a well-practiced routine. "Why not watch these others, and model ourselves in kind?" Mahl'Iss held back any obligatory confusions with an interior force of will. The dragon before her was likely tired, and not considering his priorities first, though Mal already felt pricked by his behavior -- Hadn't he come for the same reason as she? To mingle with the humans? To act as one of them?

The instructor's voice raised high above the din of clashing blades, and to it Mal bent her head. His words rang in her mind, and she nodded to them. Dropping her face to her feet, Mal shifted to what she believed was the length of her shoulders, and straightened her back. But she pulled up a bit too far, and stumbled backwards, regaining her balance with a low, embarrassed rumble in her throat.

"Like so, sir?" She asked the man, holding the dulled blade horizontal to her hip, her body stiff with uncertainty. "Everything is foreign here." She whispered towards Arr'Muhil, and was immediately struck with a memory. In shame, she lowered her gaze, remembering Nozz's admonishment to her on the first night. She should not speak in the native tongue before humans. Rude, he called it.

Swallowing, she turned back to the instructor, another query arising. "Sir Jakob, have I chosen in err? Should I be sparring with one of your kind?"
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"True warriors can learn much from their betters, and watching you two spar could only be beneficial for them. Don't hold back on each other, and never be afraid to show your strength. Back straight and chin up, like so." Jakob took the appropriate stance for his style of training, letting them mimic him before moving to adjust the way they held themselves to his satisfaction.

"Now remember, when fighting an opponent of the same or lesser skill, it is often wise to let them strike first and find an opening. But when fighting an opponent of greater skill, attack attack attack. Do not let up and keep them on their heels or you will be undone." Jakob waved them forward to begin their bout, crossing his arms and retaining his sour expression behind the helmet.
"Sir....Jakob, is it? I apologize but I have to admit....I'm afraid that I have no idea what I am doing with this thing." Armel said while picking up his dull sword. "I mean, that sort of tends to be the case when your main source of combat is being a dragon such as myself. I never really familiarized myself with basic swordplay yet. So I am afraid that if I were to just diddle about with even this dull sword I would end up hurting myself or Mal over here. Would it be wise that for now I settle back and observe how you humans spar, and then slowly learn basic techniques one by one? Or would you prefer that I go ahead and attempt to spar right now while you watch?"
Jakob cocked his head at the male dragon, wondering just how much he needed to teach if he were to get these children into fighting shape.

Mein Gott, I have sorely underestimated the work load.

You will spar now, as you are, and I will correct you as you progress. Stance, as I showed you. Sword over shoulder, swing with your core muscles, and no overextending your elbow. Keep it simple. No flips, backstabs, or otherwise useless swings. I do not know how it is with you dragons, but for humans, every swing takes something out of you. So make every shot count."

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