What demons did you bring to our tea party?
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Her eyes light up at the mention of them fighting against each other again. From all the aggressive, provocative things that had escaped his lips so far, a challenge against her powers was the best one yet. A wide smile of approval curved her lips as she leaned forward, hands still on her lap, yet so close that if he moved now that his chains were loose enough, their faces would touch each other. There were few things in the world she appreciated as much as a worthy opponent, and the demon was surely one of them!
"I'd love to see you try to beat me." She said softly and for a very small, fragile second her eyes moved away from his, moving lower to his mouth and strong jaw before returning to meet with his golden gaze. "My name sounds different in your mouth." She said, like she had just stated something small of no significance yet the tension in the little space between them, she felt, had swifted to something more electric and animalistic than she had ever experienced before and though, at first, it had outraged her when he spoke her name now she had a new feeling inside her.
When he finally offered his name and the name of the people who he worked with, the spark in her eyes grew so much, it was like they had changed their colour, almost becoming an icy grey.
"It sounds good!" She accepted his offer with a slight nod taking a silent moment where she stood leaned towards him before finally returning to the back of her chair.
"It was one of my first missions after I got in the army, no fancy Captain title or anything. My whip, my horse and a group of nine more soldiers like myself with a Captain to lead us." She begun to say thinking the one other time she had told this story and how painful it had been then, wondering if it would leave a faul flavour in her mouth this time too. "It sounded like an easy mission but we all knew it would last long. We traveled north, around the Frozen Isthmus heading to a mountain pick at the Frozen Wilds, near the Devil's walkway actually. It wasn't a mission of war really." She said remembering the never ending cold days and nights and the exhaustion of the horses and soon, their own. "We were supposed to find an old, ex military general there and take from him some kind of weapon. We traveled for months, the days and nights had become to feel the same, there isn't much to guide you in the endless frosts and the sun comes out for only a few hours every day. I was scared I think, of that covered in snow land though excited for the mission. Eventually, we reached the mountain and begun our climb but on the second day, we fell into an ambush. They came at night, killing the horses and two soldiers and we thought it was your people." Ivorel gulped again, licking her lips as she moved around on her chair. "On the third day we were attacked again but this time they didn't come at us with swords. They came with powers only found among elves. We were disoriented, confused and lost. I saw my young companions fall, heard their screams echo around me between those mountaintops." Ivorel shivered, like she could feel the cold around her even now!
"Then my Captain found me. She was bleeding badly, I could feel the heat of her blood as she embraced me, shaking. She told me I had to go on, I had to find what we came looking for and when I told her I had no idea what we were really ment to take from the general she laughed. She just laughed in my face as she was bleeding out, telling me that we were looking for something as strong as me." She shrugged, looking away from the demon, eyes focused somewhere behind him though in her mind, she was back in that clearing, listening to her Captain die.
"They took me prisoner, I don't know when or how, I didn't know why either. I just woke up in a cold cell with stone walls, chained to the ceiling. And the man that appeared before me was an elf, the same ex general I had come looking and he wasn't an old man at all. He was maybe, a few years older than me, a big scar running across his face and his eyes was as icy as the mountains around his home. He... Kept me there, I'm not even sure how long. It didn't took me much to realise that whatever had happened to him had made him lose his mind. He was either extremely kind and caring or he acted like an animal, there was nothing in between! You see, I was taught since childhood that my powers shouldn't be used unless I was in great danger but nobody ever told me what great danger, was. And when I finally broke I didn't even think about it. One day the pain and the fear were just too much and as I screamed... I made a void, like the one you saw but I didn't put myself in it. I drew the whole castle in and I just.. started to suffocate every living thing I could find in it." Ivorel took a deep breath as the pressure she had begun feeling on her chest got heavier, yet she didn't move and she didn't stopped with her story.
"And in there, the man who had held me captured for so long just... Bowed down on my feet, promising to give me the weapon I had come looking for if I speared him. And I did. I did let him live and he did took care of me while I was sick. And I returned with what they had send us to find." She concluded, clearing her throat and blinking the images away.
The story had so many details she hadn't told him about and she wasn't going to either, no matter what it was he would offer her. She felt empty inside, like she had already told the demon too much, like she had betrayed her own secret.
"I'd love to see you try to beat me." She said softly and for a very small, fragile second her eyes moved away from his, moving lower to his mouth and strong jaw before returning to meet with his golden gaze. "My name sounds different in your mouth." She said, like she had just stated something small of no significance yet the tension in the little space between them, she felt, had swifted to something more electric and animalistic than she had ever experienced before and though, at first, it had outraged her when he spoke her name now she had a new feeling inside her.
When he finally offered his name and the name of the people who he worked with, the spark in her eyes grew so much, it was like they had changed their colour, almost becoming an icy grey.
"It sounds good!" She accepted his offer with a slight nod taking a silent moment where she stood leaned towards him before finally returning to the back of her chair.
"It was one of my first missions after I got in the army, no fancy Captain title or anything. My whip, my horse and a group of nine more soldiers like myself with a Captain to lead us." She begun to say thinking the one other time she had told this story and how painful it had been then, wondering if it would leave a faul flavour in her mouth this time too. "It sounded like an easy mission but we all knew it would last long. We traveled north, around the Frozen Isthmus heading to a mountain pick at the Frozen Wilds, near the Devil's walkway actually. It wasn't a mission of war really." She said remembering the never ending cold days and nights and the exhaustion of the horses and soon, their own. "We were supposed to find an old, ex military general there and take from him some kind of weapon. We traveled for months, the days and nights had become to feel the same, there isn't much to guide you in the endless frosts and the sun comes out for only a few hours every day. I was scared I think, of that covered in snow land though excited for the mission. Eventually, we reached the mountain and begun our climb but on the second day, we fell into an ambush. They came at night, killing the horses and two soldiers and we thought it was your people." Ivorel gulped again, licking her lips as she moved around on her chair. "On the third day we were attacked again but this time they didn't come at us with swords. They came with powers only found among elves. We were disoriented, confused and lost. I saw my young companions fall, heard their screams echo around me between those mountaintops." Ivorel shivered, like she could feel the cold around her even now!
"Then my Captain found me. She was bleeding badly, I could feel the heat of her blood as she embraced me, shaking. She told me I had to go on, I had to find what we came looking for and when I told her I had no idea what we were really ment to take from the general she laughed. She just laughed in my face as she was bleeding out, telling me that we were looking for something as strong as me." She shrugged, looking away from the demon, eyes focused somewhere behind him though in her mind, she was back in that clearing, listening to her Captain die.
"They took me prisoner, I don't know when or how, I didn't know why either. I just woke up in a cold cell with stone walls, chained to the ceiling. And the man that appeared before me was an elf, the same ex general I had come looking and he wasn't an old man at all. He was maybe, a few years older than me, a big scar running across his face and his eyes was as icy as the mountains around his home. He... Kept me there, I'm not even sure how long. It didn't took me much to realise that whatever had happened to him had made him lose his mind. He was either extremely kind and caring or he acted like an animal, there was nothing in between! You see, I was taught since childhood that my powers shouldn't be used unless I was in great danger but nobody ever told me what great danger, was. And when I finally broke I didn't even think about it. One day the pain and the fear were just too much and as I screamed... I made a void, like the one you saw but I didn't put myself in it. I drew the whole castle in and I just.. started to suffocate every living thing I could find in it." Ivorel took a deep breath as the pressure she had begun feeling on her chest got heavier, yet she didn't move and she didn't stopped with her story.
"And in there, the man who had held me captured for so long just... Bowed down on my feet, promising to give me the weapon I had come looking for if I speared him. And I did. I did let him live and he did took care of me while I was sick. And I returned with what they had send us to find." She concluded, clearing her throat and blinking the images away.
The story had so many details she hadn't told him about and she wasn't going to either, no matter what it was he would offer her. She felt empty inside, like she had already told the demon too much, like she had betrayed her own secret.