What demons did you bring to our tea party?
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Ivorel had sunk in a feverish nightmare, her body and mind drained from withholding the void for so long, her soul drained from having been so openly exposed to her own enemy. It was like, every part of her was in pain, physically and emotionally. A burning pain that made her eyes move under closed eyelids, driving her body to experience tremors every now and then even though Conor had tried to keep her warm.
The nightmare wasn't one solid dream exactly. It was more like a constant rain of different images, vibrant images that felt so real it was hard for her mind to realise she wasn't experiencing reality. Every painful moment, every heart brake, every drop of blood she had shed, now came rushing at her taking her breath away! But what felt more real, what wounded her more was his voice. Vox kept saying the same thing over and over and over again, in his mother tongue, the one she couldn't understand but he had translated it to her anyway. And as his words have cut through her then, they still cut through her now, a prayer that spoke a painful truth and dressed every memory and image of her nightmare.
Ark orv grogrth kiro ma'kjaka hrt'orvkrom' .
Ark orv grogrth kiro ma'kjaka hrt'orvkrom' .
Ark orv grogrth kiro ma'kjaka hrt'orvkrom' .
Ark orv grogrth kiro ma'kjaka hrt'orvkrom' .
Conor looked at the chained up Demon with hatred written vividly in his eyes but when he bespoke of Ivorel, his eyes flew at her sleeping figure and if Vox could see his eyes then, he would know without a dubt how much the white haired elf ment to the man.
"It's both my duty and an honour to protect my Captain from an animal like yourself." Conor answered bluntly, almost indifferent about the Demon's words. Almost!
His eyes focused on him again and his heart got filled with what was a mixture of anger and guilt, as he now begun to realise what he had agreed to and what that would do to Ivorel as a result.
The nightmare wasn't one solid dream exactly. It was more like a constant rain of different images, vibrant images that felt so real it was hard for her mind to realise she wasn't experiencing reality. Every painful moment, every heart brake, every drop of blood she had shed, now came rushing at her taking her breath away! But what felt more real, what wounded her more was his voice. Vox kept saying the same thing over and over and over again, in his mother tongue, the one she couldn't understand but he had translated it to her anyway. And as his words have cut through her then, they still cut through her now, a prayer that spoke a painful truth and dressed every memory and image of her nightmare.
Ark orv grogrth kiro ma'kjaka hrt'orvkrom' .
Ark orv grogrth kiro ma'kjaka hrt'orvkrom' .
Ark orv grogrth kiro ma'kjaka hrt'orvkrom' .
Ark orv grogrth kiro ma'kjaka hrt'orvkrom' .
Conor looked at the chained up Demon with hatred written vividly in his eyes but when he bespoke of Ivorel, his eyes flew at her sleeping figure and if Vox could see his eyes then, he would know without a dubt how much the white haired elf ment to the man.
"It's both my duty and an honour to protect my Captain from an animal like yourself." Conor answered bluntly, almost indifferent about the Demon's words. Almost!
His eyes focused on him again and his heart got filled with what was a mixture of anger and guilt, as he now begun to realise what he had agreed to and what that would do to Ivorel as a result.
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