Childhood Memories

(She would crush the other kids if she fell on the tent .__. )

"The girl continued to look around the mansion, but she couldn't shake away the feeling that she was being watched." He said. "Viola, who was the little girl, eventually reached a room. The witch's room." 
(But yeah go with it)
(Uh. My post got deleted somehow. *shoots self*

Kennedy faked a yawn of boredom, trying to hide her nerves. She clenched her eyes shut, hoping no one, especially Robin or Leo, would notice. She silently brought her knees up to her chest and winced.

Calm down, it's just a story... Kennedy thought to herself, wrinkling her nose slightly.

Unfolding her arms, Kennedy snaked them down to her ankles and knotted them around the bottom of her legs.
Ava walked into Robin's backyard, holding Bun-Bun. She walked over quietly, not really intending to, she just had quiet footsteps. Hearing that Robin was telling a scary story, she came up with an idea: she would yell from a tree to frighten them. She climbed up a nearby tree and onto a branch that was directly over the tent. Oh no, she thought as she felt herself slipping. She held onto the branch with a few sweaty fingers and fell onto the tent, collapsing it. 
Ava walked into Robin's backyard, holding Bun-Bun. She walked over quietly, not really intending to, she just had quiet footsteps. Hearing that Robin was telling a scary story, she came up with an idea: she would yell from a tree to frighten them. She climbed up a nearby tree and onto a branch that was directly over the tent. Oh no, she thought as she felt herself slipping. She held onto the branch with a few sweaty fingers and fell onto the tent, collapsing it.
"In the girl's room... Viola found- GAAHH!!!" Robin exclaimed when the tent suddenly collapsed on them. Mary let out a frightened yelp, all of them trying to kick around and free themselves from inside the tent.
Leo struggled to get out of the tent, dragging his sleeping bag. Quickly emerging from the fallen tent, Leo stared at the girl on top of the tent with an amused expression.

Walking over to the girl, avoiding stepping on the kids who were trying to get out of the tent. "Are you alright?" Leo held a hand out to help the girl up.
Kennedy squirmed out from under the fallen tent, an angry expression on her face. She dusted herself off, staring down Leo.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for your concern," she sarcastically mumbled, rolling her eyes. "You could've at least helped me!"
Rooroo screamed as the tent fell upon her. "It's the witch!" she decided remembering the story. She looked around trying to see through the dark. "Hello?" she called realizing no one was there anymore. She didn't know what to do.
Leo raised an eyebrow at Kennedy, a little playful smirk on his face. Glancing up at the tree above them, Leo saw that a few of the smaller branches had been broken.

"Well, she just fell from a tree and landed on something hard," Leo chuckled lightly at Rooroo's outburst. "We just had a tent collapse." Leo shrugged and counted the people there. "Where's Rooroo?" Leo asked, he had heard her voice, but didn't see her there.
"Is everyone alright?" Robin asked as he helped RooRoo out of the tent. "What happened?"

Mary blinked and pointed at the girl on top of their tent. "It was her I think." She said.
Aerin stepped down form the car and looked around. "A new people..." she whispered. She felt her father's hand ruffle her hair. "We'll do the unloading, go look around. Just don't go too far." her father said. "Go on, dear." her mother smiled. Aerin nodded and started to walk down the street. She stopped at a house nearby when she heard voices of other kids. She knew the it was coming from the backyard. She clutched the straps of her backpack and bit her lip. "fitting never easy...I wish you were here too..." she told herself, thinking about the boy.

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