Childhood Memories


Junior Member
We all remember those days

Those days when we were little

And had memories we treasured

Of people we met and who changed us

Of friends we made that stuck with us to the end

Of magical sword fights and adventures to distant lands

If only those days could last forever....

Mary shyly watched the kids play on the street of her neighborhood, watching them from behind her fence. Her head hesitantly peeked out from behind the white picket fence as the kids pretended of dragons and knights and fairies. It looked fun... But she couldn't bring herself to join them. Mary sighed before smiling and going to tending her flowers.

Robin let out a roar as he chased around his friends, his hands up and clawed to make him look like a monster. "I'm going to eat you!!" He declared, stomping around and continuing to make monster noises. "GRARHHH!"

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Rhea lets out a high pitched squeal as Robin chased her,"Ahhh Monster.Run away,"She yells run away her red curl bouncing as she did.She smiles letting out a angelic laugh.Rhea looks around and picks up a stick,"I am queen of light fear my magic wand,"She points the stick at him.Her eyes were like sapphires shining brightly as the stars as she starts to charge,"MooMoo light attack,"She cheers.
Robin laughed and shielded himself from Rhea's stick. "Nooo! The queen shall not defeat me!" He roared. He reached down and grabbed a nearby stick using it to hit Rhea's stick. "Down you light queen! I shall EAT YOUUUUUUU!" He exclaimed.
Rooroo giggles and runs around the two of them excited to be playing with the older kids. "bad monster! bad!" she squeals running in circles. She stops thinking "hey! monsters don't talk." she frowns "They go raaaar!"
Robin blinked and put his stick down. "They don't? Oh okay then... RAWWWRRRR!!!!!!!!" He yelled, continuing to chase the girls. "ROAAAR RAWR! AGURBLEGURBLEGURBLE!!!"

Mary picked on of the flower and peeked over the fence again, tilting her head to the side. "That sure looked like fun....." She said softly. Mary adjusted her sailor hat.
Rhea turns her and sees Mary,"Time out,"She cries out,dropping her stick and running over to the fence where mary was at,"Come play with us,"She says,starting to climb the tall fence,"Once second.I'll come for you,"She huffs her cheeks burning red with concentration.
Rooroo giggles and takes off running away from the boy pretending to be a monster. She stops and turns hearing time out and watches the girl climbing a fence. She pants out of breath from running.
Mary blinked and looked at Rhea. "Wh-What are you.... N-No wait don't!!" She exclaimed, waving her hands frantically. "You'll crush my flowers!!!" She cried, holding her hat in dismay.

Robin ran over to Rhea."Careful Rhea or else you'll fall!!"
Rhea giggles poking her head just over the fence,So Mary could she her face better,"Your flowers are pretty pretty,"She says to her doing her best to hold onto the fence and not to fall down.Her arms feeling quite strained from holding her up,"Do you want to play,"She ask right before her arms give out and she falls.
"UWAH!" Robin and Mary both cried out. Robin held his arms out and caught Rhea, letting out a sigh of relief.

"I told you to be careful Rhea!" He scowled, letting her go and helping her to her feet. Because he was taller, Robin was able to easily peek over the fence without holding on. He still had to stand on his tip toes though. "So what do you say? Do you want to play?"

Mary looked back at her house before smiling and nodding shyly. "S-Sure..." She said.
Rhea frowns and sticks out her tongue at Robin.Her hair was sticking every which way at the moment.She dusts off her green shirt,"Yay,"She smiles when Mary says she would play with them,"I'm going to be a Knight now,"She squeals,"Mary you can be the queen."Rhea picks up her stick and jumps up and down.
Mary opened the gate of her fence and walked out, revealing her full person. (look at profile for reference) "The queen?" She asked, tilting her head. "How do I be that?"

Robin laughed and picked up two branches with leaves on them. "It's easy! Just run away from the monster! Which... Is me!" He exclaimed before letting out a large roar.
Rooroo jumps up and down excited to have a new person joining. She takes off running at the sound of the roar, taking it as the game was back on again.
Rhea squeals again,"Begone evil monster,"She laughs,"I am The pwretty knight of Queen Mary,"She does a little dance with this announcement as if it was so important her body needed be moving just to contain excitment.To anyone seeing this dance it was pretty much just Rhea shaking her butt and failing her arms.
Mary backed up a bit. "How do you know my name?" She asked, becoming a bit scared. She backed away hesitantly. She didn't remember telling them her name.

Robin continued to chase the girls around, not hearing what Mary said because her voice was so soft.
Iris looked out of her bedroom window, and noticed a group of kids playing. She smiled and her blue eyes lit up. She ran downstairs and into the kitchen, where her mother and brother were cooking a pie. "JOHNNY LET'S GO PLAY OUTSIDE!!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement. Johnathan looked at the pie "But I'm making pie." He told her. "Go ahead, I'll finish up the pie. You go have fun with Rissy" Their mother told him. Johnny sighed and nodded his head.

Iris smiled and squealed in excitement. She grabbed her brother's hand and ran outside with him. They walked up to the group. "Hey! Can we play?" Iris asked in a sweet but excited tone. Johnathan still held onto his little sisters hand, due to his nervousness.
Rhea looks at Iris smiling her cheeks were bright red from running and a single dimple proudly appears,"Yeah play with us,"She grabs Iris's hands,"Do you like trains I don,"She speaks quickly feeling like a hyperactive three year old.,"I'm Rhea,"She announced proudly pointing to her self.
"M-M-Mary...." Mary stuttered, almost wanting to go back to hiding in her front yard. She played with the hem of her white dress, looking at the ground.

"I'm Robin!" Robin exclaimed proudly, putting both his arms on his hips. "The most awesomest person you will ever know!!" He yelled, holding up a stick like a sword. "We're playing knights and monsters right now! Mary is the queen and we have to protect her from me cause I'm the monster!"
Simon came out of his front door reading a book with one hand and an apple in the other hand, seemingly not even noticing the other kids playing. He had his camera strapped over his shoulder and was dressed far too well for an 8 year old boy casually going out to read. He then walked over and sat on a big thick low branch of the large mulberry tree on his front lawn. He lounged back, deeply engrossed in his book, every once in a while crunching into his apple or glancing up at the other kids. He does, however, seem to notice Johnny, both because he hasn't seen him before and how she he looks. 
"But moooommmmm!" Liam cried out, enviously looking out at the other kids playing from the big bay window in his living room. He looked out almost like an eager puppy sensing another dog walking by.

"No buts, mister," his mother fumed, running around the house picking up all the clothes her sons left lying around, "I've had it up to here with you! The last thing I need is another call from Mrs. Birch from next door saying you and your brother dug another hole in her yard and into the septic tank!"

"But she has TREASURE in her yard I know it! She knew we were close so she put those pipes there JUST TO THROW US OFF THE TRAIL! You can't seriously believe her..."

"Liam, for the last time, Mrs. Birch doesn't have buried treasure in her yard!" she then picked up a pair of dirty underwear and, with a grimace, shouted up the steps, "Connor, how many times do I have to tell you to stop taking off your underwear and leaving it in the dining room. People EAT there,"

Liam continued looking out the window with a glum expression, leaning down on his arms which were crossed on the back of the couch.

His mother sighed, then, after finally putting the last piece of laundry in her basket, looked to her son and said, "I'll tell you what. If you clean the downstairs bathroom, and I mean really clean, you can go out and play with your friends."

Liam grinned and then ran off excitedly to the bathroom, his mother yelling after him, "I better not get anymore phone calls, you hear!"
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Mary sat where she was, watching Robin and the girls chase each other around. She was the queen right? How was she supposed to play? A cute frown appeared on Mary's face as she thought hard. This was her first time actually playing with kids. Usually, she would read or watch TV in her room with that weird wire stuck to her skin. She looked around before picking a flower from her garden and holding it out like a wand. "Uh.... Alakazam!" She shouted, remembering a spell a wizard used in one of her storybooks.
Iris smiled "I'm Iris." She told them and then looked at Johnny, waiting for him to introduce himself. Johnny blushed and looked down. "I-I'm Johnny" He said. "So what're we playing?" Iris asked in a sweet voice.
Robin held up his arms and let out a roar. "We're playing Knights and Monsters!" He exclaimed excitedly. "You have to protect Queen Mary!" He said, pointing to the shy girl standing to the side.
Iris turned to Mary. "I shall protect the amazing queen!!" She bowed and then smiled and giggled cutely. Johnny looked at Mary and blushed. His green eyes seemed to light up. He looked down once more and began tapping his thumbs together nervously.
Mary blinked and looked at Johnny curiously. Did he have a fever? Before she could think more into it, she was distracted by the sound of Robin's loud yelling. "HYYAARRGGHHH!!!" He roared, starting to chase after Iris. "I SHALL EAT THE QUEEN!"

"E-E-Eat me?!" Mary exclaimed.
Rooroo giggles running around with the older kids. "Don't eat the queen, don't eat the queen" she chants and then stops as if realizing something "Hey you're talking again!" she calls.

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