Childhood Demons


Friendly Neighborhood Fanthing
Everything was black. The last thing you remember was dying. Is this what it was like to be dead..? You hear chanting, or is that singing..? Cracking open an eye you see a woman with long, silver hair leaning over you. She is smiling. You ask her how you are alive. "It was not yet your time, young one... " She responds, her smile growing. "Do not fret, you are my child now.." She tells you. You sit up and see a young girl standing behind the woman. Was she like you to..? "I see you have noticed Tacey. She is my child as well.. She will explain what has happened to you, right darling..?" She glances behind her to the young girl.

"Yes mother.." She says stepping closer to you. She is smiling as well. "Greetings. I wish to welcome you to your new life." You notice that her voice sounds melodic. It almost has this calming effect that makes you feel less apprehensive about the situation. "You are a child now." She says softly. You open your mouth to say something, but she continues speaking. "Being someone who has died before your time has allowed my mother to resurrect you as a child. A child is someone who has come back from the grave to get their revenge on the one that had killed them. You may notice minor differences in your appearance and that you may have gained some new abilities. I simply can not wait to see what your abilities are.." You are about to ask her what kind of abilities when she smiles at you again before humming a soft tune. It's so beautiful... you just want to close your eyes and relax... You feel everything going black again before you feel a soft hand on your shoulder. "Like that." Tacey says. "That is my ability used in a lesser manner.. Did you feel it..?" She asks you, her head tilted slightly. You nod at her and her smile grows.

She then steps back as the woman steps forward again. "Welcome to your new life, young one." She says warmly. "I am Almira. May I ask you your name and how you perished...?"


"How terrible..." She says, shaking her head. "Don't worry, you will get your revenge one day, little one.." She tells you before backing away and motioning to the girl. "Tacey will take you to camp and help you get situated... If you have any questions, ask her.." The woman slowly faded into the shadows. You blink in disbelief before climbing to your feet. Tacey motions for you to follow her. As you follow the girl through the forest, you can't help but think to yourself about how you'd now solved the mystery of what killed people in the woods. You chuckle at the thought.

Tacey leads you into a small clearing. Along the edges of the clearing are little hut-like structures. You notice more children and teenagers milling about. "Welcome." She says, turning to smile at you before pointing to a little hut. "You will stay there. Please make yourself at home." She tells you before wandering over to speak with another child. You guessed it was time to start your new life...

Character Sheet






Special Abilities-


My Characters

Name- Almira

Age- Unknown


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/sade.jpg.980d12a03064486b4fffa3da6cc412e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1001" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/sade.jpg.980d12a03064486b4fffa3da6cc412e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- Secretive and Sneaky.

Bio- Unknown.

Special Abilities- Unknown

Other- Sorceress. Creator of the "children" Acts as a mother, of sorts.

Name- Madeline Tacey Aria (Tacey)

Age- 14

Appearance-Eyes are blood red..

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/dark-1.jpg.1d4eac9d32e171919901d5d17868e581.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1002" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/dark-1.jpg.1d4eac9d32e171919901d5d17868e581.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- She used to be very quiet, until she began to look up to Almira. She leads the children, guiding them along the path the her "mother" wants them to take. She is a fierce leader and protects the other children with everything she is able to give. When it comes to her enemies, she is sadistic and gets a thrill from the sight and smell of blood. If you didn't know her before she became a "child" you'd have absolutely no idea that she was a cold blooded killer, hell bent for the blood of her family.

Bio- She was raised in one of the wealthier families of the village, living a so called perfect life. Well, that is until she turned fourteen. Three days after her fourteenth birthday, she was abducted for a ransom. Her family, being role models of the village decided not to pay and to call their bluff. The only problem with that plan was the fact that they weren't lying. One month after she went missing, she was found slaughtered in the Dark forest. Her family, deciding to leave her rest where she had been killed, had unknowingly left her body open to be claimed by the sorceress, Almira, who reanimated her body, causing her to be the first "child". Many more followed after her, and she became their leader......

Special Abilities- Her hypnotic voice. She can control people with just the simplest of words.

Other- The first "child" and the "children" 's leader.

Name- Jett Koritsubasa

Age- 15


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/DarkBoywithaFireButterfly1.jpg.1e84d808cb8026e9e09e763c4257b6dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/DarkBoywithaFireButterfly1.jpg.1e84d808cb8026e9e09e763c4257b6dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- Jett is usually very laid back. He is one extremely hard person to piss off. Generally he doesn't much hang around with the group. He will, however, occasionally open his mouth to correct a mistake another 'child' had made. He is the main voice of reason when an argument breaks out, and he is usually the one who ends up putting an end to it.

Bio- Jett came from a prestigious clan of assassins of their village, but he was born with a rare heart disease that prevented him from over exurting himself in training. His clan quickly grew tired of catering to his every need and when he was 15 they threw him out into the wilderness to fend for himself, knowing that he lacked the physical ability to do so. He managed to survive on his own for about a month before the strain became to much for him and his heart gave out. When he awoke into his new life as a 'child' Tacey's face was the first to greet him, seeing as she had performed the resurrection chant herself since Almira was not present.

Special Abilities- Controls Ice, can animate the ice into small beings (his favorites are butterflies)

Other- Was the second 'child' created.

Name- Lanny Kashioni

Age- 15


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Dark-2-1.jpg.044fb2efdcee3537f309bb149607ff48.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="205" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Dark-2-1.jpg.044fb2efdcee3537f309bb149607ff48.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- He thinks he's indestructable. He likes running into everything before thinking and usually gets himself hurt, but he does it with a smile on his face, none the less. Lanny is a loud mouth, and that's the nice way of putting it. He think's just because he's a close friend to Tacey that he has a God-given right to run at the mouth, which he doesn't. He can be very over-protective of Tacey, considering that he see's her as his property.

Bio- Lanny was among the middle class of society, neither rich enough to make an impact, or poor enough to warrant charity. Lanny and Tacey grew up together as best friends. They were almost always together, and he was devastated when she was killed. He blamed her parents for being morons and he was willing to do anything to see her killers head's on a platter. I guess you could say that it was his own stupidity that killed him because he died trying to go after Tacey's killers by himself and with no weapons.

Special Abilities- Control over fire (downside, goes out in the water)

Other- Self proclaimed possesor of Tacey.



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Name: Daniel Harlow Thompson (Harlow)

Age- 14



Personality- Harlow is a guy of few words. He rarely speaks and when he does it'll only be for emergencies or really special events. He watches situations rather than participates in them and is easily annoyed. Though it may not seem like it, he loves to fight and likes to make his enemies suffer rather than putting them out of their misery quickly.

Bio- Harlow was born in an average family in his village, with average parents, average siblings and an overall average life until the morning of his 14th birthday. Bandits broke into their home and terrorized them at gunpoint. There was a small noise as a tree hit one of their windows and the bandits were distracted for a split second. Their parents made a run for it, leaving Harlow and his sibling to fend for themselves. In the confusion that followed, they were shot and killed, their bodies left for Almira to find.

Special Abilities- He can make people see their worst fear upon eye contact and they can't escape unless he lets them. They also can't escape by covering their eyes or ears either. His victims tend to claw their own eyes out to escape their fears, thereby killing themselves.

Other- The 'third' child, and he doesn't care much for his sibling.

Name: June Thompson

Age- 11



Personality- June is a very talkative and seems like a friendly energetic albeit innocent and slightly naive normal child, except for the fact that she likes the taste of blood and is merciless in battle. She uses her 'innocence' to deceive others.

Bio- Same as Harlow

Special Abilities- Invisibility

Other- Fourth 'child'
Name: Thalia Irene Weather

Age: 13


View attachment 13797

Personality: Thalia is a Cocky, wise crack type of girl. Although she is generally sweet, se's that type of outgoing person, who believe's they can always do things on there own. She could be sweet, kind, and funny though. Thalia only acts like the wise crack when people first meet's her, she isn't the type of person who trust at first sight.

Bio: Thalia was raised in the pit of New York. She was known as the 'Upsetter' at school. Or The class clown as kid's say. One day, Thalia was walking down the street. On her way to school when she was followed. Two men pulledup next to her. They grabbed her, forcing her into the car. Thalia blackedout. She doesn't really remember what happened in that time, but she had been jumped, stabbed, and left for dead. Thalia died in the nigh from blood lose. The police found her fraile body the next day. Only hours to late.

Special Abilities: Multiplication of Self

Other: She Has known McKenna all her life and look's up to her as a sister.

Name: McKenna Jay Poor

Age: 15


View attachment 13795

Personality: McKenna is that type of girl who will treat a person how they treat her. She doesn't Usially jump into the middle of fight's unless, she is called to. McKenna isn't consdered shy and quiet, but at time's she is. Somethime's she become's independent. She will, at times, prefer to be alone in situations. But McKenna may take charge in certin situations.

Bio: McKenna was born and Raised in the Heart of Detroit own 8 Mile. She was raised with her Littl Five year old sister, Annabeth. Usially, 8 Mile has always been quiet, until one day. McKenna and her sister were walking down the street, when they turned down the wrong alley, the wronge time. A group of Gangster's had spotted them. The Gangster's were doing illegal actions, McKenna and Anna tried to run, but in the process. McKenna was caught. After pleading they shot her down in the very alley. She died on the way to the hospital. No Chance for Survival.

Special Abilities: Telekinesis

Other: She has no Clue, whether her Sister, Made itor Died
Name- Zane Marshall

Age- 16


Personality- He is kind of shy, he won't go out of his ways to meet friends. He doesn't remember much about who he is.

Bio- All he can remember is the man who killed him. Zane will not show mercy to him.

Special Abilities- He can influence emotions

Other- All he remembers other than the man is his first name. Everything else comes slowly. He is very bad with names.
[MENTION=3681]S n o w[/MENTION] , [MENTION=4684]TheyCallMeFox[/MENTION] Accepted =3

[MENTION=4406]Nikki Rodgers[/MENTION] Umm, You're characters would be fine, but there are one or two small problems that kind of revolve around a single point. This roleplay is set in a village sometime in the past. There wouldn't be cities or a police force or even a decent hospital. That, and in order to become a "child" Almira has to be able to find and reanimate a body... She can't do that if someone has already found it and moved it... If this is fixed, I'll have no problem accepting your characters =)
Name- Edo

Age- 16

Appearance- View attachment 13814

Personality- Edo, is more of the silent type. She is distant when it comes to others, and hates talking to others as well.She is also seen to be emotionally withdrawn. Easy to upset, or cry but hard to laugh or smile. She tends to think only negative thing, and never bilieves in the words hope, or trust. Doubting herself all the time, she is hesitant when it comes to taking action, or to make a simple decision. She feels truly safe when she locks herself away in her head, with seven men she created to help her think.

Bio- When she was born into the world her father had abbandoned them. Her mother went into a depressing state but still raised. Growing up into a 6 year old, she was abused and pushed away from her mother. Every chance she got her mother would bluntly say, she never wished she had a child, it was her fault the marriage ended. Thinking everything was her fault, she to began to hate herself, always locking herself away thinking she was no good. As she continued to grow , life became harder. Finiacial issues were turnning into debts and her mother had started to take drugs. She stopped going to school, and stayed inside her house. Trapping herself in her mind, creating a world that is only fit for her.

Then that day her mother snapped. As she was inside her room laid on the floor her mother comes in. She tells her the true meaning if her name. Edo which is meant to mean, no love. After saying her line she quickly jumps onto of edo and pulls out the kitchen knife.

Holding it in the air, she stabs both of her eyes, then her tnroat. All edo could do was hear her mother cry and scream. Stabbing her multiple times.

Special Abilities- Soul self- Edo's powers are derived from her soul-self. She is able to project her soul from her body into corporeal form, allowing her to use it to interact with the physical world, to affect others mentally and to traverse through time-space. Her soul-self takes the form of a double of her own body or more commonly, a large black raven. She is capable of changing it's shape and size at will, and can alter her own appearance with her soul-self, like increasing her size or making her face hideous. She is able to project her soul-self into the minds of others for a devastating mental attack, to communicate, facilitate calm or to force people into submission. Though normally composed of energy that is colored black, .

Other- Deep down she bilieves that her birth was a mistake, and that she has no reason to live, so she gladly welcomes death.
Give me a moment and I can get the thread up and running. I believe we have enough people to start =3
[MENTION=4441]Helena Sky[/MENTION] Because I can not Change my post, will you just ignore the fact that They found there bodies. And change it to your likings, because it will not change. My Computer is messed up I sowwy.
Name- Melissa Osana

Age- 15


View attachment 13841

Personality- Melissa is quiet, a little distrusting and mysterious. She usually doesn't open up to anyone who doesn't try.

Bio- Meliisa Osana was apart of a secretive village of thieves. She was one of the best because she used her looks to steal what she wanted and what the village needed. Other villagers began to grow jealous of her charm and abilities so they began to plot. On one rainy night, they lured her into the woods and there, they stabbed her in the stomach four times and left her to die. She died a few hours later.

Special Abilities- She can manipulate water and shadows to create various things or use as a weapon/protection.

Other-If you can befriend her, you can see her true nature shine through the shattering walls that encase her "blackened" heart.
Name- Felicita Scarpa

Age- 7

Appearance- View attachment 13865

Personality- Shy and fearful, very innocent, though if you manage to make a friend out of her, she opens up very easy and can be fun and cheery

Bio- Can't remember anything

Special Abilities- She can inflict pain in anyone just with a single look

Other- None
Name- Proventus Lo Priore

Age- 17


Personality- He's either boring to be around or a jerk to be around, playing the devil's advocate on many an ocassion. He's cynical and is secretly a pervert and fan of adventure but nobody really knows this.

Bio- Proventus was born in Naples, Italy, to a rich noble family, who incidentally, were very, very, very, very devout Christians. He was sent to a private school that of course, required Christianity and taught it. Proventus believed this until he was seven, when he just stopped. It seemed that from when he was five he stopped caring about things at all, half heartily praying and finding paradoxes he could spout. He finally publicly declared Atheism and with some outside connections he had made, snuck out, living in the house of the son of a man in the Camarro Mafia. He never joined this group, but his clothing style changed, as he needed to fit in somehow. He still wore suits normally, but on special meetings he put on a fedora for the sake of it. He still met with his parents every once in a while, where they would beg him to come home, every single time Proventus looked like he had no single conscience, saying no without a thought. He decided after a small share of money after he robbed a house he would tour the world. His first destination: North Korea. He actually had a good time on the government regulated tour, nice statues, nice mountains, and he never showed it. Lusting for something exciting he went to Mali, in the south western Sahara, where the Islamic extemists were, with not a guard nor a gun to his name. His parents still hadn't met him yet, but on the day before Proventus' death, a postcard came to their home, 'Salluti dalla Corea del Nord' or 'Greetings from the DPRK'. As they read this in total fear, Proventus was engaged by two men, asking him whether or not he was a Muslim. He spoke to them calmly, assessing his death with glee. 'Would dying be exciting for once? How much pain could they do to me' those questions ran through Proventus' head as he told them:'No, but I am an Atheist,' and as he finished a grenade went off, blowing up half his body, then two shots went through his skull, and the scary part was, for once in 12 years, he had smiled, not a fake smile, but a real big smile.

Special Abilities- Mad Eyesight and Hearing: Basically Proventus' eyesight let's him see the twitches in muscles and the gnat on your black piece of clothing, he can read from a football field away if he focouses, his other part of his ability is hearing, which he controls for his own reasons, he can hear small twitches and oddities in voice. He isn't a man to con, and fighting him would be like fighting a bird that's twenty feet above you to the average person, now a good fighter, he could land a hit, if Proventus' wasn't cheating already.

Other- He likes to gamble and cheat, and he actually doesn't care for revenge, he in truth cares for another shot at life, he wants to join the Camarro Mafia in his new form, since that Mafia housed him and resided in his home town.
Name- Nathaniel Hawkens

Age- 17

Appearance: short black hair and eyes, about 5'10, very thin.

personality- very reculsive, hides in the woods by him self and loves to read fantasy and compose dark poetry.

Special Abilities: animating shadow (either to make like animals or something, or to hide himself) ok or op?

Other: N/A
Is this still open? If so:

Name- Eily Dahl (pronounced E-ily. Doll)


Appearance- Dark hair, slightly past shoulders, eyes of a pale blue, skin paper white. Height 4'11".

Personality- Eily is a bubbly out-going girl. Before she had died, she had been an envied beauty, but remained humble. To others, she appeared the perfect child in every aspect, but as she matured and aged, she became darker, without letting others to see it, unless they struck hard enough.

Bio-Eily lived in London with her father and mother, until one tragic day her mother got caught in a winter storm, and was crushed by a tree that had been pushed over. Her father fell into a depression, and began drinking. To get away from the memories their home town left him to dwell on, they moved to America, into California. In order for her father to get away from the dark thoughts that dwells within in his own insane mind, he constantly drank, and was soon put out of a job. At the age of 13, and without money, Eily had to find a way to provide food for both her and her father, she gave up her school, and friends, and took up illegal odd jobs. Her father's mind, however, could not be put off forever, and the dark in his brain began to consume him, He began to violently beat and harm young Eily, but due to her own state of mind, with the absence of an adult figure, she allowed to happen, two years later at 15, her own father began to sell out her body for money. One could say she was a forced prostitute, men would rape and hurt her for the fun of it. At 16, she felt her mental sanity slipping away at the edges, and accidentally cut a particularly mean, and violent "customer" her and her father were so outraged, that they slowly, and painfully beat her to death

Special Abilities- The ability to change her appearance to a goddess like image. Also may change into a demonic creature, but gets to chose whose mind sees her as such

Other- Eily likes to stay bright and bubbly, but will change personality's in a split second if someone caused her to be cross.
Everyone is accepted. Although I would like to point out as I have before that this roleplay takes place in the past. Please make sure to remember that. =)
Name-Night Misuki



Snow white mid lengthed hair

Snow white with grey streaks scattered through his hair when his split personality comes out

Left-Crimson red Right-Ice blue for both eyes.

His clothing is a black cloak that covers down to his feet with a hood to cover his head when needed, Under the cloak is a black tank top and a pair of blue jeans. His shoes are plain white sneakers with a blue stripe striking through it.

Personality- split between kind and calm, and annoyed and destructive

Bio- When he lived his life seemed quite hectic. He had a personality disorder then where kids would torture him until his body couldn't handle it any more. When he couldn't his mind would click and he would become a totally different person which retaliated into fights with the kids that once tortured him.

Special Abilities- Split personality affects his abilities, When he is in his kind and sweet side he has the ability to control the element of water yet when he is in his darker side he loses the ability to control water in return of the ability to use the element of earth.

Other- When reborn both sides have the ability to create a scythe that forms in their hand from air.

Name- Rosalie Chimizu

Age- 11


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/sdfg.jpg.ab3ed7f0c8fc5f8ad6035c969f70cd2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="968" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/sdfg.jpg.ab3ed7f0c8fc5f8ad6035c969f70cd2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- Rosalie is very quiet most of the time. She is very distrustworthy of people due to the way she was raised. If given the choice between being around others or roaming the woods by herself, she would prefer to be by herself. She's always been this way and it was just made worse by the way she was killed.

Bio- Being raised in the higher part of society had it perks, unless you were born a demon. Rosalie was declared a demon at the moment of her birth by the local priest due to her shocking pink eyes. Everyone tried to act normal around her, but most of them failed. They were either skitterish in her presence or they tried to ignore her entirely. Through out her life she only had one friend. His name was Johnny and they met in the woods after her tutoring session each day. After awaking from a nightmare one morning, Rosalie couldn't help but feel like something was off that particular day. Her nurse maid dressed her in a black lace dress and the priest did her daily tutuoring session instead of her teacher. When she went to roam the town, she found it close to completely empty. Deciding to go into the woods, she found the villagers in a clearing erecting a stake. They were planning on killing her. She fled to her favorite hiding spot. When Johnny stumbled upon her, she believed herself safe. Well, until he buried a knife in her back. She awoke hours later to Almira's chanting.

Special Abilities- Opening rifts.



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