Childhood Demons

Name- Sasha

Age- 15

Appearance- Long red-brown hair falling down to just above her bellybutton. She has green eyes and freckles lining her cheeks and nose. She is short and slender, she is usually found wearing skinny jeans and a crazy top of some sort, usually hidden underneath a sweatshirt or jacket.

Personality- Sasha is quiet and rather shy at times. Its hard for her to trust other people, making her seem somewhat irritable at times. She usually keeps to herself and is bitter to strangers. She does have a raw side that she only lets those close to her see.

Bio- Sasha's mother died in a car accident when she was five years old. Her mother was taking her home from a doctors appointment when it happened. Her father, Michael blamed her for the entire thing, and with his aggressive nature(That she picked up) he beat her, and beat her, and beat her that is until she began to fight back. She fought back at 15, this was how she died. It all started with a simple slap, maybe a slap on the rear, but soon it came onto being sliced with knifes, knocked out, punched etc. She made one mistake, she struck her father, slapping him smooth across the face and he stuck a knife into her chest and she was dead.

Special Abilities- She is able to control fire at will, and when she does so her eyes glow.

Other- She can occasionally lash out on others, her father killed her brother when she was thirteen.
Okay, let me start with the thing that I can not stress enough. This takes place in the past. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as a bit irritated, but I have pointed this out to people multiple times now. There are no cars in this time period therefore there can not be car accidents. Secondly, and this one is kind of my own fault for not mentioning it in the main post, but I would kind of like people to have their own unique abilities. Control over fire is already taken.. (Even if that character sheet mysteriously disappeared) If these two things are fixed, then I will have no problem accepting you. =) Like I said before, I really am sorry if I'm coming off as mean or harsh.. I'm not trying to be.
I don't find it harsh at all. I can edit the mother thing easily, since it is in the past, they didn't have advanced medicine, correct? How about she died from an illness that Sasha gave her? And with the fire thing. Well, I'm not sure what else to use, unfortunately. Would it be a bother to ask for any ideas?
That would be acceptable =) As for ideas.. Hmm, well I can give you some of the abilities that the characters in my story have for examples. Like control over light or darkness, ability to comunicate and control animals, I have one character that can actually summon a skeletal familiar. Also the other elements are open other than fire and ice. Water had been taken, but the person who had it has been inactive for a while in this roleplay. In fact, there's only really three people left including myself.
Oh, goodie small role-plays are always more fun. Water would be a fun one. Could Sasha hold that element?
O.o Night has twin sides, one holds water, one holds earth. Sock, Idea for you. Why not have your character control water and ice?
((<<--- Feels a bit slow now)) Hmm, but then we have Night who has water and Jett who has ice.. that's two taken elements rolled into one... -.-''
Just an idea, up to you two O_o WHy not darkness? Like any shadows she can use the shadows like weapons and solidify them. Or something like that.
Me either. *sighs* This is so confusing..! I'm trying to sort through this thread now so I can tell you what's taken and what isn't, but so many people are inactive and I'm confusing myself >.<
Well, if they're inactive why can't I just use it? If they magically appear again I can always change it. xD
That sounds like a good one, but it's not really up to me here.. It's her power, not mine.. I just have to approve it. 
I know..! But Kiro is active so that takes water and earth, and the fire and ice characters are mine...
Oh. Well, I could probably do something with shadow? I don't know. I'm not very familiar with that as a power, but i could figure it out.
Air power? :D  
Shadows. Easy way to explain shadow power.

Shadow: If theres darkness, you can solidify the darkness and use it to your pleasing. Make whips, swords, or anything of that sort.
Good. Then I am pleased to say that after all this hassle your character is officially accepted =)
Just find a spot and jump in =) However, if you like, you can put yourself in the forest and I could have Jett come find you since he's in the woods clearing his head.

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