Chiaroscuro - It's not just a mouthful, it's a lifestyle!


My Twilight isn't so bad a social character either (Favoured Presence and Socialise) - and she has MA 3 with the first two Charms of Snake Style.

Oh, and she has Flying Guillotine. :D
Melee 2 isn't that bad... most competent people who fight with swords would have 2.

3 is really good, 4 is superb, 5 is a legend... :D
Millershipper said:
I have a couple of ideas for my Night caste, but am finding I'm far more used to genning a char with the group that doing one solo. Sounds like our Eclipse is going to be the social monster of the group (all to the good ^_^ ). I'm thinking the Night Caste is going to be from the West, having been a bounty hunter for Coral. Still thinking about the exaltation part, but traveled to the South following an odd urge to keep moving on until reaching town. I'm curious as to how soon we might be meeting Fair Folk, as there are a couple of ways I could go with charms. :)
Well about those Fair Folk: The most prominent monsters in Chiaroscuro are the undead, while Fair Folk are the big problem in the West. So it'd make sense if your character could do something about the Fair Folk, but if you could take Charms that'd help in the Shadowlands and against the Undead too that'd be great.

My Character is a fighty Zenith, a crusader and monster hunter. I dumped a lot of starting Charms into Martial Arts to fit his back-story. In-game I'd like to turn him into more of a leader-type, Presence and War, with some tasty Survival Charms for tracking down the baddies.

Hope that helps.
Chaka said:
I know which end of the sword to stick in the other guy, not much better than that...
You know that the pointy end goes in the other man and can make that happen pretty consistently.

Good for you. :)

Has anyone re-vamped the swash-buckling, witty-repartee fighting Charms from CB: Eclipse for 2E? I always thought those were fun, if poorly written.
Howw come i play a witty Eclipse swashbuckler and I never knew those kind of Charms existed? Thanks for the info :D I've gotta get my hands on that book ASAP
Braydz, what Charms are you talking about? The only fighting Charms in CB: Eclipse are those of Mantis Style, which really isn't a witty-repartee style. Mantis is more of a "I grapple the shit out of you" style. Aside from those listed Charms, there are no other combat Charms in the that book, let alone those for Melee.

Now, CB: Night has something like three or four Melee Charms for wielding dual weapons.
That's because not all combat Charms come from combat abilities :D They are two Socialize Charms, Graceful Deflection Technique (4m, instant, reflexive, +Socialize to Dodge pool against intelligent opponent who can hear and understand you) and Distracting Banter Method (8m, scene long, simple, -Essence to attack pool of attackers as long as the char keeps talking, they can understand him and they have less Essence than char)

Well, the first is kinda nice, but my char doesn't use her Dodge DV, and the second is not worth the effort IMHO...
Oh, wow. I completely missed those. They're pretty badass, I must agree, but yeah, also somewhat iffy. Reading the Charm, 4m for Graceful Deflection Technique seems almost a little expensive. Distracting Banter Method should probably have some way of being resisted. Maybe give the Charm the Illusion keyword, make it 1wp to resist it, afterward a certain amount of times resisting the enemy is immune for the scene?
Well, it has already enough restrictions, seeing that it will not work against undead, automata, people who don't speak your language and anything with Essence EQUAL to or greater than yours, emphaisis on EQUAL. Plus, every action you have to verbally distract your opponent, which in prolonged fights could well be beyond a player's ability to do (of course as a ST I'd have my players roleplay the use of these kind of Charms). Furthermore, it requires learning Graceful Deflection Technique, which itself requires Wise-Eyed Courtier Method and Mastery of Small Manners...

Probably at this point just buying Fivefold Bulwark Stance and Heavenly Guardian Defense is a better choice for anyone :D
Not for those already heavily invested in the Socialize tree and similarly not invested in the Melee tree. :P

Plus, they apply to any specific type of fighting, so you can use them regardless of which Ability(ies) you specialize in.

Anyways, the 1wp to resist isn't a restriction, it's more of a clarification. First Edition had no keywords. Plus, as a semi-social effect, you'd expect those with strong enough force of will to ignore your words, regardless of their Essence. The mortal guards you're fighting may be distracted by your witty banter, but their Dragon-Blooded captain might not, despite how young he might be.
Odin said:
Probably at this point just buying Fivefold Bulwark Stance and Heavenly Guardian Defense is a better choice for anyone :D
Except of course the character that doesn't have and doesn't WANT to have more than Melee 2, who wants to play a Social monster but also has to survive an Exalted adventure.

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