Chiaroscuro - It's not just a mouthful, it's a lifestyle!

I could make a Dawn Caste if you want some competition. I've been kicking around this idea for a Dawn Archer/Tactician for a while, and it'd be nice to see how he plays.
Braydz said:
Umm... No one wants to fight me for the Dawn spot? What's wrong with Dawn-castes? I like Dawn-castes...
I feel so left out of the fray... Funny considering that I'm playing the Dawn.

Hey Talisman, I've got stat.s drafted pre-bonus freebies. Do you want a PM or should I wait 'til the board's up?
Wanna trade the Zenith for the Dawn ? :)
Tome said:
I could make a Dawn Caste if you want some competition. I've been kicking around this idea for a Dawn Archer/Tactician for a while, and it'd be nice to see how he plays.
Oh I was just jokin' around. I thought it was funny that it was all the other castes that were being vied for when Dawn is classically one of the most useful, being able to kill EVERYTHING and what-not. ;)

cyl said:
Braydz said:
Umm... No one wants to fight me for the Dawn spot? What's wrong with Dawn-castes? I like Dawn-castes...
I feel so left out of the fray... Funny considering that I'm playing the Dawn.

Hey Talisman, I've got stat.s drafted pre-bonus freebies. Do you want a PM or should I wait 'til the board's up?
Wanna trade the Zenith for the Dawn ? :)
Done. :)

Zenith works better for my concept now that I think about it.
Braydz said:
Oh I was just jokin' around. I thought it was funny that it was all the other castes that were being vied for when Dawn is classically one of the most useful, being able to kill EVERYTHING and what-not. ;)
...are we playing the same Exalted? In every game I play, everyone avoids the Dawn Caste because nobody really needs more than one combat Ability, much less five. And they all want better anima powers than "Make people sorta scared".
TherealBrickwall said:
...are we playing the same Exalted? In every game I play, everyone avoids the Dawn Caste because nobody really needs more than one combat Ability, much less five. And they all want better anima powers than "Make people sorta scared".
Probably not. ;)

But that's cool. I disagree that their anima ability isn't that useful; it's come in very handy in the game I run. I get what you're saying about the combat Abilities but sometimes I like playing a weapons-master type, made to pop with their Favored Abilities.
Braydz said:
Hey Talisman, I've got stat.s drafted pre-bonus freebies. Do you want a PM or should I wait 'til the board's up?
Shoot me a PM. I'm all curious and stuff now. :)
cyl said:
Now I need to change my concept :)
Will PM you a new idea I have.
Hey, it was your idea to switch. I thought you already had something cooked up for a Dawn-Caste.

Would you rather a Dawn or a Zenith? Either way works for me.
I can do a Dawn just fine.. Always wondered if I could do something close to a John Preston at chargen (the cleric from Equilibrium)...

Stick with the Zenith if you're on it, I'm definitely taking the Dawn :)
cyl said:
I can do a Dawn just fine.. Always wondered if I could do something close to a John Preston at chargen (the cleric from Equilibrium)...
Stick with the Zenith if you're on it, I'm definitely taking the Dawn :)
Righteous Devil Style, or just a lot of Archery Charms?

p.s. Just as a heads-up my concept hasn't changed much; son of a minor god goes off to learn Golden Janissary and Exalts, then goes off into the world to beat back the Darkness. He's just a little more evangelical about it now, eventually building and leading an army of Enlightened Tiger-Warriors with Golden Janissary Style. You know, eventually...
Braydz said:
cyl said:
I can do a Dawn just fine.. Always wondered if I could do something close to a John Preston at chargen (the cleric from Equilibrium)...
Stick with the Zenith if you're on it, I'm definitely taking the Dawn :)
Righteous Devil Style, or just a lot of Archery Charms?
Righteous Devil is kinda crappy compared to Archery...

I was thinking to focus on Archery first, and another MA, solar hero/celestial monkey/mantis... RD focuses only on damage, and Archery charms are much more efficient at what they do (infinite ammo, perfect shot, triple distance etc etc).
Take Spaghetti Western Style, Performance, a wonder horse familiar named Dusty, and Autry's Cowboy Code and have yourself a Singing Cowboy. Chase down Deathknights to shoot the Daiklaves out of their hands and throw them in the hoosegow.

No, not really... I'd like to see that in a joke game though.
Well I do have a concept close to the main character of the movie Kung Fu Panda... big nice but lazy guy turned awesome warrior :)
I'm actually going away for the next four days, so I won't be online much, if at all, but when I get back I'll get the game running. I'm actually looking very forward to this. There have been some great ideas levied thus far. I'm looking forward to dropping you all in some trouble :)
Hey, I'd love to play!

Any slots still open?

I can make pretty much anything. I saw that Dawn, Eclipse, Xenith, and Night were taken. Playing a twilight could be fun if it's not nabbed.

*Edit* Oops, seems that's taken too. Anyway, if any spots open up, send me a PM.
Damn, I cannot find a picture of the guy I had in mind. (Fudoh, one of the Hokuto masters in Hokuto no Ken !)

Also will need ST approval on some custome charms (and artifact wish list)... because CMAs are not very tasty.
THe eclipse I've made up is my first real stab at a non-combat character (well, he's got two dots in melee and a defensive charm...) so I dunno how good he is, but we'll see. He's a Chiaroscuran native noble-born who thrives on social intrigue and deal-making... he really likes this shiny new anima power he has...
Chaka said:
THe eclipse I've made up is my first real stab at a non-combat character (well, he's got two dots in melee and a defensive charm...) so I dunno how good he is, but we'll see. He's a Chiaroscuran native noble-born who thrives on social intrigue and deal-making... he really likes this shiny new anima power he has...

Yeah, I bet. (That's a good 'gag,' in case that wasn't clear.)

Seriously Eclipses are just dumb sick characters. I've yet to see one that wasn't.
Yah, but it's an Eclipse. Melee 2 and Principle of Motion = win.

I mean, I'm totally in a thread that doesn't relate to me, I should leave now.
I have a couple of ideas for my Night caste, but am finding I'm far more used to genning a char with the group that doing one solo. Sounds like our Eclipse is going to be the social monster of the group (all to the good ^_^ ). I'm thinking the Night Caste is going to be from the West, having been a bounty hunter for Coral. Still thinking about the exaltation part, but traveled to the South following an odd urge to keep moving on until reaching town. I'm curious as to how soon we might be meeting Fair Folk, as there are a couple of ways I could go with charms. :)

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