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Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

Are you ready for the bell to ring that signals to start heading to class? (Majority wins)

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Lucky Claw

This is a school for people with powers or with different races besides human (so original), but unlike all the other high schools a couple of plain old humans got swiped into the bunch accidentally. The bad news is the high school is supposed to stay hidden from normal humans so they need to *cough* eliminate them *cough*. The people wanting to eliminate them is most staff, students who want money (because for each student found the finder gets $1000 from the principal and of course anyone trying to protect a human will have to be eliminated too).

Remember to read the overview then the dorm info in Notes

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Kat had always wondered how she even got into this amazing school when she didn't even apply? but nevertheless she was happy to be here. Kat began to look around and saw a hedge being used as a fence and 2 statues on opposite sides of what seemed to be a werewolf and a wizard.

Kat took a closer look at the Wizard statue and on a shiny gold sign that was on the statue said "Ken the whimsical 1766 - 1852," Kat thought it was a bit odd that the statue was made for some
unreal fictional character.

After taking a look at the statue Kat walked to one of the benches nearby. Kat then sat down on the bench, opened her backpack, took out her agenda, then began to flip through the pages to see if there was a school map anywhere in it to be seen.

(remember to go in notes to see dorm Info)
Ah, first day back to school. As per usual the weather was nice, the grass was green, the grounds were filled with students milling about some simply standing around others running this way and that. Old friends called out to each other, new friends were meeting for the first time. There was an overall mood of cheerfulness.

Along with a healthy undercurrent of anxiety.

Miles sucked in a huge breath, held it for a moment, and slowly let it go. The first week was always the worst. The petty fears of new students tended to overpower everything else. Pulsing and insistent, a constant distraction but never providing real sustenance. It's like these people were scared for the sake of being scared. 'Oh no what if I can't find my way' 'How am I ever supposed to meet boys with someone like her around' 'I hope nobody finds out I just broke that topiary.' blah blah blah it never ends! It was like eating a whole bunch of candy. Tastes good, yes, but sickening.

He hovered outside the grounds a while longer trying to drum up the courage to face the brunt of the students. Maybe he could run through them all and just hide out in his dorm. That would be optimal. He paced to burn off some of the excess energy.

Duke Mason

Grinning Duke walked towards the school, he flicked through his guide trying to find some sort of map to the dorms. Raising his eyebrow he checked who he was sharing a dorm with Miles. Usually Duke hated school but he felt a sense of relief about the fact that he wouldn't have to hide here. He hovered outside the school watching the students expectantly, to be honest he didn't know what to expect if everyone was like him at least that meant he would actually fit in. He watched students wander about, most students were in groups all warmly hugging and greeting each other. He flashed the odd grin or wave towards people, and he saw the odd loner or two but no one really seemed interesting. He headed over towards a bench where a girl was sitting, he flashed a grin at her before sitting down "Hey I hope no one is sitting here, im Duke and you are?"

Lena Finch

Lena was practically buzzing with excitement, her parents had been so happy when she was accepted into this school. She did miss her friends but this school was meant to be one of the best and safest in the world according to the website. She watched everyone carefully, luckily this school seemed pretty relaxed with the dress-code, from the looks of things people were wearing chains , hoods , contacts that turn your eyes red and all sorts of weird clothing. Lena felt a little self conscious overall she looked a little plain compared to everyone else. Watching all the students milling about she wondered who would be her friend and whom would be her enemy. She wasn't exactly sure who to go up to if anyone and she didn't exactly want to head to her dorm just yet. Groaning she pulled out her map and tried to make some sense of it, she kicked the ground cursing quietly to herself. This map makes no sense! Rolling her eyes she pulled out her planner to check her schedule, frowning when she read her last class she wasn't sure what to make of it. Powers? Is that some kind of confidence or yoga class I`ve never heard of?

(( @CellistCat606 ~ Also sorry for rushing how Duke said Hi but I just couldn't think of how he would introduce himself ))

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Miles finally managed to convince himself to slink through the gate. He took the long route walking around the perimeter of the grounds until he found a place that was out of the way and quiet. Even so getting closer to the crowds for that moment had been aggravating. Fortunately, he generally couldn't sense people from longer distances. From his current position the mass of people was like a dull hum in the back of his mind. Barely even there.

With a quiet sigh Miles finally relaxed. He sat down under a tree and pulled out his sketchbook. He mostly drew birds and squirrels. Sometimes a landscape or two. It wasn't really a choice of preference, but more convenience. When you draw to amuse yourself because you're alone drawing people wasn't really in the cards. No references anywhere. Animals made good subjects though. He found most landscapes boring and dull. But creatures were always up to something.

Miles hunkered in to wait for the crowd to dissipate a little. He started sketching in the details of a work in progress he had started a while ago.


Kat looked up from her agenda to see a boy called Duke asking if he could sit next to her. Not wanting to be rude Kat said "Oh sure here you go," while she scooted over to the the right side of the bench.

Kat was about to open up her agenda then remembered the boy (Duke) asked for her name. Kat then said "Oh yeah my name is Kat, nice to meet you." She looked back at her agenda and continued to skim through. "Sorry if I'm being rude I'm just trying to figure out where the school map is in this agenda," she said while skimming through the agenda.


Duke Mason

Duke grinned as he watched her flick through the agenda, "Your not being rude and I have spare maps if you need them?" He wasn't lying he had planned to sell them to the younger kids in the school, after all everyone looses their map eventually and to Duke it was worth trying to make a profit out of it. Raising his eyebrow at her he smiled awkwardly before tapping his foot on the ground. That's what his father used to do when he was nervous or just waiting around, he assumed that he got that habit from his father. "And its your lucky day, as because im such a nice person you can have a map for free" Admittedly that last comment was weird but he needed to find a way to get the word around and this was his best shot, after all nearly everyone talks to the new girl. "So Kat what do you think of the school? Im assuming its your first day too?"

Lena Finch

Lena stuffed the map in her bag she had given up on trying to read it and was just going to ask someone, which was easier said than done. Although Lena wasn't necessarily shy she just felt awkward about interrupting people she didn't know, walking around nervously she tried to spot someone who didn't look like she would be interrupting anything, or at least a conversation she didn't really know what to even ask the person Hey im new and I cant read this map. Where do I go. Lena could practically hear the person laughing at her.

((What do our characters actually do. Do we need to go to our dorms or classes or whatever))

(( Duke is talking to
@CellistCat606 ))
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Kat looked to her left when she heard Duke offering her a map. "Yes please," she said while taking the one of the maps from him.

While Kat was skimming through the map to see how to get to the dorms she heard Duke ask her about the school. "I would say it's a bit odd. First I get mysteriously accepted and then there are two statues of a Wizard and a werewolf.
It's just kind of odd you know?" Kat then found a route to her dorm so she closed the map and put it into her backpack.

((Well right now is like the main time when you put your stuff in your dorm, any social things, etc.)) @Kimi

Duke Mason

"Well it isn't that weird I mean, considering what this school is a wizard and a werewolf is pretty normal? Compared to half the people here anyway" He tilted his head curiously at her, he didn't really get why she would say that after all they were all meant to be like each other. He assumed she must be joking, a bit of a weird joke but he assumed she was just nervous. He started to wonder what she was but he supposed it wasn't really any of his business. "Wait you just got accepted? I had to apply you must be pretty special, what you got laser eyes or something?" Duke continued to watch everyone roll in, he stared at everyone trying to work out who or what they were and if he knew anyone.

Lena Finch

Lena continued to curse softly to herself, she had given up on the idea of even using the map. She headed towards a group of trees and decided to sit in the shade. She wasn't exactly a big fan of the sun or hot weather, she would rather have rain or clouds any day. She looked over at a boy who seemed to be sketching and tried to look at whatever he seemed to be drawing. She couldn't really tell what he was drawing but it looked good. Breathing calmly she hoped she wouldn't annoy him too much "Your really good you know" she said nodding towards his drawings.



Kat looked at him weirdly, but once she looked infront her she saw noticed he was right. Kat saw people floating, people with tails, and even someone going super fast. Kat gulped at the sight of this and began to think
wait is this a school for fiction? No no that isn't possible, Then how do you explain this!

Kat heard Duke ask her a question about what her power was then thought
okay what do I say, what do I say!! Uh let's see I can use...abilities!! That's it!! "Well my powers are kind of more like abilities such as dodging, climbing, & jumping so nothing really intresting, what about you?" Kat thought nailed that!

Chris walked into the school, feeling nervous. He wasn't good at meeting new people. He saw Kat and decided to talk to her. Chris walked up to her. "Hi..." He said shyly to her. @CellistCat606

Duke Mason

"Nice nothing really special when it comes to me. Suppose im pretty boring. I still want to meet someone at this school with laser eyes though" He said shrugging, he wasn't sure what but something seemed a bit wrong here, "Are you okay Kat?" she seemed a bit tenser and more nervous. "I hadn't meant to be rude when I asked you, I promise" He wasn't really used to dealing with girls, smiling apologetically he hummed quietly unsure of what exactly to say. He wasn't sure why but something didn't feel right, but he assumed he had just asked a bit of a too personal question and nothing more.

(( @CellistCat606 ~ Sorry for super short post <3 ))



Kat looked up and saw a boy who had just said Hi to her. Kat wasn't sure what to do but figured she should respond "Hi I'm Kat and this is," before Kat finished her statement Duke responded to her question and asked her about why she was so nervous.

"Well this is Duke and Duke don't worry it's just...first day of school jitters." Kat then spoke to the other boy and said "So what's your name?" Kat then thought
Maybe I can take us off topic.

@Kimi @Ldybug123

Duke Mason

"Hey Chris?" He nodded slowly at Kat`s reply, I suppose that makes sense everyone gets nervous. He tilted his head slightly and stared carefully at Chris, I wonder what his power is. Please let it be Laser eyes...please. Turning back towards chris he smiled "So...." He hated it when things went quiet, he always got far too paranoid. Duke kept his eye out flashing the odd smile or wink towards people who passed by.


Kat thought that she should head to her dorm soon so she said "Well nice to meet you Chris, so I'm going to head on out to my dorm but before I go I have a question, would it be okay with you guys if the three of us were friends?" Kat began to pick up her backpack and one bag then stood up from the bench and waited for a response.

@Kimi @Ldybug123

<School Anouncements>

Hello Students and staff, this is the principal here I would like to announce that an error has happened. Somehow a few humans have gotten into our school. I would like to let all staff and students know that if you find a human and report him/her to us you will gain $1000 and we will just send them on their way. ~someone interrupts~ Don't you mean eliminate?. ~Principal talks~ They are not supposed to know that! Anyway ignore what she just said we are NOT gonna eliminate you humans. Thank you for listening goodbye.

Chris flinched when he heard the announcement. "What does she mean...eliminate? And...are these people not human..." He thought to himself. "I...have to go." He said quickly to Duke before walking off. He went into the building and sat down against the wall. He pulled his knees up to his chest, breathing heavily. @CellistCat606 @Kimi
A bright sunny morning. Usually people would be either happy or grumpy for such a day. But Alexs was neither, he was just walking to school like every kid should be, though Alexs was speed walking to school, probably the only person who could see this but, spirits of any kind were among them and because of his secret powers, they were attracted the wrong way towards him and would usually try to devour him. Instead, he ran the way to school, hoping that nobody would see him since he tried to come to school late. Sooner or later, he ran to the school grounds, screeching to a halt, with his school bag in tow, putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

(Forgot to put that he can see certain spirits)
Willow Arabella Maddox
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1454583580225.png.2f3d5a1f907ee5cb8fdb80097abffcb1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104065" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1454583580225.png.2f3d5a1f907ee5cb8fdb80097abffcb1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Willow was leaning on a wall, staring down at her feet. She couldn't hear anything, so she probably didn't hear the announcement, only feeling the sound waves. Goddammit...

Usually, every single first day of her life, everything messes up. She was used to it. She was used to being deaf, and she was used to chaos. A girl as deaf as her couldn't survive a single minute of her life. But she was different. She wasn't human, she could feel sound waves, leap-read, sign language.... And yet, she couldn't hear what the announcement was about...

Willow is a very unusual girl in many ways. For one, she's not human. For another, she could hear through various ways, even though she is deaf. And she also happened to wear weird clothing. Willow is a pale skinned 15-year-old girl with red eyes. Her hair is milky-blue and hidden by the giant hood she wears, making it hard to estimate the length outside of her spiked bangs and curly side-hair that sticks out of the hood. She wears a black dress with white accent and a three-layer ruffled skirt held with a big black belt with multiple studs and buckles to match her big collar, which usually covers her mouth. The chest, sleeves, and hood are blue and have many black and silver buckles and belts all over them. Also worn are black fingerless gloves, black boots with four belt straps on them, and black and blue horizontal striped stockings with two belt straps on each leg. Who the hell wears clothing like that?

She was sure of it. Her school days are going to be like hell. Well, she already knew where different kinds of places in the school are, she liked to be five - maybe twenty - steps ahead of everyone. She also already knew who her dormmate was gonna be, someone named...
Kat... in dorm #1. 'Let's just hope this goes well...' She thought, sighing.

no slide
no slide
Extra Information


Calm/A bit nervous

Available for Company:

Absolutely yes



Nearby Character(s) Tag(s):

@Ldybug123 @UdonIrvine47 @CellistCat606 @Kimi @Rellwen



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