Chejak - not completely bald

Oh, mine was a response to Coyotekin, actually. Perhaps I should've quoted.

But I hate you without a respectable reason, too, so don't worry.
Heehheh, text will not rarely, in my experience, reveal the undertones and body language intended. And yet there are quite a few passive aggressive types when it comes to the forums. I used to be one of them. I still am, kind of, but not really anymore.

So if any of said individuals were such a person then they would pick up on the undermeanings and be annoyed, or perhaps realize they were called out and feel guilty. :)

Either way it keeps things interesting and gets the mind going. ;) Hehheheheh. WHo knows, maybe I will become the Greater God of being a sneaky, mischievous bastard of fucking with peoples' minds. :)
Coyotekin said:
WHo knows, maybe I will become the Greater God of being a sneaky, mischievous bastard of fucking with peoples' minds. :)
But then, that'd mean, that your purview would include at least 1/2 of the ECR! Props on such an audacious Yu-Shuan styled power play.

The best best best example I can give:

Superman and Clark Kent. Everyone with a brain can tell they're the same person, but when superman puts on the resplendancy of Clark and dons those glasses, suddenly no one can tell the difference. Thats the resplendency for you. Superman doesn't look any different, and neither does Clark Kent, but everyone just know that they're two different people.

The resplendancy dosnt make you look different, it just acts to kill any sort of common sense and suspicions people may have.
That is one of the best descriptions on how that works that I have ever seen.  Bravo, good sir (or ma'am, since I don't know your gender)!
Superman's disguise works by undermining the concept of a secret identity, though. Or not, since he was the first. It's based off our knowledge of all other superheroes - who all, with few exceptions, wear masks of some sort- and the now-common assumption that all superheroes have a secret identity. What you forget is that all those superheroes came after. The key to superman's secret identity staying secret is that no one considers that he might have a secret identity in the first place.

And this is a great idea for sidereals who are trying to do similar things. If you're playing a librarian's destiny and a bunch of hobgoblins ride into town, requiring you to shed your identity to fight them... what's the best choice for reducing later Paradox? Do you fight swathed in a mystifying cloak, in which case all the town will know something's being hidden... or do you take off all the paraphenalia, don something skimpy and head out with full anima blazing?

Because if you do the second, I think it's much less likely anyone will wonder if that shining hero might be the local bibliophile.
Coyotekin said:
Moonsilver panties, what is your take on them?
Indifferent. I don't have problems with the mobility of panties. I have had problems with trying to unhook a gals bra, though, on a few drunken instances. So, whilst indifferent to moonsilver panties, I would love a moonsilver bra.  :lol:
tjcoonrod said:
Coyotekin said:
Moonsilver panties, what is your take on them?
Indifferent. I don't have problems with the mobility of panties. I have had problems with trying to unhook a gals bra, though, on a few drunken instances. So, whilst indifferent to moonsilver panties, I would love a moonsilver bra.  :lol:
Eh. Larceny charms will handle the problem. ;)
Coyotekin said:
the movie American Pie comes to my mind suddenly with the training, etc.
Now son, I know you need to train your Larceny, but that is NOT what that is designed for. We'll tell your mother, that we ate it......
Although being able to unlatch a bra with 2 fingers is a definite skill and tends to either catch women by suprise and/or impress them. :) Well, depending on the circumstances that is.
tjcoonrod said:
Coyotekin said:
Moonsilver panties' date=' what is your take on them?[/quote']
Indifferent. I don't have problems with the mobility of panties. I have had problems with trying to unhook a gals bra, though, on a few drunken instances. So, whilst indifferent to moonsilver panties, I would love a moonsilver bra.  :lol:
Eh. Larceny charms will handle the problem. ;)
I thought that Dodge Charms were the answer to everything! :D

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