Chejak - not completely bald

Safim said:
I second flaggs notion. The book quite clearly states that.
The funny thing is, ketchup could not only pass as an immaculate monk with a resplendent destiny but also as the "best whore in nexus". Think about that next time your character visits a prostitute ^^
That is sooo hot!  I need to use this! :twisted:
Pteorak tutor mentioned the gender thing. I will be penalising my Lunars social die for being in a different gender form or one which is from a significantly different age group.

There is a knack which allows you a bit of the persons memories, for that I would half the penalties.
IMO, you should not do so.  Once the Lunar has taken the Knack to be able to switch gender, the change is total.  The Lunar may have a prefered gender, but there should not be a social penalty involved in switching.
I agree with Sherwood here. Do you assess the Lunar physical penalties when he/she assumes a different shape? No. Like Sherwood said, the Knack essentially grants you the ability to assume a different gender without penalties, just as the other Knacks allow you to assume the various forms they allow.
I have to agree. Using a Knack shouldn't penalize you outside of as stated. The only real 'worry' from the sex change Knack would be interactions with pregnancy.
The only real 'worry' from the sex change Knack would be interactions with pregnancy.
That is an interesting problem. Do the Lunar's Knacks extend to the unborn baby? And what happens to the baby when the Lunar is in his male form? Does the child continue to grow? Or is it only when the Lunar is shifted to the female form?

There are two possible solutions I'd consider. The first is that the Lunar would have to take the female form for most of the pregnancy. That's it. The second is that the baby only gestates whilst the character is in the female form. That would lead to some excessive bookkeeping, but it seems logical. I think I'm leaning more toward the first solution, but I don't anticipate it coming up for me anytime in the near future. Because I'm not running a game. And if I were, there's no guarantee there'd be Lunars in the game. And if there were Lunars, there's no saying whether this issue would ever come up. But that's never stopped me from making comments.
As per 1E, a Lunar cannot change sex while pregnant.
Ah, but that still leaves the truly important question about Lunars unanswered...

Do Moonsilver panties move out of the way on their own if you want them to...or does this require a seperate enchantment and raise the artifact level?
I think moonsilver panties would move out of the way when you need it to... or block PEOPLE from putting things in. Yeah... I'm lookng at you, mister Solar. ^_^
Haku said:
I think moonsilver panties would move out of the way when you need it to... or block PEOPLE from putting things in. Yeah... I'm lookng at you, mister Solar. ^_^
I use accuracy without distance on my 'essence' cannon to bypass the moonsilver panties' less than perfect defenses
It's funny how you start a thread with one subject and end up on something completely unrelated, and yet just as strange and inconsequential. LOL
Such as a thread necromantic post that has nothing to do with the either topics. argh you make me so angry like argh. argh! >:(
I try to forget that movie as much as I possibly can. If you saw that movie, you'd think Mel Brooks wouldn't be capable of making a good film.....
Necroposter? What is that anyways? I look through the old threads searching for things that I was interested in starting a thread about, but didn't want to repeat what already existed. And I needed to ask a question pertaining to it then I could just add to it. This thread I just thought was funny.

Rockabilly, it's ok to relax and get over yourself, you will be just fine, once you now think about whether you lean to the left or more to the right when you pee standing up. It's an interesting thing that people, Rockabilly, can think about how close your eyes are to your monitor and you might not know which distance is healthy for you, which can be worrisome, confusing, or just plain useless, don't you think?

Now, where in New Hampshire is the cheese that was left out too long? I don't think anyone knows or cares, but it can be a weird thing to think about just because.
Necroposting is resurrecting a thread that died a fair amount of time ago.  It's a common behaviour pattern of Forumus trollis, the common forum troll.  They usually do this mostly just to push all current, recently updated threads off the main page of the board.
Strange, I never heard of doing that. Thanks for the info.

I just thought the thread was funny, and I like humor and laughing, so I thought it would be interesting to see what came about. Besides, I don't like recreating threads that already exist.
Wasn't calling you a forum troll, dude. :)

But doncha hate it when you feel like you have to justify yourself because of what these assholes do to forum communities?
Man, come on. That post was blatantly ironic and sarcastic. I thought the repetition of "argh", bolding, and the fact that the post itself was what the post protests got the joke across. You make me sad. :(
Wasn't calling you an asshole, dude. :)

I was calling forum trolls assholes.

Unless you're a forum troll, in which case, I respectfully retract my above statement.

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