Chejak - not completely bald


Four Thousand Club
How is it that Che can pass himself off as an Immaculate monk (and he does do that, by the way; he doesn't just pose as a mortal secretary. He can be seen teaching some monks martial arts in piece of art in the DB book) when he's still got (most of) his hair?

I mean, Resplendant Destinies are all well and good, but you'd think someone would notice that.
Did you HAVE to start a new thread just for that?

I dont know... maybe he casts some terrestial illusion spell before doing so...
I think there is an actual sidebar on this very topic in one of the books. I remember reading it, I just do not remember where. not all monks shave their heads.  there was like two paragraphs on the subject of imaculate head shavery. I think in the DB book, or somewhere...
I have read both DB books, 1st and 2nd, as well as the Blessed Isle book. I don't recall anything that says any monk can keep their hair, except for their facial hair. He could get away with his beard, sure, but not his ponytail.
You know, PT, with the dumbass threads you have started before, you are hardly one to talk about Jukashi's thread here.
Jukashi said:
I mean, Resplendant Destinies are all well and good, but you'd think someone would notice that.
Nope. He could don a RD to try to pass himself off as a 8 year old girl, and people would probably believe it.
I admit that I don't know much about how this Sidereal stuff works (never got the book), but I'd imagine that there's some sort of capacity to see through it for high-essence folks. i.e. The ones the IO's full of.
Not really, I think they have to beat HIS Essence score which might as well be YES compared to them. Though, knowing WW writers, everyone in the IO knows about it and just giggle like schoolgirls when he leaves the area  :roll:
Not really' date=' I think they have to beat HIS Essence score which might as well be YES compared to them. Though, knowing WW writers, everyone in the IO knows about it and just giggle like schoolgirls when he leaves the area  :roll:[/quote']
While that's likely not the would be more amusing that way.
Jukashi said:
How is it that Che can pass himself off as an Immaculate monk (and he does do that, by the way; he doesn't just pose as a mortal secretary. He can be seen teaching some monks martial arts in piece of art in the DB book) when he's still got (most of) his hair?
I mean, Resplendant Destinies are all well and good, but you'd think someone would notice that.
That is such an easy question to answer.

Answer A: You see, Exalted is a game.  It's for the most part like most White Wolf products in that it is filled with typos and inconsistencies.  When the publishers put the book the book together I'm sure they were hoping (in vain apparently) that gamers would have more important things to do with their time than wonder why Guy A had hair in this picture.

Answer B: Because he's a WW Canon NPC and therefore is not subject to any of the rules posted anywhere in any book.  Deal.   :P
OR, Answer C: Resplendent Destinies CAN actually do this. Read the book.
I second flaggs notion. The book quite clearly states that.

The funny thing is, ketchup could not only pass as an immaculate monk with a resplendent destiny but also as the "best whore in nexus". Think about that next time your character visits a prostitute ^^
Ewwwww!  Ewwewwewwwewww!!!!!!  That is Sooooo not right!   :shock:
I like the "resplendent destinies" bit too...

honestly... it doesnt penalize you even for impersonating a member of the opposite sex... I doubt someone would NOTICE the hair...
A resplendent destiny means that everybody sees the person as the resplendent destiny is. Now you might expect the picture to show this but it could be that the artist is able to penetrate the illusion and the image you see of chejak is not what his sparing partner sees. But what he really looks like.

I am really quite sure that I read somewhere that Imaculate monks do not need to shave their heads, but now I can't find it. does any one else remember where that was posted? or am I completely off my rocker?
Well i think i remeber reading in some piece of fiction how no one has really noticed that he has been in the position he has been in for like six or seven mouth of peace's which maybe that has something to do with the whole RD thing or just being the most powerful mortal thing in creation

Also that Sidereal Martial Art charm that allows you to mimic the anima of another exalt top that with a sidereal putting a bandana on their head and no one would know at least as far as peripheral essence goes
no one has really noticed that he has been in the position he has been in for like six or seven mouth of peace's which maybe that has something to do with the whole RD thing or just being the most powerful mortal thing in creation
He more than likely has used a different RD for each.
Gtroc said:
I am really quite sure that I read somewhere that Imaculate monks do not need to shave their heads, but now I can't find it. does any one else remember where that was posted? or am I completely off my rocker?
The Compass of Celestial Direction: The Blessed Isle makes it quite clear that Immaculate Monks do indeed need to shave their heads. (p. 81, p. 82 makes it further clear)
Safim said:
I second flaggs notion. The book quite clearly states that.
The funny thing is, ketchup could not only pass as an immaculate monk with a resplendent destiny but also as the "best whore in nexus". Think about that next time your character visits a prostitute ^^
alright, so you have peaked my interests and caught my eye. You may continue...
Or don't.

We all need to hold on to those last few threads of sanity we have left.
As I recall, all new monks shave their hair. However, as they progress in their learnings they are allowed a limited freedom with their hair. I believe they are allowed to grow Pei Mei hair or a ponytail/braid at some stage in their training.

I could be wrong though.
Chejop's always struck me as the sort of person who makes the rules, but doesn't necessarily follow them to the letter.  He's been successfully passing himself off as a Terrestrial Exalt for the past several thousand years (likely with PAoC Style and judicious use of RDs).  I think he can hide the hair.

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