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Realistic or Modern Charged CS [shelved] [Powered Rewind]

Name: Mariana Cuevas

Alternate Names*: Toxina is her villain alias. But don’t call her Mari, Anna, Mimi or any other nickname that can be created for her.

Gender: Female

Age: 19


Height: 5 feet, 7 inches

Weight: 135lbs, or 61kg

Attire*: Mariana wears very loose clothing. A matching crop top and sweatpants are all she needs. She wears large hoop earrings from time to time but she doesn't wear anything special.

Bodily Modifications*: Mariana has two standard earlobe piercings in which she wears her earrings.

Blood Type*: B+

Mentality/Personality: With her cunning ways, it's not surprising how Mariana became a supervillain. She is a smooth talker, icy cold and manipulative. If you are good to her, she'll be good to you and help you, if she has anything to gain that is. If you aren't, however, she'll hate you and make sure you know that she hates you. She glares daggers into you, and will be very sharp-tongued or sarcastic, treating you either as an enemy or a naïve child. If you really get on her nerves, she'll yell at you or threaten you, taking the route of intimidation rather than simple hate. She hates filth and would rather complete the task at hand, whether it's murdering or community service, with grace. Her past experience has allowed her to learn how to clean up her act well. Some days she's "kind" and talkative and helpful and on others she's withdrawn and angry and crazy and you'd understand why she's Risk II.

Backstory: Mariana was born to two first-gen Cuban-American immigrants in Lithium. Her father was Sebastian Cuevas and her mother was Jimena Cuevas. She grew up middle-class in a mainly Spanish-speaking family. Her mother and father worked within the same restaurant, which had a menu with a unique blend of Mexican, Dominican, and Cuban cuisine. She was taught her native language at a very young age but is also very fluent in English from her public schooling. Her life was rather normal up until high school, when she first manifested her ability. At this time, she took a strong interest to chemistry and would conduct household experiments and buy books and equipment with the money she got from her small job at the time as a fast-food worker. She was 14 when she found out about her power. She was conducting a science experiment with her best friend, Isabella. They were planning to measure the pH of their sweat by taking droplets, putting them into beakers, and using litmus paper. However, when Mariana took a sample of her “sweat”, the blue paper turned dark red and the red paper stayed red. The pH was unusually acidic. Confused, she tried again with the same results. The two could not figure out what was wrong, so Isabella dipped her finger into Mariana’s beaker and painfully chemical burned almost her entire finger. What followed was a mess of confusion, pain, and Spanish cursing to put it briefly. Next thing you knew Isabella’s wound was being tended to and Mariana’s parents rushed her to the doctor. They took a sample of the acidic fluid and looked at its chemical properties to see that it was not sweat. It was poisonous and was produced from a very rare and very special gland.

Mariana and her parents lived in fear after learning this. Deciding that she could no longer put her own parents in danger, she ran away at 16. She stayed with different friends and found out that some of them were Charged themselves. She would secretly train with them and then as they became more powerful, they split up and would wreak havoc and have demented fun like any older teens, but of course in a much worse manner. They would steal and vandalize and at one point Mariana fancied using her powers to hurt people. Eventually it escalated to murder and burglary of items that would be resold. Mariana continued rather recklessly, grouping with others like her. The fateful day she was caught occurred at night. She was allowed into a bar even though she was slightly underage. It was owned by the wealthy leader of an organization she was with at the time. She got drunk and instead of staying upright, she could barely coordinate. She spilled her own drink and broke other people’s drinks. One particular girl got so angry that she punched Mariana right in the face and nearly broke her nose. She fell, got back up, and got so angry that she suddenly splashed her poison across the girl's face and all over the room. It splashed on the tables and floor, staining both. The girl screamed from the burns on her face and Mariana was still rampaging. The security guards pinned her down even as her poisonous “sweat” burned them a bit. From there she was taken to TEST, given a Risk II cell, and has been stuck there since they reopened.


Equipment: She owns dual knives and pepper spray.

Personal Items: Mariana has a collection of jewelry bought for her by her mother when she was much younger. The collection includes bracelets, earrings, and necklaces. The jewelry is kept inside a small gold plastered box with velvet inside.
Resources: Her career in assassination and bounty hunting gave her quite a fortune. She has about $200,000 in her bank.

Occupation: Former supervillain, now TEST subject

Affiliations*: She affiliated herself with many different small groups of Charged villains.

Relationships: Both of her parents are alive and she has kept a few friends from her supervillain years, one of which actually manages her money and bank account since she can't.

Charged Powers/Skills

Abilities: Mariana's charged ability is an unusual one: poison generation and manipulation. The substance she excretes is acidic and appears similar to sweat, but is thicker and has a pale yellow tint to it. She excretes it on command right below the skin, and removes it from her body through movements with the opposite hand.

Mastery of Ability: This substance can cause bad chemical burns within a few minutes of exposure on bare skin. How large the burn is depends on how much of the substance "splashed" onto the skin and how widespread the effects are. She can generate her substance every second, but if it generates for one second, it will not be anywhere near as strong as it would be if she allowed herself to recharge for one minute.

Limitations: If she allows the poison to stay on her skin for too long, it will hurt her and give her a chemical burn. This happened to her a few times when she first manifested the ability.

Weaknesses: Her venom gland cannot activate in cold environments or when she's sick. Unfortunately she's rather susceptible to sickness. She is, aside from her extra gland, a normal human without armor and weapons will work on her.

Skills/Talents: She likes to knit and crochet. It is a bit therapeutic for her personally. She can also cook nicely, but can't conjure up fancy recipes.

Risk Level: Risk II

Cell Number: B6
Name: Mariana Cuevas

Alternate Names*: Toxina is her villain alias. But don’t call her Mari, Anna, Mimi or any other nickname that can be created for her.

Gender: Female

Age: 19


Height: 5 feet, 7 inches

Weight: 135lbs, or 61kg

Attire*: Mariana wears very loose clothing. A matching crop top and sweatpants are all she needs. She wears large hoop earrings from time to time but she doesn't wear anything special.

Bodily Modifications*: Mariana has two standard earlobe piercings in which she wears her earrings.

Blood Type*: B+

Mentality/Personality: With her cunning ways, it's not surprising how Mariana became a supervillain. She is a smooth talker, icy cold and manipulative. If you are good to her, she'll be good to you and help you, if she has anything to gain that is. If you aren't, however, she'll hate you and make sure you know that she hates you. She glares daggers into you, and will be very sharp-tongued or sarcastic, treating you either as an enemy or a naïve child. If you really get on her nerves, she'll yell at you or threaten you, taking the route of intimidation rather than simple hate. She hates filth and would rather complete the task at hand, whether it's murdering or community service, with grace. Her past experience has allowed her to learn how to clean up her act well. Some days she's "kind" and talkative and helpful and on others she's withdrawn and angry and crazy and you'd understand why she's Risk II.

Backstory: Mariana was born to two first-gen Cuban-American immigrants in Lithium. Her father was Sebastian Cuevas and her mother was Jimena Cuevas. She grew up middle-class in a mainly Spanish-speaking family. Her mother and father worked within the same restaurant, which had a menu with a unique blend of Mexican, Dominican, and Cuban cuisine. She was taught her native language at a very young age but is also very fluent in English from her public schooling. Her life was rather normal up until high school, when she first manifested her ability. At this time, she took a strong interest to chemistry and would conduct household experiments and buy books and equipment with the money she got from her small job at the time as a fast-food worker. She was 14 when she found out about her power. She was conducting a science experiment with her best friend, Isabella. They were planning to measure the pH of their sweat by taking droplets, putting them into beakers, and using litmus paper. However, when Mariana took a sample of her “sweat”, the blue paper turned dark red and the red paper stayed red. The pH was unusually acidic. Confused, she tried again with the same results. The two could not figure out what was wrong, so Isabella dipped her finger into Mariana’s beaker and painfully chemical burned almost her entire finger. What followed was a mess of confusion, pain, and Spanish cursing to put it briefly. Next thing you knew Isabella’s wound was being tended to and Mariana’s parents rushed her to the doctor. They took a sample of the acidic fluid and looked at its chemical properties to see that it was not sweat. It was poisonous and was produced from a very rare and very special gland.

Mariana and her parents lived in fear after learning this. Deciding that she could no longer put her own parents in danger, she ran away at 16. She stayed with different friends and found out that some of them were Charged themselves. She would secretly train with them and then as they became more powerful, they split up and would wreak havoc and have demented fun like any older teens, but of course in a much worse manner. They would steal and vandalize and at one point Mariana fancied using her powers to hurt people. Eventually it escalated to murder and burglary of items that would be resold. Mariana continued rather recklessly, grouping with others like her. The fateful day she was caught occurred at night. She was allowed into a bar even though she was slightly underage. It was owned by the wealthy leader of an organization she was with at the time. She got drunk and instead of staying upright, she could barely coordinate. She spilled her own drink and broke other people’s drinks. One particular girl got so angry that she punched Mariana right in the face and nearly broke her nose. She fell, got back up, and got so angry that she suddenly splashed her poison across the girl's face and all over the room. It splashed on the tables and floor, staining both. The girl screamed from the burns on her face and Mariana was still rampaging. The security guards pinned her down even as her poisonous “sweat” burned them a bit. From there she was taken to TEST, given a Risk II cell, and has been stuck there since they reopened.


Equipment: She owns dual knives and pepper spray.

Personal Items: Mariana has a collection of jewelry bought for her by her mother when she was much younger. The collection includes bracelets, earrings, and necklaces. The jewelry is kept inside a small gold plastered box with velvet inside.
Resources: Her career in assassination and bounty hunting gave her quite a fortune. She has about $200,000 in her bank.

Occupation: Former supervillain, now TEST subject

Affiliations*: She affiliated herself with many different small groups of Charged villains.

Relationships: Both of her parents are alive and she has kept a few friends from her supervillain years, one of which actually manages her money and bank account since she can't.

Charged Powers/Skills

Abilities: Mariana's charged ability is an unusual one: poison generation and manipulation. The substance she excretes is acidic and appears similar to sweat, but is thicker and has a pale yellow tint to it. She excretes it on command right below the skin, and removes it from her body through movements with the opposite hand.

Mastery of Ability: This substance can cause bad chemical burns within a few minutes of exposure on bare skin. How large the burn is depends on how much of the substance "splashed" onto the skin and how widespread the effects are. She can generate her substance every second, but if it generates for one second, it will not be anywhere near as strong as it would be if she allowed herself to recharge for one minute.

Limitations: If she allows the poison to stay on her skin for too long, it will hurt her and give her a chemical burn. This happened to her a few times when she first manifested the ability.

Weaknesses: Her venom gland cannot activate in cold environments or when she's sick. Unfortunately she's rather susceptible to sickness. She is, aside from her extra gland, a normal human without armor and weapons will work on her.

Skills/Talents: She likes to knit and crochet. It is a bit therapeutic for her personally. She can also cook nicely, but can't conjure up fancy recipes.

Risk Level: Risk II

Cell Number: B6

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