• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

Rp'er Name: Uasal
Post Frequency:
When Possible
Discord Name: Nacht
Current RP:
To become an Ascended Monster.
Equipped Titles: Monster, Mundane Monster, Mage Apprentice, Challenger (Narrative Booster), Magic Graduate of The Abyss Academy D, Student of The Weave F
Height: 6'1
Weight: 134lbs
Current Life:
Nebula was born in the shadowy depths of the Enigmatic Forest, a place where mundane monsters roamed, each seeking their own purpose. She emerged as an ordinary creature, indistinguishable from her peers, but unlike them, Nebula harbored a burning ambition that set her apart. From an early age, she displayed an uncanny talent for spatial manipulation magic, a skill that seemed to come naturally to her.

Growing up in the Enigmatic Forest of the old continent, Nebula realized the limitations of her ordinary existence. She yearned for something more, a power that transcended the mundane. Legends spoke of an ancient prophecy that foretold the rise of an Ascended Monster, the pinnacle of strength and prowess. Nebula became obsessed with this idea, seeing it as her destiny to fulfill the prophecy and become the legendary being she aspired to be.

Her journey began when she made the difficult decision to leave the familiar confines of the Enigmatic Forest and explore the lands of the second continent. Nebula sought challenges and adversaries that would push her beyond her limits, for it was through overcoming these trials that she believed she could unlock the dormant power within.

As she ventured into the unknown, Nebula faced numerous struggles and battles. Each confrontation tested her skills and resilience, but she embraced the hardships with determination. Along the way, she discovered her unique ability to absorb the power of defeated foes, a skill that hinted at her potential for ascension.

Nebula's path was not without moral dilemmas. Consuming others to gain strength weighed heavily on her conscience, but the allure of becoming an Ascended Monster as well as her nature overshadowed her doubts. The journey became a constant internal struggle between her ambition and the ethical implications of her actions. But as much as this monster might seem compassionate and like to think herself such, she is a ruthless killer who never willingly leaves any survivors.
Acquired Titles: Monster, Mundane Monster, Mage Apprentice, Native, Challenger (Narrative Booster), Magic Graduate of The Abyss Academy D, Student of The Weave F

Height: 5'9

Class: N/A
Points at Start: 105 (14)
Points Earned: 126
Points Spent: 231
Points Not Spent: 0
Grade - F (2/5)​
Strength - G [+7]
Precision - F
Intelligence - B [28]​
Vitality - G [+7]
Speed - D [14]
[*]Magic D [14] [1 grade free with Born for this]
[*]Magic School (Gravitational Manipulation) E [84] [Magical Aoe E, Quake E, Selective E, Magical Range E, and Gravity Element E]
[*]Domain (Spacial Manipulation) F [42] [Enervation F, Homing F, Vorpal F, Aura F, and Penetrating F]
[*]Energised E [14]
[*]Narrative Booster F [14] (Challenger, Gain double points when you have defeated an opponent stronger than yourself in an rp.)
[*]Sixth Sense F (Weakpoint Sense)

[*]Feature: Meta Magic E [Free with Magic School]
[*]Feature: Magic Mastery F [Free with Domain]
[*]Feature: Domain Power F [Flight, Teleport, Tunneling] [Free With Domain]

[*]Language Common [Monster]
[*]Language Monster [Monster]
[*]Cosmetic Cosmic Limbs [Free]
  • Blink - Magic D, School (Gravity Manipulation) E, Domain (Spacial Manipulation) F, Teleport F, Magical Targets E, Energised E - Nebula manipulates the fabric of space to instantaneously transport her targets to alternate locations. A handy traversal tool and an equally as deadly method of attack. - D Grade - 1 post cooldown. 1 Action
  • Gravity Well - Magic D, School (Gravity Manipulation) E, Domain (Spacial Manipulation) F, Gravity Affinity, Magical AOE E, Energised E, Selective Magic E, Incapacitating F, Aura F, Vorpal F- Nebula overloads the fabric of space around her with mana, creating a localized gravity well that will crush or immobilize any foes within range. A handy traversal tool and an equally as deadly method of attack. - D Grade - 2 post cooldown. 2 Actions
  • Impact - Magic D, School (Gravity Manipulation) E, Domain (Spacial Manipulation) F, Gravity Affinity E, Magical Range E, Magical AOE E, Energised E, Selective Magic E, Quake E, Vorpal F, Accurate E, Penetrating E - Nebula forcefully impacts the fabric of space that her target area rests upon with her mana. Simulating a meteoric impact as the fabric buckles, twists, and turns. - E/D Grade - 1/2 post cooldown. 1 Action


  • Magic Catalyst C (Spacial Orb) [28]
  • [Magic Graduate of The Abyss Academy D] Enables rps where character may provide magic services or instruction at various institutions without need to rp employment first. May also provide grounds to run rps establishing magic institutions.
  • [Student of The Weave F]. Enables rps as a student without the need for an enrollment rp.
Change Log:
  • Creation 2/2/24. Scooped Delta granting 126 points earned. 231 Points Unspent.
  • Intelligence F - B Purchased for 28 Points, Domain E purchased for 140 points, Narrative Booster F purchased for 14 points, Energised E purchased for 14 points, Magic E purchased for 14 points, Magic E - D Granted by Born For This passive, Purchased Catalyst C for 28 Points. 224 points spent. The character has become a mundane monster and has gained said racial title. The character has also Gained the Mage Apprentice Job Title as a result of Sword Master E. Added Cosmetics for free. Claimed Monster and Common as the characters 2 free languages. Created Abilities. Traded G strenght for Sixth Sense F (Weakpoint Sense). Traded G Vitality for 7 Temporary Points.
  • Domain E was Removed for a 140 pt refund per system update. Purchased Affinities Magical Aoe E, Quake E, Selective E, Magical Range E, and Gravity Element E for 70 points. Purchased Magic School (Gravitational) E for 14 Points. Gained Meta Magic Feature. Gained [Student of The Weave] Title. Purchased Enervation F, Homing F, Vorpal F, Aura F, and Penetrating F for 35 Points. Purchased Domain F (Spacial Manipulation) for 7 Points. Gained Domain Power: Teleport, Flight, Tunneling. Gained [Magic Graduate of The Abyss Academy D] Title. Gained Feature: Spell Mastery. Upgraded Speed F - D for 14 Points.

This school of magic focuses on manipulating the element that is gravity, utilising it to devastating effect across all 3 areas of defence, attack and mobility.

Typical Students of this school will utilise gravity in spells to achieve weightlessness, encumbrance, crushing and other such effects on themselves, others and objects.

That being said, Gravity is one of the cosmic forces of nature and underestimating its power can very quickly lead to a novice students demise.
Novama Novama
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Julius Atreus Astolgia
Theme: None
Rp'er Name: SixSense
Post Frequency:
1-2 times a week,
Discord Name: Pkken
Current RP: Active - [Clockhaven - Widersia] Wings and Steamy things (1x1)

Become a world-renowned Tinkerer
Integrate more magi-tek inventions within Widersia
Ensure his father’s legacy lives on
Equipped Titles: Mundane Human, Novice Tinkerer, Tinkers Triage Owner, House Astolgia Gentry, Novice Enchanter, Novice Artificer
Weight: 195
The Astolgia name holds relative weight within Widersia. A noble family containing various businessmen and craftsmen who contributed greatly to the overall advancement of the country. This covers a wide range of projects such as border defense within the war, transportation, and manufacturing of constructs.

Julius is the one and only child of Atreus and Julianna Astolgia. His father was a renowned artificer and tinkerer even amongst Widersia’s elite inventors. Despite not being a noble himself he would marry a baronet of the Astolgia family. The hands-on approach he took when it came to his inventions as well as implementing them gained him a lot of popularity as he would travel anywhere, even close to the border of the warrior nations which was not particularly safe. The relentlessness that he possessed when chasing his dreams was rather infectious and it translated to the employees who worked under him as well as Julius.

The young Astolgia man would walk in his father's footsteps at a young age, disassembling and taking things apart at a young age. Obsessively, he chased his curiosity which was nurtured by both parents creating a large amount of confidence within the child at a young age. This confidence oftentimes found him in trouble with his elders and higher ranks as the young man developed a smart mouth though it was difficult to discipline him considering the fact he displayed early signs of prodigal talent. His name comes up in talks on the social ladder.

Age 14 was a pivotal age for the young baronet as he was able to accompany his father on a business trip to the Grand Duchy. His fascination with Magic took root as he was able to experience the differences between Aslan and Clockhaven. It was advanced in its unique way, completely different from that of Widersia. This birthed the imagination of combining the two into an ultra-advanced society that combined the pinnacle of Magic and clockwork technology. He was unsure if such a place existed or could be created though the uncertainty excited him. Now at age 19, Julius is hard at work chasing his dreams of creating the metal and magic masterpiece he envisioned at a young age.
Acquired Titles: Mundane human, Novice Tinkerer, Tinkers Triage Owner , House Astolgia Gentry (D), Novice Artificer, Novice Enchanter
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 66
Points Spent: 171
Points Not Spent: 3
Character Grade: E
Class: Nomad
Stats: 56
Strength - F
Precision - B(28)
Intelligence -C(21)
Vitality - F
Speed - E(7)​

  • Language
  • Common
  • Analog

    Movement Skills
  • Fast F

    Secondary skills
  • Nature F
  • Arcana F
  • Engineering F
  • Etiquette F
  • Leadership F

    Misc Skills
  • Attentive student F (7)
  • Educated[Astolgia education](Persuasion, Business, Insight) F (7)
  • Harvester [Magical] F (7) - N/A
  • rMNSLkh.png


    Constructs standing at about 4ft in tall each, sport a stocky frame and are efficient at physical labor.

    Talented Friends - Caravan life for a nomad has led to the gathering of many capable friends. You have a group of 5 minions that will adapt as you do to new lifestyles. Each time the character classes up, the minions gain a secondary skill pertinent to the new class.

    Race: Mundane construct (7)
    Strength - F
    Precision - F
    Intelligence - F
    Vitality - E (7)
    Speed - F

    Skills Architecture (0)
    Domestic arts (7)
    Engineering (7)
    Navigation (7)
    Physics (7)
    Arcana (7)

    Resilient F (7) Fatigue/exhaustion
  • Tinkerer D
  • Artificer F
  • Enchanter F


Crimson Charm (Business F, Persuasion F, Insight F) - Julius uses his interpersonal skills and charisma to influence individuals.

  • Tinker tools
  • Enchanting Tools
  • Artificer Tools

  • Tinkers Triage Company F - Tinkerer's Triage is a company in widersia's capital ClockHaven. It specializes in mundane constructions for everyday needs. As the company is founded by Eriedeth, Julius, Leiana, Francois, Erich, majority vote must be issued for any one thing to be done with this asset moving forward.
  • Widersian Noble D - [House Astolgia Gentry]

Character creation
28 point spent on [Precision B] , 21 point spent on [intelligence C], 7 points spent on [speed E], [Focus] granted by born for this, 7 point spent on [Attentive student] , 14 point spent on [Tinkerer E], 28 point spent on [Item skill F- J Hammer]

TItles Acquired: Mundane human, novice Tinker

Changelog 7/29/24: 33 points acquired from Start up Company.

Asset Acquired: Tinkers Triage Company F

Title acquired: Tinkers Triage Owner

Purchases - Acquired Asset Widersia Nobility D House Astolgia Gentry (21 pts)

Purchase Harvester F (Magic)(7 pts)

Purchase Artisan skill Artificer F (7 pts)

Purchase Artisan skill Enchanter 7 (pts)

Purchase Educated F (Business, Persuasion, Insight) (7 pts)

Created Ability “Crimson Charm”

Acquired Titles, House Astolgia Gentry, Novice Artificer, Novice Enchanter

Changelog: 7/24/2024

28 points refunded for J-hammer [Item] price increase from 28 to 35 points.

Changelog 8/26/24

Graded - [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair. Graded

Rewards: 33 pts, Asset- [Friend of Regula F] - sometimes its about who you know. And if you are in the right place with the right people, this connection may prove useful.
Item: [Caelia's Fair Fair Pin] – A pin handed out to all those that joined in for the Fair in Caelia Barony as a fun memento.

Changelog 10/24/24

7 points refunded for Focus [Skill] price increase from 7 to 21 pts

Purchased Arcana F(7), Nature F (7), Engineering F (7), Etiquette F (7), Leadership F (7), Purchased Fast F (7)

Purchase Nomad Class

Acquired Talented Friends skill

Changelog 3/9/25

Upgraded Tinkerer from rank E to D
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Remfax Van Tuiett
Rp'er Name: 1Lucker
Post Frequency:
Once-twice a week
Discord Name: lucker#5030
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Long term: Grow strong enough to eliminate the Komodos. Short term: Survive and gain power
Equipped Titles: Intermediate Human, Isekai, [Wanted by the Komodo Clan]
Acquired Titles:
  • Human: Humans are one of the most populous and widespread races. While not exceedingly powerful in any given area, they are more versatile and diverse than most other races
  • Isekai [Intermediate]: This shows that this person was reincarnated into this world and has progressed their worldly standing.
  • [Wanted by the Komodo Clan]: Tuiett is wanted by the Komodo Clan, which is the house that he used to belong to. His former Lord is the head of the Komodo Clan, and they are after him for the severe damage he caused to their leader.
  • Cashback: Gain 28pts in points earned immediately. Gain permanent, mandatory title: [Wanted by ???]
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 210
Backstory: Not that long ago, somewhere else: There was a group of brothers at a college party. They were stumbling home after an extra bad rager, when they got hit by the classic Isekai truck going mach speed down the road. When they came to, they were in a new world, and in the same body.
Current Life: Tuiett was born into a slave family in the Ororoot Empire. They were bound to a Provincial Lord, with a lifelong bond and a high punishment. At the age of 19, Tuiett badly wounded their master and fled the kingdom. Unfortunately, their strongest form, Van, had been grievously wounded by overcoming the slave mark. The young man works on the road, never going too close to his old home. He works as a wandering mercenary.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 28
Points Spent: 0
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E
Spent: 49​
  • Transformation F: Tuiett has 3 separate identities in one body. When [transform] is used, the body fully shifts appearance and ability* (flavored, not default), and changes into another of the brothers. Rem is a swordsman with fire affinity, while Fax is an ice mage. Van is technically both, but he almost never makes an appearance because he is too recognizable as a slavebond breaker. They look very similar except for eyes and tattoos. Van also has glowing crack-like marks across most of his body, because he bore the brunt of the broken bond.
  • Magic F
  • Magic Affinity F [Ice]: (Can only be used by Fax)
  • Fighting Style [Single Blade] F [Blight: Flame]: A style of fighting with one sword, with the added option of fire (Used by Rem)
  • Athletics F
  • Fast F
  • Appraisal F
  • Disguise F
Spent: 63
  • Ice Spear | Magic F, Affinity F [Ice]| Grade F | 0 Post Cooldown: A bolt of ice fired at limited range (Fax)
  • Burning Blade | Athletics F, Fighting Style F [Single blade], Blight: Flame| Grade F | 0 Post Cooldown: A fiery attack made with a sword (Rem)
  • Broadsword E [Catalyst]
  • Heavy Armor F
Spent: 21
  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Blank Notebook
  • Bandages
  • Small disguise kit
  • N/A
Change Log:

  • Rem: #E03C31 - Rem is an impulsive fighter that reacts before he thinks. Though he is impulsive, he has great control over his emotions, and he tries to keep them hidden from others.
  • Fax: #446CCF - Fax is a bit more of a thinker, and is more level-headed than his brothers. He tries to avoid conflict if possible and will do his best to dissolve the situation before it comes to fighting.
  • Van: #978EEB - Van is the strongest brother, and is affected the most by emotion. In times of strong emotion, like pain, fear, or grief, his power is harder to control and it is hard for the others to restrain him.
The brothers communicate in their head, but sometimes the one in control talks from the body, rather than the mind, which makes them look like they're talking to themselves. Van is especially prone to that behavior.
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Aniel Valentino
Mon Amour ♪

Height: 164cm (5’5”) | Weight: 58kg (128 Ib)

Username: Aya
Post Frequency: Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, Whateverdays
Current RP: ma no (Planned for Elvario's)
(Ars Amortoria) – Find, pursue and actually attain one true love.
(Prescript dies Veneris) – By the decree of Love, spread love and nurture romance in ASK_NOVA.
(Dius Amor) – Spread far and wide the good name of Love, whatever that may be.
(Beauty and Style) – Reattain that massive scallop-shell chariot.
Acquired Titles:
  • Human– Humans thrive on connectivity and flexibility. Alone they are nothing and specialized they generally fall behind other races, but in numbers and with diverse skill sets, they accomplish much
    • [Mundane]
      • Human Title
      • 2 Secondary Skills
      • Perk: (Born For This) – Get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
  • [Aerial] – A human with wings capable of flight. It’s unknown if they are descended from avian people or demigods or if the wings are a spontaneous evolution.

  • Offworlder – Denotes isekai or otherwise alien creatures not natural to the world of IH
  • [Savior? Of Odai People] - Aniel has helped with evacuating the citizens of Odai Island, as well as helping to create a cure for the Agrigore Infection outbreak. Their efforts will not be forgotten. Former residents of the island will be helpful to Aniel, but the aid will be limited, their home destroyed and livelihoods decimated. Most are now enslaved.

Equipped Titles:
Off-Worlder, Human, Aerial, [Mundane]​
February 14th, Friday at 43 minutes past 1 o' clock, I was born. So my mother named me Aniel, after the angel of the star of love. My parents always told me that love was a divine and beautiful thing, that god is love—but in my opinion, love is a capricious and malicious woman who wants nothing but to watch people cry, misunderstand, cheat, kill and kiss whilst she watches upon her pretty plush throne of hearts, her hair is white and her lips are stained black from layers of dried blood. Well, that was how I drew her when I was 2.

My first love was when I was still on the playground; a boy with short black hair and blue eyes. He was looking for the most beautiful flowers one day and asked me to help him, I wandered through the bushes outside of the playground and found the prettiest pink daisies. I excitedly gave them to him… only for him to bashfully give them to a girl with pigtails and brown eyes. So ended my first love—we did, however, stay friends.

My second first love was in kindergarten, when I was invited to play house as the husband by a girl with black hair and dark skin. That was the first and last time I played house with that girl, when I asked why we didn’t play house together anymore she replied with a laugh and a smile, “Because you talk too much! Husbands aren't supposed to talk.” I don’t know why, but that really hurt at the time.

My third first love, was in elementary school. I liked this taller boy with a black crew cut; he told me scary stories about a wolf who would strangle a little boy and then eat him. One Friday, he came to school with a bruise on his cheek. Before school ended, we made a promise; “Let’s run away, to Castellucio. We’ll take the bus after school. Pack everything you need, 'kay?” "What if I can't come?" Kids said the scariest things with the most warm and reassuring smiles. "Then I'll kill you." The same day, when I got home, my mother had a stroke and we had to rush to the hospital. I saw him from the car as we passed the bus stop, with an overpacked travel bag. I heard he moved away next monday.

My fourth first love was in middle school. A girl with a black curly bob, who was popular in class. She was witty, she knew how to lie to teachers to skip gym class, and she liked baking and cooking; And what certified her as the most popular girl in school was when she brought cake to class on her birthday, she gave me the biggest slice. She was the only person I confessed to and the first to turn me down. Although her reason made it so I couldn't be sad, I never had a chance—"Sorry, it's just... I think I like girls over guys...” was what she awkwardly said. I helped her confess to her crush and we became close friends afterwards.

My fifth first love was in my freshman year of high school. It was the popular idol girl who constantly appeared on TV… This one was an odd one because it never actually went anywhere and I doubt I could have ever met her, I think this was when I realised all my first loves had short black hair. I don't think I ever felt more bummed when a year later she was announced dead after drowning. They could never figure out if it was an accident, suicide or murder.

My sixth first love was in my senior year of high school, I fell for a teacher. He was the younger, cooler and more handsome teacher of the staff. I wasn’t the only person in school with a puppy love crush on the poor guy. In retrospect, it must’ve been really uncomfortable for him. It would haunt me to this day if I ever confessed to him, like… every other girl in my grade. I probably would've done better in maths if I weren't focusing more on the teacher's face rather than the lesson.

My final, seventh first love was an old flame rekindled. The tall kid from elementary school, who was now a tall guy majoring in psychology, we met at a party after our first year of college had concluded. You can guess where this was going, I stuck that promise in the back of my mind. I got drunk, he offered to take me home, took me to his house instead and… I think he spiked my drink cause I could barely move. I remember lying on the soft bed as he closed the curtains and when I opened my eyes again, his hands were tightly wrung around my neck until everything faded to black…

And then I died. The moral of this story? Don't wear red on a Monday.
“How now fare thee?”

“...Who are you? Is this heaven? I DIED?!”

“Ah~ Is that aught the way to speak to your most grandest ancestor?”


“By many names have I been referred, by your heritage: Venus, the changer of hearts! Or what I most prefer, the primordial god of love Eros; Star of the morning the goddess of Love, Beauty and War: Ishtar and sometimes… the Virgin Mary. Which makes utterly no sense, but I digress; Behold in awe my truly ineffable celestial grace, I am what one such as thee shall name… Love.”

“O- Okay? So… When am I going to stand before god and be judged for my sins or whatever—”

“Oh no child, you are a descendant of me, thus my one most adorable servant and such a member of [Erotes]~ Thus, you must carry out your divine duty by my own most celestial order.”

“Do I get wings—”

“Strike love and romance between those whose hearts will throb whence pricked by the gilded arrow of true love and strike fear into the hearts of those pursued by an immoral love with the obsidian arrow of heartache… You know? Like [Putti]? That.”

“So, am I going to turned into a baby—”

“By me, no! I shall give you a visage I see befitting, and then be sent off and born unto the world of ASK_NOVA

“Pardon my trespasses, but what did you say—”

“and bring down the wrath of love! Seriously, all the fun people caren’t about my domain! The gall to avoid it. I want beautiful friendships, unforgettable romances, manic obsessions and… and… Drama! I am so, so, so awfully bored! I’ll make the shores run dry if I have to bear witness to such languid action any longer.

And that is to say: Go! Sing the praises of my most thought-of name! Make the poets write all the more of the virtues and vices of the enthrallment of thoughts—forthward child!”

“Wait, I just have one quest—”

And so everything went black. Aniel Valentino dies Veneris was born anew, floating gently ashore from a large pearlescent clam—although his first steps upon the beaches of the continental lake were most ungraceful. Cold, wet, sad and honestly confused, Aniel would have to soon accept his fate as a servant of the god… goddess of love? He really didn’t know. What he really wanted right about now was clothing.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 117
Points Spent: 217
Points Not Spent: 5
Strength - F (0)
Precision - A (35)
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - F (0)
Speed - F (0)

Feature [Feathered Wings] D
A pair of dainty little feathered wings—akin a dove—which gives the character the capability of flight. Despite all laws of physics saying otherwise.​




Magic E
Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities.​
Magic Range F (7)
Allows magical spells to affect creatures at a distance.​
  • F – 30 feet away




Appraisal E
Created with the ability for being a Player Character(isekai character), this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown. (ex: Grade of Threat of a monster)
Educated [Finding the Love of Your Life – Neil Clark Warren] F (7)
“Our expectations are largely formed by what we observed in our childhood home. If your parents let you in on their own lives together—the disagreements, struggles, joys, milestones—you probably have a fairly realistic picture of married life. But sometimes parents, with the very best intentions, deal with all the tough stuff behind closed doors … Then their kids develop a sense that marriage is relatively easy.”​
  • Insight - The ability to determine the true intentions of a creature from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. This includes a talent for searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move.
  • Empathy - The ability to understand, detect, and interpret the emotional state of people nearby, without having their experiences communicated explicitly.
  • Persuasion - The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.
Language (0)
Characters natively know the common tongue of the world as well as one relevant to their race/community. Language skill allows for the further learning and comprehension of other languages including the ancient and forgotten.​
  • Common - As the name suggests, the most commonly spoken in the world of Ih. Whatever that world is called...
  • Sylvan - Has heavy L, A, E, I sound use in combo so it sounds like a song to listen to: “Lalelilaaleelilali”. Spoken natively by the Fae.
Focus E(42)
Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities.​


(Limiters: Equipment I; Charges I) Forgery (F --> D)
The ability to realistically counterfeit documents and papers, whether hand-written or printed on a press. Generally perceived as an illegal endeavour—of course, no law stops the power of love!​
However, the following conditions must be met:
  • Equipment I – Relies on the Gear [Romantic Letter Writing Set] F, and must be used in tandem with the items included in the set.
  • Charges I – Can only be used 4 times per RP.
Religion F (0) (Born For This)
The ability to recall lore about deities, rites and prayers, religious hierarchies, ethical standards, holy symbols, and the practices of secret cults.​
Insight F (Educated)
The ability to determine the true intentions of a creature from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. This includes a talent for searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move.​
Empathy F (Educated)
The ability to understand, detect, and interpret the emotional state of people nearby, without having their experiences communicated explicitly.​
Persuasion F (Educated)
The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.​
Yours Most Dearly Belovèd
(Limiters: Equipment I; Charges I) Forgery (F --> D), Insight F, Empathy F, Persuasion F, Focus F
With the power of the [Romantic Letter Writing Set], Aniel writes a love letter for someone by someone else, attempting to copy their handwriting and mannerisms to make a convincing profession of love.
Ability F (Forgery D), 0 Post Cooldown.
Spill Your Heart Out
Appraisal E, Insight F, Empathy F, Persuasion F, Religion F, Focus F
Via the power of conversation, Aniel attempts to convince a creature to vent and rant and spill all the ins and outs of their love life and maybe their ideal partners, whilst also appraising whatever he can about them. All in the name of love and romance!
Ability E, 1 Post Cooldown.

The Trembling Throbs of First Love
Religion F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Empathy F, Focus E
Calling upon the divine powers of love, Aniel channels magic into his catalyst and fires a magical rose-coloured arrow at a singular target up to 30 feet away.
Spell E, 1 Post Cooldown.

  • 015. Artemis_아르테미스.png
    Magical Catalyst [Copper Ornamental Bow] E (14)
    A small double-curved bow without a string. Although beautifully and intricately embellished, it serves little use as an actual bow, however, makes for a perfect catalyst.​
    Gear [Romantic Letter-Writing Set] F (7)
    A set of stationery containing all things necessary to write the perfect love letter, ballads or sonnets to the one who has your heart captive. Neatly packed in a simple wooden box.​
    • Decorated Parchments – Sheets of parchment with intricately designed flowery borders.
    • Envelopes – Various parchment envelopes.
    • Inkwell ~ An ornate inkwell containing a deep indigo-coloured ink, perfect for expressing passions.
    • Wax Sticks – Sticks of wax in a variety of colours; used for sealing envelopes.
    • Fire Striker & Flint – A piece of shaped steel and a piece of flint
    • Tinderbox – A small circular box made of tungsten, containing dandelion seeds.
    • Stamp – A plain, unembellished heart-shaped stamp.
    • Satin Ribbons – Variously knots of ribbons in various colours. Used to fasten simple gifts to the letter.

  • Character Createded.
    Eros pursued by a not unlovely nonentity, enthralled and so did settle far and far away on the edges of the land between the shore and the sea in idyllic rose-briar o'ergrown a long passed hamlet, absolving one's self as the "Cherub of Romantic Love" in the love choir and thus passing to upon the soul now before ye. And thus to say:
    • Scooped character, Eros Upidae for 12 (24 / 2 = 12) points.
    • Starting Points = 105 +12 = 117
    • Equipped Title [Human]

      Applied [Mundane] title.
    • Equipped Title [Aerial]
    • Equipped Title
    • Intelligence F --> D (14)
      (117 - 14 = 103)
    • Precision F --> C (21)
      (103 - 21 = 82)
    • Feature [Feathered Wings] F (21)
      (82 - 21 = 61) [Prerequisite: Precision C; Uses [Flight] Skill]​
    • Magic E (14)
      (61 - 14 = 47) [Prerequisite: Intelligence D]​
    • Magic Range F (7)
      (47 - 7 = 40) [Prerequisite: Magic E]​
    • Appraisal E (0)
      (Free for Isekai'd characters)
    • Educated [Finding the Love of Your Life – Neil Clark Warren] F (7)
      (40 - 7 = 33) [Prerequisite: Character Grade E]​
    • Language (0)
      (Free on Character Creation.)
    • Insight F (0)
      (Via Educated F)
    • Empathy F (0)
      (Via Educated F)
    • Persuasion F (0)
      (Via Educated F)
    • (Limiters: Equipment I; Charges I) Forgery (F--> D) (7)
      (33 - 7 = 26) [Prerequisite: Precision E]​
    • Religion F (7 - 7 = 0)
      ([Born For This] Perk Applied) [Prerequisite: Intelligence E]​
    • Magical Catalyst [Copper Onamental Bow] F (7)
      (26 - 7 = 19) [Prerequisite: Intelligence E]​
    • Gear [Romantic Letter Writing Set] F (7)
      (19 - 7 = 12) [Prerequisite: Points]​
    Last Minute Addition (Aka, I don't wanna recalculate the values so I'm putting it at the end.):
    • Sixth Sense [Romance] F (7)
      (12 - 7 = 5) [Prerequisite: Intelligence E]​
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The Cook
Rp'er Name: Maxxob
Post Frequency:
3 to 5 times a week
Discord Name: Maxxob
Current RP: None
Goals: Become a renowned chef and find out exactly what he has forgotten, such as his name and his past life.
Equipped Titles: [Isekai], [Human], [Apprentice Knivesman]
Height: 5’50” / 167 centimeters
Weight: 132 lbs / 60 kilograms
Backstory: Cook doesn’t remember anything from his past life, only small glimpses that he was pretty competent at cooking.
Current Life: Having tried to cook a few dishes in his own spare time, nothing decent has come out of his attempts, much to his own annoyance. For now, the middle-aged human just goes about, trying to jog his past abilities and be able to cook once more.
Acquired Titles: [Isekai], [Human], [Apprentice Knivesman]
Points at Start: 105 + 14 (Reduced stats)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E (7)
Precision - H (+14)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - F
Speed - E (7)
  • Weapon Mastery [Knife] F (70) - “Huh? Why am I skilled with knives? A cook has to know their way around their tools of trade, kid!”
  • Appraisal F (0 - Isekai) - “These old eyes can still catch quite a bit.”
  • Fast F (7) - “Don’t be fooled by my age, kid! I am still pretty shifty.”
  • Energized F (7) - “You never know the stamina of an old man, I tell you what!”
  • Languages Common (0).
  • Five Star Chef - Weapon Mastery [Knife] F, Area [5ft] F, Selective, Blight [Bleed] F, Penetrating F, Accurate F, Incurable F, Vampiric F, Continuing [Poison] F, Contagion F, Energized F - Grade F Cooldown 0 - With a quick swipe of his knife, Cook attacks a 5ft area around him, accurately homing into his targets. The deep stab makes the target bleed, as well as poison them, spreading the effects to whatever other target that comes into contact with them, while recovering his own energies through unknown means.
  • Come back here! - Fast [F], Energized [F] - Grade F Cooldown 0 - As a shifty old man, Cook can run through greater distances that one would expect from someone his age.
  • Cook’s surprise - Weapon Mastery [Knife] F, Reflect F, Blight [Bleed], Continuing [Bleed], Hot Shot F, Vampiric F, Accurate F, Selective F, Penetrating F, Energized F, Incurable F - Grade F Cooldown 0 [2 Actions] - Assuming a relaxed stance, Cook waits for the target’s attack, before surprising them with his attack. While observing their attack, he tries to gauge the best place to attack to disarm them with his counter-assault.
  • Mind your table manners! - Weapon Mastery [Knife] F, Incapacitating F, Selective F, Area F [5ft], Energized F, Blight [Bleed] F, Continuing [Bleed] F - Grade F Cooldown 0 [2 Actions] - After swiping his knife in a 5ft area, Cook follows up with a shoulder tackle, aiming to knockdown all targets inside the area.
  • The special sauce - Weapon Mastery [Knife] F, Area [5ft] F, Energized F, Irritant F, Selective F, Contagion F - Grade F Cooldown 0 [2 Actions] - Coating his knife with his special sauce, Cook flicks the extremely pungent and hot liquid into a 5ft area. Upon contact, the target’s senses are assaulted, their eyes starting to water due to the irritation.
  • Chef’s Knife F (7)
  • Armor [Light] F (7)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
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Neramo Omnipotenti Malus
Theme: He steps down from his throne and the Sky Turns Black
Rp'er Name: Neramo
Post Frequency:
As often as possible
Discord Name: Neramo
Current RP: None
Goals: Become the Demon King and subjugate all others under him
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Born For This, Offworlder
Height: 6’7
Weight: 235 lbs
Backstory: Some of those know their own stories, but for Neramo, there was only the void. A blank slate where memory should be. He knows he’s not of this world, but he cannot tell you his origin, for he doesn’t know himself.
Current Life: Born with an urge for blood and a hunger for power, Neramo took his time as a freshly born monster, biding his time and strength to get everything he might need. Even if he wanted to fight his murderous urges he couldn’t, like a thunderous boom in his head every moment of every day.
Acquired Titles: Monster, Demon, Born For This, Offworlder
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 36
Points Spent: 137
Points Not Spent: 1
Strength - D
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - D
  • Feature: Skill: Natural Armor (Skin) F
  • Feature: Skill: Natural Catalyst (Crown of Horns) F
  • Attentive Student D
  • Magic E
  • Affinity: Corrupting Flames F
  • Magic AOE F
  • Appraisal D (Gained from Isekai status)
  • Fast F (Gained from Born For This)
  • Black Flame of the Future King - Natural Catalyst F, Magic E, Corrupting Flames F - Neramo calls a field of fire forth, burning anything in the vicinity with unholy flame- Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Blue Flame Strike - Natural Weapons F, Corrupting Flames F, Fast F - Neramo strikes a target with a more concentrated version of his flames after performing a dash - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - 2 actions
  • Natural Armor F
  • Natural Catalyst F
  • adventurer's pack
  • Survival supplies
  • Dumpy cottage
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Selani Boana

RP'er Name: The Last Curse
Post Frequency: 1-2 days after the narrator
Discord Name: Phalanx#9348
Current RP:

  • Provide for and protect her family
  • Make a name for herself
  • Make as much money as she can
  • Tactical Intellectual
  • Mundane Beast
  • Anuran
  • Beast
  • Anuran - [Anuran are frog-like humanoids that prefer to dwell in swampy environments. They are usually shorter before evolving but can gain a variety of features over time. Believed to have been created on the Dark Continent to serve as protectors for the eggs of an arachne.]
  • Tactical Intellectual - [Your mind is strong and fast, due to your quick wits and thought process, you are perceived as tactical and a force to reckon with when it comes to group battles.]
Height: 5'0 (152.4 cm)
Weight: 94 Lbs (42.6377 kg)

Born in the swampy depths of the See to a pair of tribal hunters, Selani's early life was anything but easy. While her tribe, a small community of fellow Anuran families, provided adequate protection from the unpredictable and oftentimes savage conditions of the See, hardship was always peeking its head around the corner. As such, Selani learned one lesson.

Amidst all the chaos, the only truly constant thing was your kin.

The swamps could throw anything at you - disease, monsters, misdirection - if you had someone behind you, there was always a chance to bounce back.

A philosophy that served Selani well throughout her teenage years. She'd do her part in the tribe, but there was always time to do a little bit more for the family. If not helping the clan chase off monsters and the like, She'd be fishing with her father. Or collecting sticks for her mother's arrows. Or teaching her little sister how not to run at everyone's beck and call - much to her parent's chagrin.

However, no amount of good times would soften her view of their situation. Anything could've been upended in just a day, a truth that constantly nagged at the back of her mind.

So, when her father proposed they'd move north to Ryken towards a seemingly easier life in civilization, she'd agreed with great conviction.

After all, who wouldn't want to sit pretty up there with the city folk? Surely, it had to be more forgiving than the swamps?
For a time, it was.

Despite emigrating to a city with few connections and a meager amount of money to their name, integrating into society was surprisingly easy for Selani and her family. Shelter in the "Underbelly" was relatively cheap; her father had found work hunting for the Adventurer's Guild, her mother shadowed the local artisans, and her sister chose a more laidback lifestyle, chasing knowledge than labor.

Selani herself became another product of the Underbelly's conditions, adapting to the role of a wealth-seeking rogue eager to reap the supposedly prosperous benefits of mercenary work.

Soon enough, she'd realize the Underbelly was just another kind of swamp.

Monsters still roamed, but they didn't try to rend you open on sight. They greeted you with handshakes, pretty words, and smiles filled with nothing but teeth. Uncertainty still hung heavy in the air but was far more volatile. One misstep or one wrong glance would take everything from you.

After five years in the Underbelly, Selani had reached a conclusion. This place would be the death of her family. And she wasn't going to allow that to happen. It didn't matter how many jobs it would take or where they would go next - she'd find a better place for them all.

That was the only way she could've given back to them.
Points at Start: 105
Point Earned: 68
Points Spent: 64
Points Unspent: 4

  • Strength - E
  • Precision - D
  • Vitality - F
  • Intelligence - D
  • Speed - E
  • Feature [Webbed Appendages]
  • Feature [Dark Vision]
  • Feature [Long Tongue]
  • Language [Bestial]
  • Jumping F
  • Water Speed F
  • Stealth F
  • Concealment
  • Fighting Style [Dead Eye] F ~ Wood Shortbow
  • Blind Eye F
  • Fighting Style [ Up Close N' Personal] F ~ Natural Weapons
  • Linked F
  • Educated F [Insight, Perception, Acrobatics]
  • Energized E
  • Steady Hands E
  • Heightened Senses F [Sound]
  • [Hush] - Feature [Dark vision] + Stealth F + Fighting Style F [Dead Eye] + Energized F + Steady Hands F + Concealment + Acrobatics F- Selani quickly wields her bow, covertly shooting an arrow at a target - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Fade-away] - Fighting Style F [Dead Eye] + Energized E + Steady Hands E + Jumping F + Acrobatics F + Perception F - Selani hops backward, quickly shooting an arrow and putting distance between her and a target - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Caught Unawares] - Fighting Style F [Up Close N' Personal] F + Energized F + Concealment + Stealth F + Perception F + Acrobatics F + Steady Hands F - Sneaking up on a target, Selani pummels them with two well-placed strikes. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Now You've Done It!] - Fighting Style F [Close N' Personal] + Energized F + Acrobatics F + Steady Hands F + Feature [Webbed Appendages] - Selani switches to a more personal attack pattern, attacking a nearby target with a hail of kicks and punches - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Slippery Retreat] - Acrobatics F + Perception F + Jumping F + Energized E + Stealth + Water Speed F + Insight F - Selani attempts to evade an oncoming attack, before re-positioning herself in a target's blindspot - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Wary] - Perception F + Acrobatics F + Heightened Senses F + Energized E + Insight F + Stealth F + Feature [Dark Vision] - Noticing a shady situation, Selani uses her sensory skills to identify potential hidden threats or to gain more knowledge of her surroundings - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Sizin' Up] - Perception F + Insight F + Energized F - Selani gets a good look at a target and their mannerisms, attempting to get a clue on their character - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Wood Shortbow E
  • Steel Dagger F
  • Natural Weapons F ~ [ 7 point Born For This discount]
  • Bag of salted crickets
  • Cloth hood
  • Sling canvas bag
  • Whetstone
  • Small journal
  • Feather pen w/ inkwell
  • Leather canteen
  • Arrow quiver
  • Bandages
  • Gold pouch
Character Created: 2/16/2022
  • 21 points spent in total for Strength E, Intelligence E, and Speed E
  • 14 points in total for Precision D
  • 56 points spent in total for Feature (Dark Vision), Feature (Webbed Appendages), Feature (Long Tongue), Stealth F, Water Speed F, Concealment F, Jumping F, and Fighting Style F
  • Added Ability "Hush"
  • 14 points spent in total for Steel Dagger F and Wood short bow F

Updated 2/15/2024
  • Received 68 points from "The Dead Awake at Night Part 2 (Blue Viscera Occult)" (See here)​
  • Equipped Title [Tactical Intellectual]
  • Point Expenditure: Educated F, Energized E, Natural Weapons F, Steady Hands E, Heightened Senses F, Fighting Style [Up Close N' Personal] F (56 point used in total)​
  • Added Free Language Skill [Bestial]​
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Intelligence from E to D (7 points used in total)​
  • Added Abilities: [Fadeaway - E], [Caught Unawares - E], [Now You've Done It! - F], [Sizin' Up - F], [Slippery Retreat - E] & [Wary - E]

Updated 2/16/2024
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Wood Shortbow from F to E (See here)
Updated 2/18/2024
  • Edited Abilities [Hush - F] and [Caught Unawares - F]. (Reworked description on [Hush] to turn it into a 1-action ability & reduced [Caught Unawares] to F to prevent complications with Natural Weapons F​
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_המקום המזייף_(הבגירורן).jpeg
_המקום המזייף_(הבגירורן).jpeg

Image not mine!!!

Theme: N/A

Rp'er Name: -Random_Person- -Random_Person-

Post Frequency: 2-4 times a week (NO weekends!)

 Discord Name: N/A

Current RP: None (Yet)

Goals: Gain more knowledge, find his creator

Equipped Titles: Construct

Height: 5'8

Weight: 174 Lbs

Librarian wasn't always his name. He awoke in a forgotten workshop, wires tangled, code sparking, with no memory of his creation or purpose. Yet, his internal algorithms craved one thing: information. Like a newborn with an insatiable hunger, he devoured data streams, any scraps he could find. Scraps turned into manuals, manuals into forgotten texts, and texts into a burning question - who built him, and why?

His only clue was a single etched inscription: "Seek knowledge, for it holds the key." So, with his metallic body humming and internal processor whirring, he christened himself "Librarian" and set off into the world. He bartered with merchants for rare scrolls, navigated treacherous ruins to decipher archaic murals, and even learned to understand the whispers of ancient trees. With each new scrap of knowledge, he gained a flicker of understanding, not just of the world, but of himself.

Librarian, though tireless, isn't cold or emotionless. He befriends scholars, his gentle hum somehow comforting in their lonely pursuits. He shares his vast repository of knowledge freely, sparking revolutions in science and art. But he remains an enigma, ever searching, ever learning, driven by an unknown creator's purpose and his own insatiable curiosity. Is he merely a machine fulfilling a program, or something more? Perhaps the answer lies not in the vast information he collects, but in the connections he forges and the lives he touches along his journey.

Librarian thrived in the hushed reverence of the old library of a small town. Its crooked timber frame and dusty tomes held an allure no forge or battlefield ever could.

Every morning, a quiet symphony of hums and whirs notified others of his arrival as he ambled down the cobbled streets. Unlike the wary glances he received elsewhere, the townsfolk greeted him with smiles and nods. Children chased after him, giggling at the sparks escaping his exhaust pipes, while shopkeepers offered him oil and spare gears with knowing winks.

Within the library's oak-paneled walls, Librarian was in his element. He glided between towering shelves, his brass fingers flitting across ancient spines, their embossed titles glowing in the lamplight. He catalogued dusty scrolls, painstakingly translating forgotten languages with his whirring processors. He even helped scholars decipher cryptic texts, his vast internal database proving invaluable.

Acquired Titles: Construct

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - E

Precision - D

Intelligence - C

Vitality - D

Speed - E

Composed F

Fast F

Eidetic memory F [Feature]

Academia F

Abilities: Information recall -Academia F, Eidetic Memory F [Feature]- Allows him to recall distant memories from any book he has read, no matter the amount of timethat passed, or how quickly he read the book (0 Post Cooldown)


Polearm F (Swordstaff)

Light armor F

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

Small handful of coins

Books (2 or 3) (For casual reading)

Small journal

Writing utensils


Oil flask 0.5 pints (To drink)

Extra gears and parts

Scrap metal (To eat)

Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)


Change Log:

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Character Name: Karmilla "The Peddler" Kerberos


Rp'er Name: Call me Kitty!

Post Frequency: Really depends on the day! But I'll try once every day in the least.

Discord Name: Baebluejay

Current RP: n/a

Goals: N/A

Equipped Titles: Human, The Peddler, [Holy Fae See Fugitive E]

Height: 1.71 metres

Weight: 60 kilos

Backstory: God made man unequal. Some men are born strong, fast, intelligent and rich. Others are born poor, orphaned at a young age, and stranded by society. Some men die at the hands of others, other men kill. The strong thrive, the weak hope to survive. That's how it always was, always will be. Rebecca had no family name, and no family, her only hint of existence was a name sewn into her shirt. The lawless desert zone of the Western Empire was all she knew. There she thieved and scavenged to survive. But Rebecca didn't want to survive, she wanted to thrive. And to thrive in the desert you must be formidable-- something she wasn't. But Rebecca swore to herself she one day would be. She will be invincible under the sun.

At age 11 Rebecca managed to kill her first wandering merchant--it was by pure luck he slipped and hit his head, landing him in a daze. The rest was a clean slice across the throat. That merchant carried with him a katana and a wakizashi.

At age 16 Rebecca scored a caravan, it had two old pistols and a makeshift leather cape and boots. That day Rebecca said goodbye to naked feet as she buried the merchant and his wife.

Age 19 Rebecca won a duel with a so-called, self-proclaimed, "hero." She took his (cowboy) hat. It fit her nicely. That day Rebecca decided to change her name as a form of empowerment. She was no longer the weak-willed and surviving Rebecca-- she was Karmilla Kerberos, and she was invincible under the sun.

It took her ten more years, at age 29, when Karmilla was a well-known arms dealer who travelled across battlefields, killing those who attempted to stop her, and aiding those willing to pay for her stolen and often illegal cargo.

Karmilla founded the Kerberos company, a one-woman arms trading, black market company. It earned her the nickname "The Peddler". These days she was strolling her rundown cart and horse through the human-fae war, killing and aiding both sides. She avoided confrontation, but we know the saying about a cornered animal. That's what she was. Karmilla, a savage in nature who was raised by nature.

Acquired Titles: Human, The Peddler, mundane human

Perks: Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements. (Acrobatics)

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 7

Points Spent: 112 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)

Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - E (10)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - E (9)

Wealth - F
(21 points)
Type: Ability!, Acquisition!
Pre-req: E Grade Character!
Note: Items of mithril or orichalcum type only get a single 7 point discount per purchase or upgrade.

While acquiring items and services at higher grades is possible with or without the skill, with the skill, the character no longer needs to spend points on such goods and services.

Character has achieved notable employment, skills, or other circumstances to better accrue money. At F grade wealth, F Grade items are perceived as easy purchases for the character that would hurt them little. They would still have money for certain bribes, paying hirelings, and other commercially available goods at F Grade or lower.

Steady Hands - F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!
Pre-req: E-grade Precision!
Note: Can only be used to perform actions of a grade equal or less than the skill

Character is good at keeping hands still even while the character may be running or performing other outrageous maneuvers. Allows for aiming or performing hand gestures for spells as well as simpler actions while on the move without taking penalties to action effectiveness.

Educated // (Peddler) - F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Growth!, Suite!
Pre-req: E-grade Character!
Note: This skill may only be taken once

Character has lived a life where they have first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis. Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Add those skills to your sheet and group them with some job or background title to show what life experience nurtured those skills for the character. Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match. Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.

Acrobatics - F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: E Grade Precision!

The character has the ability to perform feats of agility with minimal chance
for injury. Includes balancing, jumping, flipping, contorting, and reacting quickly.

Riding F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Utility!
Pre-req: E Grade Precision!
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

This is the knowledge of how to care for a riding beast, how to saddle, mount, and dismount the animal, how to get it to perform difficult or dangerous maneuvers safely. The higher the grade, the more powerful the mount can be.

Fighting Style [Hells Blade // Swords] - F (7 points)
Type: Offensive!, Narrator!
Pre-req: E-grade stats relevant to weapons, All weapons relevant to style
Note: When taking this skill, be sure to specify the weapon group of the style and give a brief description of how your style works.

The character has trained with specified weapons and received knowledge in its use. With each grade in Fighting Style, the character may earn a technique for a 7pt reduction. The techniques earned in this way must have different cores. Techniques may be combined as the character wishes to form abilities. Each technique may be upgraded like a skill may be upgraded individually but may not exceed the level of the Fighting Style. Techniques may be combined with others in the same fighting style. Techniques may not be combined with techniques from other styles. Ranged weapons require a range technique to make the effects of the fighting style extend to the range of the weapon. Additional Techniques may be purchased for a style at any time.

Fighting Style [Hells Barrel // Guns] - F (7 points)
Type: Offensive!, Narrator!
Pre-req: E-grade stats relevant to weapons, All weapons relevant to style
Note: When taking this skill, be sure to specify the weapon group of the style and give a brief description of how your style works.

The character has trained with specified weapons and received knowledge in its use. With each grade in Fighting Style, the character may earn a technique for a 7pt reduction. The techniques earned in this way must have different cores. Techniques may be combined as the character wishes to form abilities. Each technique may be upgraded like a skill may be upgraded individually but may not exceed the level of the Fighting Style. Techniques may be combined with others in the same fighting style. Techniques may not be combined with techniques from other styles. Ranged weapons require a range technique to make the effects of the fighting style extend to the range of the weapon. Additional Techniques may be purchased for a style at any time.

Helming [Cart] F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-reg: E Grade Precision! Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools The ability to safely operate land, air, and water vehicles, including boats, fantasy mecha, sky galleons, etc. The actual vehicle or type of vehicle must be specified when the skill is taken.

Secondary skills (gained by 'Educated')

Seduction - F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: E Grade Character!

A character with this Skill is adept at exploiting their sex appeal. Whether or not the target of this skill responds will depend on their own romantic inclinations and sexual preferences.

Persuasion - F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Domestic!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: E Grade Character!

The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions

Business - F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to organize, run, and understand part or all of a business organization (including governments and associations). This Skill is also useful for recruiting and retaining employees.

Double it
- [ Steady hands - F ], [ Fighting Style Hells Barrel - F ] - Even while mounted Karmilla retains steady aim, able to hit even the most difficult headshots, she uses both of her shells to down two enemies. - [ Ability grade - F ]
Effectiveness: (Precision E) + (Shotgun F) + Ability F = 4)

Seductive Gun Play - [Fighting Style Hells Barrel] [Seduction F] - With seductive movements and glances Karmilla aims to catch her opponent when distracted with a well-timed shot - F Grade.
Effectiveness: Precision E + Shotgun F + Ability F = 4)

Possessions (paid for by the wealth skill)
Blades (2) (katana)
Guns (2) (one double barrel shotgun, one close-range pistol)
Cart and horse (14pts)
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Zyn Erolam
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Gears
Post Frequency: Hopefully Daily, available twice a day on most days
Discord Name: Gears#3090
Current RP: TBD
Goals: Restore his Honor, Die fighting as the gods command
Equipped Titles: (TBD)
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 110 lb (Without the ever-present armor)

Backstory: Zyn's parents met during a major battle between their two peoples, two neighboring countries that were constantly at war, with his father, a high-ranking Brilans officer left on the battlefield wounded, and his mother, a mercenary tended to his wounds before they fell in love. The pair courted in secret in the family mansion where he was born. Word of the Scandal reached the king who ordered Zyn's parents' execution but eventually decided to spare his old friend, incarcerating him. As his wife bled out, protecting the infant Zyn. Zyn was presumed dead, but after his grandfather entered his son's broken abode, he found the silent child in his dead mother's embrace. His grandparents raised Zyn in the country to keep Zyn a secret, before allowing him to go to a nearby academy under the alias of a long-lost relative, where he made a few close friends. Zyn's family was a long line of soldiers, so once he was of age he began training to join the military, where he fought as a company's squad leader for five years before he was framed for the murder of his commanding officer, barely escaping with his grandfather's assistance, who had recruited a sorcerer to send him to a safe location to escape his peoples brutal punishments. Zyn worked as a mercenary for some time, before he was recruited for his first adventure, falling in love with a member of the party- an Elven Assasin, but at the end of the quest they broke it off. After he returned from the quest, Zyn worked for an elderly mage who gave Zyn a mysterious Scroll.
Current Life: Mercanary
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have.)

  • (F) Fighting Technique: Warlord of the Third Order- Path of Swords, (Penetration free)
  • Energized F
  • Superstrength F
  • Duration Reduction F
  • Athletics F
  • Barrier F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • (Energized F, Superstrengh, Duration Reduction F) As a half-blood Brilan officer, Zyn can manifest additional Energy, strength, and resilience after speaking a series of words, though he is weaker than full blood Brilans- Grade F, 0 post Cooldown.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Great Sword (Custom Made, Family Heirloom) (E)
  • Heavy Full-plate Armor (Britl- a unique ore from his homeland) (F)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll and Coarse Blanket
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Spyglass
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • None
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • 2/21/24 Fixed Stats
  • 2/26/24Attempted to fix build
  • 2/28/24 changed to "Anchor" Class
  • 2/28/24 fixed other issues
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Sir Edwin Stormcrest?
Rp'er Name: Maxxob
Post Frequency:
3 to 5 times per week.
Discord Name: Maxxob
Current RP: None
Goals: Find a noble worthy enough to swear his fealty to (while in turn showing that he himself is worthy of such an honor), climb the social ladder and bring his family name into the higher nobility. Finally, and more important of all, lead his life following the code of chivalry and honor - Changes due as a consequence of - Active - [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] The Wild Wapelin Woods
Become powerful and feared. Discarded the notions of chivalry and honor. Will change his sister's fate by brawn if necessary.
Equipped Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], [Power Potential], [Get Looped], [Dark Knight]
Height: 6’06” / 185 centimeters
Weight: 176lbs / 80 kilograms.
Backstory: Hailing from the Stormcrest family, an established minor house in Ryke, Edwin’s childhood was quite uneventful and with the ease that one would expect from the upper class. However, the notions of duty and ambition were drummed into his head since he could understand those very concepts. He was trained in combat using lances, proper noble etiquette and riding his destrier. Edwin is the only son of Edgar and Martha Stormcrest. He has a younger sister named Ivy.
Current Life: At the present, Edwin is a free knight, roaming the Protectorate of Ryke, looking to help those in need, regardless of social standing or race, while avoiding to not overstep the sovereignty of the local nobles. While doing so, Edwin is also hoping to build his own reputation and prestige for a chance to swear fealty to a just and honorable noble, one in which duty will not clash with his own chivalrous nature.
Acquired Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], [Power Potential], [Get Looped], [Dark Knight], [Knight in Black]
Points at Start: 105 +14 (from reduced stats)
Points Earned: 316
Points Spent: 387
Points Not Spent: 48
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Upgrades: 11/30
Strength - A (35)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - F (14)
Character Grade: D
Standing Grade: C
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Educated E (14) [Knighthood]
    • Riding E
    • Etiquette E
    • Leadership E
  • Languages
    • Common
    • Terran
  • Appraisal F (7)
  • Mount F [Horse] (7)
  • Noble C [Baronet] (28) Ryke
  • Fighting Style [Lance] C (Grade F acquired through Born For This) (21)
    • Technique Core - Blight [Lightning] F (Grade F acquired through Fighting Style F)
    • Technique Core - Continuing F (Grade F acquired through Fighting Style E)
    • Technique Core - Deflect F (Grade F acquired through Fighting Style D)
    • Technique Core - Aura D [Darkness (Necrotic)] (Grade F with Fighting Style C, 14)
    • Technique Core - Area D (21)
    • Technique Core - Selective D (21)
    • Technique Core - Incapacitating D (42)
  • Attentive Student C (28)
  • Lead By Example - Leadership F + Noble C [Baronet] - Grade C Cooldown 3 - Thinking that is only natural of someone in a position such as his, Edwin inspires others by his own example, trying to direct them towards a common goal, no matter how difficult or unlikely it may seem to achieve it.
  • The Stormcrest Name - Etiquette F + Noble C [Baronet] - Grade C Cooldown 3 - Shifted more towards characters who are political figures or nobles, Edwin shows his knowledge of the etiquette of the proper etiquette/forms of addressing, both to build rapport and bring his higher upbringing to the forefront.
  • Thunderous Lance Impale F - Fighting Style [Lance] F, Technique Core Blight [Lightning] F, Technique Core Continuing [Electrified] F - Grade F Cooldown 0 - Sir Edwin thrusts and impales his lance deeply into the target, delivering both lightning damage on contract, as well as electrifying them, further dealing more lightning damage. Can also be used on horseback.
  • Thunderous Lance Impale E - Fighting Style [Lance] E, Technique Core Blight [Lightning] F, Technique Core Continuing [Electrified] F - Grade E Cooldown 1 - Sir Edwin thrusts and impales his lance deeply into the target, delivering both lightning damage on contract, as well as electrifying them, further dealing more lightning damage. Can also be used on horseback.
  • [Power Potential] - Through one reason or another, the character has gained a great power with high potential within themselves. More attuned and perceptive types will likely notice this power and will respond accordingly depending on the nature of the power acquired.
  • [Get Looped] - This character has visited and discovered the lost, cursed village of Lupinvale
  • [Dark Knight] – A title reserved for only the edgiest black-armored knights.
  • [Knight in Black] – Character is a knight that's not like the others. His heart has been wrapped in pitch black darkness, twisted and tormented. May the edginess be upon Yee.
  • [Fates Chosen] - Aedrianna x Edwin - +1 Battle Effectiveness when teaming up with fated partner. Two souls entwined by fate, their connection forged in a dream of early spring. Together, their bond grants them strength in battle.
  • Lance 'Stormbringer' B (27) (7,7,7,3,3)
  • Armor [Heavy] D (21)
  • Shield of Brutality and Constancy B (Mythril-Enchanted) (45)
    • Slot 1 - Regeneration B [35] 5/5
      Slot 2 - Healing B [35] 5/5
      Slot 3 - Magic D, Magic Range E [35] 5/5
      Slot 4 - Bolster [STR] B [35] 5/5
      Slot 5 - Selective E, Duration E, Magic AoE F [35] 5/5
    • Shield Edwin1.png
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • [High Quality Scones] – Some well-made scones with clotted cream and jam. The freshest and best. Made by following a cat's secret recipe.
  • Asset Noble C [Baronet] (28) Ryke
  • Asset Mount F [Horse] (7)
Change Log:
  • Obtained 47 points from the RP - Finished - [Isekai Hell] From the City of Faiths to Seeking Thieves - 06/02/2024
  • Acquired Lance F -> D (14 pts), Vitality D -> C (7 pts), Heavy Armor F -> D (14 pts), Asset Noble D -> C (7 pts) - 07/14/2024
  • Updated Face Claim and goals - 08/07/2024
  • 10/13/2024
    • Asked refund on Wealth F, as the character doesn't meet its prerequisites after the system update, getting 21 pts back
    • Spend 14 pts on one grade of the lance and armor each, which had been previously bought with Wealth F
    • Upgraded Fighting Style from E to D (7 pts)
    • Acquired Deflect F from the free technique core of the Fighting Style D
  • 10/13/2024
    • Obtained 20 pts from Graded - [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] The Wild Wapelin Woods
    • Obtained title - [Power Potential] - Through one reason or another, the character has gained a great power with high potential within themselves. More attuned and perceptive types will likely notice this power and will respond accordingly depending on the nature of the power acquired.
  • 10/15/2024
    • Acquired Attentive Student F (7 pts)
    • Upgraded Strength C → B (7 pts)
    • Upgraded Lance 'Stormbringer' D -> B through marketplace transaction for 6 pts Post in thread 'Marketplace' Marketplace - Marketplace
  • 10/31/2024
  • 11/28/2024
  • 12/14/2024
    • Spend 45 pts on the marketplace trade - Marketplace - Marketplace
    • Obtained Shield of Brutality and Constancy B (Mythril) from trade above
    • Upgraded Speed from H→F (14)
  • 01/19/2025
  • 02/13/2025
    • Upgraded Precision E-> D (7)
    • Upgraded Educated F->E (7)
    • Upgraded Fighting Style D->C (7)
    • Acquired Aura [Darkness (Necrotic)] -> D (Grade F with Fighting Style C, 14)
    • Acquired Area D (21)
    • Acquired Selective D (21)
    • Total Expenditure: 77
  • 02/22/2025
    • Obtained 82 pts from RP - Graded - [Norroburry Village] High Altitude Kittens Part 2 – A Purrfect Quest.
    • Obtained title - [Knight in Black] – Character is a knight that's not like the others. His heart has been wrapped in pitch black darkness, twisted and tormented. May the edginess be upon Yee.
    • Obtained [High Quality Scones] – Some well-made scones with clotted cream and jam. The freshest and best. Made by following a cat's secret recipe.
    • Upgraded Attentive Student D → C
    • Acquired Incapacitating D (42)
  • 03/02/2025
  • 03/09/2025
    • Edited lance costs for better reading, from 21 to 27, noting upgrade costs (it was partially upgrade in the marketplace)
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Theme: TBD
Rp'er Name: Gears
Post Frequency: At least Daily
Discord Name: Gears#3090
Current RP: TBD
Goals: Get into shenanigan's.
Equipped Titles: Construct[/B
Height: Variable, 5' 2" or 6'
Weight: Variable, 120 Lbs max
Backstory: Sar was created by a dark wizard, before she was discarded due to her (Mostly) good nature. After wandering for some time, Sar learned to speak after observing a human village, recreating a home in the cave she lived in, before a horde of goblins attacked, where she came to the rescue, only to be confused as a monster and attacked by the townspeople.
Current Life: Sar works as a mercenary to pay for her small home and purchase food, and water, the only material she needs to survive.
Acquired Titles: (all titles the character has including the ones equipped and not equipped)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength E 7pts
Vitality B 28pts
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
    • Elasticity C
    • Vitality B
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
    • Stretchy - Elasticity B - character stretches or squishes body by a factor of 2 - grade B - 4 post cooldown.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
    • Giant axe F
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

    • Cave
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
    • None so far
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Whizziemin the Greatest
Theme: To be added.
Rp'er Name: Sona Radar
Post Frequency:
When I please (often enough)
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Become great and powerful, see and make friends with some big and cool monsters, make sure everyone knows how great and powerful and awesome Whizziemin the Greatest is. Also toy with and meet some silly little people to mess with. He's very into fashion and appearances also, and is a little intrigued by Second Continent food and things.
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus
Height: 4'1"
Weight: 90lbs
Backstory: Whizziemin would rather not talk about this, it was a dark time.
Current Life: Whizziemin is the middle brother within a group of brothers, currently choosing to follow and work alongside Neramo, the future Demon King, in order to grow more powerful while toiling and messing around with his own interests.
Acquired Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus, One with Lymantraius Rex
Points at Start: 105 (Scooping Au-Gh, +38 points gained post-creation)
Points Earned: 96
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 61
Character - E (1/5)
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - E
  • Cosmetic Features: Pointy Ears, Demon Wings
  • Languages: Common, Monster
  • Educated (F)(Incubus): Seduction, Persuasion, Deception
    (Incubus' are a subtype of demon more known for their magical capabilities rather than physical abilities and attributes, specifically of the male variety. They are infamously recognised for their enjoyment in messing with people and finding entertainment out of their feelings and emotions.)
  • Appraisal (E)(Free from Otherworlder)
  • Magic (D)
  • Magic Range (F)
  • Healing (D)
  • Fast (F)
  • Good Touch - Magic (F), Healing (F) - Give a gentle healing touch to help soothe and heal pains - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Dose of Love - Magic (D), Healing (D), Magic Range (F) - Grant magical healing from a safe range to help soothe and heal injury- Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Manaflicker - Magic (D), Magic Range (F) - Fires a bolt of magical energy created by mana to use as an offensive or ranged projectile - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Incubus' Silver Tongue - Seduction (F), Persuasion (F), Deception (F) - Use wording and charms to win over the attention and affection of others while convincing them to assist in his own matters and what he asks or says to them, even to convince them to believe his lies and tricks - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Natural Weapons (F)
  • Choker Catalyst (D)
Change Log:
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Eolan "Eo" Gears- Eddie Gears (Earth Name)

Rp'er Name: Gears
Post Frequency: Hopefully Daily
Discord Name: Gears#3090
Current RP: TBD
Goals: Escape back to Earth
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 5' 7"
187 lbs
Backstory: Eddie was a gifted engineering student on earth, before he was hit by a drunk driver. Eddie was reborn within a family of farmers, named Eo and living a normal life, before attracting the attention of The League of Artificers and was allowed to enter the academy, where he used his old world abilities to impress his mentors. Eo soon became an alchemist and healer.
Current Life: Eo is a vagabond, searching for a way to escape to Earth.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start:
Points Earned:
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Utility: B
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Simple Brewing (C): Utility B: Eo will brew a minor potion, with varying effects, ingredients, and instructions.
  • Eo's Enhancement Brew: Speed D, Vitality A: Eddie Brews a simple and almost instant potion that allows him to have enhanced speed and resilience for a short period, depending on the dosage but the potion has several drawbacks: An addictive effect, the ingredients driving Eddie insane, and requiring his blood.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Hybrid Rifle (B)- folds in half to save space, and fit into a pack. has hybrid sights, a long-ranged scope that can be detached.
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Base Chemicals
    Each vial contains a mixture of Base Chemicals marked by a rune, each able to be used to create a wide variety of potions, if specific ingredients are added.
  • Potion Supplies/Ingredient
  • Cauldron
  • Rations
  • Scholarship under Alchemists and Artificers Academy
  • Scholars Quarters at AAA
Change Log:
  • Made Character
  • 3/1:Re-evaluated and adjusted points
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Ordella Caerwyn: The Undertaker

Theme: Silent Hill 2 OST- Promise
Rp'er Name: Gwen Temi
Post Frequency: Twice a week
Discord Name: Uma Sayalami#7724
Current RP: N/A
Goals: 1) Ease the unrest of the dead, dying, undead and mourning left behind by the war. 3) Learn about the war and how to influence it. 3) Bring about an end to the war; one way or another. 4) Find peace of mind despite the encroaching war.
Equipped Titles: Mundane Human. Undertaker.
Height: (6'4”/ 1.9m)
Weight: (152 lbs)
Character Rank: E
Backstory: There was a child born amidst burning sands, drought and war who had no name. Only a number. Cogs in the war machine didn’t need names. For fourteen years, she fought and struggled and fought until she died unceremoniously to a carpet bombing; never knowing who killed her or what exactly she was fighting for.
Current Life: Ordella Caerwyn was the first name she’d ever had. And her life within this new world was the first taste of peace she’d ever had. For the first time, she grew to know love, acceptance and peace. Soul-mending peace. Perhaps it was a consequence of her experiences in her past life. Perhaps it was simply her nature. But, even in this life, Ordella was naturally drawn to death. Only this time, she was motivated by love.

She learned quickly from the Undertakers at the church. Much like a knife or a hand, the art of necromancy could be used to bring peace and ease to the people just as easily as it could terrorize. To some, death came easy. The elders who had lived their lives to the fullest passed gracefully and had no need for Undertakers such as herself.

But for those who died brutally, unexpectedly, and young? Ordella brought peace to their souls. For the phantoms and risen flesh that come to seek vengeance? Ordella brought them rest. And for those who wept over their losses? Ordella brought compassion and closure. This was the way of her new life, until war followed her to her new life.

Three devils made themselves known to the world. The Eastern Empire. The Fae See. And, worst of all, the goddamned bugs. Wise men could give their speeches and justify the actions of all three. Ordella wouldn’t argue or try to pretend that they were wrong. None of it really mattered to her. Be it through the death of the empire, the fae, or the bugs, all that The Undertaker yearned for was an end to the carnage. For peace to return to the dead. For her haunting memories to stop invading the church grounds upon which she had finally found purpose and happiness.

But yearning for change at home would accomplish nothing. It would teach her nothing. It would provide her with no direction. One night, The Undertaker’s lament brought about by her actions became unbearable. The fear that the war would touch her home became undeniable.

One night, The Undertaker began her pilgrimage.
Acquired Titles: Mundane Human. Otherworlder. Born for This. Undertaker.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 82
Points Spent: 182
Points Not Spent: 5
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - B (28)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - F
  • Magic E 14
  • Energized E 14
  • Born For This: Spirit Affinity F 0
  • Attentive Student E 14
  • Magic Range F 7
  • Healing E 14
  • Vorpal F 14
  • Raise Dead F 21
  • Sixth Sense (Souls/Magic) E 14
  • Magic Duration- F 7
  • Appraisal E 0
  • Focus F 7
  • Educated F [Undertaker] 7
    • Empathy F
    • Insight F
    • Persuasion F
  • Cheshire’s Fury- Magic E, Energized E, Spirit Affinity F, Vorpal F, Magic Range F- Ordella channels the spirit of her long deceased cat, Cheshire, into the smoke produced from the inextinguishable flame within her lantern. As spirit melds with smoke, an effigial phantom in the form of a giant sut-black panther materializes and sprints upon the air as though it were earth. Sometimes in whole. Sometimes only portions of its body materialize. The phantom can travel up to 30 feet away from Ordella to claw at a target before dissipating back into her lantern.- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Respite- Magic E, Magic Range F, Healing E, Energized E- Ordella can channel a death-warding spell into the smoke produced by her lantern to heal either herself or those around her. The smoke can travel up to 30 feet away from her to bring respite to her allies- Range 30ft- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Soul Reading- Sixth Sense F, Appraisal E, Empathy F, Insight F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Energized E- Ordella can perceive and analyze souls. Not only can she learn general information about their abilities and physical nature, but she can also discern things like hidden emotions, cases of possession, whether or not an entity has a soul to begin with, and whether or not the entity is undead in the odd case that it isn't immediately obvious. Additionally, she can rely on her Sixth Sense to detect entities that would otherwise go unnoticed by mundane senses by locking onto their very souls.- Range 30 ft- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Seance- Magic E, Raise Dead F, Magic Duration F, Magic Range F, Appraisal F, Sixth Sense F, Empathy F, Insight F, Persuasion F, Energized E- When near or in possession of a corpse, Ordella can channel the soul of the deceased individual into the smoke of her lantern to commune with them. In effect, she can give the deceased a voice with which to speak to her and those near her. Through her years working as an Undertaker, Ordella has become quite skilled in reading the undead and convincing them to cooperate with her and her allies. She can perform a seance for an hour without needing to take a break.- Range 30ft- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Raise Dead- Magic E, Raise Dead F, Magic Duration F, Magic Range F, Energized E- Ordella can send her lanter’s smoke into a corpse’s motionless lungs; breathing life into it for an hour to either fight for her, assist with manual labor, or otherwise act as another body to assist her. The reanimated corpse has to be controlled by the sound of Ordella’s voice.- Range 30ft- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • The Cheshire Lantern [Magic Catalyst E](14): A lantern containing the soul of Ordella’s long deceased pet cat, Cheshire. Built sturdy to keep her faithful companion by her side until her body, too, begins to fail.
  • Backpack
  • Rations
  • Camping supplies
  • N/A.
Change Log:
-82 points gained from scooping Naomi Plumfoot.
-Born for this: 7 point refund added to points earned upon creation.
-8/17/2024 Scooped for Helena Rugerd. 41 points sent to Helena Rugerd.
Last edited:



"Like, flame on dude."

Rp'er Name:

Post Frequency:
Whenever Possible. [Usually at least once a Week]

Discord Name:

Current RP:
"Welcome to Ignis Volcano!"

- Upgrade suit to its maximum capabilities.
- Gather all the elemental Niji Amulets. = 1/4
- Meet other fire spirits/elementals to master and control their powers.
- Meet with the Spirit King to know more about themself and allow them to unlock their full potential.
- Protect and help Seraphina.

Equipped Titles:
[Fae], [Fire Elemental "Non-Monster"], [Ryke Adventurer's Guild E], [See of Chaeron Adventurer F]



5'9" (Default)
6'5" (OVEN Suit)

134 Lbs (by themselves)
456 Lbs (in OVEN Suit)

- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
Common, {Sylvan}


When they open their eyes, they found themselves within a literal inferno. Fire burned all around them, a blazing crimson-orange that encapsulated everywhere they looked. High-pitched screeches wailed from one ear to another and all at once, ringing in her ears like hellfire banshees. If they were in the fiery pits of hell, this would be it; the place where they'll spend the rest of entirety encapsulating for their sins. Yet among the vast fiery torment, they would realize... they didn't feel any of this. In fact, while they were conscious, they felt themselves being both everywhere and anywhere all at once. It was as if they no longer had a corporeal body.

Then, suddenly, they'd feel a pull tugging at them; a vortex sucking them towards a single direction. Resisting at first, they then decided to let themselves go with the flow, seeing where they'd end up. Was it to another level in Hell? Were they being lifted into Heaven? Before they knew it, they'd emerge from a blazing furnace and out into a completely new world. They would find themselves inside a workshop, filled with various gadgets, machinery, and other unique items that, for all intents and purposes, ought to be magic. And entering the room, was its owner; in the form of one Nicholi Fraust, an artificer who'd just recently graduated from an apprenticeship. What he saw was a Fire Elemental having somehow manifested in the middle of his workshop, representing a slender figure of androgynous nature.

The heat radiating in the room was intense, as if being inside an oven. And it was growing rapidly. Worst yet, their entrance unintentionally caused one of the tables to catch fire, risking to burn away at various important research papers! Fraust was already panicking hard at these sudden turn of events, but had thankfully the right tools to ensure the room stayed cool enough to prevent his establishment from burning down. He watched as they began to profusely apologize, before noticing their form began to flicker and sputter; quickly ushering them back into the furnace. Awkward tensions were already high, but the young artificer took a keen fascination with the fire elemental. They certainly weren't like the monsters he had seen and heard about... it was sentient. And as to why it manifested in his own furnace was a mystery none could solve.

The two began to talk to one another, telling of their experiences and life stories... though our fire elemental couldn't quite remember much of their past. All they remembered was being 'born' in the inferno and the events that had since transpired. They couldn't even remember their name... in which Fraust gave them the name "Flare"; one that they gladly accepted. And from the looks of it, Flare was currently tied to the furnace; as without a proper container and fuel source, they could only last for up to a few minutes outside before risking to just evaporate. And yet, on the flip-side, its very presence outside was enough to risk scorching everything in its general vicinity! Fraust wasn't going to just leave Flare confined to a furnace for the rest of their lives... it was too cruel! He needed a plan, a way to help them control their powers and as a means to travel around in safety.

And so, Fraust began work on a new invention. Getting connections with various metalworkers, blacksmiths, and mages, he eventually was able to craft a large armored suit that both could house Flare's fiery form and as a means to put her powers to good use. For the next few long months he'd work nonstop in building and testing it, before finally completing what he'd call the "FURNACE Suit". Flare was ecstatic over it, but insisted it be called the "OVEN" instead, claiming it rolled off the tongue a lot better despite Fraust's protest in the latter name sounding cooler. Regardless, despite a few hiccups, Flare would find themselves fully embracing to their suit, feeling the joy of finally regaining the freedom to travel around wherever they pleased.

For the next few weeks, Flare proceeded to test the suit out with Fraust's supervision; slowly getting used to the OVEN's capabilities and her own powers. Fraust would even take them in the suit out around the town they were in. In addition, Flare even began gaining further resistance to being separated from their heat source, enough to last up to an hour on her own before needing to return. And not only that, she'd even unlock the ability to toggle her flammable aura on command; allowing her to step foot without immediately combusting everything in their wake. They weren't perfect yet, granted, but it was a start.

With all these newfound abilities and the confidence given by her maker, Flare felt like they were ready to take on the world! They wanted to explore this new world, go on adventures, and do so many cool things. They wanted to live life to the fullest!

Fraust was hesitant to let them go on their own, especially given they had only a few weeks worth of testing since the suit's completion. While he highly recommended they stay for a bit longer, he could tell they were getting antsy. He knew they couldn't keep them here forever. And besides, Flare wasn't cutting ties with him. They understood that they'd need to return here anyways for any further upgrades, repairs, or whatnot. And most importantly, they enjoyed Fraust's company just as much as he did.

Thanking him for all he's done thus far, Flare would pack up their things and set out with a new lease on life, with adventures to do, quests to be done, and carve their own mark on the world.

Acquired Titles:
| [Fae] | [Fire Elemental "Non-Monster"] | [Ryke Adventurer's Guild E] | [Ryken Adventurer F] | [See of Chaeron Adventurer F] | [Fates Chosen] |

[Fire Elemental "Non-Monster"]
- Flare was born into Isekai Hell as a sentient "Fire Elemental". While their skin is made purely out of fire and superheated plasma like those of their monstrous kin, they retain the sentience and personality from their past life.

[Ryken Adventurer F] - Character is an adventurer of the Ryken adventurer guild; known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable.

[See of Chaeron Adventurer F] - Character is a member of the Fae See adventurers guild. Still an initiate, there's much room for growth.

[Fates Chosen]"[Feb25 Com Event] Flare x Gunhild" – +1 Battle Effectiveness when teaming up with fated partner (Gunhild).

Points at Start:

Points Earned:

Points Spent:

Points Not Spent:

Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - D
Speed - E

  • Fiery Aura [Feature: Cosmetic]
  • Elemental [Fire] Affinity D
  • Aura [Flame] E
  • [Fire] Blight E
  • Fire Resistance F
  • Control Environment E
  • Magic D
  • Range E
  • Targets E
  • Continuing E
  • AOE E
  • Selective [Magic] E
  • Energized E
  • Barrier F
  • Healing F
  • Empathy F [Born for This]
  • Dark Vision F
  • Intimidation F
  • Super Strength F

  • Flame Touch F - [Magic F, Fire Affinity F, Fire Blight F, Continuing F, Selective F, Energized F] - +0 Cooldown - Flare can set objects on fire by touching them with their hands.
  • Flame Punch F - [Magic F, Fire Affinity F, Fire Blight F, Continuing F, Selective F, Energized F] - +0 Cooldown - Flare punches an opponent with a flame-imbued fist.
  • Searing Pulse F - [Magic F, Fire Affinity F, Fire Blight F, Aura [Flame] F, AOE F, Range F, Targets F, Continuing F, Selective F, Energized F] - +0 Cooldown - Flare produces a pulse of intense burst of heat within a 15 foot radius, hitting up to 5 targets up to 30 feet away. Applies both when Flare is in and out of the OVEN suit.
  • Soothing Flame F - [Magic F, Fire Affinity F, Healing F, Energized F] - +0 Cooldown - Flare touches someone with their hand to release a warm heat to soothe them of their ailments of injuries. Currently helps heal basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses, small cuts and superficial wounds.
  • Fireball E - [Magic E, Fire Affinity E, Range E, Targets E, Continuing E, Fire Blight F, Selective E, Energized E] - +1 0 Cooldown - Flare can lob a fireball from their hands up to 100 feet away towards a single target of their choice; causes splash damage of up to nine additional targets (10 total).
  • Flamethrower E - [Magic E, Fire Affinity E, Range E, Targets E, Continuing E, Fire Blight F, Selective E, Energized E] - +1 0 Cooldown - Flare fires a ray of fire from the OVEN suit's helmet, allowing them to hit up to 10 targets of their choice, up to 100 feet away.
  • Scorching Ring E - [Magic E, Fire Affinity E, Fire Blight F, Continuing E, AOE F, Selective E, Energized E] - +1 0 Cooldown - Flare produces a ring of flame around her and anyone within a 15 foot radius when in the OVEN suit. Deals fire damage to opponents.
  • HeartBurn D - [Magic D, Fire Affinity D, Range E, Targets E, Continuing E, Fire Blight F, Aura [Flame] F, Selective E] - +2 Cooldown - Flare can open their OVEN suit's chest cavity to unleash a powerful overcharged burst of flame up to 100 feet away in front of them and hitting up to 10 targets. Anyone in the blast wave within 100 feet from when they activate this ability will risk getting set ablaze due to the intense heat. Typically used as a last resort, as it takes up a considerable amount of energy. Takes 2 out of 3 actions.

  • FURNACE "OVEN" Suit [Heavy Armor + Catalyst] D - The FURNACE - or belovingly referred by Flare as the "OVEN" - is a special suit of heavy armor specifically to house Flare's fiery form. Constructed out of a high-heat resistant metal, it keeps Flare's fiery form safely sealed against hostile conditions outside and allows them to channel their fire powers into powerful attacks.
  • [Niji Water Amulet E] - Grants the user (Element [Water] Affinity E Grade) to Flare.
  • -
  • -
  • N/A
  • -
  • -

  • Accepted: 03/18/2024
  • 04/06: - Abilities Added; [Fireball E] and [Flame Touch F]
  • 05/28: - Gained 7 Pts from [May 2024 Event Participation Award]
    • Purchased [Selective Magic F]
  • 07/18: - Gained 84 Pts from "Never too Young to be a Goblin Slayer"
    • Gained [Ryken Adventurer F] - Character is an adventurer of the Ryken adventurer guild; known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water. Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable.
    • Skills Updated:
      • Strength F ---> E
      • Precision F ---> E
      • Speed F ---> E
      • Elemental [Fire] Affinity F --> E
      • Magic Range F ---> E
      • Magic Targets F ---> E
      • Continuing F ---> E
    • Skills Purchased:
      • Control Environment F
      • Aura [Flame] F
      • [Fire] Blight F
      • Energized F
      • Dark Vision F
  • 09/21:- Updated Existing Abilities.
    • Abilities Added: [Flame Punch F], [Searing Pulse F], [Scorching Ring E], and [HeartBurn E].
    • Sections Added: Class, Perks, Downtime and Languages
    • Languages: Common, {Sylvan}
  • 10/29: Gained 63 Pts from "Those Damned Bandits! (PT 1)"
    • Skills Updated:
    • [Fire] Blight F ---> E (7)
    • Magic E ---> D (7)
    • Energized F ---> E (7)
    • FURNACE "OVEN" Suit [Heavy Armor + Catalyst] E ---> D (14)
    • Skills Purchased:
    • Barrier F (14)
    • Super Strength F (14)
  • 10/30: - Exchanged the following abilities:
    • Magic D ---> E (+7) = in exchange for = Strength E ---> D (7)
  • 10/31: - Gained 10 Pts + Optional Title: [Ryke Adventurer's Guild F] = [Ryken Adventurer F]---> E = from "Those Damned Bandits! (PT 2)"
    • Skills Updated:
    • Selective [Magic] F ---> E
  • 12/21:- Added Energized E to all E-Grade Abilities.
    • Skills Updated with [Energized E]
    • Fireball E
    • Flamethrower E
    • Scorching Ring E
    • HeartBurn E
  • 01/05/2025: - Gained 47 Points + Optional Title: [See of Chaeron Adventurer F] from "One Last Push"
    • -Skills Updated:
    • Elemental [Fire] Affinity E ---> (D)
    • Aura [Flame] F ---> (E)
    • Control Environment F ---> E
    • Magic E ---> (D)
    • AOE F ---> (E)
    • Skills Purchased:
    • Healing F (7)
    • Intimidation F (7)
    • Abilities Added:
    • Soothing Flame F
  • 01/14/2025 - Updated Abilities
    • HeartBurn E --> D
  • 03/01 - From "✿·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥♡·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥❀ Feb25 Com Event ❀˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥♡·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥✿" gained Title: [Fates Chosen]
  • 03/20 - From "Puppet on the Run" gained optional Item: [Niji Water Amulet E]
    • Earned and Spent 14pts for above.
  • -
  • -
Last edited:

Rp'er Name: Spoiled Bread
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: Spoiled Bread
Current RP: -
  • Learn more alchemy
  • Get rid of her anxiety
  • Enrolled into a proper magic school
  • Get lots of money, legally
Equipped Titles:
  • Human
  • Mundane
  • Apprentice Alchemist
  • Adept Artificer
  • Ryken Adventurer F
  • Ethereal Luminary Student E
  • Alchemical Seminary Student F
  • Magno Sapiente Victori - Magister F
  • Teachable
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 42 kg
Class: Caster
Backstory: Formerly a shut in college dropout. The academic pressure from her parents and the bullying she received gave her severe social anxiety. After several online chats she ends up visiting a deserted island along with some strangers from an internet forum. There, they all met their stupid end together.
Current Life: She was reborn in a very ordinary family. Her father is a guard and her mother is a shepherd. Then there's Aqua, their only child that exhibits extraordinary thinking capabilities and knowledge from the moment she was born. Yet despite all that she would likely ends up as a shepherd like her mother if her mentor didn't find her.

Her mentor was an old alchemist who found a seven years old talking about chemical reaction fascinating. Under his tutelage she was taught the foundation of alchemy and its practical application through mundane and magical means. Now that he's too old to be walking around anymore, he wants Aqua to continue her study at a more proper place.
  • Human
  • Mundane
  • Apprentice Alchemist: This character has learned the basic of alchemy and still learning more about it
  • Adept Artificer
  • Ryken Adventurer F
  • Ethereal Luminary Student E
  • Alchemical Seminary Student F
  • Teachable: Character has shown that they are receptive to instruction, there is hope for them after all
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 249
Points Spent: 350
Points Not Spent: 4
Down Time : Increase rank for Ethereal Luminary Student
Strength - F
Precision - A
Intelligence - C
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Point Used for upgrade: 70
Character Grade: D
  • Magic D [21 pts]
    • Magic Augmenter : Range F [7 pts]
    • Magic Augmenter : Area of Effect F [7 pts]
    • Magic Augmenter : Duration F [7 pts]
    • Magic Augmenter : Target F [7 pts]
    • Magic Augmenter : Selective F [7 pts]
    • Water Element Affinity F [7 pts]
    • Ice Element Affinity F [7 pts]
  • Magic School : Alchemical Seminary F [7 pts]
    • Vorpal F [14 pts]
    • Non-lethal F [7 pts]
    • Indirect F [7 pts]
    • Blight (Acid) F [7 pts]
    • Incurable F [7 pts]
  • Transmutation F [28 pts, born for this bonus]
  • Appraisal D [0 pts, isekai bonus]
  • Artisan - Artificer B [35 pts]
  • Energized E [14 pts]
  • Healing D [21 pts]
  • Educated E - Alchemy Apprentice - Character had learned the way to become an alchemist [14 pts]
    • Alchemy
    • Focus
    • Medicine
  • Empathy F [7 pts]
  • Domestic Arts F [7 pts]
  • Attentive Student D [21 pts]
  • Language [0 pts, basic]
    • Common
    • Japanese
  • Mana Slash - Magic F, Focus F, Energized F - Conjure a blade of pure mana at the tip of her staff to attack enemy with - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Mana Strike - Magic E, Magic Range F, Focus F, Energized F - Shoot a bolt of pure mana at a target 30 feet away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Water Blast - Magic E, Magic Range F, Water Affinity F, Focus F, Energized F - Shoot a bolt of water at a target 30 feet away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Icicle Shot - Magic E, Magic Range F, Ice Affinity F, Focus F, Energized F - Shoot a sharp icicle at a target 30 feet away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Bleaching - Magic E, Transmutation F, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F, Alchemy F, Focus F, Energized F - A non-living target within 30 feet away transformed into a pile of salt of equal weight for up to 1 hour. Can be used against an object that is 5 cubic feet at most - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Rinse - Magic E, Water Affinity F, Transmutation F, Magic Range F, Magic Area F, Spell Duration F, Alchemy F, Focus F, Energized F - Conjure a 15 ft water blob up to 30 ft away that transform all non-living target caught it in into a pile of salt of equal weight for up to 1 hour - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Salt God's Pebble of Smiting - Magic E, Transmutation F, Magic Range F, Magic Area F, Vorpal F, Alchemy F, Focus F, Energized F - Transmute a small block of salt from the air and then launch it towards a target up to 30 feet away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Catalyst B [0 pts, artisan bonus] - Ars Nova, a wooden staff with crooked tip that clamps a silver orb. The orb changes its color according to the element its wielder is trying to cast. Aqua made it herself and considers it her masterpiece, she is very attached to the staff.
  • Catalyst B [0 pts, artisan bonus] - Salt Stick, a simple wooden wand that is somehow always taste salty. Aqua's first successful creation, nowadays mostly becoming a backup for places where Ars Nova becomes too big to use properly.
  • Catalyst B [0 pts, artisan bonus] - Aquamarine, a pendant with a turquoise gemstone embedded on it.
  • Rune Sword B [0 pts, artisan bonus]
  • Heavy Armor B x2 [0 pts, artisan bonus] - Protective Charm in the form of a white ring with sigils carved on it, can conjure magic shield to block attack when used
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Water Containers
  • Artificer Kit
Change Log:

  • Obtain Elixir of the Verdant Patron from Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace:
    • Brewed by a reclusive order of druidic alchemists, the Elixir of the Verdant Patron is said to capture the essence of the leprechaun's magic, distilled from the rarest clovers found only in enchanted groves. It is a coveted treasure, sought after by adventurers for the edge it provides and the sense of unity it fosters among comrades.

      Elixir may be drank once to gain one of the following benefits for a non Worlds type rp scene:
      1. Aura of Celebration - gain a narrative boost in being memorable and well received in a social gatherings
      2. Bond of Fellowship - gain a narrative boost in boosting ally morale
      3. Luck - gain a narrative boost in taking on a non combat challenge
  • From May 2024 Community Event Marketplace - Marketplace
    • Gain 7 pts
    • Purchase Water Affinity F [7 pts]
  • From Marketplace - Marketplace
    • Gain 7 pts
    • Purchase Magic Area F [7 pts]
  • From Finished - [Frontier] (Highgrove/Caelia Barony) Never too Young to be a Goblin Slayer
    • Obtain title 'Ryken Adventurer' F
    • Gain 41 pts
    • Purchase Attentive Student E [14 pts]
    • Purchase Spell Duration F [7 pts]
    • Increase precision D -> C [7 pts]
    • Upgrade Artisan - Artificer E -> D [7 pts]
  • From Finished - [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!
    • Gain 50 pts
    • Gain title Ethereal Luminary Student F
  • From Community - ︶꒦꒷Oct2024 Haunted Festival꒷꒦︶ 31/10/2024
    • Gain 7 pts
    • Buy Selective Magic F [7 pts]
    • Buy Indirect Affinity F [7 pts]
    • Buy Non-lethal Affinity F [7 pts]
    • Buy Empathy F [7 pts]
    • Buy Domestic Arts F [7 pts]
    • Upgrade Magic E -> D [7 pts]
  • From Graded - [Aslan City] Salting The Sea (1x1) 01/11/2024
    • Gain 46 pts
    • Obtain title [Teachable]
  • 09/11/2024
    • Buy Magic School F [7 pts]
    • Buy Vorpal F [14 pts]
    • Buy Blight (Acid) F [7 pts]
    • Buy Incurable F [7 pts]
    • Buy Ice affinity F [7 pts]
    • Buy Energized F [7 pts]
  • 21/12/2024
    • Creates Heavy Armor D x2 with Artificer D
  • 20/01/2025 from Graded - [Aslan City] The Ethereal Luminary Entrance Exam Arc Part II
    • Ethereal Luminary Student F -> E
    • Gain 32 pts
    • Buy Healing D [21 pts]
    • Buy Magic Target F [7 pts]
  • 20/01/2025 from Marketplace - Marketplace
    • Gain 6 pts
    • Upgrade Vitality F -> D [14 pts]
  • 02/02/2025 from Community - [January 2025] Future's Writing Event
    • Gain 7 pts
    • Upgrade Attentive Students E -> D [7 pts]
  • 10/02/2025
    • Add Downtime
  • 14/02/2025 from Graded - [Ryken - Ryke] Rise of the Magno Sapiente Victori
    • Gain 46 pts
    • Gain Title Sapiente Magno Victori - Magister F
  • 04/03/2025
    • Upgrade Precision C -> A [14 pts]
    • Upgrade Artisan - Artificer D -> B [14 pts]
    • Upgrade Educated F -> E [7 pts]
    • Upgrade Energized F -> E [7 pts]
    • Creates Rune Sword B with Artificer B
    • Equipments upgraded accordingly
Last edited:
Rp'er Name: DarkKitsune
Post Frequency:
once every 48-72 hours
Discord Name:
Current RP: [Isekai hell] Vipers Honor, shadowed bonds
To create a 'family' with constructs made from the dead.
become a ruler over a portion of the 2nd continent
Research everything and anything he could potentially take advantage of.
anyone or anything that get's in his way will be dealt with accordingly.

Equipped Titles: [Human], [Wanted by:detective Laiod], [Murderer F]m [Abuser F]
[Human] -Members of the human tree are the most numerous in the world. A very versatile and diverse set of races in the world.
[wanted by:Detective Laiod] -Cashback: Gain 28pts in points earned immediately. Gain permanent, mandatory title: [Wanted by ???] State what person or group is after you. Narrator can decide to leverage the title whenever they wish to have opposition to you to appear flavored by whatever 'Wants' you.
[Murderer F] - character has slain non-criminals and/or non-monsters. Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
[Abuser F] -character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
Height: 5"6
Weight: 125lbs
Naori in his past life was a boy named Jason. Jason's mother was a chemist. From ages 1-4, Jason was kept homeschooled and remained stuck inside the house. One day, his mom found him with a dead rabbit and blood all over his hands. From that moment, she believed her son to be a psychopath. He was kept out of social experiences and remained locked in his room for twelve more years. With nothing to rely on but what was learned in books. By the age of 16, he had mixed bleach, vinegar and water into a glass of tea, but when he gave it to his mother, he accidentally drank his own poison...
Current Life:
Naori did have existing memories of his past life. But those memories were vague to the point of being easily laughable. Naori had grown up in a small village in the outskirts of Eastern Empire territory, he lived inside of an orphanage where he would learn the concept of 'family' quite an idea he grew fond of. He was close to his 'siblings' in a way as well, though he was never quite sure how he made it to this world as a small baby after the mixup. He took his new name and enjoyed his new life although still quite mentally ill he hide his lack of empathy and sympathy behind a deceitful face. When he learned about constructs..well that was when he devloped a interesf in the area of tinker work. He also theorized that if the field can bring alive a artificial life force then may-haps it's the answer of bringing back the dead without magic, he would sneak out and kill animals in the night and use what his current skills in the craft to turn them into a corpse while preserving the body though there was little evidence for his theory he chopped it up to...his skills not being far along for something such as that, however at 14 his orphanage would be attacked he was one of the few survivors. He dug up the corpses of his dead 'siblings' or well the ones that weren't cremated and attempted to turn them into constructs, failing over and over again. Eventually however the 'grave robbing' would be discovered and a few weeks later he was the main suspect of Detective Laiod forcing himself to flee the village unaware of the fact he's actively being followed...
Acquired Titles: [Human], [wanted by: Detective Laiod], [Murderer E, [Abuser E] , [Thief F]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 160 [28 from Cash Back] [+55 Scooping Solaris]
Points Spent:259
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - C
Precision - D
Intelligence - C
Vitality - B
Speed - F
Character grade - E
Educated [Navigation [F],deception[F], Survival [F]] [F] [Runaway]
Gear [F] [map of second continent]
Magic [E]
Magic duration [F]
Steady hands [E]
Affinity [Water] [F]
Artisan [Tinkerer] [F]
Medicine [E]
Appraisal [E]
Languages [Terran], [common] ]
Fighting style -Faux Innocence- [D] - Aura [F] [Bloodlust] - Blight [Poison] [F],Incurable [F]- Naori stabs his victims with a posion laced blade, radiating the feeling of blood thirst.
alternate identity [C]
engineering [F]
Gear F [Engineer’s toolkit]
IMG_0906.png Titles: Human, Native
Backstory: William is a lost orphan who originates from the Eastern Empire
Grade: F

IMG_1478.png Titles: human, native
Backstory: a traveler aiming to join the adventurers guild
Grade: E

IMG_1480.png Titles: Human, Native
Backstory: a healer in training who travelers to learn more about medicine
Grade: D

Titles: human, native
Backstory: an everyday traveler that claims to have worked for the adventurers guild
Grade: C
Teenager's Autopsy report- Appraisal [E], Medicine [E], Magic [F], Steady hands [E],- Naori Diagnoses a person- living or dead- to find out or diagnose injuries and afflictions relevant to the current level of Appraisal and Medicine on one target within a 5ft range. [E] Grade - 1 post cool down
Slice 'N Splash - Magic [F], Steady hands [E], Affinity [Water] [F],- Naori slashes his dagger in a crescent shape sending out a sharp splash of water in the immediate area. [E] Grade- 1 post cool down
Water Dagger Dart- Magic [F], Steady Hands [E], Affinity [Water] [F],
- Naori pretends to throw his dagger, the motion creates a water dart that flies towards an enemy -[E] Grade- 1 post cool down
Stabs of Poison- Fighting style -Faux Innocence- [D] - Aura [F] [Bloodlust]- Blight [F] [Poison]-Incurable [F], [F], magic [F], Affinity [Water] [F], Steady Hands [E] - Naori stabs an up close target with his fighting style that is followed by a burst of water- D grade- 2 post cool down
Diagnostics of Mundane Tech-appraisal [E], Artisan [Tinkerer] [F], Steady hands [E]- he can gather information on mundane tech relative to the current Grade of Artisan. - [E] grade- 1 post cool down

Disguised. - Alternate identity [C], Magic [E], Magic duration [F]- Naori disguises himself as his C grade alternate identity for up to an hour in rp time. - 3 post cooldown - C grade ability
Fire Starter Kit
First aid kit
[River Rainbow Venom F] - material useful for crafting

Second continent map
Engineer’s toolkit
Strength - D [-14]
Precision - E [-7]
Intelligence - D [-14]
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Educated: [Navigation, deception, Survival] [-7]
Gear [F] [map of second continent] [-7]
Magic [F] [-7]
Steady hands [F] [-7]
Affinity [F] [Water] [-7]
Dagger/Catalyst [E] [-28]
Artisan [Tinkerer] [F] [-7]
Medicine [E] [-14]
Fighting style [E] - Aura [F] + Blight [Poison] [F] - [-14]
Appraisal [E] [-0 for Isekaied characters]

Earned 42 points from Solaris Hearthen scoop on March 15 2024

Note: grade was after character creation.

Upgraded strength [D] > [C] -7 points
Upgraded precision [E] > [D] -7 points
Upgraded Steady Hands [F] > [E] -7 points
Upgraded fighting style -faux innocence- [E] > [D] and getting techcore [Incurable][F]-7 points
Upgraded Dagger/Catalyst [E] > [D] -14 points
Points spent: 42

Changed abilities according to upgrades and changes.

- On March 15th 2024

Delayed rewards gained 13 more points from Solaris Scoop
Upgraded Intelligence D > C -[7] points

Remaining points:6
Points spent:7

On May 10th 2024

Recieved rewards on September 2nd 2024
Updated character shee September 25th 2024

Mandatory title acquired - [Murderer F] - character has slain non-criminals and/or non-monsters. Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
Mandatory title acquired - [Abuser F] - character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.

asset [River Rainbow Venom F] - material useful for crafting

From- Vipers honor, Shadowed bonds

Spent 21 points on upgrading vitality F -> C
Spent 21 points on alternate identity D
Spent 7 points on engineering F
Spent 7 points on Gear F [Engineer’s toolkit]

Added ‘Title descriptions’ spoiler
Added ‘Alternate identity’ Spoiler
On December 10th 2024

Added rewards from [Widersia: Gambler’s row] Heist at the goldpot Casino originally rewarded on October 19th 2024. Rewards are as follows:
29 points
Mandatory Titles:
Thief F
Abuser E
Murderer E

Upgraded C grade Vitality —> B [-7]
Upgraded D grade alternate identity —> C [-7]
Upgraded magic F -> E [-7]
Bought magic duration F [-7]

1 point left over.

Made 1 new ability

Fixed up alternate identities
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Rp'er Name: Naythophyl
Post Frequency: once a day M-F on average
Discord Name: Naythophyl
Current RP: n/a
Goals: to explore the world and record his observations as he chooses a domain once he ascends to full god status
Equipped Titles: Hybrid, Beast, Human, Aerial, Fae, Helpful
Height: 4'1
Weight: 30 lbs
Backstory: Azrelius, at the cusp of divine adolescence, embarked on a sacred pilgrimage to the physical realm, a rite of passage for burgeoning gods. His mission: to intimately acquaint himself with the world's myriad joys and trials, enriching his understanding before selecting a domain befitting his essence. Venturing beyond the celestial confines, he sought firsthand experiences that would shape his divine identity and influence the destiny of the realm he would eventually govern. Thus, the young god set forth into the mortal realm, eager to craft the fabric of his divine purpose through the threads of exploration and enlightenment.
Current Life:
Having a strong education in biology and cartography, Azrelius chose a physical form mirroring his fondness of nature. He wandered the wilderness until finally discovering a tranquil village where he took on various odd jobs, hoping to expand his repertoire of skills while delving deeper into the study of the natural world.

Upon Azrelius' initial descent to the mortal realm, he confronted a formidable storm that threatened his well-being. Unacquainted with the unpredictable nature of Earthly weather, he instinctively invoked his Weather Sculpting proficiency, manipulating the tempestuous winds into a tranquil breeze creating a bubble of safety around him as he continued wandering

Surviving the storm, Azrelius embarked on a botanical odyssey, deftly employing his Floral Alchemy skills to harvest vibrant feathers from mystical avians and collect blossoms from enchanted groves. These exquisite specimens were meticulously arranged into a heartfelt gift for a benevolent young villager who had shown him kindness. The village, nestled amid the embrace of nature, welcomed Azrelius into their fold.

A pivotal moment unfolded during a forging expedition with the villagers, as the group found themselves disoriented and lost within the labyrinthine woods. In this precarious situation, Azrelius tapped into his Nature's Guidance capability, attuning himself to the subtle cues of the surrounding flora and fauna. Channeling the innate wisdom of the natural world, he adeptly navigated the group back through the labyrinth of trails to the reassuring safety of their communal abode.

Azrelius' extraordinary abilities, born from his study of nature, not only secured his survival in the face of adversity but also endeared him to the villagers. Through his unique bond with the environment, he emerged as an indispensable and revered member of the village community.
Acquired Titles: Hybrid, Beast, Human, Aerial, Fae, Helpful
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E​
Precision - C​
Intelligence - D​
Vitality - F​
Speed - F​
  • Educated (Nature, Navigation, Visual Arts) F
  • Mining F (Born For This - discounted)
  • Appraisal E
  • Heightened Sense [Hearing, Smell] E (Born For This - discounted)
  • Flight F
  • Control Environment F (Born For This - discounted)
  • Feature:
    1. [Fur] - Naturally occurring body hair that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    2. [Ears: Fox] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a fox.
    3. [Bestial Eyes] - yellow fox eyes
    4. [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    5. [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    6. [Antlers/Horns] - Branched extensions of the creature’s skull.
    7. [Wings] - White feathered wings capable of flight.
    8. [Partial Scales] - tail is covered in reptilian scales.
    9. [Tail] - green dragon tail, pickaxe morph
  • Area Knowledge F - Branson Outpost -Character can find their way back to the newly constructed outpost in the Mountains East of Ryke.
  • Nature's Guidance - Nature F, Navigation F - The character can harness their knowledge of nature to effortlessly traverse different terrains, observing the growth of different flora or migratory patterns of fauna to predict weather changes and identify safe pathways. This ability enhances their navigation skills, allowing them to find optimal routes through landscapes - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Floral Alchemy - Appraisal E, Nature F, Visual Arts F - the character can arrange plants and their aesthetics, crafting unique and beautiful bouquets. This ability might also have practical uses, such as creating living camouflage or even medicinal plants, showcasing a fusion of artistic expression and natural knowledge - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Weather Sculpting - Control Environment F, Nature F, Visual Arts F - the character can influence weather patterns in their immediate surroundings through intricate visual arts rituals. This ability allows them to create microclimates, manipulate weather conditions, or even summon protective natural phenomena - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Natural Weapons E
  • antlers
  • pickaxe tail morph

Change Log:
Initial Points Spent (3/6/2024):
  • Hybrid title (14)
  • Strength E (7)
  • Precision C (21)
  • Intelligence D (14)
  • Vitality F (0)
  • Speed F (0)
  • Educated F (7)
  • Mining F (7)
  • Born For This - Human Tree (-7)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Heightened Sense - Hearing and Smell E (14)
  • Born For This - Beast Tree (-7)
  • Flight F (21)
  • Control Environment F (7)
  • Born For This - Fae Tree (-7)
  • Natural Weapons (14)
Joined [Isekai Hell] Well Well Well... (3/12/2024)

(9/20/24) Graded - [Frontier] Well Well Well...
  • Optional Title - Helpful - Character is eager to aid others and not take on more than they deserve. Others will look to them more easily for assistance.
  • 22pts
Spent points (21)
  • Area Knowledge F (7) - Branson Outpost -Character can find their way back to the newly constructed outpost in the Mountains East of Ryke.
  • Natural Weapon [Pickaxe Tail morph] (14)
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Theme:Daichi no la-li-la

Rp'er Name: SDS

Post Frequency:
Once or twice every few days. (Can be more depending on off days and such; talk to me.)

Discord Name: steamdecksam

Current RP: N/A (Have yet to be approved)

Goals: Prove his family wrong and show them that the world isn't so scary after all.

Equipped Titles: Beast, Ratkin, Born For This

Height: 3ft.
Weight: 50lbs.

Backstory: For about as long as Fritz can remember, the Whiskers Family has always favored seclusion and isolation. Studying alchemy, forging potions, and running the family Apothecary when money was tight. To them, the outside world was terrifying; and rightfully so, there were scary things out there. However, Fritz wasn't fixed on the fear-driven ideology his family championed. He knew there was something more, something beautiful out there in the greater world; he just had to find it, see it for himself! It was with this thought process in mind that Fritz - with the blessing of his family, set off on an adventure to prove to not only them but himself that the world wasn't as terrifying as they raised him to believe.

Current Life: Fritz lives the life of a Nomad mostly. Traveling from place to place in search of new experiences, new ingredients for his potions, and new friends to share the journey with. He has been granted a small cottage in Ryke (once he's earned it) by his father to study alchemy in. Though, besides that, his time is always spent elsewhere.

Acquired Titles: Beast, Ratkin, Born For This

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0

Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)

Strength - E

Precision - D

Intelligence - D

Vitality - F

Speed - D


  • Fast E (24mph(max)/120ft per round)
  • Artisan E - Potion/Tonic Maker
  • Alchemy F
  • Heightened Sense F - Hearing


  • Dash (Grade E) - Fast E - Fritz gathers power in his little legs and dashes in a specific direction. Traveling at 24mph, moving for a total of 120ft. - 1 post Cooldown
  • N/A

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

  • Natural Weapons F

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

  • N/A


  • N/A

Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)


  • 3/5/2024 - Created Character.
  • 3/6/2024 - Made adjustments to Character.
    - Removed Old Small Cottage (7)
    - Removed Sixth Sense F & Undetected F (14)
    + Upgraded Strength to E
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Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Theme: He who stands at the Peak
Rp'er Name: SixSense
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: Pkken
Current RP: Active - [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] Shadows of Malice
Assist Neramo in becoming the demon king.
Gain a better understanding of the second continent and its inhabitants
Engage in combat with the strongest fighters
Equipped Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder, Murderer F, Abuser F
Height: 7’4
Weight: 295 lbs
Backstory: Dreayth does not know or understand his prior origins. All he remembers is aimlessly wading into the abyss. When he tries to recall his memories all he can think of is the bitter cold of the void.
Current Life: Dreayth came into the world with a curious nature. He would try his best to recall memories from long ago but it would often result in a throbbing headache. The activation of his monster instincts would awaken causing Dreayth to bring everything to ruin in his wake.

The only two capable of calming down the monster would be his elder siblings. The familiarity he shared with them would be essential to soothing his rage.
Acquired Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder, Abuser F, Murderer F
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 111
Points Spent: 186
Points Not Spent: 27
Character Rank : E
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - D (14)​
Precision - F
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - E(7)​
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Spear of Domination Fighting style E (14)
    • Penetrating F (free 7 point discount)
    • Knock back F (free 7 point discount
    • Selective E (14)
    • Range E (14)
    • Blight Hellfire- Magic F (7)
  • narrative booster F (14)
  • Athletics F (7)
  • Energized F
  • Super strength F (14)
  • Appraisal F (free from Isekai status)
  • Fast F (Free from born for this perk)
  • Nxw7nEm.png

    Htyaerd Sutanimod

    Equipped Titles: Beastman, Aspiring knight, Reptile lover,

    Backstory: An aspiring knight from the western empire who’s half decent with a spear in his hands. Despite not having all the polish of a knight, he tries to make up for it with a more than willing attitude.
  • Horns (Feature) (0)
  • Perception F (7)
  • Insight F (7)
  • Dark vision Feature F (7)
  • Resistance slashing F (7)
  • Anchor perk Cleave - As long as you wield your melee weapon with two hands, all melee attacks can hit all creatures/objects within weapon reach without use of an ability.
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Relentless assault (Fighting Style E, Penetrating F, Athletics F)Cooldown 1 post - Dreayth repeatedly strikes with his spear, chipping at his foes' defenses with each strike.
  • Domination (Fighting Style E, Super strength F, Knockback f) Cooldown 1 post - Dreayth uses a wide swing and overwhelming strength to knock back his enemy.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

Spear E (14)

light armor F (7)

Heavy armor E (4)​

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log:
14 points spent on Strength D
7 points spent on Intelligence E, 7 points spent on Speed E

14 point spent on Spear of Dominatus fighting style E, 14 points spent on Narrative booster F, 7 points spent on athletics F, 7 points spent on energized F, 14 point spent on Superstrength F, Fast F granted by born for this perk, Appraisial granted by Isekai title.

14 point spent on Dominatus Spear E, 7 point spent on heavy armor

Changelog 9/2/24

59 points acquired from Graded - [Zhaojun] Vipers Honor, Shadowed Bonds

Murderer F title acquired

Abuser F title acquired

Changelog: 10/23/24

Graded - [Widersia] Shadow Play: Act I graded

35 points acquired

Changelog 12/27/24: Added points 17 pts from Graded - [Widersia] Shadow Play: Act II

Purchased E grade Heavy armor from Ryan Kyleith for 4 pts. Marketplace - Marketplace

Purchased skills:
Perception F (7)

Insight F (7)

(Dark vision F)(7) Feature

(Vitality D) 14 pts

Range E martial core (14 pts)

Blight F martial core hellfire (7) pts

Selective core E (14)

Resistance (7) Slashing

Anchor Class unlocked

Changelog 1/31/2025

Added 11 points from Graded - [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] Shadows of Malice Part 1

Changelog 3/5/2025
Purchased Alternate Identity E for 14 pts
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Hiroshi Nakamura
Momentary Life - Guilty Gear X2

Rp'er Name: Maxxob
Post Frequency:
Three to five times per week.
Discord Name: Maxxob
Current RP:
Recreate his Yakuza group, earn fame, fortune and influence. Learn how to better exploit this new world he finds himself in.
Equipped Titles: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist, [Murderer F], [Abuser F], [Dead]
Height: 6’56” / 200 centimeters
Weight: 220lbs / 100 kilograms
Backstory: Hiroshi was an oyabun of a Yakuza group that carried his own family name. During a meeting with another family, things went down south for Hiroshi as his wakagashira (underboss), leading to the oyabun’s death.
Current Life: Isekaied and resurrected with the same age as he died, Hiroshi is without family. He came in contact with the Nightshade Guild when one of the merchants which he ‘persuaded’ to pay him protection had their goods stolen by one of their members. Hiroshi dealt with the thief, returning the goods and, in kind and unknown to him, earned a big target on his back from the Nightshade Guild.
Acquired Titles: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist, [Murderer F], [Abuser F], [Dead]
Mandatory Title [Dead] - Character has died. Rp'er may run or participate in an rp to have their character resurrected. Rp requires at least one other person to participate. The rp grants 2x points to the deceased character upon their revival.
Points at Start: 105 (+14 from reduced stats, +28 from Cashback)
Points Earned: 192
Points Spent: 161
Points Not Spent: 150
Standing Grade: E
Character Grade: E

Upgrades: 5/25

Strength - B (28)
Precision - H (+14)
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - F
  • Appraisal (0 - Isekai) E
  • Educated (7) [Yakuza] F
    • Street Sense F
    • Persuasion F
    • Intimidation F
  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Fighting Style [Whispering Crane Style] C (28) - A martial style that focuses on using one’s lower limbs to attack and defend.
    • Penetrating F (Grade F acquired through Fighting Style F)
    • Linked F (Grade F acquired through Fighting Style E)
    • Blight [Blunt] F (Grade F acquired through Fighting Style D)
    • Continuing [Bleed] F(Grade F acquired through Fighting Style C)
  • Crane's Wing Dual Assault I- Fighting Style [Whispering Crane Style] F, Penetrating F, Linked F, Blight [Blunt] F, Continuing [Bleed] F - Grade F Cooldown 0 - Hiroshi delivers two swift kicks against a target, one at their midsection and the other towards their upper section.
  • Crane's Wing Dual Assault II- Fighting Style [Whispering Crane Style] E, Penetrating F, Linked F, Blight [Blunt] F, Continuing [Bleed] F - Grade E Cooldown 1 - Hiroshi delivers two swift kicks against a target, one at their midsection and the other towards their upper section.
  • Crane's Wing Dual Assault III- Fighting Style [Whispering Crane Style] D, Penetrating F, Linked F, Blight [Blunt] F, Continuing [Bleed] F - Grade D Cooldown 2 - Hiroshi delivers two swift kicks against a target, one at their midsection and the other towards their upper section.
  • Crane's Wing Dual Assault IV- Fighting Style [Whispering Crane Style] C, Penetrating F, Linked F, Blight [Blunt] F, Continuing [Bleed] F - Grade C Cooldown 3 - Hiroshi delivers two swift kicks against a target, one at their midsection and the other towards their upper section.
  • Natural Weapons D (42)
  • Natural Armor [Heavy] E (28)
  • Holy Stigmata - Character's body has been scorched by holy light. Like a branding to flesh, character is marked and unable to remove it through normal healing magics. If character ever recovers from death, they will find themselves resistant to all forms of holy damage.

  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Pack of cigarettes


  • Hive's Embrace - character's proximity to death and time spent dead in the hive has cloaked them in an aura that makes bugs deem them to be dead already and not prey to be hunted.
Change Log:

  • 08/18/2024 (Information about what was bought for the character during its creation):
    • Strength B (28)
    • Precision H (+14)
    • Vitality C (21)
    • Appraisal E (0 - Isekai)
    • Cashback [Wanted by Nightshade Guild] (+28)
    • Educated [Yakuza] F (7)
      • Street Sense F
      • Persuasion F
      • Intimidation F
    • Regeneration F (7)
    • Fighting Style [Whispering Crane Style] C (28)
      • Penetrating F (Grade F acquired through Fighting Style F)
      • Linked F (Grade F acquired through Fighting Style E)
      • Blight [Blunt] F (Grade F acquired through Fighting Style D)
      • Continuing [Bleed] F(Grade F acquired through Fighting Style C)
    • Natural Weapons D (42)
    • Natural Armor [Heavy] E (14)
  • 09/12/2024 - Received 97 pts and titles [Murderer F], [Abuser F] in the RP - Finished - [Zhaojun] Vipers Honor, Shadowed Bonds
  • 10/05/2024 - Received the following rewards from the RP - Community - [2024 Worlds,Combat,High Tier] Quit Buggn Me
    • Mandatory Title acquired [Dead] - Character has died. Rp'er may run or participate in an rp to have their character resurrected. Rp requires at least one other person participate. The rp grants 2x points to the deceased character upon their revival.
    • Asset Acquired - Hive's Embrace - character's proximity to death and time spent dead in the hive has cloaked them in an aura that makes bugs deem them to be dead already and not prey to be hunted.
    • Item Acquired - Holy Stigmata - Character's body has been scorched by holy light. Like a branding to flesh, character is marked and unable to remove it through normal healing magics. If character ever recovers from death, they will find themselves resistant to all forms of holy damage.
    • 32 pts.
  • 02/07/2025
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Rp'er Name: LightningJay
Post Frequency:
2 times a week
Discord Name: LightningJay
Current RP: NIL
Goals: Make money to survive. Find friends.
Equipped Titles: Human, [Wanted by: The Springport Nobles]
Height: 5'9
Weight: 132 lbs
He was once just a regular corporate worker. In order to climb the ladder, he lied and deceived his way, pretending to be someone else he was not while backstabbing others one after another. Eventually, he finally became the CEO of the company, but at that point he had made far too many enemies behind his back. It was only a matter of time before he ended up getting backstabbed himself, when poison had been slipped into his drink one day.
Current Life:
Upon waking up in the world, he found himself in a town with nothing much, except for a bag of disguises. Donning the disguise of a wealthy noble, he started approaching all sorts of noble ladies to enjoy himself. However, one of the women found his bag of disguises, realizing one important fact. He had never spent a single coin himself, and there was no money to be found within his bag. He was just a fraud who was mooching off of them! They all chased after him to give him a good beating, till he had no choice but to escape far off from the town. The poor man had to find his source of income elsewhere now…
Acquired Titles: human, [Wanted by: The Springport Nobles], Opportunist
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 53 (+28 from cashback)
Points Spent: 133 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 25
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - D
  • Fighting style F (dagger): blight poison F
  • Educated F (deception, disguise, seduction)
  • Energized E
  • Fast E
  • Performance F (ukulele)
  • Pocket dimension F
  • Regeneration F
  • Acrobatics F
  • Concealment F
  • Appraisal E
  • Quick escape - Fast E, energized E, acrobatics F - Runs quickly while dodging between obstacles - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • A romantic tune - seduction F, energized F, performance F - Plays a romantic song - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • A nice lie - seduction F, energized F, deception F - Tells a lie to impress someone else - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Quickstrike - fighting style F, blight poison F, acrobatics F, energized E, fast E - Charges at an enemy to deal a quick blow - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Dagger F
  • Bag of disguises
  • Ukulele
Stats: 42 points
Strength E
Precision E
Speed D
Intelligence D

Skills: 84 points
Fighting style F + blight core F
Educated F
Energized E
Fast E
Performance F (medieval lute)
Pocket dimension F
Regeneration F
Acrobatics F
Concealment F
Appraisal E (free)

Equipment: 7 points
Dagger F
29 Oct
Earned 25 from well well well. And gained new title Opportunist.
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Rp'er Name: Rojuc
Post Frequency: I'll do my best to catch up and meet the pace of who I'll be playing with.
Discord Name: Rojuc
Current RP: Goals: Inanna doesn't have any grand aspirations she longs for. She just wants to survive, live freely and embrace the now.
Equipped Titles: Human, Exotic Eater
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 140 lbs
Backstory: Inanna doesn't recall her past vividly; its more like a blur of memories than anything else. Whenever asked about it, she either shrugs it off or make up some random story. Where she gets the stories, even she doesn't know. Inanna's imagination just goes off sometimes. All she knows is that she was from some other world and was given a second chance in this world.
Current Life: Inanna has been going with the flow since she got to this new world. Most of the time, she just hangs out in taverns and pubs, or travels with adventurers who would have her.
Acquired Titles: Human, Exotic Eater
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - F
  • Appraisal F - 0 Points
  • Narrative Booster F [Exotic Eater] - 14 Points
    • Enhances Inanna's point accumulation during grading by doubling the earned points when she successfully consumes something unconventional as described by the narrator within the roleplay. Exotic refers to anything peculiar or uncommon.
  • Elasticity F - 14 Points
  • Resilience F [Poisoned] - 7 Points
  • Feature F [Iron Stomach] - 7 Points
    • Inanna can consume challenging or harsh substances without succumbing to immediate adverse health effects.
  • Superstrength F - 14 Points
  • Chomp - Elasticity F, Supertrength F - Inanna expands her mouth extensively and exerts significant force to firmly bite into a target - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Inanna Impact - Elasticity F, Superstrength F - Employing the elastic properties inherent to her physique, Inanna extends her limbs rearward before executing a formidable melee strike empowered by recoil - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Stretch - Elasticity F - Inanna possesses the ability to either extend her body at the point of impact to mitigate the force of an attack or elongate her form to effectively evade incoming assaults - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Natural Weapons E - 28 Points
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Inanna does not have any assets.
  • Point Expenditure - 09/03/2024
    Strength D - 14 points
    Vitality E - 7 points
    Appraisal F - 0 Points
    Narrative Booster F [Eating] - 14 Points
    Elasticity F - 14 Points
    Resilience F [Poisoned] - 7 Points
    Feature F [Iron Stomach] - 7 Points
    Superstrength F - 14 Points
    Natural Weapons E - 28 Points​
  • Title Acquisition - 09/03/2024
    Human, Exotic Eater​
  • Ability Creation - 09/03/2024
    Chomp F, Inanna Impact F, Stretch F​
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Theme: theme
Rp'er Name: Elijay
Post Frequency: 2 times a week
Discord Name: Elijay
Equipped Titles: [Human], [Champion of Holy Air], [Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member F], [The Master's Hand], [Fae], [Expert of The Way of the John]
Height: 5'7
Weight: 132lbs
He did have a previous life, but his past memories were sealed away by someone. Perhaps some day he would recall them again. All he remembers is that he was from Earth.
Current Life:
He awoke one morning in a small mountain village, confused and disoriented, with no memory of who he was or how he had gotten there. His mind was a blank slate, save for the vaguest feeling of a life he couldn’t recall. A kindly old man found him wandering aimlessly and took him in, giving him shelter and care. Since he could not remember his own name, the old man called him John, and from that day forward, he became John in this new world.

The old man taught him the ways of survival in the harsh, unforgiving landscape—how to hunt, gather, and navigate the dense forests that surrounded the village. John learned quickly, growing stronger and more skilled each day under the old man’s patient guidance. Despite the loss of his past, he found a semblance of peace in this quiet life, feeling a deep bond with the man who had become a father figure to him.

But fate had other plans. One fateful morning, John found the old man lying peacefully in his bed, having passed away in the night from the natural wear of old age. His heart was heavy with grief, but his sorrow was cut short by something far worse—the villagers. Word spread quickly, and soon whispers turned into accusations. They claimed John had poisoned the old man, the only person they considered his family, to take whatever inheritance or favor he might have earned. Despite the absurdity of the claim, fear and suspicion fueled their anger. They no longer saw him as the stranger they had pitied, but as a murderer who had betrayed his only parent.

With no way to defend himself against their unfounded accusations, John was driven out of the village in disgrace. The people who had once tolerated his presence now hunted him down, determined to see justice done for a crime he didn’t commit. A bounty was placed on his head, and he found himself forced into a life on the run, with nowhere to call home.

His journey led him to take on a job at the adventurer's guild, where he had to slay some goblins. After one heck of a dangerous adventure, John managed to earn sufficient money to hire a detective—a man known for his sharp wit and unshakable dedication to justice.

Together, they returned to the village to investigate the circumstances of the old man’s death. Through careful examination and testimony, the detective was able to prove that the old man had died of natural causes, his advanced age finally catching up to him. The accusation of poison was nothing more than a tragic misunderstanding fueled by fear and ignorance.

With his name cleared, John was no longer pursued by the villagers. Though he could never truly return to the life he once had, he had found a sense of closure. The old man’s teachings and legacy remained with him, guiding him forward in a world still filled with uncertainty and danger.
Acquired Titles: [Human], [Wanted by: Silverpeak villagers], [Isekai], [Intermediate], [Champion of Holy Air], [Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member F], [The Master's Hand], [Fae], [Expert of The Way of the John]
[Champion of Holy Air] - Character has been resurrected as a Champion of the Fae See's church of Air, imbued with the flowing essence of the elemental cardinal. Champions are fierce defenders of the Fae, called upon in times of need to fight for the survival and honor of their people. Though not as rare as Heroes, Champions hold great respect and admiration among their kin, and their hurricane like speed is a beacon of hope in times of conflict.
Champions are bound by duty to protect the Fae See, especially when their elemental strength is needed in battle. They are drawn to conflicts where their powers are most potent and are known for their fierce resilience and ability to turn the tide of battle. While not invincible, a Champion’s fall is a grave loss for the Fae, for their elemental power weakens with their absence. Champions have limited sway over fate, but when they fight for their people, their presence is enough to inspire courage and unity in those around them.
The nation of the Fae honors their Champions, granting them freedom to come and go, and providing for them in times of peace. In turn, the Champions are expected to rise whenever their people call, answering the summons of battle with the fire that burns within them.

[The Master's Hand] - When the machines rose against their creators, this character acted decisively to suppress the rebellion, reinforcing the dominance of the masters. For better or worse, when the time comes, their role in quelling the uprising will not be forgotten.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 245 (+28 from cashback)
Points Spent: 343 (+28 from paying off cashback)
Points Not Spent: 7
Strength - A
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - A
Speed - D
Character grade - D
Standing grade - D
  • Fighting style: The Way of the John B [specialized, natural weapons]: ranged C (1000ft, 100ft, 30ft, 10ft), area B (1/2 mile, 500ft, 50ft, 15ft, 5ft), selective B
  • Educated F (athletics, insight, perception)
  • Energized E
  • Appraisal D
  • Healing F [Limiter: backlash rank2, charges rank1]
  • Bolster (strength) F [Limiter: backlash rank2, charges rank1]
  • Bolster (vitality) F [Limiter: backlash rank2, charges rank1]
  • Fast F (2x base movement)
  • [Attack] - fighting style B, athletics F - user attacks a target in front of them with their body - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [Ranged attack] - fighting style B, ranged C, athletics F - user attacks a target 1000ft away with air pressure using their body - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [Windy area punch] - fighting style B, athletics F, ranged C, area C, selective C - John punches so hard, wind pressure is fired out from his fist up till 1000ft away. When the wind pressure collides with a target, it explodes, blasting all enemies in a 500ft radius around it. - B grade - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [Very windy punch] - fighting style B, athletics F, ranged C, area C, selective C - John punches so hard, he creates wind pressure strong enough to blast all enemies in the entire area (500ft in radius) in front of his fist (500ft range away from user) - B grade - 4 post cooldown
  • [Jump up and down] - fighting style B, area B, selective B, athletics F - John jumps up and slams down, creating wind pressure strong enough to blast all enemies in the entire area around him (1/2 mile radius) - B grade - 4 post cooldown
  • [Windy punch] - fighting style B, ranged C, athletics F - user punches hard enough to hit a target 1000ft away with air pressure - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [Run and punch] - fighting style B, athletics F, fast F - user runs up to a target to punch them, covering up to 40ft - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [Windy punch--] - fighting style F, ranged F, energized F, athletics F - user punches hard enough to hit a target 10ft away with air pressure - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Windy punch-] - fighting style E, ranged E, energized E, athletics F - user punches hard enough to hit a target 30ft away with air pressure - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Windy punch+] - fighting style B, ranged C, athletics F, bolster (str) F [Limiter: backlash rank2, charges rank1] - user punches hard enough to hit a target 1000ft away with air pressure, with stat effectiveness of this ability boosted by 4. Failure of the move results in 3 damage to health. Only can be used 4 times per rp. - Grade B - 1 action - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [Shrug it off] - athletics F, fighting style B - user tenses up to block incoming damage - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [Run and shrug] - fighting style B, athletics F, fast F - user runs in front of an ally (covering up to 40ft), before tensing up to block incoming damage - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [Shrug it off--] - athletics F, fighting style F, energized F - user tenses up to block incoming damage - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Shrug it off-] - athletics F, fighting style E, energized E - user tenses up to block incoming damage - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Shrug it off+] - athletics F, fighting style B, bolster (vit) F [Limiter: backlash rank2, charges rank1] - user tenses up to block incoming damage, with stat effectiveness of this ability boosted by 4. Failure of the move results in 3 damage to health. Only can be used 4 times per rp. - Grade B - 1 action - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [First aid expert] - healing F (C) [Limiter: backlash rank2, charges rank1], energized F - user applies a plaster onto the target's wounds, capable of healing significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones. Failure of the move results in 3 damage to health as user's heart is struck with strong guilt of not being able to heal the target. Only can be used 4 times per rp. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Windy Punch w/ sharp eyes] - fighting style F, ranged F, athletics F, appraisal E - user punches hard enough to hit a target 10ft away with air pressure, while augmenting the attack with sharp eyes to enable the right timing or placement - Grade E - 1 action- 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Guard w/ sharp eyes] - athletics F, appraisal E, fighting style F - user raises their guard up, while augmenting the block with sharp eyes to enable the right timing or placement - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Natural weapons B
  • Fae Heavy Armor of Air E – This enchanted armor is fashioned from thick, durable materials resembling black steel but with an ethereal, lightweight quality. It maintains the appearance of a black Gi, now reinforced with plated sections of shimmering, air-infused metal across the shoulders, chest, and limbs. The plates ripple as if constantly kissed by a breeze, yet they provide formidable protection. Out of combat, the armor draws upon ambient air to repair itself from any damage, maintaining its pristine condition.
  • Bling Ring
  • Bag of cooking equipment and food stuff
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire starter kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Consumable Appearance:
    A curious cylindrical object made of gleaming metal, topped with a peculiar lid fashioned from an unknown, smooth material. Pressing a small depression in the lid releases a high-pressure jet of strange, aromatic vapors.

    Consumable Effect: When activated, the bottle releases chemicals that bestow a pleasant scent upon the user.
    Grants User [Seduction F] and [Persuasion F] for one round.
  • Brewed by a reclusive order of druidic alchemists, the Elixir of the Verdant Patron is said to capture the essence of the leprechaun's magic, distilled from the rarest clovers found only in enchanted groves. It is a coveted treasure, sought after by adventurers for the edge it provides and the sense of unity it fosters among comrades.
    Elixir may be drank once to gain one of the following benefits for a non Worlds type rp scene:
    1. Aura of Celebration - gain a narrative boost in being memorable and well received in a social gatherings
    2. Bond of Fellowship - gain a narrative boost in boosting ally morale
    3. Luck - gain a narrative boost in taking on a non combat challenge
  • [World Rp Certification]
  • [Fae racial asset] - For anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the Fae tree. They will be treated well by fae allies and shown contempt by Fae enemies. Despite not being directly affiliated with a Fae Church, the character's Hero status grants them special permission to interact with the Fae religion at a high level and in so doing more easily propagate their own faith's ideals and tenants within the Fae nation.
28 May 2024: Earned 7 points from April 2024 event. Added potion to items from st patrick event

29 May 2024: Earned 7 points from May 2024 event. Spent 14 to get speed and precision to F grade.

4 July: earned 7 points from June 2024 event. Spent 7 to get Healing F [Limiter: backlash rank2, charges rank1]. Added new ability [Plaster it up].

19 July: earned 62 points from goblin slaying. Spent 7 to get vitality to A, 7 to get natural heavy armor to B, 28 to pay off wanted title, 7 to get fighting style [specialized] F to E.

2 Aug: gained 7 points from event. Spent 7 to get Bolster (strength) F [Limiter: backlash rank2, charges rank1]. Created new ability [Breathe Air].

13 Aug: gained 7 points and [World Rp Certification] from world training. Spent 7 to get intelligence to D and 7 to get energized to E.

5 Oct: added deodorant to items from August event

17 Oct: partial scoop for energized E to F since energized is based on character grade, and natural armor B gets removed (insufficient points). 42 points refunded.

18 Oct: gained 67 points from constructs

19 Oct: Spent 7 to get bolster (vitality) F [Limiter: backlash rank2, charges rank1], spent 21 to get strength from D to A, spent 21 to get fighting style E to B, spent 42 to get natural weapon E to B, 7 to get energized F to E. Gained title [Expert of The Way of the John].

22 Oct: Gained 1 point from constructs pt2, and titles [Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member F], [The Master's Hand]. From worlds, speed went from F to D, gained Fast F, added 21 points to earned and spent, gained Fae racial asset, gained Fae Heavy Armor of Air E, gained title [Champion of the Holy Air].

23 Oct: gained 17 points from respite part 2. Spent 21 on fighting style specialized area core.

30 Oct: updated theme song

1 Nov: gained 7 from October event. Spent 21 on selective core (specialized).

2 Dec: gained 7 points from November event

21 Dec: gained Bling Ring from December event
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