Character Sign-Up

Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) Berserk

Alignment: (see alignment system) Chaotic Evil

Name: Void

Alias/nickname: None

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Unknown

Gender and sexuality Male, None

Species/race Unknown


Personality: Void is very philosophical, far more than his demonic cohorts. His primary focus is on the flow of causality and its inevitability. The Skull Knight describes him as "preaching" the inevitability of causality.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):While the story of how he and the Skull Knight came to be is not fully known, Void is speculated to become the first God Hand member to be created at the end of the reign of Gaiseric. According to legend, a "holy man" who Gaiseric has imprisoned prayed upon angels to punish Gaiseric. Gaiseric's kingdom was utterly destroyed as a result with its populace made sacrificial offerings for Void's transcendence. For the next four Eclipses, Void oversaw each ritual along with each God Hand member he recruited in the previous one.

Known enemies: None

Known rivals: None

Known allies/friends: the God Hand

Known Family: None

Companion: Apostles

Weapons: None

Gear/gadgets: None

Powers/abilities: Void is the most philosophical God Hand member and is primarily concerned with analyzing and controlling the course of destiny. Void is the one who brands the sacrifices made by tortured souls in order for them to become Apostles and achieve their dream. His cloak and body seem to be distorted; Void can manipulate dimensions, shown during his scuffle with Skull Knight when he opens a rift in dimensions that reflects attacks. Like the other God Hand members, he can see the future and manipulate causality.

Skills: None

Weaknesses: Unknown

(Optional) Character quote:"Everything is within the flows of casualty."

(Optional) Character’s theme song:
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Universe from: Blazblue

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral - While Rachel isn’t a complete monster, there are very few moments in which she acts for the benefit of another. Even when she’s pushing people to break the cycle, it’s as much to do with curing her own boredom than saving the world itself. She regards most people as pawns or playthings, though she is capable of inspiring--and even displaying--loyalty.

Name: Rachel Alucard

Alias/nickname: Rabbit, though there’s only one person who seems to get away with using that name.

Age: 14 (physical); 1000+ (actual)

Gender and sexuality: Female/ Bisexual

Species/race: Vampire



Likes: Mill Crêpe, financiers

Dislikes: Boredom, bell peppers


Rachel is a stereotypical aristocratic heiress. She has an almost enchanting air of dignity and grace, yet is sarcastic and condescending to those she considers lower than her, always expecting them to have the highest standards of formality when conversing with her.

Despite this, she does care deeply for her allies. Her butler, Valkenhayn, is fervently devoted to Rachel, as he was a loyal friend and respected rival to her father, the late Clavis Alucard, and she, in turn, treats him with a greater level of respect than anyone else. Rachel's two familiars, Nago and Gii, despite taking punishment from her on a regular basis, remain loyal to her.

Perhaps her most intriguing relationship is with Ragna. Although Rachel would never admit to it, she loves Ragna for his determination and unwillingness to give up even when the odds are against him, wanting him to reach his full potential as a warrior and as a person. In Centralfiction, her feelings for Ragna become more evident as revealed in her arcade mode. She becomes even more concerned when she finds out that Naoto's existence is affecting Ragna. This is most notably the only time she lost her composure.


An extremely bored Rachel spent much of her time trying to secretly direct characters from making the same mistakes over and over again and break the looping of time, but as she was an Onlooker, she could do nothing but stand in the sidelines.

She teleported to the Hanging Gardens of the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi and conversed with both Nago and Gii before teleporting immediately in front of Ragna, startling him. After the two engaged in some intellectual banter, Ragna left and a shadowy Hakumen appeared shortly afterwards, warning her that she is dancing too close to the edge of her Observation, however, they argued about Hakumen's 'duty' to slay the Black Beast until the shadowy figure marched off into the distance. Rachel later teleported to the middle of a conflict between Valkenhayn and Ragna, where she began to casually lavish insults towards the Grim Reaper, later directing her fury towards her butler, questioning why he was not back in the Alucard Castle making her tea, however, she thanked Valkenhayn for giving her another opportunity to scold Ragna. She then teleported all three of them back to the Alucard Castle.

Back at the castle, Rachel began to fight Ragna while she waited for Valkenhayn to brew her tea. After she had finished battling him, she went to drink and then began a fresh assault of insults towards the Bloodedge before finally giving him minor compliments to help him realize his full potential. She then teleported him near the Novus Orbis Librarium headquarters in Kagutsuchi. Instead of staying within the castle, Rachel teleported far above where she placed Ragna, and watched him break into the NOL branch. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Noel Vermillion and immediately teleported to her position, startling the lieutenant and making her the new victim of her onslaught of slander. After fighting off Noel's feeble attempts to defend herself, Noel fled into the complex.

Rachel dove deeper into the NOL headquarters and found Noel asleep on a severely wounded Ragna. The vampire explained that Noel is to be the Successor of the Azure and that she does not know what will happen next.

Out of character, she began to congratulate Ragna, saying he's 'performed brilliantly' before teleporting to the top of the headquarters where she awaited the blast from the Nox Nyctores – Gigant: Take-Mikazuchi; in order to prevent it from signalling the beginning of a new phase, Rachel activated the Tsukuyomi Unit which reflected the scattered burst into the nearby mountainsides.

Teleporting back to the Cauldron where she left Noel and Ragna, Rachel found herself arriving too late as Noel had just Observed Yūki Terumi and begun to solidify his existence. The trio eventually fended him off.

Known enemies: Terumi

Known rivals: Terumi

Known allies/friends: Ragna, Valkenhayn R. Hellsing

Known Family: Clavis Alucard (father)

Companion: Nago, Gii (Her Pet Familiars)

Weapons: Her Pet Familiars

Gear/gadgets: Her Pet Familiars


Sorcery/Magic: Like most vampires, and every vampire within the Alucard clan, Rachel has the ability to use the art known as magic, the ability to manipulate a force called seithr to control power inherent in nature.

Wind and Lightning: Rachel’s primary use of magic surrounds her ability to manipulate the elements of wind and lighting. She can produce moderate gusts of wind, capable of carrying light-to-moderately heavy objects through the air (though not people). Her use of lightning primarily is done through the conjuration of lightning rods, which she can place strategically around the field of battle (up to five at a time).

Summoning: Though not a large part of her arsenal, Rachel can summon two primary things: a frog, which produces a mild electric field, and a pumpkin, which, when sent flying with a gust of wind, basically acts as a block with which she wishes to bludgeon you to death.

Teleportation: Rachel possesses a mastery of the rare form of magic known as teleportation. Essentially, she is able to travel vast distances in the blink of an eye, though it always helps to have seen the location to which she wishes to travel beforehand. While traveling to an unknown place is not impossible, she is extremely hesitant to do so, as it increases the possibility that she could wind up trapped, or worse, injured.

Slave Red: One of the rarest and most powerful forms of sorcery, Rachel is able to control the mind of a person and make them do as she pleases. Those with exceptionally powerful wills, or those with minds in an extreme state of flux, are immune, and more importantly, she can only use this power on people once. In other words, once a person is controlled, they can no longer be affected again.

Pet Familiars: Most physical attacks are done through her familiars, Nago and Gii. The two of them are able to manipulate their bodies to form various weapons--Nago is often an umbrella with which Rachel swings at opponents, while Gii often transforms into a pitchfork motion for piercing damage.

Skills: Skilled in Sorcery and Magic


Vampire: Those of her kind in the universe of Blazblue are vulnerable to sunlight. While Rachel is strong--both in will and body--to resist much of this side effect, she operates better during the night, as prolonged exposure will begin to irritate her.

Post-Observer Status: After forsaking her role as an Observer, Rachel has lost a fair bit of her power. Though she realizes there’s been a decline, she sometimes overestimates what she has left in the tank. Though she is still quite powerful, and immortal to boot, from her vampirism, she can be incapacitated by strong attacks.

Reliance on her familiars: Rachel is a powerful sorceress, but she has a tendency to heavily use her pet familiars, Nago and Gii, to attack her enemies. She retains the ability to defend herself should she ever be separated from either or both, but she’s at her best with both of them at her disposal.

Character quote:

Character’s theme song:


Universe from: Berserk

Alignment: Chaotic Nuetral

Name: Guts

Alias/nickname: The Black Swordsman

Age mid 20s

Gender and sexuality: Male/ Straight



(Optional) Clothes: His Armor with a black cloak

(Optional) Likes: Killing demons/Casca

(Optional) Dislikes: Griffith/ Demons

Personality: He is rude and doesn't give much of a shit about people though if they stick around him long enough he begins to respect them.

Backstory: Guts was born from the corpse of his dead mother who had been hung from a tree. He was taken in by a wandering band of mercenaries. The person that took him in was the bands whore who died to plague when Guts was just 3 years old. He would then latch onto the bands leader named Gambino as a father figure. Gambino was a drunk who was ruff and abused Guts to no end though he did teach him how to use a sword. Gambino one night sold Guts out to a pedo black man named Dante for 3 silver coins and Guts was raped by this man. Later on as Guts became more skilled in combat Gambino took a cannon shot to his leg blowing it clean off. This made Gambino incredibly deppressed and drunk most of the time. One night he stormed into Guts' tent drunk and blaming everything on Guts from his leg getting blown off to the camp whore (Who Gambino loved) dying. Guts killed Gambino out of self defense and fled the camp taking an arrow to the shoulder in the process. Later on in Guts' life he would become a wandering Mercenary just all around being a deadly badass with a sword much to large for him (Which he wields with incredible skill). He was picked up by another band of mercenaries known as the band of the hawk. The leader of which being a man who is named Griffith who wants his own kingdom. They traveled together winning every battle they were in until eventually they became the main midland army (the country they are in). Guts didn't like living to serve another mans dream so he tried to leave the hawks but Griffith didn't want him too. They fought and Guts won so he left. He left the only family he had known since he was with Gambino. In the band of the hawk was a girl named Casca who Guts shared a relationship with. After losing Griffith goes and has sex with the princess of midland getting caught and totured for a year. After a year Guts comes back to save the hawks since they are being hunted by the midland army for what griffith did to the princess. Casca and Guts have a moment after trying to kill each other and have sex. Then they go and save Griffith who has had all of his tendons cut and his tongue cut out. After some time Griffith summons every demon in existance and gains demon powers. For this he kills all of the band of the hawk and rapes Casca right in front of Guts forcing him to Chop his own arm off and get his right eye gouged out. A guy known as the Skull knight saves them but now Guts and Casca are branded which attracts demons to them every single night. Casca goes insane and Guts goes Berserk on a road straight to revenge for what Griffith did to him.

After a few years of sweet demon slaughter Guts gets the Berserker armor (Look at my profile pic) Which when activated nulls him to pain but he cannot distinguish friend from foe. He was also traveling with a small band of friends.

Known enemies:Griffith/ Demons

Known rivals: Griffith

Known allies/friends: The Skull Knight

Known Family: None

Companion: Since he travels with a party I'll assume I will have to choose one for this RP but I'd rather for roleplays sake leave it that he was brought here alone.

Weapons: Dragonslayer - His big ass blade. It has bathed in so much demon blood that it can now harm beings of other plains of existance (I.E. ghosts)

Gear/gadgets: An iron arm that houses a cannon. A repeater crossbow that he mounts on his iron arm. Mini bombs the size of golf balls with a blast radius of 15 ft

Powers/abilities:Guts is a normal human in the sense that he has no powers BUT Guts is unique in that his level of will is through the roof. He will never give up basically unless he is unconcious. Also his level of endurance, strength and speed are all insanely high for a human but thats all because of his sheer will and rage that he has inside of him.

The berserker armor - Nulls him to pain letting him fight to his max ability (Example - He once swung his sword so hard that it had the force of a cannon but it also broke his arm) it doesn't heal him it mostly holds him together by piercing his skin and putting his bones back into place. He can only be killed when this armor is activated by crushing every bone and spilling all his blood. He does not activate this armor often though because once he takes it off the pain is worse than anything else (This guys can take pain insanely well with his endurance) So yeah he doesn't use it often.

Skills: Insanely skilled swordsman

Weaknesses: He will do anything to win so he gets injured a whole lot

(Optional) Character quote:

  • Revenge... War... Maybe that's enough reason. I'm all alone, I think. For now. And within me is the black berserker rage... And only that... Will keep me on my feet. As I head toward you... Pressing on.

(Optional) Character’s theme song:[media]

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I am tired sorry...i read over the rules but will finish reading the rest tomorrow. Pretty tired hope this is ok...i dint read his name on the list...soooo


"Rip and Tear!"

{Universe from}

The hellish world of doom


Neutral good




The Doom guy

Doom Marine

The Doom Slayer


Unknown but for RP sake 37

{Gender and sexuality}




One very bad ass human


Because of the recent installment of the Doom series we will be going with his most recent appearance. But surely there will be maybe some time he will change "Old school" to bring those beautiful memories once again....


The doom guy's height is unknown but with the most recent installment thanks to 3d its estimated he stands above 6.0 feet,for the sake of the RP he will be 6.8. His weight can vary but judging from his build and overall endurance he should be around 172 Pounds without his armor. The doom guy in his recent installment. His face in not visible but in the past he had a clear face as seen bellow and more of a body appearance. He has a very distinctive square face and short orange/yellow hair. His body is clearly all Muscle.


The doom guy has been well know for wearing classic green marine armor. The Praetor suit is said by the demons to have been forged by one known only as "the wretch," and their writings claim that the suit was made in Hell itself. Despite this, the suit bears markings in English with Arabic numerals, and seems to have been manufactured by human corporations. This suggests that the actual origin of the suit may lie in another dimension from which the Doom Slayer originally came, eventually finding the Well and becoming the leader of the Night Sentinels. The game heavily suggests but never states with any certainty that this origin could be explained in one of the other games of the Doom series and the suit is well known for its green coloring.


The best words that describe doom guy are: Fearless,Determent and Brave man. He is serious at first sight and maybe VERY intimidating but overall he is a man who fights for the people of earth. He is indeed a very temperamental man and aggressive one sometimes but at times he is a calm silent soldier who has gone through hell (Literally) and would like maybe a martini and rest a little...He is just miss understood.Sure he is one heck of a fighter and a very serious man but as seen he can come up with quirky comments and jokes at times. Just get on his good side and you wont be a demon to him....

But overall he is willing to protect others as he did once with earth..well...with earth and mars.


DOOM (the newest) IS A REBOOT! so all history is the see this video and its enough to know! :3....all you have to know is short

"A man who went down in hell and killed every demon"


{Known enemies}

The doom guy has ventured through and out of hell and he has met many enemies that has gotten in his way. The imp,Cacodemons,Adorable pinky!!,Arch vile,Revenate and much more. All are deadly in there own ways but as such doom guy has always surpassed any challenge.

{Known rivals}

The icon of sin, The cyber Demon and Mastermind.

The three mention names are the doom guys greatest challenges in the past and in the present. But alas he has overcome them...or did he?

{Known allies/friends}

Yes he dose have! They are all dead...

{Known Family}

Daisy his pet rabbit...He will get his revenge



For fun and well...i want to...Doomguy has a small companion.....HIS NAME IS COOCOO!

Coocoo was a odd Cacodemon doomguy dint kill because it was "A annoying floating balloon" that instead of hurting him just followed him around like a dog. Doomguy really dint know why but each time he tried to kill it he not one care in the world...since then doomguy has grown accommodated to the balloon following him. The Cacodemon has the mind of a dog...and acts like one. He plays fetch,he plays dead,he um...barks? and is very annoying but such has its uses!


{Skills, abilities and gear}

Demon communication


Enhance Vision


Caco fireball: Coocoo like any other red balloon is able to spit high speed fireballs from his mouth towards targets.

{Relation to character}

Very Trustworthy Dog...and Annoying red Balloon


the doom guy has a large set of weapons that he has in his Arsenal and such i will go brief on each. Here are his main and any other side weapon can be found bellow. Despite there normal appearance the weapons are capable of harming supernatural beings such a demons.

Doom weaponry

-Super Shotgun-

One of dooms guys most well loved boom sticks. The super shot gun is a double barrel masterpiece that once fired is needed to reload. The shot gun has oddly...very long range for a scatter gun and its unknown what makes it so accurate. Some say they use "Classic aim technology" for such precision but all you have to know that one close up shot can devastate a target.

-Chain gun-

A fast rapid fire machine gun...nothing shoots bullets?


The doomguys main weapon when nothing else works, the pistol might not seem impressive but its ability of infinite ammo and no reload makes it deadly like any other weapon.

-BFG 9000-

....The big F-...Um...The Big Fire Gun is one of the doom guys most powerful weapons! Capable of taking down most targets with one shot but because of its power the weapon can only be used ONCE per 5 hours and should only be used in dire emergencies.


-The suit of doom-

The suit is doom guys greatest gear and Gadget providing with multiple abilities. One of the few abilities is the ability not to reload any weapon (With the super shot gun being a exception) The suit supplies all of his weapons with ammunition and ammo is limited but he docent need to reload any of them to fire as all he dose is press the trigger. The suit provides doom guy inhuman stamina and endurance as said above he can survive lethal falls without breaking a bone,Run at high speeds without getting tired as seen in the pass. The strengths to carry all the amount of weapons and ammo at the same time. A HUD that displays his ammo count and body integrity. And much more but even without the suit as seen in the pass doom guy is able to still be a deadly machine.

-The codex-

This device supplies doom guy with vital information of items and defeated enemies. For RP reasons the Codex will supplies doom guy with info of already killed enemies and supplies doom guy with info of the. This codex can as well help doom guy have knowlage of unknown items but of course not there whole use but what they MIGHT be capable off etc.


-Berserk mode-

Doom guy by using a "Berserk pack" he is able to go...well berserk. Once this is activated it puts the definition of Rip and tear to its name as doom guy will have a speed enhance and a IMMENSE amount of strength boos as seen he is able to tear apart foes with his bear hands! vaporize them apart with a powerful punch that will make them in a pile of just flesh and be just bad ass. In this mode there is only one hope...Run..he wont have mercy.

-Over human sens-

Doom guy is well know for his ability to take down hoards of demons but what is much more shocking is his ability to stay in trail and have a full knowlage of the field. By this i mean even with the largest of numbers of enemies doom guy knows what to do next and execute fast movements and blink of an eye. As we all know he is all about his fast-action Combat and some one capable of keeping his eye on everything is surely impressive. Fighting doom guy would be a challenge as he wont be standing, always on the move,Jumping high and pulling the trigger as if it was natural to him.


1.Expert weapon user

2.Demon knowlage

3.Fast pace acrobatics



As powerful doom guy is and deadly he can be at any moment every single person has a flaw and doom guy is no exception. His mayor weakness is that he is HUMAN! he is not some alien with super mind powers, He bleeds like any one of you the only thing is that he is not easy to defeat. As powerful as he is he cant survive every attack, he might survive falls but that is not the same thing as a giant fire ball or a giant slam to the face as such any attack can damage him, sure he can hold a rocket to the face but give him another one and he is just a pile of bones. He is fast and deadly but very well thought out attacks and accuracy and keeping and eye on him on all his unpredictable movements can take him down. Charging in to a man like doom guy is the worst idea.

{Character’s theme song}



Universe from: GTA: San Andreas

Alignment: True Neutral

Name: Carl Johnson

Alias/nickname: CJ

Age: Mid-20's

Gender and sexuality: Male and Straight

Species/race: Human; African-American


(Optional) Clothes:

(Optional) Likes:

(Optional) Dislikes:


CJ is markedly different from the previous playable characters in the Grand Theft Auto series. While Claude and Tommy Vercetti are both depicted as completely heartless and feeling no regret for all of the people that they kill, CJ is depicted as having a considerably less violent personality, occasionally giving his victims a chance to redeem themselves. An example is his failed attempt at convincing Eddie Pulaski to see that he was no more than Tenpenny's pawn. Furthermore, CJ displays genuine remorse for having to kill fellow Grove Street members Ryder and Big Smoke, who he considered close friends. However, CJ still has no problem with killing members of other gangs, and willfully slaughters any that get in his way of reclaiming Grove Street Families turf or try to sabotage his businesses, though in return, the gangsters are trying to kill CJ also. CJ's naïve personality, inexperience, and face-value interpretations of other characters' responses occasionally leads them to question CJ's intelligence (The Truth, Catalina). CJ, like his brother Sweet, holds a deep seated loyalty towards Grove Street and the hood, as seen in his reaction to the resentful attitude of his friends and siblings early on. Though, towards the end of the game, while Sweet was in prison, and CJ was making progress in San Fierro and Las Venturas, the unattended Grove Street became Ballas turf and was filled with crack dealers. CJ tries to get his brother to abandon the hood, for their assets elsewhere, but he is quickly convinced into re-taking the turf. CJ also handles most things in a "boss" like manner. This is shown during the mission The Meat Business when Carl keeps encouraging Ken to calm down and remember that "you're the boss".

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):​

Carl is the second-in-command of the Los Santos-based street gang, the Grove Street Families, which is led by his brother, Sean "Sweet" Johnson.

Carl "CJ" Johnson was born in 1968 in
Los Santos, to Beverly Johnson. He has a father, but as seen in the intro movie, he said he didn't know him. Beverly had four children: Sean, Carl, Kendl, and Brian. Sweet states that Carl was born in the Johnson House, the family's childhood and current home. Old Reece, a family friend, and Ganton's local Barber Old Reece, recalls memories of Carl's father, although Carl tells Joey Leone that he never knew his father, and that Sweet was the "man" of the house but made his life miserable.

The Johnson siblings, along with
Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris and Lance "Ryder" Wilson, grew up on the same cul-de-sac and were childhood friends. CJ recalls Ryder dealing drugs since he was ten. Sweet became the leader of the Grove Street Families and introduced him, CJ, and possibly Brian into the gang life.

1985, the Grove Street Families were at the height of their power when they first became pressured by Frank Tenpenny, a corrupt police officer of C.R.A.S.H. It's likely that Officer Eddie Pulaski was also serving with Tenpenny at this time. The Grove Street Families went into a decline at some point between 1987 and 1992. Sweet laments that Carl "let Brian die", causing Carl to leave for Liberty City in 1987. He was no longer considered a member of Grove Street, and would later have to earn his way back into the gang. Big Smoke also implies that Carl was physically larger during that time, stating that "the east coast got you all thinned out, holmes".

In 1987, Carl came to Liberty City and started a new life. He had the opportunity of working with
DonSalvatore Leone's son, Joey Leone, in the car theft business, as well as other small-time crimes. In 1992, five years after his departure from Los Santos, Sweetcalls CJ to tell him that their mother was killed in a drive-by shooting (calling only minutes after it happened). CJ returns to Los Santos for the funeral, with the partial consideration of staying there long-term.

As soon as Carl arrives in
Los Santos 5 years later at the age of 24, he is confronted by C.R.A.S.H. members Frank Tenpenny and Eddie Pulaski, who explain that Carl will do work for them, or they will frame him for killing their fellow officer Ralph Pendelbury. After meeting with Big Smoke at the Johnson house, Carl finally meets with his siblings and friends. Carl quickly learns that the Grove Street Families lost much of their power over the last five years - a result of the growing crack cocaine trend and, though Sweet doesn't admit it, Sweet not having as much personal strength as a leader without CJ home. CJ and Sweet work furiously to successfully bring the gang back to power, with CJ regaining his brother's respect in the process. This included reuniting with the Seville and Temple families, as well as the Aztecasleader Cesar Vialpando (who, although a rival of Sweet's at the time, began a loving relationship with Kendl), and wiping out the Ballas, the sworn enemy of the Grove Street Families. Carl also helped OG Loc, a laughable "poser" who aspired to be a rapper (consequently ruining rap superstar Madd Dogg's career in the process).

The gang is at the second height of its power, and is planning on taking out the rest of the Ballas in an ambush, until Cesar reveals to Carl that
Ryder and Big Smoke have betrayed the gang to C.R.A.S.H and the Ballas. Carl rushes to the gunfight, suspecting that Sweet and the gang are walking into a trap, and manages to hold off the Ballas to rescue a heavily-wounded Sweet, until both of them are arrested by C.R.A.S.H.. Grove Street Families and the Varrios Los Aztecas practically disappear, and Big Smoke becomes head of a drug ring and takes over Los Santos. OG Loc also becomes a rich and famous rapper, with Big Smoke acting as his manager as a means to launder his money.

C.R.A.S.H. abandons Carl in rural
Whetstone to eliminate a witness against them. It is slowly revealed that they are being tried in court over their corruption, in a case that is quickly building media attention. Cesar connects CJ to his (mentally unstable) cousin, Catalina, and the two form a relationship built on the robberies they commit together. Tenpenny introduces CJ to The Truth, an aging hippie who is supplying Tenpenny with tons of weed to frame a D.A who is an enemy of Tenpenny's. Tenpenny demands that CJ pay for the shipment, which forces him to return to work with Catalina, who now has an obsessive crush on him. Carl also meets the San Fierro Triads leader Wu Zi Mu ("Woozie") during a street race. Catalina finds him at the race and expresses her feeling of neglect and anger at Arben, feeling that he was only interested in her as a partner in crime, also proclaiming that she has a new boyfriend, Claude. CJ defeats Claude and Catalina in a street race, gaining the deed to Claude's run-down San Fierro garage. CJ leaves for San Fierro with the Truth and Tenpenny's marijuana (despite Tenpenny betraying The Truth). They meet Cesar and Kendl at the garage in Doherty, San Fierro. CJ is angry about the bad state of the garage and believes that it is completely useless. Kendl explains to CJ that the property is a great opportunity, and through the Truth, he hires Dwaine, Jethro and Zero to work in the garage.

Carl meets with Woozie in San Fierro and the two quickly become strong allies, collaborating to take down each of their enemies enemies - Carl targeting the
Loco Syndicate (Big Smoke's suppliers) and Woozie's rivals, the Da Nang Boys. Carl infiltrates and eventually kills all the chief members - Jizzy B, T-Bone Mendez, and even Ryder from the Grove Street Families. The garage (now a car theft ring), as well as renting out property, has earned Carl a modest sum of money. He receives a surprise phone call from Mike Toreno, a former member of the Loco Syndicate (who was apparently killed), who reveals himself to be a government agent and is recruiting Carl's help in exchange for releasing Sweet from a life sentence. Although it is a well-kept secret from all of his friends, the Truth finds Carl at Toreno's place of operation,and warns Carl that Toreno can't be trusted. He continues to recruit Carl's help in stealing a Jetpack from Area 69, which is needed for the Truth's goal of stealing mysterious, enlightening green goo.

Woozie invites CJ to the Triad's glamorous
Four Dragons Casino in Las Venturas. Upon arrival, Carl is given shares in the casino by Woozie, "in exchange for some help setting it up". They are faced with aggressive competition from the Mafia-run Caligula's Palace and as revenge, spend time planning an extremely elaborate heist of Caligula's. This dually involves Carl infiltrating Caligula's inner circle of management (by chance of the Truth's association with music industry employees Kent Paul and Maccer) to work with their manager Ken "Rosie" Rosenberg and even Don Salvatore Leone, later helping the trio fake their deaths to escape Salvatore's rage. During this time period, C.R.A.S.H. extracts the last of Carl's labor before they try to kill Carl (and kill their own ally Jimmy Hernandez for snitching on them), with Carl killing Eddie Pulaski and escaping alive. Carl, by chance, sees Madd Dogg attempting suicide and saves his life, partially out of guilt for ruining his career.

Carl's ongoing vendetta towards
Tenpenny and Big Smoke, finalized by Madd Dogg having to sell his mansion to drug lord Big Poppa, prompts Carl to return to Los Santos, taking back the rapper's mansion by force. While recording Madd Dogg's new album, Toreno gives Carl the last of his work before Sweet is released from prison. Sweet is disgusted at Carl for his new millionaire's lifestyle, and for having forgotten all about helping the Grove Street Families. Sweet immediately takes Carl back to Grove Street to begin their task of reclaiming all of their turf. As the gang slowly begins their third return to power, Carl manages to get Madd Dogg's rhyme book back from OG Loc, reviving Madd Dogg's career, as well as striking being another blow to Big Smoke. In the case against Tenpenny, it's shown on the news that since there is no evidence implicating him in his criminal activities, he would walk free; seconds after, citywide riots commence in outrage at Tenpenny's acquittal. During the confusion, Grove Street Families retakes almost half of the city's turf, and, after an assault on his Crack Palace, Carl kills Big Smoke. After Carl and Sweet chase him across the city through the riots, Frank Tenpenny also dies after his firetruck falls from a bridge above Grove Street. At a celebration in the Johnson house, Madd Dogg, accompanied by Ken, Kent, and Maccer, announces "our first gold record" to Carl. At the same time, Sweet insists on making Grove Street a priority, while Kendl Johnson suggests going back to Las Venturas with Wu Zi Mu, but Carl's only reply was that he was "fittin' to hit the block, see what's happening".

At the very end of the game, Carl is a young and wealthy man. His assets and business interests include the
Grove Street Families gang and Madd Dogg'scontract in Los Santos, a car garage and several other properties in San Fierro, and shares in the Four Dragons casino in Las Venturas, as well as the government's $60 million jetpack.

It is suggested that Carl, Madd Dogg, Kent Paul and Maccer are to go on a world wide tour, as mentioned by Madd Dogg during the game's final cut-scene. Maccer and Kent Paul are to ride along, giving another hint that Carl helped the two rebuild their

Known enemies: All of them are deceased

Known rivals: N/A

Known allies/friends:

~ Madd Dogg

~ Cesar Vialpando

~ Wu Zi Mu

~ Maccer

~ Kent Paul

Known Family:

~ Beverly Johnson; mother (dead)

~ Brian Johnson; younger brother (dead)

~ Sean "Sweet" Johnson; older brother

~ Kendl Johnson; twin sister

Companion: N/A

Weapons: Literally everything

Gear/gadgets: Literally everything

Powers/abilities: None

Skills: He is good at shooting, flying with aerial vehicles, driving, biking with motorbike, leadership, etc.

Weaknesses: N/A

(Optional) Character quote: "What's the hood done for me?! Always dragging me down! Ever since I got out the hood, shit been cracking!"

(Optional) Character’s theme song:


I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
If you're unsure where to send your characters, The Mad Max Universe (setting 2) and Reborn World Camelot (setting 1) are both in need of new players, as is The Valkyrie (setting 2)
[QUOTE="Emperor Ploppa]I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

I wonder... which place has 45 different meals...
Universe from: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Post-BAD ending)

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: Marta Lualdi

Alias/nickname: MartMart (has a disdain for the nickname)

Age: 18 (in this reality anyway; she's aged a couple years)

Gender and sexuality: Female; Pansexual

Species/race: Human (has a small amount of the power of Ratatosks core within her)




(Optional) Likes: Cute things.

(Optional) Dislikes: The mention of suicide.

Personality: Marta was once a sweet, happy-go-lucky, albeit strong-minded girl. However, after her boyfriend killed himself right before her eyes, implanting a small amount of his life energy into a gem within her forehead before dying; she's become much more jaded. She is still strong-willed, but her happiness is more-often faked than not these days.

Backstory: Her father lead a group of people called the vanguard; whom were similar to a revolutionary group. They wanted peace between both Sylvarant, the world she came from, and Tethe'alla, another, much richer, powerful world. After a while, a man named Richter came, and led her father down a darker, much more sinister path. She refused to go along with what had been occurring, and ran away with a core. Ratatosk's core- a red marble-looking round gem that held the summon spirit of what is essentially the guardian of the gate of hell within it.

She was cornered by the grunts of her father's group and panicked, begging for the summon spirit to help her.

He answered her pleas.

When she came to, a blonde boy was staning before her; the boy who- although she did not know his name at the time- would become the love of her life.

After a long, tiresome adventure of gathering the cores with the boy- whom she came to know as Emil- she found out a dark, harbored secret from the boy, that even he did not know until it was revealed to them both.

He was the summon spirit, Ratatosk.

He had to protect the door- and he had to leave her behind... But little did she know, he'd give up his own life, take his own life in front of her, just to keep the demons from spilling out.

She resents herself for still not seeing the real him, when he needed her the most.

Known enemies: Alice, from the Vanguard. She's dead, though, now.

Known rivals: Colette, althougth they're friends now, she saw her as a rival of love when she was with Emil.

Known allies/friends: Colette, Lloyd, and the rest of his group.

Known Family: Brute, the leader of the vanguard, as well as her deceased mother.

Companion: N/A

Weapons: A spinner blade. Akin to a shuriken, it's attached to her wrist however. She slashes with it.

Gear/gadgets: She also carries throwing knives.

Powers/abilities: Due to the sheer amount of life force Ratatosk originally had before he died, even if it was a small amount he left with her, it's still overwhelming compared to anything a human typically has. She mostly weilds light and dark magic.

Skills: Good with blades, especially since she also carries throwing knives on her now, too. Her magic is even more powerful- especially her healing magic. She's a force to be reckoned with.

Weaknesses: She can unravel quickly at the mention of suicide, effectively either breaking her down and causing her to collapse into herself, or go into a rampage and try and destroy the person. Either way, her walls are down significantly that way.

(Optional) Character quote: (after being essentially cornered by the vanguard and being demanded to give them both raratosk's and the centurion's cores)

"I don't have a Centurion's core, but Ratatosk's core is right here." The female points to the core's position on her forehead, under her bangs.

"If you want it that badly, you'll have to take it with my head."
RadiantRoar said:
Universe from: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Post-BAD ending)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: Marta Lualdi

Alias/nickname: MartMart (has a disdain for the nickname)

Age: 18 (in this reality anyway; she's aged a couple years)

Gender and sexuality: Female; Pansexual

Species/race: Human (has a small amount of the power of Ratatosks core within her)




(Optional) Likes: Cute things.

(Optional) Dislikes: The mention of suicide.

Personality: Marta was once a sweet, happy-go-lucky, albeit strong-minded girl. However, after her boyfriend killed himself right before her eyes, implanting a small amount of his life energy into a gem within her forehead before dying; she's become much more jaded. She is still strong-willed, but her happiness is more-often faked than not these days.

Backstory: Her father lead a group of people called the vanguard; whom were similar to a revolutionary group. They wanted peace between both Sylvarant, the world she came from, and Tethe'alla, another, much richer, powerful world. After a while, a man named Richter came, and led her father down a darker, much more sinister path. She refused to go along with what had been occurring, and ran away with a core. Ratatosk's core- a red marble-looking round gem that held the summon spirit of what is essentially the guardian of the gate of hell within it.

She was cornered by the grunts of her father's group and panicked, begging for the summon spirit to help her.

He answered her pleas.

When she came to, a blonde boy was staning before her; the boy who- although she did not know his name at the time- would become the love of her life.

After a long, tiresome adventure of gathering the cores with the boy- whom she came to know as Emil- she found out a dark, harbored secret from the boy, that even he did not know until it was revealed to them both.

He was the summon spirit, Ratatosk.

He had to protect the door- and he had to leave her behind... But little did she know, he'd give up his own life, take his own life in front of her, just to keep the demons from spilling out.

She resents herself for still not seeing the real him, when he needed her the most.

Known enemies: Alice, from the Vanguard. She's dead, though, now.

Known rivals: Colette, althougth they're friends now, she saw her as a rival of love when she was with Emil.

Known allies/friends: Colette, Lloyd, and the rest of his group.

Known Family: Brute, the leader of the vanguard, as well as her deceased mother.

Companion: N/A

Weapons: A spinner blade. Akin to a shuriken, it's attached to her wrist however. She slashes with it.

Gear/gadgets: She also carries throwing knives.

Powers/abilities: Due to the sheer amount of life force Ratatosk originally had before he died, even if it was a small amount he left with her, it's still overwhelming compared to anything a human typically has. She mostly weilds light and dark magic.

Skills: Good with blades, especially since she also carries throwing knives on her now, too. Her magic is even more powerful- especially her healing magic. She's a force to be reckoned with.

Weaknesses: She can unravel quickly at the mention of suicide, effectively either breaking her down and causing her to collapse into herself, or go into a rampage and try and destroy the person. Either way, her walls are down significantly that way.

(Optional) Character quote: (after being essentially cornered by the vanguard and being demanded to give them both raratosk's and the centurion's cores)

"I don't have a Centurion's core, but Ratatosk's core is right here." The female points to the core's position on her forehead, under her bangs.

"If you want it that badly, you'll have to take it with my head."
Welcome to Tears!
Universe from: TNA Wrestling

Alignment: Lawful Evil (But he is a crazy asshole)

Name: Matt Hardy

Alias/nickname: #Broken Matt Hardy

Age: 41

Gender and sexuality: Male, Broken

Species/race: Human (?)



(Optional) Likes: Family, Sr. Benjamin, Deleting, Lawnmowing, wrestling

(Optional) Dislikes: Brother Nero, Jim Cornette, Blasphemers on twitter

Personality: Just look at this man. He's #Broken. He's gone off the deep end and will stop at nothing to delete Brother Nero from the Hardy family tree.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Long, long ago, there was a promotion named TWF formed by two brothers, Matt and Nero/Jeff. This soon evolved into OMEGA, where The Broken One competed as "High Voltage". Later, he sent a tape to WCW for the Amateur Challenge using the ring name High Voltage. A tag team with that name already existed, so he changed his name to Surge, after the popular soft drink. It turns out Chris Kanyon stole the name. Eventually, after entering smaller promotions as "The Wolverine". Later, he had a long successful career in the WWF, went to TNA, flushed it all away, and decided to get revenge on his brother who dragged him there.

His plan would come to be known as "The Final Deletion."


Known enemies: Brother Nero, Brother Nero's fanbase of teenage girls, Blasphemers, Edge

Known rivals: Jim Cornette

Known allies/friends: Sr. Benjamin

Known Family: Reby Sky, King Maxel, Vanguard 1

Companion: Sr. Benjamin

Weapons: Fireworks, Garden decorations, Singaporan Canes,

Gear/gadgets: An entire army of aerial assault robots (read: store-bought drones), lead by Vanguard 1

Powers/abilities: Super strength, Above-average stamina, able to control his aerial assault drones from anywhere

Skills: Musical Genius, Master wrestler, Great father

Weaknesses: His madness is slowly taking its toll on his friends, family, enemies, drones, and Jim Cornette.

(Optional) Character quote: I've compiled a short list of his greatest quotes

  • "Brother Nero, I knew you'd come..."
  • "This is an extraordinary xylophone, Senor Benjamin. Gracias!"
  • "It's a dilapidated boat!"
  • "Oh shit!"
  • "It. Must. Be. Documented."
  • "Prepare the battlefield...For Massacre!"

(Optional) Character’s theme song: [media]


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