[Character Sign-Up] Islands of Origin


Lihulia's Legendary Explorer


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<p><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://40.media.tumblr.com/319b645b28f46d75348a7e88cbcaf419/tumblr_nvimcy0ZsR1raw55uo1_400.png&key=e50519e183ee0802fb23934ce2d2aa38186e3da7c77ad5a363d6bf8d698c4a15" class="ipsImage" alt="tumblr_nvimcy0ZsR1raw55uo1_400.png" /><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>Where do </em></span><span style="font-size:18px;"><em><strong>your </strong></em></span><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>loyalties lie...?</em></span> </p>

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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><span style="font-size:12px;">Greetings and salutations, fellow RPers! This here is, as you can probably tell from the title, </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>Islands of Origin</em></span><span style="font-size:12px;">, a project that's been very near and dear to my heart for a long time. I've put lots of time and effort into this little piece of work, and I'm excited to see what can come out of it! However, this isn't just my story. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>Islands of Origin </em></span><span style="font-size:12px;">is a tale meant to be brought together by many people, all with their own unique writing styles, characters, and ideas! I really hope that I'll be able to scrape together a group of people who feel just as passionately about this project as I do. So, without further ado, here's </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>Islands of Origin</em></span><span style="font-size:12px;">! I hope you enjoy the ride!</span></p></div>


<p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Plot</strong></span></p>


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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>“It is said that They brought forth the universe from only a void, breathing life into the lifeless, and spinning the threads of fate with only a wave of Their hand. The only question is... Who are They?"</em></p></div>

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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p>200 years ago, in the land of Pelagos, a land where only Pokemon dwell, an inquisitive Alakazam who called himself Odin decided he wanted to expand his already extensive knowledge. He learned of time and space and how they keep the world running, he learned of nature and living beings. But yet he was still unsatisfied. He himself didn't even know why. He was the most knowledgeable Pokemon in all of Pelagos' six islands. His wisdom was a sacred thing to the citizens of Pelagos, and he knew full well that he should be content with all he had learned. And then, one day, it dawned on him. He knew nothing of how the world itself came into being. Or the universe, for that matter. What was the point of knowing so much about Pokemon if he had know idea how they came to exist? Why should he care about time or space or the universe if he had not a clue where they all began? And who was the mastermind behind it all? Who was God? Nearly every Pokemon of Pelagos was engrossed in their legends and lore. They were especially entranced by the ones that spoke of the mighty being Mew, who breathed life into Pokemon, who defeated demons with Their holy magic, who commanded legendary beasts that shaped the earth into mountains and brought forth an almost infinite sea. But Odin was skeptical about these revered legends. He wanted a way to know for sure. What if Mew was just a fairy tale, dreamed up by some fool? He decided to investigate. The Pokemon who originally looked up to his scholarly pursuit of knowledge thought he was going mad. How could he deny the existence of Mew, an existence that they'd taken for granted for years upon years? Many of them decided not to trust his findings anymore, and figured that he was just a madman who'd lost himself forever. But, as soon as he discovered proof, the tides would be turned forever. For a very long time, the Pokemon living on the forest-covered island of Feulis suspected that there was some sort of secret hidden within the ancient ruins that rested on its beaches. When he visited the quaint isle for himself, it was Odin who was finally able to discover something incredible. Buried deep beneath Feulis’s beach was a secret passageway that was just begging to be explored. As Odin traveled through the tunnel, he found sacred writings carved into the walls. They spoke of a Pokemon named Arceus, who created the universe and brought Mew itself into the world. Drawings of the Pokemon were spread across the walls, and not a single stone was left untouched by etchings honoring the deity. Odin just knew it had to be true. Just as he had suspected, the tales of Mew were frauds. Just as he had suspected, they were merely lies meant to trick gullible Pokemon into believing in a fake God. But, they wouldn't trick Odin. And if he had anything to do with it, they would no longer trick anyone else, either. Odin spread his discovery to all the islands of Pelagos, and he got just the reaction he was hoping for. As Pokemon looked high and low, finding hidden clues of their own that proved the mighty Arceus' existence, their trust in Odin began to blossom all the more. Odin had changed the world, and he knew Pokemon were happy to have finally found the truth. But then, one day, he realized it wouldn't be that easy. A massive group of Pokemon began to rebel, supporters of Mew who wouldn't let Odin get away with taking away Pelagos’ trust in their one true God. They attacked Odin's supporters, and immediately a gruesome battle broke out. Pokemon hurt each other left and right, not showing a single sign of mercy. A few Pokemon were even killed in the brutal conflict. Finally, the Mew supporters rose in victory, having been given the massive advantage of surprise. Odin had never been so angry in his life. The Mew supporters were growing and growing, and he had no way to stop it. They were simply too strong. He had only one way: to outsmart them. But fortunately, being an Alakazam, that was his specialty. He formed his Arceus supporters into his own personal army, deploying them on two of the six islands. And they decided to go after the Mew supporters. With their organized methods of fighting and pre-planned strategies, they won this battle easily. So, the Mew supporters did the same. The conflict soon raged across Pelagos, and four of the six islands were fully involved in the battles. The wars, soon known as the Crusades, went on for many years, and eventually, Odin fell in battle. But the Arceus army went on strong, not wanting to let the loss of their original leader stop them. However, there were two islands who refused to immerse themselves in combat. The Pokemon living on the peaceful island of Feulis, a dense forest-covered island, and the Pokemon of Lithulia, an island filled with beautiful waterfalls and canals. Both islands believed that there is no true single 'God,' and that many god-like creatures worked together to create the world of Pelagos themselves. Their refusal to conform to one viewpoint enraged both sides, and they soon began to attack the islands, trying to force them to one side. However, neither island would budge. It was a struggle of willpower, and Feulis and Lithulia wouldn't back down. But after many years of brutal war, a tragedy occurred on the island of Lithulia. A strange portal appeared out of nowhere, and pulled several Pokemon in. The Pokemon of Lithulia were deathly afraid of being taken away themselves, and became more cautious. As portal sightings grew and grew, and more Pokemon were being devoured by the rips in space, they locked themselves in their homes, refusing to leave. Some heard voices in their dreams. Screams of agony, or sometimes a single cruel being telling them to give up. To give up, and stop trying to save themselves. It was a terrifying omen, and the Pokemon of Lithulia had never been so scared. Meanwhile, the other islands fighting for their gods scoffed at the pathetic Lithulia. They figured the portals were a sign. A sign from Arceus and Mew, sealing their fate to die if they refuse to pick a side. But even they didn't expect what happened next. Lithulia, after suffering from the portals for many months, was swallowed whole. It happened slowly. First, the southern half began to break apart. Pokemon's homes, their land, their sea... all of it became devoured by the portals. Pokemon from the northern part of the island attempted to escape, readying ships to take them away, but few succeeded. Only a very small handful of Pokemon escaped from the massacre, and they were not left without damage. Some became mentally traumatized, others lost limbs, some even lost portions of their memories. But none of the survivors will speak of what happened on that terrible day. It remains a deep secret. Now, the Crusades are still raging on, and show no signs of stopping soon. Portals have been sighted on Feulis as well, and the Pokemon of the other islands have no doubts in their mind that they will suffer the same fate as Lithulia. But the Pokemon of Feulis are determined to live on, and maybe even finally bring an end to the wrath of the Crusades. </p></div>




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<p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Factions</strong></span> </p>

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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p> You are a Pokemon who lives on Feulis, and is thus neutral to the combat of Mew vs. Arceus. Because Pokemon from Feulis are not Soldiers, the majority of them are fairly peaceful, with little to no battle experience. However, some Pokemon are trained as guards, in the event that another island attacks. After the destruction of Lithulia, the survivors of the crisis came to live in Feulis, as they had nowhere else to go. Because the incident was so recent, not all of the new residents of Feulis have gotten used to the drastic changes in their lives. And, similarly, not all of the Pokemon who have lived in Feulis have gotten used to their new neighbors. If you decide to play as a Feulis-Dweller, keep both this and the miniscule amount of Pokemon who escaped from Lithulia alive in mind.</p></div>




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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p> Soldiers are split into two groups, Mew Soldiers and Arceus Soldiers, who are each stationed on different islands. Nitraga and Runark are Mew-aligned islands, while Destirae and Quartzir are Arceus-aligned islands (see the island section for more information). Soldiers are normally wholeheartedly devoted to the cause of supporting either Mew or Arceus. However, some join the military for a different reason, whether that’s to get money, or just because being a Soldier is a societal expectation. Most soldiers serve in combat-oriented roles, fighting in battle and earning glory for their island. However, there are some who serve behind the scenes and support their allies on the sidelines, such as medics or priests.</p></div>




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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p> Rogues are Pokemon who live on Runark, Nitraga, Destirae, or Quartzir that are not Soldiers. This does not include younger Pokemon who are not yet old enough to be Soldiers, or Pokemon who were formerly Soldiers but can no longer continue with their duties due to age or injury. In a society where becoming a Soldier is the norm, being a Rogue is seen as highly unusual. It’s very common for Rogues to be viewed as cowardly, weak, or dishonorable by others. Because of these judgments, Rogues commonly live away from cities and villages, sometimes even forming their own communities. While both Soldiers and Feulis-Dwellers can be cultists as well, the majority of cultists are Rogues who believe in another almighty God rather than Arceus or Mew. If you choose to be a Rogue, keep in mind that in a world where religious influences are everywhere, you must have a very strong reason to abstain from becoming a soldier.</p></div>




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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>ALSO:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> You may be a Cultist if you wish! Cultists are members of Cults, groups of Pokemon with religious beliefs and practices that differ from the majority of the Pokemon found in their area. Cultists are not a separate faction on their own, as a Pokemon from any faction can be a Cultist, though it’s most common for Rogues. It's worth noting that merely having alternative religious beliefs does NOT make a character a Cultist - they must be a member or leader of a Cult.</span></p></div>

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<p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Islands</span></strong> </p>

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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Feulis</strong></span> <strong>Alignment:</strong> Neutral <strong>Most common Pokemon types:</strong> Grass, Bug, Flying, Normal, Fairy, Water A small, quaint tropical island filled with dense forests and ancient ruins begging to be explored. There aren’t many Pokemon living on the island itself, and most of its population lives in a small village within the heart of the forest. These Pokemon are religious like many of the others, but they have a very different belief - there is no single God, only a multitude of gods that each provided a different piece of the world we live in now. The villagers themselves worship Celebi, as the time-travelling legend is thought to be the single Pokemon holding the balance of their forests in place. They occasionally hold ceremonies in Celebi’s honor, usually in front of the island’s pride and joy, a majestic waterfall. The island is not nearly as peaceful as it once was, however, as Pokemon have been suddenly disappearing, assumingly because of the very same dimensional rifts that swallowed Lithulia whole. Because the majority of the villagers are generally peaceful and rarely fight, Feulis has no military. However, a select few villagers are prepared to protect the village from any threats, namely other armies. The leader of said group is Bullet the Sceptile, the loyal right-hand to the wise village leader, Glenn the Venusaur. The other islands tend to look down on the villagers of Feulis, as they did for the Pokemon of Lithulia, as the members of Feulis have yet to pick a side in the battle between Arceus and Mew. They think that the dimensional rifts throwing the island into chaos are a sign from Mew or Arceus - a sign that the island will fall if they remain neutral about the conflict. But the villagers of Feulis are unwavering in heart, wanting to stand strong alongside their beliefs even if it is their downfall. <strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Notable Locations</span></strong> <strong>Alnamos Village</strong> A humble village just close enough to the northern shore to be blessed by the refreshing feeling of the cooling mist being carried by the salty sea breeze, this old yet charming town square is the center of action in Feulis (Not that it really means much, seeing as Feulis doesn’t see much action anyways.). The rickety old huts surrounding the main square are still barely standing somehow, despite the fact that they were built from withered wood that’s only aged over time. In the center of the square, surrounded by worn cobblestones, stands the small yet tenacious town bell, just loud enough to reach the ears of a Pokemon off adventuring in the forest. The bell has done perhaps some of the greatest duties for the humble town and its citizens, as it alerts them to town meetings, group prayers, and dire emergencies. It used to be that the emergency bell was only rung if a few out-of-line rogues snuck in from the old gravel path leading into the forest, or the weather was getting out of hand. But, lately, any Feulis citizen will gravely tell you, the emergency bell has been rung far too often lately, and for all the wrong reasons. But even though Feulis has been in a bit of a bind in recent years, the citizens of Alnamos Village try to stay serene and unflinching. Even if only a handful of the villagers know how to fight, they can stand up to danger all the same. <strong>Wakeshine Beach </strong> A gorgeous beach with soft, silky sand, thousands of seashells sprinkled across the earth, and the gentle touch of the sun’s warm rays, Wakeshine Beach is the perfect place to unwind, whether it’s by soaking up the rays of the sun, or enjoying a nice wade through its crystal-clear waters. Or, if you’re more of an adventuring type, the seaside ruins off to the side are the perfect place for you. Just don’t forget to bring a light of some sort - or else you’ll miss out on the ornate paintings of the legendary Arceus spread from wall to wall. Or, even better, if you're lucky enough to be one of the rare few to have been taught to read ancient runes, you may be able to decipher just a few of the legends that started it all. The tales speaking of how the mighty Arceus created the universe with a toss of its head, bringing forth powerful deities to create life and land. Dialga, who spun time, and Palkia, who wrote the laws of space. Groudon and Kyogre, creators of the earth and sea, and Rayquaza, the one who kept their differences from starting brutal battles. Every mighty creature that came forth from Arceus's power was bursting with strength far beyond anything imaginable, and yet, they all bowed to Arceus's call as the one true God. Though most Pokemon are unable to read such tales, it is truly a powerful feeling to see where the godly legends began, all while hearing the roaring of the waves in the background. <strong>Greenleaf Falls</strong> Take a few steps onto the cobblestone path leading out of Alnamos Village, and surely you’ll hear the incredible pounding of Feulis’s prized landmark. You may even be able to notice the thin layer of mist settling around the treetops as you continue, and the waterfall’s deafening rhythm only gets louder with every step you take. Only after you continue down the beaten forest path, with the roar of the waterfall growing louder and louder as you go on, will you be able to truly experience Feulis’s greatest treasure. Greenleaf Falls is a mighty waterfall that stretches far past the treetops, surrounded by an eerie coat of mist, and it’s called the must-see attraction of Feulis. Greenleaf Falls is incredibly important to the villagers of Feulis - not only is it a truly beautiful sight, it is also where they hold their vitally important ceremonies honoring Celebi, the forest deity. The massive oak tree dominating the land at the base of the waterfall is said to be where the gentle God was born, springing forth from the branches and leaves and swearing a sacred oath to protect their new home with their life. At every change of the season, the Pokemon of Feulis gather together to pray in harmony in a festive celebration of their loving God's blessings. Sacrifices are made, songs are sung, and holy prayers are shouted to the heavens - all in honor of the life Celebi has brought to the humble village. <strong> Greenleaf Forest</strong> Feulis's mighty forest is so massive that it can make even the biggest and strongest of Pokemon feel like pebbles in comparison. Thousands of trees stand tall above the island, bursting with life and protecting the residents of the city with its beautiful yet durable canopy. The forest is regarded by the villagers as sacred ground, as it is where the gentle God Celebi was born, and the very place that provides the villagers with what they need to survive. It is thought that Celebi created the forest with a wave of its hand to bring life to the dying island, and it is because of the generous God’s kindly contributions that the villagers of Feulis are eternally grateful to their beautiful, flourishing forests. <strong>Forest Shrine </strong> A worn-down shrine within the heart of the forest, the aptly named Forest Shrine is thousands of years old - and it shows. The careful details carved into the wood are beginning to fade with age, and it isn’t standing quite as tall as it used to be. However, it is still a beloved gem of Feulis, and it always will be until the day when it finally comes crashing down. But, until that day arrives, it will continue to be used for a rather important purpose - the Forest Shrine is where Pokemon can alone venture to pray to the legendary forest God Celebi. It is said.to be the very place where Celebi was born, and where they decided to protect the villagers and forests of Feulis with their life. Scattered about the base of the shrine lay food offerings, small gifts, and other presents from the grateful villagers to the generous God. </p></div>


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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Runark</strong></span> <strong>Alignment: </strong>Mew <strong> Most Common Pokemon Types: </strong>All except Water From above, Runark looks like a barren, desolate wasteland, with absolutely no life. But, that’s because you’re missing what’s below. All of Runark’s Pokemon live underground, in a maze of passages that are nearly impossible to navigate if you aren’t a native of the area. The Pokemon themselves are constantly living on the brink of starvation, since food underground is scarce. Because of this, Pokemon bond together to form unlikely tight groups of communities, sharing food and water. The Pokemon of Runark are extremely loyal to each other because of these communities, and it isn’t unusual for one to sacrifice its food, shelter, or even their life for another. The Pokemon of Runark are strong believers in Mew, who they believe created Pokemon and gave them intelligence so they could face hardships together. This belief is what binds the Runark army, which is the smallest army of them all. Don’t let this underestimate you, however. Pokemon from Runark have extremely high stamina, as they would need to have to live such a dangerous lifestyle. Because of this, they can keep fighting for as long as they need to, and will always leap into battle fighting hard. And if you challenge them in their homeland? You won’t stand a chance. Only the Runark Pokemon know the layout of the passages, and you could get lost down there forever. Their tight community can form unusual strategies that would seem foolish to other armies, but end up winning Runark the battle. But, Pokemon from Runark lack the strength that other Pokemon do, mainly because they don’t get enough food as nourishment. Runark Pokemon need to rely on each other to win because of this, but fortunately for them, that’s what they’re best at. <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Notable Locations</strong></span> <strong>Central Square</strong> The creatively named “Central Square” is, well, the center of all of Runark’s activities. Taking a stroll through this high-energy plaza is a rather refreshing experience compared to wandering through the rest of Runark’s dark, dreary tunnels. Central Square is where many Pokemon come together to share resources with each other, from food to water to all sorts of other goods. Even in the dead of night, you can count on there being at least a few Pokemon out and about, making merry conversation. Everywhere you look in Central Square, you’re guaranteed to see Pokemon doing good deeds and splitting materials among themselves. The sheer amount of life and color that’s always present in the Central Square is a perfect demonstration of just how close the Pokemon of Runark are. <strong>Council Chamber</strong> Every community needs to be aware of the current happenings, and Runark is no exception. The Council Chamber, a meticulously built auditorium characterized by the beautiful stained glass image of Mew on its ceiling, is where Runark's assemblies take place. Every so often, the Council Chamber will be packed with Pokemon as they exchange information and news at one of Runark's community meetings. This is also where Rufus, Griff, and all of the other high-ranking members of Runark's military go to formulate battle strategies. However, the Council Chamber isn’t just for meetings. The Council Chamber is where you’ll find the Tallstones, a trio of monoliths that Runarkians use as their place of prayer and worship. Etched into the Tallstones are a set of ancient scriptures that seem to be absolutely indiscernible. Pokemon after Pokemon has puzzled over the meaning of the archaic language depicted on the stones, but none have yet cracked the code. As the Pokemon of Runark believe Mew is responsible for blessing them with the intelligence they need to band together and survive, they still continue to hope that, one day, Mew will grant them the knowledge they need to discover what exactly the Tallstones are trying to express. <strong>Bygone Burrow </strong> Among the maze-like structure of the main Runarkian tunnels, there is a series of smaller, far more secretive passages that few know about. It’s within these hidden tunnels that the Runarkian Rogues choose to live. The Rogues of Runark are a very quiet sort, rarely daring to venture outside of the passageways they call home. Their subdued actions and manner make them a very mysterious group - even among themselves. An average onlooker would probably question why the Bygone Burrow needs to exist in the first place. Runark is such a safe and supportive community! Why would there be any Rogues at all? And yet, the Runarkian Rogues exist, and they seem to be so afraid to venture out of their home that they’ve nearly cut off their ties with society entirely. What’s happened to them to make them so paranoid and cautious, so secretive and secluded? Every Rogue of Runark seems to have their own reason, and every Rogue of Runark seems to be tight-lipped about it... </p></div>


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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Nitraga</span></strong> <strong>Alignment:</strong> Mew <strong>Most Common Pokemon Types:</strong> [North] Ice, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Fairy [south] Fire, Rock, Ground, Steel, Fighting Known as the “island split in two,” Nitraga has earned this nickname for good reason. The southern and northern halves of the island are very different. Where the northern half is freezing cold, the southern half is almost unbearably hot and humid. Where the northern half has countless forests, the southern half is filled with massive deserts. Where the northern half takes pride in its secluded ice caves, the southern half can boast about its massive volcano, which is active, thank you very much. Nitraga’s climates aren’t the only strange thing, though. Its army, which battles for Mew, is also very different. The two halves train separately, until it is time for them to unite. With each half fighting very differently, they can cover each other's weaknesses with ease. But, this is a bit of a double-edged sword for them. While this can obliterate the other side in some situations, this can make it difficult for the halves to work together and strategize. So, Nitraga can be either a massive force in battle, or the laughingstock of the islands - never in between. <strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Notable Locations</span></strong> <strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Northern Nitraga</span></strong> <strong>Frigid Forest</strong> After making the trek from Southern Nitraga to Northern Nitraga, this dense pine forest is probably the first thing you’ll see. Frigid Forest, as its name would suggest, doesn’t exactly provide the warmest welcome to newcomers. Because of the icy winds that blow through it, it’s common for travellers to abandon their journeys after taking only a few steps into this bleak woodland. Frigid Forest becomes an even more frightful place when its maze-like structure is taken into account. Unprepared Pokemon could potentially be forced to wander through Frigid Forest’s winding paths for days, until they manage to either find their way or freeze to death. Only the most tenacious Pokemon can even set foot into Frigid Forest, let alone live in it. In fact, it’s these harsh conditions that make the Northern Nitragan military such a difficult group of foes to take on. The frosty arctic gales and labyrinth of passages of Frigid Forest have trained the Pokemon of Nitraga to persist even through the most difficult of challenges. <strong>Isolude Village</strong> At the heart of the Frigid Forest rests Isolude Village, a small yet vitally important settlement of Pokemon. Considering the brutal environment in which it resides, the Pokemon of Isolude Village are some of the most powerful you’ll ever meet, even going as far as to enjoy its bitter conditions. Because the majority of Isolude Village residents are either high-ranking military members or Soldiers who hope to reach that level, the Pokemon of Isolude Village are a quiet group. Many of them prefer to keep to themselves and focus on honing their skills rather than conversing with others. The lonely silence and bleak surroundings of Isolude Village make it a rather depressing place to live, which is why only a small number of Pokemon have made their homes there. However, the few Pokemon that live there are all staunch, steadfast, and skilled. The Nitragan military would be truly lost without them. <strong>Crystal Circle</strong> Once you’ve braved the trials of Frigid Forest, congratulations! You’re finally out of the woods - literally! Continuing your trek up north, the weather is still rather nippy, but definitely manageable when compared to the chilled air of Frigid Forest. Pokemon who manage to make it this far past the border between Northern and Southern Nitraga are rewarded generously for their efforts - rewarded with the sight of the Crystal Circle. This incredible landmark alone makes the trek through Frigid Forest completely worth it. The Crystal Circle, a completely natural sculpture of ice, is utterly breathtaking to behold. It stretches far across the Nitragan landscape and high into the sky, looking almost like a flower in bloom. Ornate symbols have been carved into its “petals,” designs that are so intricate and precise that it seems like they couldn’t have possibly been created by nature alone. Even more magnificent is the view of the Crystal Circle when the sun peeks out from between the clouds. When the sun’s rays reflect off of the elaborate structure’s ice, the Crystal Circle shimmers with brilliant iridescent colors - it’s really a sight to behold. It’s no wonder that the Pokemon of Northern Nitraga chose Crystal Circle to be their place of worship and prayer, considering just how awe-inspiring the Crystal Circle is. <strong>Ice Flow Beach</strong> Upon travelling way up north, far past the forests, fields, and freezing landscapes, you’ll encounter yet another one of the most unique landmarks Pelagos has to offer. The land bordering Northern Nitraga and the vast, open sea is encased in a layer of thick glacial ice. This makes it the perfect habitat for Water-type Pokemon who are able to brave the cold weather. But, if you decide to spend some time on Ice Flow Beach, be careful - if the fragment of ice you’re standing on breaks off from the rest, you’ll have a rough time getting back to dry land! While some Pokemon enjoy Ice Flow Beach for the beauty of its waters, there are others who spend their days exploring its secluded ice caves. The frozen caverns of Ice Flow Beach are highly popular places for Rogues to call home - they’re quiet, hidden, and are far from any sort of officially established settlement of Pokemon. <span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Southern Nitraga</strong></span> <strong>Piery Town</strong> A busy place filled with loud and rambunctious residents, Piery Town is the largest settlement of Pokemon in all of Nitraga. It’s easy to see why - Piery Town is where all the majority of Southern Nitraga’s military activities take place. Not only that, it rests at the foot of Mt. Malice, a major landmark for any seasoned explorer, and it’s rather close to the Steaming Springs, a favorite location for Nitragan residents who need to take some time to relax. Unlike the quiet citizens of Isolude Village, the Pokemon who live in Piery Town are loud, boisterous, and completely unapologetic about it. Even Fianna, Southern Nitraga’s own military commander, is sure to set aside time specifically for throwing parties and having a good time. However, don’t let this exuberant, easygoing attitude fool you. The residents of Piery Town really are dedicated to their work, using their passionate spirits to dissipate any fear that could potentially hold them back on the battlefield. <strong>Mt. Malice</strong> As its name implies, Mt. Malice isn’t meant for the faint of heart. Its treacherous cliffs stretch far past the clouds, the air around it is wrought with soot and ash, and, most of all, the “Mt.” in its name is rather misleading. Mt. Malice isn’t a mountain at all. In reality, it’s an active volcano! Because only the most determined of Pokemon would dare to try and conquer the mighty Mt. Malice, the rocky ridges near the top are a favorite spot for Rogues who don’t mind a little danger. <strong>Steaming Springs</strong> After a long day of training, there’s no better way to wind down and ease your aching muscles than taking a dip in the Steaming Springs. Because these warm, soothing hot springs are so close to Piery Town, exhausted Soldiers in need of some relaxation are a very common sight there. <strong>Daybreak Desert</strong> If you wander past the foot of Mt. Malice, you’ll eventually stumble upon the scorching sands and blistering heat of the Daybreak Desert. Most Pokemon couldn’t withstand even a few minutes in this sizzling wasteland, but the Pokemon of Southern Nitraga have no problem. They’ve had plenty of experience dealing with intense heat and arid weather. After all, it’s a necessity for them to be able to press on through the searing humidity - the Pokemon of Southern Nitraga go to Daybreak Desert rather frequently in order to pray and leave offerings at the Daybreak Temple. However, if you find that you’re unable to deal with the passionate sunlight and dry air, there is a solution. Deep within the Daybreak Desert is a beautiful tropical oasis that’s a miraculous sight for any Pokemon who’s having trouble coping with the intense weather of the desert. The majority of the Southern Nitragan Pokemon don’t find themselves visiting the oasis very often. Because much of Southern Nitraga’s population is made up of Fire, Rock, and Ground-types, taking a dip wouldn’t be the smartest idea. However, if you’re a Pokemon who can safely soak for a while in the water, visiting the oasis is a must. <strong>Daybreak Temple</strong> While in every other part of the island, Southern Nitragans have no problem with being as lively and raucous as they please, Daybreak Temple is the only place that never fails to quiet them down. This mysterious temple of unknown origin is said to have just spontaneously appeared in the Daybreak Desert one day. As such, its very existence is thought of as a miracle, brought to Nitraga by Mew Themself. Because of this miracle from Mew, Daybreak Temple is where the Pokemon of Southern Nitraga choose to pray and leave gifts for Mew. Perhaps the most fascinating thing about Daybreak Temple is the ancient illustrations etched into its walls. The style of these drawings is similar to that of the pictures on the walls of Feulis’s ruins. However, there is a key difference here - Feulis’s ruins depict Arceus, while Daybreak Temple’s walls display Mew. Whether or not the mystery of Daybreak Temple is ever uncovered, it will always remain an important symbol in the hearts of the Southern Nitragans. <span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Central Nitraga</strong></span> <strong>Midpass</strong> As its name suggests, the Midpass is the strip of land dividing Northern and Southern Nitraga. Travelling across it is a rather unusual experience - as you progress further into Southern Nitraga, the temperature slowly heats up, and as you begin to venture towards Northern Nitraga, you’ll begin to notice more and more stray snowflakes littering the ground. </p></div>


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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Destirae</span></strong> <strong>Alignment:</strong> Arceus <strong>Most Common Pokemon Types:</strong> Flying, Rock, Ground, Steel, Fighting Destirae is a mountainous island, with huge cliffs reaching to the horizon and past the clouds. It takes a very brave and tough Pokemon to live here, because those mountainsides don’t joke around. Fall off, and you’re just about done for. Because of this, many Flying-type Pokemon make their home here - they don’t have to deal with that risk. Destirae sports what is probably the strongest military in terms of raw power, due to the dangerous environment the Pokemon of Destirae live in. However, this can sometimes serve to be a problem. Many of Destirae's military members tend to be overconfident and overly-reliant on their brute physical strength to carry them through battles. Fortunately for them, though, Destirae is able to depend on its talented military tactician in solo battles. And, when fighting with their fellow Arceus supporters, the army of Quartzir, Quartzir can just handle the strategizing for them if need be. Proud, tough, and dangerous, the members of Destirae's army aren’t to be messed with. <strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Notable Locations</span></strong> <strong>Passage Points</strong> Need a lift to another part of the mountainous cliffs of Destirae? Too timid to manage the climb on your own? Well, just find a Passage Point, marked by a handy sign, and if a Flying-type Passage Porter is on duty, they’ll fly you straight to where you need to go - for a fee. <strong>Sanctum City</strong> Resting atop the pinnacle of Destirae, Sanctum City is the end goal for all aspiring climbers. It boasts a rather impressive population when compared to the smaller villages sprinkled throughout the cliffs of Destirae. While it’s easy enough to just get a ride from a Passage Porter up to Sanctum City, the same can’t be said about climbing up there yourself. Treacherous cliffs, steep slopes, and powerful winds are just a few of the threats that await Pokemon who attempt to reach Sanctum City all on their own. However, there is a very special reward that awaits travellers who brave the perils of Destirae - legend has it that Pokemon who climb from the foot of the mountains all the way to the Sanctum City peak will receive a blessing from the mythical Arceus. It’s for the sake of proving their determination and skills to Arceus that Pokemon all across Destirae continue braving the trials that the journey to Sanctum City holds. <strong>Sanctum Sanctuary</strong> Atop the tallest peak in all of Destirae, on a cliff that stretches out over the open sea, rests the Sanctum Sanctuary, the final landmark of any climber who is tenacious enough to explore the rugged landscapes of Destirae. Sanctum Sanctuary is the shrine where the Pokemon of Destirae go to pray, leave offerings, and receive blessings from their almighty God, Arceus. The Sanctum Sanctuary altar is where ambitious climbers are finally rewarded for their efforts. What is this reward, you may ask? All Pokemon who reach Sanctum Sanctuary by scaling the crags of Destirae are said to be sworn by to secrecy by Arceus Themself - you’ll have to step up to the challenge yourself to find out! <strong>Crevice Canyon</strong> Within an inlet that can only be found by carefully scanning the surface of Destirae’s rocky ridges exists a place that hardly any Pokemon knows about - even among the most powerful of authority figures on Destirae. If you manage to discover this secretive opening, you’ll find that deep inside of it lies a vast network of underground gorges - the perfect place for Rogues who wish to separate themselves from the rest of the world. Crevice Canyon, sometimes referred to as “The Hideout,” is where the biggest known settlement of Rogues chooses to live. The Pokemon of Crevice Canyon are an extremely tight-knit group, welcoming any newcomers who happen upon their hidden home with open arms and open hearts. The majority of them don’t even seem to care that they’ve been cast out from the rest of Destirae - if they’re unwanted there, they can just create a community of their own! </p></div>


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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Quartzir</span></strong> <strong>Alignment:</strong> Arceus <strong>Most Common Pokemon Types:</strong> All, but Water-types slightly moreso than the rest A very strange island, it appears to be an absolutely tiny patch of land that couldn’t hold any Pokemon, but this is only because the majority of the island has been completely submerged underwater. Underneath the surface, the island is almost like an aquarium - a powerful, near indestructible barrier surrounds the bustling cities and Pokemon of Quartzir, and through the barrier, Water-type Pokemon can be seen swimming about. Quartzir’s military, trained to fight for the glory of Arceus, is very uptight. If you can’t perform up to the army’s standards, you’d better prepare yourself for a grave punishment. This particular island is in the best condition out of the others, simply because it is very difficult to attack and locate. The island used to have a series of pipes connecting it to the other islands, but they were shut off due to the danger of oncoming attacks from Mew supporters. The military is extremely dangerous because, as said before, Quartzir’s mighty commander, Sepres the Milotic, will not take in any stragglers. She’ll work you to exhaustion if she has to, and will not take no for an answer. <strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Notable Locations</span></strong> <strong>Spiracle City</strong> Spiracle City, a crowded, chaotic metropolis, takes up nearly all of Quartzir and is the center for all of its activities. Stepping into Spiracle City for the first time is overwhelming to say the least - there’s no other place where you’ll see so many Pokemon in one place. And, because of the size and diversity of Spiracle City’s environment, the hordes of Pokemon you’ll find there are extremely varied. The residents of Spiracle City come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, as well as having vastly differing type combinations. The only type of Pokemon you’ll have difficulty finding in Spiracle City is Water-types. While Spiracle City is inside of the gigantic glass dome beneath the surface of the ocean, Quartzirian Water-types have their own home on the outside. It’s the sheer amount of diversity and organization that Quartzir has that makes it the fearsome force on the battlefield that it is. While Quartzir doesn’t necessarily have a higher population than the other islands, it has the advantage of having easy access to a massive group of Pokemon all in the same place - all gathered in Spiracle City. <strong>Hallowed Hall</strong> There are two places that will immediately catch anyone’s eye upon entering Spiracle City - Quartzir’s official military base, and the Hallowed Hall. The Hallowed Hall is the chosen place of worship for the Pokemon of Quartzir, and it is perhaps the most intricately constructed place in the entire city. Entering the Hallowed Hall for the first time is an incredibly humbling experience unlike any other. It’s constructed similarly to a museum, with various creations dedicated to displaying the glory of Arceus lining the walls. Ancient artifacts recovered from the bottom of the sea, paintings displaying Arceus’s brilliance, stone tablets with legends of the mighty God carved into them... If you can think of it and it relates to Arceus in some way, it’s probably here. The Hallowed Hall really shows just how devoted the citizens of Quartzir can be towards their beloved deity. <strong>Abandoned Alleys</strong> As you exit Quartzir’s military base and venture through Spiracle City from there, you’ll find that the city begins to slowly and progressively change. The buildings nearest to the military base are fancy and ornate, and they exude a certain, almost royal sense of superiority that you won’t find anywhere else. After wandering away from the base, the buildings and facilities begin to seem more and more ordinary. Identical houses line both sides of the street, as if originality is no longer a concern. Then, finally, on the edges of the city are the drab, crumbling buildings that are hardly even glanced at by passerby. It’s on these shabby outskirts of town where you’ll find the Abandoned Alleys. While most Pokemon would dread living in a grungy area of such low class, it’s the ideal spot for Quartzirian Rogues. When you’re a Rogue who’s stuck living in Quartzir, where the military laws and punishments are far stricter than anywhere else, you’d want nothing more than to find a corner of the city where hardly anyone is even aware of your existence. <strong>Driftdeep Reef</strong> While Spiracle City is the central for all of Quartzir’s activities, it’s not all there is to the island. In fact, on the outside of Quartzir’s glass dome, you can see firsthand what kind of a world has been created within the surrounding ocean. The Water-type Pokemon of Quartzir have managed to form a whole new town and community of their own in the form of Driftdeep Reef. As its name suggests, Driftdeep Reef is a town specifically for Water-type Pokemon that has been built atop a coral reef. This means that Driftdeep Reef is far more bright, colorful, and structurally unique than Spiracle City. Because Driftdeep Reef is home to only Water-type Pokemon, that means its population is far smaller when compared to Spiracle City. However, many of the residents seem to prefer it this way. They can easily take a look at Spiracle City through Quartzir’s glass dome at any time, and seeing the constant hustle and bustle has made them grateful for their comparatively laid-back lifestyle. </p></div>




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<p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Important NPCs</span></strong> <span style="font-size:12px;">This is just a little bit of info about important characters from each island that may make creating a sign-up and writing actual posts a bit easier. You can create your own NPCs, of course, but you have to message me about it first.</span> </p>

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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Feulis</span></strong> <strong>Glenn</strong> An old, wise Venusaur who is far past his prime, Glenn has been the leader of Alnamos Village for who knows how long. His long life, though it may be coming to an end, has taught him many things, and his only hope is that he can pass them on to his dear village before his time is up. Because of his age, he isn’t as much the leader anymore as the one who watches over the village. He can no longer battle, and he is growing weaker and weaker each day. But, still, he remains a kindly and thoughtful Pokemon who loves nothing more than his wonderful community. <strong>Bullet</strong> The next in line for the spot of the coveted village leader, this diligent Sceptile puts his duties above all else, strictly and harshly trying to keep every last Pokemon in line for their own protection. Bullet often comes off as a stick-in-the-mud with his no-nonsense attitude and his harsh view of the world. However, the Pokemon who train under him wouldn’t agree. Bullet has taught quite a few Pokemon about how to fight and defend the village in a crisis, and his students all look up to him immensely. To them, his stubbornness is persistence, his irritability is passion, and his need to keep everyone in their place is loyalty. Despite the fact that Bullet can easily suck the fun out of anything, you can’t deny that he’s certainly devoted to Feulis and its citizens. And, in a place where almost every resident is gentle and peaceful, sometimes a little discipline is all you need. <strong>"The Fury"</strong> All throughout Alnamos Village, Pokemon tell stories of "The Fury," a fearsome creature who lives in the eastern part of the Greenleaf Forest. It is said that The Fury's ruthless nature strikes fear into the hearts of even the most courageous of warriors. Even more horrifying is The Fury's ravenous appetite - the only meal that can satisfy it is children! For years, Pokemon have frightened their children with these made-up tales, with the goal of scaring them so much that they would never dare to set foot into the deep woods. However, there may be some truth to these rumors. There are some Pokemon, both young and old, who claim to have seen this fearsome monster. Some say that The Fury has claws that are so long and sharp that they could even slice through bone. Others assert that The Fury's strong jaws and massive teeth could reduce a boulder to rubble. Meanwhile, others state that it's The Fury's psychic powers that make it so terrifying. As no one can agree on whether or not The Fury is real, or on what form it takes, this monstrous being still remains a mystery. </p></div>


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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Runark</span></strong> <strong>Rufus</strong> This giant behemoth of an Excadrill appears to be fierce and heartless to any average onlooker, but every Pokemon living in Runark knows that he is the very definition of a gentle giant. Rufus has everything that a military commander like him would need - quick reflexes, a sharp, strategic mind, a durable body, and, most of all, pure, raw power. However, his kind nature and soft spot for all things cute and cuddly is what really sets him apart from the rest of the commanders. While Rufus is a strong believer in Mew, he primarily fights just to protect the residents of Runark - his “family” of sorts. Because of this, it’s very rare for the Runarkian army to launch a direct attack on another island - if possible, Rufus wants to avoid striking others unless they’ve struck first. The tender nature Rufus possesses has made him a beloved figure in the hearts of the Pokemon of Runark - especially in the heart of Griff the Sandslash, Rufus’s trusted mate and right-hand man. Even though Rufus would prefer peace to war, underestimating him and his loyalty to Runark on the battlefield will be your last mistake. <strong>Griff</strong> To any Pokemon living outside of Runark, this smooth-talking, laid-back Sandslash might seem a little strange. But, to the Pokemon of Runark, he is their beloved instructor of sorts, focusing on training Pokemon into powerful soldiers when he’s not in the heat of battle. Griff is a very quirky Pokemon, seeming to be relaxed in even the bleakest of situations and preferring to take take life’s challenges as they come and go with the flow, rather than rushing ahead recklessly. But despite his relaxed nature, he is surprisingly extremely sociable, able to strike up conversation with complete strangers and talk for hours. He’s also got quite a few odd catchphrases under his belt, and passes out weird nicknames like party favors. But even though he seems careless, and always cool and calm, Griff changes dramatically once he enters a fight. He’s a tough, ruthless fighter who strikes fast and hard, and will only hit harder if you dare to hurt one of his companions. This especially holds true for Rufus. The two have pretty much known each other since birth, and they eventually went on to become mates. But, whether he’s a rough n’ tumble berserker or an odd yet endearing rascal, Griff is someone who can definitely be relied on. <strong>Leona</strong> If you asked the average citizen of Runark about their childhood, they’d most likely say that they had many fond memories with Leona. The mother figure of the community of Runark, Leona the Kangaskhan takes great joy in taking care of the young Pokemon who can’t fend for themselves, whether they have to stay in her care for a few hours while their parents are out working hard, or they have no parents at all. Leona remembers clearly that she grew up without any parental figures in her life - her mother died while giving birth to her, and her father abandoned her soon after. It was difficult making her way in the world and learning to survive without their help, and she doesn’t want any child to have to go through the same. However, even though much of her time is spent nurturing the children of Runark, that’s not all she can do. Her powerful body and tough armor doesn’t mess around - and if any threatening Pokemon try to harm her “family,” she won’t let them off easy. Because of her natural skill with other Pokemon and her immense power, she even sometimes helps Griff train the newer recruits. With her powerful attacks and good-natured spirit, the community of Runark owes a lot to its mother figure. </p></div>


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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Nitraga</span></strong> <strong>Sinatra</strong> An odd and somewhat twisted Froslass, the strange thoughts dwelling in Sinatra’s mind are a mystery to everyone, and frankly, most Pokemon don’t even want to know what she’s thinking about. She’s the quiet sort of Pokemon who mostly prefers to talk to herself rather than others - some say they’ve even heard her muttering what appear to be curses under her breath. She has a more pessimistic nature, the opposite of her fellow commander Fianna’s brash, optimistic one, but her negative outlook on life doesn’t bring her down. In fact, it makes her even more determined to change the outcome of battles. Some say her cynical nature comes from Nitraga’s previous defeats at the hands of the Arceus Soldiers, while others choose to believe that her gloomy persona stems from having faced the bitter embrace of death once before. Whatever you may think about this commander, you can’t argue that her status-inducing moves can really screw up the enemies plans, even if she may seem a little bit too happy to make her enemies suffer. <strong>Fianna</strong> A tough girl who isn’t to be messed with, Fianna is the commander of Nitraga’s southern army. She’s a Rampardos with a serious attitude who isn’t afraid to prove in battle that she’s the best commander of them all. In order to demonstrate her raw strength, she trained hard in order to conquer the scorching heat of Mt. Malice, the most menacing volcano in all of Nitraga. Many Pokemon have suffered considerable injuries due to the overwhelming heat of Mt. Malice’s lava - but not Fianna! She’s spent so much time around Mt. Malice that magma has cooled all over her body. This makes her rocky armor even more durable and her head smashes even more devastating! As a contrast to her fellow Nitragan commander, Sinatra, she focuses purely on offense, living by her motto of “Strike first, ask questions later!” Doing serious damage to enemies isn’t all she can do, though. When you’re being assaulted by Fianna’s fearsome barrage of attacks, you won’t even realize that Sinatra is running wild with her status conditions until it’s too late. If you don’t know what you’re up against, facing off against Fianna can be just like throwing your life away. <strong>Misa and Milo</strong> An odd duo with an odd way of going about life, these twin Meowstic are never seen apart. The two run a travelling fortune telling business, and they’ll go through the most treacherous mountain range, across the widest, driest desert imaginable, or possibly even over the ocean to secure a bit of money. Though they may seem like frauds at first, with Milo’s greedy, penny-pinching attitude and Misa’s eerie, inopportune giggling, their fortunes are shockingly accurate. For each fortune they predict, they’ll normally only get one detail wrong. This is due to their immense psychic power (though Misa may suggest, with a spine-tingling cackle, that it’s because they have certain “connections”), which is leaps and bounds beyond what two Pokemon with so little fighting experience should have. Because of their power, each Nitragan commander has tried time and time again to recruit the dynamic duo to the military, but to no avail. Misa and Milo believe they have no need to answer the silly question over Arceus vs. Mew, especially when they figured out the true answer long ago. Whether they believe Misa and Milo are complete frauds or telling the absolute truth, any Pokemon who meets this brother-sister duo can agree that they’re unlike anyone you’ll ever meet. </p></div>


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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Destirae</span></strong> <strong>Vic</strong> The tough-as-nails commander of Destirae, this Braviary values honor above all else. Though he wishes to be victorious, he wants to win battles in a glorious manner, refusing to stoop to betrayal or underhanded tactics in order to seize victory for his Lord Arceus. Vic used to be a much more light-hearted Pokemon, willing to laugh and make merry with his soldiers, but, in recent times, he seems to have changed. Since the mysterious and sudden departure of his former deputy, Dorian the Hawlucha, Vic has become far more serious, appearing to be skeptical of where his soldiers' loyalties truly lie. It's for this reason that Vic seems to be focusing more on himself lately, knowing at he can, at the very least, trust himself to serve Arceus. Will that attitude be the cause of the military's downfall...? <strong>Laos</strong> Sometimes, within the thick of war, Pokemon forget what they’re truly fighting for. Though he can be difficult to seek out, as the mountain ranges of Destirae reach far across the island, Laos is always there to remind you. A strong believer in the glory of Arceus, Laos has spent year after year of his long life giving thanks to the benevolent god, believing that he gave Pokemon the ability to pave their own way in life. Despite the fact that he should have retired from the army long ago, he battles on for the sake of his beliefs, training hard every day. Being a Mienshao, he is very quick and agile on the battlefield despite his age, striking fast and hard. He’s got a sharp wit as well, and his long life has given him both immeasurable patience and wisdom. He’s accepted the fact that his life may come to an end at any time, so he’s decided that any young Pokemon hoping to further their skills can train under his wing for as long as they’d like - that is, if they can find him among Destirae’s vast cliffs. <strong>Avex</strong> A strangely cheery Pokemon among a crowd of soldiers weighed down by the horrendous sights of war, this upbeat Gliscor will dive into just about anything with a smile on her face - even a battle. She finds battles fascinating, and will try her best to analyze everything she can about a Pokemon’s move in the middle of one - that is, before she has to get out of the way. Avex constantly has her nose in books whenever she isn’t on the battlefield. This is a rather rare sight for a Pokemon considering that Pelagos’ written language has been lost in time, and is now only known by a select few. She knows the ins and outs of just about every strategy in the book, and as such, she’s been unofficially elected Destirae’s resident tactician. She loves nothing more than to discover more and more about the way Pokemon channel their power, and about the characteristics of each species. And, if you’re unlucky enough to catch her at a time when she’s particularly excited about her studies, she’ll decide she needs to exuberantly share everything she’s learned with you - whether you like it or not. For a renowned strategist, she’s rather disorganized. Constantly surrounding her while she studies are papers that have just been lazily thrown about. She’ll get so wrapped up in her research that it’s become expected for her to show up a few minutes late to strategy meetings. And, you’ll have to spend quite a bit of time around her to get her to remember your name (In the meantime, she’ll use one of her lovingly crafted nicknames. “No need to thank me,” she’ll add.). But, she’s only so scatterbrained because she’s using up the space in her mind to remember just about any detail about any Pokemon you could ever imagine. She’s like a walking encyclopedia, and can give you a comprehensive oral guide on how each species fights - all the way from Abomasnow to Zweilous. So, when you meet her for the first time, don’t judge her by her excessive enthusiasm, forgetfulness, or odd habits. Judge her by her dedication to her research, and her loyalty to the military’s cause. <strong>Dorian</strong> Chatty, comical, and above all else, charismatic, this Hawlucha is the go-to Pokemon when you just want to forget your worries and have a good time. Dorian was the original founder of the Crevice Canyon community, and the one who made it into the haven for rejects and misfits that it is today. As such, he’s the unofficial leader of the Rogues of Destirae, and is adored by just about all of them. And, really, it’s no wonder that they do - his charm and wit could bring any Pokemon out of the doldrums. In fact, the Rogues of Destirae probably wouldn’t be the closely bonded group they are now if it wasn’t for him. As much as he tries to cover up his past with a fun and light-hearted attitude, he will always have to live with the memories of his former identity - a former Soldier, and, at one time, Vic’s right-hand man. The fact that Dorian used to be such a well-respected and powerful military member is a secret that very few Pokemon among the Rogues of Destirae know. However, this isn’t the most mysterious thing about him - that would be why he suddenly chose to flee the military and carve out his own path as a Rogue. Not a single soul knows just why Dorian abandoned his life as a Soldier, and it’s possible that no one will ever know. </p></div>


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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Quartzir</span></strong> <strong>Sepres</strong> A cold-hearted and stoic Milotic, Sepres is not only the commander of Quartzir’s military, but she is also the self-proclaimed queen of Quartzir itself. She is a bit on the egotistical side, taking pride in her skills, but hey, she really does have a good reason to be. She, like the other commanders, is a fierce foe in battle. Her unusually high speed for her species allows her to strike faster than you could ever imagine, and she may as well be unrivaled in water combat. She is the sole reason for her military’s uptight standards and won’t hesitate to personally punish any Pokemon who isn’t performing up to snuff. It’s because of her ruthless nature and natural ability to strike fear into the hearts of others that she has complete control over a sizable portion of Quartzir’s population. Rumor has it that this cruel empress might be hiding a secret, but no Pokemon has been brave enough to confirm that for themselves... <strong>Dyna</strong> Sepres’s attack dog of sorts, Dyna has developed quite the reputation for herself among the population of Quartzir. She’s unflinchingly loyal, carrying out even the most violent orders at just a flick of her master’s tail, and being a Houndoom, she’s viciously strong. Pokemon after Pokemon has applauded her incredible determination and crowned her as one of the best soldiers around. It’s clear that she’s extremely devoted to the military’s cause... Or, at least, that’s how she seems to be. Dyna has quite a few secrets to hide concerning her true alignment, and she isn’t nearly as devoted to her position as one might think. Despite her vicious actions and incredible strength, Dyna is really a kind and gentle soul, which is why she’s been doubting whether or not fighting for the sake of Arceus is really worth it. <strong>Wink</strong> If you ever find yourself within the hectic main city of Quartzir, be sure to remain diligent at all times. Look in front of you. Look behind you. Look around the corner. If you manage to spot a hooded figure moving through the chaotic crowd of Pokemon surrounding you, get away as fast as you can. Don’t stop running until you’re sure you’re sure they’re not behind you. You’ve just escaped the fate of becoming one of Wink’s victims. Unlike most Rogues, this nefarious Scrafty is bold enough to leave the Abandoned Alley and venture out into the busy streets of Spiracle City. Being in a place where so many Pokemon are out and about is usually a Rogue’s worst nightmare, but Wink uses the chaos to his advantage. Wink has such a massive grudge against Soldiers and Pokemon who associate with them that he has no qualms with bringing harm to them. He gets his food and money from snatching it right from other Pokemon, and he’s become rather talented at his thievery. It’s certainly a big risk, but it’s one that has always paid off for him. When he steals from other Pokemon, they have no way of knowing exactly who did it - and that’s when he uses the hustle and the bustle to make his stealthy escape. However, he doesn’t just use the money for himself. Its very common for Wink to share his food and money with the Rogues around him. This has lead many of the Rogues in Quartzir to respect him deeply - he’s taking a risk for their sake! However, there’s still a sizable amount of Rogues who disagree with Wink’s methods and outright refuse to accept gifts from him. Whether you think Wink is in the right or in the wrong, it’s undeniable that he’s got a knack for what he does - for better or for worse. </p></div>




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<p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>RP Rules</strong></span> </p>

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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><strong>1. </strong>No bunnying, or controlling someone else's character. Controlling NPCs is fine. <strong> 2. </strong>No godmodding, or overpowering your character to the point where they're unstoppable in battle. <strong> 3. </strong>If you know you’re going to be inactive, let me know beforehand. I will consider you inactive if it’s been two weeks since you last posted. <strong> 4. </strong>If you are inactive and haven’t informed me in advance that you will be, I may have to kick you from the RP if you’re inactive for too long. Not posting for 1 month without talking to me first is grounds for being kicked. <strong> 5. </strong>If there are any real-life circumstances preventing you from doing your best work, or if you just have writer’s block, please let me know. I won’t judge - it happens to all of us. <strong> 6. </strong>No harassing or manipulating other RPers. Let's all try to be civil with each other, alright? If another RP member is treating you badly in any way, please let me know! I'll be sure to have a chat with them. <strong> 7. </strong>For the most part, I'm rather lax on rules. I'll generally just let you off with a warning. However, if you have been consistently harassing or manipulating other RPers, depending on the severity of the situation, I can and might kick you out immediately. </p></div>




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<p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Sign-Up Rules</strong></span> </p>

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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p>Once 9 people have submitted Sign-Ups, bringing the total to 10, I will kickstart <em>Islands of Origin</em>. However, more people than this can sign up if the interest is high enough! I will be capping it at 15 total members - 3 for each island. If you join after we've already begun, I'd be happy to help catch you up so that you aren't lost. Please go above and beyond with your sign-ups! All other details are included in the Sign-Up form.</p></div>


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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p> <strong>Name:</strong> (Only a first name is needed, but you can add a last name if you want.) <strong> Species:</strong> (Self-explanatory. Preferably a basic or unevolved Pokemon, but they can be evolved if they evolve at a low level. I might make exceptions. There are no levels in this RP, but the estimated level of strength at the beginning is around the equivalent of Level 20. If there is a backstory reason why your character must be evolved or must be stronger than the equivalent of Level 20, I might make an exception. <em>Please pay attention to the Pokemon species that other players are using</em>. I'd rather not have multiples of the same species in this RP if possible, as it could potentially make things rather confusing.) <strong> Gender: </strong>(Self-explanatory. Not restricted to just male or female - feel free to fill in whatever gender you’d like. Specifying pronouns is appreciated as well. Having multiple pronoun sets is welcome.) <strong> Faction:</strong> (Feulis-Dweller, Soldier, or Rogue. Please specify whether you are aligned with Arceus or Mew if you are a Soldier. If you're a Cultist, please make a note of that here as well. Cultists are Pokemon that are members of organized Cults, not just Pokemon with alternative religious beliefs. <strong>I am not currently accepting Sign-Ups for Feulis-Dwellers or Soldiers.</strong>) <strong> Island:</strong> (Which island you live on. Keep in mind how your species factors in to your ability to survive in a certain island habitat. For example, a Grass-type probably won’t thrive very well in hot, fiery Nitraga. Generally, Mew Soldiers live on Runark and Nitraga, while Arceus Soldiers live on Destirae and Quartzir. Please also be aware of which island other users who have signed up have chosen - I'd like to avoid having too many people on one island, if possible. <strong>I am not currently accepting Sign-Ups for Pokemon from Feulis, Runark, or Nitraga.</strong>) <strong> Moves:</strong> (4 moves to start out, but you can have more than 4 later on. You can’t have any TM or HM moves yet, but you may have either 1 egg move or 1 move tutor move. If there is a backstory reason why your character must know more than 4 moves or a move that doesn’t fit within these guidelines, I might make an exception.) <strong> Personality:</strong> (At least 200 words, but more is encouraged. Please go above and beyond!) <strong> History:</strong> (At least 200 words, but more is encouraged. Please go above and beyond!) <strong> Other:</strong> (Optional. Any other information that doesn’t fit in anywhere else.) <strong> Writing Sample:</strong> (A sample of writing. This can be a piece of writing from the past, or a sample written specifically for this Sign-Up. Please put the sample in a quote or spoiler box so it’s separated from the rest of the text. If you'd rather not post your writing sample publicly, you can send it to me privately.) </p></div>




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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Players</strong></span></p></div>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Feulis: 1. </strong><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-islands-of-origin.234884/#post-6030769" rel="">Littna the Aipom</a> (<em>Ribbons</em>) <strong>2. </strong><strong><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-islands-of-origin.234884/#post-6047723" rel="">Ryuka the Riolu</a></strong><strong> </strong>(<em>Andydemon</em>) <strong>3. </strong><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-islands-of-origin.234884/page-2#post-6324325" rel="">Rain the Maractus</a> (<em>bluejay</em>) <strong>Runark: 4. </strong><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-islands-of-origin.234884/#post-6031223" rel="">Daeana the Umbreon</a>: Soldier (<em>Ryve</em>) <strong>5. </strong><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-islands-of-origin.234884/#post-6034753" rel="">Charr the Noibat</a>: Soldier (<em>Jigen</em>) <strong>6. </strong><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-islands-of-origin.234884/#post-6037554" rel="">Percy the Goomy</a>: Soldier (<em>Bunny Prince</em>) <strong> Nitraga: 7.</strong> <a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-islands-of-origin.234884/#post-6031989" rel="">Frost the Eevee</a>: Rogue (<em>QuickSilvi</em>) <strong>8. </strong><em>Reserved</em> <strong>9 Destirae: 10. </strong><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-islands-of-origin.234884/#post-6041314" rel="">Tana the Fletchinder</a>: Soldier (<em>Vanilla</em>) <strong>11. </strong><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-islands-of-origin.234884/#post-6064056" rel="">Shira the Bagon</a>: Rogue (<em>ectoplasmius</em>) <strong>12. Quartzir: 13. </strong><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-islands-of-origin.234884/#post-6031893" rel="">Ditto the Ditto</a>: Rogue (<em>CompuCat</em>) <strong>14. </strong><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-islands-of-origin.234884/#post-6060557" rel="">Esmond the Slowking</a>: Rogue (<em>MrSunshine</em>) <strong>15.</strong></p></div>

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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><span style="font-size:12px;">That awesome banner at the top was made by kyogreblue3 of Serebii Forums! Thank you!</span></p></div>





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Because I will be a participant in this RP as well, here's my Sign-Up! A writing sample has not been included here because I'm guaranteed a spot in the RP anyway (and because you can see plenty of my writing in the descriptions, though it's not narrative writing). I also decided to include a picture just for fun - this one was drawn by my good friend Andy! You can also see another picture of her in my icon.


Name: Littna

Species: Aipom

Gender: ♀ (She/Her)

Faction: Feulis-Dwellers

Island: Feulis

Moves: Sand Attack, Baton Pass, Fury Swipes, Ice Punch

Personality: Brash and stubborn, with a mischievous streak a mile wide, Littna is the polar opposite of the other citizens of Feulis. Where they are wise, dedicated, and noble, she is childish, careless, and hot-headed. But she does have one thing on her side - she’s got a razor-sharp cleverness that can work her out of the toughest of situations. But, she doesn’t always use this wit of hers for the benefit of others. Trickery, manipulation, and even sacrificing others... she’ll use her ingenuity to help her and only her, with no exceptions. Because of this, she is very self-centered, and will not budge unless she gets her way. And, to get her way, she’ll stoop very low.

Littna can be a bit of a control freak at times. She loves the feeling of being on top - being admired and listened to is something she craves constantly. She has a hard time winning over smarter Pokemon, but, thanks to her manipulation, she has managed to convince a few other Pokemon to help her out with her schemes. Her prime victim is Benji, a rather naive Linoone who she now has at her beck and call. Though her cunning smooth talk isn’t the extent of her skills, it’s definitely helped her weasel her way out of trouble more than once.

Her greatest talent? That’d be her tricks. Littna has a way with items and objects. Give her an ordinary everyday item, and I guarantee you she’ll be able to execute an ingenious prank with it quicker than you could ever believe. Her trusty tools have helped her get her way more times than she could count - on all three of her hands! Whether its because she managed to get her foe frozen, tied upside down, or covered in sap, she knows she can rely on her stash of tricks and traps. But, these unique devices don’t just help Littna when she’s terrorizing the island. They’re the secret to her prowess in battle. While she doesn’t have much in the way of raw power, her trickery can seriously mess with her foes’ plans. She can turn a disadvantage into an advantage before they even know it. She’s got plenty of tools she can use to help her out, that she’s proud to say she crafted herself, thank you very much. But her tools are a bit of a double-edged sword. While they can seriously trip up some foes, she relies just a bit too much on them, and a clever Pokemon that can see through her tricks will find that she can even fall easily to just one blow - if you can hit her, that is. Even though Littna’s pure power and defenses are nothing to write home about, she’s got both a quick mind and quick reflexes. So if you want to beat her, you’ll have to match her adrenaline-fueled speed - and watch where you step.

Oh, and watch out for her when she’s bored. The times when she’s just lying around, with no clue what to do? Those times are when her most wonderfully despicable plans pop into her head. The times when her victims don’t have any idea how she even came up with half the ideas for her devious tricks. And those are the times when wreaking havoc on the normally peaceful island of Feulis has never made her prouder.

Littna has the tendency to be just a little careless. Okay, maybe more than a little. She doesn’t really think about other Pokemons’ thoughts and feelings because, according to Littna, hers come first. Why should she care about the Feulis Island’s shrine to Celebi? She doesn’t believe in that Tauros shit. Why should she care about what the other Feulis Pokemon think of her? They’re all idiots. Unless it stands in the way of her and whatever her goal may be, Littna will just brush it aside. Because of this, she is quite childish. She will throw a tantrum if she doesn’t get her way, and may even kick and scream if you push her far enough. With her wild personality and quick temper, she’ll usually need a Pokemon or two there just to keep her under control.. Maybe even three.

Speaking of the citizens of Feulis, they are at the top of the list of things that infuriate Littna to no end. Their foolish allegiance to Celebi, their belief in those idiotic legends and lore, and that smartass second-in-command of the village. Littna would love nothing more than to get off that wretched island, away from her so-called “babysitters.” Legends are one thing that she can't stand in general. They're clearly all just nonsense dreamed up by fools, so why do other Pokemon follow them so blindly? A Pokemon that grants wishes? That's impossible! A Pokemon that controls time itself? No way! But she holds the deepest grudge towards Mew and Arceus, the very myths that are tearing the world apart. Why? Their very concept destroyed her beloved home, Lithulia. Though she hides it best she can, all she really wants is to return to her dear home, and she'd do anything to get back that humble island she loved so much.

It’s because of her anger towards the citizens of Feulis that she’s known all throughout the island as a naughty troublemaker - Littna still hasn’t recovered from the trauma of losing her home, and she blames it all on the Pokemon of Feulis. Littna doesn’t know any other way to cope with her distress than to take it out on the Pokemon who she believes took Lithulia away from her. Littna constantly starts conflicts and disturbances all across Feulis because she’s clinging desperately to the belief that, if she causes enough problems for the citizens of Feulis, they’ll have no choice but to take her back to her home - the home that no longer exists.

Though she’ll never admit it, even to herself, Littna is really just a lonely kid. Deep beneath her irritability, want for control, and manipulative tendencies exists a little girl who just wants to be happy again. Littna has such a deep desire to return back to her home that she’s in complete denial of the reality of her situation: her most powerful aspiration is to go to a place that has been wiped completely off the map - literally.

It’s no wonder that nearly everyone who knows Littna looks down upon her. She’s obnoxious, irritable, and stubborn. She’s loud, rambunctious, and won’t take no for an answer. And, most of all, her desire for control leads her to do terribly manipulative things. However, if someone is ever able to open Littna’s eyes, perhaps her brilliant mind will finally allow her to right her wrongs.

History: Littna’s memory is more than a bit hazy. Some parts of her tale are unclear to even her, while others have been deleted completely. But as far as she knows, it all began with a simple story.

There was a time a few years back, in a small cottage right off the shore of a humble port town in Lithulia, when the young Littna lived alone with her dear mother. But, the little Aipom was in distress. Her Mother always seemed bothered by something, rarely speaking to her at all. All she ever did was stare out the window, day after day, hardly moving from her secluded place in the corner of the house. Littna didn't know what to do. Her mother was the only thing she'd ever known. She'd never seen her Father before, and every time she mentioned him, her Mother would only dodge her questions, leaving the poor Littna confused. But that all changed one day, when Littna's Mother brought to her a massive storybook.

Littna, wondering what the book's pages could possibly hold, eagerly asked her Mother what the story could be. Her mother only smiled and laughed, telling her it was a surprise. The tale told of a mystical dragon that ruled the sky, and its never ending battle with a strange creature from the depths of space. Their fight raged for eons and eons, and may have even gone on forever. But when Littna asked her mother who won the fight, she told the young child she would have to find out for herself.

This magical story was something beyond Littna's wildest dreams. She could only imagine what such awesome being could do. And that began Littna's unquenchable taste for adventure.

Once she became old enough to leave the house on her own, Littna made it her goal to explore every last nook and cranny of the island. She just knew that an amazing creature just had to be on the island somewhere, and she just knew she'd find it if she searched hard enough. Soon, she'd seen almost everything there was to see. She knew the riverbanks like the back of her hand (all three of them, that is), she could identify every last tree in each of the dense forests, and she could find her way easily over the island's steepest, tallest mountain - without any equipment. There was only one place she hadn't had the guts to investigate: the Spirit's Den.

A massive cavern resting at the heart of the island, the Spirit's Den was the one place she had been told to never set foot in. "Absolutely NOT," were the only two words her Mother had ever used to describe it, so the cave's dangers were still unknown to her. Now, if Littna hadn't been so ignorant to the fact that the Spirit's Den was known for winding passages nearly impossible to navigate, or that it was rumored to be filled with vengeful spirits hungry for life, she probably wouldn't have been so reckless. But, as far as Littna knew, it was just another place waiting to be conquered by Lithulia's greatest explorer. So, off she went.

As soon as she entered the deep cavern, she could immediately tell it was of a higher caliber than anywhere else she’d been. Even though she’d taken a light with her, she was utterly and completely lost, with each and every winding passageway seeming to lead to the exact same place. It was the first time she’d been willing to admit that she had no idea where she was. But, even though that was scary for the young Aipom, the most terrifying thing was that the cave was almost completely silent, with no signs of life anywhere. That is, except for a single bloodcurdling scream that echoed through the cavern every once in a while, making Littna’s spine shiver and her knees weak. She was starting to think this might have not been the best idea after all.

Time quickly began to pass, and Littna wasn’t even sure if it was minutes, hours, or weeks. She could do nothing but force herself to race along hallway after hallway, hoping one would finally lead to the exit. Even though she was Lithulia’s greatest explorer, she was downright terrified. She was tired, scared out of her wits, and her light had almost gone out completely. She didn’t even know if she could make it out alive, and she knew that if she did, she should listen to her Mother more often.

Suddenly, Littna heard a different noise. Not the scream that had been haunting her as she made her way through the corridors, but a distant howl. And suddenly, as of out of nowhere, a bright light filled the room, surprising the already horrified Aipom. When she came to her senses, she was face-to-face with a snarling Manectric, glaring at her with wild eyes. As it showed off rows of long, sharp, teeth, she was petrified by fear. She’d never seen anything so menacing. This was when her regrets were deeper than ever before. As it leaned closer, sparks crackling across its body, she prepared for the worst. But, that’s not what she got.

Before the Manectric could unleash its wrath upon the pathetic, sniveling Littna, a figure leapt in from behind, slashing at the formidable Pokemon with long, razor-sharp. The Manectric immediately dissipated, turning to dust as if it had never been there in the first place. She looked up, confused when there had been no impact, only to see that a Weavile had come to her rescue. Suddenly, everything faded around her. The caverns, the tunnels, they all disappeared. She was in a forest, the place she’d been before entering the labyrinth, and it all happened so fast.

The Weavile explained to her that she’d fallen into a trap. The Spirit’s Den was but an illusion, set up by vengeful spirits so they could drain the life force of hopeful explorers. Of course Littna couldn’t find her way out - there was no way out. The curious Aipom was brimming with questions. Where did that Manectric come from? Where did you come from? Why did you help me? But just as she was ready to spew out her list of inquiries, the Weavile gave her a single challenge: “I’m going to be staying here for a while, but I won’t always be in the same place. If you can find me, I just might tell you a few things.” And he sped off, not leaving even a trace behind.

Littna only had one thought in her head as she rushed home. That Weavile just had to be the coolest Pokemon she’d ever seen.

The next day, she’d made up her mind to become as awesome as he was. She just knew she could do it. She found him easily that day, having a map of the entire island in her head. And when she discovered his hiding place, he taught her a few tricks. Weavile wasn’t planning on spending too much time with the excitable Littna, but after she begged and begged to let him take her on as a student, he found that he simply couldn’t refuse. She managed to convince the loner to teach her some of his tricks, for both exploring and battling. She would never forget the most important thing he taught her - the key to winning battles isn’t strength, but rather, smarts. These outings were the highlight of her day - she soon had a number of tricks at her arsenal, perfect for tripping foes up. Though she managed to grow close to the Weavile, to this day she can’t quite remember his name.

But things can’t always end happily, unfortunately for Littna.

As the rumors about the portals spread further and further, more and more innocent citizens of Lithulia were being swallowed whole. Lives and land alike were being taken in rapid succession right before the horrified villagers’ eyes. Meanwhile, other armies were barging into Lithulia’s towns, trying to convince the stubborn Pokemon to pick a side - before their lives would be snuffed out for good. Finally, one of the southern towns was bombed by Destirae’s army. The intense pressure from both the neighboring armies and from the disastrous portals sent the Pokemon of Lithulia into frenzied chaos. Finally, this was when Littna’s mother put her foot down. She simply couldn’t have her darling daughter leave the house anymore.

Littna pleaded and protested, begging to see Weavile, but her mother was obstinate. It was dangerous outside! She wouldn’t let Littna have her life stripped away. All Littna was worried about was Weavile. He was a teacher, a friend, and in her eyes, a hero. What about his life? Finally, when she realized she simply couldn’t win, she gave her Mother the cold shoulder, refusing to speak to her for days on end.

And then, judgment day came.

When Littna woke up a few days later, she looked out the window to see a dark, distorted sky and could hear nothing but the wild screaming of Pokemon all around. Villagers were being devoured by a massive, inescapable, wall of portals, and that’s when Littna’s instinct kicked in. She ran as fast as she possibly could out of the house, right before it was destroyed behind her. Her overwhelming fear was all that was on her mind, and her body went into overdrive in response. Moving at speeds that even she didn’t know were possible, she raced towards the open sea. She had to escape. She had to. She couldn’t end up like the others. She couldn’t. That’s when she finally spotted a boat departed the island, with only a tiny handful of survivors on it. Some were crying. Some had their heads in their hands. Others just stared on silently, unable to take their eyes off of the disaster before them. But, at least they were alive. Littna sighed with relief as she climbed into the boat with the others. She was still scared, with every part of her body shaking with fear, but she was alive, and that’s what really mattered. But, just as the boat began to leave the shore, a sudden, horrified thought hit her.

Weavile wasn’t on the ship.

She scanned the boat again and again, searching the island with wide eyes. He was nowhere to be found. Where was he?! He had to be somewhere! He couldn’t just die! Even though the wall of impending doom was right before her, ready to guide her to the same fate that had been met by so many of the other Pokemon, she couldn’t stop looking. He just had to be alive. He just had to.

But before she could discover her savior’s fate, she was scooped up by her Mother, who restrained her with both tails. No matter how much she kicked, screamed, and cried, she just couldn’t escape her Mother’s iron grip. Just as the Pokemon on the ship sailed away, the island sank beneath the bobbing waves, right before her eyes. In that moment, that’s when the truth finally hit her.

Weavile was dead. He had to be.

Littna collapsed, weeping in her mother’s arms. She wailed and shouted for what felt like hours, refusing to believe it. She wanted so badly to see him again, to just go back and return to the past, but, in the back of her mind, she knew it was simply impossible. Littna was just a young, innocent child. She’d never experienced death before. She had no idea just how utterly painful it could be.

Weeks later, when the ship finally reached the shore of Feulis, she was bitter with regret. She discovered a deep hatred for the Pokemon spoken of in legends, choosing to believe that it was the Pokemons’ belief in those stupid legends that had destroyed her home. She refused to eat, wouldn’t talk to anyone, and remained in solitude for weeks. Then, finally a plan dawned on her. It was a twisted plan, with constructed with unbelievable, impossible but in her screwed-up, still grief-stricken mind, it made perfect sense to her.

If she tormented the villagers enough, maybe they would let her go. Maybe, just maybe, she could go back to Lithulia - just the way it was before. That belief is what has driven her to continue. With her master’s teachings, she would return everything to how it was before. No matter what it took.

Other: Weavile was the Pokemon who taught her Ice Punch.

Writing Sample: N/A

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Name: Daeana, sometimes Dae for short

Species: Umbreon

Gender: Female (she/her)

Faction: Former soldier (mew)

Island: Runark


Swift, Bite, Quick Attack, Confuse Ray


Generally quiet, Daeana is very reserved and thoughtful. She is known for her collected demeanor and actively maintains a levelheaded, logical mindset. Because she is prone to long periods of introspection and self-reflection, she tends to overthink her actions and their ripple effects on those around her, sometimes long after the event has passed. Daeana is deeply critical of herself and is somewhat of a perfectionist. Given the responsibilities she has as a healer, it’s understandable that she takes failure to help someone as a personal blow. Despite this, she is relatively confident and is a good speaker.

Though Daeana avoids hurting others without reason, she is capable of and willing to fiercely fight off any threats to those close to her and is capable of going great lengths for justice and revenge. Her fighting style relies on multiple critical strikes using her knowledge of healing to quickly size up opponents and fixate on their weaknesses. Even though she will readily help others when it’s at no inconvenience to her, she is hesitant to involve herself heavily in others’ personal matters. She has a habit of staying socially aloof and keeping her thoughts to herself while voicing her personal opinions very little.

Daeana hates the war more than anything in the world. She has a grudging, slightly jealous admiration for Feulis’s ideals, but her attachment to her family in Runark is too strong for her to consider leaving without good reason. While she was raised to help all pokemon in need, her experience as a medic taught her to emotionally remove herself in moments of crisis to the point of being able to let pokemon die if she deems them too costly to save. However, she values those close to her very much and, though she maintains a detached and objective disposition, tries to talk them out of the war effort for what she will admit are selfish reasons. Even though she despises the war, she talks about it little and her experiences on the battlefield even less.

On the whole, Daeana is a very intellectual, slightly aloof, wounded soldier trying to make sure no one else close to her leaves for the war and doesn’t come back. She has a lot to say on the war, but doesn’t speak it directly. She cares very deeply about her remaining family and wants to protect them, but she’s afraid of being overbearing so she stays somewhat distant.


Daeana grew up on Runark with her little brother Glyph and their solitary mother. She believed strongly that it was Mew’s wish for all pokemon to be compassionate and kind to one another, despite their differences. These are the ideals that Daeana grew up with and, even from a young age, she was very protective of her family and Glyph in particular. However, when both of them were still Eevees, their mother was struck with a terrible illness and, though the healers of Runark did all they could, it amounted to nothing in the end. It was that night when Daeana stepped up as the older of the siblings to take care of Glyph, prompting her evolution. As if to make up for the healer’s inability to save her mother, Daeana divided her time learning the art of healing and looking after Glyph. She was on top of him constantly, making sure nothing happened to him. Glyph, who had always been very proud of his homeland and his deity decided to enlist in the Runark military as soon as he was old enough. To his mild annoyance, Daeana followed him. Their lineage wasn’t one of war heroes, but Glyph was dead set on joining the war effort and Daeana, not wanting to lose her only living relative, would stop at nothing to make sure her brother didn’t get hurt. Using her medicinal knowledge, she gained a spot training under the current medic, while also learning to fight beside the newly evolved Jolteon and the other soldiers.

Eventually, he confronted her and told her to stop babysitting him. Daeana tried to voice her concerns that one day he might not come home, but Glyph was angry and didn’t want to listen to what the Umbreon had to say. After that, the two of them grew distant. Daeana was still concerned from afar, but she knew better than to make her worry known to him. Time went on and the two of them split off into their respective roles. The current medic was a battle-scarred Bayleef who never told Daeana his name. Referred to by the other soldiers only as ‘Medic’, he spent absolutely no time on formalities, instead getting right to teaching what he had learned over the years in his position. “You can’t save everyone,” he’d say, “so you have to make sacrifices. That is the essence of triage.” Medic often criticized her slow and methodical work, saying that on the battlefield that time could be used to save another life instead of making someone who would already live more comfortable. Though he was a little harsh, Daeana had a lot of respect for him and his skill. There was an understanding that what others may perceive as heartlessness, was in reality the most efficient way to save the most lives.

For her first real taste of war, she and Glyph were part of an attack on Destirae. When they landed, they were ambushed by the native Arceus supporters and did not have the strength or the numbers to stand against them for long. Medic was out on the battlefield giving immediate care to fallen pokemon, while Daeana finished patching up the pokemon who were carried away from the fray. Many pokemon died in her care. A Charmeleon from died from a head injury even though he pretended to be brave about it, asking to return to the battle. An Electrike had their ribcage punched in by a fighting type and begged Daeana to help them even though there was little she could do. Two Pidgeots, knowing they would die from their burns, spent their last moments calling out for their son back on Runark. The whole experience was worse than Daeana could have possibly imagined even with Medic’s vivid descriptions. Throughout the battle Daeana kept an eye on her brother, praying to Mew that he wouldn’t get hurt.

While going out to receive wounded soldiers, Daeana saw the Bayleef struck down by an Arceus soldier. The Scyther, whose sole intent was to punish the nonbelievers, turned its attention towards the injured pokemon. Daeana stared at the motionless body of the previous medic, feeling a rage building inside of her the likes of which she never felt before or since. She lunged forward knowing that she had to protect the fallen soldiers but most of all, she had to make this Scyther pay for taking Medic’s life.

After it was all over, Daeana had taken the life of the Scyther at the cost of her right paw and her left ear. Realizing they would be better off living to fight another day, the retreat was called and Glyph broke from the rest of the army to escort Daeana onto the ship with the other wounded. The tattered Umbreon returned to Runark with many of the other injured soldiers and a bitter distaste for war. After she was patched up, Glyph came and visited her for the first time since they joined the military, joking how the tables have turned and now he was the one looking out for her. Though she begged him not to, after Daeana had recovered enough to care for herself, Glyph returned to the war. After he left, she assumed the role of Runark’s resident healer, taking a much more passive approach than that of a medic in the war. She also took it upon herself to raise the freshly orphaned Pidgey. Still carrying regret from how she acted around Glyph (who she returned to good terms with), she is careful about balancing providing Pip with everything he needs and giving him room to make his own decisions.


Dae is asexual and hates the smell of oranges


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab9d675b_DaeandPip.jpg.cdc9868dc50ff37ae840a9c44d8ade7d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab9d675b_DaeandPip.jpg.cdc9868dc50ff37ae840a9c44d8ade7d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Writing Sample:

Sent privately​



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I've already talked to you about your Sign-Up over Skype, so I won't gush as much here, but my goodness! You've done an amazing job! Seriously, the entire time I was reading the History section, I could vividly picture everything in my mind. It was incredible. I especially appreciate the way that you've explored the culture of healing in the military. You're in for sure! Welcome!
Hey there, everyone! I'm CompuCat, and I'm excited to finally start writing for this RP! (In more ways than one, hehehe...)

Name: Ditto (See the history for more details.)


Gender: Male

If you want to nitpick, all Dittos are genderless, but for the sake of making narrative a bit easier, Ditto's a guy.

Rogue (Arceus)


Transform (and, by extension, the moves of the Pokemon that Ditto is currently Transformed as)


Ditto is a fun-loving, foxy prankster with quite a bit of, shall we say, experience as a con artist. He has no permanent home or presence no matter where he goes, preferring to remain an anonymous traveler constantly looking for Pokemon to trick and money for the taking. Though he can (and will) fight, he's never seen any purpose to continuing a war that started centuries ago. He's had a hobby for years of trying to understand people better, partly out of curiosity and partly to know how to better impersonate them. As such, he's become fond of joining crowds and Transforming into random passers-by, living their lives for a few minutes at a time. It's always been fun to see things from a different perspective; to be the Diglett and appreciate good soil, to fly as a Wingull and watch the entire village at once, to blow around as a Hoppip and catch a glance of a green swordsman on a dragon boat...in short, to see more of life was what Ditto most enjoyed. While he's not super-religious, even he knows that there must be some higher power out there governing the world and its workings. Though his childhood memories are quite fuzzy, the one that has stuck through all of his confusion was that of his mother teaching him what little she knew of Arceus, the great being who created the universe. If only to see the world from one more perspective, Ditto remains a fervent believer in Arceus, praying that someday, he might know a bit more about how they shaped the world.


The only way to describe Ditto's early memory is fuzziness. After Transforming into a Hypno and accidentally Confusing himself, Ditto has been stuck attempting to retrieve even the most basic pieces of knowledge of his old life. With nowhere to go and nothing to his name, Ditto turned to the greatest artform of all to save his life: con artistry. After many failed attempts at begging for money, he found that his confusion had hidden all memories of moral boundaries. Sure, he still had an inkling of what might have been right and wrong, but with a fresh start in what appeared to be some village in Destirae, morals meant nothing to him. Since then, he has used his ability to Transform as an enormous asset to scam anybody and everybody out of absolutely anything. At one point, he devised what he called the "bag scheme", in which he proceeded to wait for an unsuspecting Pokemon to set down a bag and look away. After hiding the bag, he would then Transform into it and slowly shuffle back into place. Needless to say, the disguise was only skin-deep, as he couldn't exactly open himself like a bag or really contain anything, but with a little practice, he was convincing enough to fool all but the most observant of Pokemon. The wait would then begin: acting as a handbag until the victim went home for the day, upon which the Ditto-turned-bag would reTransform into himself and make off with anything of value. (He'd still find and return the bag-though he was cunning, he refused to be cruel.) Many years of performing similar scams eventually caught Ditto having to act as other Pokemon while Transformed for long stretches at a time. (His record was 42 days-set when he accidentally Transformed into a Slowbro running a restaurant open 24/7.) He became quite good at staying in character throughout all of this-so good, in fact, that he ended up forgetting his own name. He took it as a helpful addition to his schemes; after all, that's one less way to accidentally break character! Even so, he was once (and only once) found out after attempting a less-devious scam involving the popular "carrier Pokemon" of Destirae. While not stealing anything of value, he thought about knocking out one of the carriers and stealing their job for a bit. (Running the same scam all the time does get boring, you know.) Many a day was spent as a Pidgeot or a Fearow, earning another Pokemon's wages, until the day an off-duty soldier asked for a lift. He began to tell a few jokes in-flight, which (although corny) were enough to make even the most stoic of Pokemon laugh. (He was well known among the barracks for doing this, and thus had been consigned to defense duty only to prevent bursts of laughter giving them away during an attack.) As anybody knows, a Ditto cannot hold a Transform well while laughing, and the soldier's jokes were more than enough to leave him falling to the ground aboard a wingless blob of pink plasma. Of course, after the scam was revealed, Ditto was permanently banned from setting foot on the island again. With only a small rowboat and a little bag of food, he soon found himself on the shores of Quartzir. As he stepped forth beneath the massive dome surrounding Spiracle City, he found himself as yet another nobody...perfect to start another scam...

Like all Dittos, this Ditto has trouble holding a Transform while laughing.

Writing Sample:
Technically, the rest of this sign-up is a writing sample. :) However, here's a more contemplative piece I've written. It *was* written a little while back, but I think it's still good enough for a sample. It's attached as a PDF. Enjoy!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab9f08c9_TheGiftofGiving-editedforRPNation_pdf.728744139055dfba2f8540b8ed5c6168" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133537" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab9f08c9_TheGiftofGiving-editedforRPNation_pdf.728744139055dfba2f8540b8ed5c6168" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Gift of Giving-edited for RPNation.pdf


  • The Gift of Giving-edited for RPNation.pdf
    229 KB · Views: 7
Name: Frost

Species: Eevee

Gender: Genderfluid, uses all of the pronouns

Faction: Rouge

Island: Nitraga, NORTHERN Nitraga.

Moves: quick attack, refresh, heal bell, and bite

Personality: First impressions leaves you with an easily scared, timid, compassionate, and painfully shy person who does their work and gets out as fast as possible. It's like they believe everything but the old, wise Clefable who lives with them is going to harm her. They do however take pride in their work and it's the only thing you can get them to open up about if he doesn't trust you.

He’s slow to trust, and slow to anger. You could annoy him for days on end and he would simply smile and look after the rouges of Northern Nitraga’s wounds and illnesses. When he DOES get angry, he simply speaks in a low, cold tone that is enough to send shivers down your spine, without ever raising their voice. It is said he has a horrible fear of loud noises which is why he never raises his voice to shouting level, EVER.

When he finally starts to trust someone you see he has a very sarcastic sense of humor. In fact, it's his ONLY sense of humor. He doesn't quite get many jokes and many things go over her head.

Frost also tends to get into debates with many others about the creation of the islands and the world itself. Frost simply believes that the world came about by itself. Pokemon evolved soon after. No so called “Gods” at all, only a figment of pokemon hundreds of years ago trying to make believe about the world. They do follow the teachings of Xerneas, simply because he agrees with the message of peace. He has no belief in the “god”.

Frost is also heavily an optimist, always seeing the good before the bad in everyone. They also get excited by almost anything, especially shiny rocks, gems and new snowfall. They also get easily distracted and combined with a horrible memory they often forget what they were talking about. They are also really curious and ask several questions about pokemon’s lives and opinions when she trusts them.

Frost point blank refuses to talk about the war, believing furiously anything is possible with diplomacy. When forced to fight against soldiers/people who generally hate rogues they tend to use trickery and speed to get away from his foes. They also despise bloodshed and are even somewhat scared of blood from when they served as a healer in Isolude Village. However, their duty always ranks forward when they push to get their job of helping their newest patient. They help anyone who comes their way, even if they to reject the because they are a rogue. They are, however, praised for his skills throughout Ice Flow Beach, as well as her mentor’s own skills.

At the end of it all Frost is just an eevee who is trying to save everyone while wearing a mask at first because of how many people stereotype them because they believe in no “god” and refuse to fight.

History: “Remember Freya Mew is the only true God. They created each and everyone one of us. Arceus is a false God and you must always kill those who support him.” Commander Jokul said to his only child, who sat in the snow outside the family’s home is Isolude Village. A strong willed Espeon, one who inspired many of the young cadets of Isolude. Commander Than, Jokul’s mate and Freya's mother, was also well known among cadets for her harsh training regimes. Freya was to be their only child.

Freya sat, listening to her father ramble. She wasn't quite sure why everyone lectured on and on about the glory of Mew and war. Wouldn't Mew want them to seek diplomacy and peace with anyone, no matter their beliefs? Why can't Mew and Arceus BOTH create the world together? Why could there only be one true god when Xola, the Clefable who lived in the village and was the village healer, prayed to an entire pantheon?

Xola told Freya to never speak of the beautiful tapestries lining the walls of his basement. Arceus and Mew side-by-side, with several other gods around them, each ruling together. Xola especially talked of Xerneas, Zekrom and Reshiram. Gods of Life, Balance and Spirit.

“Young One, life cannot be lived if one does not have the proper balance of bad and good in their days and purifies their spirit.” Xola said often, taking Oran and Pecha berries and mashing the two together, the juices would be strained and given to soldiers on the front lines, “Only then your inner war shall end.”

(Freya refused to believe that Xola, her beloved mentor, was killed the day he disappeared, her mother kept muttering on about traitors for months afterwards. He had saved her life when she was sick with a fever as a child.He was more of her father than Jokul was. He listened to her problems and provided advice to her, and trained her in the medical arts... He was too clever to be dead….)

Xola did teacher her healing moves before he left, she never believed in fighting it just seemed wrong to kill. Because of this the (few) children is Isolude always jeered at her. Shouting loudly, taunting her, destroying her things, and biting her skin, giving her a fear of loud noises, and new pokemon for the rest of her life.

Freya also took over as the village healer shortly after Xola left, in two years she would join the front lines after all, one of the first people who came to her was a soldier already past saving. The Gengar's wounds were deep, so deep that bone and organs showed. He was blinded by his attacker, Freya sat with him the entire hour it took for him to die. But the wounds were something she never forgot, causing her to be scared of blood. But she found focusing on her duty helps her push through when helping others. No matter what their alignment. After all Mew would want her to help and heal, not to kill.

Then, five days before she would enlist to be a soldier(as everyone assumed), Lithulia fell, and Freya suffocated inside. Nothing about her, why did she loathe that word, seemed right; and if a god of some kind existed why would they murder hundreds of Pokemon?

The day before her birthday Misa and Milo came to the village, she had been stocking up on more berries for her successor when Misa came into Xola’s old home, Freya’s workplace.

“Ah! Frost! Nice to finally meet you!” Misa had cried upon seeing her, giggling afterwards.

“Who?” Freya asked, confused.

Misa’s eyes widened, awkwardly looking around.

“The fortunes said that was your name…. OF COURSE THEY GET THE NAME WRONG!” she cried, before giggling again, Freya shuddered.

“Anyways…. My brother and I were reading fortunes to ourselves last night and they mentioned a lone Eevee, a healer. A soldier…. But not a soldier, I won't say much more,” she broke off into giggles “But you are destined for so much more…” with that she flounced out of the house, swiping some sitrus berries as ‘payment’

But ‘Frost’.... With that an old memory of something Xola had once said echoed in her head: “You shape your own path Young One.”

“Freya... Frost…” she muttered to herself... Frost just fit better. He never considered themself to just be the type to go out on a whim... But Frost fit better- Wait, did they-she just use different pronouns for himself-herself. It felt so right...

Later that night Frost told her parents that they wouldn't become a soldier/medic for the front lines, that he didn't believe in Mew or any other god. That their name was Frost.

Frost left that night for the caves of Ice Flow Beach, a sack of berries over their shoulder. Freezing, he fluffed up his fur, when a pink figure met them at the opening of a cave. The figure’s left leg was a stump and he relied upon a wooden staff to walk.

Even though it had been nearly five years since the two had last met, Xola smiled and took Frost in. Almost like no time had passed at all between teacher and student.

The two have lived together ever since.

Other: Xola is an NPC. He's from Lithulia and left long before it fell. He also taught Frost heal bell. I'll make an NPC form for him soon.

Frost also carries a sack full of berries over his shoulder.

Writing Sample: You have the lesbian vampire story i sent you, that should work.
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Wow, I'm amazed by how fast everyone is! At this rate, we'll be ready to start by the end of the day! I kid, I kid. But seriously, I greatly appreciate how excited and passionate everyone seems to be about this project. Let's get onto the reviews for these two new Sign-Ups!

@CompuCat : I'm so glad to see that you're back again for another round of Islands of Origin! As always, your writing is utterly charming and full of character. I really appreciate the way that Ditto's story subverts the tropes normally associated with characters who struggle with memory loss. Rather than brooding and whining about his lost identity, Ditto uses his abilities to seize and explore life and its complexities. You're on the roster for sure - welcome back!

While it's not related to your Sign-Up itself, I also wanted to praise your writing sample. As someone who wants to delve deeper into understanding learning styles and the very concept of intelligence itself, I found the way that you questioned the purpose and meaning of learning to be fascinating. While this isn't a narrative sample, I still believe that it is a great showcase of the ways in which you can think flexibly, allowing you to truly get into the minds of your characters.

Also, just a note about Ditto's gender - in the Pokemon series, Pokemon that are classified as "genderless" are generally classified as such because they don't have any sex characteristics. This is why many genderless Pokemon are machine-based. Because of this, it's just fine for Ditto to identify as male despite technically being "genderless."

@QuickSilvi : It's a good start! I especially appreciate the way that you're creating other characters to help support yours. However, I feel as if some editing could really help you. Quite a few of your sentences are worded in vague and confusing ways, and I think that some more detail in every section could be very helpful, allowing the character to be more easily understood by both readers and by you. Because of this, I'd like to wait to accept you for now. If you need it, I'd be happy to help you with editing - just drop me a PM or Skype message. Thanks so much for your passion and excitement towards this project!
I'm excited to start rping again with this group!!! I made a few changes to Charr's current personality so I can properly develop him through the RP, heheh.

Name: Charr

Species: Noibat


Faction: Soldier (Mew)

Island: Runark

Supersonic, Leech Life, Bite, and Agility

Personality: If you asked Charr what he was like, he would reply "The fastest Noibat alive!" However, anyone else would describe him to be overly brash and prideful, thinking only of himself and being unnecessarily competitive. He believes fiercely in spreading the word of Mew and would do anything to ensure that, believing that anyone against Mew is a heathen. A few soldiers refuse to talk to him due to his blunt nature, while others laugh at his naïvety. Impatient to evolve into a Noivern, he's always ready to fight, even if his opponent is several times bigger than him. Once, he tried fighting a rock for being in his way. He doesn't like to admit he's wrong because he hates it when people are smarter than he is. Nothing makes him angrier than insults directed towards him, due to his insecurities about his size and general lack of strength. Most of his personality problems can be linked to his overwhelming pride, and he tends to act without thinking. Despite this, if you befriend him, he will be intensely loyal to you and will always fight in your honor. Although he constantly acts like he's the best in the world his weakness is water. He is petrified of the idea of falling into any body of water while flying, as he cannot swim and would be too weak to keep himself afloat.

History: A shivering Noibat huddled next to a stalactite, his wings wrapped tightly around his body like a blanket. Those bullies couldn't find him here--he knew no one was brave enough to come down this tunnel. Only flying Pokemon like himself could actually enter the cave safely--and maybe a few bug Pokemon.

He could go back to Leona and tell her what had happened, but then other Pokemon could find out, and they would think he was a crybaby, and...

"I'm not a crybaby," he sniffed, rubbing his nose.

Others often made fun of his small size, even for a Noibat. Leona would often respond to these jeers by comforting Charr, placing him in the protection of her pouch until the insults subsided. Of course, that meant others started making jokes about how Charr was an infant.

Too small, too weak, too emotional to become a soldier.

Annoyed, Charr let out a supersonic boom towards the cave wall, letting it echo back and forth while he mulled over what to do.

There was an audible crack that came from the wall. Charr perked up, his ears swiveling in distress. The cracks continued as the cave became an echo chamber, screaming its demise.

The stalactite that Charr had been hiding behind dropped to the ground and shattered as the cave began to rumble. With a terrified squeak, the Noibat nearly dropped from his roost as he began to fly. As he flew, he nearly got crushed by a rock the size of a boulder.

He was so, so stupid. He knew the cave was unstable and he would die because he was too weak. He could barely see the entrance, which was quickly being reduced to a small hole from the rocks covering it. His lungs were on fire as he shot forward. His muscles strained as he tucked in his wings, trying to make it, and then....

"Heya, kid. Kid!"

Charr blinked his eyes open to see a Sandslash standing over him. Behind him sat a large group of other Pokemon--soldiers of Mew, he realized. He sat up, looking behind him. The cave entrance had been completely filled with rocks.


The Sandslash nodded gravely. "Yes, I'm Griff. We heard the collapse and quickly came to rescue anyone trapped under the debris. Luckily, you seemed to have been the only one in that cave at the time." He leaned down, a smirk on his face. "Y'know, that must've been some pretty fast flying if you got out of that before we came. I think you'd make a great soldier."

Charr frowned. "B-but, aren't soldiers supposed to be strong?"

Griff laughed, slapping a hand to his knee. "Are you kidding me? If all of our soldiers were exactly the same, we'd lose every battle. You'd make for a great scout. Come by the barracks later to talk to me and Rufus, alright?"

Dazed, Charr nodded his head, still staring up at the Sandslash. "O-Okay. I wanna tell Leona first, okay?"

"Take all the time you need," Griff said, shrugging. "But consider what I've said. And try not to get into too much trouble, alright?"

With that, the Sandslash began speaking to some of the soldiers as they shuffled down the tunnels. Charr barely registered what had just happened.

After a few moments, he let out a wild whoop, jumping into the air and flying in loop-de-loops. Not only could he become a soldier, but Griff himself had told him that! He was going to be the best, he was going to show all of those who had laughed at him in the past and be better than all of them!

((I'll send u a writing sample via tumblr!))
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Welcome back, Jigen! It's great to see you again. I really enjoyed your Sign-Up. In particular, I like the way that you thought outside the box on the History section, writing a narrative piece rather than just providing a dump on information. However, I can't quite accept you just yet, as your Personality section doesn't hit the 200 word requirement. If you just do a bit of editing and add some more detail to the Personality section, I'd be happy to accept you and have you on board!
That's better! You're accepted now! However, you can always feel free to continue expanding if you wish to do so.
Name: Adriel


He/him pronouns.

Arceus Soldiers


Lucky Chant, Miracle Eye, Confuse Ray, Calm Mind. Ability is Magic Bounce, but at his current level of experience it doesn't work that often.

Personality: Adriel is a Sibling of Arceus, and feels the full devotion to his God and to religious truth one would expect from that position. He remains open-minded, and would certainly adjust his beliefs and teachings based on any new proof revealed to him, but the information he has available to him, pulled from his upbringing, his training, and personal experience with his powers, leads him to a solid belief in the gospel of Odin and the Church of Arceus.

He is incredibly devoted to his friends and colleagues in the church, having spent his whole life with them, but is seen as an outlier among the Siblings because of his proactive attitude. His colleagues often tell him, "If the Lord wills it, it will be so. It is not your place to seek out change," but he always figured that if the Lord Arceus objected to something he was doing, the Lord would stop him. To this effect, he spends much of his time among the soldiers, offering prayer, support, and advice to the troops of his island's army. Though Adriel has never seen combat himself, and hopes to avoid it, he has contented himself with the knowledge that the Lord Arceus will send him wherever he is needed most, and accepts that that may one day mean fighting.

Because his wings are so small, Adriel cannot fly naturally. When he needs to, he can use his telekinesis to extend his hops and keep him in the air, but it requires energy and concentration that he usually doesn't have to spare.

Having grown up a Brother of Arceus and spent much of his time in meditation, prayer, or other religious observance, Adriel exhibits a focus and presence of mind that many find unnerving. His strong observational powers, combined with a little bit of psychic type luck and Godly guidance, Adriel is often able to jump straight to the heart of a situation. Many of his friends will approach him with a problem, only to have him propose a solution before they tell him what's wrong.

History: Adriel was raised by the Siblings of Arceus in the Sanctum Sanctuary. As a child, he would frequently ask where he came from and who his parents were. The answer was always "The Lord Arceus created you, and entrusted us with your care. They are your mother and your father, as They are mother and father to every other being in this world, and all of us here are your Siblings." A few holy texts speak of a powerful Xatu, blessed with the gift of future sight, who served Arceus in the past, and Adriel knows that many of the priests believe him to be her reincarnation. A few hints from Sister Grace, slipped during late nights and after grueling rituals, however, have led him to the conclusion that he was an orphan found at the scene of a battle and delivered to the Sanctuary by a devout soldier. Growing up in the Sanctuary among the Siblings wasn't always the easiest, but Adriel knows that the Siblings always had his best interests at heart, and he is grateful to them for it.

Because of the ongoing religious war, Adriel was familiar with scenes of death and desolation from a young age. His most vivid memory is of being taken to a destroyed village after a battle for a service commemorating those who lost their lives. After the service, he was told to have a look around, that he might better understand the world he lived in and the importance of what he was being taught. He found a house which had been knocked down, and inside it a large slab of stone with blood spattered around it and an arm sticking out, still struggling slightly. He cried out to the others, and then set about trying to lift the slab. He quickly realized he wasn't strong enough. Whispering an invocation to Arceus, he focused on the slab with all his might, and just as the Siblings arrived, the slab rose on its own. The Siblings rushed in and grabbed the Gurdurr who had been trapped, and as soon as Adriel lost his concentration the slab fell with a crash, breaking into several pieces when it hit the ground. This left him and the Siblings just in time to watch the Gurdurr die.

Following this, Adriel knew he had to involve himself somehow in ending the war. While the Siblings have no official doctrine forbidding them from fighting, his guardians would not allow him to enlist, and he contented himself with providing support and guidance to the soldiers. During his time among the Destirae army, Adriel has formed a friendship with Avex the Gliscor, brought together by their studiousness, love of knowledge, and rare literacy.

After his telekinetic powers manifested themselves, the Siblings set about training him to control and understand them. Because most of the Siblings of Arceus are psychic types, this was not a difficult transition, but Adriel has reached a point where he feels that only hands-on experience will improve his talents.

Writing Sample:

A screenplay I wrote at some point for a short film. I think it's kinda neat.
My favorite types of character Sign-Ups are those that really take the world and analyze it in ways that I haven't yet, which is exactly what you did here! I really appreciate the way that you dove into exploring Destirae's religious structure. Overall, excellent job! It was a very engaging read! I'm excited to have you on board.
Name: Percival/Percy

Species: Goomy

Gender: Demiboy, He/They pronouns

Faction: Soon-To-Be Soldier

Island: Runark

Moves: Bubble, Absorb, Protect, Dragon Breath


Percy is a friendly soul at heart, but recently has become rather quiet and reserved. He used to love laughing and joking with his friends, but recently he's taken to splitting off from the group every chance he gets. They skip at least one training session a day and are rarely seen during free time or meal times. His friends are worried about the sudden change and the Pokemon in charge of training him is questioning his loyalty, suspecting him of planning to split off and become a rogue.

Whenever their friends try to talk to them they become defensive and shifty. They lost trust in the people around them when they saw the blind hatred everyone felt for both the Feulis-Dwellers and the Arceus soldiers. They had always believed the people they loved were truly good people- but how could they be if they spent their whole lives training and fighting against innocent people whose only crimes were holding different views? Percy has turned himself into a guarded individual, planning how to escape becoming a soldier and hopefully, someday, make his way to Feulis.

He's dedicated himself to learning unbiased information about the outside world, which has proved difficult but not impossible. Percy also hopes to talk to the Runark rogues before he makes his escape. He’s curious what the rogues believe and hopes to convince some of them to come with him on his journey to Feulis.


Percival was raised from a young age by Leona, and always befriended all of the children that were under her care. He was well loved by everyone he met growing up, always having something to talk about or a game to play. He never asked about his parents, having very little memory of them and finding no problem with being raised by Leona. They still don't know what happened to their parents, but it never bothered them as a child. At this point they suspect that their parents may have defected from the army and become rogues, because the children who's parents died in combat are always told tales of the heroic sacrifice their parents made in the name of Mew. Percy hopes to investigate this on his journey to Bygone Burrow.

Percy’s life was idyllic and simple up until perhaps six months ago. He played with friends, trained, listened to Leona’s stories and helped out throughout the community like a good Runarkian. As he began approaching the age where it would be time for him to join the army, however, he began to change. His group of friends were all bitten by the war-bug and started to spend most of their days training and play fighting in anticipation of the day they would become soldiers. Percy, on the other hand, became skeptical of the cause they're supposed to be fighting for as the pressure mounted to train and become a soldier.

At first they had been excited to join in with their friends, joking and laughing and having great fun in their mock fights for the glory of Mew. However, when Percy’s friends began to mock the beliefs of the Fuelis-Dwellers, he realized that his heart just wasn't in the play fighting anymore. Everything he heard about the peaceful island’s belief system made so much sense, and from that day on he began to seek out ways to learn more about all of the gods they believed in.

Writing Sample: Sending Privately
I always enjoy seeing what people do with child characters! It's always fascinating to explore the mindset of a character who is still developing their worldview. You're accepted, though, as always, I would definitely encourage you to add more to your Sign-Up if you can think of any details you'd like to expand on. Great job!
Name: Felicity, usually called Flick

Species: Meowth

Gender: Female, she/her

Faction: Feulis-Dweller

Island: Feulis

Moves: Scratch, Screech, Pay Day, Night Slash

Personality: Flick isn't exactly a stereotypical Meowth. Playful, sneaky, and mischievous are words that generally apply to others of the species, but Flick tends to be serious, honest, and rather apathetic. She's rather stuck-up, and has no patience for practical jokes and petty mockery and the like. However, she won't go out of her way to stop others who are fooling around, unless she's the target of the shenanigans, in which case she'll express her distaste and then go somewhere else. While she's not afraid to make her disdain known, she, like many Feulis-Dwellers, sees no point in starting needless conflicts. All in all, she's a good degree or two more aloof than your average Meowth.

That isn't to say that she's completely estranged from the conventional image of her species. Like most Meowth, she is primarily nocturnal, preferring to sleep during the day and - well, she likes to snooze at night as well, but she's usually a bit more active than during the day, sometimes venturing from her home on the outskirts of Alnamos Village to go hunting for odds and ends to add to her collection. That's another Meowth trait that she demonstrates - she's a hoarder, but her interests aren't limited to shiny things, though she can certainly appreciate a good coin.

Her 'collection' can barely even be referred to as such, because of the wide variety of things it contains. Can it be called a collection if one collects everythingi? Flick's standards are not very high. She'll get her paws on anything she can find, provided that it's nonliving and small enough to carry: watches, buttons, pens, keys, stamps, marbles, you name it. Most of these are rare on Feulis, however, and so it's easiest for her to find organic materials: things like feathers, rocks, and shells. Her small shack is close to overflowing with all of the knick-knacks she's picked up over the years. She keeps things well-organized, but because of the sheer volume of her hoard, her home is a bit crowded. If one wasn't aware of her collecting habits, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that she was an apocalypse fanatic stockpiling goods for some sort of impending disaster - albeit one that would require lots of stones and seashells to survive.

It should come as no surprise to hear that Flick is very materialistic, and, though she won't resort to theft, she's willing to go to great lengths to acquire new things. The fact that she's lived on Feulis most of her life hasn't stopped her - despite her general apathy, she can be quite relentless concerning items that she's interested in. She'll hound visitors to the island, be they explorers, new residents, or even soldiers that aren't immediately hostile. She tells them that she'd be happy to take any unwanted paraphernalia off their hands: That broken watch? Why, she'd love to give it a new home. The dusty old bag of marbles that you haven't used in years? Leave it to her! The spare keys to your old house? Pens that have run out of ink? Extra pennies that you have no use for? Look no further than Flick.

If this approach fails, she won't give up. She's willing to offer money for baubles that she really likes, though she's stingy with her cash and drives a rather hard bargain. It's usually not necessary for her to resort to this, though, because most of the inhabitants of Alnamos Village are aware of Flick's penchant for collecting things by now. She isn't particularly popular among others, but she isn't hated, either, and most of the townsfolk have no problem giving her things that they no longer have any use for. One Pokémon's trash is another Pokémon's treasure, after all! It's not uncommon for her to wake up and discover a small pile of miscellanea on her doorstep.

In the evenings and mornings, Flick will sometimes comb the beach or forest for shells, stones, or anything else of interest. She particularly enjoys feathers, which can usually be found in abundance - Flying-types are not uncommon on Feulis, and they often discard feathers, whether intentionally or not. She seems to have a lot of luck finding things, perhaps due to her Ability, Pickup. But even if she doesn't discover anything of worth on these nature walks, they're quite soothing, and despite her tendency to stay indoors, Flick has to admit that she enjoys the (relative) peace and quiet of the outdoors, compared to Alnamos Village - which isn't a bustling city by any standards, but is still the most active place on the island.

Flick generally manages to stay out of trouble, but sometimes things happen. If she sees something shiny tucked away in some nearly-inaccessible nook or cranny in the forest, for example, she'll do everything in her power to reach it. She's become rather adept at navigating these dangerous situations - thin tree branches that may not support her weight? Not a problem. Steep rock walls, where one misplaced paw could mean death? A breeze! Perhaps her natural agility and balance as a Meowth contributes to this, but she hasn't had any close calls yet, and she faces most physical obstacles without breaking a sweat.

Despite her one-track-mindedness when it comes to collecting, or perhaps because of it, others are quick to call Flick lazy. This isn't exactly true, except.... Well, it kind of is. Flick isn't unwilling to do work, per se, but she'll only do it when she considers it important - which is approximately never. Unless she's bribed with something shiny, it takes a lot of wise words and coaxing to motivate her to participate in all but the most basic of tasks and events.

She may not be very inclined to do work, but when situations get dire, she takes them seriously. If Alnamos Village were to be attacked, say, she would do everything in her power to protect the villagers, though this would probably involve formulating strategies rather than fighting. At times such as these, she's surprisingly self-sacrificing, and would give up her life without a second thought if it meant saving another. When she actually puts effort into it, she's a quick thinker, skilled at thinking outside the box and coming up with plans that the opponent probably wouldn't suspect. Her ability to keep calm under pressure could also come in handy someday, though she hasn't had much opportunity to develop it, considering the uneventful life she's lived.

There's no doubt that she's apathetic about most things, but it also can't be denied that she's honest. She sees no reason to tell lies in any situation, unless one's well-being is on the line, and even then questions should be avoided if possible rather than answered with outright falsities. Flick doesn't often speak up for herself unless she considers it important, but when asked how she's feeling or what she thinks of something, she's honest to a fault. She has no qualms about pointing out flaws, though if she's criticizing something she'll usually try to phrase it in a relatively constructive manner.

She doesn't restrict herself to pointing out the flaws of others. She's keenly aware of her own problems - the issue is that she doesn't put much effort into improving herself. It's not that she doesn't want to, but that she doesn't know how, and so she doesn't try at all - she's the type of Pokémon who likes to know for certain what's going to happen before proceeding.

Though she may seem it, she isn't actually opposed to forming relationships with others. In fact, she'd like to have a close friend or two, Pokémon she could talk to and explore with. But she knows that unless she betters herself, her chances of being able to form any truly meaningful relationships are slim. And so to minimize the risk of emotionally hurting herself and others, or making a fool of herself, she shuts herself off and avoids most interactions beyond basic courtesies, keeping things short and impersonal when it's necessary for her to talk to someone.

Flick wouldn't call herself particularly religious, but she does share the beliefs held by most Feulis-Dwellers, and she has a healthy amount of respect for Celebi. She attends all of the ceremonies and celebrations, and sometimes visits the shrine by herself, not so much to pray or leave offerings, but to just be present. It's a very tranquil place to be.

Like most inhabitants of Feulis Island, Flick detests the pointless bloodshed of the Crusades. It isn't so much the idea of another God that offends her, but the fact that so many Pokémon are fighting over something that is, ultimately, probably unknowable - and, to her, rather meaningless. There are numerous Gods, all of which probably exist, but why does it matter which one of them created the universe? It has no effect on the current state of the world - or at least, it wouldn't, if the Pokémon of the past had made the right decision not to start a war over it. Flick thinks that religion should be something personal, something that varies from Pokémon to Pokémon, not some universal truth. But she's not willing to fight to protect that opinion. Not yet, at least.

History: Flick's past is nothing special. She lives in a relatively boring place, and has lived a relatively boring life. She was raised by her father, a Leafeon, on Feulis Island. He was a good parent: a bit simple-minded, perhaps, but he raised her well and always did his best to answer her questions, of which there were many - as a young child, Flick was far more inquisitive than she is today. She particularly enjoyed hearing stories about her mother, a Meowth native to Quartzir and Soldier in support of Arceus. She had come to Feulis Island in an attempt to convert some of the Feulis-Dwellers to her side, but she ended up meeting Flick's father and falling in love. After Flick's birth, however, she had to return to her military duties. She would send letters occasionally, but these stopped after a few years, and neither Flick nor her father heard from her ever again.

Flick's mother gave her the name Felicity, meaning 'good luck', but she began referring to herself as Flick because her father was so fond of the nickname.

Death is an inevitable part of life, and it came for Flick's father much sooner than either of them would have liked, when Flick was on the brink of adulthood. She still isn't sure exactly what illness took him, but an illness it certainly was, and a rather cruel one at that. It began with a mere fever, but it escalated quickly, taking his body until he was bedridden, his body wracked with shivers and coughs, unable to eat or fully sleep, stuck in a delirious state for weeks until he was simply too weak to continue, and Flick woke up one evening to discover that he had passed. After his burial, all of his belongings, included the small shack, belonged to her. She didn't have any siblings, after all, and her mother was nowhere to be found. Quite possibly, she was dead. Flick hadn't thought about her mother in a number of years, and discovered that the thought of her death wasn't all that distressing.

Despite the fact that she often acts like a grumpy old lady, Flick is really just a young adult, with a lot of life left to live. For a while after her father's death, she considered moving to Lithulia, but that plan was cut short when the island was swallowed up by portals. So on Feulis she remained: the place where she was born, and the place where she will die, unless something happens that forces her to leave. Flick would be perfectly content to live out her days in peace on Feulis, but it seems the world has other plans. With the ever-present threat of the Crusades, and the recent worrying discovery of the portals on Feulis, anything could happen. Flick's life could be changed in an instant. She has the sinking feeling that something is coming, something big, and that it will arrive sooner rather than later.

Other: I hope this is all right! I apologize for how short the history is; I'm generally terrible at writing those, and it was complicated by the fact that Flick has lived a relatively uneventful life. If there's anything that needs to be changed, please let me know!

Writing Sample: This is a sort of 'intro post' for a character of mine on another website! It's a bit rambly, perhaps, and I usually don't write this much for normal roleplay posts. I've used a different speech color for each of the characters, but there are a lot of them, so it may be a bit confusing at first, for which I apologize. But I think it accurately portrays my writing style.

"Hey, hey, hey! Come on, Pipes! We don't have all day!" The shiny Whimsicott's shrill voice was playful but insistent. "Your mothers are already outside and ready to go!"

"Oh! I'll be there in just a minute, April, I promise! I'm just finishing tidying up." Piper stood in the doorway of her small room, giving it one last search to make sure she hadn't missed anything. She wasn't particularly attached to this room, or even the house, but now that it was time to go she was strangely reluctant.

April wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. "Pi-per!" she whined. "Hey, hey! We really gotta get going if we want to catch the train. Tidying is for schmucks! Besides, we already cleaned everything."

Piper knew there was no point in arguing. The little Grass-Fairy type didn't look particularly intimidating, but when she made up her mind about something, she wouldn't let it go. She was the most stubborn Pokémon Piper knew, and if she didn't obey, April would only grow more and more insistent. "Okay, you're right," she conceded. "I'm coming now."

As she turned to leave, she spotted something out of the corner of her eye.

"What could that be?" she asked herself quietly.

Halting, she rested her hand on the doorframe and leaned closer to peer at it. Tucked almost underneath one corner of her dresser was a little white ball of something, a bit smaller than the size her closed fist. She crouched, and reached out a hand to snatch it up. Upon grabbing it, she realized immediately what it was, and a wistful smile touched her face. She tucked it into the pocket of her checkered blouse.

After one more cursory glance around her bedroom, Piper turned to leave the house, humming quietly and thoughtfully fingering the ball in her pocket. It was a wad of April's cotton - like most Whimsicott, the small Pokémon was quite mischievous, and often hid balls of her downy fur around the house for Piper or her mothers to find. This one would make a good souvenir - something for Piper to remember April by when the two parted ways.

Thinking about leaving her family left a knot of nerves in Piper's stomach - by this time tomorrow, she would be on her own. But there was no going back now. She had made her decision, and she would stick to it. Besides, it wasn't as if she would never see her family again. Their paths were sure to cross again, and Piper's mothers would visit her often.

The weather outside was overcast, as was common this time of year. It wasn't raining yet, but the dark color of the clouds suggested that a downpour would arrive soon. Here and there, though, where the cloud cover was particularly thin, bright rays of sunlight shone through.

It certainly is pretty, she mused.

Piper didn't have much time to appreciate the sight, because as soon as the front door closed behind her, April was in her arms. The Whimsicott leapt up and Piper caught her effortlessly, swinging her around once before hugging her to her chest. The maneuver was so smooth that it clearly had been practiced countless times. As a child, Piper has learned the hard way that the Whimsicott was very affectionate, but she caught on (literally) to April's oft-unpredictable movements rather quickly.

"You're all ready! Let's get going, hey, hey!" April exclaimed, nuzzling Piper. Her cottony white fur brushed at Piper's nose, and the young woman bit her lower lip to hold back a sneeze.

"Yes, we can leave now," Piper said, grinning. "But I'm going to put you down now. I'm carrying my luggage, too, and I don't want to risk dropping anything!"

Piper set the Whimsicott gently on the ground, and adjusted the straps of the backpack slung over her shoulders. April pouted up at her. "Hey, no fun! Live a little!"

"April, don't be a nuisance," a soft voice chided. Piper looked up. Her mothers and some of their Pokémon were standing in the yard, talking amongst themselves, but Violet had broken away from them to approach Piper on the porch. The wind tugged at her long purple hair as she walked. A smile graced her face, and her voice had been gentle, but her tone was firm and reprimanding. Even April didn't argue with Violet - the gentle woman had a way of calming you down and making you listen to her.

Piper was a bit jealous at how easily her mother got April to listen to her. She knew it was because Violet had been the one to breed April, and the two had known each other far longer than Piper had known either of them - indeed, April had become Violet's unofficial Pokémon partner before Piper was even born. Even so, it stung.

But Whimsicott is my best friend, and I can't stay mad at any of my mothers for long. I'll just have to let it go.

Piper stepped down off of the porch so she was more-or-less level with Violet. Though her mother wasn't particularly tall, she still stood several inches higher than Piper. "I'm sorry for the wait," she said, smiling bashfully. Violet laughed quietly and reached out a hand to gently ruffle her daughter's wavy hair.

By now, her other mothers had wandered over. When Lucille heard her daughter's apology, she grinned and said, "It's not a problem, darling. We still have some time left, and it makes sense that you would want to say goodbye to your home!"

Yvonne spoke up in her clipped voice.

"That's right. However, it would be prudent to leave soon if we want to make it to the station on time for the train. Are you certain that you've packed everything, dear? A toothbrush? A comb? Extra pairs of underwear?"

A blush rose easily to Piper's face. "I have everything. But what about you three?"

Lucille mimicked Violet's earlier action and ruffled Piper's hair. "We're supposed to be worrying about you, not the other way around! You don't need to fear for us old ladies. We're no strangers to exploring, after all. We'll be just fine. And besides, we have our Pokémon to look after us. Speaking of which...." She turned around and yelled, "Carmilla! It's time to go!"

Lucille's Gliscor had been hanging from a high branch of a tall maple tree in their yard. Upon hearing her trainer's voice, she let herself fall, but her wings caught the wind and she glided over to where Lucille stood, landing gracefully beside her.

Carmilla's yellow eyes shone bright with interest.

"So, what's the plan? We'll go with Piper here to Lumyn City, and then we head for Brilliance Island, yeah?"

April's bounced up and down in excitement and, not for the first time, Piper reflected the the Whimsicott was a lot like an energetic child. "That sounds about right! Hey, I can't wait. I'm gonna miss Pipes, though! Pipes, will you be okay all by yourself in the big city? Sounds pretty scary to me!"

"Y-yeah. I'm sure I'll be fine, April...." Piper gave the Whimsicott a lopsided smile, but it wasn't genuine, and her heart was racing. April's words were true: she would be all by herself, for the first time in her life. How would she manage it?

Will I be okay? What if I make a mistake? Or, even worse, what if I somehow get caught up in a crime? I could be mugged, or kidnapped, or even murdered.... What would I do if that happened?

Piper's thoughts were a whirlwind. And even if things turn out all right, I'll still be alone, away from my family. How would they deal with that? How would I deal with that?

She silently cursed herself as she felt tears prickle at the corners of her eyes.

Nearby, grass slithered softly, and Piper looked around. Yvonne's Milotic, Regal, had come up behind her and was looking down at her, watching her closely. A shaft of sunlight broke through the clouds, and his multicolored scales glowed in the light. As always, the sight of the elegant Pokémon took Piper's breath away.

"Piper will soon have a Pokémon of her own," Regal reminded them. His voice was deep and unhurried, befitting his vast size.

Oh, that's right? How could I have forgotten? Piper wondered. I'll get my starter in Lumyn City. It will take care of me, and I will take care of it....

Piper smiled gratefully at Regal, who inclined his vast head slightly in response, blinking slowly.

"That's all fine and dandy. But let's get going now, yeah?" Carmilla tapped her claws together impatiently.

"Carmilla, don't fuss!" Lucille scolded. "But she's right. What are we standing around for? Come on! Adventure awaits!"

April bounced alongside Piper as the family walked to Eminence City's train station. "Hey, hey, Pipes. I know you're a bit worried, but you shouldn't be too nervous about it. And, hey, we all support you. You'll be in our thoughts, definitely! You've gotta send us letters sometimes, you hear?"

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you, April." Piper rested her hand in the Whimsicott's downy hair. "Of course I'll write to you, silly! It might be hard since you'll be moving around a lot, but I'll find a way to contact all of you. You are my family, after all!"

"That's true! We'll be exploring all over, having lots of fun. But, hey, I'm sure you'll have a good time, too! Like Lucille said, it'll be an adventure!" April hopped gleefully up and down.

"I'm a bit scared, but.... I'm also really excited," Piper admitted.

Today begins a new chapter in my life.

Piper beamed, and this time, her smile was genuine.
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Name: Tana

Species: Fletchinder

Gender: Female (She/her)

Faction: Soldier

Island: Destirae

Moves: Tailwind, Quick Attack, Peck, Ember

Personality: Arrogant and hot-headed, Tana acts exactly as a native of Destirae would be expected to. She is proud, brave, and would do anything to protect the home she knows and loves. Her loyalty is as strong as the flame that burns within her, however her impulsive nature often results in conflict. She emanates a false sense of superiority, namely because she evolved earlier than most of the soldiers she has been training with, but is generally all caw and no peck.

Although extremely selfless, Tana can come off as harsh and cold to those around her. She values the companionship of her fellow comrades, but she is not necessarily friendly and her trust comes at a price. Once earned, however, she would sacrifice herself in battle to save another if it came to it without a second thought. She is willing to fight tirelessly for those she loves and cares about, which is part of the reason that she joined the war effort—to protect the remaining members of her family, and the island known to her as home.

Danger is basically Tana’s middle name. No matter what the challenge, Tana is up to it, even if it could end up getting her killed. She is as strong-willed, brave, and stubborn as they come. Her pride is notorious for clouding her judgement, and is definitely something that she needs to get past if she ever hopes to grow into a strong, dependable soldier.

Like her hero Vic the Brave, Tana aspires to be noble and wise. Honor is very important to her, as is respect and strength. She does her best every day to be as much like him as she possibly can, in hopes that someday she may even be able to lead the Destirae military herself. However, she still has a very long way to go before that dream can be achieved.

Tana’s training is quite literally the only thing keeping her sane. She cannot live peacefully without feeling as though she has a purpose of some kind. Sitting idle is torture to her, and once put to work, she can be very industrious and successful. She certainly does not like to disappoint and eagerly gives every task her all, no matter how small it may be.

Unlike most of the inhabitants of Destirae, Tana is not particularly religious. Mew, Arceus, she couldn’t give a flying Rattata who the real God is, although she’d never dare voice it. When asked, she rattles about her undying devotion to Arceus, but the truth is that she joined the military effort because of a personal vendetta. She wishes for nothing more than to avenge the death of her fallen father—and that is exactly what she intends to do.

History: The day that Tana found out her father was slain in battle was a day that would forever haunt her for the rest of her life. She woke up that morning to the mournful and desperate bloodcurdling scream of her mother, and immediately rushed to her side in a flurry of feathers to find her speaking to some poor Pelipper with a mortified expression on his face. The Talonflame’s piercing screech was loud enough to be heard from any peak in Destirae, Tana could swear. But she was deaf to the sound, deaf to the world in that moment.

Her father was a strong, selfless Pidgeot and renowned as one of Vic’s most dependable soldiers, Tana knew. She had always been closer to her father than her mother, sharing his fighting spirit and bold nature. As an only child, she received all of his attention, and he had always encouraged her to continue to train—promising that someday she would be even stronger than him. But right now, she felt as weak as a Caterpie on the south end of Nitraga, and wanted nothing more than to disintegrate into a pile of ash. Her mother looked to be in even sorrier shape, crumpled up on the ground like a littered paper bag. How was it that the world could be so unfair? What kind of God would allow this happen?

But at that moment, Tana had one clear thought. She needed to join the military and exact revenge upon the Mew-lovers that had destroyed her life and family. The idea of her enemies perishing sounded so sweet, and she could almost hear their screams of anguish in her mind. No plan had ever felt so satisfying to her, and she took off to enlist at that very second, leaving her mother to grieve alone, while Tana could feel nothing but anger and lust for revenge.

At first, the recruiters were hesitant to allow such a young Fletchling to join, as the military in Destirae had a reputation to uphold. Known as one of the strongest forces in Pelagos, they were required to be selective, and a Fletchling with little battling experience was hardly appealing or valuable whatsoever. But, her refusal to leave forced their hand in the matter, and they gave in, allowing her to start off by running errands for the other trainees and officers.

Eventually, she was able to work her way up the ranks to soldier, and with it came evolution. Although still leagues away from entering real battle, Tana has continued to train hard, turning her into somewhat of a formidable Pokemon. She still has a lot to learn, but she has come rather far in a short amount of time, and hopes to continue to hone her skills until she is ready to battle real opponents, rather than the substitute dummies that she has been training with thus far.

Other: This is the first role play that I’m attempting to join on this site (despite having been a member for like a year now oops) so I hope everything looks okay. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to change, as your criticism would be very helpful and appreciated!

Writing Sample: I have attached it as a PDF below. It’s an excerpt from a gijinka role play I did with Tana about 2 years ago. This is my first time adapting her for a different role play since then, which is really exciting for me!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cac126d7d_briefrpsample_pdf.1d4179a5b6233762bafc3900b8b27927" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cac126d7d_briefrpsample_pdf.1d4179a5b6233762bafc3900b8b27927" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

brief rp sample.pdf


  • brief rp sample.pdf
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@QuickSilvi : It's a good start! I especially appreciate the way that you're creating other characters to help support yours. However, I feel as if some editing could really help you. Quite a few of your sentences are worded in vague and confusing ways, and I think that some more detail in every section could be very helpful, allowing the character to be more easily understood by both readers and by you. Because of this, I'd like to wait to accept you for now. If you need it, I'd be happy to help you with editing - just drop me a PM or Skype message. Thanks so much for your passion and excitement towards this project!

I edited it some...Fixed some issues and added on in some places!
Before moving onto Sign-Up reviews, I want to let everyone that I am no longer accepting Sign-Ups for Soldiers. There is an imbalance of Soldiers when compared to Feulis-Dwellers and Rogues, and I want to keep things as balanced as possible. I would also appreciate it if future participants signed up for islands other than Runark. I want to be sure that we have a fairly even amount of players on each island. Destirae is also getting close to having an overabundance of characters, so if future participants could give Quartzir and Nitraga some much needed attention, that would be appreciated.

@rrook : I'm surprised that you didn't think that your writing would be good enough for this project - you've done an excellent job! I simply adore Flick! The sheer amount of detail that you put into her Personality section is very impressive and admirable. Even though you haven't made a post from her point of view yet, I feel as if I already understand her character really well. And it's alright that your History section isn't quite as long - I understand that it's more difficult to write about characters that don't have as eventful of a backstory. You're accepted! I feel like she could have a really interesting dynamic with my character, Littna, so I'm excited to see how the two interact.

@Vanilla : Great Sign-Up! I especially loved your History section. Your use of intense and dramatic language really painted a clear picture in my head of the suffering that Tana had to endure. Revenge is a powerful motivator, and the way that you wrote really showed that. Welcome to the club!

@QuickSilvi : You've improved, but I still feel like your Sign-Up could use some more editing. Your Personality section would improve greatly with some more details, and there are places where your word choice could use some fixing up. Your History section also has some inconsistencies and questions that need addressing and answering. How did Frost and Xola meet? Frost appears to have been a child back when Xola first left the village, and if this is the case, why would they be the next to take over as the village healer? Why did Frost change their name? I feel as if there are a lot of points like this that could use some expanding on.
Name: Ryuka

Species: Riolu

Gender: Male

Faction: Feulis-Dweller

Island: Feulis

Moves: Quick Attack, Force Palm, Copycat, Vacuum Wave

Personality: Ryuka can be seen as an innocent child. He's never one to knowingly do wrong to others and he has a strong sense of justice. He's also willingly to help those in need and stand up for what he believes in whenever he has to.

Ryuka is a gentle individual and loves making new friends. He can also be timid and gets scared easily at times. Ryuka tends to be oblivious and naive, and can be easy to manipulate. However, if he is being manipulated and he decides what he's being told to do will result in causing harm to himself or others he will stop. In addition, if Ryuka notices someone is about to cause others harm he will put himself in harms way to fight them at the risk of his own safety, no matter how afraid he is.

When first meeting new people Ryuka will try to be friendly but starts off nervous, often leading to a bit of stuttering. He tends to hide behind someone he trusts when meeting someone else for the first time unless there's no one around to hide behind, in which case he slowly inches away until it becomes clear they mean him no harm. Even if they do intend to cause harm he will stand his ground and fight back, in this situation he will only run if the individual is evidently stronger than he is unless there are bystanders that could get hurt as well. If Ryuka notices some commotion that doesn't involve him or anyone he knows, like a group of gossiping villagers, he will curiously approach them to hear what they're saying but will hide behind something as he's listening until he gets noticed, in which case he will start off afraid to come out of hiding but will slowly reveal himself to the group unless they prove hostile. Despite his gentle and timid nature, Ryuka gets very excited when he makes a new friend.

In contrast to his timid nature, Ryuka hates being alone and likes to be around others, especially those he considers a friend. He is very loyal to his friends and will do almost anything for them. If a friend is in danger, he will put all fear aside to protect them. However, he can be rather dependent on others for strength and courage. If Ryuka is left alone he begins to feel weak and afraid. As a result of this fact, Ryuka is at his worst when there's no one to watch over him.

As far as the war and legends are concerned, Ryuka has mixed opinions. He hates the war and thinks about the effects it has on others. When it comes to the legends, Ryuka doesn't see them as something worth fighting over. In fact, he believes if the legends do exist they wouldn't want everyone fighting over anything, least of all over who created the world. Despite this, he still respects the legends and demonstrates his respect by participating in the ceremonies the villagers hold.

While he has his faults, Ryuka can be a strong-willed individual when it really counts. His dream is to one day overcome his fears and become stronger so that he can protect everyone he cares about. He also hopes to be able to somehow bring peace to the warring world so that no one will have to suffer anymore.

History: Ryuka was originally born in Destirae and his father was once a well known soldier for Arceus' side. However, despite protest from his superiors, Ryuka's father left from being a soldier to stay with his family. Wanting their son to live in peace, Ryuka's parents took him from Destirae and brought him to Feulis, away from the fighting.

As Ryuka grew up, his father helped defend the village of Feulis from all that would threaten it. Ryuka looked up to his father and wanted to be strong like him. While his father taught him how to fight, Ryuka was only allowed to fight in self-defense and to protect others but was not allowed to help guard the village from outside threats. This frustrated Ryuka, who wanted to be able to protect everyone, not just himself or one specific person. However, Ryuka eventually took comfort in the acceptance the village was showing him and his family due to the help his father was providing for them.

One day Ryuka went with his father to watch the ocean around the edges of the island. As they stared out into the ocean, Ryuka's father explained to him how much better the world would be if there was no fighting, he went on to talk about how he thought helping in the fighting would eventually bring peace, however that peace didn't come soon enough before Ryuka was born so he had to make due with living in a place free from the fighting, even if that fight was still continuing on the outside. After Ryuka's father said this, a group of Pokemon approached them. Ryuka's father immediately recognized them as his former comrades from the Arceus side, who went on to request that he come back and fight for them once more. When Ryuka's father denied their request they decided they would bring him back by force, Ryuka could only watch as his father fought them back.

As Ryuka was watching his father fight the group off, he noticed one of the Pokemon come at him in a threatening manner. Upon seeing this, Ryuka froze in fear as he watched the approaching threat getting ready to attack him. Luckily however, Ryuka's father had stopped the attack at the last second and proceeded to defeat the group that attacked them. As the group of Pokemon fled, they vowed to Ryuka's father that he and his family would be considered an enemy of Arceus' followers. Once Ryuka returned home it became apparent that the trauma from the incident would go on to make Ryuka suffer from a fear of others that still haunts him to this day.

Some time after the incident Ryuka and his family met with a traveling family of three. Among this family was a Mienfoo named Richard, who tried talking to Ryuka. Still coping with the incident Ryuka started off afraid of Richard for a short while. Once Ryuka finally opened up to Richard the two quickly became close friends. As the two began playing together Ryuka slowly began to get over the trauma from that incident.

The following day Richard's family had to return home, which was revealed to be Lithulia. Though Ryuka was saddened by this, Richard promised him that they would see each other again soon. Sure enough, Richard's family would occasionally visit Ryuka's, allowing the two boys to play together during these times. After several visits from Richard's family, Ryuka's parents decided for themselves and Ryuka to go visit Lithulia. Ryuka was excited as they went to visit Richard in Lithulia.

This decision would prove ruinous however. As Ryuka's family stayed with Richard's during their visit, the situation with the portals was worsening. Eventually when the whole island began to be swallowed up, Ryuka and Richard were separated from their parents as the evacuation became frantic. The two boys were able to find the evacuation boat getting ready to escape, but when Ryuka reached the boat he realized that neither of their parents weren't on it. Unable to stand the thought of losing his parents, Ryuka began frantically calling out for them. Eventually Richard dragged a crying Ryuka onto the boat just before it began to set off, leaving both of their parents behind.

Once they got back to Feulis, Ryuka allowed Richard to stay in his house and they both tried their best to live on their own. As they both tried to overcome the loss of their parents, several others that lived in the village would try to help them from time to time. Ryuka was in a state of depression over what happened for some time. He would start crying randomly and would sometimes refuse to eat. The only thing keeping Ryuka together throughout all of this now was Richard, who stayed strong despite his own losses and stuck with Ryuka at all times so he could comfort him.

As Ryuka attempted to recover from his loss he slowly began to blame himself, believing that he could've done something had he been stronger. This prompted Ryuka to strive to become strong so he'd never have to go through that again. Not only that, but he dreamed of one day stopping this war and bringing about the peaceful world his father always wanted.

Other: Ryuka has blue eyes instead of red, a trait inherited from his father.

Because of his father's desertion, Ryuka is considered an enemy of Arceus.

Writing Sample: I'll send it to you in a note.
@Andydemon : It's been a while since you got involved in this project, and I can definitely see improvement from when we first wrote together in 2013! You've done a great job. I especially enjoyed reading your writing sample, as your attention to detail really paints a picture in my mind when I read your prose. Welcome to the squad!

Now, an announcement for everyone else, we're almost ready to begin! I know I promised that we'd start after getting 9 people, but there are 2 more friends of mine who have reserved spots and are working on their Sign-Ups as we speak. We should be ready to begin tomorrow or the next day. I'm so impressed by the quality of everyone's Sign-Ups and by everyone's passion and excitement towards this project! I'm very excited to write with everyone.
Name: Esmond

Species: Slowking

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Faction: Rogue

Island: Quartzir

Confusion, Water Gun, Disable, Zen Headbutt


Esmond is a Slowking with a lot of potential who wasn’t given enough time to find that potential. An example of one of his hindrances is his inability to process information quickly or correctly. It takes him a while to process things and often lags behind the group, getting lost in a conversation very easily. He is generally a more quiet Pokemon who can talk very genuinely around Pokemon he is comfortable with, but can do little more than nervously stammer in an uncomfortable conversation. Esmond is also very obedient, too obedient in fact. He lived in a family that regarded itself as very important and had many strict rules that they expected him to follow. Even if he doesn't agree with these rules out of fear or habit he will follow them.

Esmond is also considered young by others of his kind. He is almost old enough to be thought of as an adult, but just on the verge of it, so he hasn’t matured yet. Esmond is not particularly religious, his family taught him about Arceus and they prayed to Arceus, but it was never very important to him. He is the youngest in his family and feels inferior to his older brother. Esmond always felt that Ashton (his older brother) was treated better by his parents than himself. Because of this Esmond has developed an inferiority complex around other people.

All Slowpoke talk and move at a leisurely pace, but Esmond thinks slowly as well. It takes him a while to process things and often lags behind the group, getting lost in a conversation very easily. He is generally a more quiet Pokemon who can talk very genuinely around Pokemon he is comfortable with, but can do little more than nervously stammer in an uncomfortable conversation.

Wyatt is the Shellder on top of Esmond’s head. Wyatt is in charge giving commands and strategy to Esmond. He also channels and controls Esmond’s psychic powers, while Esmond is in charge or physically putting everything into action. Esmond Is not very capable of being in battle without Wyatt’s guidance. He tries really hard, but without somebody to lean on he always seems to come up short. It doesn’t help that Ashton was given far more battle training than Esmond either. He is unrefined and in many ways vulnerable.

Esmond and Wyatt cover each other's weaknesses and are happy being together. Because of the fact that Esmond’s evolution was rushed, he is a bit premature making him clumsy. Being very newly evolved makes him even more clumsy and awkward. All in all, Esmond is a good Pokemon that tries his best, but needs some help. He can’t keep going on his own, and Wyatt is the perfect one to help him. Esmond needs him.


Esmond lived with his mom and older brother, who are Slowbro, and his father, who is a Slowking. Prior to the start of the war, Esmond’s ancestors began to gain a lot of economic power. After living on Quartzir they decided to use their newly gained money by relocating to Driftdeep Reef for a more peaceful living in a beautiful atmosphere.

Driftdeep Reef was home to a wealthy family of Shellder and Cloyster. When Esmond's ancestors came into town, they were offered a place to stay, and because of their already wealthy status, they were offered massive amounts of political power. The only condition was that their representative had to be a Slowking that was the product of the Slowpoke family's first born child and the Cloyster family's second born child. The offer was proposed because a Shellder that is part of a Slowking had much more control of its psychic power and the Pokemon’s decisions than a Slowbro.

This way, the Cloyster would have power over two influential families and a firstborn to eventually evolve and become head of their own family The deal was accepted and this tradition continued until Esmond's generation. Ashton, being the eldest of the two brothers, was going to be evolved into a Slowking and eventually after that become one of the two heads of the joined family. Ashton was always treated to whatever he wanted, and to Esmond, it felt as though his parents loved Ashton more than him. Esmond and Ashton were rarely allowed to leave the house and if they were they were constantly guarded by their parents. Driftdeep Reef has a high Shellder population and their parents didn't want any Shellder to bite their sons’ tails to gain instant money or power.

Ashton was guarded to a greater extent because he was next in line to become Slowking, but Esmond's parents still didn't want their son to be forced to evolve against his will so they tried to protect him as well. About a year before Ashton was going to be put through his evolution ceremony, he disobeyed his parents orders and went into town alone. A Shellder bit his tail and he evolved into a Slowbro. The Shellder that he was supposed to evolve with was furious. She demanded that she evolve on the planned date no matter what. Even though Esmond was still a little too young to evolve, his family decided to have Esmond become the next Slowking instead. All of the sudden, Esmond was the one that was pampered and guarded from the outside world. This sudden change happening just because his brother evolved only made Esmond feel worse. He was only liked because it was suddenly convenient.

One night a Shellder discovered a hole in the wall of Esmond’s room, his name was Wyatt. Wyatt met Esmond and apologized to him because his cousin was the Shellder that bit Ashton. He continued and explained that she only bit Ashton because their family was poor and needed help. Esmond found that it didn’t really matter to him and he talked with Wyatt for a long time. After that, Wyatt secretly popped in from time to time to talk to Esmond. They both found that they laughed, smiled, and were happy to be together when they talked with each other. After a while Esmond’s father began lessons, teaching Esmond their family’s special move, Zen Headbutt, in preparation for becoming a Slowking. Esmond did eventually learn to use the move, but he never did finalize how to use it properly.

Because of the fact that Driftdeep Reef was located near Quartzirian land, his mother and father had him pray to Arceus as much as possible, but religion never really clicked or mattered to Esmond. The only real thing that mattered to Esmond was Wyatt. Esmond decided to go to his mom looking for advice. While his father had the political power, his mother was far wiser. He asked her if it was possible for him to evolve with a different Shellder instead, if it had to be the head Cloyster’s daughter. His mother replied to him saying that evolving with a Shellder didn't have to be about romance or friendship, that all Slowpoke go through it, and she told him not to worry, that it would all be okay when he evolved.

The night of the evolution ceremony, Esmond couldn’t take it anymore. For the first time in his life, he disobeyed one of his parents’ orders. He snuck into the room where the ceremony was going to take place, stole the King’s Rock, and ran off with Wyatt as fast as he could. Esmond had gone Rogue, now a Slowking fleeing to the safe, solid floors behind Quartzirian glass.

Since that day, it has just been the two of them. Days of wandering through the Quartzirian streets avoiding as many military members and citizens as possible. Looking for a way to get off the island for a better place but to no avail. Without navigation equipment, supplies to swim, or means to get away effectively they, have been living in any abandoned nooks and crannies available, using what money that Esmond had left over from his days of wealth for food. With nothing else left, the most important thing to them is each other, taking on the world together.

Writing sample: Sent privately
Last edited by a moderator:
@MrSunshine : Nice to see you back with us again! I appreciate the way that you expanded on the societal structure of Spiracle City. Having sort of two-in-one situation character-wise could potentially be interesting as well. You're in!

My other friend is working on his Sign-Up as we speak, and has estimated that he will be done tomorrow. Then we'll be ready to kick things off! I recommend that you start writing, or, at the very least, start thinking about your first posts. If you need an editor or just a second opinion, I've got a rather sharp eye for details and would be more than willing to help you out. I hope everyone's as excited as I am!
i've been excited about this rp for a while now, and it's about time i contributed!

Aeshira (eye-SHEER-uh, often just shortened to "Shira")

Species: Bagon

Genderfluid - alternates she/they



Focus Energy, Headbutt, Bite, Fire Fang

With a one-track mind and a determination bordering on stubbornness, Shira is simultaneously one to be admired and one to be scoffed at. Shira's hopes and dreams entirely center on ultimately evolving into a Salamence and learning how to fly, and it's pretty much all she'll think about at any given time. She's willing to use any means within her power to achieve this short of actually jumping off of cliffs, and this is where she shows off a cleverness and ingenuity that a lot of other Pokemon find hard to see.

If she's not studying Passage Porters or pestering flying-types on techniques, she's daydreaming about soaring through the clouds--since this happens a lot, she pretty easily gives the impression of an unfocused, withdrawn wanderer. It's very difficult to get her to focus on anything else, since she shoves all other activities to the wayside as something to care about after growing her wings.

Due to her constantly watching herself for signs of becoming a Shelgon, she's very often entirely aware of her own feelings and thoughts. This gives her a very assured sense of identity, but it also means she's stuck in her own head most of the time, and she has a hard time empathizing with others because of it. Because of this, she knows for a fact that her lifestyle's a lonely one, and anyone determined enough to try for friendship and break her single-mindedness tends to get an overwhelming amount of affection in return.

She loves collecting feathers and stargazing, and due to the difficulty of stargazing in a canyon, holds a quiet resentment for the area in conflict to her natural appreciation for her home. Though, this resentment is hardly enough for her to leave, since she has a very strong fear of being seen and drafted into the army before she can fly out on her own wings.


Determined, thoughtful, self-aware, clever, creative, affectionate to friends

- Stubborn, single-minded, withdrawn, head-in-the-clouds, lonely, difficulties with empathy

+/- Hyperfocuses, daydreamer, puts self before others

Raised mostly by her fellow rogues in Crevice Canyon, Shira knows very little of the world outside of Destirae, and almost nothing firsthand. They know from others talking about them that their parents were a Charizard and Salamence who left their egg with the canyon rogues to avoid their child being drafted into a war both were beginning to doubt they'd win. Shira doesn't even know their names, let alone what they were like, and doesn't really have any ambition to find out--they were never a part of their life, so they find it hard to care about what might've happened to them.

They lived and worked with their fellow rogues ever since they learned to Headbutt, working to excavate new tunnels while listening to the stories of rogues who had spent time outside the gorge. They became transfixed by the tales of Pokemon that had once been Passage Porters, wanting to know everything about what the skies outside were like almost as soon as they heard about it. Simultaneously, they were terrified by horror stories of soldiers that had abandoned their army after being forced to go beyond their moral limits, and moreso by the idea that they could be drafted into such a war without their permission. Limited by a lack of perspective from those outside Crevice Canyon, they rapidly became more and more insular. They considered their dreams to be crushed by their fear of the war going on outside, and lost much of their motivation to associate and work with the other rogues. In a society as close-knit as The Hideout, this was initially very much frowned upon, and efforts to break through their rapidly-forming shell were frequent and unsuccessful.

This eventually came to a head when they were cornered by one of the Pokemon they were excavating with, a Flygon named Sal who sympathized with their fears as well as their dreams of flight, having gone through a similar experience as a Trapinch. Sal, after a few clumsy words of comfort, gave Shira the idea that maybe, after they became a Salamence, they could continue working on improving themself until they were strong enough and fast enough to outrun anyone who dared try to make them do what they didn't want to do. Shira spent a lot of time thinking about those words, and they eventually rebounded full-force back into focusing on evolving so they could fly through the stars unhindered by any fighting on the ground. They spent a lot of time after that excitedly asking Sal everything he knew about flying outside, and though he was delighted at their returned energy, he quickly transferred their focus to some of the ex-Passage Porters, so they could both return to work.

Despite the clear sensation that they were being passed off to someone else, Shira was perfectly satisfied to get another source of information, and holds Sal in very high regard to this day as a very reputable source on All Things Dragon-Related. Though they're back to hyperfocusing on their efforts to evolve, they're very, very glad to know at least one thing to do after that's accomplished.

Her Bite and Fire Fang attacks are mostly the same attack; due to a lack of tutoring on how to utilize her inherited fire-type attacks, she tends to only use the attack by accident. The reverse also occurs when she aims for a Fire Fang and gets a simple Bite instead. She's noticed that her mouth tends to fill with fire only when she's stressed or overexcited, which is very difficult for her to naturally call upon. She hopes to one day learn how to harness that fire into a powerful Flamethrower instead. Her dream attacks are Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, and Fly.

is it alright if i just link the steven universe ficlet i wrote a couple weeks ago? if you need something else, let me know!


their bagon...head...things are shaped that way because they've got a charizard dad! i tried to kinda make 'em a mixed breed thing without going Full Fusion. also they got their scarf as a gift from sal the flygon, but it's not really important to their story other than keeping 'em comfy and Not Naked
@ectoplasmius : Aw, I like Shira a lot! Your art is also really cute, and I appreciate the way that you incorporated her Charizard lineage into her design without making her a full-on fusion. You're in!

We're almost ready to begin! Again, I apologize for the delays. My friend should hopefully be done by tonight, and if not, he told me that it's alright to begin without him. Thank you all for your patience!

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