[Character Sign-Up] Islands of Origin

@QuickSilvi : You've improved! I can really see a lot more character depth since your previous Sign-Ups. There is one other issue that I've sent you a private message about, but I'm glad to have you with us.

My other friend has given us the okay to start without him for now, so, Islands of Origin is officially beginning! I'm so excited to be starting this project off again, and even more excited that so many of you seem to be passionate about it as well! I've made the very first post in the "Main" tab, and a handy little guide on posting in the "OOC Chat" thread, so please check those out! Let's get writing!
NAME: Vaime

SPECIES: Liepard

MOVESET: Pursuit, Fury Swipes, Sand-Attack, and Growl

ISLAND: Quartzir

FACTION: Soldier


Vaime is a singularly driven young soldier with a hot head, an eye for perfection, and not much else. She’ll always volunteer to go out and do any particularly dangerous or daunting tasks, because she legitimately thinks she can and should. However, this is not because she feels any kind of religious or patriotic sentiment—quite the contrary. She couldn’t care less what this war is about, but she does regard its existence as very convenient for her. Vaime’s ultimate goal is to rise to the top of Quartzir’s hierarchy and become Commander. This is because she has her sights set on reforming (read: completely abolishing) the strictly-observed Quartzirian class system, particularly with respect to diminishing the rampant discrimination against the rogue class. She wants this in order to repay a personal debt, and to bring aid to a class that desperately needs it.

In order to do this, especially coming from such humble beginnings as hers, Vaime knows she must be an absolutely superlative soldier. She trained like the dickens before she enlisted, and she’s not about to stop now. She imposes harsh limits upon herself, driving herself to train harder and longer than any of her peers. She understands that this carries with it the risk of burning herself out, but she refuses to care. Vaime doesn’t get tired. She gets results.

It would be a completely reasonable assessment, yes, to label Vaime overly ambitious and leave it at that. She, however, doesn’t see it that way. She wholeheartedly believes that she has all of the assets a soldier would need to rise directly to the top. Vaime thinks of her future in no uncertain terms, and that, perhaps, is the problem. She sees herself as a born reformer, and expects others to see that in her as well. If nothing else, she at least assumes that they will look up to her purely for her military prowess (which, as a new recruit, is strictly limited to several moderately impressive feats in her basic training). This isn’t helped by the miles-wide chip on her shoulder about her background. Basically, anybody who comes from a higher class than her would have to do something QUITE impactful to earn Vaime’s respect, and she would probably drive them away before that point by being dreadfully cold to them.

Even though one might think that her position would require it, Vaime is in no way a shining city on a hill. Although she is ostensibly honest, fair, and guileless, if not a little (read: terribly) stuck-up, Vaime is absolutely willing to play dirty to get what she wants. She’ll hardly think twice about, say, taking credit for another’s achievement, or purposefully giving someone else the short end of the stick. Nor does she have any qualms about flat-out lying, but she’ll only do these things if she’s very certain that she’ll be able to get away with it. Vaime is going someplace in her life, and in her mind, her own destination is far more important than those of others. Still, she does have a moral code of sorts, one she’ll stick to no matter what… or will she?

Additionally, Vaime is inherently very distrustful of authority figures. This can be something of a stumbling block for her, because as a low-level soldier, she is constantly surrounded by them. To make matters worse, she can’t fly under the radar in front of these Pokemon like she would be able to back home, and she can’t talk back to them no matter how much she’d love to. She came here with the express purpose of moving up the ladder, and she has to actually stand out to those who matter in order to do that. This pressure leads to some improvements, or so Vaime thinks, including the way she now obsesses over her outward appearance and ‘public image.’ It also tends to make her into something of a brown-noser in stressful situations, but this is the cause of some embarrassment.


For all intents and purposes, Vaime wasn’t born to anybody. Not really. She showed up in an uncommonly tight little alleyway, just as randomly as if she’d fallen from the sky. It was entirely by chance that her adoptive parents happened upon her snuffling around that little alleyway one day, but not so much that they decided to take her with them. Her parents, unable to have children of their own, had gotten into something of a habit of collecting orphans down on their luck. Vaime was the third in a procession of five children.

Her parents were never over-protective, and Vaime grew up right in the thick of things. She traveled around with them as they searched for odd jobs. Vaime kept herself busy while they worked, wandering around, trying to find other kids to play with. She saw a lot that way, and of course she felt it all herself at one point or another. The money in odd jobs is unreliable even if you don’t have a ridiculous number of children to care for. There were times when her parents could barely scrape together the money to feed her, nights without the money for lodging, under a cold that their tent couldn’t keep out.

One day, her parent’s job took them to the capitol city— searching for a lost item, which they never did find—and Vaime wandered into the cathedral. At first, she could only stare at it in awe. She had never seen its equal in size, in beauty, in significance, but she was blinded to the wonder of it all by the sheer contrast. There was nothing like this anywhere else she knew of— every building she had ever seen seemed like this place’s polar opposite. The longer she stood there, and the more she thought, the angrier she became that such opulence could exist only a short walk from such squalor.

And that was it. The vision of the cathedral and its occupants—so gorgeous, so well-fed and manicured— stuck with her, and as time went by she managed to put words to the feeling it brought her. The entire world, she thought, was set up for people who were not her, and whatever was left over was beneath its notice. With all the idealism she could scrape together, and all the determination that came with it, she resolved to make the rogues heard. They deserved a champion, and she’d be damned if it wasn’t going to be her. For her family, at least, if not all of them.

But, in order to do that, Vaime needed power. She decided it was most prudent to gain it quickly and legitimately, and within a month of her visit to the cathedral, she’d wedded herself to the idea of speeding through the ranks of the military. Vaime threw herself headlong into a nigh-obsessive training regimen, ignoring any dissent— even that of her own body. It could have killed her at least twice, but she forged on, fueled by the memory of the stained glass and spite that knew no peer. She promised herself, the minute she evolved, she’d be gone, and damn the consequences!

And then, one morning, it happened— like nothing she had ever felt before. If there had ever been a doubt in her mind that somebody like her would be able to do something of that scale, it died a very quick death.

Vaime did not protract her farewell to her family that morning. They knew what to expect, she reasoned, so why should she? She merely told them what was coming to them, and stalked off, headed for the part of town she’d come to loathe.

It’s hard to hang around when you know you’re ready.

WRITING SAMPLE: Sent privately.

(Aaaa, I'm stoked, dude!!)
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I've already spoken to you about your sign-up over Skype, so I don't think there's much else I need to say. What I will say is that you've done a great job and that you are accepted! Now get out there and get writing!
Name: Rain

Species: Maractus

Gender: Genderfluid - They/He

Faction: Feulis-Dweller

Island: Feulis

Moves: Mega Drain, Needle Arm, Cotton Spore, Synthesis

Personality: Rain would describe himself with such words as calculating, deliberate, and determined. Though, spending any amount of time with him would definitely prove otherwise.

Rain is constantly making reckless decisions on nothing more than slight notions, as evidenced by his current residence. This, however, doesn’t mean he isn’t thoughtful. When it comes to the feelings of others, he only thinks about what he decides would be best for them, without thinking about what would happen to him. These snap-decisions usually lead him into nothing but trouble, but he doesn’t really mind. “What’s life without a little adventure?” He often states. Though, nobody quite knows if he actually believes this, or if he’s just trying to cover up for his mistakes.

He’s very much an optimist, always trying to look on the brighter side of things. While this has been dampened slightly by his past, he still tries his best to cheer up the others around him. Being a Maractus, he loves to dance and make music to bring hope to others, though this usually backfires, as most Pokemon find his dances annoying, loud, and repetitive.

One thing right about his self-description, however, is his massive amount of determination. Once Rain has made a decision, he will do anything to stick to it, and in most cases, even if he realizes it was a bad decision, he will continue on with it anyway. He tries to not let the words or feelings of others bring him down, and instead he uses those feelings to drive himself forward.

However, after moving, Rain has grown a bit more distant and less friendly. He isn’t opposed to making friends, he just has too many other conflicting emotions flying around in his head. He’d rather get acquainted with the landscape first. His loneliness and disconnect from his family is holding him back, along with his feelings of previously being a soldier.

History: Born and raised in the southern half of Nitraga, Rain lived among their mother and their six elder siblings, quickly learning how things were going to work in their homeland.

Being a Grass-type in Nitraga wasn’t the easiest. Not because of the climate, Rain was a Maractus, they could deal with it just fine, but because of the neighborhood. Rain constantly had to put up with an onslaught of bullying for being a grass-type. “Nitraga is a place for fire-types and rock-types! You don’t belong here.” They felt weak, unwanted. Desiring to prove themself to everyone, they joined the army, something that was a first in their family. “I’ll show them. I’ll be the strongest Grass-type Nitraga has ever seen!” Those thoughts drove Rain to be the best fighter they could be. Rain spent almost every spare moment they had training to be as strong as they could be, even at the expense of their own health.

During one particular battle, they had brutally slain a member of the opposing forces, and only then they realized that fighting would solve nothing. This entire time, they had been fighting to prove they were strong, not because of some silly gods, or because of the cash, but because of their own standards for themself. They previously hadn’t thought about whether or not their opponents had lives, families, responsibilities, they saw others as stepping stones. A means for them to reach their goal, and upon this revelation they were absolutely horrified.

Rain then quit the army, not wanting any more blood on their hands, and they were once again the laughingstock of the neighborhood. Finding themself lost, they then spent most of their time in the oasis in Daybreak Desert. They found the solitude of the oasis left them some time to sit and think about what they should do next.

One day, whilst relaxing in the oasis by themself, they were greeted by Misa and Milo. While Rain had their original suspicions for the duo, they decided that one fortune couldn’t hurt, right? Giving in to this impulsive thought, they received a fortune from the two, the fortune saying, “Blind hope will be brought unto you upon the departure of this land.” The duo was usually wrong about something, right? Maybe it was the “blind” part. Rain decided to hope for such. They took all of their remaining money (leaving a share for their family, of course), said their goodbyes, and left on a boat to Feulis.

They had heard stories about Feulis, about how supposedly their neutrality would be their downfall. Rain didn’t mind. They’d rather die not choosing a side than die having more blood on their hands. If Feulis did fall, Rain would fall along with it, and they’d decided that it’d be a sound consequence for their actions.

Rain now spends most of their time on Wakeshine Beach, as it reminds them of the home they left behind. Though they aren’t upset with the decision, they often feel melancholic and homesick over it. They weren’t necessarily most the welcome at home, but they could get away to the oasis, a place where they could feel safe. They miss the feeling of the warm desert sand, they miss relaxing in the cool oasis water after a long walk, and most of all, they miss their siblings. Overall, the decision had been rough, despite how quickly and suddenly it was made.

Feulis is nice, Rain decides. They aren’t used to the climate, and they aren’t used to having at least somewhat friendly neighbors, but it’s nice. They want some space, some time to let their roots settle in.

Other: Due to not having fought in a while, their fighting skills have become watered down. Along with this, they’re too reckless in their battle style, as in the army they were used to fighting alongside someone with more defensive movements. Currently, however, they’d prefer to keep any and all fighting to a minimum. They also have heavily incorporated dancing into their fighting style, being a Maractus.

Writing Sample: Sent privately
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@bluejay : I was really excited to see your finished Sign-Up after reading part of it a few days ago, and you didn't disappoint! Welcome to the team!

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