I like general info on a CS. However, there are a few things I find completely unnecessary
Let me just go ahead and say that, unless you REALLY stick to it, personality weaknesses should never be a thing, because they're a real weakness in a struggle
- Sexuality- I'm not a big fan of romance, as I find it stagnates the RP. Most RPs don't even feature romance, so it shouldn't even be there
- Height and Weight- Just plain unnecessary. It probably symbolizes thought, but I see no use in making it a requirement. Appearance pics should tell enough
- Strengths and Weaknesses- It has an influence on how other players make their characters. This is especially if you're like me and prefer to have set strengths and weaknesses on a Fantasy Magic System
Strengths- If you list your characters strengths, other players will be more inclined to make their character more resistant to those strengths
- Weaknesses- If you list your character's weaknesses, other players will be more inclined to make their characters able to take advantage of those weaknesses
Let me just go ahead and say that, unless you REALLY stick to it, personality weaknesses should never be a thing, because they're a real weakness in a struggle