Character Sheet

ZAuger said:
he helped out around his mom's clinic and if there were patients who needed minor assistance he would do it himself. along the way he learned some more important skills: stitches, healing herbs, how to slow the bleeding of deep cuts etc
I don't think being told he can't do something really counts as a weakness, and did you look over the rules?
ZAuger said:
ok ill edit thatotherwise is my cs accepted. i skimmed over the rules but ill look at them closely now
How would 'failing to save someone he was working on' be a weakness?
Name: Narcissus


Age (12-18): 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Tall Slim very charismatic

Occupation: N/A

Skills: Good with words

Weapon Of Choice: Throwing dagger

Likes (3+): Women Drama Alcohol

Dislikes (3+): Fights Running Losing

Strength(s): Extremely charismatic, silver tongue

Weaknesses(es): Emotional, Extreme

Personality: Manipulative


"There is no binding I cannot escape, no trap I cannot evade, and no doors I cannot open. I am coming for you, pleasant dreams."View attachment 149766


Lucien Auger








Musician & Assassin


  • Stealth
  • Herbology
  • Archery
  • Sword/Knife Play

Weapon Of Choice:

  • Compound Bow / Leather Quiver
  • Short Sword / Buckler Shield

Likes (3+):

  • Artistic Abilities
  • The Art of Combat
  • Darkness / The Shadows

Dislikes (3+):

  • Bright Lights
  • Untasteful People
  • His Family


  • Stealth
  • Assassination Style Combat (Strike Before Seen)
  • Herbology
  • Archery
  • Knife/Swordplay


  • Bloodlust 
  • Phasmophobia
  • Color Blind ( He is one of the few people in the world who cannot perceive any color, he only sees in black and white.)
  • Minor Paranoia


Lucien is a very warm and loving individual and is often seen with a smile on his face as long as he is near friends or those he considers family. However, those friends and 'family members' will quickly realize something is off about Lucien as when a physical challenge arrives, such as a fight; something in Lucien's brain switches off causing him to become what can only be described as dead in a very figurative manner. However, upon entering this state; the life can be seen fading from his eyes as he becomes completely void of any emotions. It's unknown why this happens, though, people believe it is his personal way of preventing any personal grief for the many he has killed. 




  • Upon a successful assassination whether it of been a contract of not, he leaves his mark somewhere in obvious sight - Whether it be carved into his victim's chest or painted on the wall in their blood. It is his mark... And it has become feared throughout his province even going as far as being a bad omen amongst the families of the victims. 



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